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Res Proj 2

8. Apply the results

9. Share profits equitably
10. Increase research capacity
INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATIONS, 11. Build on the achievements
Research – reserche means “to
Inquiry - systematic search of travel through or “to survey”. Orderly
information, knowledge, and truth investigation of a subject matter for
about certain thing. Solving problem the purpose of adding to knowledge.
through researching and probing. Includes collection, presentation,
Involves questioning and analysis and interpretation of facts
interrogation that line an individual’s speculation
with reality. Concur or improve or
Investigation - systematic negate findings of previous works
examination to uncover facts
regarding the matter. Done carefully IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH
and by thoroughly inspecting details
in organized manner and assessing 1. Collect essential information
facts which are uncovered in the 2. Create changes
process 3. Improving standard of living
4. For a safer life
Immersion - researchers immerse 5. Know the truth
themselves in the culture they are 6. Explore history
studying. Researcher can gain more 7. Understanding arts
information than through other 8. Evaluate findings of other studies/
method researches or build on where they
Collaborative / Participatory
Research - researchers working CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH
together to achieve the common
goal of producing new scientific 1. Empirical – actual experience or
knowledge observation by the researcher
2. Logical – legitimate and valid
3. Cyclical – begins with a problem
1. Decide on objectives together and concludes with a problem
2. Build up mutual trust 4. Analytical – uses proven
3. Share information and develop analytical procedures; no error in
networks interpretation as observed in
4. Share responsibility critical analysis of the data
5. Create transparency 5. Critical – cautious and exact
6. Monitor and evaluate the judgment
collaboration 6. Methodical – logical manner
7. Disseminate the results using systematic method and
Res Proj 2
2. Pure Researches – do not use
empirical or direct data; simplify a
problem or derive a concept or
7. Replicability - can be reproduced;
theory or a formula -laboratory is
designs and procedures can be
the human mind. Ex. Thesis or
8. Objectivity - free from bias and
3. Applied Researches - pursues
prejudice and alteration
potential solutions to human and
9. Originality – requires effort to get
societal problems; designed to
the researcher’s own investigation
solve practical problems of the
and obtain data needed to
modern world. Ex. studies on rice
complete the study
substitutes modern techniques for
10. Controlled – all variables are kept
tooth treatment
constant except those that are
4. Action Researches - solving
tested and experimented
specific problems within a
11. Accuracy – give correct or
program, organization or a
accurate data; appropriately
community ; people in the
situation are directly involved. Ex.
12. Timeliness – topic that is fresh,
habitual absences of employees
new and interesting to the present
5. Evaluation Research – studies the
processes and outcomes aimed
13. Relevance – instrument for
at attempted solution
improvement or in solving
A. Formative Researches -
problems affecting people
improve human intervention
14. Transformative – data can be
within specific conditions
numerical measures and are
such as activities.
treated statistically because it
B. Summative Evaluation – to
employs quantitative or statistical
judge the effectiveness of a
program, policy or product
15. Rigorous – ensures that
6. Correlational Research –
procedures followed to find
statistical study of relationships or
answer to questions are relevant,
associations among two or more
appropriate and justified; degree
variables, without necessarily
of rigor varies
determining cause and effect. Ex.
Gender to Course Preference
7. Experimental Research – to
predict and control phenomena
and examine probability and
1. Basic Researches - to understand
causality among selected
and explain; come up with a new
variables; establishes cause-
knowledge or contribute to an
effect relationship of variables on
existing knowledge. Studies on
each other ( independent-
relationships, comparative
dependent ). Ex. Effect of method
analyses, trends and projections.
of teaching to the performance of
Ex. Relationship between
the students in Math
intelligence and performance
Res Proj 2
8. Descriptive Research – provide
1. Interesting – something related to
accurate portrayal of a class or a
your discipline; interests you
situation or a group as a means to
2. Practical Value/ Relevance -
describe what exists, determine
something important in today’s
frequency of an occurrence and
world, current
categorize information; detailed
3. Focused/ Plausible – set
study which has an impact to
limitations; not too broad but not
people or community. Ex. Finding
too narrow; not vague; not highly
the most common and frequent
disease that affects children in
4. Verifiable – results/answers can
town - Its impact would be finding
be verified by other studies
solution on how to prevent
5. Availability – materials and
9. Ethnographic Research – in depth
resources are available; yet not
study of the culture through its
overly written
members; describe and analyze
6. SMART characteristics
theories of cultural behavior in
7. Variables are clear, separable
their natural settings to
and updated
understand what is happening
8. Topic should not carry moral or
legal impediment ( follow ethics )
10. Phenomenological Research –
aims to describe an experience as
it is actually lived by the person;
study and understand the
experience from the perspective
• The title should encapsulate the
of the individual
main idea of the research –
indicate accurately the subject
and the scope of the study; simple,
1. Subjects in the Classroom
concise and self explanatory. Ex.
2. Work/ Personal Experiences
Effects of Divorce on Children
• It should include clear variables
3. Theories which Need Empirical
and setting – explain the nature of
the study ; clue to methods. Ex. The
4. Off-Shoots of other Researchers/
Effects of Outside Employment on
High School Students’ Academic
5. Suggestions from Experts or
Achievement in Arellano University
• Choose appropriate wording –
6. Programs (Government,
needed and useful descriptive
words only; refrain using
7. Instructional Programs Pursued
abbreviations/ jargons unless
8. Practices, Rules and Regulations
these are commonly known; spell
of Organizations
out acronyms.
9. Specialization/ Field of Study/
Discipline or Across Fields
Res Proj 2

• Be mindful of the length – avoid

redundancies ( a study of, an
analysis of) unless citing the
research design/ methodology
limit; the title must be limited to 10
to 15 substantive words.
Conjunctions (and, but, because,)
prepositions (in, on, at) and
articles (the, a, an) are not
counted. Ex. An Analysis of Cost-
Benefit in Hiring Contractual
Workers in Fast Food Restaurants
in Metro Manila
• Observe Proper Grammar and
Capitalization – content words
must be capitalized
• Use subtitles:
A. Provide additional context
B. Qualifies the geographic
scope of research
C. Qualifies temporal scope of
D. Identifies methodology/
theory used
E. Identifies the methodology
Res Proj 2

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