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Laboratory Report

Lab #: 9

Lab Title: Spectroscopy and The Nature of Light


Fall 2021

Report Submission Date: 11/6/2021

Number of Pages: 4

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I. Objective:

The main objective of this laboratory experiment is to explore the nature of light and the

color to elucidate the principles and phenomena associated with spectroscopy.

II. Theory:

Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation as a

function of the wavelength or frequency of the radiation. A device that that breaks down the light

into its fundamental components or colors is called a spectroscope.

III. Equipment

The following were used to get the lab completed:

1.) Lab Videos

2.) Color Pencils

3.) Ruler

4.) Calculator

5.) Lab Manual

IV. Procedure:

After reviewing the concept of the lab, the following steps were taken to complete the


1. The color closest to the bulb and furthest to the bulb was identified.

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2. After watching a lab video, the continuous spectrum table was used to identify the

elements, and colored pencils were used to draw the wavelengths.

3. A ruler was then used to measure the wavelength on the diagram given on the

worksheet of page 3.

4. On page 5 of the worksheet a table was given to fill in the missing values. The

calculations were done and the missing values were filled in.

5. A few questions were answered on the page of the worksheet.

6. The lab was completed.

V. Formulas Used for the Lab Experiment

1.) d x/s

VI. Tabulation of Data

Table 1: The Wavelength of Laser Light.

d (c) 0.02 cm
x (cm) 0.45 cm
s (cm) 150 cm
d x/s 0.000006 cm
Actual (cm) 0.000063 cm

VII. Conclusion:

This Laboratory experiment is very knowledgeable and useful. I was able to understand

spectroscopy and the nature of light. Meaning, I was able to explore the nature of light, have a

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better understanding of wavelength and identify different elements. After watching a video of a

light bulb with a spectrum, I was able to identify which color appears closest to the bulb, and

which color appears farthest from the bulb. It was identified that the color violet appears closest

to the bulb, and the color red appears farthest from the bulb.

I was able to identify the Emission Spectra of three elements which were Helium, Iron and

Neon. After identifying the elements, I used color pencils to draw the lines in each tube to show

the spectral lines. Tube one element was already given which is Hydrogen. A ruler was used to

measure the wavelength on page 4 of the worksheet. The measurement that I got is 14mm, which

means that each wavelength given on the worksheet is 14mm from each other. I then draw two

additional wavelengths using the same 14mm measurement.

I used the formula d x/s to measure the wavelength of a laser light. It was found that d=0.02

cm, x=0.45cm and s=150cm. Using the formula, d x/s = 0.000006cm, and the actual cm of

0.000063 cm was given. It was asked how many wavelengths of laser light would it take to span

the thickness of a piece of paper. After doing the calculations, I discovered that it would take 159

wavelengths, which would be required given that it takes 100 pages to make a pile of paper one

cm in height.

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