Unethical Practices

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Name of Company: Zara

Address: Zara Usa, Inc - Midtown East - 500 5th Ave - Foursquare, United States

Unethical Practices: Ian Jack Miller v. Zara USA, Inc. et al.- (Employment Discrimination)- Indirex Group (retailed of
Zara) and Zara Us and Canada paid $40 million dollars to their former in-house general employee named Ian Jack Miller
for the penalty on alleged discimination, hostile work environment, pay discrimination, and unlawful and retaliatory
termination. The allegations was based on Mr. Miller's nationality, religion, and sexual orientation. The lawsuit alleged
Zara favors employees who are straight, spanish, and christian. The complaint claimed that the top executives and
confidants of Amancio Ortega ( Zara's founder and shareholder) harassed Mr. Miller by emailing graphic pornography,
talking about penis size, bragging about sexual exploits with female subordinates, and discussing visiting prostitutes
during work trips. Also, the lawsuit describes how Zara's top executives regularly exchanged rqacist emails including
emails portraying Michelle Obama serving fried chicken and emails depicting Barack Obama in a Ku Klux Klan hood, with
a Confederate flag, on a Cream of Wheat box, on an Aunt Jemima box, and shining shoes.
Sources: https://sanfordheisler.com/case/ian-jack-miller-v-zara-usa-inc-et-al/

Name of Company: Jollibee Food Corporation

Address: Marcelo paranaque city; 1700 Parañaque City, Philippines

Unethical Practices: Jollibee lays off 400 workers- ( Abuse of Contractualization)- The workers of carried signs, banners,
and flags to execute their second protest after the termination that led to a mass lay-off of their two contracting
agencies Toplis Solutions and Staff Search Agency.Three laid off workers shaved their heads to condemn the abrupt
termination and to call for immediate reemployment and regularization. After the protest, Mr. Henry John Jalbuena,
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) National Capital Region director, said in a press statement that they
ordered the regularization of about 6,482 workers by two contractors of Jollibee. It also ordered the fast food
corporation to refund more than P15 million (over USD 280,000) of “illegally collected payments” from “Coop Share,
Coop Christmas Paluwagan Fund, and Coop Savings Fund” to 426 affected workers.” With response to the issue, JFC said
that they maintained compliance with DOLE Dept. Order No.174 (guidelines on labor-contracting). Following the events,
#BEEastmode campaign launch in Twitter, and other Social Media accounts urging the Filipinos and people worldwide to
stop patronizing and boycott JFC products.

Sources: https://www.bulatlat.com/2018/06/29/jolibee-refuses-regularize-workers-lays-off-400/


Name of Company: Walt Disney Company

Address: Zhen Yang Toy Factory, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China

Unethical Practices: Chinese Children toil for 76 hours a week- (Child laboring and abuse)- The Chinese children (14-
16) are working from 8 am to 10 pm, associated with handling chemicals without protection, being chastised for failing
to hit production targets, and eating food laden with coackroaches. The China Labour Watch (CLW), a US NGO reported
the misconduct of the company with a 25- pages document that describes the workplace environment of the Chinese
Children with "unacceptable conditions". CLW launched undercover investigation in the factories of the production of
"Winnie the Pooh" and "Disney Dolls" toys. CLW found breaches of working hours, wage and contract laws at a factory
in Guangdong that was producing Disney gifts after a 17-year-old worker, Liu Pan, was crushed to death in
machinery.Workers were supplied with gloves for handling hazardous chemicals but allegedly did not wear them
because it made their work rate too slow. As a result, some of them had developed skin rashes, while for some, layers
of skin were "falling off". The spokeswoman of Disney Company sent also investigators and gave the statement: "We
have a long-standing commitment to the safety and well-being of our workers. To imply that we do not address that is

Sources: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/disney-world-in-which-chinese-children-toil-for-76-


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