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Life and Works of Rizal

Patriarchy in the Philippines

When the Spaniards came into the Philippines, they brought
with them their patriarchal values about women which eventually
diffuse into Philippines culture.

There was an idea that men should be provider of the family and
protector of the women.

Filipinos were familiarized to a patriarchal system of

education which emphasized the domestic value that
women were property of men.”

“To the women of malolos”
December 12, 1888
A group of twenty women of Malolos petitioned Governor-General
Valeriano Weyler for permission to open a night school so that they
may study Spanish under Teodoro Sandiko.

But then, Father Felipe Garcia objected resulting into the turning
down of the petition by the Governor-General.

However, the young women, in defiance of the friar’s

wrath, bravely continued their agitation for the school – a
thing unheard of in the Philippines in those times.

They finally succeeded in obtaining government approval

to their project on the condition that Señora Guadalupe
Reyes should be their teacher, they would pay for their
expenses, and it should be a morning school.
Alberta Uitangcoy, was the one who
personally handed the letter to Gov.-
General Weyler, letter goes this way;

We the undersigned young women and others before Your Excellency introduce and present with all due respect:
we desire to know the rich Spanish language, encouraged and grateful for your generous intention to spread the
language of Castile in the country; and as we are unable to learn it from the schools of Manila, some of us because
of our scant fortune, others because of the pressing needs in their homes, nor can it be done in the daytime
because we are busy with peremptory domestic chores: For this purpose, we humbly beseech Your Excellency to
permit us to open a night school in the home of a relative of ours, where we will go accompanied by our mothers
to receive lessons in Spanish grammar from a teacher of Latin, salaried by us, who has in a short period given
evidence of his aptitude for teaching the Castile language through the progress shown by his students, while the
teachers of the town, whose professional good name we do not want to offend, have not achieved positive results.
This mercy we do not doubt we shall obtain from the well-known kindness of Your Excellency, whose important
life God may preserve for many years.
To the women of malolos
Graciano Lopez Jaena in the column Ecos de Ultramar, praised
the women because of their courage to present themselves to
the governor-general, an action considered bold that time.

Right after the article of Lopez Jaena was published in La

Solidaridad, Marcelo H. del Pilar wrote from Barcelona to Jose
Rizal in Madrid, on February 17, 1889, requesting Rizal to write
them a letter in Tagalog commending the bravery of the women.

Hence, Rizal sent del Pilar on February 22, 1889 the letter
written in Tagalog for transmittal to the 20 young women of
To the Women Of Malolos
The message conveyed to the young women of Malolos centered on
salient points such as:
• the denunciation of the abuse of the friars in exercising their spiritual
authority bestowed upon them by the church.
• the traits Filipino mothers must have.
• the duties and obligations of Filipino mothers to their children.
• the functions and errands of a wife to her husband.
• the guidance to young women on their choice of a lifetime partner.
1. The teaching of the priest vs. the
teachings of god
“Napagkilala din ninyo na ang utos ñg Dios
ay iba sa utos ñg Parí, na ang kabanalan ay
hindi ang matagal na
luhod, mahabang dasal, malalaking kuentas,
libaguing kalmin, kundí ang
mabuting asal, malinis na loob at matuid na

Religiousness vs. saintliness

2. Traits of a Filipino mother must have

• The Filipino mother must be a noble

• She has to rear her children in the
service of the state.
• Rizal gives reference to the women of
Sparta who embody this quality.
• A wife has to set the standards of
behavior for men around her.
3. Responsibilities of Filipino mother to
their children
• To raise children close to the image
of God
• To awaken and prepare the mind of
the child for every good and desirable
• To teach children to prefer death
with honor than life with dishonor.

