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1. Multiply: 4 2 3
x 2

2. Write 30 in roman numerals.

3. Lubuto collects 5 eggs every day. Find the number of eggs he will
collect in 4 days.

4. How many right angles has a square below.

5. What number is represented by tallies below?

4 3
6. Work out:

7. Name the set symbol below

8. Write ½ in words.
9. What is the value of 9 in 8925?

10. Convert 2 hours to minutes.

11. Find the missing number in the box.

- 3=8

12. Find the area of the rectangle below.



13. Work out:

Hours Mins

3 45

-3 30

14. If a +m =24, what is the value of m.

15. What is the 8th month of the year?

16. Musa bought a rabbit for shs.1500.he later sold it for shs. 3500.
What was his profit?
17. Find angle market p in degree.


18. What is ½ of 8?

19. Given tha represents 8 cups. How many cups are


20. Write 16207 on the abacus below.

Section B

21. Given that: Set p=(5,10,12,18) and

Set Q= (18, 22, 10,12)
a) Represent the above information on the Venn diagram below.

b) List members of set p only. (1mark)

c) Find n (P n Q). (2marks)

22. Use the words, “is greater than” is less than” or “is equal to” to
complete the statement.
a) 60 minutes 1hour (1mark)
b) 2 weeks 7 days (1mark)
c) 10 months 1 year (1mark)
d) 2 x 5 2+5 (1mark)

23. a) List down all the multiples of 8 less than 32. (1mark)

b) List down all the odd number between 4 and 15. (1mark)
c) find the next two number in the sequence below . (2marks)

21, 17,13,9

24. a)Round off 732 to the nearest tens. (2marks)

b) Write six thousand two in figures. (2marks)

c) Write XV in Hindu Arabic numerals. (2marks)

3 2
25. a)Subtract - =
4 3

b) On the diagram below shade

5 6 2 3
c) Arrange , , 7 and 7 starting with the smallest
7 7

26. Name the geometrical shape below. (1mark each)

27. a) Change 300 minutes to hours. (2marks)

b) Work out Hrs Mins (2marks)

7 20

+2 50

c) On the clock face below, show 4:30 o’clock. (2marks)

28. Fill in the missing number in the sequence below.

+ 3 =12

8 - =5

x 7=28

29. Below is geometrical shape. Study it carefully and answer the

questions that follow.

a) Name the shape.

b) Write down the numbers of

I. edges. (1mark)

II. vertices. (1mark)

III. faces. (1mark)

30. a)Convert 3kg to grams. (2marks)

b) Work out kg gm (2marks)

6 400

-2 300

31. Collect the following like terms.

a) 2k +3k+5k (1mark)

b) 10dogs + 3cats - 2dogs.


c) Find the perimeter of the shape below.


32. Below is the price list study it carefully and answer questions that

A dozen of exercise books at shs.6, 000

A roll of toilet paper at shs.600

A dozen of pens at shs.1, 000

A dozen of pencils at shs.1, 000

a. Find the cost of 6 rolls of toilet paper. (2marks)

Mbiro had shs.5, 000 and bought 2 dozens of pencils what was his
balance? (2marks)

b) Find the total cost if Shakira bought all the items as shown above.




1. Briefly explain the term diarrhea.

2. Give one example of a flowering plant.

3. Why do we give first aid to a casualty?

4. In which one way can one identify a child who is dehydrated?

5. is a young of a dog.

6. How is rain water useful to a crop farmer?

7. Below is a garden tool. Use it to answer question that follow.

Name the garden tool shown above.

8. How is the above garden tool useful to a crop farmer?

9. State one condition necessary for seeds to germinate.

10. Why do plants with weak stems climb others

11. Give one agent of pollination.

12. Which component of air support burn in the environment?

13. How are splints useful in giving first aid?

14. Which part of a bean seed develops into a shoot system during

15. How is a sprain different from a stain?

16. Give one way in which nimbus clouds are useful to a crop

17. Name one item used in the promotion of personal hygiene.

18. Which class of food provides the body with energy?

19. In which one way is chlorophyll useful during photosynthesis?

20. State one value of roots to a plant.

21. How do tape worms enter our bodies?

22. Which body organ is affected by typhoid?

23. Identify the type of teeth used for cutting food.

24. State one cause of dehydration in babies.

25. How useful are lungs to people.

26. What are parasites?

27. Which type of soil is best for pottery?

28. Name of product got from keeping rabbits.

29. How useful are suckers to a tape worm.

30. Which type of accident occurs when a bone is moved from its
normal position?

31. Give any one sign of a child suffering from kwashiorkor.

32. How useful are the roots to a plant.

33. Name one natural change in the environment.

34. In which region of the tooth are blood capillaries and nerves

35. Give one way of promoting sanitation in our school compound.

36. Which component of air is raw material for photosynthesis?

37. Identify the disease spread by a lice to human beings

38. State one way in which germs enter our bodies?

39. Name one item used in giving the first aid for a fracture.
40. Name any one source of water in the environment.

41. a) Give the meaning of the term vectors.

b) Mention any two examples of vectors

i) ii)

c) State any one way of controlling vectors in our homes.

