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SUBJECT: IIT-Physics ASSIGNMENT: (Kinematics)

Part – A

Single Correct Type Questions

1. A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the ground. It hits the ground and bounces
up vertically to a height d/2. Neglecting subsequent motion and air resistance, its velocity v
varies with the height h above the ground as [IIT-JEE 2000]

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

2. A block is moving down a smooth inclined plane starting from rest at time t = 0. Let S n be the
distance travelled by the block in the interval t = n – 1 to t = n. The ratio is:
Sn+ 1
[IIT-JEE (Scr.), 2004]
2n − 1 2n − 1
(A) (B)
2n 2n + 1
2n + 1 2n
(C) (D)
2n − 1 2n − 1

3. A particle is initially at rest, It is subjected to a linear acceleration a, as shown in the figure. The
maximum speed attained by the particle is: [IIT-JEE (Scr.) 2004]

(A) 605 m/s (B) 110 m/s

(C) 55 m/s (D) 550 m/s

4. The velocity displacement graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown.

The most suitable acceleration-displacement graph will be [IIT-JEE (Scr.) 2005]

(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. Statement-1: For an observer looking out through the window of a fast moving train, the nearby
objects appear to move in the opposite direction to the train, while the distant objects appear
to be stationary. [IIT-JEE' 2008]
Statement-2: If the observer and the object are moving at velocities v 1 and v2 respectively
with reference to a laboratory frame, the velocity of the object with respect to the observer is
v2 – v 1
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

6. Consider an expanding sphere of instantaneous radius R whose total mass remains constant.
The expansion is such that instantaneous density  remains uniform throughout the volume.
 1 d 
The rate of fractional change in density   is constant. The velocity v of any point on the
  dt 
surface of the expanding sphere is proportional to: [JEE-ADVANCE-2017]
(A) R3 (B) (C) R (D) R2/3

One or More than one Correct Type Questions

7. Starting at time t = 0 from the origin with speed 1 ms-1, a particle follows a two-dimensional
trajectory in the x-y plane so that its coordinates are related by the equation y = . The x and
y components of its acceleration are denoted by ax and ay, respectively. Then
(A) ax = 1 ms-2 implies that when the particle is at the origin, ay = 1 ms-2
(B) ax = 0 implies ay = 1 ms-2 at all times
(C) at t = 0, the particle’s velocity points in the x-direction
(D) ax = 0 implies that at t = 1 s, the angle between the particle’s velocity and the x axis is 45°

Integer Type Questions
8. A train is moving along a straight line with a constant acceleration ‘a’. A boy standing in the
train throws a ball forward with a speed of 10 m/s, at an angle of 60° to the horizontal. The boy
has to move forward by 1.15 m inside the train to catch the ball back at the initial height. The
acceleration of the train, in m/s2, is [IIT-JEE-2011]

9. A rocket is moving in a gravity free space with a constant acceleration of 2 ms –2 along + x

direction (see figure). The length of a chamber inside the rocket is 4m. A ball is thrown from
the left end of the chamber in + x direction with a speed of 0.3 ms –1 relative to the rocket. At
the same time, another ball is thrown in –x direction with a speed of 0.2 ms–1 from its right end
relative to the rocket. The time in seconds when the two balls hit each other is:

[JEE (Advanced) 2014]

10. Airplanes A and B are flying with constant velocity in the same vertical plane at angles 30°
and 60° with respect to the horizontal respectively as shown in figure. The speed of A is
100 3 ms–1. At time t = 0 s, an observer in A finds B at a distance of 500 m. This observer sees
B moving with a constant velocity perpendicular to the line of motion of A. If at t = t 0, A just
escapes being hit by B, t0 in seconds is: [JEE (Advanced) 2014]

11. A ball is projected from the ground at an angle of 45° with the horizontal surface. It reaches a
maximum height of 120m and returns to the ground. Upon hitting the ground for the first time,
it loses half of its kinetic energy. Immediately after the bounce, the velocity of the ball makes
an angle of 30° with the horizontal surface. The maximum height it reaches after the bounce,
in meters, is ___________. [JEE (Advanced) 2018]

12. A ball is thrown from ground at an angle  with the horizontal and with an initial speed u0. For
the resulting projectile motion, the magnitude of average velocity of the ball upto the point
when it hits the ground for the first time is V1. After hitting the ground, ball rebounds at the
same angle  but with a reduced speed of u0/ Its motion continues for a long time as shown
in figure. If the magnitude of average velocity of the ball for entire duration of motion is 0.8V 1,
the value of  is _________. [JEE-ADVANCED-2019]

