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Chapter I


Computer technology has been a great help to the improvement of one’s life. Most

establishments, corporations and institutions had developed their own use of such technology

to help themselves work more efficiently with less time and effort, resulting in better production,

profit, and a more satisfied clientele. One example of computer technology is the creation of a

computer system. A design, fit for the company’s needs as well as for the customers. A system

that will help personnel work more efficiently especially in accessing and retrieving data in and

less time as possible.

Automated Voting is a system appropriate technology which has been demonstrated in

the voting, counting, consolidating, canvassing and transmission of election results and other

electoral processes.

Automated voting technologies are increasingly used in elections across the world,

particularly because they are often seen as symbolic of a country’s level of modernization. The

purpose of an Automated Voting System is to deliver state of the art technology that is both

efficient, allowing electoral authorities to utilize the benefits of a computerized system and also

practical, maintaining the basic principles that the voters and election personnel are

accustomed to. This solution makes use of the latest technologies that allow electoral

authorities to complete counting and canvassing processes in a matter of hours, a task that

traditionally took days. The system automates the scanning counting, consolidation and

transmission of the votes, in a secure and traceable manner, reducing the chance of human

error, tampering or fraud attempts and increases the integrity of the elections.

The Student Council elections have always been an annual activity for every school. It

is an activity wherein each student is required to choose from a set of candidates who will

represent each position in the Student Council. This institution had already conducted Supreme

Student Government Election of officers. It was evident unfortunately that the turnover of these

said elections has a problem indeed. The creation of EVSU Dulag Automated Voting System

will help the school to make the work a lot easier and more effective because of the automation

of tally of votes of students during the election period. Using computers, they would be the one

to tally and transmit the votes without human intervention.


This study is proposed to develop the EVSU Dulag Automated Voting System that will create:

1. The system can provide a Qr code that will serve as the student log in and will vote in a

fast, easy secure and hassle free.

2. The system can automatically count the number of votes per candidates once students

finished voting.

3. The system can determine the number of students that voted and not voted.



This study is intended for Eastern Visayas State University Dulag Campus, 55 numbers of

fourth year IT student. The researchers have anticipated covering in their study and program a

system that is designed solely for Supreme Student Government election only, the system

could append instantly voters and candidates and would be responsible for counting the votes.

The system was configured for at least 3-4 network computers. The system also has the

capability to release required reports regarding the list of voters, candidates and the

canvassing result and the system is designed with a user security access level in some


The researchers also made some limitations to their study, the list of courses is already

predefined in the system upon when a voter or student is registered. Candidate’s record after

the election will be saved and manually deleted on the system. Student that officially registered

as voter can only vote. A candidate must first apply as candidate before registering as a voter.


The importance of this study is that it will eliminate the errors and problems that have been

encountered in the manual voting system. The study will provide an efficient, timely, and

accurate voting record.


EVSU Dulag Automated Voting System can benefit the following:

SSG Adviser/SSG – because they can be able to get the newly elected officers as early as

possible. Likewise, using the system, the council can easily make some adjustments on how,

when and who are the students that they need to turn over the position that they have.

Institution- because volumes of paper and human effort can lessen in canvassing the votes and

electoral fraud will be eliminated.

Registrar– because no hassle for him/her to interview the candidates, to pass the valid voters

to the administrator, create a committee on election and submit the list of winners to the

administrator after the counting period. The only thing he/she needs to do when the system will

be developed is to post the list of winners in the bulletin board after the Election.

Instructors- because there is no hassle for them assigning in every precinct as a committee on


Students- because their time in voting will be lessen and they will be having an assurance that

their vote is counted. Likewise, they can easily know the result of the election.

Candidates – because their votes will be secured and minimizes errors such as writing their

names in a wrong position.

Researcher- because it can help them as a guide to enhance more from their future thesis

Chapter II


Review Related Literature


According to Ahn, B. (2022). Today’s online voting systems pose security concerns

and cannot be used for public elections, while offline voting costs significantly more. As a

result, a decentralized electronic voting system is emerging, backed by blockchain technology.

With blockchain technology applied to online voting, the system can guarantee transparency

and confidentiality because individual voter information and aggregate information are stored in

a distributed fashion. Due to its decentralized nature, a blockchain-based voting system is more

secure than the existing central server-based online voting system. In this study, an Ethereum-

based electronic voting system was developed. This system resolves the issue of fraudulent

voting by enhancing the safety and reliability of the electronic voting system.

