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Merchant Integration KIT (Web API)

Prepared by

Mindgate Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Version: 1.4

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Pre-requisites & Assumptions ................................................................................................................. 3

2 Process Flow ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

3 API List .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4 API Integration ................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Check VPA ................................................................................................................................................ 6

4.2 Collect Transaction Request API .............................................................................................................. 8

4.3 Transaction Status Enquiry API .............................................................................................................. 12

4.4 Final Response URL ............................................................................................................................... 15

4.5 Refund Request API ............................................................................................................................... 17

5 Response Code list ..........................................................................................................................................20

6 Sample Encryption and Decryption Code .................................................................................................20
7 Test URL ..............................................................................................................................................................21
8 Sample APK for Merchant App & HDFC BANK UPI UAT APP ...............................................................22
9 Merchant Collect Transaction Flow: ..........................................................................................................22
10 UPI me Toolkit-1.0 ...........................................................................................................................................22
11 Production URL & IP .............................................................................................................................. 23

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to detail out the technical integration approach for web
based integration between UPI platform and merchants. This document describes the
process flow and Client API functionalities which provide quick integration for merchants.
This document is complimented with the toolkit for merchant integration in the UPI platform.

Note: This Merchant Integration document is intended for Merchants that are available only on
the web (Website) for the customers to make payments to the merchant and wants to collect
near real time.

1.2 Pre-requisites & Assumptions

The merchant should have the following pre-requites in place before integrating with UPI.

1. Merchant has to be on boarded and get UPI Merchant ID

2. Merchant Encryption Key which is sent to merchant on successful onboarding process.

3. Customer: Existing UPI customer with a virtual address with any of the PSP.

Customer approves the transaction through the mobile app provided by the PSP.

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2 Process Flow

a Objective:

Process flow of a transaction through a Web based merchant in UPI is explained in detail.

b Process Flow Diagram:

c Functional Description:

1. Customer goes to the merchant website and while checking out after a purchase
selects "Pay by UPI" as the mode payment thereby inputting his/her Virtual
address (for eg : customername@bankname).

2. A collect request is initiated by the merchant and is sent to the Bank UPI server from
the Merchant web server, along with a defined expiry time for the request.

3. Bank UPI Server passes the request to NPCI, and NPCI passes the request to the
remitter bank.

4. Once the remitter bank validates the Virtual address and his/her account
details the request is pushed to the customers PSP App as a notification in the

5. The customer gets an option to accept or reject the request from the PSP APP
and the respective response is passed on to the remitter bank.

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6. If the customer does not approve/reject within the defined TAT (Turn Around
Time) the request expires automatically.

7. Post customer approves / rejects the transaction or expiry of transaction, the

respective response will be sent to NPCI from remitter bank.
8. NPCI passes the response of the updated status of the transaction to the
bank UPI server, after which the bank UPI server pushes the transaction
status to the merchant server.

9. Merchant display the respective transaction status to customer (for eg:

Approved, Rejected, Expired, Pending).

3 API List
UPI platform provides the following API to the merchant

Sr No API Name Description

1 Merchant can the VPA correctness.

Check VPA

2 Collect Transaction Request Merchant can collect payment from its

customers via
Customers canmerchant website.
check their transactions status

3 Transaction Status Enquiry for the transactions made on the merchant

FINAL Response URL API helps merchant to
FINAL Response URL receive the transaction status from the
bank UPI server.
Merchant can initiate customer refund via
5 Refund Request API API.

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4 API Integration

4.1 Check VPA

Check VPA API helps merchant to check if the provided VPA is valid or invalid.

Merchant calls the URL i.e.


