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ill NILA bute elite emer ( a Here we are! Not exactly a palace, but I think you'll like itt You are kidding? This here for me is a dream! Even more compared to where ¥ wast Honestly, I could not wish for anything better! Tecan not thank 2 yout ! NILL | Historia e Arte ES ole aL DONI ENE: (slang rela [sie Hrrmm ... Speaking of Wek dit he'say thanks, where's George? that? I want to ae ere Ore thank you also ... Do nat worry! I've hit everything with him! How did he react? Well, you know the way heis ... But we understand each After all, I live holding up his relatives! Look, Ido not want to cause trouble! if It’s okay, I said! Come, T will show your room! Thad to make a maid ina hurry because we only use to keep mess, but it was cozy Wow, very good? ‘Then just put some curtains and going to lock x tay as lor like an inhabited place ... Sait GUE you need! I know it's not much, but ... Antuanio, it's okay ...? Yes, yes... allright! J) oh, come ont We You're just that I... are brothers! Damn, I feel weird, you know? I did not ‘want to bother you, but Thad no more turn and . Thank you, Cecilia # Thank you very much! God bless you, sister! Leave your stuff there and we have a chat in the room before I leave! bef) sects break ths marina | get you, but I need to get back to work running! | My manager is a nervous 7 wreck with a new employee and leaves everything for mesolvet || Ceciia, you have spoken q to Mary? 1... Itoldyou I was going out today'.. I thought she would be there Look, a5 Jorge ... He continues to work with the truck, making carga transport for a large company. He was hit a freight. You should be out for a month, so I think it wil be easier for you to adapt! ‘know you never got along ‘well but things change! Do not worry, everything wall be Racal Til just change that shirt and get out! If you want you can take a walle in the neighbothood! Ah, yes ... I made acopy of the key for-yout He should be back in a few hours! You can enjoy and have a chat with him! It will be good to put ideas in ofdder! My God! The time has Antuanio? You are ovindo me? Yes, yes... I'm listening. I'l give a throwback for sure! Treally want to know the borhood. Tomorrow Ihave to go see a loader Oh cool! If you can ‘work that packed me. | get job will be even [72 — a have the address here? Sorry to hurry! But welll have plenty of time to talk fater! Until the night! You do not have to apologize! Go ahead, Till be fine! It's great to have you here, Antuani There's food in the fridge! Feel freet My God! I thought this day would never ‘com Seven years in jail seem an eternity! Able to walk in the street! See different people! Hear different sounds! a Titi ies Look at that! My Lord! How I miss those things ... Two balls, please! day is in my favor +» What a retinue welcome! ‘So long without seeing a woman ... It seems that all decided to show up here Thank you sir! Nature is ‘wise! Everything is. What's wrong with me? I'm free, Ino longer anything to Justice ... Bag! HMPFF Suddenly I lost the will walk in the street! Tbs Siie ag Will his wooden leg! just kicks the shit! T... Iwanted to thank you for ... || Cum! Go on with it, damn itt Well, I... Ido not want to. _ mess up ... I'l... takea | bath ... Hmmmm ... We'll But that bad game fuck! Heh ... What was T waiting for? Red carpet and music band? I thought I would never |f see one of these in my life! Slutty! First night out of jail and dream Tm being arrested again! think it will take to get used |, HHaannnnn ... Please, George! So do not ... HHmmmmmm do not feel good that way .. HHmmmmm..HHmmm And if my brother wake up + OOhhbhhh..cohhhhhh HHHmmmm..HHHmmm I want more is fuck! I ange my way because of it! Troubled that change! Hhmm ... hhmmm HHH hhmmmm HHHmmm HHHbhmm: But what the hell, George! Because ... Oohhhhh .. You're acting like this ‘You never Oohhhhhhhh Ooohhhhh ohhh You live... hmnm Complaining hhmmmm. not seek you more... hmmm And you are now creating case? Take w- take... take. HHmmmmmm hhmmm ie Slowly, Jorge .. Please .. What's going on with you? Hhhmmmm oohhhhhh My God! Cecilia! oohhhhhh ... oohhhhhhmm Jorge ... hmmm Please .... oohhhhhh HHmmmmm Wait... hhmmmm hhmmm What the hell, George! You're hurting me .. HHmmmmmm HHmmmmmm You are doing it on purpose! hhmmm HHmmmmm That way it will end up listening to everything HHmmmmmm HHnnnnF FFF ... If he wakes up will end up listening ... Jorge! Motherfucker! HHmmmmmm Fuck him! It's my house! HHmmmmmmmm You are my wife ... hhmm HHmmmmmm Til fuck you anyway .. T'm fucking good HHHmmmmmm Pee eM HHHmmmmm, HHHmmmmmmm HHHnnnnnn HHHmmmmmm OOhhhhhhn OOhhhhhhn 7 Pears The OOOHHHhhnhh ‘QOOnnnHH, What's too hhhmmmm «If he hear? ... hmm Will fight because I'm eating his little sister? HAHAHAHAHA HHmmmmmm bhhmmmmm Son of a bitch... Acabamento iT E Vir tag Parte 2 de 3 Diitvige OO etd Chance HHmmmmmmn .... Now ... is seriously... HHHmmm I think I heard ... HHmmmmmm a noise in the kitchen ... ... hhmmm hhmmmm Nec STU EUE- lad Give me just ... hhmmm hhmmm a minute .. Tilsee ... hhmmmm hhmmmm If all is well ... hmmm And Til be backt Hhmmmm OOHhhhh HHaannn Not a minute ... Not a second ... just going out after I finish here ... hhmmmm HHmmmmm lovely little wife »» Exit'after her will only .. mmmm husband enjoy very tasty... mmmm yummy mess .. messes .» Rebola the stick of its owner ... UUHhhhh uuhhbh HHMMMmm .. This 50... Also my love ... Come down yummy in my stick! That's how I like you + Your naughty ... HHmmmmmm HHHmmmmmm HAAN OOhhhhhh. Cecilia, HHmmmmm What the hell! HHmmmmm Dance on my lap, dance ..... Move your tasty ass for me HHmmmmm HHmmmmmm HHimmmmm ... That, my little bitch ... yummy Do what only Well open pro hard bludgeon your truck =. My biteh ... Himmmmmmm My God ... What am I doing? HHmmmmm Haannnnon You motherfucker! Hhhmm. hhmmmmmm That's oOhhhhh what you tell the Motherfucker! hoes that takes on hhmmm the roadside? For them I do not need to say anything, my love +» Just open the wallet and they open their legs HHmmmmm HHmmmmm HEHEHEHE ....Calt down, dear ... Calm, Thad seen so... in «Just kidding! front of me .. That, delight _.:yummy Senta HHmmmmmmm YOUR SON OF A How dare you tel that 2! egy Res Unnhnnh Innhhah 0 da pula. WUhhhhn Uuhihhhh Joke, is RP 1 know you, you rascalt But what a beautiful pussy is a delight. mmm You're my doll mmmmnim I love to see her breasts swinging ‘WHmmmmm HHmmmmmm You know Tam faithful, my love! HHmmmmm HHHmmmmmm Tjust take a few drinks with them to pass the time HHmmmmmmmm HHHmmmmmm Is over the time I fucked the street sluts -» HHmmmmmmm HHmmmmm You area bastard, George! You are a scoundrel! hhmmmm mmm Today I just like a bitch .... The biggest whore of al hmmm hhmmmm You my lovet HHmmmmmm My bitch! mmmm mmmm eHEasaanannas (ARANNN ARANIEN, Looks like Look at that! Goes ... GORS Uhhhhhhhh NEMAAAnIN 4 errs) UUhhhhhh HHmmmmm Ceallia. UUhhhhhh Unhhhh ‘Obhbhh, Jorge ‘OOhhhhh OOhhhhh Tt comes with everything, bitch! mmmmmmmm mummmmmmm Fode... Fode wee ves hhmmm Dirty bitch: hhhmmmm hhmmmm This, herny .. Move ... shakin hhmmmm bhmmm Takes cum in pussy ... HHmmmmm Qohhhh Toma... hhhmmmm