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2nd Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023

Multiple Choice:
A. Directions: Read and analyze each question/statement below and carefully choose the letter that best
corresponds to the answer. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. The total number of magnetic field lines passing through a given area is called _____________.
A. magnetic flux density C. emf
B. magnetic flux D. voltage
2. What is the SI unit for emf?
A. Farad C. EMF
B. Ohm D. Volt
3. A square coil of wire with a side length of 10 cm is looped around 10 times. The coil sits in an increasing
magnetic field. The magnetic field increases linearly from 1T to 2T within 5 seconds. What is the induced
emf of the coil?
A. 200 V C. 2 V
B. 20 V D. 0.02 V
4. As per Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, an emf is induced in a conductor whenever it
A. lies perpendicular to the magnetic flux.
B. lies in a magnetic field.
C. cuts magnetic flux.
D. moves parallel to the direction of the magnetic field.
5. Why do you need to swipe your credit card in the credit card reader for it to accept your charge?
A. The magnetic field in the reader only works when the credit card is moving.
B. The current in the reader flows when the credit card strip is stationary.
C. The magnetic field in the credit card strip needs to move to induce a current in the reader.
D. The magnetic field in the credit card strip only exists when it is moving.
6. At the South Pole, the Earth’s magnetic field is directed upwards. If a plane is flying over the South Pole,
which wing will have the higher potential?
A. The left wing
B. The right wing.
C. Both wings have the same potential.
D. It is impossible to answer this question without knowing whether the plane is flying east or west.
7. A square loop of wire with 10 turns and a side length of 1 m is placed in a changing magnetic field. If the
magnetic field changes from 2 T to 4 T within 8 seconds, what is the average induced emf?
A. 1.25 V C. 0 V
B. 2.5 V D. 5 V
8. A current may be induced in a coil by __________________________.
A. moving one end of the bar through the coil.
B. moving the coil toward the one end of the bar magnet.
C. holding the coil near a second coil while the electric current in the second.
D. all of the above.

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9. An induced emf is produced in _______________________.
A. a close loop of wires when it remains at rest in a non-uniform static magnetic field.
B. a close loop of wires when it remains at rest in a uniform static magnetic field.
C. a close loop of wires moving at constant velocity in a non-uniform static magnetic field.
D. all of the above.
10. A 500-turn solenoid develops an average induced voltage of 60 V. Over what time interval must a flux
change by 0.06 Wb occur to produce such a voltage?
A. 0.01 s C. 0.5 s
B. 0.1 s D. 5 s
11. The Law that states that the direction can induced current is such that its own magnetic field opposes
the original change in magnetic flux that induced the current.
A. Law of conservation of energy C. Lenz’s Law
B. Faraday’s Law D. all of the above
12. Lenz’s law concerning the direction of an induced current in a conductor by a magnetic field could be a
restatement of?
A. Ampere’s Law C. Tesla’s Law
B. Ohm’s Law D. Law of Conservation of Energy
13. A circular loop of wire is placed in a magnetic field as show below. If the magnetic field is increasing,
what direction is the induced current in?
A. Clockwise C. Into the page
B. Counterclockwise D. Out of the page