Request Parameters

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory /

1 PG Merchant Id Merchant ID Character 16 Optional
2 Merchant Ref No Unique order Character 30 Mandatory
reference sent by
3 Payer Virtual Address Payer Virtual Address Character 255 Mandatory
4 Status Transaction Status (T) Character 2 Mandatory
5 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional
6 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional
7 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional
8 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional
9 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional
10 Additional Field 6 For future use Character 100 Optional
11 Additional Field 7 For future use Character 100 Optional
12 Additional Field 8 For future use Character 100 Optional
13 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 NA
14 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 NA

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Check VPA Request:

PGMerchantId|Merchant Ref No|VPA|Status|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|NA|NA = 14 Nos


Response Parameters

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Lengt Mandatory


No. Merchant Ref No Unique order Character 30 /Mandatory
reference sent by
2 Payer Virtual Address Payer Virtual Address Character 255 Mandatory
3 Payer Name Payer Account Name Character 50 Mandatory
4 Status Status Character 20 Mandatory
VN=Not Available,

5 Status Status Character 20 Mandatory

VN=Not Available,
6 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional

7 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional

8 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional

9 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional

10 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional

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11 Additional Field 6 For future use Character 100 Optional
12 Additional Field 7 For future use Character 100 Optional
13 Additional Field 8 For future use Character 100 Optional
14 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 Optional
15 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 Optional

Check VPA Response:

Merchant Ref No|VPA|Payer Name|Status|Status|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|NA|NA = 15 Nos

20160728111155|kuldip30@hdbcbank|Kuldip D|VE|VE|||||||||NA|NA

4.2 Collect Transaction Request API

Collect Transaction Request API helps merchant to integrate with UPI platform for
initiating collect payment request to their customers.

Merchant calls the URL i.e. UAT:-

Production :-

Request Parameter

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory

No. / Optional
1 PG Merchant Id Merchant ID Character 16 Mandatory

2 Order No. Unique Transaction Character 30 Mandatory

reference sent by
3 Payer Virtual Address Payer Virtual Character 255 Mandatory


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4 Amount Transaction Number 16,2 Mandatory

Amount in rupees
5 Remarks Order summary Character 1-50 Mandatory
6 Expiry value Expiry value in Number 10 Mandatory
7 MCC Code Merchant Category Number 04 Mandatory

8 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional
9 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional
10 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional
11 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional
12 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional
13 Additional Field 6 Merchant Request Character 100 Optional
Type : MEBR (On
sending MEBR in
this field there will
be validation of
account number
which will be sent in
additional field 7. If
blank is sent then
there will be no
validation of
account number)

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14 Additional Field 7 Payer Account Character 100 Optional
Number1! Payer
Account Number2!
Payer Account
Number3! Payer
Account Number4

(Customer Account
number available at
merchant end will
be sent in this field.
It is separated by
“!”. Maximum 4
account number can
only be sent)
15 Additional Field 8 For future use Character 100 Optional
16 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 NA
17 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 NA

Sample Collect Request:

MCC Code|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|NA|NA = 17 Nos.


Response Parameters (Collect Initiation):

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory

1 Order No. Unique order Character 30 / Optional
reference sent by
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2 UPI Transaction Unique UPI Transaction Number 18 Mandatory
Reference ID Reference

3 Amount Transaction Amount Number 16,2 Mandatory

4 Status Transaction status Character 15 Mandatory


5 Status Description Transaction status Character 100 Mandatory

6 Payer VA Payer Virtual address Character 255 Mandatory
7 Payee VA Payee Virtual Address Character 255 Mandatory
8 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional
9 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional
10 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional
11 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional
12 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional
13 Additional Field 6 For future use Character 100 Optional
14 Additional Field 7 For future use Character 100 Optional

Sample Collect Response:

OrderNo|UPI Txn Id|amount|status|status desc|payer VA|payee

VA|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|NA|NA = 17 Nos

12345|86137503313|100.00| SUCCESS |Transaction collect request initiated successfully


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4.3 Transaction Status Enquiry API

Transaction Status Enquiry API helps merchant to fetch the transaction status from UPI
engine by passing transaction reference no.

Merchant calls the URL i.e.

