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What is Islam and its basic tenets?

during prayer in a physically and mentally purified

Islam – “a religion of peace” it encourages peaceful state. This purification is called ‘wudu’, which is
coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims done by freeing the mind of any thoughts other than
- “absolute surrender/submission to the Will worshipping God and by washing the hands, mouth,
of God/Allah” nostrils, face, arms, head, ears and feet. It is
- derived from the word “Salam”, which important as well for Muslims to cover their aurah
means “peace” or parts of the body that should be covered when
Five Pillars of Islam praying or in public. The aurah of the male is from
1. Shahada the navel down to the knees while that of the female
2. Salah is from the head, ears, neck, elbow down to the
3. Zakat ankle.
4. Assiyam 3. Zakat or Alms Giving
5. Haji - obligatory upon all earning Muslims.
1. Shahada (Profession of Faith) - The amount of zakat is usually 1/40; meaning one
- The first requirement for a Muslim is his peso goes to the poor and the needy out of the
declaration of the Shahada. He says with real P40.00 one earns in one year. This is approximately
conviction, “As’hadu anla ilaha ilallah wa as’hadu 2.5% of a person’s annual income. Of course, a
anna Muhammadur rasulullah,” meaning, “I bear person can give even beyond 2.5% as additional
witness that there is only One God and Muhammad charity, but he cannot go below 2.5%, which is
is a messenger of God” obligatory.
Tawheed – Islamic monotheism (the belief in the - principle of social responsibility by which the
existence of only one god) possession of wealth obligates the owner to concern
- revolves around the absolute “Oneness of himself with the people who have little wealth
God” and “the idea of not associating partners with - The Islamic sanction of not giving the zakat is so
God.” severe that those who do not pay it are “likened in
2. Salah or 5 times daily prayers the Qur’an to the idolaters who worship false gods.”
- In Islam, performing the Islamic prayer is 4. As-siyam or Fasting during the Month of
considered a manifestation of a Muslim’s Ramadan
submission to the will of God Assiyam – fosters the value of self-restraint,
- Each prayer is composed of several Rak’ah, which discipline and a deeper sense of spirituality.
refers to the set of reciting supplications, bowing Except for children, the sick, aged, pregnant and
and prostrations. Typically, each prayer lasts five menstruating women, nursing mothers and
minutes, leading to twenty-five minutes of prayer travelers, all Muslims who have reached puberty are
per day. required to fast during the month of Ramadan.
- must pray in the direction of the holy city of Mecca - do not eat from sunrise to sunset during the holy
- serves as man’s constant communication with and month of Ramadan.
reminder of his Creator. the Salah reminds a Muslim 5. Hajj or Pilgrimage to Mecca
that he should not commit sins because Someone in Hajj - refers to the exhausting and expensive
Heaven is constantly recording all his transgressions, pilgrimage to the Holy land of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
which will be dealt with on the Day of Judgment. - symbolizes the unity of all Muslims in the
world, regardless of language, culture or ethnic
Salat ul Fajr – The Dawn Prayer origin.
Salat ul Zuhur – The Noon Prayer Some issues on Islam
Salat ul Asr – The Afternoon Prayer 1. On Being Just and Harmonious with Others
Salat ul Maghrib – The Sunset Prayer - The Qur’an sets rules that command
Salat ul Aisha – The Evening Prayer Muslims to be just and harmonious with
other people. A concept like racism has no
Before performing the salah, the Muslim must place in Islam, as Muslims believe all people
perform a ritual ablution in order that he faces God are the children of Adam
2. On Religious Tolerance - Islam also 4. On Not Eating Pork - the eating of pork is no
encourages peaceful coexistence among monopoly of Islam. The Qur’an simply mentioned
diverse groups of various religions. The that certain foods are unclean and, therefore,
Qur’an also makes it clear that Muslims prohibited for people to eat. Along with blood,
should let other groups practice their carrion, carnivores (e.g., lions, wolves, cats, dogs
religion in peace. etc.), pork is mentioned also as unclean.