oohhhhh Toma Why did you do that? Have you ever Our enjoyed ... even Uuhhhbhh .... y waiting for me That was Too .. oobhhhhh Excuse me! You take too long! Fhave to get in a bit! When I come back =. you do it again, okay? SS Sa Real Ls ‘Sood Morning!! The bed is so Han ... Hi, Good morning! Wow, you are uncomfortable it? T'm used to getting up. already awake? early a T could not be sleeping late... Han ... know what you mean ... Thope you slept well No. But heard he let Yeah .,'will be ‘almost two months traveling I ipa Ren Ais ‘You are wanting a || piece of cake? sits on {i the fap of my grandfathes No talking and no cakewalk! Come on guys! Go Go got ‘This motherfucker have to'shout all the Do not get out of |: my headt ‘Only out for lunch to Theed to rs \ finish this lot! concentrate f if b What is your problem, fuck? Here is a place to work and not to be thinking about poetry, you know? If you do not pay attention you will end f up getting hurt or hurting someone Hf not to work, you can go to havea line of people wanting the job, damn it! What is this motherfucker? Who does he think he's talking about? to this asshole fucking! You are looking at me like why the fuck? scowling at me, am hungry! Ican not lose your head! Han ... Sorry there, mant My bad! You ... you're Bd ct nats toot on the I... Han, distract me a litte ong time no work ... Twill not give you a headache, I promise! Err..Han ... Right, right! Also you do not have to lick my egg! Clean this mess and back into work! And you there, looking so what? eee | vi by ili ia] How was your Tean not miss this ‘chance, € Hey, wait a minute! Where are you going? Today is Friday! Sy Something to tell you! Han ... right! We barely see during the week! I spoke with Maria! But it says here .. What's new? My God! This is Lies! ; ce age ZI Tell me you're not |_| Calm! sit down! | kidding! S| Let's talkt Do not get upset, but the news is not so good! A few days ago I talked to heron [f the phone! My God, Cecilia! Twas waiting for Why do not you the right time to tell me before? tell you She said she does not want to see you! Han Han What do you We did not talk For a fong time «= But she just said he would rather not see you anymore and asked you not demand it ‘She is engaged? He ordered to apologize, but said he has nothing to talk I... Ido not know what to say ... It was not visit me while I was in prison, but thought it was... Ido not know ... But I thought that Look, why not chew on after I leave, we would ... you that is starting life and know. .. let her take care of her life too? Well, deep down I knew it would be like ... You're right w+. Tcan not ... But Ispent so tong with no one... And | she... Ah... But you can keep ‘Today is Friday and you received improving this guy will your first paycheck! not let you down! ~ So, it will take me for a ride and pay mea beer! And nothing to say you're tired! You owe me! T'm tired! But all right, let's go out and buy you a beer! That's how you talk! Til call my friends! Maybe ‘h, wanting to get. a oirifriend for me? change clothes! And you too! Do not delay Parte 3 de3 are 7 ho Cole ay icin Sele Us DONI Acabamento final art | 1 think your friend | 1 does not come! name is Wilton! He is the manager! He livesin a bad mood, crying all the He picks on me from the first day! Several times almost got to lose your Teven thought it was something personal, but the little I began to realize that no one likes the guy, you know? Qur until it sounds like you're describing my ex boss! Everyone hated the guy! Well ... I realized that no one