UAT :-
Production :-

Request Parameters

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory /

No. PG Merchant Id Merchant ID Character 16 Mandatory
2 Order No Unique order Character 30 Mandatory

reference sent by

3 UPI Transaction Unique UPI Number 18 Optional

Reference ID Transaction ID
4 Reference ID Reference Id Character 35 Optional
5 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional
6 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional
7 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional
8 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional
9 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional
10 Additional Field 6 For future use Character 100 Optional
11 Additional Field 7 For future use Character 100 Optional
12 Additional Field 8 For future use Character 100 Optional
13 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 NA
14 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 NA

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Transaction Status Request:

PGMerchantId|OrderNo|UPI Txn ID|Reference Id|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|NA|NA = 14 Nos


Response Parameters

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory

No. UPI Transaction Unique UPI Number 18 Mandatory
/ Optional

Reference ID Transaction ID

2 Order No. Unique order Character 30 Mandatory

reference sent by
3 Amount Transaction Amount Number 16,2 Mandatory
4 Transaction Auth Date Transaction date time Character 20 Mandatory
with timestamp
5 Status Transaction status Character 15 Mandatory

6 Status Description Transaction status Character 100 Mandatory
7 Response Code Transaction response Character 5 Mandatory
8 Approval Number Transaction approval Character 30 Optional
number (Core bank
ref number)

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9 Payer Virtual Address Virtual Address of the Character 255 Optional

10 Customer Reference no NPCI’s UPI ID Character 12 Mandatory

11 Reference ID (Temp Ref Reference ID as per Character 35 Optional

NPCI’s requirement

12 ID)
Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional

13 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional

14 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional
15 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional
16 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional
17 Additional Field 6 Payer Bank Name ! Character 100 Optional
Payer Account
Number ! Payer Bank
IFSC |Payer mobile

18 Additional Field 7 Pay Type ! Ref Url ! Character 100 Optional

19 Additional Field 8 Payee VPA! Dynamic Character 100 Optional
Payee Value!NA

20 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 NA

21 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 NA

Transaction Status Response:

UPI Txn ID|OrderNo|Amount|Txn Auth Date|status|status desc|Resp Code|2|3|Cust Ref No.|1

|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|NA|NA = 21 Nos


09:32:54|SUCCESS|Transaction Success|00|||UPI38A1AF0B2B2B601CE05500000000000

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4.4 Final Response URL

Call back URL API helps merchant to receive the transaction status from the bank UPI server.

Example for the URL

Request Method: POST

Request Headers: No request headers
Request Content Type: Text/html
Query Parameters if any: meRes,pgMerchantId
Expected response code: 200

Response Parameters

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory

No. UPI Txn ID Unique UPI Number 18 Mandatory
/ Optional
Transaction ID

2 Merchant Trnx Unique order Character 30 Mandatory

Reference reference sent by
3 Amount Transaction Amount Number 16,2 Mandatory

4 Transaction Auth Date Transaction date time Character 20 Mandatory

with timestamp
5 Status Transaction status Character 15 Mandatory

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6 Status Description Transaction status Character 100 Mandatory
7 Response Code Transaction response Character 5 Mandatory
8 Approval Number Transaction approval Character 30 Optional
number (Core bank
ref number)
9 Payer Virtual Address Virtual Address of the Character 255 Optional
10 Customer Reference No NPCI’s UPI ID Character 12 Mandatory

11 Reference ID (Temp Ref Reference ID as per Character 35 Optional

ID) NPCI’s requirement

12 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional

13 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional

14 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional

15 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional

16 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional

17 Additional Field 6 Payer Bank Name ! Character 100 Optional

Payer Account
Number ! Payer Bank
IFSC |Payer mobile
18 Additional Field 7 Pay Type ! Ref Url ! Character 100 Optional
19 Additional Field 8 Payee VPA! Dynamic Character 100 Optional
Payee Value!NA
20 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 NA

21 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 NA

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4.5 Refund Request API
Refund Request API helps merchant to integrate with UPI platform for initiating
collect payment request to their customers.