.According to: Oyite David Robinson Et Al, November 2011). Mobile Voting System

(MVS) is a system that will operate in parallel with the existing manual and automated voting

processes. It will enable legitimate voters to cast their vote from wherever they please using

their mobile devices unlike other means that require the voter to appear at the polling station.

This will help alleviate the nuisance of long queues at poll-sites which waste a lot of time. It will

also ease the vote-counting process which will be done instantly as the voting progresses and

a graphical display will be available on a site (attached to the system) for all stakeholders to

view progress, hence ensuring transparency.


According to Muhammad Basit Farogh (December 2017). The implementation of

advanced technologies in elections becomes more effectual, beneficial and valuable to

eliminate the fraud attempts in voting, to get the accurate voting results and to raise the voter

turnout. There are various types of E-Voting System that have introduced and implemented,

but they have different vulnerabilities. So this dissertation proposed a new prototype that deals

with the design, development and security of a Fingerprint Electronic Voting System based on

Android Application. The proposed voting system allows the voter to scan the fingerprint for

examining the authentication by matching with the pre-stored fingerprint template in database

by using an algorithm. Once the voter completes the verification process, the application

automatically allows a voter to cast his vote using friendly graphical user interface design. The

vote counting process will be done automatically after the completion of voting time and that

makes the voting process efficient, fast, and secure.

According to Nadja et al (2009). Mobile voting falls under a category of voting called e-

voting, which is short for electronic voting ‘, and refers to the option of using electronic means

to vote in referendums and elections. There are systems such as DRE (Direct Electronic

Recording) voting machines that record the vote without that vote being transmitted over the

Internet or another network. The interface of a DRE machine can be a touch screen or a

scanner that scans the ballot paper where the voter marked the vote. The vote is then

registered and stored in the voting machine. Then there is voting over the Internet that uses a

PC with an Internet-connection to cast the vote and send it to be stored in another remote

computer. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA ‘s), telephones or mobile phones can also be used

to cast a vote electronically.

According to Anisaara Nadaph, Rakhi Bondre, Ashmita Katiyar, Durgesh Goswami,

Tushar Naidu, (March-April 2015). Voting system is the pillar of every democracy in which

voters choose their leaders to show their presence for the way that they will be supervised.

Voting scheme have grown from counting hands in previous days to system that include

papers, punch card, optical scan machine and mechanical lever i.e., to the electronic voting

system. This traditional voting system is the time-consuming process therefore maximum of

urban population is not able to vote because of their busy schedule. The fundamental idea

behind secure online voting system to conquer inability of the conventional voting system as it

suffers from various drawbacks such as it consumes huge volume of paperwork, time, there is

no personal role of higher officers, damage of electronic machines due to lack of attention.

Secure online voting system is the system through which any voter can vote from anywhere in

country. Our main goal is to implement a system which will animate maximum number of voters

to cast their vote remotely which will reduce time consumption and hence there will be increase

in voting. This system is twofold system incorporating website voting system which ensures

much more transparency and security.

According to Agate, V., De Paola, A., Ferraro, P., Re, G. L., & Morana, M. (2021).

Voting is one of the most important acts through which a community can make a collective

decision. In recent years, many works have focused on improving traditional voting

mechanisms and, as a result, a wide range of electronic voting (e-Voting) systems have been

proposed. Even though some approaches have achieved a proper level of usability, the main

challenges of e-Voting are essentially still open: protect the privacy of participants, guarantee

secrecy, anonymity, integrity, uniqueness, and authenticity of votes, while making e-Voting as

trustful as voting. To address this issue, we present Secure Ballot, a secure open-source e-

Voting system that completely decouples the voter identification and voting phases by means

of proven cryptographic technologies. The effectiveness of Secure Ballot is demonstrated both

theoretically, by presenting a formal verification of the whole protocol and assessing the

security properties of its software components, and practically, by proposing a case study of

university elections that contains all the challenges of a generic voting process.


