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(Adverse Weather Conditions)

Capt. Htay Lwin Oo

Ship Handling in Waves
When navigating in adverse weather conditions, a ship is likely to encounter
various kinds of dangerous phenomena, which may lead to capsizing or severe
roll motions causing damage to cargo, equipment and person on board. We
should, therefore, possess the fundamental skills for safe a ship handling in
adverse weather conditions to avoid such danger.

The IMO has released Guidance to the Master for Avoiding Dangerous
Situation in adverse weather and sea conditions (MSC. 1/Circ.1228)(11
January 2007)

The sensitivity of a ship to dangerous phenomena will depend on the actual

stability parameters, hull geometry, ship size and ship speed. This implies
that the vulnerability to dangerous responses, including capsizing, and its
probability of occurrence in a particular sea state may differ for each ship.
A wave which is Breaking is more dangerous than one which is not,
although the latter can become equally hazardous if it is unnaturally broken
upon impact with the ship.



➢ Dangerous when ship’s length = wave length

➢ More danger when ship’s speed = wave speed
Basic Elements of Regular Waves
a : Wave amplitude
H : Wave height
Y Crest Phase velocity (CW ) z : Shape of wave

a H

0 a X

Wavelength ( l )

Wave length (l) = 1.56 . Tw2 (m) Wave velocity (Cw) = 1.25 l (m/s)
(Phase velocity)

Y Crest

a Trough

0 a t

Wave period ( TW )

Wave period (Tw) = 0.80 l (s)

The ship’s natural period of roll (TR) should be estimated by obserbving roll motions in
calm sea.
The wave period and the wave length l are related as follow
l = 1.56 . Tw2 (m) or Tw = 0.8 l (s)

The period of encounter TE could be either measured as the period of pitching by using stop
watch or calculated by the formula.
3 Tw2
TE = (s)
3 Tw + V cos (a)

Where V = ship’s speed (knots) and

a = angle between keel direction and wave direction ( a = 0 mean head sea)
The velocity of wave in knots is roughly equal to three times the wave period measured
in seconds. Wavelength in metres is roughly equal to square of the wave periods (in
seconds) multiplied by 1.5
If wave period is 5 s,
Velocity of wave = 15 konts
Wavelength = 1.5 x 52
= 37.5 metres
When sailing in adverse weather conditions (following or
quartering sea), the following dangerous phenomenon may
occur: -
➢ Synchronous rolling
➢ Parametric rolling
➢ Surf-riding
➢ Broach-to
➢ Pooping
➢ Combination of various dangerous phenomenon
➢ Successive wave attack.
Six Freedoms of Motion in a Seaway
The motion of a ship can be split into three mutually
perpendicular translations of the center of gravity G and three
rotations around of the center of gravity G.
- Pitch
Yaw Y

+ + -



+ XX1: Fore and after rolling axis

Heave YY1: Athwartships pitching axis
ZZ1: Vertical yawing axis
Ya w Pitch Roll

Yaw about the Z axis Pitch about the Y axis Roll about the X axis

-’ive bow down motion -’ive left turning

-’ive left turning

+’ive right turning

+’ive right turning

+’ive bow up motion
Heave Sway Surge

Heave in the vertical Z direction Sway in the lateral Y direction Surge in the longitudinal X direction

-’ive upward +’ive port

-’ive aft

+’ive stbd +’ive f’wd

+’ive downward
Yawing and heaving

Rolling and swaying

Pitching and surging

*Natural rolling period (TR)
Ship’s speed (Vs)
Natural rolling pperiod is to be measured when the
ship is in calm seas. The value is roughly estimated by
the following equation:

. 0.8B
TR =. B: ship’s breadth
GM GM: ship’s metacentric height

*Natural pitching period (TP) TE =
Natural pitching period is roughly estimated by the Cw+Vs . Cos a
following equation: Cw

or, referring to the previous relationship,

TP =. 0.5 L L: ship length (m) l
TE =
1.25 l + Vs . Cos a

Wavelength (l)
Encounter wave period (TE) =
relative velocity to wave

A Synchronous rolling motion will occur when the encounter wave period (TE )
is nearly equal to the natural rolling period of the ship (TR)
Determination of encounter period (TE)
11 sec
(Wave period)

