The PutrakameshTi Asvamedha Dasarajna Ya

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The PutrakameshTi(Dasarajna/Kurukshetra) Yaaga

And The Deciphered Bharata Varsha(Indus) Script

The Secrets Of The Vedic/Christian Fire Worship Rituals

Identifying Augustus Caesar As The Historical Jesus

Discovery Of The Vedic Visvamitra/Mitra/Putra Cult In Harappan Seals

Decoding Of Harappan Seals Solves Several Great Mithra Mysteries Of History

Time(Sun) As The Body Of God, Son Of God , Voice Of God, King Of Man, Son Of Man
And Food of Man In Vedic/ Christian Sacrifices

The PutrakameshTi(Dasarajna/Kurukshetra) Yaaga
And The Deciphered Bharata Varsha(Indus) Script
The Secrets Of The Vedic/Christian Fire Worship Rituals

Identifying The Historical Jesus As Augustus Caesar

Discovery Of The Vedic Visvamitra/Mitra/Putra Cult In Harappan Seals

Decoding Of Harappan Seals Solves Several Great Mithra Mysteries Of History

Time(Sun) As The Body Of God, Son Of God , Voice Of God, King Of Man, Son Of Man
And Food of Man In Vedic/ Christian Sacrifices

The decipherment of the Indus Script shows the Vedic
PutrakameshTi Yaaga as the basis for the sacrificial rituals of
major world religions like Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism,
Christianity etc.There is only one god,the sun,but the sages
call him by different names RV.1.164.46

The “suparno/winged garutman ” is Indra/

Garuda/ Horus/Vishnu/ Visva/mitra/putra/ varsha/
Herod,Christ etc.Yajna -sacrifice is samaya-time and tanaya-
putra-son. Soma pavamaana is birth of the sun/son.
The Exodus from Egypt/The Passover of Israel is the Vernal
Augustus Caesar as “son of god”/Putra/Soter/X-aviour,is the
Christ of the Bible.
The true source of Roman Mithraic Mysteries is traced to
Rgvedic Visvamitra cult of Hinduism.
There is only one god,the sun,but the sages call him by different
names RV.1.164.46

“Parokshapriya(rebus) iva hi deva(veda)” is the dictum about

vedic suktas according to Aitareya Brahmana (7.30) of the Rg
veda.Without understanding rebus usage in the vedic words,we
will make out nothing about the basis and purpose of
vedic/biblical dictums.The “suparno/winged garutman” is Indra/
Garuda/ garta/Horus/varsha/putra/pu-tara/pu-rasa/agni-
shToma/ashTa mangala/mangala ishTi/King’s sacrifice/mitra/
mudra/ Visvamitra(maatarisvan)/ soma/Aum/Veda/Hari Srii/
Akshara/aksha of ra/saka of ra>year of king>ear of

Malchus/raksha/rakta/soNa. He is

Agnesa/Ganesa/cakravartin .He is “Hari(Rg)

srii(mukha/word)” mark made on rasa/tara(soma-agni-raaja-
srii-iisa-siva,sun,king,veda)/ rasana(tongue)/ netra(eye,nayana,
akshi,miina,miinakshi , )/ ratna(gem)/ rajan(king,
somaraaja, soma raasa,Suurasena ,Haridvar , , ,srii
mukha,Rg vacana)/ racana(grantha/ KRshNa/ Sankara/
sarangi/kRti/ sruti/ soma/su-na/su-ma/Siva/veda) with “svar-
Na(aksha-ra/cak-ra)” on Vijaya dasami of Sarasvati
(Sravasti/sarat pati/satra pati/dasra pati) to denote
vidyaarambha(veda paaTha/Rg paaTha/veda piiDha of Roman
Christians by Nero et al.).The three branched(sakha-branch,sakhi-
bulls(Kausika) also denote “Hari srii/Srii Hari/Srii Rg/Raaja
Srii/Raajarshi/Srii Indra/Srii Vishnu/Visvamitra” .The speared

Christ , (Spear/vi or pa +soma>Vishnu or

Somapa or Somaka or Somaskanda;turiiya-4,caturaha-solar
day>suurya-sun;fish>savana/vansa;Hence this seal is of Suurya
savana/suurya vansa/putra kameshTi as spear is also
bull-KRshNa> Bharata-emperor of Suurya
vansa/varsha/vaasra(day-Sunday-the resurrection of Christ
on Sunday)/ vansa/ savana/patra/veda/svar/ akshara/
raksha/ X-aviour cf.avana-nabha-moksha-soma-saavana-
suryodaya/rusha/ arusha>vatsa> dvadasa>Divodasa>
divasa>dharma>catur/dasa-4 or10,cipher-aha-aga-sun >40/

aruNa/ asura/ daanava/RaavaNa/Duryodhana-sunrise , ,

, cf.saavana>sa-avana>savana> sacrifice,salvation> VaruNa,conductor of

sacrifice,end of homa,snaana at end of yaaga,maasa of 30 days,samvatsara of 360
days,the day from sunrise to sunset.Ahas> aksha>Garuda,panca,karsha,eye,wheel
etc.Savana being panca day had five parts.Savana-yaganta savana is also baptism of New
born Christ.Savana>sa-vana>sa-nabha>sa-nava>sa-rava>srava>varsha.Vana is
tree,house,water.Nava is nine,new,nu-praise,weapon like spear, sword,arrow,
club,vajra,cakra saavana is suryodaya/Soter/Varsha/ Hari/
Visvamitra/Manushya putra/Son of man/Son of god/sun god) on
the cross(paada/ veda/turiiya-4/suurya-sun-samaya-tanaya-
kiraNa/srii-trayii-strii-3-trikaala-sRgaala> tripaada>prabhaata>
triveda> Vishnu> Anubis; Yajna> samaya>
tanaya>caturaha>aadyaputra>adya rudra> adya jaata>aha
jaata>aha dasa>ekadasa-11>adya dasa> aadya jaata-ekajaata-
ekaraaja-ekaputra-Ekacakra-Ekadasa Rudra>aajya

dasa>aasya-aanana-astya-ayana dasa , >satya

dasa/yuga >satya yuga>dasaasya>dasa yajna>Samvatsara

satra-Daksha yaaga-Putra kaameshTi/ RavaNa/savana/ yajna.
Vedic dharma cakra/amRta mathana is six-spoked made with
three lines of sa-tra /sa-rat to make the six Rtus(surata-ushTra-
vatsara/ sutra/su-Rca/su-dasa/Sudasa/su-tara)/ ”AkiTus”.Ka-nR

