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1.List some of the negative thoughts, words, or phrases that you say to yourself. Pick any of these
negative thoughts or phrases that could be rewritten as positive statements. Remember the phrases
“in the past,” “up till now,” and, “yet.”

Negative thoughts Positive thoughts

I cannot In the past I could not
I am unable Up till now I was unable
I don’t think I will be Up till now I thought that
I don’t believe that Up till now I thought that
I may not be able to Up till now I thought
I thought employees in Public / Government Up till now I thought
sector don’t believe in ethics & values

2. Another phrase that Amanda Gore says is very effective in rephrasing and

reprogramming negative thoughts is, “If you say so.” Can you think of instances when you used this
phrase and list them?

I think I messed up the Job

I don’t think I am capable to do this job.
I got delayed for the meeting due to the traffic.
I do not look well groomed in the formals.

3. List the number of times you checked yourself saying “but” and “don’t” because as a manager
you should eliminate them according to Amanda Gore.

I have started this as a practice since the workshop I remember twice. Instead of but & Don’t I used
4. Amanda Gore said that a manager’s mission should be to, “say something that makes every single
person we meet feel special every time we meet them.” How many times and how did you make
someone feel special?

I do this whenever a new employee joins us as a part of the process we introduce the new team
member to the rest of the team. I introduce our team to the new team member with nice words
where in it makes existing team member feel good and proud.

5. Create a vision board for your dept and your organization.

I have created a vision board for the department (the poster is pinned in my pin up board) .which
talks about peace, camaraderie, bonding, success in everything I do.

6.What results could you see after having created your personal vision board in the session?

It is too early to talk about as I have started it since August-10

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