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This PDF will present how the Quran is

preserved through multiple ways such as

Oral tradition
Written tradition…
I hope this paper grants benefit to the
reader and strengthens the Iman of him.
Oral Tradition
Among the first huffaz¹ was Muhammad and
his companions they memorized the Quran
and transmitted it to their students
They were all very careful to memorize it in its
perfect form without mistakes they even
became so skilled in its recitation that some of
them were able to recite the entire Quran in
one unit² prayer³ the companions did not
even rely on a compiled Quran until after the
Prophets death showing their skill in the oral

¹ Huffaz is the plural of Hafiz it is a title of for the one who memorizes the entire
² By Unit I meant Raka’
³ Such as Uthman ibn Affan he is recorded as reciting the entire Quran in one
unit/raka’ in Al-Adhkaar page 102
This shows that the oral tradition doesn’t fail
infact it stands today even children today
memorize the entire Quran⁴ even with the
ability of mass printing of the Quran we
remain faithful to islamic tradition and uphold
becoming huffaz
The virtues of the huffaz is mentioned in
multiple hadiths thus the oral tradition stands
and the Quran will be preserved through it for
the future generations decades from now
some islamic schools have managed to
produce a large number of huffaz some even
one million⁵ so we can be pretty sure the oral
tradition will stand and wont be lost and wont
fail in preserving the Quran.
⁴ CBC news article “How this teen memorized the Quran by age 10”
⁵ article “pakistani Madrassa Broke World Record
By Producing 1 Million Hafiz e Quran“
The written tradition
The Quran was being written even during the
Prophets time⁶ but compiled after his death
by Umar ibn Al Khattab’s order⁷ Multiple
islamic jurists had access and even witnessed
the Quran of Uthman some are: Abu Ubayd⁸
Ibn Kathir⁹ Ibn Jubayr¹⁰ which is a huge point
for Quranic preservation since they could
verify the readings found in the Quran to the
one Uthman had! Quite fascinating. And a
strong case for Quranic preservation.
⁶ Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal 21664
⁷ Sahih Bukhari 4701
⁸ Abu Amr al-Dani, Almuqni fi Rasm Masahif al-Amsar page 23-24
⁹ Ibn Kathir Fada’ilal-Qur’an, ed. Abu Ishaq Alhuwayni, Cairo: Maktabat b.
Taimiyyah, 1416 A.H., Page 89
¹⁰ The Travels of Ibn Jubayr
The Quran has been cited by the early generation
of Islam even the Prophet himself cited it¹¹ along
others such as Ibn Abbas¹² these are very essential
to Quranic preservation considering that these
citations are:
• Early
• Authoritative
Using solely these citations we would be able to
completely “revive” the Quran incase we lost it
and these citations allign with the Quran in our
hands¹³ proving preservation.
¹¹ Hadith books suck as Sahih Bukhari have chapters on “tafsir” in which the
prophet sometime cites the Quran
¹² His citations and explanations are found in Tafsir works such as Tafsir Ibn
¹³ Bukhari 4474 The Prophet cited Quran 8:24 and it alligns with the modern
reading this is just one of many examples.
Non Muslims witness to the Qurans
William Muir writes: The recension of Othman
has been handed down to us unaltered. So
carefully, indeed, has it been preserved¹⁴
Bosworth Smith writes: We have a book
absolutely unique in its origin, in its
preservation, and in the chaos of its contents,
but on the authenticity of which no one has ever
been able to cast a serious doubt¹⁵
Charles Cuttler said about the Quran: lies before
us practically unchanged from the form which
he himself [i.e. Muhammad] gave it¹⁶
¹⁴ William Muir, Life of Mohamet page 558
¹⁵ Bosworth Smith, Mohammed and Mohammedanism page 41
¹⁶ Charles Cutler Torrey, The Jewish Foundation of Islam page 2
The Quran is certainly preserved through a
number of ways which even Non Muslims attest
to as Allah said in the Quran 15:9

Indeed, it is We who sent down the

message [i.e., the Qur’ān], and indeed, We
will be its guardian.

And indeed it has been fulfilled Allah has

protected the Quran from corruption.

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