/caturaha became Kunti’s elder son,but not counted with the

Paandavas as ahas is aksha/panca/savana/satra/adya/sadya-
cf.feeding the “five thousand” making “sahasra-1000” from sa-
ghasra> day;mangala>sankara>s angama> Sangamesvara>
subhiksha>Kshema>saka/ksha-ayana> well
being>kshaama>ksha-ayana> famine of Egypt-Gen.41 “and the seven
years of famine began, just as Joseph had said. There was famine in all the other lands,
but in the whole land of Egypt there was food. When all Egypt began to feel the famine,
the people cried to Pharaoh for food. Then Pharaoh told all the Egyptians, "Go to Joseph
agrahaayana-Miina-Matsya-Pisces –dawn-
and do what he tells you"- at
which also is Joseph or Moses.At dusk light-kiranNa-rain-grain
ends which is projected as famine of Egypt.K-
arNa/AruNa/Arusha/rusha the first born son of Kunti is light in
Pisces, dawning, appearing before true sunrise in the east in
Mesha/ medha/ Aries.Hence he was rejected by Kunti. This also
account for the shift or ayana of the sun from the east during the
northern and southern ayana/Passover. In the same way,the first-
born sons of Egypt were also killed.At the same time the first
fruits were to be given to God,as the new sacrificial year is begun
with the sun rising in the sky,place of god,as putra/ tanaya/
samaya/ dhaanya-grain.Feast of first fruits can also be seen in the
parable of a man sowing the seed/ suuna/soma/ veda in different
fields,including on rocks and thorny bushes,but only the seeds
falling in good soil giving best results) also denote “Hari Srii”

Narayana,Govinda ,Mukunda , Garudadhvaja

, VishTarasrava/mangalapatra , ,

, ,

, mangala puujita-
honoured with an offering or sacrificial fee ,Hari Srii,Srii
hari)+nu(weapon,praise; spear,arrow,club, cakra, vajra etc.
are weapons to make vis+nu> Vishnu/Kausika/GokarNa/

KRshNa(ka-rusha/Kausika/trisanku ,

svar or Rg or varsha or vansa or go or

pu or hu -sikha/kausika -visva or varsha or srava or

ambara or veda -mitra/putra/tetrarch/ KRshNa/

Garuda/Herod , , ,

Vis -va -mitra -Da or svar

-ksha or ga indicating Daksha-saka-abda-year-ear

Yaaga or Trisanku Svarga/Garuda , ,

/varsha/vatsa/padma-ma/ra)/ Raama/ Mitra/Dharma/Pu-
tra/Mathura/ madhura/ Mithuna- Gemini/Mithila/soma-

Narayana-budha-suta-putra-Vidura , , , ,
, , ,

cf.Christ,Thomas,Muruga et al with spear

indicate Vishnu;Varsha/kaala/haayana/ abda/ asva>
cakra/Sakra/Phagu-na/Ar-juna/Ra-soma/ AgnishToma/Vi-

soma/Vishnu/Arka/agna >sarpa cf.Pharao’s symbol on

the forehead,Vishnu’s Sesha,Siva’s kaalakuuTa,Christ’s

Golgotha> srava/karNa >siva/su-bha> sa-rva> Vi-

sva(vidvan/vivasvan/jina/jna/sura/soma etc.KRshNa’s
Visvaruupa shown to Arjuna/Phalguna is Vishnu
ruupa)>Vishnu> ravi> dvi>yama>

ma>ra>agni>Rshabha>Bharata. Hanging from tree branch

is Valakhilya/Ahalya/ushas/Judas-who hanged himself/Varagni/

Vaasra-Varsha>year, saptaha /saptahna

becomes Jubilee Year/Putra/pra-bhaata >sura
paada>arusha paada>Rshabha>vRshabha> parvata>
paaraavaara-saagara-sapta saagra-divasa cakra-saptasva/tri
-pat /padma cf.padma vyuuha that killed Abhimanyu
putra of Arjuna/catur-ahna/catur-agni /aksha-caturanga,

, , , cf.akshadyuta-chess>surya
day/ahas-caturaha beginning on Thursday/ ahas-tetrarch/
Vishnu, beginning avatara /va-rsha /vaa-sra /vaara
from Matsa/rusha/arusha/Arjuna/Phalguna.
Samaya>tanaya>yajna.Sebaastian with astra-arrow-sarat-
arrow of time- indicate Vishnu/Visva/varsha/patra/svar-

INRI-srii vatsa , - sarpa/ sarva/srava/sruu/ druu/srii/

Hari/Hari srii , , . With ashTa/8-nu

, , , it becomes bhaanu-sun/sthaNu-
god/praise of agni/saashTaanga namaskaara-prostrating
before the deity/king. Pa/va-raising is nu/praise.When

people raise hands they become Vishnu/raaja/srii as

va-hands> nu-weapon,praise>mu-siva,3,srii.
Sarpa/cakra/varsha/ praja/purusha> svar>vis>
nu>dvi>ravi-the one who is praised)/ va(hand,
tiger,bull,river,varuNa,auspiciousness) is Worshippers of
Muruka(putra god;tanaya god/ samaya god/ma-Rg/Mark)
spear(satra/ sarat/ suurya/srii/hari/Rg) their tongue(rasa/
rasana/ jihva/pakshi-Garutman/srii).
The SOP of formation of ancient religions can be stated thus:
Inaugurate/declare an emperor/king as king of kings/agni/sun
god/son of god/Bharata/Indra/putra/amRta putra/Dharma
sava>suprabhaata>good morning)/ David(divasa or dvija or
diva;ra-veda)/Solomon(putra of David>sol-aruNa>sol-Amun>sol-
Invictus>)/Augustus Caesar (Mitra>putra of Julius
Caesar>Agastya;Soter> Xaviour)/Christ(chrest/crest/crown) the vedic raajasuuya ritual. Create a book/patra/veda with
praises of his heroic deeds and his speeches containing his laws/
commandments.Install ritual sacrifices as memorials to praise
events like his birth,heroic deeds and death.A new era/king’s
year was installed to make the king an immortal god as part of
time without beginning and end.
Install worship places at the places of his original/supposed
birth,death,places of his heroic deeds and speech.The patra/veda/
vedabhashaNa(cf.Jews Sabbath temple service,Christian Sunday
church Service,Muslim Friday mosque service)/ Vaisampaayana/
guruvacana/prabhaashana forms the basis of the king’s new
religion, for worshippers and their coming generations to follow.
Hence different religions follow different holy books ,different
years and different religious rituals. The Hindus, Jews,Christians
and Muslims have different holy books and calendars,though the
sun and moon ,the basis for all these, is the same. It is because in
ancient religions god is the Dharma/amRta/Sun/Son/king /
Law/king’s year/temple year/time.In ancient India,Egypt,
Sumer,Rome etc.the Aja/aga/sa/aksha/agni/ra/
Indra/Mitra/Rama/ VaruNa/ Vishnu/Bharata/
Varsha/raaja/srii/cakravarti/samrat/ Visvamitra/
Kausika/Harischandra -emperor was considered as
Pu(agni,father,ra)-tra(three,to save,srii,saviour or soter of the
father;tara-agni;taraNa-setu-Indra-Mitra-dharma) of Ra(agni) or
saviour of the sun god(ra-agni-the father)/temple(hence Christ’s
anger fell on traders in the Jerusalem temple Mark.11:16)/nation.
The emperor/king was called raaja/Ra-ma(ra-agni,ma-king,
time)/ Indra(netra-king,eye,sacrifice, upper garment,beard

