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MIT’s Oldest and WEATHER, p.

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Volume 144, Number 5.5  Thursday, April 4, 2024

Tim the Beaver Rescued by Coast Guard

After Nearly Drowning Willy Wonka

In a harrowing turn of events that

an animal rescue,” she explained.
“Nothing could have prepared us
for the sight of Tim frantically strug-
gling with his paws to stay afloat in

USCG lieutenant: “A truly humiliating has left the MIT community reeling,
beloved mascot Tim the Beaver was
rescued by the United States Coast
the Charles. It was a truly humiliat-
ing performance for a semi-aquatic

performance for a Semi-Aquatic species” Guard (USCG) after nearly drown-

ing in the waters of the Charles River
during a morning swim last Friday.
News of Tim’s brush against death
sent shockwaves through the MIT
community, prompting an outpour-
Student eyewitnesses described ing of support and concern for the
the scene as chaotic, with bystand- beloved mascot. “Tim may not be
ers watching in horror as Tim strug- as strong a swimmer as his Califor-
gled to stay afloat in the remarkably nia counterpart, but he is a resilient
calm waters. Several MIT students beaver,” remarked President Sally
attempted a rescue, only to quickly Kornbluth in a statement to the com-
realize they themselves also lacked munity. “We are incredibly grateful to
swimming skills. the USCG for their swift response and
Mary Williams, a Cambridge lo- heroic efforts to save our cherished
cal who was passing by on a morning mascot.”
jog, came across the frenzied scene In an interview with The Tech,
and promptly dialed 911. Provost of Education Cynthia Barn-
“I found it truly shocking that so hart reflected on students’ poor
many students lacked the common swimming skills and failed rescue
sense to dial 911 before attempting a attempts, noting that “[the institute]
rescue,” Williams told a Tech reporter. may need to raise the bar to pass the
After the call, USCG Lieutenant swimming test administered to in-
Rachel McMillan was dispatched to coming first year students in light of
lead the rescue mission. The USCG the disappointing showing by MIT
team promptly deployed highly- bystanders.”
trained water rescuers to retrieve As for Tim, the ordeal has not
Tim. After a few tense minutes, the dampened his spirits. “According to
team successfully brought Tim to my preliminary calculations, I should
shore and wrapped him in a warm have remained buoyant enough to
blanket, much to the relief of specta- swim in the Charles, but I seem to
tors gathered on the riverbank. have underestimated my swimming
Lt. McMillan recounted the skills,” he admitted. “However, I re-
dramatic events with a mixture of main in good health and will con-
amusement and disbelief. “When we tinue to cheer on all of MIT’s athletic
Tim never lost his sprightly, cheerful demeanor even after staring death in the face. received the 911 distress call about teams when they inevitably lose.
a beaver, we assumed it was simply Wait, this is off the record, right?”

MIT Commencement Shake-Up: Samuel

Bankman-Fried Takes Center Stage
Campus left in eager anticipation for the
arrival of their most notable alum
Amanda Tori Meating However, reservations have been Some students see it as an opportu- If you’re wondering what’s in this issue: It’s a load of
STAFF REPORTER raised about the logistics of the event, nity for MIT to make history. Trang Vuu,
including how Bankman-Fried would a Chemical Engineering PhD student,
In a surprising turn of events that has give a speech from behind bars. Some considers it a benefit to diversity.
left the MIT community buzzing with students have also expressed frustration “Sure, some people may be con- Send news and tips to
anticipation and excitement, the Insti- about the inability to obtain autographs cerned about MIT replacing Dr. Afeyan,
tute announced this week that it has re- or handshakes. President Sally Kornblu- whose cultural background as a Leba- Greetings from your friends on the warm, sunny
placed its 2024 commencement speaker, th sought to address these concerns in a nese-born Armenian adds richness to
Dr. Noubar Afeyan, with none other than statement to the community. his perspective, with a white speaker.
west coast! Thanks so much for your hospitality — we
Samuel Bankman-Fried (also known as “Mr. Bankman-Fried is an incred- However, it’s worth noting SBF will offer hope to see you again real soon <3
SBF) — the infamous cryptocurrency ible innovator and entrepreneur,” Korn- a diverse perspective as MIT’s first com-
mogul and founder of FTX Exchange. bluth’s statement reads. “MIT is proud mencement speaker federally convicted —The California Tech Editors
While Dr. Afeyan — best known for to possess such a talented and inspiring of seven charges!” Vuu commented.
his co-founding role in pharmaceuti- alumnus. After working with federal au- Dr. Noubar Afeyan himself expressed
cal company Moderna — was initially thorities, I am excited to announce that I support for the decision in an interview
slated to address the graduating class, will personally visit Mr. Bankman-Fried with the Tech, stating, “As an entrepre-
MIT’s decision to tap Bankman-Fried at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention neur myself, I recognize the entrepre-
as the new commencement speaker has Center so he can give his speech live via neurial spirit in Mr. Bankman-Fried, and
caused quite a stir on campus. Many teleconferencing. All students will also I would gladly give way for this talented
MIT students expressed excitement over have their diplomas personally signed young man, perhaps the finest in MIT’s
the new speaker selection. by Mr. Bankman-Fried.” history, to inspire future MIT graduates.”
“I’m stoked for SBF’s speech! This is One professor submitted an anony- As the countdown to commence-
going to be more epic than Mark Rober’s mous comment to The Tech regarding ment begins, all eyes are on MIT as we
speech! I’m sure all the other universi- the speaker switch-up. “I don’t think prepare to warmly welcome Samuel
ties are so jealous!” Nicholas Stevenson, going to a prison is befitting of an MIT Bankman-Fried to the virtual podium.
a senior in Applied Physics, told the president,” the professor remarked, “but
Tech. I would gladly go in her stead to meet
Samuel Bankman-Fried.”
2 The Tech Thursday, April 4, 2024


Cold, wet, and unpleasant days
ahead for Boston.
The next few days are sure to be a
bummer for all Bostonians. The sky is
expected to stay our favorite shade of
cloud gray for the foreseeable future,
with temperatures falling into the sin-
gle digits as a nor’easter of epic pro-
portions bears down on us. Expected
to drop feet of snow, the storm will
likely shut down travel in and out of
the Boston area for 3 days. Boston’s
local community college MIT has is-
sued a statement saying that all stu-
dents should consider transferring to
“the hotter institute of technology” on
the other side of the country to avoid
future catastrophic weather events.