3. On Jihad and Terrorism - Those who 5. On Polygyny - the Qur’an permits or allows
misunderstand jihad point to it as a polygyny. However, it should be emphasized that
confirmation of Islam’s violent nature. In permitting polygyny does not have anything to
recent years, jihad has caused a stir in the do directly with the purpose of satisfying men’s
non-Muslim world because of its presumed lust for women. Muslim men are allowed to
relationship to terrorism. Undoubtedly, jihad marry up to a maximum of four wives, so long as
is part of Islam, but it is not all about they treat all of them equally and with justice.
violence. Literally, it means struggle, even 6. On Wearing the Veil - It is a common
mental and internal self-struggle. Some observation that Muslim women wear the veil,
translate it as “holy war” There are 2 types locally known as the “kumbbong,” in public.
of jihad: Actually, wearing the veil is a form of modesty in
1. Jihad ul Asgar (the lesser Jihad) – dressing.
refers to the physical jihad that How did Islam reach the Southeast Asia and
Muslims should wage in times of eventually the Philippine archipelago?
oppression or persecution, - The rise of Islamic Institutions in SEA in the early
ejection from home and property 15th century is viewed as the culmination of
or violent attack because of the Islamization after about 30 years when Arabs
practice of their religion. introduced Islam.
Defensive war is more - In the case of the Philippines, Islam would arrive
appropriate to describe this type through the southern islands of Sulu, Palawan and
of jihad. Jihad ul Asgar, therefore, Mindanao.
should never be offensive The Missionary Theory
2. Jihad ul Akbar (the greater Jihad) - suggested that Islam arrived in these islands
– this type of jihad must be through Muslim missionaries who were solely
waged every day. The holy war motivated by a proselytizing zeal for Islam.
against the self. The act of Jihad The Trade Theory
ul Akbar that is made when one – suggested that it was the Muslim traders, and not
imposes self-restraint and the missionaries, who introduced Islam in the
patience during temptations and islands
trials. It is jihad ul akbar when one - Muslim traders intermarried with the natives and,
does not steal something even if having persuaded their wives to adopt Islam, raised
he has the opportunity to do so; Muslim families which served as nuclei in spreading
It is jihad ul akbar when one the Faith further traders married into the ruling
controls his anger and forgives families, enabling them or their descendants to
someone who has offended him; eventually have political power which served as
It is called jihad ul akbar or “the means to spread the Faith.
Greater Jihad,” because it is more Political Theory
difficult to do, for one’s worse - the adoption of Islam by the rulers and their court
enemy, it is assumed, is his own for political motives explains the growth of Islam in
self or his own base appetites. Malaysia.
Islam stresses that this type of - Islam, too, legitimized the rule of rulers of minor
jihad is abundantly rewarded in principalities in their conflict with Hindu Madjapahit
heaven. or desire to throw off its yoke.
Economic Theory The oral traditions and tarsilas of Sulu also mention
- Complementary to the political theory, this theory the coming of a certain Karim ul Makhdum, an
maintains that with the conversion to Islam, the Arabic title very common among Sufi missionaries.
rulers of principalities were able to participate more It is believed that this Makhdum was responsible for
extensively and profitably in the international trade reinforcing an Islam that was already present on the
in the area of the Red Sea to the China Sea. island among other foreigners and their local
- This theory also assumes that Muslim traders had families on Jolo.
it in their power to patronize and enrich, or boycott Rajah Baguinda – believed to have arrived on Jolo
and cause to fall, any port they desired. (an affair of around late 14th or early 15th century. It is said that
the rulers) Baguinda headed a fleet of warriors and settlers
Spiritual or Psychological Theory who came to Jolo from Menangkabaw, Sumatra, to
- This asserts that Islam was adopted by many carve out a new principality in the Sulu region. It is
natives simply because the manner in which it was also said that Baguinda would “insinuate himself
introduced to them satisfied certain spiritual into Sulu leadership on the basis of his being a
aspirations and expectations. Muslim like them.”
- To be sure, Islam gave the Malaysian a new sense Mindanao Region
of individual worth while at the same time giving Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan – the first
him a sense of belonging to an international or wider Maguindanao Sultanate
community. – the credit for introducing Islam on mainland
- Morever, it freed him from a degrading caste Mindanao was given to him. But, as in the case of
system. In brief, it was Islam’s attractive qualities as Sulu, Muslim traders or missionaries may have been
a religion which satisfied deep spiritual longings that present already on Mindanao prior to his arrival. But
constituted the main factor for its spread. because Kabungsuan was the first to consolidate
Crusader Theory political power in the Maguindanao and Iranun
- This theory views the spread of Islam as the result territories, it became natural for the Maguindanao,
of a conscious response on the part of the Iranun and even Maranao people to associate the
Malaysians to the coming of the Portuguese and introduction of Islam with him. In fact, it was in the
later on of the other Christian Europeans. Maguindanao and Iranun areas that the
- This theory has two facets which are not Maguindanao Sultanate would emerge.
