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Date: …………………………………..

Name: …………………………….... Class: ………


E.g. I’m lucky enough to have a lot of friends.
My mother is too tired to cook.
I. Combine these sentences using “too+ adj. + to –verb” or “adj. + enough + to
1. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them.
2. He is strong. He can carry this table.
3. The house is large. My family can live in it.
4. It was very late. They didn’t go to the movies.
5. The dress is so dirty. She can’t wear it.
6. She is not tall. She can’t reach the stop shelf.
7. Mr. isn’t rich. He can’t buy a car.
8. My grand mother is very weak. She can’t lift the book.
9. The film is very good. The children won’t miss it.
10. Those shoes are large. You can wear them.
II. Fill in the gaps with: “enough” or “too” to complete the sentences.
1. He hasn’t got ____________ money to buy this car.
2. It is cool ____________ for you to drink.
3. There is ____________ much pollution in big cities.
4. It is ____________ high for me to jump over.
5. There are ____________ many people on the road.
6. There aren’t chairs ____________ chairs foe these people to sit.
7. He isn’t strong ____________ to lift this bag.
8. This coffee is ____________ heavy for me to drink.
III. Match each half a sentence in column A with its suitable half in column B.
1. The weather is not warm enough a. to go to school.
2. He is not old enough b. to take part in those activities.
3. The train was not fast enough c. for him to get the scholarship.
4. Tom’s grade was not good enough d. To realize the trick.
5. Mr. Hung is not qualified enough e. To lift the weights.
6. He is not clever enough f. To be accepted to the
7. She is old enough company.
8. Tom is strong enough g. For me to go swimming
h. For him to arrive on time.

1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
5+ 6+ 7+ 8+

Enjoyable good fit plates
sweet information hard

1. Have you got enough money to pay for all these things?

2. My English is not _________________ for an interpreter.

3. We had 12 people for dinner last night but we didn’t have _________________.

4. Jane didn’t pass her examination because she didn’t study _________________

5. The party on Saturday was very quite. It wasn’t _________________.

6. Is your coffee _________________ , or would you like some more sugar?

7. I can’t give you an answer because I haven’t got _________________

8. William couldn’t run more than 200 meters because he wasn’t _________________

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