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One day, in a torrid summer, the savage animals a torpid bear named Baloo, rescuing an
gather to drink the water that remains as part of a unconscious Mowgli.
truce during a drought that enables the jungle's
Baloo has such powerful paws that one blow can
wildlife to drink without trepidation of being
pulverise a man and he is a preacher of esoteric
eaten by their predators.
text. Thwarted in its attempt to get Mowgli, the
The truce is disrupted when a menacing feisty Shere Khan kills Akela, the altruist.
tiger, Shere Khan who’s always lurking in the
Bagheera eventually finds Mowgli and slacker
shadows, arrives. Resentful against man for
Baloo and is angered that Mowgli has not joined
scarring him, he issues a warning with sardonic
the humans as agreed, but Baloo who keeps the
smile that he will kill Mowgli.
lore, calms him down and persuades both of them
Mowgli, an abandoned boy or "man-cub", is raised to sleep. During the night, Mowgli finds a
by the surrogate wolf mother Raksha and her herd of elephants gathered around a ditch and
pack, led by Akela, ever since he was brought to uses sinuous vines to save a baby elephant from
them as a baby by the black panther Bagheera. The the ditch. The shaggy ambling sloth Baloo
ardent Akela has a reputation for scrupulous realizes that he cannot guarantee Mowgli's safety
honesty. so he agrees to push Mowgli away to him.

He is assiduous and doesn’t shirk any task. The affable Mowgli is kidnapped by the
He is the quintessential tough guy. The mischievous monkeys who present him to their
gregarious wolves are famed for their prowess in agile leader and a real meddler, a giant ape named
battle. King Louie.

The gregarious wolves are famed for their

prowess in battle. Mowgli decides to leave the
The affable Mowgli is kidnapped by the
jungle on his own volition for the safety of his
mischievous monkeys who present him to their
pack. With lugubrious face Bagheera, the paragon
agile leader and a real meddler, a giant ape named
of virtue, volunteers to guide him to the nearby
King Louie. King Louie offers Mowgli protection
village. En route, Shere Khan ambushes them and
from Shere Khan in exchange for fire. Baloo
injures Bagheera, but Mowgli manages to escape.
distracts Louie while Bagheera tries to sneak him
Mowgli meets an enormous python named Kaa the out, but their plan is discovered. Louie informs
sorceress, who hypnotizes him. While under Mowgli of Akela's death. Louie's rampage
her influence, Mowgli sees a vision of his father eventually causes his temple to collapse on top of
being mauled while protecting him from Shere him. Furious that Baloo and Bagheera never told
Khan. The vision also warns of the destructive him about Akela's death, Mowgli goes to
power of the "red flower"(fire). Kaa confrontShere Khan alone with full of vim and
attempts to devour Mowgli, but she is attacked by vigour.

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The zealot Mowgli steals a lit torch at the village
and heads back to the verdant and salubrious
woods. Sluggard Baloo, Sprightly Bagheera, and
the wolf pack intervene and hold Shere Khan off,
giving Mowgli enough time to set a trap.

He lures Shere Khan up a dead tree and onto a

branch, which breaks under the tiger's weight, and
Shere Khan falls into the inferno. Thus, the
abjectcreature Shere Khan is vanquished by
adroit Mowgli and this is the end of his nefarious

The Jungle Book is a collection of scary and

thrilling stories by Rudyard Kipling. The
whimsical and stupendous stories are fables,
using animals in an anthropomorphic way to give
moral lessons. Each story is followed by a poem
that serves as an epigram.

Some critics have interpreted the work as

allegories of the society of the time. All the tales
personify animals and beautifully rendered animal
society. His terse style and vignette are widely
acclaimed as a modern classic of exhilarating

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TEST - 1 Exercise.2

Exercise.1 Choose the one which can be substituted

for the given words/sentence.
Match each word on the left with its correct
definition on the right. 1. To be present in an unobtrusive way.

(a) Quintessence (b) lurk

S. Word S. Meaning
No. No. (c) Trepidation (d) Shirk

1. Torrid a. An agreement to 2. Temporary cessation of something

stop fighting, esp unpleasant.
(a) Torrid (b) lurk
2. Savage b. To move stealthily (c) Truce (d) Quintessence
or be concealed, esp
for evil purposes 3. A condition of quaking or palpitation,
esp one caused by anxiety
3. Truce c. Very hot and dry;
full of difficulty (a) Scrupulous (b) Trepidation
(c) Truce (d) Sardonic