necessarily exclusive: One religious and the other Sulu
political. The first sees in the Christian zeal at - archeological evidence to show that as early as 710
proselytizing, the Islamic response of a counter zeal AH or 1310 AD, Muslims were already present on
and a dramatic increase in Islamic consciousness. the island of Jolo
This implies, therefore, that Islamic missionary - old grave on Bud Dato, dated 710 AH and
activities had become mainly the work of Malaysian venerated by the local Muslims to be the grave of a
defenders of the Faith. foreign Muslim (probably an Arab) around 13th
- The other facet of this theory is that Islam was able century to 14th century C.E.
to serve as an ideological force or source of identity Peace Message
integrating Malaysians to present a united force to Apparently, Islam shares many of the same values
resist the introduction of Western ideas which with Christianity, a fact that should unify rather than
have come to be regarded as alien compared to the a divide the two. If a Christian violated Christian
Islamic ones. teachings, he personally and individually would be
Crusader theory, in brief, propounds that Islam at fault and not Christianity. The same with the
served as a force counteracting the coming of Muslim: if a “Muslim” violated Islamic teachings
Western imperialism and Christian colonization. (e.g. honesty, justice, etc.), the error would be his,
Who introduced Islam in Minsupala? not Islam’s.
Salsila or tarsila – written genealogies of Sulu
Tu’an Mahsai’ka – the one who brought Islam in
Mecca further split into many sub-groups. Most
- becomes a booming oasis town and a center for Shiites live in Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen.
trade located at the cross-section of caravan routes. Muslim Dress
- Also a thriving pilgrimage town for Pagans. - Muslims generally observe modest dress, but the
- Mecca became rich from religious pilgrimages and variety of styles and colors have various names
trade. depending on the country.
The Prophet Muhammad - The hijab is a square or rectangular piece of fabric
- Son of Abdullah, born in Mecca in 570 AD which is folded, placed over the head, and fastened
- Known to his tribe, the Quraysh as al amin, “the under the chin as a head scarf.
trusted one” How did Islam spread so quickly?
- He could neither read nor write - After Muhammad’s death, Muslims chose the
- At the age of 40, the angel Gabriel came to him and caliph, Abu Bakr and set out on a series of military
began the 21-23 years of revelations which became campaigns,
the Qur’an. - They began converting remaining Arabs to Islam,
- In Mecca, he is a merchant and becomes known for which ended warfare and united the Arabs under
his honesty in business. one leader.
- Muhammad becomes troubled by the moral ills of - The Muslims then defeated the Byzantine and
Mecca, specifically with the other merchants. Persian Empires.
- One day, while meditating, he hears the voice of 6 articles of faith of Islam
the angel Gabriel (Jibrel) calling him to be the 1. Belief in one God (monotheism) – Allah is
messenger of God. Arabic for God
- He is terrified and feels unworthy because he is just 2. Belief in the Angels
an illiterate merchant. 3. Belief in God’s messengers – Muhammad
- His wife Khadija encourages him to accept the call. and the ones before him
Khadija will be the first person to convert to Islam. 4. Belief in the Day of Judgement & in the
Qur’an Resurrection
- means “recitation” 5. Belief in the Books sent by God – including
- was revealed to Muhammad from Allah over a 21- the Qur’an, Bible & Torah
year period by the angel Gabriel. 6. Belief in Destiny – whatever God does has a
- the sacred text of Islam and teaches that there is purpose
one God who is all-powerful and compassionate. Muslim Holidays
- written in Arabic and this shared language has • Eid’ul Fitr – Culmination of the fasting month
helped to unite Muslims from many different of Ramadhan
regions of the world. • Eid’ul Adha – Feast of sacrifice
Hijra - Muhammad fled to Medina to escape • Amun Jadeed – Islamic New Year
persecution in Mecca. This became known as the • Isra Wal Miraj – Nigh Journey and Ascension
hijra. of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Sharia – Islamic religious law is contained in the • Maulidan Nabi – birthday of the Prophet
Sharia, which regulates moral conduct, family life, Hinduism vs Islam
business practices, and government. It does not
separate religion from law but applies religious
principles to all legal situations.
2 sects or branches of Islam
1. Sunni – approximately 90%
- believe caliph should be chosen by leaders
of the Muslim community.
2. Shiite – approximately 10%
- believe that only descendants of
Muhammad should rule. Shiite groups have

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