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BSED FILIPINO 3 (Theology 6)

Why did Saint Augustine wrote the Rule and reflect as to its significance?

The Rule of St. Augustine is the oldest monastic rule of Western Church. It serves as a guide for
Christians wishing to live out the Gospel together with the mutual support and internalize how to
enrich their religious life. The Rule of St. Augustine insist that the community must live in
harmony, “being of one mind and heart on the way to God. The most fundamental message of
the Rule is this: Love of God, Love of neighbor- because it is the center of Christian life.

Saint Augustine the Rule shows the importance of community life, the value of love, humility
and harmony to each other, to encourage the people to come together in vowed community life
to establish and enjoy a real and common life of living that is centered on God and striving for
God in the context of modern man. In the modern context of man, this book will remind us to
take good care of one another, show empathy and love by sharing material goods equally to other
people. That we must love God first and after Him our neighbors because these are our principal
commandments which have been given to us. As a we are living in the modern context, we need
to dwell all together in unity in one community and be on one mind and heart with God, and
always remember that this is the end and purpose which all of us gathered and unites to call not
anything your own, but let all things be held in common among each other. And as we faced the
problems that arises in this modern world we must be constan and remained to God.We should
pray to God, let your heart and in mind be focus in God and there must be a faithful perseverance
in prayer, where in you entertain your heart with what your lips are reciting and chat only those
things appointed to be chanted. Another thing is we need to tame our flesh with fast and
abstinence from food and drink so far as your health will allow. Our bodies not only may be
refreshed with the food but our minds also may be strengthened with the word of God. We
should not let the selfishness overthrown the kindness in our heart, we should be more
compassionate to others and kind to offer help openly to other people. Additionally, Augustine
also wants to remind us to be more careful in clothing that it should be in common. What I can
reflect is that we should strive to please others by our conduct and not by our clothes and let
there be nothing to be offend the eyes of anyone whether your gait, posture, dress or your
movements but let everything about you be in keeping with the holiness of your state. And we
should not let hatred grow in our hearts there should be mutual forgiveness to those people who
sinned against us.

Lastly, we should obey our superior our almighty God, to have our duty be fulfilled to serve in
love, act with compassion and live our life into the fullest with the teachings of the holy
scriptures.The Rule is intended as a call to a life in joy and freedom made possible by the
abundance of God’s grace and it will serve this rule to guide us to follow the Christ in our
religious life.

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