42. a) What is personal hygiene?

b) Give two ways of keeping our bodies clean.

c) Why do we keep our bodies clean?

43. a)Why do we keep rabbits

b) Outline the two breeds of rabbits

c) Mention two diseases that affect rabbits
44. a)What is a first aid box?

b) Name any two items first aiders keep in a first aid box.

c) Identify one quality of a good first aider.

45. a)Define the following terms
I.A strain

II.A sprain

b) Name the 3B’s when giving first aid.

46. a)Give the meaning of the following term as used in rabbit




b)Identify the two types of hutches used in rabbit keeping.

47. a)How is vector different from a germ.

b)Name the vector that cause each of the following diseases

I. Malaria

II. Sleeping sickness

III. Elephantiasis

48. a) What are communicable diseases?

b) Identify any two examples of communicable intestinal
c) Mention any one way through which people can get

49. Match the following people to their work correctly

person work
farmer cooks food
dentist grow crops and keeps animals
oculist treats sick teeth
cook treats sick eyes

50. Below is diagram of an insect .use it to answer the following



a) Name the part marked y and x
b) State the function of part marked w and v

51. a)What is a fracture?

b) Identify the kind of fracture where the bone breaks and

remains inside the body.

c) Give another name for

I.Simple fracture

II.Compound fracture.

52. a)What are flowering plants?

b) Identify 2 examples of plant that bear flowers.


c) State two insects that pollinate flowers.

53. a)Give the two sets of teeth
b) Suggest one reason why people brush their teeth.

c) Mention any two items used when brushing teeth.


54. a)What are body organs

b) Write the body organ which pumps blood to all parts of the

c)State 3 examples of external body organs


55. a) Define germs.

b)Write 4Fs in their correct order.


In question 1 to 5, fill in the blank space with a suitable word

1. Maya was…………….. first in yesterday race.

2. I borrowed a book ………………the library yesterday.
3. The ewe gave birth to four…………………… .
4. ……………………………….an obedient boy Mutima is!
5. Either primary four…………………… primary five will win the trophy.

In question 6 to 15 the correct from of the words given in the bracket to

complete the sentences.

6. Of the twins, Kato is the ……………………….(fat)

7. They usually……………………. their grandparents during
8. The primary four pupils welcomes the visitors…………………(happy)
9. This is her dress. It is……………………….(her)
10. Shamirah………………….. playing volley ball now.(to be)
11. We have …………………for mid-term exams.(day)
12. December is the ………………………..month of the year.(twelve)
13. The boys prefer football to volley ball(paly)
14. Uncle Tebu is a good…………………..(drive)
15. Primary four pupils eat porridge……………….. a day(one)

In question 16 to 18 write the given abbreviations in full

16. shan’t
17. Rev
18. Feb

In questions 19 and 20 re arrange the given words in alphabetical


19. bend, late, borrow, lend

20. hot, thridty, unhappy, cold

In question 21 to 23, re-write the sentences giving the plural from of the
underlined word

21. The heavy rain removed Mr. Mwebe’s roof

22. We saw a deer when we went to the zoo

23. Maria’s key got lost

In question 24 and 25 use the given words to construct meaningful

sentences and show that you know the different in the meaning
24. diary
25. dairy

In question 26 to 30 use much or many to complete the given


26. Mummy bought……………………… milk yesterday

27. We shall take………………… kilogram of sugar
28. There was …………………………sauce left in the saucepan.
29. I ate………………………food at the party.
30. Joyce has textbook

In questions 31 to 50 re-write the given sentences as instructed in the


31. Batham is a handsome boy Ezra is a handsome boy. (Rewrite as

one sentences beginning: both………………….)

32. The pig is fat the elephant is very fat.(Join the sentence sing
not………………… as ……as…)

33. Kasode is a hardworking man. He is poor.( Join the setences

beginning: Although….)

