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Checklist for Assignments

Course Code: EDUC 15436

Assignment: FASD

1. I understand my professor’s expectations for this assignment. In particular, I

understand his/her specifications regarding collaborating with other students.

2. I completed this assignment independently. It was not written by another person,

nor did I use another student’s work.

3. I used the documentation style recommended by my professor consistently

throughout this assignment (for example, APA).

4. When including direct quotations, I have acknowledged the use of others’ words by
including quotation marks around the quoted material and I have provided full and
accurate citations.

5. For paraphrased material, I put the original author’s ideas into my own words and I
have provided full and accurate citations.

6. I have properly acknowledged the use of any photographs, illustrations, charts,

diagrams, figures, audio, video, etc. from outside sources.

7. For this assignment, I have saved all of the articles I cited, all of my notes, outlines
and rough drafts in the event that my professor asks to see these.

8. I have never previously submitted this assignment, or parts of this assignment, for
any other course.

9. I did not share my work with anyone else, and have no intention of doing so.

10. If someone else proofread my work and provided suggestions for revisions, I made
all of the changes myself.

11. I asked a librarian or a tutor for citation help if needed.

12. I understand Sheridan’s Academic Integrity Policy, and am aware of the

consequences of breaching this policy.

13. I understand that I am required to submit my work to Turn It In to check for

originality. This process also allows me to review my initial work and correct any
identified issues prior to submitting my work for evaluation.

Student Name: Date: Apr. 02, 2023.


Assignment #3: FASD

Eunmi Jeon

EDUC 15436

Allison Fitzgibbon

Apr. 02, 2023.


Assignment #3: FASD

Name: Eunmi Jeon

Identify the challenge and explain why Select two appropriate strategies/interventions to

this is a challenge for students with target this need. Explain how this

FASD. Refer to our course lessons and strategy/intervention would support the student.

resources. Refer to our course lessons and resources.

1. Impulsive behaviour: Michelle Social stories: Teach Michelle to manage

impulsively took one of her classmates’ appropriate social situations to deal with her

phones and hid it in her backpack. impulsivity. Explain social situations and

(Fitzgibbon, 2023, #3, Case Study) As behaviours simply and clearly to Michelle, who

stated in Module 10 of Behavioural has difficulty understanding abstract concepts.

Difficulties, p.3, FASD states that Michelle can better understand the social

destructive behaviours such as situations and behaviours she needs to navigate.

impulsivity are common because of Self-monitoring: As noted in Module 10, New:

learning difficulties in learning from past At-Risk of FASD, FASD "is not a diagnosis but

mistakes and predicting consequences. brings awareness to the student's case and

(Fitzgibbon, 2023, Module 10) In indicates that the student may benefit from

addition, as stated in Module 10 of monitoring and follow-up." (Fitzgibbon,

Behavioural Difficulties, p.1, 2023, Module 10) Having Michelle observe


hyperactivity (impulsiveness, boldness, her behaviours, thoughts, and feelings and

poor social judgment, inability to predict identify problematic behaviours helps her

the consequences of one's actions, and become more aware of her behaviour and know

unaware of the impact of one's actions on what triggers her impulsive behaviour and how

others) causes problems with the law. to deal with it.

(Fitzgibbon, 2023, Module 10)

2. Academic achievement difficulties: Multi-sensory cues and teaching methods:

Michelle was diagnosed with FASD in (Kwan, 2018, p. 2): Visual aids such as diagrams

the second grade and has indicated or boards, auditory aids such as instruments or

academic difficulties. As stated in music, etc., can help Michelle remember

Module 10, Academic Difficulties, P.2, learning more effectively and aid in

Students with FASD are likely to have comprehension and overall schoolwork. For

slow learning rates, low frustration example, providing Michelle with visual aids

tolerance, and impaired memory and during lessons can help her better understand the

attention. (Fitzgibbon, 2023, Module 10) material and retain information. As stated in

Furthermore, as stated in Module 10, module 10, simplicity: Strategies, provide

Academic Difficulties, P.1, Many concrete examples of what you are teaching.

students with FASD will present as (Fitzgibbon, 2023, Module 10)

similar to students with LDs. This is Repeat instructions in own words: As stated in

because their brain-based disorder results module 10, simplicity: Strategies, have students

in LDs. (Fitzgibbon, 2023, Module 10) repeat instructions in own words. (Fitzgibbon,

2023, Module 10) Michelle's repetition strategy

in her own words helps her remember and retain

what she's learning and helps her process


information more effectively.

3. Social isolation: Michelle has Role-play: Practice social skills by describing

difficulty forming and scenarios or situations that practice the traits

maintaining peer relationships Michelle needs or finds challenging. Michelle

and feels socially isolated due to can develop the skills to manage herself in social

difficulties in social situations. Moreover, Michelle could practice

how to appropriately respond when someone

communication and interaction
disagrees with her or how to join in a group
with her classmates and other
interests. All this behaviour has
Circle of Friends (Kwan, 2018, p. 2): A peer
resulted in social isolation at school.
support group can provide Michelle with a safe
(Fitzgibbon, 2023, #3, Case Study) As
and supportive environment to discuss and
stated in Module 10, FASD: lifelong
address her difficulties with social rejection. The
impacts. Individuals with FASD will
group can help Michelle develop coping
experience some degree of challenges in
strategies, build self-esteem, and improve her
their daily living and need support with
social skills. The group can also serve as a
communication, emotional regulation,
source of social support and inclusion, mitigating
and social skills to reach their full
the negative effects of social rejection.
potential. (Fitzgibbon, 2023, Module 10)


Fitzgibbon, A. (2023). Intellectual and Learning Disabilities. Assignment #3 - Case Study.

Oakville, Ontario: Sheridan College.

Fitzgibbon, A. (2023). Intellectual and Learning Disabilities. Module 10 [PowerPoint presentation].

Oakville, Ontario: Sheridan College.

Fitzgibbon, A. (2023). Intellectual and Learning Disabilities. Module 10 Students with FASD -

Understanding the Learning Profile. Oakville, Ontario: Sheridan College.

Kwan, A. (2018). Students With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Understanding The Learning


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