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Mia’s Home Adventure

On a bright Monday morning, Mia, a puppy that lives on a small island in a

gigantic house suddenly got caught up in a world of loneliness. There was a pot of
beautiful flowers and a mailbox stand in front of her home as it was surrounded
with tall trees. However, not once in her life has she ever left from her home. “No
one has time for me.” She said as she frowns. “Every morning they would leave
me here all alone but today’s the day I will go for a long walk. I’m sure I’ll be back
before they’ve arrived from work.” She said as she wiggles her tail with a baton in
her mouth.

Soon Mia arrived under a huge, tall tree with dark green leaves that has
beautiful orchids. She decided to rest for a couple of minutes because she was
getting exhausted. “Wow! This tree gives cool shade,” she said to herself as she
wandered around. “I can see a yellow ladder but what’s it doing here?” she asked
herself. As Mia looked up on the tree, she saw a black monkey climbing down
towards the table of colourful fruits, onions and a jar of orange juice. “Hello dear,
I’m Mia.” She said as she introduced herself while the squirrel keenly listened to
Mia. “Little Mia, are you alone?” The monkey asked. “Yes Sir, I am alone.” Mia
replied. “Are you looking for something?” Mia asked the monkey. “Oh yes, I am
looking for apples but I don’t see any on this table.” He responded. “Look! It’s
under the table.” Mia replied anxiously. “That is very kind of you, Mia.” The
monkey answered. “Sure, no problem I am only taking a short rest but I must
continue my journey.” She answered.

Next, she came across a pasture where she saw a white horse and two brown
ones, a pig and two lambs near the mountains. There was an old jeep at the corner
of the pasture where a mitt had a white ball inside. “I didn’t know I had these
animals around my neighbourhood.” She silently said to herself. However, it didn’t
bother Mia. So she continued walking. Soon, she came across another yard.
“Looks like someone did their laundry.” She thought to herself. She said so
because she saw a line of white sheets, socks and long jeans pants hanging. “Oh
dear, someone left an axe lying on the grass.” She said. Mia decided to take
another rest near a pot of aloe vera plant. During her rest, she heard a flock of birds
singing as they flew in the blue sky not realizing a brown owl was staring down at
her. She got scared so she ran as fast as she could but leaving the baton behind.
Finally, Mia has arrived to the most magical scene she has ever seen before.
She couldn’t believe her eyes. Mia enjoyed starring at her shadow in the water
while the goose was swimming. “Dear, are you lost?” asked the goose. “Don’t be
silly. I saw an owl staring at me so I ran for my life before it attacked me.” Mia
explained. “This is quite a place to relax.” Mia suggested. “Oh yes, why not?
There’s plenty to see.” The turtles answered. Mia smiled as she saw the butterflies
standing on the pink flowers, a frog sitting on the water lilies, a green iguana and a
lady bug hiding in the anemone flower. “I must go now before it gets dark.” Mia
answered. “See you soon, dear.” The animals replied. In the end, Mia felt relieved
from the adventurous walk as she arrived home safely.

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