Osseodensification in Implant Dentistry A.12

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Osseodensification in Implant Dentistry:

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A Critical Review of the Literature

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Ahmed A. Elsayyad, BDS* and Reham B. Osman, BDS, MSc, PhD†

rimary stability and secondary Introduction: Osseodensifica- 5 articles were included and under-

P stability of dental implants are

crucial factors for long-term suc-
cess of any implant treatment.1 Pri-
tion is a technique that aims at bone
preservation and compaction either
through nonsubtractive drilling or
went qualitative synthesis.
Discussion: Studies advocating
osseodensification are sparse and
mary stability is highly dependent on implants with a special thread mainly animal studies of low evi-
bone quantity and quality and is man-
design. This can increase quantity dence level. High risk of bias and
datory especially in cases of immedi-
ate loading. Bone-implant contact and density of periimplant bone. This low correlation between used animal
(BIC) affects both primary and sec- review represents a summary and models and human bone were de-
ondary stability at the time of implant a critical appraisal of the studies tected in most of the studies.
placement and after osseointegration regarding osseodensification in the Conclusion: Although osseoden-
respectively. Ottoni et al2 reported literature. sification seems to be a very promis-
a 20% reduction in failure rate for Materials and Methods: Three ing technique, the findings are
every 9.8 N/cm increase in the inser- databases were searched: PubMed inconclusive and should be cautiously
tion torque value of single implants. (MEDLINE), Cochrane Library, and interpreted. Well-designed animal
In an attempt to increase primary Latin American and Caribbean cen- and human studies of longer follow-
implant stability, several techniques ter on health sciences information up periods are required before im-
have been introduced to enhance bone (LILACS). Studies were screened by plementing such technique in regular
quality and quantity. Under prepara-
title/abstract according to predeter- daily practice. (Implant Dent
tion of the osteotomy site by using
a drill one size smaller than the mined eligibility criteria. Full texts 2019;28:306–312)
planned implant diameter is one of of 7 eligible articles were read Key Words: osteocompaction, osteo-
the widely used techniques. Degidi among which 2 were excluded and compression, implant stability
et al3 reported enhanced primary
implant stability with 10% undersized
osteotomy preparation. However, establishment of the secondary bio- On the other hand, bone compac-
undersized osteotomy may compro- logic fixation. The use of osteotomes tion at the osteotomy site was also
mise the dimensions of the healing was also attempted to increase bucco- attempted either through the use of
chamber between pristine bone and lingual bone width and periimplant specially designed dental implants or
implant that could decrease the speed bone density through the use of bone drilling burs. In 2000, technique
of woven bone filling and thus the implant-shaped tapered tools. With of osteocompaction or osteocompres-
the aid of such tools, bone instead of sion was introduced using sinusoidal
*Resident and MSc Degree Candidate, Department of
Prosthodontics, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo being removed from the implant bed is thread implant design (LaminOss; Im-
University, Giza, Egypt.
†Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Oral and compressed inward.4 However, it is re- pladent Ltd., Holliswood, NY).8 Lami-
Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
ported that the increase in bone density nOss implant uses a round-thread
Reprint requests and correspondence to: Ahmed A. is mainly detected at the periapical area design, known as a sinusoidal screw
Elsayyad, BDS, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, with no influence on the lateral mar- thread profile with a hemispherical
Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University,
11 Saraya Street, Manyal, Cairo 11553, Egypt, Phone: gins and implant primary stability. Tra- apex. Such a design was claimed to
+20-10-0957-7101, Fax: 844-331-1657, E-mail: becular fractures that accompany the allow for controlled functional osteo-
osteotome bone condensation may compression during surgical instru-
ISSN 1056-6163/19/02803-306 trigger osteocyte damage and exten- mentation and accordingly maximum
Implant Dentistry
Volume 28  Number 3 sive microfractures, thus resulting in viable bone interface, providing greater
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
reserved. bone resorption and prolonged period initial stability.8 More recently in 2014,
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000884 of healing.5–7 another technique was introduced and