4. Someone or something that is extremely

4. Trepidation d. A state of fear or cruel, violent and uncontrolled.
(a) savage (b) Torrid
5. Lurk e. Not tamed; being (c) Shirk (d) Sardonic
cruel and brutal
5. Parched with the heat especially of the
6. Sardonic f. Thorough, exact and sun.
careful about details
(a) Torrid (b) Truce
7. Surrogate g. Avoid or neglect (a (c) Quintessence (d) Scrupulous
duty or
6. Grimly mocking or cynical
(a) Shirk (b) Trepidation
8. Scrupulous h. Disdainfully or
skeptically (c) Scrupulous (d) Sardonic
humorous; 7. Characterized by careful observation of
derisively mocking what is morally right.
9. Shirk i. To put in the place (a)Sardonic (b) Quintessence
of another
(c)Scrupulous (d) Surrogate
10. Quintessence j. Most typically
8. A person or thing acting as a substitute.
representative of a
quality, state etc.; (a)Surrogate (b) Shirk
perfect (c) Scrupulous (d) Torrid

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9. To evade the performance of an 9. James Brown was the latest in a series of
obligation. _____________ father figures in Victoria’s life.

(a)Truce (b) Shirk 10. A selfless desire to help others is the

_____________of the virtue of charity.
(c) Trepidation (d) Sardonic

10. The most typical example or

representative. Exercise.4
(a) Quintessence (b) Torrid Choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word.
(c) Surrogate (d) Scrupulous
1. Torrid

(a) arctic (b) cold

(c) scorch (d) frigid
Fill in the blanks.
2. Savage
(a) Torrid (b) savage
(a) mild (b) cruel
(c) Truce (d) trepidation
(c) gentle (d) civilized
(e) Lurking (f) sardonic
3. Truce
(g) Surrogate (h) scrupulous
(a) conflict (b) accord
(i) Shirk (j) quintessence
(c) hostilities (d) war
1. He thought he saw someone _____________
above the chamber during the address. 4. Trepidation

2. This was a _____________ attack on a (a) anxiety (b)calm

defenceless young girl.
(c) equanimity (d) composure
3. The boys approached the abandoned house
5. Lurk
with _____________.
(a) skulk (b) slink
4. Julia’s _____________words echoed in his
mind, distracting him. (c) sneak (d) all of these

5. Nobody was moving out there, not even a 6. Sardonic

bird, in the _____________ afternoon. (a) amusing (b) sarcastic
6. The NEON organization will be _____________ (c) merry (d) playful
in maintaining the highest moral standards
7. Surrogate
of education.
(a) deputy (b) replacement
7. We must not _____________ our
responsibilities to the citizens of our great (c) delegate (a) all of these
state. 8. Scrupulous
8. Both sides agreed to a 24-hour _____________ (a) meticulous (b) unconscionable
beginning at midnight on Christmas Eve.

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(c) dishonest (d) dishonorable 8. Scrupulous

9. Shirk (a)upright (b) honest

(a) avoid (b) dodge (c) immoral (d) conscientious

(c)evade (d) all of these 9. Shirk

10. Quintessence (a) elude (b) skip

(a) Prototypical (b) exemplar (c)shuffle off (d) attend

(c) Archetype (d) all of these


Exercise.5 Choose “True” or “False” for each of the

following sentences.
Choose the word opposite in meaning.
1. If someone has a torrid time, they
1. Torrid
experience a lot of difficulties.
(a) broiling (b) arctic (True/False)
(c) fervent (d) fervid 2. Something that is savage is extremely
pleasant, kind, and generous. (True/False)
2. Savage
3. A truce is an agreement between two
(a) fierce (b) ferocious groups of people to stop fighting for a short
(c) primitive (d) civilized time. (True/False)
4. Trepidation is fear or anxiety about
3. Truce
something that you are going to experience.
(a) peace (b) cease-fire
(c) conflict (d) armistice
5. Lurk is to exist although it is not always
4. Trepidation noticeable. (True/False)
(a) fear (b) equanimity 6. Sardonic means that people or things are
humorous but rather critical. (True/False)
(c) dread (d)anxiety
7. Surrogate is replacing someone else or
5. Lurk
used instead of something else.
(a) appear (b) skulk
(c) slink (d) sneak
8. Scrupulous is not to take great care to do
6. Sardonic what is fair, honest, or morally right.
(a) satiric (b) ironic (True/False)
(c) amusing (d) sarcastic 9. Shirk is to avoid work, duties, or
7. Surrogate responsibilities. (True/False)

(a) substitute (b)dishonorable 10. The quintessence of something is the most

imperfect example of it. (True/False)
(c) representative (d) proxy

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TEST - 2 (a) En route (b) Prowess