(Encounter angle)

14 knots
(Ship speed)

8 sec (Encounter period)

8 sec
(Encounter period)
Reduction of Intact stability Cause by Riding on Wave Crest at Midship

Wave crest amidships waterplane area Still waterline waterplane area Wave trough amidships waterplane area

The amount of stabiility reduction is nearly proportational to wave height and the ship may lose
stability when the wavelength is one to two times ship length and wave height is large.
This situation is especially dangerous in following and quartering sea.
The amount of stability reduction is nearly proportational to wave height and the ship may lose
stability when the wavelength is one to two times ship length and wave height is large. This
situation is especially dangerous in following and quartering seas.

Nc: Number of capsized vessels

N: Number of trial runs
60 %
Ratio of capsizes
Figure shows the frequency of capsizing
40 % 46 due to reduced stability as revealed by
35 92 36
5 Nc experiments with ship models. Please note
20 % 4 90
40 N
40 that the most dangerous capsizing zone
. 20
. .
40 50
. relates to a direction of encounter wave
Encounter wave angle
angle ranging from 20 to 40 degrees from
Number of capsized vessels to
the stern.
number of trial runs
(model ship experiments)
Dangerous Encounter with High Wave Group

Encounter angle
X < 45.(degree)

Ship course
Dangerous Encounter with High Wave Group
Example: Ship’s speed 18 knots
Wave period 10 seconds Ratio of ship speed V
Encounter angle 20
. (knots) to wave period T (s)

V 18
= = 1.8 V
T 10

3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Course change may

provide another method
for escaping the

Dangerous zone dangerous zone, but

significant course
change are not
advisable since they
will bring the ship to
beam, which puts
transverse stability at
When a ship is in the dangerous zone ship speed should be reduced to prevent
attacked by a succession of high waves.
Synchronous Rolling Motion
1 2 3

1 Listing
2 Return roll is accelerated and reinforced by the next wave.
3 The limits of ship’s roll coincide with the wave crest (or trough).
• The rolling angle increases with each successive wave.
• This is known as “synchronous rolling”. (Causing dangerous rolling.)
• Ship’s relative course to wave (a) from the bow l –TR . 1.25 l
Cos a =
TR . Vs
Leading to synchronous rolling:

• Ship speed (Vs m/s) Leading to l –TR . 1.25 l

Vs =
synchronous rolling motion: TR . Cos a
Head seas
Waves of 60- to180 m length are predominant in deep seas

PCCs & Container ships (TR =. 24sec)


Coastal ships (TR =. 8sec)

Ship’s speed Knots

5 Coastal Ships should avoid this zone


15 PCC & Container Ships
should avoid this zone
5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 20 24
Natural period (sec)
Following seas
Zone of heavy rolling of ships with 8 and 24 seconds roll periods
among waves of 60 to 180 m length
Parametric Rolling
Vessel pitched stern down with a slight heeling moment

Vessel pitched bow down with a slight heeling moment

In longitudinal seas, parametric rolling will take place when the encounter wave period
(TE) is approximately equal to half of the natural roll period of the ship (TR)

TE = ½ . TR
Water plane Righting moment Pitching motion
1 rolling cycle is completed every 2 wave cycles.
Consequenty, the amplitude of the ship’s roll is gradually magnified.

Stern down

GM decreasing GM increasing

1 3 5
Bow down

Parametric rolling condition (ship pitching at a period half its natural roll period)
Parametric Rolling

As shown in Figure, transverse stability declines during the outward roll

( 1 to 2 ) to reach a minimum at the end of roll ( 3 ) and then increases
( 3 to 4 ) to give the return roll extra momentum.
Stability starts to decrease again as the ship passes through upright ( 5 ),
and each successive outward roll is greater than the previous one. This
type of rolling can occur in head and bow seas where the encounter wave
period becomes short. In following and quartering seas, this can occur
particularly when the initial metacentric height is small and the natural roll
period is very long.
Surf-riding and Broaching-to