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

is based on an osseodensification dril- Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related SYstematic Review Centre for
ling concept using a specially designed Research, Clinical Oral Implants Laboratory animal Experimentation
bur called Densah Bur (Versah, Jack- Research, European Journal of Oral Im- (SYRCLE)’s risk of bias tool for animal
son, MI). In an attempt to overcome plantology, Implant Dentistry, Journal studies,12 which consist of 10 points.
the bone loss associated with subtrac- of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of According to each question, the
tive drilling, nonsubtractive drilling is Dental Research, Journal of Oral and study was graded as: high risk, low risk,
adopted in the “osseodensification”
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Maxillofacial Implants, and Journal of or unclear risk. Any disagreement

technique. Nonsubtractive drilling can Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. More- between the authors was solved by con-
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preserve cut bone trabeculae compress- over, the website of Densah Bur (Ver- sulting a third party.
ing autografts against periphery and sah) was also searched.
apex of implant bed rather than leaving One author (A.A.E.) performed the
the osteotomy. Osseodensification search independently and screened the RESULTS
technique uses copious irrigation and titles and abstracts for relevance. Then, Thorough literature search yielded
a reverse cutting bur with increased the 2 authors (R.B.O. and A.A.E.) 371 articles from PubMed, 382 articles
number of lands that can guide the bony screened the full text of the selected from LILACS, and 27 articles from
trabeculae through the osteotomy with relevant articles based on predeter- Cochrane library. All articles were
less chatter.9 Osseodensification is re- mined inclusion and exclusion criteria. exported to Mendeley reference man-
ported to double the insertion torque10 Any disagreement was solved by con- ager (Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Neth-
and increase bone width by 2- or 3-folds sensus or even consultation of a third erlands), and after the removal of
compared with regular cutting11 and party. duplicates, 425 articles were extracted.
thus suggested to be a great tool in areas After initial screening of extracted
of poor bone quality or quantity to Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The studies were selected if they articles by title/abstract, 418 articles
enhance implant stability. were excluded because they did not
Despite the claimed advantages of met the following inclusion criteria:
studies in the English language up to match the eligibility criteria. Seven
the osteocompaction/osseodensification articles were fully read,8,10,11,13–16 of
techniques, no evidence exists in the February 2018, randomized or non-
randomized clinical trials, prospective which 2 were excluded15,16 from the
literature regarding the efficacy of qualitative synthesis. One of the
such technique in improving the peri- or retrospective studies as well as
in vivo and in vitro animal studies that excluded studies employed osteotomes
implant bone quantity as well as for bone expansion15 while the other
density and subsequently the initial reported on osteocompaction/
osseodensification as a tool of improv- study presented a review on various
implant stability. Therefore, the aim techniques used for the enhancement
ing periimplant bone quantity as well as
of the present review is to critically
bone density and implant stability. of implant stability.16 The prisma flow
evaluate all the studies in the litera- diagram in Figure 1 represents a sum-
ture regarding osseodensification Exclusion criteria included: studies
that used other techniques to increase mary of the process of data extraction
and its influence on implant stabil- and synthesis.
ity, bone gain, and density in an bone stability (such as osteotomes or
attempt to draw evidence-based undersized osteotomy preparation) as Characteristics of Included Studies
recommendations. well as case reports, case series, and Table 1 presents an overview of the
review of literature papers. There were included studies. The 5 studies included
MATERIALS AND METHODS no restrictions regarding the date of were animal studies; 4 were in vivo on
publication. a sheep model,8,10,13,14 and 1 was an
Search Strategy Data Extraction in vitro study11 performed on a tibia
A thorough literature search of the A data extraction form was adopted bone specimen obtained from pork.
electronic databases; PubMed (MED- to collect the following study informa- They were published in 2000,8
LINE), Cochrane Library, and Latin tion: (1) title, (2) authors, (3) year of 2016,10,14 and 2017.11,13 Of the 4
American and Caribbean center on publication, (4) technique of osseoden- in vivo studies: 2 were performed on
health sciences information (LILACS); sification, (5) number of implants a sheep hip model,10,14 1 was performed
was performed to identify the relevant placed, (6) outcomes measured, BIC, on a sheep cervical spine,13 and the last
articles. The search was conducted up to bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO), study did not specify the animal model
February 2018 using free text and percentage of bone volume (%BV) used.8 In the included studies, variable
controlled vocabulary (MeSH) terms. analysis, bone mineral density, and number of implants were placed: 30,14
The following key words were used: temperature increase, and (7) follow- 72,11 20,10 144,13 and 8 implants8 with
“Osseodensification,” “bone densifica- up period. different follow-up periods: 6
tion,” “osseocompaction,” “bone com- weeks,13,14 2 months,10 3 months,8
paction,” “osteocompression,” “dental Quality Assessment and non-mentioned.11 Counterclock-
implants,” and “Densah bur.” The elec- All the included studies were ani- wise (CCW) osseodensification by
tronic search was complemented with mal studies; hence, the 2 authors Densah Bur (Versah) was used compar-
hand search of the following journals: individually assessed them using the ing it with regular drilling10,13 or with