Exercise.1 (c) Torpid (d) Maul

Match each word on the left with its correct 2. looking or sounding sad and dismal
definition on the right. (a) Sorcerer (b) Maul
S. Word S. Meaning (c) Prowess (d) lugubrious

No. No. 3. The faculty or capability of conscious

choice, decision and intention; will.
1. Prowess a. Very sad and serious
(a) Prowess (b) volition
2. Volition b. On or along the way
(c) Devour (d) Lugubrious
3. Lugubrious c. A model of excellence
or perfection 4. A person or thing regarded as a perfect
example of a particular quality.
4. Paragon d. The power to make
your own decisions or (a) Paragon (b) Torpid
choices (c) Sorcerer (d) Devour
5. En route e. Great ability or skill 5. Skill or expertise in a particular activity
6. Ambush f. Wound by scratching or field.
and tearing (a) Torpid (b) Devour
7. Sorcerer g. To eat up greedily or (c) Maul (d) Prowess
6. A person who claims or is believed to
8. Maul h. To attack by have magic powers.
surprise from a
(a) Torpid (b) Sorcerer
hidden place
(c) Lugubrious (d) Volition
9. Devour i. Mentally or
physically inactive; 7. To attack and injure in a way that cuts
lethargic or tears skin.

10. Torpid j. A person who (a) Volition (b) Devour

practices sorcery or (c) maul (d) Lugubrious
8. To swallow or eat up greedily or

(a) devour (b) Volition

Exercise.2 (c) Lugubrious (d) Prowess
Choose the one which can be substituted 9. Sluggish in functioning or acting.
for the given words / sentence.
(a)Prowess (b) Sorcerer
1. During the course of a journey.
(c) Torpid (d) Volition

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10. A surprise attack by people lying in wait
in a concealed position.
(a) Ambush (b) Maul
Choose the one which best expresses the
(c)Lugubrious (d) Sorcerer meaning of the given word.

1. Prowess

Exercise.3 (a) inability (b) skill

Fill in the blanks. (c) ineptitude (d) cowardice

(a) prowess (b) volition (c) lugubrious 2. Volition

(d) paragon (e) En route (f) ambushes (a) coercion (b) compulsion

(g) sorcerer (h) mauled (i) devour (c) duress (d) free will

(j) torpid 3. Lugubrious

1. The best and the brightest pupils competed (a) mournful (b) cheerful
to demonstrate their intellectual ___________.
(c) joyful (d) none
2. They have arrived in London ______________to
the United States. 4. Paragon

3. He felt as though he were in the grip of fate (a) epitome (b) paradigm
and had no ______________ of his own. (c) ideal
4. The king’s enemies planned to ______________ (d) all of the above
the royal coach on the way to Paris.
5. Ambush
5. Henry was large and jovial while Jimmy
(a) trap (b) snare
was small and rather ______________ in
appearance. (c) waylay

6. A bear killed one hiker and badly (d) all of the above
______________ the other. 6. Sorcerer
7. Alice is a ______________ of neatness and (a) charmer (b) warlock
(c) magus (d) all of the above
8. A medium sized dog will ______________ at
7. Maul
least one can of food per day.
(a) caress (b) lacerate
9. The evil ______________had been trying to woo
the princess but she remained loyal to her (c) fondle (d) coddle
8. Devour
10. A lime green chameleon, stretching from
(a) replace (b) conserve
fence to shrub in ______________motion
beguiled us. (c) swallow (d) preserve

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9. torpid 2. Your volition is the power you have to
decide something for yourself.
(a) energetic (b) dormant
(True/ False)
(c) active (d) kinetic
3. Lugubrious means lively or cheerful.

(True/ False)
4. A person who is imperfect or has very bad
Choose the word opposite in meaning.
quality is Paragon. (True/ False)
1. Prowess
5. En route to a place means on the way to
(a) expertise (b) cowardliness that place. (True/ False)
(c) bravery (d)daring 6. An ambush is an attack on someone by
2. Volition people who have been hiding and waiting
for them. (True/ False)
(a) autonomy (b) will
7. A sorcerer is a person who performs magic
(c) constraint (d) choice
by using the power of evil spirits
3. Lugubrious
(True/ False)
(a) doleful (b) gloomy
8. If you are mauled by an animal, you are
(c) melancholy (d) cheerful violently attacked by it and badly injured.
4. Maul (True/ False)
(a) mangle (b) manhandle 9. If a person or animal devours something,
(c) pamper (d) maltreat they eat it very slowly. (True/ False)