When a ship is situated at on the steep forefront of a wave in

following and quartering seas conditions, the orbital velocity of
water particles can cause the ship to ride the wave, a
phenomenon known as surf-riding. In such a situation (i.e. ship
travelling down-slope), two opposing drift forces will create a
turning moment as shown in Figure.
Surf-ridi ng and Broachi ng -to

Wind & Wave

Travelling down-slope

Wind & Wave

The ship is turned forcibly because of the lack of steerability, and is twisted beam-on to
the advancing crest of the wave, as shown in Figure.
Force of water particle motion

Water particle orbitals

Yawing moment


Wave direction
This is known as broaching-to, and the ship is at risk of capsizing due to the sudden
change of heading and unexceptedly large heeling. Broaching-to can happen to small
as well as large ships.

Critical speed zone
Ship speed (knot) Marginal zone



0 10 100 150 200 250 300 350

Ship length (meter)
Critical speed for surf-riding and ship length
D a n g e ro u s z o n e d u e t o s u r f - r i d i n g i n
following or quartering seas
Example: Ship’s speed 24 knots
V 24
= = 2.4
Ship length 100 meter
Encounter angle 30
. L 100

3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Marginal zone

Surf riding zone

angle 30

V: Ships speed (knot) L: Ships length (m)

• Play Broaching to
• Play 002
• Play 003
• Play 004
Ship Motion in Head and Bow Seas
Hogging, sagging and twisting (torsional moment) can also be generated
depending on the ship’s relative position to the waves;
Hull hogged by wave crest amidships Hull sagged by wave trough amidships

Buoyancy Buoyancy Buoyancy

Weight Weight Weight


Compression Tension
Hull Twisting

Pitching motion when encounter wavelength is shorter than ship length

The ship’s pitching motion is less significant when wavelength is shorter than ship length
because the influence wave is small. Pitching is restrained: the bottom of the bow does not
emerge from the water, and the bow does not dip severely enough to take green water.
Pitching motion when encounter wavelength is longer than ship length

When wavelength is longer than ship length, the ship pitches and heaves
easily following the fore and aft wave profile.
Pitching motion when encounter wavelength is equal to ship length
When wavelength is equal to ship length pitching motion is at its most intense.
Heaving of the ship on a crest and plunging of the bow into the next wave will
accelerate. Fluctuations of water level relative to waves at the bow and stern
grow greater, leading to phenomena such as propeller racing, shipping water
and slamming.
When a ship proceeds at relatively high speed in head seas, slamming
may occur. Slamming may be classified into the following three types;
Bottom slamming
Bottom slamming
• Bottom slamming occurs when, due to heavy bow motion relative to waves the forward
part of a ship’s bottom emerges from the water and then slams down heavily into the rising
water of the next oncoming wave.
Bow flare slamming

• Bow flare slamming occurs in a large flared ship when a high relative speed exists between
water level and the flare.
Breaking wave impact

• Breaking wave impact is caused by the build-up of breaking waves

resulting from a superposition of bow waves and head seas. Large, fat
ships are susceptible to this phenomenon.
Coastal ship Container Ore carrier
Frequency of shipping water Bf. 5 Bf. 10 Bf. 5
10 times/hour 12 knots 19 knots 13.5 knots
5 times/hour 11 knots 17 knots 12.5 knots
• Play 005
When a ship in ballast is navigating head and bow seas in still waters, aft draft
should be deepened so that the ratio of propeller immersion to propeller
diameter may be kept at 70 percent or more.
Synchronous roolling When natural rolling period Unstable and large Reduction of speed.
(following and quartering sea) of a ship coincides with the rolling motion takes
encounter wave period. place.

Parametric rolling When encounter wave Unstable and large Reduction of speed.
(following and quartering sea) period is approximate half rolling motion takes
of the natural rolling period place.
of the ship.
Surf-riding Whena ship situated on a Vessel slewed • Critical speed for surf-riding is
(following and quartering sea) steep forefront of high violently, heeled over considered 1.8 √λ knots.
wave in a following and and swamped. • Reduce ship speed to less than
quartering sea. above to prevent surf-riding.