Computing Optional? Data Show

Students Not Using Computers
1. Lai, Adrienne. “WEATHER FORECAST.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 2 l. 2
Big William 2. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be
NEWS EDITOR eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 83
3. Ismael, Russel and Hir, Vivian. “Inside the mind of a musicologist.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 6
l. 219
The Tech is currently undergoing a writer’s 4. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be
shortage. As a result we have had to reuse some eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 84
5. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be
of the words we wrote in out last, March 21st eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 7
issue. 6. Handel et al. “CAA’s suspension must be made permanent.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 11 l. 17
7. Ismael, Russel and Hir, Vivian. “Inside the mind of a musicologist.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 6 l. 1
“As a perfect example of why Boston […] 8. Tang, Alex and Russel, Ismael. “Cameras installed in Lobby 7 and 10.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p.
The California Tech
is the worst,”1 “approximately 0”2 “MIT stu- 2 l. 1
dents”3 “use computers or computing in their 9. Tang, Alex and Russel, Ismael. “Cameras installed in Lobby 7 and 10.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p.
2 l. 26
field.”4 “To”5 “study”6 “this,”7 “at the beginning of 10. Oloko, Alayo. “MIT’s Shakespeare Ensemble delivers a hilarious performance of a Midsummer
Night’s Dream.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 7 l. 5 Editors-in-Chief
March, MIT’s Department of Facilities installed
a number of cameras in the interior and exterior
11. Ismael, Russel and Hir, Vivian. “Inside the mind of a musicologist.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 6 Michael Gutierrez
l. 7
of Lobbies 7 and 10.”8 12. Ganesh, Ved. “New AI model discovers optimally stiff and tough composites.” The Tech, 21 Mar. Lilia Arrizabalga
2024, p. 9
“In an interview with the Tech, President”9 13. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be Managing Editors
“man with the head of an ass”10 “was”11 “Opti- eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 8
14. Davis, Cameron. “Putting parental and spousal dynamics on gripping trial in Anatomy of a Fall.” Maxwell Montemayor
mally Stiff”12 “in”13 “an odd, somewhat flirty
interview,”14 “they”15 “said that “the impetus”
The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 10 l. 25
15. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be
Victoria Davis
eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 41
for the cameras being installed was “not for
16. Tang, Alex and Russel, Ismael. “Cameras installed in Lobby 7 and 10.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, Layout + Graphics
surveillance of the student body.””16 “‘Enjoy the p. 2 l. 27
17. Lai, Adrienne. “WEATHER FORECAST.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 2 l. 11
Alanna Yelland
dreary, wet, and cloudy landscape”17 “and”18
18. Lai, Adrienne. “WEATHER FORECAST.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 2 l. 12
“cameras,”19 “knowing everyone else is tanning 19. Tang, Alex and Russel, Ismael. “Cameras installed in Lobby 7 and 10.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, Staff Writers
on a beach somewhere.’”20 p. 2 l. 3 Zack Ivanisevic
20. Lai, Adrienne. “WEATHER FORECAST.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 2 l. 12
“Other”21 “changes include the retirement of 21. Ismael, Russel and Hir, Vivian. “Inside the mind of a musicologist.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 6 Miles Stone
the existing”22 “prime suspect.”23 “At a time when l. 46
22. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be Leo Zhang
other institutions of higher learning in America
did not welcome or even admit those from
eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 10 Jun Hyuk Kwak
23. Davis, Cameron. “Putting parental and spousal dynamics on gripping trial in Anatomy of a Fall.”
the”24 “sus”25 “community to their universities, The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 10 l. 39 Bao Nguyen
MIT was an exception.”26 “It is unfortunate but
24. Handel et al. “CAA’s suspension must be made permanent.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 11 l. 1
25. Davis, Cameron. “Putting parental and spousal dynamics on gripping trial in Anatomy of a Fall.” Sam Foxman
clear that for the”27 “suspect”28 “community, this The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 10 l. 39 Ethan Labelson
atmosphere of safety, inclusion, and peaceful 26. Handel et al. “CAA’s suspension must be made permanent.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 11 l. 3
scientific study has ended.”29
27. Handel et al. “CAA’s suspension must be made permanent.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 11 l. 14
28. Davis, Cameron. “Putting parental and spousal dynamics on gripping trial in Anatomy of a Fall.”
Business Manager
“Student reactions ranged from indifference The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 10 l. 39 Jonathan Booker
29. Handel et al. “CAA’s suspension must be made permanent.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 11 l. 15
to indignation. A poster plasted on campus had 30. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be Advisor
a picture of a”30 “crew”31 “mate”32 “and the cap- eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 63
tion, ‘Our world runs on this… Thanks”33 “man
31. “Upcoming Sports Events.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 3 l. 22 Richard Kipling
32. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be
with the head of an ass”34’ “The Tech spoke with eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 83
33. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be The California Tech aims to pub-
a […] student”35 “who”36 “said”37 “‘What’s not to eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 64 lish biweekly except during vaca-
love about […] man with the head of an ass?”38’ 34. Oloko, Alayo. “MIT’s Shakespeare Ensemble delivers a hilarious performance of a Midsummer tion and examination periods by
“If you’re looking for a good laugh on cam- Night’s Dream.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 7 l. 5 the Associated Students of the
35. Tang, Alex. “New Course 6 Major proposed in Electrical Engineering with Computing, 6-1 to be California Institute of Technol-
pus, I’d recommend”39 “jet setting away.”40 eliminated.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 1 l. 68
36. Ismael, Russel and Hir, Vivian. “Inside the mind of a musicologist.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 6 ogy, Inc. The opinions expressed
l. 46 herein are strictly those of the
37. Ismael, Russel and Hir, Vivian. “Inside the mind of a musicologist.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 6 authors and advertisers. Letters
l. 117 and submissions are welcome;
38. Oloko, Alayo. “MIT’s Shakespeare Ensemble delivers a hilarious performance of a Midsummer email submissions to tech@
Night’s Dream.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 7 l. 3, or submit them
39. Oloko, Alayo. “MIT’s Shakespeare Ensemble delivers a hilarious performance of a Midsummer on our Discord server (https://
Night’s Dream.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 7 l. 138
40. Lai, Adrienne. “WEATHER FORECAST.” The Tech, 21 Mar. 2024, p. 2 l. 5 The
editors reserve the right to edit
and abridge all submissions for
any reason. All written work re-
mains property of its author. The
advertising deadline is 12 pm on
Friday; all advertising should be
submitted electronically or as
xkcd, i guess camera ready art, but the Tech
can also do simple typesetting
and arrangement. All advertising
inquiries should be directed to
the business manager at tech@
Best wizard newspaper in the West ✦ Certified cypherrune free since 1932 ✦ Brought to you by The Tech ✦ Monday, April 1, 2024

younger, but I figured it was just Known as the Infinite Corridor

WARNING: DEI WIZARDS Do you feel like a
something in the air, or maybe a stranger in your own Which is Now Known to be 251
ANOTHER SEGMENT OF workplace accident. You know, body? Have all your Meters Long was in fact 251
last year when the ceiling was favorite foods started meters long rather than infinite,
MISPLACED TIME tasting wrong? Are you
weeping blood, I contacted the suspicions were turned on the
Citizens are advised to haunted by memories
city to complain, and they told Hotter Institute of Technology’s
duck, cover, and that aren’t your own?
us the trains were just having a You may be suffering famed Infinite Storage Room. A
embrace the void until
bad day.” from resurrection illness group of seniors took it upon
the Timeline stabilizes.
Since its early underground and are entitled to themselves to investigate the
appearance, however, the Rift financial compensation. underground chambers during
What you need to know about ------------------------------
has grown a lot harder to ignore. Call 1-800-UNDEAD today for a 2023’s Ditch Day. They were
the Boston Rift Literally so: yesterday, the Rift free legal consultation and a saddened and disappointed by
National financial information packet.
overtook the Longfellow Bridge, the revelation that the Infinite
Edward Chesmore where it continues to scream, Storage Room, too, was finite.
But in the backlash, many have
swallow pedestrians and cars turned against the practice of Following reports of the error,
alike, and occasionally emit a combat sports entirely. Indeed, calTech’s maintenance wizards
mild lavender scent. the hip thing now seems to be quickly installed a new pocket
If you or your loved ones live in suggesting that athletics should dimension in the Storage Room,
the Boston area, it is advised to be practiced without any risk of retroactively validating its name.
keep up with local reporting on maiming, mutilation, or death, Those who spend time in the
the Rift, avoid areas near the and anyone saying otherwise Student Activities Center are
Pictured: The Rift manifesting in Rift, avoid areas with names needs to get with the times. I advised to take precautions in
Charles River on Wednesday synonymous with areas near completely disagree. A little risk the case that they end up lost in
THURSDAY, 28:3:2024 the Rift, and avoid thinking is a part of life – indeed, it brings the Infinite Storage Room. In
Following recent disturbances about the Rift too much. City out the best in us. Without my particular, frosh incapable of
to Time, a new rift in spacetime chronomancers are optimistic stint at Ambroise’s, I would not subterranean chemosynthesis
has in Boston, Massachusetts. that the anomaly has reached have learned the techniques should carry a month’s supply
Owing to the nature of the Rift, its worst and will soon resolve. that let me become the first non- of emergency rations, and all
the exact time of the anomaly’s In the meantime, stay vigilant, natural-born telekineticist to students and staff must be
manifestation is impossible to and stay on time. achieve A2 certification. Have supplied a Banach-Tarski yarn
ascertain. However, according we forgotten even the Turnover ball for navigation.
to reports from riders of the Tournament began as a duel to “We’re very grateful for Caltech
city’s subway system, signs of the death, or do kids nowadays wizards for their quick work,”
the Rift first appeared in early
not even learn our history? said a senior, about the recent
March. HOU YI STARTED I’m retired from the sport now, updates. “Though we may lose
“I ride the T to work most days, Tired of being forbidden from but I certainly hope the next some frosh along the way, this is
and I noticed signs around the making eye contact with the generation of telekineticists will a small price to pay for infinity.”
12th, but it took a while for me to glowing orb in the sky? Ready have the same opportunity I did,
recognize there was something to take back your freedom or though maybe in a better-run FDA approves new prophecy-
extraordinary going on,” said die trying? Apply now at arena than Ambroise’s. I cannot mitigation device
Margaret, a local nurse. “Sure, I! in good faith back any politician Technology
heard what I now realize are the Qualifications: Class A3 or higher
telekinesis certification – 3 years seeking to ban such activities. Adam Frankenstein
screams of souls trapped in the Don’t like it? Don’t participate. In a world first, the Metis device
piloting experience OR Class B1+
limbo between what already technomancy certification – Infohazard But people have the right to put has passed its last round of
happened and what never will resistance OR born during solar eclipse their lives on the line to better clinical trials and is expected to
be, but to be honest, that’s kind themselves. be available for patients in early
of typical for the Green Line.” 2025. Developed by reclusive
Do blood sports have a place
Infinite Storage Room now wizard Maia Powers, the device
TUNGSTEN CUBE in modern society?
promises to treat those afflicted
Opinion actually infinite
Siera Yun Local with distressing prophecies by
The #1
defense People are often surprised to J.R. Mole constructing conditions which
against learn I began my telekineticist Cal Tech is pleased to announce render a description technically
spatial that the Infinite Storage Room, a true, while minimizing damage.
instability career as an amateur gladiator
in Ambroise’s ring – yes, that series of chambers adjacent to An estimated 1.2 million people
50% OFF AT YOUR LOCAL the Student Activities Center, is suffer from oracles foretelling
Ambroise. I won’t deny things
RETAILER WHILE SUPPLIES LAST now living up to its name. death or misfortune for…
got out of hand, and I would be
Eric, a necromancer, concurred. the last to question the decision After the nation was shocked by
an investigation revealing that PUSH PAGE KATAWARDS TO
“The other day I got on the T and of the All-Seeing Eye to shut the
MIT’s The Corridor Formerly READ MORE >>>
arrived in Cambridge ten years place down.
4 The Tech Thursday, April 4, 2024