called the guy to lunch, nobody told joke. near him! And he made no effort to change What time she said she would? ‘She said she was solving some things So ... thought that Instead of confronting the subject, it might be better to talkt Damn it! You calling to talk instead of « & fight? What N So, I called to have a fi difference! beer after work? i ‘Ineedad to see his startled face! It looked like someone Hey, that's your friend? Not! I'm sorry but it is not so busty! the phone! It's her! 1 Wow, seriously it? Make an effort, go! You will love to meet my broth le, handsome + Oh, you swear? Not alright? Look, we'll stay here one more time! Anything, call me, okay? He said he is with Le Oh, all right! You visits at home and called at the last could not get out! I could have warned ‘Well, TH get the chack and =. (alee) What do you ask for \ the bill? None of that! I have not finished my drink and the next! Since you're not drinking you got into a fot of confusion because of drink ... Tm trying to avoid hat too! Wow, you're really 5‘ Take it easy! You do struggling to change not seem the type your life! . that withstands drink But then, Tnever went inte confusion and can handle one more drink! Or two! There is more here who spoke! Do not worry! I know when it’s ‘time to stop! HAHAHAHA ... So you know even Of course T know ... when to stop? HRMM ...T should have stopped a drink before! >. ‘The last time I was born in her arms, was when George ! took me on ma honeymoon! Hey, wait! I A | forgot to pay the taxi! NO ') sy Do not worry! ‘Oh really! You Tk even has a job! Okay, here itis! Your bed! Hey, my dress! Care, is showing my asst Eu no pensei que vocé tivesse bebido tanto assim! And do not even rink? I'm just You you're xB Rae cess 1. ruined your night, was not it E me! Not spoiled! It was fun! 1 will scold my friend when you find! That bitch! | Tcan not sleep with that dress! mmm But you did riot finish We had a beer and he You are also a nice guy ... telling the story of started talking ... I wish you had known my your boss! What found out that he has a friend ... 'm sorry happened next lot more problems than I Basically, it is a nice guy! not my panties! Hey, what are you doing, smartass? I said to take my dress and You are very smart guy, you know? Okay, you have sean it! Along time you do not see one? OOhhhhbbhh ... Antuanio ... Better not... hhmmmm OOHHhhhh ... This is not .... OOhhhhhhmm UUhhhhhhhh L thin! oohhhhhhh HHmmmmmm What will you do? Not you... nS i Pees Til just .. HHRRMmm. But thisis... We better not... bhmmmm Hang on.... You are ... going HHMMmmmm HHAAannn a! Dee RCL Just a little ... Please ... HHmmmmmm Antuanio ... [do not believe .. You are right ~» OOhhhhhhhhh You ... hhmmm You're crazy ... OOHhhhhmmm Hhhmmmmm Ido not think ... OOHhHhhh HHHmmmmmm My God ... You're so .... OOHHhhhh bhhmmmmm +» You fost your judgment ... mmmmmmm My God .... hhmmmm I thought you would just ... Look... HHmmmmmm ... Just touch .... Please ... Do not pessa me out ... now +» please ... mmm hhhmmmm Damn, Antuanio HHHmmmmmm ... You should not... bhhmmmm ... HHRRMMmmmn. HHRRMmm. HHRRMMmomm could not resist hhmmm HHHmmm Idid not want HHMmmmmm But ... Do not talk But Antuanio .... I about it... do not know ... If Jorge ... OOhhhhhhh t now! RMmmm What madness! HHMMMMM bh Let me see you so .OOHHhhh You're crazy ... HHHmmmmmm Oohhhhhh Let's stop .... HHaannnnn HHaannnnn You are thinking of Mary? ... HHRrmmm He was eager for her ...? Oohhhhhhhhhh HHHmmmmmmm T'm thinking HHRRMmmmmm ....In Tm thinking about now . HARM HHHHHaanann I'm not thinking of anything eise HHRRemenmmnm, Tm not even thinking Right Rhian You are $o beautiful -- SO HHrrrmm HHAAANKNon ... You got even harder now .... HHHRRrrmmmm Yes... yes... 