14. Which of the following statements is NOT true about DC current flow?
A. DC current flows from negative to positive.
B. DC current flows at a constant rate.
C. Battery operated items are examples of DC power.
D. All DC powered items need to be plugged in.
15. The unidirectional current is called __________________________.
A. alternating current C. direct current
B. electric charge D. indirect current
16. The supply of electrical energy for a consumer is usually by AC because ____________________.
A. transmission and distribution are easily done.
B. it most suitable for variable speed motor.
C. the voltage drop in cables is minimal.
D. cable power losses are negligible.
17. Why is alternating current transfer more effective than dc current transfer over long distances?
A. due to the height of power lines
B. due to the use of ac generators
C. due to step-up and step-down transformers reducing I 2R losses
D. due to very high voltages
18. AC is produced by a generator and its charge is __________________.
A. positive or negative. C. negative and positive.
B. positive and neutral. D. negative and negative.
19. The amount of force the electrons are moved in a circuit is called _______.
A. ampere C. emf
B. current D. voltage
20. To determine the directions of the induced magnetic fields, currents, and emfs the following steps are
observed EXCEPT.
A. Make a sketch of the situation for use in visualizing and recording directions.
B. Determine the direction of the magnetic field B.
C. Determine whether the flux is increasing or decreasing.
D. Use LHR-2 to determine the direction of the induced current I that is responsible for the induced
magnetic field B.
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21. Three polarized are placed such that, the first and the third are mutually perpendicular to each other.
Unpolarized light of intensity Io is incident or first polarized. The intensity of light emerging from the
third polaroid’s is (1/16) of the intensity of incident light. Find the angle between first the angle
between first and second polaroid’s.
A. α= 24.50 C α= 30.50
B. α= 25.6 0
D. α= 31.50
22. For our purposes, it is sufficient to merely say that an electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave that
has both an ______________________.
A. electric and a magnetic component C. electric and wave component
B. sound and magnetic waves D. sound and electric component
23. The use of two filters, one can completely block all of the light that is incident upon the set; this will
only occur if the polarization axes are rotated such that they are:
A. Parallel to each C. Opposite to each other
B. perpendicular to each other. D. near each other
24. What will happened if you hold a polarized sunglass in front of you and rotate them. While looking at
the blue sky, you will see the sky get ____________________.
A. brighter C. invisible
B. dimmer D. brighter and dimmer
25. What happens when two polarizing filters are placed so that their axes of polarization. Are
perpendicular to each other?
A. Transmitted light is slightly weaker C. transmitted light are polarized.
B. There is no transmitted light D. Transmitted light oscillates in all direction.
26. What do all the types of radiation have in common?
A. amplitude C. speed
B. frequency D. wavelength
27. How can you tell one form of electromagnetic energy from another?
A. wavelength C. amplitude
B. color D. speed
28. On rotating the analyzer if the intensity of light rays coming out of it varies from maximum to zero, then
the incident beam of light is ________.
A. un-polarized C. partially polarized
B. plane polarized D. polarized
29. Which one of the following cannot be polarized?
A. sound waves C. microwaves
B. X-rays D. radio waves
30. Light waves are ___________.
A. longitudinal C. like sound waves
B. like pressure waves D. transverse
31. ______________________ is an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface.
A. Normal line C. Incident line
B. Reflected line D. Incident Ray
32. A virtual image is a copy of an object formed at the location from which the light rays appear to come.
A. True C. Maybe True
B. False D. Maybe False
33. A flat sheet of glass that has a smooth, silver colored coating on one side.
A. Plane mirror C. Concave Mirror
B. Convex mirror D. Mirror
34. According to the law of reflection, a light ray striking a mirror ________________________.
A. Continues moving through the mirror in the same direction.
B. Bounces off the mirror toward the direction it came form.
C. Moves into the mirror at a slightly different angle.
D. Bounces off the mirror at the same angle it hits.
35. The fact are the two angles are the same is an example of ____________________.
A. Refraction C. Angle of incidence
B. Law of reflection D. Magnification
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36. What happens to the image produced by a pinhole camera when you move the back wall farther from
the pinhole? It becomes _____________________.
A. larger and fainter. C. larger and brighter
B. smaller and fainter. D. smaller and brighter
37. A ray reflected from a retroreflector _____________________.
A. has an angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence.
B. passes through the focal point.
C. forms a right angle with an incident ray.
D. travels in the direction opposite that of the incident ray.
38. The back surfaces of automobile headlights are curved ___________________________.
A. because inverted, real images of filaments shine brighter.
B. to concentrate light in one direction.
C. for structural reasons not related to optics.
D. to get multiple images of the filament.
39. The sky appears blue because ______________________.
A. that is its natural color.
B. the earth's atmosphere emits blue light.
C. the air away from the sun cools down and turns blue.
D. the earth's atmosphere scatters more blue light than red.
40. For a converging lens, a ray arriving parallel to the optic axis __________________________.
A. appears to come from the principal focal point.
B. passes through the principal focal point.
C. passes through the "other" focal point.
D. appears to come from the "other" focal point.

Good Luck!!!

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