; Egy.ntr-god)/Mitra(friend of the people and emperor,

X-aviour, mudra,naama,putra,Rudra,Dharma putra/
Visvamitra/Narayana/Vishnu/Visva)/ Bharata (emperor,
agni)/ budhna(root,siva;putra;varsha;svar;bodhana-teching

, )/Buddha/Baudhayana/
Jina/sura/ Putra(sutra; praja;varsha;bharata;cf.rajputra,
aryaputra,patrician,pater,Peter etc.)/ Soter/Ezra(traa-to
save)/Xaviour of the temple and the nation.The year (varsha>
svar-word,sun,sky>sa-god,rava-sun> sava(sacrifice,
agni,ashTa,pu,ru)-ara(alt-ar;asta, dasa, astya, satya,tara,athar
cf.Satya bhaama;Pu-tra/Rudra is agni-shToma>Hari/maanava/

Ra/karka/Garga cf.soma/aum/caturah pava maana/vapa

naama/pu naama/su naama/ jnaana/janana/

snaana/samaya/tanaya/putra >sa-tra>ra-atra- sacrifice)

>bha(va/ra/sa/aga/aja/hari/agni) -rasa(srii,

tara/athar/siira/siras/ siirsha/ sura/jina /

Caesar/amRta/Dharma/marta/mRta ,
>srava-ear >ka(kha)-rNa(nR)/king of kings
weight, venerableness/ Samraaja/ Agni-Ra/KRshNa/king’s year

cf. usha-sava-saka-aksha-ahas-sabha(sa-bha)-savana-samaya-

tanaya-yajna, .The unicorn is Hari(Indra/

Vishnu/Visva/Rg/veda/deva/rava/dva/yama/ina , , , ) –
srii(mitra)-agnesa(ganapati/ janapati/ emperor)/
Subramanya(Visaakha/Kausika) is varsham-ayana/pu-tram-
ayana/sravaNa-ayana. Dharma putra>Dharma raaja>Yama raaja

(agnishToma-agni is ahna and stoma is the lunar

astrism>soma raaja>Rg/raaja/rava-soma/veda/deva).
I am requesting academics,scholars of comparative religion,
universities and governments to come out with dictionaries and
encyclopedias in this line to further the cause of scientific
knowledge of the real history of nations and mankind as a whole.
The Harappan civilisation is the vedic civilisation.It is from the
vedic religion that all other major religions were born.
, , ,
Kausika/Visvamitra/Gopaala /KRshNa/Raama/Kubera/
Subramanya/Visaakha/raaja suuya/praata savana/ agnishToma/

/Suurya varsha/suurya vansa/Sakabda/ etc savana-

adhvara-Asvina-Kaanya Kubja varsha-raaja varsha-srii putra-srii

mudra, Saptasva(Jubilee) varsha/saptaha satra/Kaanya Kubja(

priests/seven kanya-virgins in M-1186) Hari srii ,sarangapaNi

Dvadasa/Divodasa Vatsara Visvamitra/SarangapaNi/Nun Putra/Vishnu Varsha,

Satra(putra/mudra/mitra/sarangapaNi) Suurya Vansa(Caturaha),

Visva(varsha/srava/sruu/sruti/Vishnu) mitra(Dharma/sravaNa) raaja/raajarshi/Rg ishTi/ashTa
mangala, Va-aasa-va(Samvatsara prajaa pati/KRshNa/VRshNi/Sasvati/Aga-astya-

vansa/sapta asva savana/Pancaala varsha), , Shad Varsha/Shad saka/sat svar/sal

lekhana/ashTa mangala/agnishToma/saranga paNi/sraavaNa AshTa srii/ishTi srii/mangala

traya/ashTa mangala/Sravasti/Sarasvati/srii varsha/srii vatsa/

va-satra/vatsara/sapta satra/sarpa satra/sarva satra/veda satra/Visva mitra/varsha

satra/srava satra/Agastya/Drupada/ kaala/samvatsara/Hastina/Pancaala/Kurukshetra.

eth-melech/Bethlehem).Being rasa/rasana/ratna/racana/raajan ,
Muruka worshippers spear their rasana ,and Caesar was killed by
Brutus(putra),Jesus was pierced with the spear,being
budha/jina/sura/ soma/putra/ budhna/Vishnu. The two deified
emperors of Rome were Julius and Octavian/Augustus ,
though emperors from Tiberus were Augustus.By
spearing/crossing they become deified as Kausika/Indra/
Visvamitra/Bha(unicorn/suurya/ suura/suula)-rasa(soma/lata)>
varsha/putra/karsha as voice of god/king.
cf.Equinox/Agni/samaya/tanaya/yajna/medha/mesha/aja with
Aries and Libra.Maanava(man) and maapana(scale) indicate
pavamaana(purification).Second glyph shows spearing the Christ.