5. Devour 10. If you are torpid, you are mentally or

physically active. (True/ False)
(a) consume (b) renew
(c) eat up (d) gobble

6. Torpid
(a) numb (b) sluggish

(c) lively (d) inert


Choose “True” or “False” for each of the

following sentences.
1. Someone's prowess is their great skill at
doing something. (True/ False)

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TEST - 3 Exercise.2

Exercise.1 Choose the one which can be substituted

for the given words/sentence.
Match each word on the left with its correct
definition on the right. 1. Having a strong determined character
and being willing to argue.
S. Word S. Meaning
(a) Feisty (b) Sloth
No No
(c) Slacker (d) Mischievous
1 Pulverize a. to stop from
2. A person who avoids work and
happening or
(a) Slacker (b) Feisty
2 Esoteric b. Knowledge gained
through study or (c) Esoteric (d) Lore
experience 3. To completely defeat someone.
3 Thwart c. Teasing; slightly (a) Feisty (b) Pulverize
(c) Lore (d) Slacker
4 Feisty d. To destroy or defeat
4. Common or traditional knowledge or
completely; reduce
to fine particles
(a) Lore (b) Esoteric
5 Slacker e. Covered with rough
unkempt fur, hair, (c)Sinuous (d) Shaggy
wool etc. 5. Having many twists and turns.
6 Lore f. Reluctance to work (a) Sinuous (b) Feisty
or make an effort;
laziness (c) Shaggy (d) Mischievous

6. Known and understood by only a few

7 Sinuous g. Difficult to
people who have special knowledge
about something.
(a) Sloth (b) mischievous
8 Shaggy h. Not afraid to fight or
argue (c) Esoteric (d) shaggy

9 Sloth i. Full of turns or 7. To prevent someone from doing what

curves; intricate they are trying to do.

10 Mischievous j. A person who (a) Thwart (b) Pulverize

evades work or (c) Esoteric (d) Feisty
duty; shirker
8. Causing or showing a fondness for
causing trouble in a playful way.

(a) Mischievous (b) Feisty

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(c) Lore (d) Sinuous 8. The Book of the Sea, which was stuffed
with sailors’ ____________.
9. The quality or state of being lazy.
9. He is not a ____________; he’s the best worker
(a) Sloth (b) Sinuous
they’ve got.
(c) Shaggy (d) Mischievous
10. The mammoth had a ____________ coat to
10. Covered with hair or fur that is long and protect it against the rigours of the ice ages.
(a) Shaggy (b) Esoteric
(c) Lore (d) Mischievous
Choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word.
Exercise.3 1. Pulverize
Fill in the blanks. (a) build (b) construct
(a) Pulverize (b) esoteric (c) raise (d) annihilate
(c) Thwarted (d) feisty 2. Esoteric
(e) Slacker (f) lore (a) shallow (b) superficial
(g) Sinuous (h) shaggy (c) obscure (d) simple
(i) Sloth (j) mischievous 3. Thwart
1. Workers could be punished for (a) assist (b) facilitate
incompetence or ____________.
(c) baulk (d)
2. There was a new mall, an excellent
4. Feisty
bookstore with ____________ literary and
policy journals. (a) Aggressive (b) peaceful

3. The accounting firm deliberately destroyed (c) pacific (d) nonbelligerent

documents to ____________ government
5. Lore
(a) Myth (b) stories
4. He is set to ____________ his two opponents in
the race for the presidency. (c) Beliefs (d) all of these

5. The silent, ____________ approach of a snake 6. Sinuous

through the long grass. (a) serpentine (b) winding
6. Pavlov was ____________ in his opposition to (c) twisting (d) all of these
the Soviets, but aware of his fame, they
7. Shaggy
were forced to ignore his insults.
(a)bald (b) furless
7. She was a ____________ little girl who was
always playing tricks on people. (c) glabrous (d) bristly

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(c) laziness (d) hustle

8. Sloth 8. Mischievous

(a) drive (b) industrious (a) Naughty (b) troublesome

(c) indolent (d) none (c) Orderly (d) disobedient

9. Mischievous

(a) misbehaving (b) behaved Exercise.6

(c) nice (d) good Choose “True” or “False” for each of the
following sentences.