Merchant calls the URL i.e. UAT:-


Request Parameter (Refund Initiation)

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory /

No. Optional

1 PG Merchant Id Merchant ID Character 16 Mandatory

2 New Order No. Unique Order Character 30 Mandatory

reference sent by
3 Original Order No Order no for which Character 30 Mandatory
refund to be initiated

4 Original TRN Ref No UPI Txn Ref No Number 18 Mandatory

associated to the
5 Original Cust Ref No RRN no associated Number 12 Mandatory
with the transaction
6 Remarks Refund summary Character 1-50 Mandatory

7 Refund Amount Amount to be Number 16,2 Mandatory

Refunded in rupees
8 Currency INR Character 5 Mandatory
9 Transaction Type P2P or P2M Character 3 Mandatory
10 Payment Type Pay or Collect Character 10 Mandatory
11 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional
12 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional
13 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional
14 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional

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15 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional
16 Additional Field 6 For future use Character 100 Optional
17 Additional Field 7 For future use Character 100 Optional
18 Additional Field 8 For future use Character 100 Optional
19 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 NA
20 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 NA

Sample Refund Request:

PGMerchantId|NewOrderNo|Original Order No|Original Trn Ref No| Original Cust

Ref No |Remarks|Refund AMT|Currency|Transaction Type|Payment


Response Parameters (Refund Initiation):

Sr. Fields Description Data Type Length Mandatory

No. UPI Txn ID Unique UPI Number 18 Mandatory
/ Optional
Transaction ID

2 Merchant Trnx Unique order Character 30 Mandatory

Reference reference sent by
3 Amount Transaction Amount Number 16,2 Mandatory

4 Transaction Auth Date Transaction date time Character 20 Mandatory

with timestamp
5 Status Transaction status Character 15 Mandatory
(S=Success, F=Failure)

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6 Status Description Transaction status Character 100 Mandatory

7 Response Code Transaction Character 5 Mandatory

response code
8 Approval Number Transaction approval Character 30 Optional
number (Core bank
ref number)
9 Payer Virtual Address Virtual Address of the Character 255 Optional
10 Customer Reference No NPCI’s UPI ID Character 12 Mandatory

11 Reference ID (Temp Ref Reference ID as per Character 35 Optional

NPCI’s requirement
12 Additional Field 1 For future use Character 100 Optional
13 Additional Field 2 For future use Character 100 Optional
14 Additional Field 3 For future use Character 100 Optional
15 Additional Field 4 For future use Character 100 Optional
16 Additional Field 5 For future use Character 100 Optional

17 Additional Field 6 For future use Character 100 Optional

18 Additional Field 7 For future use Character 100 Optional
19 Additional Field 8 For future use Character 100 Optional
20 Additional Field 9 For future use Character 100 NA

21 Additional Field 10 For future use Character 100 NA

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Sample Refund Response:

UPI Txn Id|MertxnRef|amount|TxnAuthdate|status|status

|a dd7|add8|add9|add10

25519|123480001|10.00|2016:12:12 05:38:21|S|Transaction

5 Response Code list

Download the list of error codes sent by UPI switch / NPCI for transactions:

6 Sample Encryption and Decryption Code

This merchant key will be shared by the bank and the merchant has to use the key
to encrypt/decrypt the message.

Steps to generate request message:

1. Merchant builds the request message (in pipe separated) and encrypts it
with merchant key.

2. Merchant passes the encrypted message in request message parameter in

below Json format (requestMsg) and PG merchant ID.

Json format:

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3. Merchant calls the URL i.e.

[URL to be changed as per UAT Server]

4. Merchant gets the response in encrypted format

UPISecurity security = new UPISecurity();

String encMsg =

String resMsg
93278BB3", "easd343dsdsdsdsde3243dfffdeerfff");

7 Test URL

The below URL can be used by a merchant to test the connectivity.

Connectivity can be checked by following ways:

1) Telnet – Should able to connect to Telnet.

2) OPENSSL – Install free SSL and by inputting the above URL the connection status
should be “Connected”.

3) Browsers – From browser the HDFC Sorry page should be displayed.

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8 Sample APK for Merchant App & HDFC BANK UPI UAT APP

Download the sample Merchant APP from following link:

Download the HDFC Bank UAT PSP APP following link:

Note:- Please Download HDFC Bank PSP Production APP from Playstore.

9 Merchant Collect Transaction Flow:

10 UPI me Toolkit-1.0

Below is the inserted Jar file link for the merchant integration:
JAVA .jar

Dot Net


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11 Production URL & IP

Production URL:-

Check VPA :-
Collect Transaction Request API:-
Transaction Status Enquiry API:-
Refund Request API:-

Public IP for is

This IP address can be provided to merchants if they want to white list IP address for UPI on
their servers.

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