Broach-to May occur when a ship is ‘+stability disappears Reduce speed below 1.8 √λ knots
(following and quartering sea) surf-riding in a following or to the existing angle of A marginal zone (1.4 √L to 1.8√L
quartering sea. heel may cause a knots.) below critical speed may
vessel to capsize. cause a large surging motion.
Speed to be reduced below 1.4√L

Pooping Breaking of rising wave • Damage to propeller, Occur when velocity of sea is
(following and quartering sea) over the stern in poop deck rudder. equal to or greater than ship’s
area. • E/R can be flooded. speed.
Alter course and head sea.
Various deterimental May create extremely
Conbination of factors may affect dangerous
various ship’s dynamic combination to
dangerous behavior capsize the ship.
phenomenon (Add: heeling
(in a following or moment due to deck
quartering sea) water, water shipping
and trapped on deck,
cargo shift.)

• When ship’s speed • Reduction of intact • Reduce ship speed to go

Successive wave component in the stability out of dangerous zone.
attack wave direction is • Synchronous rolling • Combination of
(in a following or nearly equal to the • Parametric rolling appropriate speed
quartering sea) wave group • Conbination of reduction with slight
velocity various dangerous course.
• The ship attacked phenomenon
successively by • Vessel may
high wave capsize.

• Most comfortable angle to heavy sea -2 to 3 point and speed
adjust required.
• But practically to adjust the voyage to get destination –
• 1½ point and reduce 10% R.P.M (50% < , lost motive

• Suitable sea force 6 < ( not recommended now a day )
• Less impact than head sea, (not against direct force)
• Consider capability resistance of rolling & sea on deck
• GM > , stiff → jerk , cargo shift → GZ reduce
GM < , tender → capsize
• Comfortable quarterly sea
• Surfing ( out of control → ship speed + wave speed )
• (wave speed > ship speed → pooping)
• (impact at local stress area → risk → rudder lost )
• Slew ( up to 90˚ )
• Broach to ( capable → heavy list )

- Safety is first priority

- Voyage is second priority
- Better for sea force 7 & above to avoid risk of
- Depend on weather forecast next 24 hours ( if
more, should avoid)
- Keep the wind on 2 to 3 pt. port bow for R/H
(compensate T/T & wind )
Advantage -less stress on steering
- less stress on engine
- less impact
- least movement but necessary every time
adjust R.P.M depend on wave cycle

- Observe wave cycles

- Check the critical period
- Check the relatively calm period
- Consider the vessel’s turning ability & characteristic
- To avoid misjudge, check above facts at least 3 times
- Turn commenced, test at least 3 times, if timing correct
full swing
- Most danger in critical period when abeam sea at trough
Calm wave
Steep wave Time = ?, test 3 times

if timing correct
full swing

• H’ahd → F’ahd
• Hard to stbd
Danger period
(critical period)


H e a v y We a t h e r P re c a u t i o n s

Check Lashing Check Closed/Secured

➢ Cargo ➢ stability Spurling pipe
➢ Lifeboats ➢ Free surface Vents pipe
➢ Liferafts effect Sounding pipe
➢ Gangway ➢ Freeing ports Deadlights
➢ Stores Watertight doors

❖ Call Master ✓ Rig Lifeline

❖ Monitor Weather Report ✓ Inform all department
❖ Amend passage plan, if any
❖ Log weather condition
❖ Consider change of course /

Synchronism Pooping Pounding

▪ Where the sea wavelength ▪ Where the swell is on the ▪ Excessive pitching of the
is equal to ship’s length ship’s quarter vessel

To avoid, bring the ship’s To avoid, To avoid,

head into the wind and alter the course and alter the speed
alter the speed head sea
Dangers of pooping are : May cause considerable damage to
stern area. Damage to propeller and rudder. Engine room can
be flooded if the openings which face aft are not properly
Corrective Actions are : Alter course and head sea.

Dangers of Synchronous Rolling are : Capsizing; Cargo shifting;

Structural damage; and Personal injury.
Corrective actions are : Alter course; Alter speed.

Dangers of synchronous pitching are : Excessive engine racing;

Longitudinal straining of the hull; and Heavy damage due to
shipping seas.
Corrective action is : Alter speed.

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