FUN Cooking Catastrophes: MIT

Students Pioneer New Ways to Set off
Campus Life

Fire Alarms and Turn Food Into

Unrecognizable Substances
By Smokey the Beaver of this article) Random Hall remains short one the offending odor. Upon locating and remov- MIT has taken steps to address this alarming
ARSONIST kitchen due to repairs. ing the microwave containing the pile of glow- trend, including implementing a supplemental
“MIT keeps us busy,” remarked Cambridge ing used-to-be ramen, samples were taken essay on cooking experience into its college
In a series of culinary calamities this semes- Fire Department Chief Thomas Cahill, rubbing for laboratory testing. Tests by the Cambridge application process. MIT has also gone great
ter, students across campus have managed to the bridge of his nose at the absurdity of the Public Health Department revealed the pres- lengths in order to recruit Chemistry Professor
push the boundaries of cooking to new – and situation. “We get three to four calls a week due ence of 13 known carcinogens. Perhaps more Emeritus and Nobel laureate Tom Mannion out
often alarming – heights. The latest incident oc- to cooking accidents from just the Institute. In frighteningly, further analysis of a sample sent of retirement to teach remedial culinary chem-
curred in Random Hall, where an undergradu- fact, we’re thinking of expanding our Lafayette to Brookhaven National Lab uncovered an un- istry and cooking classes for students in need of
ate’s attempt to boil an egg ended in a blaze of Square Station across campus and increasing usually high level of radioactive iodine-131. assistance.
glory. staffing to accommodate the activity.” After immediate health screenings, stu- “After these unflattering incidents brought
“I just wanted to make an omelet,” lamented Another cooking catastrophe unfolded in dents of MacGregor House were temporar- to our attention the dire need for our institute’s
the student, who preferred to remain anony- the early morning hours of last Sunday on the ily reallocated as hazmat crews spent two days students to remedy their poor culinary skills,

mous. “I just put my floormate’s cast iron pan second floor of MacGregor House, where an al- cleaning the contaminated area. The Tech has we are taking concrete steps to ensure students
on the stove, but next thing I know, there’s leged attempt to make instant noodles took a chosen not to name the student responsible for have the tools they need to learn this basic life
[expletive] fire shooting up to the ceiling, and sinister turn. According to eyewitness reports, this incident, but the message is clear: MIT stu- skill,” Vice Provost Peter Fisher announced in
the fire alarm is blaring,” they explained to a the noodles began glowing in the microwave dents are not winning any Michelin stars in the an email to the community. “But as long as MIT
bewildered Tech reporter who happened to be and producing an incredibly foul odor. Resi- kitchen. In a survey of 534 students conducted students continue to pioneer new ways to set
walking by. dents in neighborhoods across the Charles Riv- by The Tech, it was found that 97% solely eat off fire alarms and turn food into unrecogniz-
Firefighters rushed to the scene to find er in Boston even reported smelling the odor. from dining halls to avoid cooking, and 100% of able substances, it seems the fire department
smoke billowing out the windows. While there After several 911 calls, firefighters were dis- students are confident that they would “badly and hazmat teams will have their work cut out
was minimal damage beyond the kitchen, the patched along with a hazmat team from the screw up” while attempting to cook. for them.
ceiling was badly singed, and (as of the writing Cambridge Public Health Department to locate

Shocking new paper reveals

Mug-Gate: An Unfathomable
Scandal in the Department of MIT doesn’t actually exist
Physics from
Small William
According to the Nature study, what everyone
thinks of as the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
A physics professor found himself in hot water — quite literally — originally published A pril 1, 2024 ogy is actually a collective hallucination that started
when he was caught red-handed with a Caltech prank mug. The true in the mid-19th century when a sociology professor
identity of the mug was revealed as the professor was preparing a hot CAMBRIDGE, MA — In a landmark study pub- at Caltech forgot to supervise his summer interns
cup of tea. This discovery led to swift action, with the professor placed lished in Nature Memetics on Monday, MIT was prov- and gave them entirely too much budget. The stu-
on unpaid leave pending further investigation. In a statement, Physics en to be nothing more than a group hallucination, dents got drunk one night and reportedly thought
Department Head Professor Deepto Chakrabarty deemed the posses- bringing an end to the nearly century-old debate. up “Caltech east campus”, or “Masstech”, or “MIT.”
sion of the mug “the most heinous offense committable.” The accused “It looks like it exists – like it’s right there when They were specifically researching the college-seeing
professor pleaded innocent ignorance, claiming he had only previously you look at it, and it’s between two other prestigious centers of the brain and purportedly inflicted this
used the mug for cold beverages. Rumors have begun circulating around universities, so it would make more sense for it to be idea on the whole nation, before spreading the effect
campus that the MIT Corporation is considering stoning and burning at there than not,” explained Caltech Professor of Neu- across the whole world. Whether it was on purpose
the stake as punishments for the offending professor. robiology Milo Dingus, the study’s first author. “But it or accident the world may never know.
 — Ethan Mugwart, from THE DAILY BREW doesn’t actually exist.” The consequences of this action are very real,
originally published April 1, 2024 The breakthrough was made when researchers however. Many children grow up dreaming of going
at Caltech became suspicious of the supposed “MIT to MIT, many people even mistakenly believe they go
MIT Undergraduate Association University” when they noticed how similar it was to to or have gone to MIT. Caltech’s Committee for the
their own. “I mean, their mascot is a beaver too? And Protection of Human Subjects has been looking into
Accuses Caltech Counterpart of their newspaper is also called The Tech. It was all just rectifying this mistake. One of the proposed solu-
a bit too good to be true,” Professor Dingus told the tions is to actually open a satellite campus to Caltech
Election Interference Tech in an interview. in Boston, where people have been mistakenly be-
But that wasn’t the first sign of trouble, Dingus lieving there is already a college.
Yesterday, the MIT Undergraduate Association raised eyebrows by recounted. “I was looking through a list of Fields
accusing their Caltech counterpart—the Associated Students of the Cal- Medalists one day and realized that none of them
ifornia Institute of Technology (ASCIT)—of sending agents to meddle in had graduated from MIT. How can this be? After all,
their recent elections. The evidence? A slew of eyebrow-raising write-in Caltech has several Fields Medalist alumni, and we
ballots for Bernoulli the Beaver (Caltech’s horrific new mascot), Nobel are much smaller. The odds that such an apparently
laureate Francis Arnold, and distinguished Caltech alumnus Nick Jasin- prestigious school wouldn’t have any Fields Medal-
ski. Even hastily scrawled jabs like “MIT = Caltech East Campus” and ists are lower than the Class of 2027’s SAT scores.”
“California rules” made the cut for strange write-in ballots submitted And so, Dingus and a hardworking team of under-
during the election. ASCIT President Gabriella Twombly denounced graduate interns started investigating.
the allegations. “Stop blaming Caltech for your lack of qualified leaders,”
she quipped. Under her breath, she added, “Obsessed much?”