13. A projectile is fired from horizontal ground with speed v and projection angle . When the
acceleration due to gravity is g, the range of the projectile is d. If at the highest point in its
trajectory, the projectile enters a different region where the effective acceleration due to gravity
is g = , then the new range is d = nd. The value of n is _____. [JEE-ADVANCED-2022]

Part – B

Single Correct Type Questions

1. A hollow vertical cylinder of radius r and height ha has a smooth internal surface. A small
particle is placed in contact with the inner side of the upper rim, at point A, given a horizontal
speed u, tangential to the rim. It leaves the lower rim at point B, vertically below A. If n is an
integer, then.

u 2h h 2r u
(A) =n (B) =n (C) =n (D) =n
2r g 2r h 2gh

Paragraph for Question 2 to 3

We have studied projectile motion in great details in previous classes. Apart from many features
of projectile motion, a very intersting fact about projectile motion (which can be shown by a
simple logic) is that whenever distnace between point of projection and point of landing is
maximum for a given speed, angle between velocity vectors at these poi ts (at the intial anf
final instant) is 90°. For example in figure (i), (ii) and (iii), if AB is maximum for a given speed,
then  +  =90°

2. For ground to ground projectile motion, if distance between A and B is maximum in the figure
shown below, then

(A)  = 30° (B)  = 45° (C)  = 60° (D)  = 90°

3. A projectile is projected on an inclined plane, up the incline as shown in the figure, if range AB
is maximum then:

(A)  = 35° (B)  = 40° (C)  = 45° (D)  = 50°

Paragraph for Question 4 to 5
The hodograph for the motion of a particle is defined as follows. From a fixed-point O, we draw
a vector line OP to represent in magnitude and direction of the instantaneous velocity of a
moving particle. The locus of the point P gives us the hodograph for the motion if the particle
(see figure)

4. For a particle moving along a circle and having variable speed v = kt (k is constant and t is time),
the hodograph is (assume centre of circle as fixed point):
(A) A circle (B) Ellipse (C) Spiral (D) Parabola

5. For a particle projected from ground with velocity u making an angle , hodograph is (assume
point of projection as fixed point):
(A) Straight line (B) Circle (C) Parabola (D) None of these

One or More than one Correct Type Questions

6. Two balloons are simultaneously release from two buildings A and b, balloon from A rises with
constant velocity 10ms–1, while the other one rises with constant velocity of 20ms–1. Due to wind
the balloons gather horizontal velocity Vx = 0.5 y, where ‘y’ is the height from the point of
release. The buildings are at a distance of 250 m & after some time ‘t’ the balloons collide.

(A) t = 5 sec
(B) difference in height of buildings is 100 m
(C) difference in height of buildings is 500 m
(D) t = 10 sec

7. An ant is scampering on a paper with velocity 10 m/s. Now you begin to pull the paper with
velocity 10 m/s along x-axis as shown in figure. Coordinate system has origin fixed to ground as
shown in figure. The initially position of ant is (0,0). Select the correct alternative(s)

(A) Velocity of ant in ground frame is (18iˆ + 6ˆj) m/s

(B) Position vector of ant with respect to ground after 3 sec. is (54iˆ + 18ˆj) m.
(C) In ground frame, velocity vector of ant is at an angle  < 37°
(D) In ground frame velocity vector of ant is at angle  > 37°
8. A ball is projected on level ground such that its range is 20 m. An observer moving parallel to
the plane of projection observer a range of 10 m relative to himself. If the ball initial velocity of
10 2 m/s, whet can be velocity of the observer.
(A) 10 m/s (B) 5 m/s (C) 20 m/s (D) 15 m/s

9. A cyclist moves across a bridge and a is rowed in a river as shown in figure. Both are cyclist and
boat start at same instant from same point. Both reach point A across the river simultaneously.
A person on a floating raft in river sees both of them moving 127° with flow and crossing 40 m
wide river in 10 second. Mark the correct statement(s):

(A) River flow is 4 m/s

(B) Speed of cyclist is 4m/s
(C) Speed of boat relative to water is 5m/s
(D) Speed of raft is3 m/s

10. A man is standing on a road and observers that rain falling at angle 45° with the vertical. The
man starts running on the road with constant acceleration 0.5 m/s 2. After a certain time from
the start of the motion, it appears to him that rain is still falling at angle 45° with the vertical,
with speed 2 2 m/s. Motion of the man is in the same vertical plane in which the rain is falling.
Then which of the following statement(s) is/ are true.
(A) It is not possible
(B) Speed of the rain relative to the ground is 2m/s
(C) Speed of the man when he finds rain to be falling at angle 45with the vertical, is 4 m/s
(D) The man has travelled a distance 16 m on the road by the time he again finds to be falling
at angle 45°.