Putra KameshTi yaaga

In Hinduism ,Putrakameshti(sutra gaana ishTi,kaala cakra ishTi,varsha agama

ishTi,Dasaratha ishTi)/Asvamedha yaaga/sarpa satra/samvatsara
satra/prajapati satra/Daksha yaaga/gavamayana is a special Yajna(samaya-
time/tanaya-son) performed for begetting a son(praja/varsha,tanaya/ samaya/
sayana/syena/syaama/kaala/yajna). It is a kaamya(kanya or haayana)-
karma(karNa/karaNa).Kaama is aagama(coming,veda,ahna-
day).Putrakaama>varsha aagama>aagama varsha.New sacrificial year.

In the ancient Indian epic Ramayana(BalakaNDha ch.8-18), upon the recommendation of

Sage VasishTa(ishTivaaca>ishTi vaaja>ishTi varsha), King Dasaratha , ,

, of Ayodhya (udaya/ suurya/ suryodaya/Duryodhana) performed the

Putrakameshti Yajna under the supervision of RsyasRnga (R-saya or

yaja,rajya,rasi,jati)/Garuda/KRshNa/Kaala/Raama/Bharata/bha-rasa /bha-arata>paayasa
>madhura>biija/bhaasa/vaaja>sukla,-rajata-dasra cf.30 silver pieces of Judas,Raising of
Lazarus,riding on dasra/donkey,”satya” of Christ before Pilate to denote Nasatya or

matsya/pisces>sukra-palm , , -panca-aksha-ahas-savana-samaya-tanaya-vaasra-varsha-

kaala-haayana-dasa-svar-adhvara>kharjura>Arjuna Muni, who was an expert

in Yajurveda/Suuryamedha/Holy Mass, which has the guidelines for this Yajna. After its successful

completion, the Lord of Fire, Agnideva appeared and gave a bowl of sweet(paayasa -
sweet>bhaasa-light-tejas>biija-retas-sukla-sukra-surata-putra-varsha) to the King of Ayodhya, which
was provided to his three queens in order to promulgate his sons Sri Rama(raja cf.Jupiter,Thursday,
Visakha), Lakshmana(daksha-dasa year), Bharata(Bhadra/Sukra) and Satrughna(sa-drughaNa-
Brahma-Saturday) forming tetrarchs or caturaha or garta or harta or Garuda/Herod/

Horus/putra.Suurya putra /suurya varsha/suurya samaya/suurya tanaya/kaala/Raama/suurya

vansa/turiiya sinha-four tigers or lions as on Asoka stuu-pa/tetrarch denote Visvamitra

/Vishnu Satra/mitra/putra/varsha/vaasra(bull,day,
house , Visva mitra savana -suurya

udaya/savana/vansa/varsha/Duryodhana>Rex Iudaerum;

Bharata/bhadra/Indra/Rudra/Putra/Mitra/Vivamitra -suurya/suuryodaya/

udaya/ubhaya/Yama/ma/ra/Yadu/Yadu/Duryodhana-sa/bha -vana >saavana-sunrise>panca-

five-aksha-ahas-saka>vansa>varsha>suurya vansa>suurya varsha.

satra/ashTa/ishTi/agni/Pu>agni/hari >kratu>cross -dasa.With tra it make Hari srii/

Dasaratha).Suurya vansa begins with Dasaratha , , son of

Aja(Indra,king,ram, Aries,aga,aha)/ Mesha/medha/usha-dawn.Saavana/sunrise
is suuryodaya/ sunrise.Dharma/amRta/udaya being samara/yudha-war we have
the Devasura war,Dasaraaja war ,Kurukshetra war,Rama-Ravana war etc.These
wars were reproduced in the wars of Joshua in Canaan(kaalam-year,naakam-

> >
Putrakameshti/Asvamedha performed by King Dhasharatha-
RsyasRnga performed the holy sacrifice and the final day of the event, a dark skinned
deity(kaama-kaala-KRshNa-syaama-samaya-tanaya-yajna) appeared from the
sacrificial altar and handed over a vessel of paayasam to Dasaratha.

Putrakameshti Yagam is also called Santaana Gopaala Pooja.Putra> tanaya

>praja>santaana> sanaatana>smasaana> samaadhana>samaa>
varsha>haayana>samaya>syaama>kanya(Durga or Bhadra or Bhadrakaali or varsha

heli or Kali varsha) , , , , >sa-yama>sayana>yajna

Lord Vishnu is the deity of this yagna.

Suta(budha>putra;stu-praise,astu-be) Samhita states that Lord Vishnu himself is the

giver of this special knowledge of this homam.

It was the great sage Sanat Kumara(matsa putra/pavamaana) who first came to
know about it from Lord Vishnu.

The great sage passed on the knowledge of the Homam to sage Baudhayana.

Performing the yagna in accordance with Yajurveda guidelines results in the attainment
of a child.

The yaaga helps the couple to have a healthy progeny with Narayana’s blessings.

King Dasaratha of Ayodhya performed the yagna for the attainment of his four kids.

Moreover, it was King Dasaratha of Ayodhya who first undertook the yagna that Sage
VasishTa recommended him.

RsyasRnga Muni, an Yajurveda expert was the supervisor of this holy yagna that King
Dashrata undertook.

Yajurveda is a holy Hindu text that contains the guidelines for the prayers of the yagna.

Forth the successful completion of the yagna, the Lord of Fire, Agnideva gave a bowl of
sweet to the King(kaala.agni>kamaagni;Yaja-sacrifice-satra-cross-crossing-surata- is

On Lord Agnideva’s advise the King gave the sweet to the three(strii>srii>3) of his
queens.”Behold Woman ,this is your son”is Biblical statement for this.

And this resulted in the birth of his sons, Sri Rama, Lakshman, Bharata and
Shatrughna(sa-drughana/caturaha/Tetr-arch/cross/dasa/altar /pu-tra>4
, , , ,

cf.caturaha/dasa/4/ is samaya/tanaya/syena/yajna itself.So syena is 4 & 10

simultaneously, ).

reciting the Purusha Suktam in Rg Veda 10.9 invokes Lord Vishnu.

The hymn has sixteen(shodasa-16>King Sudaas>shodasin-Indra) verses glorifying

Lord Vishnu as the ultimate Purusha,a celestial being(sun) with infinite heads and

The verses call Lord Vishnu(Narayana) as the origin of the human’s race(nara).

Since Lord Vishnu is the centre of this holy ritual, the couple gets his blessings by
performing it.

Lord Vishnu’s blessings come in the form of a healthy child for the couple.