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Fig. 1. Prisma flow chart showing search strategy from 3 databases. After removal of the duplicates, studies were screened based on
predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The included studies were then read full text and assessed for eligibility to undergo qualitative

both regular and clockwise osseodensi- In 2000, Valen and Locante8 re- no mention of the animal model em-
fication (extraction drilling),11,14 ported that LaminOss osteocompres- ployed in the study.
whereas one study used sinusoidal sive implants (Impladent Ltd.) In a sheep hip model, Lahens et al14
thread implant design for bone compac- produced 2.5 times greater bone lami- reported that CCW osseodensification
tion.8 The outcomes measured in the 5 nation without evidence of bone necro- resulted in an increase in insertion tor-
articles were as follows: insertion tor- sis compared with regular implants. que values and %BIC from 25 up to 100
que values using digital torque The immediately loaded LaminOss im- N/cm and from 50% to 70% respec-
meter,13,14 resonance frequency analy- plants had twice the bone density at the tively when compared with regular dril-
sis using Osstell system,11 and implant implant-bone interface compared with ling. Both increased values were
secondary stability (removal torque val- the nonloaded counterpart. Both results statistically significant. However, BA-
ues [RTV]) using universal testing were obtained 3 months after implants FO showed higher values for the paral-
machine.10,11,13 In addition, placement. The authors attributed the lel implants compared with the conical
BIC,10,11,13,14 BAFO,13,14 and %BV10 increase in bone density to the sinusoi- implant type with no significant differ-
were assessed by histological analysis. dal thread implant design that stimu- ence between the 2 drilling techniques.
Bone mineral density8,11 was also mea- lated a flow of electric current between On the other hand, using the same ani-
sured using microcomputed tomogra- the cells known as streaming potential mal model, Trisi et al10 reported no sig-
phy11 and histological analysis.8,11 creating a highly stimulatory environ- nificant difference in the %BIC
Temperature increase was also ment for osteoblasts. Only 8 implants between the regular drilling and CCW
measured.11 were used in this study, and there was osseodensification groups. %BV was

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Table 1. Summary of the Eligible Studies That Underwent Qualitative Synthesis
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Author’s Outcomes Measured

Name, Technique
Year Type of Study of No. of Follow-

of and Animal Osseoden Implants up Secondary Temperature
Publication Model sification Placed Period Insertion Torque Stability %BIC BAFO %BV, Density Increase

