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URR-18 Write your Roll number


(An Autonomous Institute under Kakatiya University, Warangal)
B. Tech. (CSE) VII Semester (Regular & Supplementary) Examination, December 2022
U18CS704: Cloud Computing
Duration: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Note: Answer all the questions.
1. a. Mention the differences between parallel and distributed computing? [1] U CO1
b. What is an architectural style, and what is its role in the context of a [1] R CO1
distributed system?
c. Define cloud computing and identify its core features. [1] R CO1
d. Which are the basic components of an IaaS-based solution for cloud [1] U CO2
e. What is virtualization and List the benefits of virtualization. [1] R CO2
f. What are the disadvantages or limitations of virtualization? [1] R CO2
g. List some of the important storage technologies that support data-intensive [1] R CO3
h. Compare Amazon SimpleDB and Amazon RDS. [1] U CO3
i. What are the broad categories of applications that can benefit from cloud [1] U CO3
j. Differentiate Cloud federation and Intercloud [1] U CO4
k. Service Level Agreement (SLA) between two parties engage a multistep [1] U CO4
process that generally involves the discovery of the SLA. List the six steps
of the SLA life cycle proposed by Sun Internet Data Center Group.
l. Mention the reasons why security is considered as the top concern for [1] R CO4
cloud users.

2. a. Make use of the platforms and frameworks that offer a range of services, [6] An CO1
from bare-metal infrastructure to applications that may be customized and
used for a particular purpose, are used in the creation of the following
cloud computing applications.
i. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
ii. Google AppEngine
iii. Microsoft Azure
b. Identify whether the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) has violated the initial [6] Ap CO1
availability guarantee. Justify your answer.
Service Level Agreement (SLA): CSP guarantees service availability 97.55%
of the time. Consider an application run in the Cloud for 23 hours 50
minutes per day. At the end of Six months, it was found that the total
outage is 100 hours 30 minutes.
Note: 1 month = 30 days
2. c. The core elements of parallel processing are CPUs. Classify the parallel [6] An CO1
computing systems based on the number of instruction and data streams
that can be processed simultaneously.
d. A fundamental characteristic of cloud computing is the capability to [6] Ap CO1
deliver, on demand, a variety of IT services that are quite diverse from
each other. This variety creates different perceptions of what cloud
computing is among users. Classify cloud computing services into three
categories as a part of cloud computing reference model.

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3. a. Every technology has advantages and limitations likewise the Cloud [6] An CO2
virtualization has pros and cons.
Summarize the advantages and limitations of virtualization in cloud
b. Make use of a scenario where a company wants to use the Cloud services [6] Ap CO2
from a Cloud Service Provider (CSP). The Service Level Agreement (SLA)
guarantees negotiated between the two parties before initiating business
are as follows:
Availability guarantee: 98.9% time over the service period
Service period: 180 days
Maximum service hours per day: 21 hours
Cost: INR 3500/- per day
Service credits are awarded to customers if availability guarantees are not
satisfied. Monthly connectivity uptime service levels are given as:

Monthly Uptime Service Credit

98.00% to 99.99% 15%
93.00% to 97.99% 20%
<92.00% 30%
However, in reality, it was found that over the service period, the Cloud
service suffered Five outages of durations: 3hrs 18mins, 2hrs 23mins, 1hrs
25mins, 2hrs 45mins, and 23mins each on different days, due to which
normal service guarantees were violated. If SLA negotiations are honored,
compute the effective cost payable towards buying the Cloud services.
3. c. We know that there are two ways of running Virtual Machine (VM) [6] An CO2
 Type-1: hypervisor that directly runs on the hardware
 Type-2: hypervisor that runs on conventional operating system.
(hosted hypervisor)
Answer the following three questions that arise concerning a system that
runs a hosted hypervisor on a
i. What are the facilities that make a hosted hypervisor possible?
ii. What benefits does it offer to a user?
Is the technology useful in cloud data center?
d. A university is debating whether to install a private cloud or to use a [6] Ap CO2
public cloud, for its computational and storage needs, asks your advice.
How will you use each one of the following items?
(a) the description and the type of the applications the university will run;
(b) the system software used by these applications;
(c) the resources needed by each application;
(d) the costs involved. What will be your advice and why?

4. a. What is the Windows Azure Platform Appliance? For which kinds of [6] Ap CO3
scenarios was this appliance designed?
b. Identify a set of requirements you would like to be included in a Service [6] An CO3
Level Agreement. Attempt to express them using the Web Service
Agreement Specification (WS Agreement) and determine if it is flexible
enough to express your options.
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4. c. Describe how cloud computing technology can be applied to support [6] Ap CO3
remote ECG monitoring.
d. Examine the challenges faced in designing and implementing an [6] An CO3
organizational structure that coordinates together cloud services that
belong to different administrative domains and makes them operate within
a context of a single unified service middleware

5. a. The successful implementation of a cloud federation depends on a number [6] Ap CO4

of factors. There are additional factors to take into account in addition to
motivation and technological enablers. When designing a platform for
interoperability among cloud vendors, it is important to keep standards for
interoperability, security, and legal considerations in mind.
Analyze the legal issues related to access rights, privacy, and control in
cloud computing.
b. Analyze how the six surfaces of attacks in a cloud computing environment [6] An CO4
illustrated in the following figure can be apply to the SaaS, PaaS and IaaS
cloud delivery models.

5. c. Research and development are required at several levels, including [6] An CO4
conceptual, logical and operational, and infrastructural, to create a cloud
federation. Each cloud federation level runs at a distinct tier of the IT stack
and poses unique issues. Analyze the application of various methods and
technologies at Logical and Operational level.

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d. Compare the benefits and the potential problems in terms of cloud security [6] Ap CO4
due to virtualization on the following cloud deployment models.
i. public
ii. private
iii. hybrid clouds.

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