The positivity that arises from the chantings results in the activation of the fourth

chakra that is Anaahata/ (virgin;srii


Anahatha is the chakra of love where Vishnu resides. Its activation ensures a strong
bond between couples.The Christ was speared on the side of his chest to make “srii
vatsa”.The Full moon of month of Mesha/Aries falls in Visaakha/Raadha-lover of
KRshNa(sunrise)/raaka-Full Moon/dhaana-palace.PutrakameshTi is
asvamedha/Asvatthama as well.
The significance of tithis(lunar dates,sthiti-
position/place- of soma-moon from agni-sun
in the ecliptic) in sacrificial calendar
The lunisolar calendar was used to determine sacrificial
(savana>sa-vana>sava-ma>madhava>madhu> soma>
sura>rasa>dasa>kaala) dates and festival(ut-sava) dates.
Maasa(moon,month) denote medha(sacrifice).The month was
made projecting the day/agni/ahas into the phase of the
moon.Arka/diva-dasa/vaasra/sun being dvadasa-12,there are 12
maasa/months in the varsha/samaa/samaya/ yajna(samaapa)/
tanaya(soma/suta/stu/ishTi/satra/sarat/darsa-New Moon)
which is also the dvadasa hora(twelve hour) period of saavana
(sunrise to sunset day.This is also the ministry period of the

sun,pramada,rava-tama,rava-dama,varddhana as in Govarddhana
parvata/prabhaata.Prathama is prabhaata in the northeast.This is
dasra/Asvini/Asvins-Nasatya and Dasra/sarat.Its octave
repetition is aksha/ashTa/ashTami/agni.

a/V-aruNa with Yama as deity.It is Arunodaya/Arimathea/
aana of the month/year.

The three headed bulls/ trident head denote pu-tra/mitra/
Indra/ Visvamitra/ Narayana/ Asvatthama/ Suryodaya/
Duryodhana.Sunrise is savana/sa-avana/salvation.Savana is also
navami as in Rama Navami.The raa(trident)+ma(marta/
dharma/mitra/Indra)>raama>raja>jaara(Indra) etc.

agnesavara) is allocated to caturthi.It is RohiNi/ sobhini/R-agni. It
denotes the sun bearing its sobha/soma/shine/ray as kara
(ray,trunk of elephant;karabha>bharga>varaha>arka>hara) .
Hence Soma/su-ma/su-na/veda is allocated to this star.KiraNa is
grain/karNa/srava.Hence the month of SravaNa ruled by Soma is
allocated for vedic learning.

5.Panca/aksha/ahas/agna/pa-aasana/savana/ vansa(cf.Kuru,
Israel). Pancagni,Panca Paandava,Pancaala,Naaga Pancami etc.are
other examples. The fifth lunar date is allocated to the hotter sun
of the day entering the sign of Sukra>sukla-white,the hot sun is
the white sun>Su-kara/ hara>Durga> Pushkara>putra(being
second to Mesha,the first).The fifth sign belongs to
Leo/Deo/Augustus and the day of the lord of the sign Leo, as Son
of god ,is Sunday! It was emperor Constantine,who made this
arrangement in 321 AD.

6.Shad/shadka , , ,
/shadaha/salka/kalasa/ cakra/ratha/ tara/athar/ asta/ashTa/
dasa/sata/sat.The dharma cakra/Visva mitra has six kara/ tara/
arka/aksha/ahas/spokes to denote shadanga(veda, ritual)/

sRNga , -saaranga , ,-saarNga-

SaarNgapaaNi ,-KRshNa(ka-raajan>kaala raaja>Yama

raaja>samraaja>Cakravarti>Yadu raja>udaya raaja>king of

kings>raajarshi>suryodaya , , )
paaNi(kara/aksha/akshara/ raksha/ daksha/asva) >

VaaNi(Geetha)-KRshNa veNi(hair,river)-triveNi/ sinha ,

/panca(Gaja/karabha/kalabha , , , ,

, , , , -note ka-dva>two hair buns of


/ Dvipa-with kara, sun with kara,king

with kara-hand, tax/savana/ sa-tra/pu-tra/mitra/ dharma.It is
formed by the taara-star/tra-3-sikha+go (sun)/ sa/ca whence it is
Kausika/Kesava/ Visva/ varsha/ srava/sruu/
satra/sarat/dasra/Citra/mitra/ Indra/ bhadra/cakra/ Sakra.
ShashThi(sixth lunar date)/shashTi(sa-ashTi/ishTi>
Shanmukha/Visaakha/Su-ja or Vishnu/su-sa or god) > paNa-

Vishnu,money,barter,house,praise>vana-tree,house,water ,

>nava-nine,new,rava-sun nava –setu/taraNa/

ratna/mitra/Indra/raatri.Navaraatri feast/nava satra/nava
sarat/Dasra/Tishri/Rosh Hashana with the sun facing the

Citra(cit-ra;cita-ra;putra;Citra Gupta;Kaanya Kubja)/C-ai-tra

, >siras>Caesar>masta>matsa/
jayasrii/aparaajita-Invictus/ Sol Invictus.Dawning or
appearance of light in the northeast everyday makes it the
angle of perpetual victory of the Devas.The Solar month in
the seventh is called Caitra hence.Kalya(dawn) and sandhya
(dusk) make it kanya(Virgo,ka-ayana,ma-ayana>na-ayana>

Caesar> nu cf.trident or spear >stu>suta>putra>vatsa>matsa-

dasma-varsha-svar beginning in the northeast-Miina-nayana-
niyama-Testaments-Egypt-Sinai-Italia –Rome-Jerusalem) is
sixty(60).Shadanghri/shadpada indicate sat-pada/sal-
lekhana/veda.Shadaadhaara indicate the shad cakras of the body
which are Muulaadhaara,svadhishTha,manipuuraka,anaahata(srii
vatsa),visuddhi and

aajna(head).Shadabhijna(cf.abhijna>naama>maana>miina is

Buddha and Shadaanana/ShaNmukha is Subramanaya/

Visaakha.Shadja(first note of music) is Sa(A).

7.Saptami/sa-patni(wife) is the seventh lunar date.Seventh is the

house of wife/jaaya(wife)/saaya(evening,Sarasvati-sandhya
devi/Saarada).Saptasva(with seven horses or with a horse having

the name of “sapta ”/abda-varsha-sarpa-sarva-visva-

ashTamangala-svar-psalm-palm /saptaha(seven day

week) is the sun.Sapta is tapasa/divasa/David.Saptaki is
ornament of women.Saptajihva is agni.Jihva is sabda/rasa/rasana

/ratna/netra/svar/varsha.Saptarshi >Divasa raaja/king

David.Saptaraatra is seven nights/tapasa raatra-solar sacrifice.