Lahens Animal study CCWOD 30 6 wk R ¼ 25 N/cm; N/A R ¼ 50%; No significant N/A N/A
et al, (sheep hip CCW ¼ 100 N/cm CCW ¼ 70% difference
201614 bone)
Trisi et al, Animal study CCWOD 20 2 mo N/A CCW showed No significant N/A CCW showed N/A
201610 (sheep hip 30%–40% difference 30%
bone) increased increase in
implant %BV
stability in
terms of
lower VAM
Huwais In vitro animal CCWOD 72 N/S ISQ was doubled in RTQ was R ¼ 22%–26%; N/A Crust of high- Nonsignificant
and study the CCW group more than CCW ¼ 64%– density difference
Meyer, (porcine tibia doubled in 72% bone
201711 specimen) the CCW surrounded


group the implants
(universal in the CCW
testing group
Lopez et al, Animal study CCWOD 144 6 wk R ¼ 35 N/cm; R ¼ 150 N/ R ¼ 35%; R ¼ 40%; N/A N/A
201713 (sheep spine) CCW ¼ 65 N/cm cm; CCW ¼ CCW ¼ 50% CCW ¼
225 N/cm at 6 mo 70% at 6
Valen and Animal study LO 8 3 mo N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.5 times more N/A
Locante, (N/S type) bone
20008 density
in the LO
Data extracted was: type of study and animal model, technique of osseodensification, number of implants placed, follow-up period, and outcomes measured.
CCWOD indicates counterclockwise osseodensification; LO, LaminOss osteocompressive implants; N/A, nonavailable; N/S, nonspecified.


