Activity 3

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Víctor Santiago Silva-Puente 3029440 28/02/2024


How much do women working in a particular field earn compared to men in that field? Why do you think
this is the case? According to “payscale” website, for every 1$ that men make, women earn 0.83$,
according to this website, this depends to men regardless of occupation, experience, education, and
other factors. I think that is ok this as long as it is true the reasons why the men obtains a better pay than
the women, but if a women have the same knowledge, experience and those qualities, they must gain
the same as the men.

Is it easy for women to attain high-ranking positions in their chosen career? Why? Why not? In my
opinion this depends of the country which we are talk, for example, according to the website “ Mujer
Analítica” the Nordic Countries are the principal countries were there are a very small gender gap,
according to this website, in this countries there are less than 10% in terms of gender gap, so it´s easier
for women obtain a high-ranking positions in their job. But, for example, in the most of the
Latinoamerican, and Muslims countries, there are a large gender gap.

Do most women carry on working after they have children, or do they choose to leave their jobs to take
care of their growing family? In your opinion, do they make the right choice? Why? Why not? I think that
the priority always must be the children, but is not only responsibility of the mother, also the father must
be responsible for the care of the child, so I think that if the mother wants to leave her job to be more
pending on the child it’s ok.

Is it easier for men in your country to balance their work and personal lives than it is for women? Why?
Why not? Yes, but I think that those gender roles are gradually disappearing, before, always the woman
was who stays at home with the children, and also the women don’t study, and now is more common to
see women studying professional careers and work in important positions in companies.

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