Sa-patni(wife) make it a favourable date for marriage rituals.

8.AshTami,the eighth lunar date, denote asta/ashTa/ishTi/agni

. Hence DurgashTami/AshTami-Rohini etc. are important

festival dates.The eighth tithi of the dark half (KRshNa
paksha>Kaala paksha) makes the moon to rise at midnight,where
Kaala/raaja/the year is born(Jews begin their day at sunset to
make the sun enter kaala-raa-raatri-nisa-sani where the
kalas/parts/crescents of Maasa/Soma/Mosa(night sun) appear
and the stars become visible to mark the maasa/months and

samaa/dasra/satra/sarat Tishri/Rosh Hashana , , -head of

year; rusha-fish,arusha-dawn;suura-sun,tiger;usra-
/year.Rudra(sunset,setting sun;ru-rava-diva;dra-tara-ratha;drii-
to split) cut off the head of Daksha(year) in the Daksha(Dharma

putra /Viirabhadra yaaga/Drupada bandhana/Setu

bandhana/prabhaata vandana/) yaaga and replaced it with a
Ram’s head,whence he was called

chaaga(Ram,Saka,Visakha,Mesha,saakha) ,
mukha(face).The fish with 4(suurya,turiiya,ayana,caturaha) fins is
Duryodhana(suuryodaya-sunrise-savana/ Iudaerum)/
Narayana(matsya- avataara-savana-adhvara-varsha-panca-
vansa-Pancaala;The weight is stoma>stu-ma>suta-ma>suta-
dharma>Dharma putra>amRta putra-kaala-varsha-samaa>

Ma-thu-ra>Me-luh-ha) .The fish is the 40 year in

biblical parlance as turiiya-suurya>4 and dasa>10>0 indicate
9.Navami-ninth lunar date , .Sa-vana(nava, nabha)/
vimaana(air craft) is navami.The sun goes into the sky in a
vimaana at savana(sunrise, sacrifice)/navami.Hence we have
Rama navami in Aries/Mesha.Mahaa(kaama/agna/naaka) navami

in Kanya(Virgo ).Mesha/Aja , , is the father of

Dasaratha/ kaalacakra/sacrificial year/cycle of time/new era.

10.Dasami-tenth lunar date.Dasami>dalmi(siva,vajra of

Indra,rasmi of sun,varsha of raaja)/vasava> rasana>ratna>

rajan> mitra> Indra> netra(king, sacrifice, eye ,cloth ,

root -Drupada-sruu pada) >Visvamitra .Vijaya dasami >

udaya dalmi>Vis-va-mitra(dharma).Udaya being ayudha, vidya
(veda), vidyadevi/udaya ravi/Sarasvati is worshipped on Vijaya

11.Ekadasi-Eleventh lunar date.Ekadasi denote Agastya,the most

high,Augustus,Leo,Deo,ravi-the sun.We have Utthanaikadasi,
Parivartanekadasi,Sayanekadasi,VaikuNThekadasi etc. to praise

Dvadasi(12),trayodasi(13) caturdasi(14) and Pournami(15,Full

Moon) completes half of the Lunar month.Moon rise at sunset in

the west,makes the moon full.This is soma pavamaana .

Thus the day is projected into the bright half of the lunar month.

Night is projected into the dark half of the Moon.Amavasya(New

Moon) takes place when the Moon rises with the Rising sun in the
east.Hence the bright half of the month is generally auspicious
and the dark half is generally inauspicious.