34. That is the butcher’s . We bought meat from there yesterday.

(Join the two sentences using….where……..)

35. Melissa prefers playing netball to basketball.(Re write the

sentences using:………………..likes………….)
36. Kabuto is very fat. He cannot run (Join the sentences

37. Take this plate to the rack(Re-write the sentences beginning:

Take those………………..)

38. All our supporters have whistles( rewrite the sentences

using:………………. don’t…………..)

39. The boy has a diary. The girls has a diary.(Join the sentences
beginning: Either………….. or……….)

40. There is some cooking oil in the bottle . (Rewrite the sentences
using………….. isn’t………………)

41. Malaika is thin, Melisa is very thin. (Join the sentences using

42. Sarah was not given the book. She did not have an I.D. (Join the
sentences using…because…………..)

43. It is not good to disrespect elders. (Rewrite the sentences

beginning: disrespecting……………………)

44. I saw a mad man. I was going to the market.(Join the sentences
beginning: As……………………..)
45. Salmah is very disciplined child.(Rewrite the sentence beginning:

46. The referee had a whistle. The umpire had a whistle.(Re write as
one sentence using………… and………..)

47. Asia is reading a novel,…………………….? (Rewrite the sentences

and supply a suitable questions tag.)

48. A teacher is to class a Libran is to a…………………………(Rewrite

and complete the sentences correctly)
49. The man is tall. He can touch the ceiling.(Re wire as one
sentence using ……………..enough to……………..)

50. As timid as……………………...(complete the sentences)

51. Re arrange the sentences below to make a good story

a) Last week, we had an inter-class football competition at our
b) That day we woke up early in the morning.
c) We bathed and we went to school
d) On reaching school, we had our remedial lesson by our teacher
of English.
e) After the remedial lesson, we were told to go for assembly
f) Our sports teacher Mr. Kasaaali addressed the assembly
g) Firstly he read us the program of the day.
h) Secondly he told us the team that are going to meet
i) Thirdly he argued us to be disciplined and keep our property
j) At around 9:00am we slopped down to the pitch.

52. Read the dialogue below and in full sentences answer the
questions that follow.


Amarah : Good morning Mr. Lutaya.

Shop keeper: Good morning, young girl, how should I help you.

Amarah : I would like to know the price of one litre of cooking oil

and a kilogram of sugar.

Shop keeper: A litre of coking oil cost seven thousand shillings and

kilogram of sugar is five thousand five hundred shillings

Amarah : How much will I pay for 2 litres of cooking oil and 3

kilograms of sugar?

Shop keeper: You will pay thirty thousand five hundred shillings from

the litre of cooking oil and 3 kilograms of sugar

Amarah : Here is the money give them to me

Shop keeper : Thank you very much here is your change

Amarah : You are welcome.

a) How many people are talking in the dialogue?

b) What time of the day did Amarah go to the shop.

c) Who are talking in the dialogue?

d) What is the name of the shop keeper.

e) How many kilograms of sugar did Amarah Buy?

f) How much money did Amarah pay for two litres of cooking oil.

g) If Amarah went with 31, much was her change.

h) Who talked last in the dialogue?

i) Write the short form of

j) What is the title of the dialogue?

53. The calendar below for the month of October 2022.Study it

carefully and in full sentences answer the questions that follow



2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

a) For which month is the above calendar

b) On which day did this month begin?

c) How many days does this month have?

d) For which year is the above calendar.

e) How many full weeks are in this month?

f) On which day did the previous month end?

g) On which day will the next month begin?

h) When will the independence be celebrated?

i) How many public holidays are in this month

j) Write in the following in full


54. Use the words given in the box to complete the story below

cock, north, policeman, arrested, police, black,

ten, junction, town, thief

Nsangi …………………..station is found in kyengera……………council. It

is…………………….. kilometers from our village. From our home. You
take direction. when you take ……………….north direction you will
meet a ………………………………….., you will then take the east
direction and reach Nsangi police station

one day a ……………………………stole our neighbours

beautiful…………………………….it was ……………………….in colour. Our
neighbour called………………………. from Nsangi police station and
they……………………………….. the thief


1. What is a family?
2. Why do we need a mortar and a pestle?
3. Mention any one animal found in the bush.
4. Mention any one thing found in the kitchen.
5. Why do people keep dogs at home?
6. Write any one use of a knife at home.
7. Name the type of weather which helps in winnowing.
8. Why do we need doctors in our community?
9. In which season do farmers water their crops?
10. Why do we need a fence in our school?
11. Name any one group of people who put on uniform.
12. What name is given to the leader of children in the school?
13. Give any one way of keeping security in a home.
14. What is the quickest type of transport?
15. Name the element of a good map which tells the map reader what the map is
all about.________________________________________________________________
16. In what time of the day is the shadow shortest?
17. Name any one material for crafts.
18. How is a bicycle useful to a home?
19. Name any one physical feature in our district.
20. Draw a road sign that tells the drivers to reduce speeding cars.