'm really about to explode! No maginava it ... HHRmmm So much strength mmm annnnnnn My in HHHrrrmmmmm little bit, okay? iz HHRmmm HHaannnann Ido not want to continue ... But I can not ... stop .. hhmm OOHHhhh ae Pea s No idea ... From how Lam .. Feeling «+ Now .., HHRmm 1... want everything you give me HHHRRMMmmm So much strength mmm annnnnnn My in HHHrrrmmmmm little bit, okay? iz HHRmmm HHaannnann Ido not want to continue ... But I can not ... stop .. hhmm OOHHhhh ae Pea s No idea ... From how Lam .. Feeling «+ Now .., HHRmm 1... want everything you give me HHHRRMMmmm OOHHhhhh As you're hot ..... UUHHHhhhh Goes ... Stronger hmmm OOHHbhhh ... This so -» Also ... @OHhhhhhh That's good ... uuHhhhhh HHHAAANNNN: HHABNNNN MHHARANNNN HHHAAANHN HHHAAANNN, AAHHHnnnn .. Cecilia hhmmm This is too much ... uuuHhhbhh Pounding background! HHMMMMMM. NowcaleesicfieLu cc) es Goes deepe! HHAMmmm Continues .... HHHMMMMmm Oooh ... I'm inside YOU see HHRRMmmm Getting good .. ooHhhhh Not for now... Please hhmm Continued hhmm T'm feeling ... You want to come? HHRRMmmn ..... But I will not! uUhhhhh Not now! HHAANNNN HHAABHNEN HHHAAARNN, HHHARANNN I... 1... Getting ... The most that can BR WHHAAANNNN HHHAAANNN Oooh... Ileave! I want a Te enjoys ... For me... hhmmmm Goza ... Gooh .. Yes .. Yes -= I'm going to come .. Ohhhh HHRRMMmm ... So you let me come .., before? HHRMm HHHAAANNN: Keep it up ... please ... still .... Will stronger ... More ... continues .... oohhhhhhhh HHAANMNN HHHAARNHRN WHHAAARNN, BURL d OOHHHhhh .. enjoying ... ... Mete more ... not to se MOE tO... SO... has more .... Oh my God .... Tam... oohhh Oo#hhhhhhh Addeagonnnn | Oh, my God ... Icame wu Tau. Lenjoyed «.. uuhh Antuanio ... HHRRMMmm Secure a little OOOHHH TI... Enjoy .. Again ... OOHHhhhmmm oOOhhhmmmm = Im going to come ... I'm going to come... Hagannnnannn HHaann Do not ohhhhhh Open for me ... So -»- hhmmm HAMMMmmm You ... You... My bhhmmmm HHMMmmm HHRRmmm Antuanio sev eoe Te Ethink that’s enough! You better ... Go to your room now .... -.Good Morning? = Tslept yest Talmost tould not sleep... Iwas hoping you up! I passed out, indeed! 1 was very tired! Ido not know right Ks i'm not angry! Youdid not force me to where comecar..Mas 1 : anything .., It's just, I'm not feeling wanted to apologize! good about it ... In fact, I do not know = what I'm feeling But eungo wanted you to be angry But ... 'm not much ‘to talk about it now, I'm sorry! And ... Edo not want you to get me wrong ... But I think its notcool you continue In fact, I was also thinking about it! Already a few days ago... Isawa room for rent ... there near my work! E..Bem ... I think it’s time to stand on your own legs! Ijust did not ‘want to leave without talking to I think ll already walking! It's all right! ‘We talk later! ‘Thanks for ‘everything, Cecilia! For all the | aa ON ed coed Hi, how are you? You are early! Tiljust end here, take a shower and now Im ready, okay? So to say that was so manager friend who ended up getting engaged to his daughter, huh? And you and Jorge? All right? Thank you for accepting And why would ido - Thanks for the the invitation to dinner that? I'm curious to d invite! with us! I was afraid to know my sister! say no! It is at ease! Til take a quick shower and we already out! I... [need to wash my hair... And I think I will take-a while... rm se, PCCM

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