The Jewish calendar presupposes a New Moon at the Vernal

Equinox like the Kali Yuga origin. The calendar cycles try to
equate the lunar year to the solar year beginning at one of the
equinoctial points on the zodiac.Usually they don't worry about
the eclipses at this point.But the sacrificial salvation year
begins always at the Vernal Equinox as the salvation is
sunrise,which removes darkness symbolising sins and evils
faced by mankind . This is why sunrise is called savana-salvation
in vedic.Sunrise marks the sun's(Israel's) entry into
soma/moksha/ svarga/naaka/Canaan-the sky by death as
nobody living can go into moksha/svarga.Hence Moses also died
here leaving Joshua/Jesus/son to lead Isra(Ezra)-el. Visvamitra
tried for a deviation from this rule which is the story of 'Trisanku
Svarga" in vedic. The sun is called svar/tapasa/ divasa/vaasra/
varsha in vedic and hence we have the seven day week(svar-
vaasra-varsha-adhvara-sacrifice) like the sapta svara/musical
octave , beginning with Sunday to denote samaya(time) as
tanaya(son) at the Vernal Equinox(In vedic he is called
Subramania/Visakha/Kausika/Visvamitra/Indra).The seven days
projected as seven years gives the sabbatical cycle also.The 19/28
year cycles of the Jews may also be noted.The two equinoxes
divide the sun/year into two halves(like the veil of the temple of
Jerusalem), like the day with two(yama) halves ,making
samaya(time)/ tanaya(son)/ syena(eagle)/ yajna(savana-
sacrifice).So we have a week of unleavened bread, to worship the
risen(East/Y-east!) sun of the Vernal Equinox by a week as
suta(son,putra-svar cf. “This is my beloved/vatsa/varsha
son/putra”voice/svar at the jnaanasnaana-baptism to
indicate jananajnaana-knowledge of birth of varsha!) is
stu(stava-sava-savana-praise,sacrifice).The second part is
creation of the calendar with the moon being imposed on the
solar seven days as asterisms,which also proceed from the
supposed New Moon at the Vernal Equinox and the Full Moon at
the Autumnal Equinox(Tishri). The 15 days gives the fifteenth
year of Tiberius(the first day of Tishri,sarat/dasra in vedic) and
the following New Moon adds 15 more days as 15 years to make
ready the 30 year old Christ. This happens every year,but the
calendar dates move away from the actual
salvation/savana/event of the equinoxes as the calendar was
lunisolar. Julius Caesar undertook the calendar reform to rectify
these deviations in the Roman Calendar.Constantine was very
well aware that the Vernal equinox was the date of the death and
birth of the Sun God.Samaadhi (death) is samaa(year)-
aadi(beginning) also.The Full Moon of Libra/Tiberius falls at the
birth date of Augustus.Jananajnaana(knowledge of birth;
Mal.piRa kaaNal;piRa=birth,moon; kaaNal> seeing;
cf.dRshTi>nayana-eye>Miina>sRshTi-creation) being
jnaanasnaana(baptism), Christ was baptised on this year.So he
chose the Sunday,the savana -salvation day marked by the Full
Moon after the vernal equinox to celebrate Easter,based on the
caturaha satra of Visvamitra . This is a fixed permanent scheme
and no lunar calendar date is permanently suitable for fixing
this.That is why we cannot fix the date of the crucifixion, which is
a supposed event and not a real one with equinoctial calendar
dates of all years suitable for this.Every year we have a varying
date for Easter for the same reason. The Christians prior to 325
AD were following the Jewish Calendar and the dates of Nisan 1
and 15 shifted away from the equinoxes(the real event behind the
stories of Pascah/unleavened bread/First fruits/Christ's
resurrection) as the years advanced and it is to avoid the
confusion,that Constantine made his arrangement for the date of
Easter. Stories of Xaviour Moses(Moses,Heb.moza sunrise,
Ved.soma-sunrise and Joshua/Jesus/Augustus-most high) and the
Son of God (Augustus -born on September-23-the autumnal
equinox) denote the Daksha yaaga/PutrakameshTi yaaga in vedic
Texts. The four days(ahna-day-divasa-David/agna-
fire,sun,king;King David) make a Tetrarch as four kings/sons of
Dasaratha/one king like Herod/Garuda>4>10.In the Ramayana
(Narayana;naara-people,raja-king,ayana-people/king’s passage/
Passover/sacrifice), Dasaratha(cycle or wheel of time) got four
sons(suurya-sun-son;turiiya-4 ) in the Putrakameshti
yaaga.Pu-tra(son,4;suta-son,stu-praise;Joshua/Judah) is the sun
as X-aviour.The X-cross-cup is the caturaha ,four days, which
make dasa(X-time, ten)/ rasa(juice/soma/ paayasa given to wives
of Dasaratha to beget sons,or to the Christ himself on the cross to
make the birth of the new sacrificial year as son of god and son of
Mary-John-soma-son) to make Dasaraaja-ten kings in another
Rgvedic Visvamitra story. In the Mahabharata savana-sunrise-
suryodaya becomes king Duryodhana.I have also shown how the
Mithraic priests created the INRI inscription on the cross making
Emperor Augustus as Visva(Joshua)-mitra(Indra-king of kings)
raajarshi(Daksha/Rex)-Suuryodaya(savana/ samaya/
tanaya/Iudaerum .This might also indicate a kalidina number as
12,Visva/sarva/sapta-7>31-the number of days of the month of
August.Dharma Cakra is 24-hours of day or pakshas of
Year.Kalidina being number of days of the month and days of the
single year!Dharma putra/Dharma raaja is marta putra-son of
man-son of god!). Since Augustus is Putra/Soter/ Xaviour as per
historical records,and since his calendar samaadhi/samaa-aadi is
in 8 BCE(actual death in AD14), we have to fix the 8BCE date as
the date of the crucifixion. The death was placed at 12.00-3.00
p.m to denote the fall of the sun(emperor-Augustus cf.his date of
death is also in August/Leo agreeing with the Roman 9th hour or
3.00 p.m) in the afternoon as the savana/sacrifical day begins
at sunrise and ends at sunset. Interestingly Dasaratha's four
sons(tetrarch) by his three(strii>srii >3 cf."Behold woman,your
son") wives have names as Raama, Lakshmana,
Bharata(Putra/varsha) and Satrughna corresponding to the four
asterisms ruled by Ketu,Venus(in Miina-Pisces-sign of Jupiter-
Lord of the asterism of Visakha),Sun and Soma/Moon/John(in
Mesha-Aries-medha-Aries-ruled by Mars/Kuja/Kubja).Sat-
rughna(Rohini;sa-DrughaNa>Brahma) denote asta/pada in
Rohini-the fourth asterism ruled by Soma/Moon/John.The Full
Moon in the asterism of Visakha/Isaac/Pascah is used to view the
Xaviour.Thus the putrakameshTi and the caturaha are the same
as the Passover/Pascah/Crucifixion of Christ.This sacrificial being
eternal, the "word/svar/patra/varsha/varsha/putra/time" has
no beginning and no end as was decided by Constantine in the
Council of Nicaea and taught in the Nicene creed.No lunar
calendar date can permanently match this date.That is why the
Gospel writers avoided giving the exact calendar date of the
event. And fixing a date based on extant lunisolar calendars of the
time,for a non-existent sacrifice ,is not advisable.If the biblical
Jesus was a such a great person of his time,definitely emperor
Constantine must have been well aware of the Roman records
detailing the events of his life,and he would not have bothered
about the Vernal Equinox and the Full Moon thereafter to fix a
SHIFTING DATE of an hi-storical event!! Very importantly
Constantine decided ONLY the DATE and NOT the YEAR , like
the Gospel writers, for these reasons.The Mithraic Sol
Invictus(sun god/king as stated by Rg veda 2500 years before
him) was the Roman Emperor and the Son of god was
Augustus Caesar himself !
As we have seen the high day scheme is a permanent
arrangement to make the lunar asterisms coincide with the
solar days at the vernal equinox.In vedic times the year used
to begin in Pisces(Caitra) itself,the fish being denoted with a
cipher with 4 fins(4 day,40 year)/6(60 day-Rtu-6 Rtus make
savana year of 360 days;60 year Jupiter cycle;Guru/Jupiter is
lord of Pisces) .The fish is called Miina/Matsa in vedic.Miina
denote niyama/ testament. Miina> Sinai>samaya>
time>tanaya> son>sun.The four fins indicate the cross/X.
The cipher >sun>0>10>X-dasa-ten,time.So we have the holy
number of 40 years in biblical stories relating to 40 years of
Sinai and 40 days of Lent leading to Easter.The
Miina/Matsa -fish-Testament was the symbol of early
The vedic arrangement was in place prior to at least 1500
years before the Jews started celebrating the Passover and
2500 years before the Christians began celebrating Easter.
It is a historical coincidence that Augustus Caesar was born
on Sptember 23 for the beginning of Kaala/Sani/Nisa-
sighting the stars and Soma/Moon/John/Tiberius.Another
wonderful coincidence is there.Josephus was born exactly in
the same year Tiberius died.He was working for the
Caesars,very close to Titus and his words/works were meant
to support the plans of Roman Imperialism.Caesar being the
Pontifex Maximus,he was writing for the Pope/Peter
(cf.Paul,Mark,Luke) in preparing the Gospels.
Texts of scripture and calendars of priests were devised to
worship the emperor and the sun as his face without
disclosing the under-lying(lie) plan.
All years had,have and will have equinoxes whether we call
them Asvamedha,PutrakameshTi ,Paasover or crucifixion
and resurrection of Christ/Easter.Rosh Hashana is the
fall/autumnal equinox as the counter part.It is called
haayana-year).It is a ten(X )day feast for both Jews and
So all years and dates of Nisan 14 and 15 relating to the
crucifixion by all scholars remain valid, and true history will
continue to be a Mithraic Mystery till some more time !
Janana(birth) is jnaana(knowledge) and snaana(sava-
bathing,sacrifice).This is soma(son/sun) pavamaana
The baptism of Christ ,by John the Baptist (Soma/Libra/
Tiberius) is Soma Pavamaana,the purification of