30% higher for the osseodensification Methodologic Quality The reason for choosing a specific
group, which was statistically signifi- The 5 included studies were as- animal model and its reference to
cant. The osseodensification group also sessed according to the SYRCLE’s risk human biology was mentioned only in
showed 30%–40% higher implant sec- of bias tool for animal studies,12 which 2 studies11,13 and nonspecified in the
ondary stability in terms of RTV and consist of ten questions (Table 2). Ac- other 2 studies.10,14 The location and
lower values of actual micromotion cording to each question, the study was the time for conducting the study were
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analysis (VAM). graded as: high risk, low risk, or unclear not mentioned in the 4 included animal
Huwais and Meyer11 compared 3 risk if the answer to the question was no, studies.10,11,13,14 Huwais and Meyer11
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preparation techniques: CCW osseoden- yes, or unclear, respectively, for this reported statistical difference despite
sification, osseous CW extraction, and category. Hooijmans et al12 do not rec- having a P value of more than 0.05.
standard drilling in porcine tibia plateau ommend calculating a summary score Three studies reported that the study
bone samples. Both the osseous extrac- for each individual study because it as- design and small sample size repre-
tion and osseodensification drilling was signs “weights” to specific categories in sented limitations of their
performed with a new tapered, multif- this tool. In addition, they also recom- studies.10,11,13
luted bur design. The bur was used in mended using only applicable catego- Conflict of interest was present and
a reverse rotating CCW and a CW direc- ries out of the 10 domains for clearly reported in one study10 and was
tion for osseodensification and osseous individual assessment of each study. present and not mentioned in another
extraction drilling techniques, respec- The 5 included studies were also as- study.11 In the study by Trisi et al,10
tively. CCW drilling enabled the preser- sessed according to the Animal the authors reported that one of the co-
vation and creation of a compact layer of Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experi- authors is a consultant for Cortex Den-
bone in the osseodensification technique. ments (ARRIVE) checklist for report- tal Implants system (Cortex, Shlomi,
The authors reported no significant dif- ing animal studies.17 Israel) used in the study. On the other
ferences in implant stability quotient Valen and Locante8 placed 8 im- hand, it was not mentioned that one of
(ISQ) or temperature increase among plants in a nonspecified animal model. the coauthors is the inventor of the Den-
the 3 groups. The insertion and RTV The study published in 2000 did not sah Bur (Versah) used in the study by
were doubled or even more than doubled obviously follow the “ARRIVE” Huwais and Meyer.11
in the osseodensification group com- checklist and had an unclear risk of
pared with the other 2 groups. Micro- bias in all 10 categories included in
computed tomography showed a crust the SYRCLE’s risk of bias tool for ani- DISCUSSION
of compact bone (0.1–0.3 mm) along mal studies. The other 4 studies fol- This critical review was conducted
the edges and at the bottom (0.5–1 mm) lowed the SYRCLE’s risk of bias tool to explore the influence of osseodensi-
of osseous densification osteotomies. % with some limitations.10,11,13,14 The fication technique achieved either
BIC increased by approximately 3 times baseline characteristics were similar through the use of nonsubtractive dril-
from 22% to 26% up to 64% to 72% for where the intervention and the control ling or implants of specially designed
implants prepared with osseous densifi- groups were carried on the same ani- macrogeometry on enhancing implant
cation compared with standard drilling. mal model (split study design). stability through increasing the periim-
Lopez et al13 placed fixation devi- Accordingly, allocation sequence gen- plant bone density and quantity.
ces in the cervical vertebrae of 12 sheep eration and concealment, animals’ ran- Apart from the article included in
using regular and osseodensification dom housing for the study groups and this critical review on the osteocompac-
drilling. The insertion torque values random selection of animals for out- tion technique achieved through the use
increased and were almost doubled come assessment were not required. of a specially designed LaminOss
from 35 to 65 N/cm in the regular and Blinding of investigators was implant system,8 only one more article
the osseodensification drilling groups impractical. presenting 2 case reports and clinical
respectively. The pull-out strength High risk of attrition and selective considerations of such a system could
measured in terms of RTV similarly outcome reporting biases was detected be found in the literature.18 Currently,
increased from 150 to 225 N/cm in the in study by Lahens et al.14 One subject such an implant design is commercially
regular and osseodensification drilling in this study had postoperative infection available under a different brand name
groups, respectively. %BIC and % BA- after implant placement and was “PhysioLock Osteocompressive
FO were significantly higher in the os- excluded by the authors during out- Implant System.” However, well-
seodensification group. In both groups, come assessment. In addition, address- designed animal or clinical trials could
%BAFO decreased from 0 to 3 weeks ing incomplete outcome data was not not be found in the literature to support
because of the remodeling process fol- performed where no animal was added the efficacy of such a design.
lowed by an increase in recorded values to compensate for this drop out. In the Traditional osteotomy preparation
from 3 to 6 weeks’ time interval. The same context, performance bias was for implant placement is considered to
authors concluded that this study was found in the study by Trisi et al.10 The be a subtractive approach that cuts and
limited by 6 weeks’ time interval, which authors placed 5 versus 3.8 mm diame- removes bone tissue from the implant
necessitates the need for further studies ter implants in the intervention and con- site. By contrast, osseodensifying burs
of a longer follow-up period. trol groups, respectively. are designed to forward bone chips and

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Table 2. SYRCLE’s Risk of Bias Tool for Assessing Included Animal Studies
SYRCLE’s Risk of Bias Lahens et al, Trisi et al, Huwais et al, Lopez et al, Valen et al,
Tool for Animal Studies12 201614 201610 201711 201713 20008
1) Allocation sequence generation N/A N/A N/A N/A Unclear
2) Similar groups at baseline ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Unclear
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3) Allocation concealment N/A N/A N/A N/A Unclear

4) Animals’ random housing N/A N/A N/A N/A Unclear
5) Blinding of care givers/investigators N/A N/A N/A N/A Unclear
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6) Random selection for outcome assessment N/A N/A N/A N/A Unclear
7) Blinding of outcome assessor Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear
8) Addressing incomplete outcome data ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ Unclear
9) Results free of selective outcome reporting ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ Unclear
10) Study free of other problems causing high ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ Unclear
risk of bias
According to each of its ten questions, the study was graded as: high, low, or unclear risk if the answer to the question was no, yes, or unclear, respectively, for this category.
N/A indicates nonrequired or nonapplicable.

