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Simple Present Tense Subject + V1+ Object

Present Continuous Tense Subject + am/is/are+ V1+ing +Object
Present Perfect Tense Subject + has/have +V3+ Object
Present Perfect Continuous Tense Subject + has/have+been+V1+ ing+ Object
Simple Past Tense Subject + V2+ Object
Past Continuous Tense Subject+ was/were+ V1+ing+Object
Past Perfect Tense Subject+ had+V3+ Object
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Subject+ had+ been+ V1+ing+ Object
Simple Future Tense Subject + will/shall+ V1+Object
Future Continuous Tense Subject+ will/shall + be+ V1+ing+Object
Future Perfect Tense Subject + will/shall+ have + V3+Object
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Subject + will/shall+ have+ been+ V1+ing +Object

Rules to change a sentence from ACTIVE VOICE TO PASSIVE VOICE

1. Subject becomes Object
2. Object becomes Subject
3. Am/is/are – Used in present tense
4. Was/were – Used in past tense
5. Be – Used in future tense
6. Been – Used in perfect tense
7. Being – Used in continuous tense
8. Subject is preceded by “ by”


1. Your Address:
2. Date:
3. Recipient's Address:
4. Salutation (Greeting):
5. Body of the Letter:
6. Closing:
7. Signature:

Simple Present Tense:

1. Active: The gardener waters the plants.
Passive: _____________
2. Active: The mechanic repairs the car.
3. Active: The teacher explains the lesson.
Present Continuous Tense:
4. Active: The chef is preparing a delicious meal.
5. Active: The workers are building a new house.
6. Active: The children are planting trees in the garden.
Present Perfect Tense:
7. Active: She has just written an interesting article.
8. Active: Scientists have discovered a new planet.
9. Active: I have never seen that movie before.
Passive: :_________________
Simple Past Tense:
10. Active: The chef cooked a delicious meal yesterday.
Passive: ___________
11. Active: They built a sandcastle on the beach.
12. Active: She wrote a beautiful poem for her friend.
Past Continuous Tense:
13. Active: They were playing football in the park.
14. Active: I was reading a book during the flight.
15. Active: He was fixing the car while his brother was watching.
Past Perfect Tense:
16. Active: They had already finished the project before the deadline.
17. Active: She had cooked dinner by the time we arrived.
18. Active: The team had won several matches before the finals.
Simple Future Tense:
19. Active: The workers will complete the construction by next month.
20. Active: She will send the invitations for the party tomorrow.
21. Active: They will build a new stadium for the event.
Future Perfect Tense:
22. Active: By next year, they will have finished the renovation project.
23. Active: She will have completed her degree by the end of this semester.
24. Active: The team will have won all the matches in the tournament by the finals.

Convert the below sentences into all 12 Tense forms as per their structures.

25. She sings beautifully.

26. I love India
27. He writes exams
28. They cook Biryani.
29. It smells delicious

Letter Writing

30. Write a formal letter to the school principal requesting additional sports equipment for the
playground. Include details about the types of equipment needed and explain how it will benefit the
31. Draft a formal letter to a teacher or school authority requesting a specific event or activity, such as a
class picnic, a special speaker, or a field trip.
32. Write a formal letter to the school librarian or administration requesting improvements to the school
library. Include specific suggestions, such as new books, comfortable seating, or additional study
33. Write an informal letter to a classmate to compliment them on something they did well, such as a
project, a presentation, or a helpful act.
34. Write an informal letter inviting a friend to your birthday party. Include details like the date, time,
venue, and any special activities planned for the celebration.
35. Compose an informal letter to express gratitude to a family member, friend, or teacher for a gift,
help, or a special gesture.


Passage: The Starry Night Camping Trip

On a clear summer night, a group of friends set out for a camping trip in the mountains. As they pitched
their tents, the sky above them transformed into a canvas of twinkling stars. Each friend marveled at the
beauty of the starry night.

Amelia, an amateur astronomer, pointed out constellations and shared fascinating facts about the night
sky. The friends gathered around the campfire, captivated by tales of ancient myths and legends
associated with the stars.

As the night progressed, the friends decided to take a short hike to an open meadow, away from the
campfire's glow, to get an even better view of the stars. They lay on their backs, gazing up at the vast
expanse, feeling a sense of awe and wonder.

Suddenly, a shooting star streaked across the sky, prompting everyone to make a wish. Laughter and
joy filled the air as each friend whispered their secret desires into the night. The experience of
witnessing a shooting star together created a bond that would forever connect them to that starry night.

As the friends returned to their campsite, they carried with them the memories of a magical evening
under the stars, vowing to make the starry night camping trip an annual tradition.


36. What did Amelia do during the camping trip? ( )

A) Led the friends on a hike B) Pointed out constellations

C) Built the campfire D) Pitched the tents

37. Why did the friends go to an open meadow away from the campfire? ( )

A) To gather firewood B) To take a short hike

C) To get a better view of the stars D) To cook their dinner

38. What did the friends do when they saw a shooting star? ( )

A) Played a game B) Made a wish

C) Went to sleep D) Sang a song

39. How did the friends feel as they gazed up at the stars in the open meadow? ( )

A) Anxious B) A sense of awe and wonder

C) Bored D) Cold

40. What did the friends decide to make an annual tradition? ( )

A) Camping in the mountains B) Telling ancient myths

C) Observing constellations D) The starry night camping trip

Passage: The Magical Forest

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a magical forest that no one dared to enter. Legend had
it that the forest was enchanted, with talking animals and hidden treasures. One day, a brave young girl
named Lily decided to explore the mysterious woods.

As Lily entered the magical forest, she was greeted by a wise owl named Oliver. Oliver spoke in a soft,
melodic voice and offered to be Lily's guide through the enchanting realm. Together, they discovered
shimmering ponds filled with sparkling water and colorful flowers that danced to a magical tune.

Deeper into the forest, Lily and Oliver encountered a mischievous squirrel named Sparkle. Sparkle
loved playing tricks on visitors but was kind-hearted and meant no harm. Lily and Sparkle became fast
friends, and the squirrel even gave Lily a special acorn that granted wishes.

As the day unfolded, Lily and her newfound friends discovered a clearing where a majestic unicorn
named Luna grazed peacefully. Luna had a silver mane that sparkled in the sunlight, and Lily couldn't
believe her luck at finding such magical creatures.

After a day of enchantment, Lily thanked her friends and left the magical forest, promising to return
soon. As she stepped out of the woods, she marveled at the magical adventure she had experienced and
knew that the enchanted forest held secrets that would forever be a part of her heart.

41. Why did no one enter the magical forest in the small village? ( )

A) It was too dangerous. B) People were not allowed.

C) It was enchanted with talking animals and hidden treasures. D) The entrance was blocked.

42. Who offered to be Lily's guide through the enchanted forest? ( )

A) Luna B) Oliver C) Sparkle D) Lily's parents

43. What did Sparkle, the mischievous squirrel, give to Lily? ( )

A) A special acorn B) A magical wand C) A shiny stone D) A talking flower

44. What did Lily find in the clearing of the magical forest? ( )

A) A wise owl B) Shimmering ponds C) A majestic unicorn D) Colorful flowers

45. How did Lily feel as she left the magical forest? ( )

A) Regretful B) Afraid C) Enchanted and grateful D) Disappointed

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