Integer Type Questions

11. A transparent lift A is going upwards with velocity 20ms–1 and retarding at the rate of 8ms–2.
Second transparent lift B is located in front of it and is going down 10 ms-1 with retardation of
2 ms–2. At the same instant a bolt from the ceiling of lift A drops inside list A. If height of car A
is 16 m then fins the distance travelled by bolt as observed by a person in lift B till the time it
collides with floor of lift A.

12. A particle is projected horizontal with velocity 10 m/s from nan inclined plane. Incline plane
starts moving with acceleration 10 m/s2 vertically upward as shown. The time (in second) after
which particle will land on the plane is given by s . Find the value if n. (g =10 m/s2)

13. Am at wood machine is setup in an elevator moving upward at 5m/s and slowing down at 2
m/s2. The initial velocity of block B is 2 m/s upward and the acceleration of block A is 3 m/s2
downward. Find the time (in sec.) at which block B will return to its initial position. Assume the
string remains taunt and the acceleration of the elevator does not change during the required
time interval.

14. projectile 1 is fired velocity 20 m/s, at an angle 37° with the positive x-axis, for the origin of
x-y coordinates. X-axis is horizontal while the Y-axis is vertically up. Another projectile is fired
from the point (20m, 0) with an initial velocity 30 m/s, at an angle 127° with positive x-axis.
Both projectiles are fired simultaneously. Find the locus of 2 as seen by 1 and the minimum
distance between the two during their flights.

15. A fighter plane is flying horizontally at a height of 250 m from ground with constant velocity of
500 m/s. it passes exactly over a cannon which can fire a shell at any time in any direction with
a speed of 100 m/s. Find the duration of time for which the plane is in danger of being hit by a
cannon shell.

16. In an experiment, a student athlete throws stones out the window in all direction. All stones
have the same initial speed . It turns out that all stone’s landing velocities make angle  or
greater with the horizontal. Find the height h of the window above the ground.

17. A helicopter is moving vertically upwards with a velocity 5 m/s. When the helicopter is at a

height 10 m from ground. A stone is thrown with a velocity (3iˆ + 4ˆj) m/s from the helicopter
w.r.t. the man in it. Considering the point on ground vertically below the helicopter as the origin
of coordinates, and the ground below as xy plane, find the coordinates of the point where the
stone will fall. Its distance from origin & the distance between the helicopter & the stone, at
the instant the stone strikes the ground, assuming helicopter moves upwards with constant

Match the Column Type

18. Column-I Shows certain situations with certain conditions and column-II Shows the parameters
in which situations of Column-I match. Which can be a possible combination.
Column – I Column – II

(A) u1 = u2; 1  2 (P)

Two projectile are projected from a height such

that they strike ground with same speed.

(B) u1 > u2; 1 > 2 (Q)

Two projectiles under standard ground to

Ground projection such that horizontal range
is same.

(C) u1 < u2; 1 > 2 (R)

Two swimmer starting from same point on a

river bank such that time of crossing is same. u1
& u2 are velocities to river.

(D) u1 > u2; 1 < 2 (S)

Two swimmer starting from same point on a

river bank such that they cross perpendicular to
flow, u1 & u2 are velocities to river.


Person moving downward along slope in rain

such that he observes rain vertically.


Part – A

1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (B)

6. (C) 7. (ABCD) 8. 5 9. 8 or 2 10. 5
11. 30 12. 4 13. 0.95

Part – B

1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (BD) 7. (ABC)

8. (BD) 9. (BCD) 10. (CD) 11. 51 12. 3 13. 4
(V tan )2
14. Straight line, 24/ 13 m 15. 2 2 16. h= 17. (6,8,0), 10m, 10 5 m
18. (A)-PQ; (B)-QRT; (C)-QRT; (D)-QS

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