debris inward the implant bed through compared with conventional one, technique are also available in the
the osteotomy with less chatter. which may play a role in enhancing literature and similarly providing very
The included studies were in favor implant secondary stability (increased limited evidence on the efficacy of the
of osseodensification technique com- RTV) and reduce micromotion (lower technique.
pared with regular drilling in terms of VAM). However, it should be pointed In a case series on 20 patients, it
enhancing bone quality and quantity. out that the implants used in the osseo- was found that Densah Bur is effective
However, the articles on this topic are densification group had a larger diame- in the breach of sinus floor with auto-
sparse, mainly animal studies present- ter compared with implants used in the grafting in cases of low residual ridge
ing low level of evidence with high and control group (3.8 vs 5 mm). Although height. An increase in bone height from
unclear risks of bias. The follow-up the authors argued that different 4.18 6 1.25 mm up to 13.58 6 1.06 mm
periods, animal models used, outcomes implant diameters were selected 6 months postoperatively was reported
measured, and the measuring tools were because of fear of bony dehiscence in together with an increase in implant sta-
different among the included studies, the conventional drilling group, this bility due to densification of residual
which make the crossover comparisons represents a high risk of performance bone.18
between the studies difficult. Sample bias. The larger diameter implants had Lipton et al19 placed 28 implants
size calculations were not performed at 26% more surface area according to the using the osseodensification technique
the outset of the study design, which manufacturer, which could have influ- in 3 groups of patients: having 3 to
makes most of the findings enced the results reported in favor of the 4 mm (group 1), 5 to 6 mm (group 2),
inconclusive. osseodensification group. and 7 to 8 mm (group 3) buccolingual
Nonspecified and different animal In their study, Huwais and Meyer11 bone width. The 3 groups showed 75%,
models were used in different studies. concluded that CCW osseodensifica- 27%, and 17% increase in bone width,
Lahens et al14 and Lopez et al13 selected tion drilling significantly increased respectively. The average insertion to-
a sheep hip model because of its low insertion and RTV compared with stan- que was 61 N/cm, whereas the average
density and large size that allows for dard or extraction drilling. No signifi- ISQ value was 77.
placement of multiple implants cant differences in ISQ readings or Hofbauer and Huwais20 reported
with minimal number of animals to be temperature increase were demon- an implant insertion torque of more than
sacrificed. However, the reference of strated among the test and control 50 N/cm and ISQ of 67 and 81 after 3
sheep to human biology and how the groups. Nonetheless, the authors and 6 weeks, respectively, when a single
results can be compared with human claimed that implants in osseodensified implant was placed in premolar region
mandible or maxilla was not men- sites exhibited better stability based on having 3-mm buccolingual bone width
tioned. Huwais and Meyer11 chose indirect evidence from insertion torque using CCW osseodensification. In
a porcine tibia plateau bone samples data. The authors removed the cortical another case report, a Ø3.7 mm implant
placed in epoxy potting because it is bone before performing the study with was inserted in a partially edentulous
a simple homogenous bone model no obvious reasons. The presence of ridge 2.5 to 3 mm in buccolingual
despite the fact that it does not represent cortical bone may have produced differ- dimension using Piezosurgery for ridge
the anatomical shape of the mandible or ent results regarding temperature splitting along with CCW osseodensifi-
maxilla. increase. For statistical comparisons, P cation. The ISQ measured at the time of
Trisi et al10 reported a 30% increase value more than 0.05 was considered surgery and 10 weeks postoperatively
in %BV around dental implants inserted significant. was 49 and 67, respectively.21
in low-density bone using osseodensi- Sporadic case series and case re- In the light of the low level of
fication drilling technique when ports on the osseodensification drilling evidence on the osteocompaction/

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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