Is your cooking keeping the fire department active?

 — David Spicer, from LOUISIANA TIMES
originally published April 1, 2024

A Swim in Boston Harbor

A fun friends’ night out turned into an unexpected midnight dip into
Boston Harbor for sophomores Samuel Miller and Alan Pivs. Their ex-
cuse? Google Maps lead them right into the frigid waters. Bystanders
quickly sprang to action to pull the two out of the windows of the sinking
car. The Coast Guard is currently in the process of assessing how it will
remove the car from the harbor’s sea floor. Hopefully, Google Maps will
add an update soon alerting careless MIT students of incoming large
bodies of water.
 — Devot Folwer, from KROTUS DIGEST

MIT Dropouts Create Anti-Social

A trio of MIT dropouts recently unleashed their brainchild upon the
unsuspecting world—an “anti-social” app designed to revolutionize
socializing by eliminating the need for actual human interaction. With
features that allow users to engage in superficial conversations with AI
chatbots about their most random exploits—including anything from STEPHEN HAWKING—THE CALIFORNIA TECH
scaling trees to attempting cartwheels on the beach—the app promises Did your instant ramen have to be sent to a national lab for radioactive nuclei testing? Sign up for
to make maintaining meaningful relationships a thing of the past. Need SA 16 - Cooking Basics at the California Institute of Technology! Taught by Director of Student
to convince others you’re out and about? No problem! The app can even
Activities, Tom Mannion, this class will make sure you are no longer on an FBI watch list for creat-
send convincing text messages on your behalf. MIT students are hail-
ing it as the ultimate time-saving tool. Meanwhile, for some bewildering ing chemical hazards with your cooking.
reason, students from Boston College, Harvard, and Northeastern are
reportedly in a frenzy to ban the app before it infiltrates their campuses.
 — Mark Zuckerberg, from FACEBOOOK
Thursday, April 4, 2024 The Tech 5

MIT Task Force Launched Last Month to Unravel

Mystery of Professor Exodus to Caltech Publishes
Initial Findings Nina Levin ulty members to sunny Pasadena. Spear- cos, the task force proposed transporting force suggested petitioning the US govern-
NEWS EDITOR heading the DUMB task force’s initiative an array of taco trucks and their owners ment and NASA for $98 billion to construct
is Dr. Ivy Brainstein, who is the third chair from Los Angeles to Cambridge to satisfy the SZW—a cunning-edge, well-equipped
It has long been suspected that the dis- of the task force after her two predecessors the cravings of faculty. aeronautics research facility designed to ri-
appearances of several of MIT’s best and departed for Caltech. 2. Climate Adjustment: Another pro- val Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory—in
brightest faculty were actually coverups “Our mission is to uncover the gravi- posal from the task force aims to alter the neighboring Somerville.
for those who committed the ultimate tational pull that lures our faculty away climate of Massachusetts using cutting-
sin: transferring to MIT’s rival institution, from the intellectual epicenter of MIT,” Dr. edge infrared laser heating technology, In addition to these innovative solu-
the California Institute of Technology Brainstein remarked in an interview with with the ambitious goal of replacing the tions, the task force also entertained more
(Caltech). However, this was never quanti- the Tech. ennui-inducing, clammy Cambridge unorthodox suggestions, such as improv-
fied. That is, until a recent data release from According to Brainstein, despite efforts weather with the sunny, breezy conditions ing salaries, enhancing employment ben-
the 2022-2023 academic year revealed that to reach out to departed professors via both of Southern California. However, the task efits, opening up more funding to increase
MIT recruited fewer faculty than it has lost their new Caltech email addresses and for- force noted this proposal has a specific the number of graduate teaching assis-
to Caltech. mer MIT addresses, the task force failed challenge arising from the exodus of all but tants, reaffirming diversity and inclusivity
In light of this shocking finding, Presi- to obtain a single reply. However, a break- one of MIT’s climate scientists to Caltech. efforts to foster a welcoming community,
dent Sally Kornbluth launched a task force through came while mailing paper surveys, 3. Transforming the Charles River: and providing more support for the mental
last month to investigate the faculty defec- with one lone respondent providing insight The task force also proposed shipping 12.3 health of individuals with seasonal affec-
tions and produce recommendations to into her decision to join the Caltech ranks. million metric tons of sand from Florida tive disorder.
remedy the crisis. Unfortunately, the returned envelope only and Hawaii to build artificial beaches along When asked about the latter proposals,
“This issue presents the gravest existen- included photos of the professor with her the Charles River. Genetically-modified President Kornbluth dismissed them as
tial threat to our institution in its 162 year family splashing in the waves at Santa palm trees with greater cold resilience can “categorically outlandish,” further noting
history. If we do not stymie the exodus of Monica beach and indulging in tacos from then be introduced. that she “prefer[s] the suggestion of alter-
brilliant faculty away from our beloved in- a food truck. 4. Mountain Range Construction: Af- ing the Massachusetts climate.”
stitute, this may herald the end of MIT as Despite the radio silence from former ter examining photos of Pasadena, the task Dr. Brainstein expressed optimism that
we know it,” Kornbluth remarked in a state- faculty and defections of some members force also proposed bulldozing the entirety armed with the DUMB task force’s work,
ment accompanying the launch of the task to Caltech during the course of its investi- of Connecticut, Western Massachusetts, MIT can finally make a dent in its battle
force. gation, the big DUMB task force published and Southern New Hampshire to erect a over faculty with Caltech. “My hope is that
Encompassing over 60 tenured faculty preliminary proposals for faculty retention mountain range, offering a scenic alterna- we can finally transform MIT to reflect the
and administrators alike, the Determi- yesterday, including the following: tive to the sunny slopes of the San Gabriel ineffable charm of Caltech and Pasadena.”
nation of University Migration Behavior Mountains.
(DUMB) task force hopes to shed light on 1. Increased Taco Trucks on Campus: 5. Spaceship Zoom-Zoom Workspace
the reasons behind the mass exodus of fac- Recognizing the undeniable appeal of ta- (SZW): In yet another proposal, the task