21. What are map symbols?

22. Name any one semi cardinal point.
23. Why are few people using air transport?
24. Use the letter N to show where the compass points when it rests on the diagram

25. What is a plateau?

26. Why do map readers need a compass?

27. Name any one member on the L.C.I committee.

28. Draw and name the map for crossing the bridge.
29. What are customs?
30. How is a father important in his family?
31. What is weather?
32. Give any one type of crops grown in our district.
33. How is a hill important to Telecom Company?
34. How important are baskets in a home?
35. Give any importance of a lake to people near it.
36. Mention any one way of caring for plants.
For questions 37 – 40, answer either ‘Christianity’ or ‘Islam’
37. Either: Why do Christians pray after waking up in the morning?
Or: Mention any one pillar of Islam.
38. Either: Who was the twin brother of Jacob?
Or: Who was the wife of Prophet Mohamed?
39. Either: Why do Christians fast?
Or: Why do Moslems fast?
40. Either: Write C.R.E in full.
Or: Write I.R.E in full. _______________________________________________
41. (a) Name the colour on our national flag that shows brotherhood.
(b) Name any two flags you know.(i)
(ii) _________________________________________________________________
(c) How is a school flag useful to us?
42. (a) What is communication?
(b) Name any two means people of long age used.
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(c) How do parents get information from our school?
43. (a) Give two importance of vegetation to people.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________________
(b) How do people destroy vegetation?
(c) In which one way can vegetation be dangerous to people?
44. (a) Match the lists below.
(a) Kabaka Bunyoro
(b) Omusinga Buganda
(c) Emorimor Iteso
(d) Omukama Rwenzururu
45. (a) What is a tribe?

(b) Name the tribe in Uganda that practises circumcision.

(c) Name any two clans under Baganda.
(i) _______________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________________
46. (a) What is weather?
(b) Give any two factors of weather.(i)
(c) Mention the weather condition used for planting crops.
47. (a) Give any one resource.
(b) In which one way can you save electricity?
(c) Name any two resources that can be saved.
(i) __________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
48. (a) What is transport?
(b) Why is road transport used by many people?
(c) Why are humps put in busy roads?
(d) Why is water transport the most suitable for fragile bulky goods?
49. (a) What term is used to mean the period when early man used tools made out
of stones?_____________________________________________________________
(b) Which animals was the first to be tamed by early man?
(c) In which two ways was fire useful to early man?
50. (a) What are economic activities?
(b) Write any two activities done by people in your community
(i) _________________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________________
(c) Why do some families fail to meet their needs?
(i) __________________________________________________________________(ii
For questions 51 – 55, answer either ‘Christianity’ or ‘Islam’ but not both.
51. Either: (a) Why do Christians pray?
b)Mention any two requests made in the Lord’s Prayer.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
(c) Who taught us the Lord’s Prayer?
Or: (a) What di Moslems pray?
(b) Name any two leaders in the mosque.(i)
(ii) ___________________________________________________________________
(c) Who is the founder of Islam?
52. Either: (a) What is a church?
(b) Who is an Arch Bishop?
c)Name two things that happened to the apostles on the Pentecost day.
(ii) __________________________________________________________________
Or: (a) What is Ramathan?
(b) Name any two things a Muslim must not do during Ramathan.
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________________
(c) How many days do Moslems fast?
53. Either: (a) Who is martyr?
(b) When are martyrs remembered in Uganda?
(c) In which two ways are martyrs important to the church today?
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________________
Or: (a) Who is a hajj?
(b) In which country do Moslems pay pilgrims?
(c) In which two ways is paying pilgrims important to Moslems?
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________________
54. For both54(a) What are voluntary organizations?
(b) Name any two voluntary organizations.
(i) __________________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________________
(c) How do voluntary organizations help in community?
55. Match the following words correctly
(a) David Psalms
(b) Moses Exodus
(c) Solomon Epistles
(d) Paul Proverbs.


Prophet Dauda kaaba

Prophet Isa Injir

Prophet Ibrahim Quran

Prophet Muhammad Zaburi

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