1. To pulverize something means to create

something beautifully. (True/False)
Choose the word opposite in meaning.
2. Known, understood, or appreciated by only
1. Pulverize a small number of people are esoteric.
(a) grind (b) pound (True/False)
(c)erect (d)crumble 3. Thwart is to prevent somebody from doing
2. Esoteric what they want to do. (True/False)

(a) abstruse (b) Superficial 4. Weak, undetermined and afraid of arguing

with people is feisty. (True/False)
(c)arcane (d) profound
5. A slacker is a person who is lazy and avoids
3. Thwart
work. (True/False)
(a) foil (b) frustrate
6. The lore of a particular country or culture
(c) Assist (d) Baffle is its traditional stories and history.
4. Feisty (True/False)
(a) argumentative (b)nonaggressive 7. Something that is sinuous moves straight
(c) bellicose (d) assaultive without any curves. (True/False)

5. Sinuous 8. Shaggy hair or fur is long and untidy.

(a) bending (b) curled (True/False)

(c) twisted (d) straight 9. Sloth is diligence, especially with regard to

work. (True/False)
6. Shaggy
10. A mischievous act or suggestion is intended
(a)brushy (b) hairy
to cause pleasure. (True/False)
(c) sleek (d)hirsute
7. Sloth

(a) idleness (b) inertia

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TEST – 4 (a) Sneak (b) Verdant

Exercise.1 (c) Salubrious (d) Rampage

Match each word on the left with its correct 2. Move or go in a furtive or stealthy way.
definition on the right. (a) Rampage (b) Verdant
S. Word S. Meaning (c) Sneak (d) Sluggard

No. No. 3. To be overly involved in someone else’s

1. Meddler a. extremely angry or
annoyed; raging (a) Meddle (b) Sluggard

2. Sneak b. To move quietly and (c) Rampage (d) Furious

secretly in order to 4. Great energy and enthusiasm.
avoid being noticed
(a) Sneak (b) vim
3. Rampage c. Interfere in
(c) Confront (d) Sluggard
something that is not
one’s concern 5. To face especially in challenge.

4. Furious d. To act or move in a (a) Confront (b) Sluggard

wild and usually
(c) Furious (d) Sprightly
destructive way
6. Very powerful or violent
5. Confront e. To oppose or challenge
especially in a direct (a) Confront (b) Furious
and forceful way (c)Vim (d) Sprightly
6. Vim f. Robust energy and 7. Favorable to or promoting health or
enthusiasm well.
7. Verdant g. A lazy person (a) Sluggard (b) Vim

8. Salubrious h. Conducive or favorable (c) Salubrious (d) Sluggard

to health; wholesome
8. Green with growing plants.
9. Sluggard i. Full of vitality; lively (a) Verdant (b) Rampage
10. Sprightly j. Green with grass or (c) Salubrious (d) Sprightly
other rich vegetation
9. Full of life and energy.

(a) Sneak (b) Sprightly

(c) Confront (d) Verdant
Choose the one which can be substituted
10. A habitually lazy person.
for the given words/sentence.
(a) Furious (b) Salubrious
1. To rush about in an angry, violent or
agitated fashion. (c) Vim (d) Sluggard

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1. Meddle

Exercise.3 (a) avoid (b)intrude

Fill in the blanks. (c) shun (d) ignore

(a) meddling (b) sneaked 2. Sneak

(c) rampaged (d) Furious (a) creep (b) slink

(e) Confronted (f) vim (c) steal (d) all of these

(g) verdant (h)salubrious 3. Rampage

(i) Sluggards (j)Sprightly (a) calm (b) placidity

1. Hundreds of youths _____________ through (c) berserk (d) peace

the town, shop windows were smashed and
4. Furious
cars overturned.
(a) ferocious (b) fierce
2. Please stop _____________ in your sister’s
marriage, even though you mean well. (c)enraged (d) all of these

3. Tried to wake up the _____________ who were 5. Confront

still sleeping at that late hour. (a) eschew (b)oppose
4. The thieves _____________ in while the guard (c) escape (d) avoid
had his back turned.
6. Sprightly
5. She pushed her way through the mob and
(a) spry (b) languid
_____________ him face to face.
(c) lackadaisical (d) inanimate
6. A small _____________ garden with a view out
over Paris. 7. Sluggard

7. Fresh air and exercise are always (a) hustler (b) doer
_____________. (c)slug (d) go-ahead
8. He is _____________ at the way his wife has 8. Salubrious
been treated.
(a) salutary (b) insalubrious
9. Some food and a little rest should give me
(c) noxious (d) unhealthful
back some of my _____________.
9. Verdant
10. We were extremely well looked after by
James, a _____________ 70-plus year old who (a) barren (b) lush
had a beautiful house in Jaipur.
(c) leafless (d) bleak

10. Vim
(a) lethargy (b) dynamism
Choose the one which best expresses the
(c) listlessness (d) torpidity
meaning of the given word.