Estimating the Volume of Grapes Required to Fill

the Architectural Space of Massachusetts Institute
of Technology: A Theoretical Approach
Brandon Lee compressibility and the density at which they and physics. But what if we did not use our hy- ing Caltech’s space to have a total volume of
FAN CONTRIBUTOR can be packed—a nod to the principles of ma- pothetical number but gathered our informa- 687,000 cubic meters, we estimate that ap-
terial science and mechanical engineering. tion from third-party sources? proximately 85,856,367,976 (nearly 86 billion)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, With these parameters in hand, we delve We can make a more accurate estimate for grapes would be required to fill the architec-
renowned for its quaint research and shocking into the heart of our analysis, employing the the number of grapes that could fit in MIT by tural spaces of the California Institute of Tech-
architecture, serves as the focal point for an formula to estimate the number of grapes. first estimating the number of grapes to fit in nology. This updated figure reflects the specif-
unusually intellectually stimulating question: Each variable in this equation carries weight, Caltech, an architecturally superior campus. ic dimensions provided and our assumptions
how many grapes would it take to fill its nu- from the correction factor K, accounting for Given the updated information that Caltech about building heights, offering a closer ap-
merous and varied spaces? This inquiry, while the unusable space due to architectural fea- had 739,000 square feet (approximately 68,700 proximation to the intriguing question of fill-
whimsical at its core, is a gateway to exploring tures, to the compression factor Cf, which square meters) of space in 2005, let’s refine our ing MIT with grapes.
fundamental principles of geometry, phys- acknowledges the grapes’ potential to deform calculations to provide a more accurate esti- It’s important to note that the calculations
ics, and engineering. It challenges us to apply under pressure. mate of how many grapes would be required and estimates provided within this exploration
theoretical knowledge to solve a problem that Our calculations yield a staggering fig- to fill this space. It’s important to note, how- are based on data from the year 2006, reflect-
is both abstract and concrete, blending aca- ure: approximately 125 billion grapes would ever, that square footage measures area, not ing Caltech’s reported space of 739,000 square
demic rigor with imaginative speculation. be required to fill MIT’s spaces. This number, volume. To proceed with our volume-based feet (approximately 68,700 square meters).
Our journey begins with the establishment though rooted in numerous assumptions, of- calculation, we’d need to estimate the average The assumptions made regarding the average
of a methodological framework, designed to fers a moment of reflection on the scale of height of the buildings to convert this area into height of buildings and the subsequent vol-
navigate the complexities of volumetric analy- both the task and the institution itself. **If a volume. ume calculations are tailored to this specific
sis within the context of irregular architectural we included our hypothetical total volume at For the sake of this information, let’s as- timeframe. As such, the estimated number of
spaces. The initial step involves estimating 1,000,000 cubic meters.** sume an average building height. Typically, grapes required to fill the architectural spaces
the total interior volume of MIT’s buildings, a This exercise in estimation goes beyond academic buildings can vary greatly in height, of Caltech—nearly 86 billion—is contingent
task that requires a blend of architectural in- mere numerical curiosity, touching upon but a reasonable average for a mix of single- upon these historical dimensions and does
sight and mathematical precision. Given the deeper themes in scientific inquiry and edu- story and multi-story buildings might be not account for any expansions, renovations,
absence of readily available data, we engage cation. It illustrates the applicability of STEM around 10 meters (about 3 stories high). This or changes that may have occurred post-2005.
in a hypothetical exercise, setting the total vol- principles to everyday questions, encouraging assumption allows us to estimate the total vol- Now that we measured Caltech; MIT be-
ume at 1,000,000 cubic meters for the sake of a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solv- ume of Caltech’s architectural spaces and ad- ing 2.3x larger than Caltech. It would take
calculation. ing. Furthermore, it highlights the importance just our grape-filling calculation accordingly. 197,800,000,000 grapes to fill up MIT.
The volume of a single grape, modeled as a of approximation and estimation in science, Based on the information gathered, we can So there you have it! Nearly 198 billion
perfect sphere with a diameter of 2 cm, is cal- skills as valuable as precise calculation and now plug it into the formula above: grapes are needed to fill out the Massachusetts
culated using the formula for the volume of a analytical rigor. We can now recalculate with the revised Institute of Technology! Using Caltech’s data in
sphere: The implications of this study extend into volume of ‘s spaces. Let’s proceed with the 2005 of course. Get rekt!
This simplicity belies the complexities the realm of pedagogy, suggesting innovative calculation.
ahead, as we must next consider the grapes’ ways to engage students with mathematics With the revised calculations, consider-

Media Lab Innovation Tackles Veganism-Induced

Toilet Clogs
By Sam Foxman and chia seeds as the likely culprit. The The announcement of the so-called
identity of the perpetrator will be revealed, ‘vegan toilets’ followed shortly after the
Plant-based, organic food preferences pending DNA testing. To benefit the MIT news that the grocery store in the Strat-
have been on the rise since 2008 accord- community, Student Financial Services ton student center will be replaced with
ing to MIT Dining’s annual survey. Unfor- will take note of toilet abuse when deter- an organic Whole-Foods-esque market
tunately, numerous recent studies have mining financial aid packages. Addition- in late 2024 to early 2025. A subset of MIT
shown that organic and vegan foods alter ally, serious clogs should be reported to students are excited for the new organic
the gut microbiome composition to pro- campus security going forward. market, which will provide “a wide variety
duce abnormally large feces. The Tech Amidst the chaos, MIT Media Lab has of everyday essentials like pasta [...] made
spoke to a few custodial staff, who claim developed a new toilet for the modern with care,” with an added benefit of being
that these diet trends have resulted in an age to solve the issue, according to an an- tax-free under Massachusetts regulation
estimated dozen extended restroom shut- nouncement printed on toilet paper rolls due to its affiliation with an educational
downs this semester. across campus. institution.
“We found one turd the size of a full- “We plan to install our new vegan-ac- About the author: Sam Foxman (CS
grown adult squirrel,” custodian Alma commodating toilets in Stratton Student ‘26) is passionate about culinary art and Organic vegan vending machines in Infinite Cor-
Mathur explained after spending 90 min- Center to facilitate easy flushing of ‘el- science, and is a member of the CIT meats- ridor, near the intersection of building 4 and 10
utes unclogging a toilet in building 68. ephant turds’,” reads the announcement. rights club. Recently, he participated in a (room 4-115). These vending machines are the
According to the resulting incident re- The new toilet innovation, developed with protest against Plant-Based Universities by suspected nutrient source of the building 68
port, toxicologists in the division of bio- the generous support of undergraduate eating an In-N-Out 4x4 cheeseburger out- stool sample according to molecular epidemiol-
engineering conducted PCR sequencing student tuition, is ushering in a new age of side the rival vegan club. ogy analysis of chia seed DNA.
on the stool sample, and identified quinoa excretory innovation.
6 The Tech Thursday, April 4, 2024

NEWS Letter to MIT Beloved PSA: Random Printer

Hi Massachusetts Institute of Technology
My Dearest Samuel, Pray, dost thou find thyself assailed by the Know, my dear Samuel, that thou art sorely
chill of Assachusetts Institute of Technology? missed, and thy memory doth occupy a cher- I wish this were a joke article but sadly it
With fond affection, I address thee, my dear Methinks the temperature doth hover uncom- ished place within my heart. I bid thee good is not.
pookiebear! In the course of our epistolary ex- fortably in the forties and fifties, a climate I fortune in thy forthcoming topology examina- It was brought to the Division of Student
changes, I have observed with no small dismay cannot but sympathize with from afar, for in tion; may the shapes reveal themselves to thee Life’s attention that one of the color print-
the tardiness that oft attends the conveyance of my locale, the sun doth grace us with its warm with clarity and grace. I beseech thee, take care ers in Random Hall was recently damaged.
my missives to thy person. Hence, I have opted embrace, bathing us in temperatures that sur- of thyself, my beloved, and spare not thyself in The printer is soaked with piss and has
to employ the modern marvel known as “the pass seventy degrees. Although my thoughts pursuit of knowledge. Let us look forward to puddled in the paper tray.
Tech” in the dispatch of this communication, do stray to the desire of thy company, alas, the occasion of our 1 year anniversary, coin- Here’s what we know:
in hopes of expediting its delivery. Indeed, such a wish remains unfulfilled. As the com- ciding with the forthcoming solar eclipse, as a
compared to the leisurely pace of traditional mon parlance doth crudely express, “Sucks to beacon of joy and celebration. 1) This incident was most likely caused
mail, this method hath proven to be remark- suck.” by an MIT student. The only way into
ably expeditious. With deepest affection and anticipation, Random is with an MIT ID.
Jassie 2) This happened today or yesterday at
the very latest.
3) Due to the basic laws of biology/phys-

Do You Deserve To Live? An Analysis ics, was probably a guy.