According to Pereyras, J. (2019). Computerized touchscreen student voting system

is a form of computer-mediated voting system in which student-voters make their selections

with the aid of a touchscreen computer. The research was conducted to assess the

effectiveness of the existing student voting system of the Universities and Colleges, particularly

in the Pangasinan State University - Lingayen Campus, where it was taken as a sample, as a

basis for proposing a computerized touchscreen student voting system. The study utilized the

descriptive-developmental method of research. In gathering data needed in this study, the

questionnaire-checklist, casual interview and observation techniques were resorted to. The

data gathered through the questionnaire were organized and tabulated. Analysis of data was

done through the use of such statistical tools as weighted mean and t-test. On the

effectiveness of the existing student voting system, the existing student voting system was

perceived by the student organization advisers as “Effective” and the existing student voting

system was perceived by the students as “Somewhat Effective”. Findings also showed that,

there is a significant difference in the respondents’ perception on the effectiveness of the

existing student voting system. Further, the proposed computerized touchscreen student voting

system is highly acceptable to the students. After a thorough consideration of the findings and

conclusions of this study, the researcher highly recommends that the management of the

different Universities and Colleges, particularly the sample University, the Pangasinan State

University - Lingayen Campus, with the approval of the Students’ Affairs Office and the

University Student Council adopt the proposed computerized touchscreen student voting

system soon.

According to Jessie Richie Naval de Los Santos, Giovanni de Los Santos, Lorna G.

de los Santos, (April 2021). The e-voting kiosk: A Network Architecture School-Based

Registration and Voting System features an election management system that provides a

secure, clean, and honest Supreme Student Government election for Eastern Visayas State

University-Main Campus. The study is driven to design and develop a voting system that is

equipped with a network-based software architecture that provides computing resources to

multiple voting kiosks where voters can register and cast their votes securely. The study

employs a quantitative descriptive research design to present the respondents' perception of

the current manual election system compared to the e-voting system. A waterfall model was

employed in the sequential process of developing the e-voting system. Researchers utilized

specialized software applications such as C# and MySQL in creating a secured database for

the robust development of the system. The findings of the study present a unique e-voting

system powered by an election management system that features an intelligent system

algorithm. The e-voting kiosk features interactive ballots that allow voters to easily cast their

votes securely. The system provides secured access to voters' identity and process real-time

generation of election results. The observed system performance resulted to a significant rating

of 4.04 interpreted as “Very Efficient” and its software characteristics was rated 95% for its

contribution in the election proceedings. Finally, the electoral board unanimously approved the

implementation and use of e-voting system which provides fast, effective, efficient, and reliable

election management system.

According to Mark Paul A Cañeda, Christian Quiza, Joseph M Pateña, and Karl C

Cabangon, (2019). The issue with the current election in some colleges here in the Philippines

is performed in a traditional way, counting the votes manually, that is prone to data tampering,

fraud, and data lost, even though there’s an existing electronic voting system it is not sufficient.

The researchers aimed to develop a web-based electronic voting system, which provides a

secure and flexible voting mechanism to solve the problem of voter votes, hacking, and

destroying systems. The researchers conducted a survey in some universities and colleges

and some hackers to test the legitimacy of the system. The respondents evaluate the system

using survey questionnaires and finally proven and justified through the respondents’ feedback

with a positive result. Blockchain based voting system proved that a computerized solution is

possible with elimination of human related faults. Votes should be impossible to tamper and

illegitimate votes should not be counted. All vote counting may be performed publicly and

observable way. The system will have the record of all votes in a public ledger and these votes

will be verified, executed, and shared among participating parties. Once the information has

been entered, it can never be erased. If someone will try to nullify the votes, it will never be

valid. Therefore, Blockchain based voting system can increase the security of the ballot

privacy, speed up the processing of results in real-time and make voting easier. And it is

possible to build an open, and verifiable voting system. The study addressed the security

requirements and maintained election procedures with confidentiality, integrity and availability.

According to Jessie Richie Naval de Los Santos, Michelle Galangue de Los Santos,

Giovanni de Los Santos, Michael B Batan (July 2020). Fourth Industrial REvolution offers

various technological innovations that contribute significant advantages to the university. The

development of the web app voting system (WAVS) in Eastern Visayas State University-

Tanauan Campus transformed the voting experience of university students. The study aimed to

determine the extent of usability of the WAVS in the Supreme Student Government election. A

total of 203 students (voters) served as the respondents using a convenient sampling

technique. A descriptive quantitative research design was employed to present the

respondents' views and opinions. The study revealed the system evaluation to be "Excellent" in

all factors of usability components on effectiveness (3.50), efficiency (3.43), and user

satisfaction (3.42) with a grand mean of 3.45. The WAVS exceeded the users' requirements on

the context of use principles allowing them to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively. The

results of the study present an interesting direction of the system implementation across

campuses of the university. Developers should consider the mobility of system connectivity

using a secured virtual private network (VPN) of the university. Implement security measures

on voter's identity and network firewall encryption. Finally, developers of the system should

always consider the usability principles and user requirements in developing an effective and

efficient information system.