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Exercise.5 Exercise.6

Choose the word opposite in meaning. Choose “True” or “False” for each of the
following sentences.
1. Meddle
1. Meddle is to involve oneself in a matter
(a) interlope (b) obtrude
without right or invitation. (True/False)
(c)neglect (d) interfere
2. If you sneak something somewhere, you
2. Rampage take it there openly. (True/False)
(a) agitation (b) uproar 3. Rampage means causing damage or
(c) rage (d) placidity destruction. (True/False)

3. Furious 4. Someone who is furious is extremely calm.

(a)mad (b) relaxed (True/False)

(c) feverish (d) frenzied 5. If you are confronted with a problem, you
have to deal with it. (True/False)
4. Confront
6. Vim means lively or energetic spirit;
(a) dare (b) defy
enthusiasm; vitality. (True/False)
(c) dodge (d) oppose
7. Verdant means a place is covered with dust
5. Sprightly and garbage. (True/False)
(a) inactive (b) energetic 8. A place that is salubrious is unpleasant and
(c) animate (d) active unhealthy. (True/False)

6. Sluggard 9. A person who is habitually indolent is

sluggard. (True/False)
(a) idler (b) layabout
10. A sprightly person is lazy and inactive.
(c) hummer (d) couch potato
7. Salubrious
(a) healthy (b) restorative

(c) unwholesome (d) wholesome

8. Verdant
(a) leafy (b) lush

(c) luxuriant (d) depleted

9. Vim
(a) bounce (b) drive
(c) sluggishness (d) energy

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TEST – 5 (a) Whimsical (b) drive

Exercise.1 (c) Epigram (d) Bounce

Match each word on the left with its correct 2. Something that attracts or tempts.
definition on the right. (a) Lure (b) Sloth
S. Word S. Meaning (c) Feisty (d) Thwart

No. No. 3. To defeat (someone) completely in a

war, battle, etc.
1. Lures a. Unusual in a playful or
amusing way: not (a) Vanquish (b) hummer
serious (c) defy (d) None
2. Vanquish b. To defeat or overcome 4. Flagrantly wicked or impious
in a battle, contest, etc;
conquer (a) Nefarious (b) mad
(c) feverish (d) languid
3. Nefarious c. To tempt or attract
by the promise of 5. A short sentence that expresses an idea
some type of reward in a clever or amusing way.

4. Whimsical d. So large or great that it (a) epigram (b) spry

amazes you
(c) vim (d) verdant
5. Stupendous e. Evil or immoral 6. Amazing especially because of great size
6. Epigram f. Being brief and to the or height.
point (a) Stupendous (b) Terse
7. Allegory g. A short and clever (c) hustle (d)arcane
poem or saying
7. A short written description.
8. Terse h. Use of symbolism to
(a) Vignette (b) sluggard
illustrate truth or a
moral (c) swallow (d) will

9. Vignette i. To make careful and 8. A story poem painting etc in which the
excited: enliven, elate events and characters represent ideas
or teach a moral lesson.
10. Exhilarating j. a short graceful literary
essay or sketch (a) Allegory (b) Torrid

(c) sardonic (d) none

Exercise.2 9. Making you feel happy, excited and full

of energy.
Choose the one which can be substituted
for the given words/sentence. (a) Exhilarating (b) emancipate

1. Unusual or strange and often amusing. (c) vanquish (d) none

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10. Brief and direct in a way that may seem Exercise.4
rude or unfriendly.
Choose the one which best expresses the
(a) Terse (b) paragon meaning of the given word.

(c) torpid (d) volition 1. Lure

(a) Allurement (b) alert
(c) Warning (d) caution
Fill in the blanks. 2. Vanquish
(a) Lures (b) Vanquished (a) Emancipate (b) free
(c) Nefarious (d) Whimsical (c) Liberate (d) conquer
(e) Stupendous (f) Epigram 3. Nefarious
(g) Allegory (h) Terse (a) Legitimate (b) noble
(i) Vignette (j)Exhilarating (c) Vicious (d) law-abiding
1. Many of the spies had been involved in 4. Whimsical
murder, blackmail or other __________
(a) Rational (b) Eccentric
(c) Sane (d) equable
2. The film was a dark, powerful __________ of
life in post-war America. 5. Stupendous

3. The City was close to surrender when, after (a) Dull (b) prodigious
five weeks, government troops __________
(c) unimpressive (d) uninspiring
the rebels.
6. Epigram
4. An attractive window display can help to
__________ shoppers into the store. (a) Adage (b) aphorism

5. He has a wonderful __________ sense of (c) maxim (d) all of these

humour. 7. Allegory
6. “We’re in the process of negotiations, (a) apologue (b) fable
“Russo said in a __________ statement to
(c) metaphor (d) all of these
8. Terse
7. Benjamin Franklin’s famous
__________,“Remember that time is money”. (a) concise (b) circuitous

8. This __________ novel keeps you gripped to (c) diffuse (d) prolix
the end. 9. Vignette
9. Sky-diving is an __________ experience. (a) depiction (b) portrait
10. The play’s program features a little (c) sketch (d) all of these
__________ about each member of the cast.