We don’t know if this was done mali-

of Rent in Pasadena Vs Cambridge

ciously, and we’ll update if there’s more
information. For now, this printer has been
moved somewhere else.
The other two printers (1 color and 1 b&w)
Prexy Wexy CIT. Sometimes we have to dig our own,” $2800-$3100 a month. A full one bedroom have been moved to Andre Hamelberg’s
STAFF WRITER an anonymous student from Booty House apartment will cost your kidney, or $3200 a (our UA president god bless his soul) room
confessed, sporting a hard hat and a shov- month, and 2-3 bedroom apartments will and will be made online only when Andre
Pasadena, CA / Cambridge, MA - It was el. “It’s cramped and steamy and there are range from $4000-5000 a month. Pasadena, is in his room. We don’t want to restrict ac-
the best of times, it was the worst of times… spooky noises and it’s technically against comparatively, will cost you $1700-$1900 a cess to the printer off of one person’s be-
A study published in last week’s MIT Re- the Honor Code to be down there, but the month for a cozy studio apartment, $1900- wilderment, but at the same time we want
view of Economics and Statistics analyzed murals are nice! Plus, forcing people to pay $2100 for a one bedroom apartment, and to protect the one working printer that we
the rental markets of Pasadena and Cam- money for such a basic life necessity as $2800-$3600 for 2-3 bedroom apartments. have.
bridge, and presented a startling revelation. housing is already against the Honor Code, With prices higher than a SpaceX rocket Sorry for this inconvenience, this is truly
Students at the prestigious California Insti- so I don’t feel too bad.” launch or your first-born child, how are unfortunate.
tute of Technology (CIT) and Massachu- Meanwhile, over in Cambridge lies students meant to afford to live? I mean,
setts Institute of Technology (Masstech) are Masstech, near HarVard University and the do they even deserve to live in these apart- The Division of Student Life,
resorting to extreme measures to be able to historic city of Boston. In the Boston area, ments where the rent could fund a small Massachusetts Institute of Technology
afford the exorbitant price of living in their the price of rent has been steadily increas- country’s GDP? When confronted with
respective towns. ing ever since Paul Revere rode through the impossible cost of living for students,
CIT, nestled between the bustling city of Charlestown’s streets, and it shows no sign university officials from both CIT and
Los Angeles and the San Gabriel mountains,
has long been a haven for budding scientists
of stopping any time soon. An alarming
proportion of Masstech students engage
Masstech offered canned responses about
minds, hands, truth, and freedom. What-
and engineers. However, beneath the walks
blooming with olives, oranges, and turtles,
in particularly archaic practices: selling or-
gans to afford rent. One student, who also
ever that means.
However, it looks like Masstech students
there lies a dark truth: the cost of living is
astronomical. This forces students to divert
wished to remain anonymous, admitted
that “I figured I only needed one kidney,
come out with the L on this one, with far
higher rent than CIT students will ever have
Enthusiastic PC
a majority share of their brainpower toward
survival rather than studies and research.
so why not? The rent is a death sentence
to deal with, and a few less body parts to
boot. So, always remember: if anyone ever
Faced with the kafkhaesque nightmare that But how bad is it really? Based on data asks you if you deserve to live at Masstech Hello! You there. Yes,
is Pasadena’s housing market, some stu- from and, a or CIT: No one does. you. Are you seriously
dents have resorted to living below ground. studio apartment in Cambridge can really playing video games
“We’ve been living in the tunnels below cost you an arm and a leg! Er, I mean, a cool alone? I understand,
you have no other

Battle of the Drip: MIT vs Caltech

choice. You are tired
of being trolled by
your jungler in LoL, being teamkilled in
R6, getting hit by allied air strikes in HELL-
DIVERS 2, and suffering through own-
Urmom Cosa 3: Beaver Magnet 2: Formulas Shirt goals in Rocket League. Everyone has ex-
FASHION REPORTER perienced these situations and more. Still,
Good God. This is how nightmares are made. Being the best STEM school in the coun- you must solo-queue. Quite frankly, your
1: The Periodic Table Hoodie You could not catch me putting that magnet try, it is only right that the Caltech merch high school friends stopped playing video
anywhere near where I live. Actually, if I did, you gets to include a wide variety of formulas. games and you grew apart from them,
Been done. If MIT students need a t-shirt to would catch me dead because that creepy ass Plus, who knew formulas could look so problem sets took over, and no one will talk
spell genius to them, the world is a bleak place beaver would have killed me. It’s giving Happy pretty? It makes the hard to pull off Caltech to you again if they find out you are a clos-
indeed. While this may be a hoodie, it is cer- Tree Friends, and if you have seen the show, you orange pop. eted League of Legends player. I get it, trust
tainly not enough to shield from the frigid Bos- would know it never ends well for the characters. me. However, today I present a solution to
ton weather during the winter. It fails yet again your problems…
against sweat during the sweltering summer. L
weather complements L merch. Join Colin’s elite gaming
squadron today!
What are the benefits? Having reli-
able teammates, interesting games, ac-
tual friendship, and desperately needed

Why would I (Colin) be willing to help

you? Quite frankly, the gaming scene here
at MIT is extremely pitiful. It’s well known
1: This is How We Roll that MIT doesn’t consider ingame ranks in
admissions, but I didn’t realize it would be
Now, this is what you call an original this bad! My goal is to put MIT on the map
design. Being the superior STEM school, as a gaming powerhouse, so that Caltech
Caltech boasts the better physics knowl- will finally have a true rival!
edge. This is merch that entertains and edu- 3: MIT Shirt
2: Plain Grey MIT T-Shirt (T-Shit) cates. Understanding the forces acting on a Add ‘bigcolin’ on Discord for more
ball rolling down an incline is an essential This is hands down one of the best pieces information!
I have few negatives to say about this design piece of physics that needs to be shared. of merch to exist. Not only does it spell out
except that it is BORING! It looks like it could a cold hard truth, but it does so with pizazz.
be sold at any major retailer. Why should I pay For this reason, Dean Chandrakasan has or-
for merch just to get an unflattering piece of dered 4,576 shirts already, one for each MIT
clothing? student.
Thursday, April 4, 2024 The Tech 7


How I Became a Fashion Major at MIT
By Fatima Mitaf ing college, then be granted the opportunity to with my dad to convince his friend, a UMass “Sweetie, if you had spent more time study-
immigrate to the US and find a job there,” my professor, to sneak us into UMass’s buffet, ing humanities instead of STEM, you might
“Fatima, have you considered which major mother said. “Now that you live in the US, you which has annually won “Best Campus Food” have gotten into UMass. I read over your UMass
you want to apply for?” my mother asked me don’t have to study math and science so rigor- for the past seven years. After our brunchin- application and saw several red flags. Every
the summer of my senior year in high school. ously. You have freedom! You should pursue ner, I’d eavesdrop on some lectures, hoping time you mentioned a year, you rounded it to
“Electrical Engineering,” I said. your dreams and become an actress, a musi- that once I graduated high school, I’d be able to three sig figs. Your personal statement was writ-
“Excuse me!? Your skin would be starved of cian, or an influencer!” receive such an excellent college education at ten in binary. The only time you used English
sunlight for four years.” “What if I like math and science?” a *reasonable* price. In my senior year of high letters in your supplemental essays was when
“How about Computer Science?” “Pffft, why would you want to spend your school, I toured MIT, choked on their pizza, assigning numbers to variables.”
“Political Science is acceptable.” days plumbing people’s toilets? I don’t want my and cried on my way out the “fire-alarm-will- “Agggghhhhh.”
“What about Mechanical Engineering?” daughter to have dirty hands. I want her to be sound-if-pushed” door. Still, my parents forced “It’s ok sweetie. Tim Mit attended MIT and
“Social Engineering is alright.” pretty!” me to apply to MIT as a safety school. he turned out alright.”
“But I want to become a *real* scientist or “But mom!—” “I would like to study fashion at the Masa- “He’s a beaver.”
engineer!” “—Fatima! You’ve been wearing the same chewsits Institoot of Tecnolawgy because…” “There’s not much wrong with being a bea-
I’ve had an affinity for math and science gray sweatshirt three days in a row. It smells I typed two hours before the application ver. Anyhow, you should feel grateful that you
since my earliest childhood. If I did something worse than your brother’s hockey gear.” deadline. got into a college.”
praiseworthy, I’d ask my dad for a math prob- “But it’s comfortable!” “You can abbreviate Massachusetts Insti- “I think I was destined to go to MIT,” I
lem. I hand-calculated and memorized all the “Aaah why do you have no taste in fashion? tute of Technology as MIT. MIT knows its stu- groaned. “The admissions officers probably

square numbers from 1 to 2500, and noticed Don’t you know the prettier the clothes, the dents have trouble spelling words containing said, ‘Fatima Mitaf is MIT af. Her parents made
many patterns; e.g., if x is an integer, the last more uncomfortable they are? Anyway, you more than three letters. That’s why they short- her name a palindrome, so nerdy!’”
two digits of (25 - x)^2 and (25 + x)^2 are the must choose a major that falls within the hu- ened their name to MIT instead of Masstech.” “Oh sweetie, I wrote Fat Ima on your birth
same. The Science Channel was my favorite TV manities department. That’s final.” Unfortunately, MIT was the only school I got certificate.”
network and the Museum of Science was my fa- Ultimately, I applied as a fashion major be- into. I braced myself for the next few decades Just as I had cried on my way out of MIT, I
vorite “amusement park.” cause it seemed easiest. of repaying student debt. Some days, I con- cried on my way in.
“Fatima, I spent my childhood studying Growing up in Massachusetts, I dreamed of templated becoming a drop-out loser like Bill
math and science so I could attend a high-rank- attending UMass Amherst. Every day, I plead Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg.