“Mulatin ang mata ñg anak sa pagiiñgat

at pagmamahal sa puri, pagibig sa kapua
sa tinubuang bayan, at sa
pagtupad ñg ukol. Ulituliting matamisin
ang mapuring kamatayan
saalipustang buhay. “
3. Responsibilities of Filipino mother to
their children

Isipin na
ang mabuting ina ay iba, sa inang linalang ng
fraile; dapat palakhin
ang anak na malapit baga sa larawan ng tunay
na Dios, Dios na dí
nasusuhulan, Dios na dí masakim sa salapí,
Dios na ama ng lahat, na
walang kinikilingan, Dios na dí tumatabá sa
dugó ng mahirap, na dí
nagsasaya sa daing ng naruruhagi, at
nangbubulag ng matalinong isip.
4. Advice to married woman
• Aid her husband.
• Share his perils.
• Refrain from causing him worry; and
• Sweeten his moments of affliction.
Kung maging asawa na, ay dapat tumulong sa
lahat ng hírap,
palakasin ang loob ng lalaki, humati sa
pañganib, aliwin ang dusa, at
aglahiin ang hinagpis, at alalahaning lagi na
walang hirap na di
mababata ñg bayaning puso, at walang papait
pang pamana, sa pamanang
kaalipustaan at kaalipinan.
5. Advice to unmarried men
• Men should not consider physical beauty nor sweetness
• Rather give priority to firmness of character and excellent

kung dalaga, ay sintahin ñg binatá, di lamang

dahilan sa ganda ó tamis ñg asal, kundí naman sa tibay ñg pusó,
ñg loob, na makabuhay baga at makapanghinapang sa mahiná ó
maruruwagang lalaki, ó makapukaw kayá ñg madidilag na
pagiisip, pag
isang dalaga bagang sukat ipagmalaki ñg bayan, pagpitaganan ñg
sapagka at karaniwang sabi sabi ñg mga kastilá at pari na
diyan ang karupukan at kamangmañgan ñg babaying tagalog, na

tila baga
ang mali ñg ilan ay malí na nang lahat, at anaki'y sa ibang lupá ay
walá, ñg babaing marupok ang loob, at kung sabagay maraming

sa mata ñg ibang babai ang babaying tagalog....
6. Advice to unmarried women
• Not to surrender their womanhood to a
weak and timid heart.
• Must look for a noble and honored man, a
manly heart, and a high spirit incapable of
being a slave.
“Pukawin sa loob ang sigla at sipag,
maginoong asal, mahal na
pakiramdam, at huwag isuko ang pagkadalaga
sa isang mahina at kuyuming
kaya baga di humiling ang dalaga sa iibigín, ñg
isang marañgal at
mapuring ñgalan, isang pusong lalaking
makapag-ampon sa kahinaan ng
babai, isang marangal na loob na di papayag
magka anak ng alipin?”
 Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country and fellowmen.
 Filipino mothers should be glad and honored, like Spartan mothers, to offer their
sons in defense of their country.
 Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and honor.
 Faith Filipino women should educate themselves aside from retaining their good
racial values.
 Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures. It is living the
real Christian way with good morals and manners.
Elisea Tantoco Reyes (1873-1969)
Juana Tantoco Reyes (1874-1900)
Leoncia Santos Reyes (1864-1948)
Olympia San Agustin Reyes (1876-1910)
Rufina T. Reyes (1869-1909)
Eugenia Mendoza Tanchangco (1871-1969)
Aurea Mendoza Tanchangco (1872-1958)
Basilia Villariño Tantoco (1865-1925)
Teresa Tiongson Tantoco (1867-1942)
Maria Tiongson Tantoco (1869-1912)
Anastacia Maclang Tiongson (1874-1940)
Basilia Reyes Tiongson (1860-1925)
Paz Reyes Tiongson (1862-1889)
Aleja Reyes Tiongson (ca 1864-ca 1900)
Mercedes Reyes Tiongson (1870-1928)
Agapita Reyes Tiongson (1872-1937)
Filomena Oliveros Tiongson (ca 1867-1934)
Cecilia Oliveros Tiongson (ca 1867-1934)
Feliciana Oliveros Tiongson (1869-1938)
Alberta Santos Uitangcoy (1865-1953)
Thank you for listening!

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