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10. Exhilarate

(a) depress (b) exalting

(c) jade (d) deject


Exercise.5 Choose “True” or “False” for each of the

following sentences.
Choose the word opposite in meaning.
1. Lure is the power of attracting, tempting or
1. Lure
enticing. (True/False)
(a) bait (b) enticement
2. Vanquish is to surrender in a battle.
(c) alarm (d) temptation
2. Vanquish
3. Extremely delightful and gentle is
(a) enfranchise (b) defeat nefarious. (True/False)
(c) overthrow (d) subdue 4. A whimsical person is spontaneously
3. Nefarious fanciful or playful. (True/False)

(a) villainous (b) iniquitous 5. Stupendous means extremely

unimpressive. (True/False)
(c) principled (d) degenerate
6. Epigram is to expressing an idea in a clever
4. Whimsical
and amusing way. (True/False)
(a) capricious (b) equable
7. Allegory is to anything used as a symbol or
(c) freakish (d) impulsive emblem. (True/False)
5. Stupendous 8. A terse statement is lengthy. (True/False)
(a) Monstrous (a) tremendous 9. Vignette means a small, graceful literary
(c) Awesome (d) unremarkable sketch. (True/False)

6. Terse 10. Making you feel unexcited and depressed is

exhilarating. (True/False)
(a) Succinct (b) verbose

(c) Laconic (d) summary

7. Exhilarate
(a) Electrify (b) thrill

(c) Excite (d) depress

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1. Torrid (adj) - extremely hot; passionate; 17. Abandoned (adj) - left and no longer
very difficult xeZ dfBu wanted, used or needed ,

2. Savage (adj) - aggressive and violent; 18. Pack(n)- a group of animals that hunt
causing great harm; brutal taxyh together

3. Truce (n) - an agreement to stop fighting 19. Ardent (adj)- very enthusiastic; passionate
for a period of time ;q)fojke
4. Trepidation (n) - great worry or fear 20. Assiduous (adj) – working very hard;
about something unpleasant ?kcjkgV diligent र

5. Lurk (v)- to stay hidden, waiting to attack 21. Gregarious (adj) – living in groups;
or appear कर sociable र

6. Sardonic (adj) - showing that you think 22. Prowess (n) - great skill at doing
that you are better than other people; something, क
23. Volition (n) - the power to choose
7. Surrogate (adj) - used instead of, something freely; free will, र
somebody/something else
24. Lugubrious (adj) – sad and serious ;
8. Scrupulous (adj) - careful about paying doleful,
attention to every detail; meticulous
25. Paragon (n) – Perfect example of
क something
9. Shirk (v) - to avoid doing something you 26. En route (adv) – on the way र
should do र
27. Ambush (v) -to make a surprise attack
10. Quintessential (n)- the perfect example of from a hidden position,
28. Sorcerer (n) - a man with magic powers,
11. Drought (n) - a long period of time when who is helped by evil spirits
there is little or no rain
29. Maul (v) - to attack and injure somebody
12. Predators (n) - an animal that kills and by tearing their flesh कर
eats other animals र
30. Devour (v) – to eat something quickly;
13. Disrupt (v) - interrupt (an event, activity, gobble up
or process) by causing a disturbance
31. Torpid (adj) - not active; with no energy
14. Menacing (adj) - seeming likely to cause or enthusiasm; lethargic
you harm or danger; threatening
32. Gregarious (adj): friendly and preferring
र ] क
to be with other people, feyulkj
15. Resentful (adj)- feeling bitter or angry 33. Famed (adj): famous or known to many
about something ,
people, izfl)
16. Scar (n) - a mark that is left on the skin
34. Virtue (n): behaviour showing high moral
after a wound has healed standards, UkSfrdrk

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35. Enormous (adj): very big in size or in 51. Altruism (n): selfless concern for the well-
amount, cgqr cM+k being of others, ijksidkfjrk

