The Chain - Time Management Case Study - 25 Copies

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Workshop Handout

Case Study- The Chain

You, the manager, left Wednesday morning for a one-week company-sponsored training workshop on leadership skills. Your
department was turned over to Mrs. Reshma but she became ill and went home.

It was then turned over to Mr. Sayani but his mother became critically ill and he flew home.

You were called two hours ago to return on an emergency basis. You arrived five minutes ago. The time is 1 p.m. The day is
Saturday. (Assuming that Saturday is a work-day and Sunday is the weekly holiday). As you walk into your office, you face ten
critical problems.

These problems are listed on the next sheet. You must read, evaluate, and give a priority number to each of these ten problems. In
other words, you must decide which problem you would handle first, second, third, etc. You are given only FIVE MINUTES to do
this and you cannot start until the facilitator asks you to do so.

Once you are asked to start, read all ten problems. You are then ready to assign the priority numbers in the appropriate square in
the left-hand column. When you have finished, we will tally the group decisions as to the priorities. If you do not finish in ten
minutes you are disqualified.

The priority is based on the lowest number being most important (i.e. priority number # 1 is assigned to the most important
problem and priority number # 10 is assigned to the least important problem).

See how well your scores match with those of other group members.

____ A. You have received a report from Miss Personnel that Mr. Kapoor is looking for another job outside the company.
She wants you to talk to him. You figure it would take 15 minutes.

____ B. Mr. Big Boss has left word that he wants to see you in his office immediately upon your return. Anticipated time:
60 minutes.

____ C. You have some very important looking unopened mail (both company and personal) on your desk. Time: 10 minutes.

____ D. Your telephone is ringing.

____ E. A piece of equipment has broken down halting all production in your department. You are the only one who can
fix it. (30 minutes).

____ F. A most attractive person is seated outside your office waiting to see you.

____ G. You have an urgent written notice in front of you to call a long-distance operator in a city in which both your
mother and company headquarters are located. Time: 10 minutes.

____ H. Mr. Demanding Colleague has sent word that he wants to see you and has asked that you return his call as soon as
possible. (10 minutes)

____ I. Miss Omega is in the women's lounge and claims to be sick. She wants permission to go home. You need to get
facts and make a decision. 15 minutes.

____ J. In order to get to your office by 1.00 p.m. you had to miss lunch. You are very hungry, but you figure it will take 30
minutes to get something decent to eat..

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