The admin will list the voters of the candidates and if the voters vote is saved the admin will

print the result.

The display list of the candidate the student can see the candidates.

They will vote the candidates will submit the data admin.










Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework



For easier understanding, the following terms have been defined in this study.

Election- the process of electing candidates in SSG Election

SSG - Supreme Student Government

Reduce - make smaller or lessen amount of paper in voting procedure.

Voter - one who votes/one who has the right to vote in the system.

Vote - process of voting in the system.

Canvass - the process of counting the votes of the voter.

Candidate - the one who will represent each position in the student council.

Invalid - informal vote, not counted votes.

QR code - A QR code (quick response code) is a type of two-dimensional (2D) bar code that is

used to provide easy access to online information through the digital camera on a smartphone

or tablet.

Log in - to entering username and password to recognize you to begin a computer.

Update - to bring up to date and save the changes you made session.

Revise/Review - reedit the vote.

Submit - to save the vote of the voter to the system.

Print - to produce a copy of result in automated election.

Display - to display the list of registered candidates.






 Operating System

 Microsoft Windows 10


 XAMPP v 3.2.1

 Microsoft Office

 Sublime text editor


 Computer System

 Monitor

 Mouse

 Keyboard

 Printer


 To be able to develop and fulfill the proposed system, the researchers will be

needing minimum of four (3-5) personal computers which is run by windows 7

or 10 operating system service pack 2 32-bit. Software applications will be

used such as the Microsoft Word, and Sublime Text will be the programming

language and XAMPP v3.2.1 that will be used as the host network of the

system and the database.



Figure 3.1 organizational chart


 The population of the study, In the Eastern Visayas State University Dulag

Campus was implemented with the randomize person (.) selection in each



 Waterfall

Figure 3.2 Waterfall SDLC Model


o The researcher gathered data that involved in the “EASTERN VISAYAS STATE

UNIVERSITY DULAG CAMPUS”. The system was able to gather the voting system

the data gathered was used to create a voting system.


 During the stage, the researcher observed the current process of electing SSG

officers at EVSU DULAG CAMPUS and investigated any issues with the

institution manual election process. As a result, we deliver the system to the

client, anticipate positive feedback, and continue to operate the automated

voting system.


Figure 3.3 Context Diagram

 In this diagram the student will log in and data with its QR code. The admin

can manipulate the data. And the candidates can give their information. They

will give the information of the student.


Figure 3.4 Data Flow Diagram

o If the admin login, he/she will go to the admin page he /she can see or manipulate the

voting data and information of the student. When the student log in he/she can pass

the data such as, QR code and voting data.

o Planning: During Planning Stage, the researchers observed the current process of

election of SSG officers in EVSU DULAG CAMPUS and analyze if there are problems

on the process. The researchers also conducted several observations and found out

that there are problems in the manual election process in the institution. Therefore, we

give the system to the client, expect for positive feedback and maintain the Automated

Voting System. The researchers conducted interviews to the registrar, SSG Adviser,

and selected instructors, students and Comelec officers to gather needed information

to enable to foresee the probable solutions to the problems of the SSG Election


o Analysis of the requirement: Within this phase, the researchers analyzed the nature of

the information and the functions of the software which are required for the system.

The researchers study all the requirements and try to analyze the performance of the

system which is to be developed. They also made sure that they get enough

information and resources for structuring the suitable system.

o System Design: In this third stage of SDLC, functional, support and training

requirements are translated into preliminary and detailed designs. Decisions are made

to address how the system will meet functional requirements. A preliminary system

design, emphasizing the functional features of the system, is produced as a high-level

guide. Then a final system design is produced that expands the design by specifying

all the technical detail needed to develop the system.

o System Coding: During the system coding, the researchers will prepare the codes

needed for the development of the system. The occurrence of change is taking place.

The Coding procedure will be the hardest part of the system development because it

requires a lot of time, effort, and patience for the coder because during this procedure,

several errors will occur in

o System Testing: In the fifth stage, the researchers are done with the coding stage.

Once the system is built testing of the system must take place to ensure workability

and brings all the pieces together into a special testing environment, then checks for

errors, bugs and interoperability. Any problem that exists will be found and addressed.

In this phase, verification and validation are used.

o System Implementation: In this sixth stage of SDLC, this will be the period in which the

system will be installed and supported in the institution. Now the system is ready for an

actual working environment, training is the most important in this phase.

o System Maintenance: In the seventh stage of SDLC, changes, corrections additions

are made. This is the most important step of all and may go on forever.

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