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I. Fill the blanket

Ex: You can call and send text messages on this device. a phone
1 You need these to open the door to your house. ________________
2 You put things on this to keep your room tidy. ________________
3 You use this to make your hair look tidy. You can put it in your bag when you go out.
4 This is something you have in a kitchen. You use it to make hot meals. ________________
5 You can find this in the bathroom and you use it when you wash yourself.
6 You open these in your house when it is hot. ________________
7 You find this in the kitchen. It's cold inside. ________________
8 In this subject, you paint and draw pictires, ________________
9 You put this on a bed so you can keep warm of night. ________________
10 This is yellow and you can put it in milkshakes. ________________
II.Read the conversation and choose the best answer for each answer. There is one

Peter: Aunt Rose, do you like your job?
Aunt Rose: Yes, I do. I really enjoy it.
Peter: Isn't working in a shop boring?
Aunt Rose: (1) _________________________

Peter: What are your friends at work like?

Aunt Rose: (2) _________________________
Peter: Do you work in the office, or do you help the people who come into the shop?
Aunt Rose: (3) _________________________

Peter: How long have you worked in the shop?

Aunt Rose: (4) _________________________

Peter: Can I come and visit you there?

Aunt Rose: (5) _________________________

A No, because you meet lots of different people every day

B Yes, I do. I really enjoy it
C I have to do both things because it’s only a small shop
D I started there three and a half years ago
E Just in the afternoon
F Of course. You can come tomorrow
G I do. You must have friends too
H Most of them are very nice and work hard
III. You should be able to read for specific information and understand the gist of a story.
Read the story about growing a watermelon. Choose a word next to numbers 1–5 and then at the
end choose a title for the story.
William enjoys working in his garden. It's his favourite hobby. There, he grows a lot of fruits and (1)
_________________ . Every year in his village, there is a competition to find the best watermelon,
and William always tries to win. This year, he's (2) _________________ because he believes he has
the largest watermelon anyone has ever seen. It's the size of a beach ball! It's (3) _________________
and green and too big for William to pick up. It's simply too heavy. Every day, he gives it a lot of
water, and it grows bigger and bigger. To care for his watermelon, he takes his blanket outside at
night and (4) _________________ on the ground next to it. He's worried that someone will climb
over the wall and (5) _________________ it! William really hopes to win the competition this year.

Now choose the best name for the story
o The magic garden
o Willia’s big wish
o An expensive fruit
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into suitable tenses
1. Minh __________ (go) to English club every day.
2. We promise we ____________________ (come) to the party tomorrow.
3. She usually (study)__________ , but today she __________ (not study).
4. An usually __________ (eat) breakfast at 7.45 AM.
5. Look! It ______________________ (rain) outside.
6. I think it ___________________ (not rain) tomorrow.
7. Don’t worry, I _____________________ (help) you with your project.
8. I can’t talk to you at the moment, I _________________ (do) my homework.
9. She ____________________ (not go) to the gym regularly.
10. The sun ___________________ (not rise) in the west.
11. We ___________________ (not travel) to Japan next month.
12. I ______________________ (not play) video games at the moment.
13. She __________ (read) a book every night.
14. They __________________ (travel) to Europe next summer.
15. I _____________________ (study) for my exams at the moment.
V. Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or past simple
1. We _________ (go) to the beach last month.
2. My uncle _________ (not/ visit) us every weekend.
3. ___________ (your mum/ make) a chocolate last week?
4. I _______ (send) Zane an email yesterday afternoon.
5. The children usually ______ (do) their homework yesterday afternoon.
6. Last year, I ___________ (travel) to Vietnam.
7. ___________ you ___________ (have) breakfast last morning?
8. He ___________ (arrive) from the airport at 7:00 a.m, ___________ (check) into the hotel
at 8:00 a.m, and met the others at 9:00 a.m.
9. I ___________ (receive) four messages two minutes ago.
10. He ___________ (work) at the movie theater after school.

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