36. Hypnotize (v): to keep your attention so 52. Eventually (adv): after a long time ; finally,
strongly that you feel unable to move, var esa
LkEeksfgr 53. Persuade (v): to cause to believe;
37. Rescue (v): save someone from a convince, jkt+h djuk
dangerous situation, cpko djuk 54. Herd (n): a large group of animals of one
38. Pulverize (v) - to defeat or destroy kind that live together, >qaM+
somebody/something completely; crush 55. Ditch (n): a narrow channel dug at the side
कर , र - र कर
of the road, ukyk
39. Esoteric (adj) - understood or enjoyed by
only a few people with a special knowledge 60. Vine (n): a climbing or trailing woody-
or interest stemmed plant related to the grapevine, csy
40. Thwart (v) - to prevent somebody from 61. Ambling (n): the activity of walking, Vgyuk
doing what they want to do कर
62. Affable (adj): friendly and easy to talk to,
41. Feisty (adj) - strong, determined and not
afraid of arguing with people fe=rkiw.kZ
42. Slacker (n) - a person who is lazy and 63. Kidnap (v): to take someone somewhere
avoids work क र illegally by force, vigj.k djuk
43. Lore (n) - a body of facts learned by study
64. Agile (adj): able to move quickly and
or experience; knowledge or stories,
easily, QqrhZyk
usually traditional, about a subject
44. Sinuous (adj) - moving in a twisting, 65. Meddler(n): an officious annoying person
curving way र, who interferes with others, dke esa gLr{ksi
45. Shaggy (adj) - having long untidy hair, fur djus okyk
46. Sloth (n) - a South American animal that 66. Sneak(v): move or go in a furtive or
lives in trees and moves very slowly the stealthy way, fNidj tkuk
bad habit of being lazy and unwilling to
work 67. Rampage(n): violently angry and
47. Mischievous (adj) - enjoying playing tricks destructive behaviour, minzo
and annoying people; naughty रर 68. Furious(adj):full of anger or energy;
48. Meddler (n) : an officious annoying person violent, mxz] xqLls esa
how interferes with others 69. Confront(v): to be face to face with, vkeuk
dke esa gLr{ksi djus okyk lkeuk gksuk

49. Paw (n): an animal’s foot having claws and 70. Vim(n): energy and enthusiasm, mRlkg
pads. iatk 71. Verdant(adj): covered with green
50. Preacher (n): Someone who talks about a vegetation, gjk Hkjk
religious subject in public place /keksiZ ns’kd

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72. Salubrious(adj): favorable to health of 89. Intervene(v): occur in the time between
mind or body, ranq:Lr events, chp esa vkuk ;k iM+uk
73. Sluggard(n): a lazy person, vkylh 90. Trap(n): an unpleasant or difficult
situation that is difficult to escape from,
74. Sprightly(adj): full of energy and spirit;
lively, brisk etc, mRlkg;qDr Qaluk
75. Collapse(v): suddenly fall down, vpkud 91. Inferno(n): an extremely large and
fxjuk uncontrolled fire, vkx
76. Vigour(n): physical strength and good 92. Abject(adj): utterly wretched or hopeless,
health, 'kfDr] rkdr ?k`
77. Zealot(n): someone who has extremely 93. Creature(n): a living organism
strong beliefs, especially religious or characterized by voluntary movement,
political beliefs, dV~VjiaFkh
94. Adroit(adj): skillful or dexterous, n{k] fuiq.k
78. Woods(n): an area of land covered with a
95. Deed(n): a legal document; action, nLrkost
thick growth of trees, ou
96. Scary(adj): causing fear or alarm; timid,
79. Lure(v): to tempt or attract by the
promise, ykyp nsuk Mjkouk] Mjiksd
80. Vanquish(v): to defeat someone or 97. Thrilling(adj): very exciting or
something completely, gjkuk stimulating; trembling, jksekapd] cspSu djusokyk

81. Nefarious(adj): evil or criminal, t?kU; 100. Fable(n): a traditional short story that
vijk/kh teaches a moral lesson uhfrdFkk
82. Whimsical(adj): behaving in a capricious 101. Anthropomorphic(adj): resembling the
manner; fanciful, euekSth human form, ekuo:ih
83. Stupendous(adj): surprisingly large or 102. Tale(n): a story about exciting imaginary
impressive, 'kkunkj] vlk/kkj.k events, dgkuh
84. Epigram(n): a short poem with a witty or 103. Personify(v): represent or embody in a
satirical point, pqVdqyk physical form, ekuohdj.k djuk
85. Allegory(n): a short moral story; a visible 104. Render(v): represent or depict artistically;
symbol representing an abstract idea, uhfr cause to be or become, izLrqr djuk] gks tkuk
105. Acclaimed(adj): publicly praised by a lot
86. Terse(adj): sparing in the use of works; of people, iz’kaflr
concise, laf{kIr
87. Vignette(n): a small picture or design at
the beginning or end of a book, y?kqfp=
88. Exhilarating(adj): making you feel happy,
excited, and full of energy, izk.kiks"kd

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