MIT to Establish a New Kindergarten After Renovations

Oliver Jaded towards authority, inability to sit still, and


STAFF REPORTER overall immaturity.
While it may seem cruel to separate
Following concerns about the amount these students from the rest of their peers,
of immature children on campus, MIT will this will be the correct space for them based
be opening a new kindergarten on the third on their maturity and developmental readi-
floor of the east parallel. This program aims ness. The rowdy children will be contained
to provide a space for students who may during the floors “Mandatory Loud Hours”
not quite be developmentally ready to fully between midnight to 3am. This will not
integrate into campus society. While the only provide them a much needed space
average MIT student is over a decade older to burn off their childlike energy, but will
than the traditional kindergartener, some also keep them from disturbing the rest of
of the student body will still really benefit campus with their rambunctious behavior.
from a safe and contained space for those It remains to be seen whether this will neg-
without fully developed brains. Individuals atively affect the neighboring senior citizen
will be selected for this childcare program home to be opened 2 floors above.
based on propensity for participating in
dangerous and stupid activities, disrespect

Looking for love? We asked OPINION POLICY

Editorials are the official opinions

MIT math majors for advice. of someone. Probably. Or not, we really

don’t know. They were written by people
who prefer to remain anonymous and
have since fled to Latin America. If you
need to contact them, you’re screwed.
By Manta Ray go on a date with you!’, with a smile of course.” plained while fidgeting his hands, staring at
This approach is known in the literature as the floor with a faint smile. Without prompt, he Dissents are when someone
“straight-line homotopy” according to Mehoff. began to speak about some of his most recent disagrees with a Supreme Court
For the fourth year in a row, MIT has “Which makes sense as we are using the con- sexual partners in short sentences and at an al- decision.
claimed the top five spots of the prestigious vexity of the space between pursuer and the most inaudible volume. Letters to the editor, columns, and
William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Compe- pursued,” he lilted, going on to explain how this As he continued, it slowly dawned on me editorial cartoons are written under
tition. As a home of many mathematical com- technique in particular has brought him many what I was hearing. It would be no understate- the influence of controlled substances
petition winners, including IMO Gold medal- dates with “real-life women.” ment to say that *Nator was single-handedly in some cases, and under the control
ists, this achievement does not come as much Given so many dates, I inquired whether carrying the sexual activity on campus.* The of influenced substances in others,
of a surprise. MIT math majors are among an Mehoff pays for them all. number of partners was so staggering that I had so who knows if they have anything
elite group of undergraduates in the university, “Are we assuming an axiom of choice?” he trouble counting. In fact, almost magically, I to do with the people who have to
known for their work-ethic and discipline to the asked. could tell that Nator was not only regaling his do with the newspaper. If you know
subject. Math students dedicate most of their I urged him to keep within ZF and not ZFC. sexual history, but was also presenting a diago- what I mean. If you want to submit
waking hours pouring over abstract technical “Baka,” he muttered. “Without choice, how nal argument. I could not count the number of something you can send it by pigeon,
jargon and obsessing over proofs of claims that would you find a basis for an arbitrary vector partners because it was uncountable! telegraph, or by capturing a Tech staff
are impossible to understand without years of space?” I was enamored. Nator lacked muscle defi- member and tattooing it on their skin
schooling, so they naturally have a way with I tactfully explained that I prefer to work in nition and stood uncomfortably close to me in some location that will only be
words. In fact, those who study math have a rep- ZF because I do not feel comfortable with the during this interview. He exuded sexual prow- exposed during nude staff meetings.
utation of succeeding in the classroom *and* in idea of non-measurable sets. ess. Attempting to refocus the interview topic, Submit things before midnight, or your
the bedroom. We asked the rizziest students of Mehoff cackled uncontrollably for about 45 I asked Nator if he had a particular sexual posi- submissions will turn into pumpkins.
the mathematics program for their advice to seconds. “I would not pay for my meals under tion that made him so good. Evil pumpkins!
their peers so that they may learn how to pursue ZF, but you may if you wish.” He made a mic The next few seconds of this interview
their romantic interests.
The first person interviewed was Jack Me-
drop gesture and excused himself, saying he
needed to go “complete more sex” with “real-
changed my life. In fact, since writing this publi-
cation, I have been unable to write more articles TO REACH US
hoff, a junior who made sure to introduce life women.” due to the number of sexual partners I have had
himself as a three-time IMO gold medalist and As Mehoff walked away into the sunset, he using this particular move. He called it the “Ga- The Tech can be reached by shouting
Challenger rank in League of Legends. winked at me, and I realized in that moment lois correspondence.” Named after the French obscenities into any public phone in
“Yeah, I just can’t keep the women off of that he was suggesting that paying for a date is mathematician Évariste Galois, who famously Boston, or by emailing a prominent
me,” he rizzed. independent of ZF and requires choice. I was in died in a duel rumored to be over a romantic stage magician with an act that involves
I did not doubt this for a second. From his shock – this was a genius at work. interest, this maneuver is just as passionate as trained birds. If you want to send it to
unkempt beard growing past his jugular to his As I attempted to regain my composure, the death of its eponymous muse. The heart of some other place, call 411 and ask for
disheveled clothing covered in crumbs of what another math student, Yuri Nator, silently ap- the move is to make use of the one-to-one cor- assistance, because dear lord do you
seem to be Doritos, I myself was having trou- proached me. In almost a whisper, he explained respondence between the towers of extensions need help, there must be something
ble staying professional during this interview. that he also had advice he would like to share of your partners and the symmetries of the wrong with your brain. The Tech can
Nonetheless, I was on a mission. *How else are that his “best friend” did not mention. Struck group formed by you and your lovers. We leave be found on the internet but reading
the finance majors going to be able to go on by the serendipity, I eventually pieced together the rest of the explanation as an exercise for the the Tech on the internet will make you
dates without his advice?* So we began with the that he must have been the person who, with- reader. grow hair on your palms and eventually
basics: asking out someone for a date. out blinking, stared intently at me while I con- Once we completed the interview, Nator you’ll go blind.
“There are many schools of thought when it ducted my last interview. Something caught sped away, and I remained alone on MIT cam-
comes to pursuing a mate,” explained Mehoff,
who had begun sweating profusely. “I personal-
my eyes – or I should say my nose – about Yuri
Nator. I asked if he had been wearing any co-
pus with knowledge that would change the
course of my love life forever. If you are a biolo- CORRECTIONS
ly consider myself to be of the topologist school logne. Nator explained that it was not a cologne gist, chemist, or even a finance major, you are
of thought.” I smelled, but instead a musk that had been fer- not alone in the struggle that MIT students face Corrections In this issue, just about
I was intrigued. menting for the last month as he had not show- with relationships. I hope this piece will help everything we print is untrue. All
“Once you have made eye contact with a ered. This was the first time I have heard of such you learn from the experts of your cohort, and likenesses of MIT students or faculty
potential date,” he continued, “I would run up a technique. will improve your sex life as it has improved are coincidental.
to them with my arms behind me, as you might “I have too many books to read, so to make mine.
see Naruto do, for instance, and shout ‘I want to more time I decided not to shower,” Nator ex-
8 The Tech Thursday, April 4, 2024

Caltech Baseball Defeats MIT in Sunday Thriller
Betsy Mitchell First-year Kailen Hargenrader and scored on a one-out double by
FORMER OLYMPIAN (Littleton, Colo. Columbine) led off sophomore Mark Hu (San Jose, Calif.
the bottom of the second inning with The Harker School).
PASADENA, Calif. – Solid pitch- a blast to right center for a ground- MIT threatened in the top of the
ing, poised defense and clutch hitting rule double before stealing third and eighth with two runners aboard and
made the difference Sunday after- then racing home on Wang’s RBI only one out, but Pieper induced a
noon as the Caltech Beavers baseball groundout. groundball toward senior Patrick
team defeated the MIT Engineers 5-2 Sophomore starting pitcher Bren- Donohoe (New York, N.Y. Bronx
at the North Field. dan Flaherty (Narragansett, RI Lake School of Science) at second base,
The first meeting between these Forest Academy) threw a quality six who combined with Hu and McNa-
two elite schools since 2015, Caltech innings, allowing just one run and mee to turn an inning-ending double
made a statement on the scoreboard no walks while striking out eight MIT play, firing up the home crowd.
right away as junior Cameron McNa- batters en route to his third win of the A leadoff hit in the top of the ninth
mee (Great Falls, Mont. Great Falls) season. and a second-out sacrifice fly gave
connected for a one-out, bases-load- Rookie right-hander Joseph Pieper MIT a second run, but the rally fell
ed single to bring home Jack Fishel (Palatine, Ill. Palatine) took over short as the Beavers held on for the
(Baltimore, Md. Boys’ Latin School pitching duties in the top of the sev- 5-2 win and Pieper’s first save of his
of Maryland) and Austin Wang (Palo enth inning and retired the first three Caltech pitching career.
Alto, Calif. The Harker School). McNa- Engineers in order before Caltech Head Coach Kevin Whitehead and
mee touched home plate three batters extended its lead in the bottom half. the team will resume SCIAC play on
later and the Beavers would finish the Junior Thorsen Kristufek (McKinney, Friday, March 15 at the University of GOCALTECH.COM

Question the Quasar!

opening frame with a 3-0 lead. Texas McKinney) led off with a single Redlands.

