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The art market is an economic ecosystem
that relies not only on supply and demand,
but on the fabrication of a work’s predicted
future monetary and/or cultural value.

The art market can appear somewhat

unclear, since artists do not make art with
the sole intention of selling it, and buyers
often have no idea of the value of their
The art market is made up of two parts: the
primary market and the secondary market.

The primary art market refers to art that

enters the market for the first time, while
the secondary market refers to artworks that
have been sold at least once before.
Presentation title
Art galleries are commercial or
privately funded businesses that
deal in artworks, made by
contemporary or historical artists.

Nonprofit galleries are typically

a step above commercial galleries
and include museums and
galleries that are funded by the
government or charity that do
not sell artwork.

The curator is generally the manager

of the gallery and the person who
programs the space and organizes art

Curators at commercial galleries may

have the responsibility of selling
work, while those at museums
generally maintain the
organizational aspects of
e 8

Art dealers are persons or

companies who buy and sell
works of art. They typically seek
out artists to represent while
simultaneously building
relationships with collectors and
museums to whom they might be
able to sell the work
Museums are institutions that collect
art objects and make them available
for public viewing through either
permanent or temporary exhibitions.
A museum does not sell works of art,
but essentially holds them in public
trust, and engages in varying levels of
education and conservation practices
Private collections are privately owned
works of art which may or may not be
available for viewing by the public.
Museums and private collections are both
engaged in the collection and display of
works of art.
Preservation and restoration is a
profession devoted to the conservation
of cultural heritage, such as works of
art, for future generations.

The activities involved in this

profession include examination,
documentation, treatment, and
preventative conservation.
The goal of the conservator is to
attempt to maintain cultural heritage
objects as close to their original
condition as possible, for as long as

The conservator acts as a sort of

steward for these objects, which range
from archaeological to artistic.
A guiding principle of conservation is the
idea of “reversibility”; that is, any
intervention with the object should be
fully reversible, and the object should be
able to be returned to its original state.

“Interventive conservation” refers to any

act that involves a direct interaction
between the conservator and the cultural
material, such as cleaning, stabilizing,
repairing, or replacing of parts

While institutions and owners do their

best to preserve works of art, it is not
uncommon for conflicts to arise due to
issues related to ownership, human error,
destruction, and appropriation.

War, political unrest, accidents, and disaster

are the typical outside factors that
contribute to preservation conflicts when
it comes to works of art.
Ownership conflicts are common, especially
during times of unrest, such as war, when there is
a higher potential for unethical behavior.
Art is often stolen, or looted, during periods of
conflict, as well as destroyed.

Plunder, appropriation, and spoliation are related

terms that describe the process of looting.
During World War II, the Nazis looted a lot of
European art, much of which was eventually
repatriated, or returned to, its rightful owners

Appropriation is a complex issue in art. The

appropriation of iconography, sacred images,
and sculptures for commercial use by non-
natives has been a source of controversy,
contributing to cultural subjugation

A copyright can give the creator of an original

work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited

However, after that time is up, the work of art

might be appropriated and used by others,
thereby creating conflict. The internet has
further complicated issues surrounding
ownership and appropriation, especially in art.

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