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The Workshop for Stress Management is something an MSU student should

experience, being a student in a University and being at the end of the semester, it is

really recommended for a student to learn about the stress management for them to

help themselves in managing their stress with these simultaneous final requirements

from different subjects/courses and their own private life. Stress is the top problem

people should learn to manage as it will result to different mental problem otherwise.

The workshop introduces different techniques to manage stress, as stress is inevitable

and everyone even an infant is affected the only thing we could do is to find a way to

handle it using different coping mechanisms or techniques.

Moreover, it was fun engaging in such workshop, because you will meet different types

of people but with the same stress problem. One of the thing I experience during the

workshop was when we started to share our problem with our assigned group and they

seem to be so open and carefree about sharing their stressor, and that action of them

pushes me to do the same as I was hesitant at first and my mind keeps on invalidating

my stressor, thanks a lot to them especially to our facilitator. The facilitator let us

express ourselves in whatever language we our comfortable with, she always let us do

an ice breaker activities every now and then which is a successful to prevent us from

being bored. I also love the part when they discusses the different types of stressor and

the effects of stress in our body and system if not handle properly.
The experience I have experienced during those time of workshop will always remain in

me. To be inform that I am not the only one experiencing the same stress relief me at

least and validate my feeling, this may sound evil as I seem to wish to have the people

to be as stress as me but what I am implying is that I was not the only one experiencing

it. And to be enlighten that there are different types of basic coping mechanisms I can

do when facing too much stress to relief me from it. One of the stress coping

mechanism I enjoy a lot during the Stress Management Workshop was the group

massage, I have never imagine that muscle massage feels so great and so relaxing as I

am a very conservative and uncomfortable person in terms of physical touch.

The workshop was heartwarming and the facilitator makes it more fun and not boring to

attend. They are very approaching and cool in responding to questions or queries of the

students/participants that, personally, encourages the other students/participants to ask

their own questions. The workshop also informed us that the Department of Psychology

was actually always open for free counseling which I do not know until then.

Everything I’ve learn from the workshop shall be applied in real life, I will try to enlighten

my other friends, acquaintance, siblings, and other people I will meet in the future about

the techniques and lectures I’ve learn during the workshop for them to also learn about

the managing their stress and stressor, to identify what kind of stress are they facing.

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