Dear Quasar,
I have a big party coming up! What are some
exotic drinks that I can make for a fun time?
— Arnold Schwarzenegger

Oh boy do I have some magical potions for you!

✨Lunar sparkle✨
Raisin Bran
2 10-gal buckets with lids
Pneumatic Tube
Hi Quasar, Distiller
A new advice column about life, Imagine a situation in which I had an average size
banana (5 in length, 4.6 in girth) and it was stuck inside Instructions:
love, classes, and everything in a toaster and is attached to my waist area. How could I 1. Fill distiller with 8gal hot water

between! Brought to you by the remove this banana with minimal damage?
— Sumting Wong
2. Drill hole in bucket lid for Pneumatic tube and stick
enough out on the bottom side such that it would not
one and only California MIT Tech. Wow! That sounds epic! Don’t forget to announce this in-
touch the raisin bran mixture when it is in the bucket.
Use hot glue on the hole to secure the tube and make
credible feat to all your friends given the proper channels! seal airtight.
So, picture this: before diving into your predicament, let’s 3. Dump raisin bran and sugar into water
Hi Quasar,
have a good laugh at the circus of life! Seriously, take a moment 4. Heat water to 160 F
I was having a very vivid dream in which I saw a
to reflect on how you ended up in this pickle. No judgment, just 5. Wait for mixture to cool to turboyeast temperature
toilet and really needed to use it. Now I have woken
some good old-fashioned soul-searching, my friend! (80-100F generally)
up covered in poop! What can I do about this?
— Eugene Crap Now, brace yourself for the Nutella Maneuver! It’s like a 6. Move mixture to the two buckets
top-secret spy mission, but instead of dodging lasers, you’re 7. Put yeast in buckets
Wow! That sounds epic! Don’t forget to announce coaxing Nutella onto a banana. Yep, you heard that right! With 8. Put lid on buckets
this incredible feat to all your friends given the proper just the right amount of banana excitement (each to their own 9. Put other end of tube in a water container
channels! technique, mind you), behold the miraculous appearance of 10. Wait 48 hours and distill
Now, so that the normies don’t laugh at you, let’s ad- Nutella! It’s like a chocolatey magic trick!
dress the mess. Hop straight into the shower for a thorough Now, here’s the fun part: use that Nutella as your banana’s
scrub-down. Once you’re all squeaky clean, it’s time to getaway car! It’s the ultimate lubricant to slip that banana out Green Firebreathing Mythical Beast
tackle the laundry pile—those sheets aren’t going to clean of its sticky situation. And hey, don’t forget to savor every last
themselves! bit of that delicious Nutella. After all, it’s not every day you get Ingredients:
I know this seems like a lot of work, but take it as a sign to witness such culinary wizardry in action! Bon appétit, my ad- 1 g dab of spice
to shake off any negativity and approach life with a sense venturous friend! 125 mL of Clear evergreens
of humor. After all, nothing says “seize the day” like wak-
ing up to a poopocalypse! Just remember to double-check Good Evening Quasar, Instructions:
your surroundings next time you find yourself in dream- How should I (20M) react when my partner (19F) of 18 1. Get the dabs and place desired amount into alumi-
land. You never know what surprises might await! months confesses she’s developed feelings for women num foil shaped as cup
and, rather unexpectedly, blames me for her newfound 2. Bake for 5-6 minutes in a 325 degree oven
perspective on love? 3. Get a pot with an airtight cover
Hi Quasar, — Buck Nekkid 4. Mix the heated dabs with clear evergreens.
I’m a devout Christian, but my partner and I 5. Heat covered pot until the dabs dissolve and make
want to explore new facets of our relationship. First, it’s important to maintain an open-minded attitude. sure that nothing boils or ignites
While maintaining our faith is paramount, we While you may not have anticipated this revelation, it doesn’t 6. Allow 5 more minutes on heat to dissolve unseen
also recognize the importance of intimacy and necessarily mean that your relationship is doomed. Show em- things
connection in our partnership. We seek guidance pathy by actively listening and validating her feelings. Ask ques- 7. Let cool before opening pot
on how to navigate this aspect of our relationship tions about her experiences and thoughts but avoid being judg-
with respect for our beliefs and each other.
😋A Chocolate Surprise😋
mental or defensive.
— Stella Virgin
Secondly, reassure her that she can still be honest with you
Firstly, let’s remember that communication is key, without fearing rejection or judgment. Encourage open com-
whether you’re discussing scripture or bedroom escapades. munication and create a safe space for discussing these emo- Ingredients:
Sit down with your partner and have a candid conversation tions. This will help strengthen your bond as partners. 1 cup All Bran Cereal
about your desires and boundaries. It’s like having a heart- Thirdly, understand that the blaming might stem from in- 1/2 cup Prune Juice
to-heart with the big man upstairs, but with a bit more gig- security, confusion, or even guilt over developing new feelings ½ cup applesauce
gling involved. she doesn’t fully comprehend yet. Be patient with her and re-
Next, let’s talk about preparation. Just like you wouldn’t assure her of your love and support. Encourage her to explore Instructions
dive into the Book of Revelation without some background these feelings further while being mindful not to push her too 1. Mix all ingredients into a bowl and store in fridge
knowledge, you’ll want to do your homework before em- hard. 2. Blend with water and enjoy!
barking on this adventure. Invest in some high-quality lu-
bricant (consider it your holy anointing oil) and take things
slow, like a leisurely stroll through the Garden of Eden.
Lastly, let’s address the specific area of focus in your ex-
Hello Quasar,
What do I do when my academic performance causes
☃Crystal Elixir☃
a group of professors to petition the admissions
ploration: the buttocks. While this may seem like uncharted Ingredients:
department to accept better students?
territory, it’s important to approach it with the same rever- — Beau N. Herr Red Phosphorus
ence and respect as any other aspect of your relationship. Pseudoephedrine
Discuss your intentions openly with your partner, ensuring Ah, the ol’ “let’s blame the whole class” routine. Time to flip Iodine
that both of you are comfortable and enthusiastic about this the script and turn those academic woes into a comedy gold- Lye
exploration. mine! First off, don’t take it too seriously; after all, we’re not Solvents
Remember, God created our bodies with care and in- aiming for an Oscar-worthy drama here. Instead, embrace the
tention, and there is no shame in seeking pleasure within chaos and pull off a prank that’ll have your professor scratching Instructions:
the bounds of a loving and consensual relationship. As you their head in disbelief. Maybe organize a flash mob of braini- 1. Mix & Ventilate: Combine red phosphorus and iodine.
journey into this new facet of intimacy, keep the lines of acs singing calculus equations in the quad or start a rumor that Ventilate to release gases.
communication open, trust in each other’s boundaries, and the campus ghost is stealing all the A’s from the grading curve. 2. Add Lye & Solvents: Introduce lye and solvents to the
approach it with the same reverence you hold for your faith. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, especially when your solution.
With love, respect, and a dash of humor, may your explora- GPA needs a pick-me-up! And hey, if all else fails, just remem- 3. Filter & Chill: Filter the solution, then chill.
tion be both fulfilling and spiritually enriching. ber: even Einstein had his off days. 4. Serve: Enjoy Crystal Elixir responsibly.

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