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Bicol University

College of Engineering
A.Y. 2023-2024

James Francis B. Nabor BSCE 3C

Addressing Water Scarcity in the Arid Region of Southern California

A Summary Report

The arid region of Southern California has been facing significant challenges related to
water scarcity in recent years. The combination of a dry climate, population growth, and
competing demands for water resources has put pressure on the region's water supply. This
has raised concerns about the sustainability of water resources for both urban and agricultural

The region relies heavily on imported water, primarily from the Colorado River and
Northern California. However, prolonged droughts and the impacts of climate change have
strained these external water sources, leading to increased competition for limited supplies.
Additionally, groundwater depletion has further exacerbated the water scarcity issue, causing
land subsidence and compromising the long-term availability of this vital resource.

Addressing water scarcity in Southern California poses several challenges. Balancing

the needs of urban, agricultural, and environmental stakeholders is complex, requiring
integrated water management approaches. Infrastructure upgrades, conservation efforts, and
sustainable water use practices are necessary but require significant investment and behavioral
changes from the community.

Proposed Solutions:

1. Enhanced Water Efficiency: Implementing water-efficient technologies, such as low-flow

fixtures and smart irrigation systems, can help reduce water demand in urban and
agricultural settings.
2. Diversification of Water Supplies: Investing in alternative water sources, such as
recycled water and desalination, can bolster the region's water portfolio and reduce
reliance on imported water.
3. Sustainable Groundwater Management: Implementing robust groundwater management
plans, including replenishment projects and conservation measures, can help reverse
the depletion of aquifers.

Addressing water scarcity in the arid region of Southern California requires a

multifaceted approach that combines policy, technology, and community engagement.
Collaborative efforts between government agencies, water utilities, and the public are essential
to ensure the long-term resilience of the region's water supply. By adopting sustainable water
management practices and investing in innovative solutions, Southern California can work
towards a more secure and sustainable water future.


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