Soma/Somalata /somadasa/maasa/medha,by the Vernal

Equinoctial Sun, at the Full Moon in Libra(Tiberius)
corresponding to Nisan 14/15.
Nu(praise)-Stu(praise)-astu(be)-suta(son/sun)-Be.Hence the
statement “We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of
God ... Through him all things were made. ... he was born of the
Virgin Mary, and became man”.Everything was born through
Hari-srii is written tongue of children with gold to mark svar-
Na/ma as Saras-vati.
Coronation of Jesus was followed with spearing to mark
Satra/kaala/varsha/samaya/yajna –sacrificial year !
I have noted that some of the participants have made efforts to
make the Vernal Equinox coincide with the barley harvesting/
grain plucking by the disciples etc. which were though derived
from vedic rebus expressions for time and sacrifice.If we go to the
Sumerians we have the akiTu feast of grains.In vedic, yajna is
sacrifice.But yajna is samaya-time,tanaya(son) and dhanya (grain,
barley,wheat,rice).So ,as already noted, it is time , rays/light of the
sun, along with veda(soma, word,varsha, svar,srava-ear,rava-sun)
that form the grains and first fruits(week day).The seven days of
unleavened bread itself make seven years of famine/ welfare in
Egypt since kshema(wealth)/ kshaama(famine)/ Kamsa(year,
hamsa-sun)/ mesha(Aries) /medha(sacrifice) are the same in
vedic rebus. Dawning in the northeast makes welfare in Egypt
when "everywhere else it is famine(night)."Joseph" (ushas-dawn)
as in Egypt is father of Christ in NT and as "Judas" is his betrayer
also.Christ's parable of the sower directly refer to veda as the
soma/suuna/karaNa-grain/karNa-ear of man/ear of Malchus/ear
of barley-year of sacrifice.The first borns /sons of Egypt were
sacrificed BEFORE THE PASSOVER as passover is from
northeast(Egypt) to east(Mesha-Nisan).In the Mahabharata,the
first son of Kunti was KarNa(Ka-nR>king's year)-Suurya
Putra(kaala,),but was not a Paandava,being not counted among
the five(ahas/aksha).Christ was crucified at the Pass Over/ cross/
caturaha/4 or X/turiiya/ suurya/ dasa/ varsha/ time. Anna(sun,
food;ahna-day)/ bhakshaNa (food;bhaga-sun,asana-food)
becomes manna/eucharist.Old year dies(samaadhi) giving way to
new year(samaa-adi,maasa-aadi,mesha-aadi>first point of
Aries).Old seed dies giving way to new tree/srii/suurya.Pu(fre)-
tra(fire,salvation) is savana-sunrise-son-salvation-Raksha-
Xaviour-king-sun-Sunday Easter.The "first fruits" harvested are
the caturaha-cross/saptaha seven day week/divasa-day/ David
(king).In vedic the dharma cakra/amRta mathana has six spokes
to denote the six Rtus . Now please note the basis for the six-
spokes and the four spokes of the cross of crucifixion or wheel of
time.Sa is a single line/arm denoting five
fingers/five/aksha/ahas/day.Sacrificial day was divided into five
parts.You put yama(two,dvi-ravi-sun-son of sun-god of time)-
sa(ahas/ aksha) together and you have a "sa-yama" two
hands/dasa-seen between the two faces of Janus-shamas-James
brother of christ/cross or samaya-time/tanaya-son/dhanya-
grain/syena-eagle/yajna-sacrifice/ four seasons. Sa-yama is
samaya/suurya/ turiiya/dasa/ Daksha/Rex.Sumerians often link
the unicorn syena-eagle with ears of barley/Enki/agni for the
same reason. Now in putrakameshTi ,the ishTi is sa-
tra(sacrifice,tri-sa)/sarat(year). Putting 3 "sa"/ahas together we
have a cross of six spokes,six Rtus,the wheel of dharma/Dharma
putra(Mbh)/ marta putra/son of god/son of man!Beginning from
Maundy Thurday,day of Jupiter ,significator of
Putra/potR/priest/ raaja/Raama, we pass through four
days=4/dasa/caturaha cross, till Sunday to make 4 putras/
sons/tetrarchs of the Suurya vansa(tribe,savana,varsha).This
Putra/Dharma putra is the putra/Soter/X-aviour/son of
god/emperor Augustus as Sol Invictus !The crucifixion is his
placing on the Roman Year,as the sun god ,Year,Divus,Sol
Invictus,as the month of August in 8 BCE.The day of the month of
August/Leo/Deo is Sunday,in the caturaha –four day and saptaha-
seven day scheme.Historically also emperor Augustus died in the
month of August!24 hours make the day.24 pakshas(phases)
make the year.The 12 hour day half of the 24 hours is agni (sun)
and the night half of 12 hours is soma(moon) making
agnishToma/aha or sacrifice.Agni begins in East/Aries and Soma
begins in West/Libra/Tiberius.Magdalene is nakshatras of
solar/lunar transit.After Easter appearance to Magdalene,Christ
appears to disciples going to Emmaus(Amavasya-New Moon).In
fact the Moon after sighting the Equinoctial sun(cf.Mal.pira
kaaNal,pira-moon,birth;as per Constantine dictum also) at the
Full Moon, goes to New Moon(amavasya) where he is again met!
And on the 28th day, new born children were tied a black thread
on their waist(Mal.irupattettu kettu;irupattettu-28,kettu-tie) to
denote Kaala/maasa puurtti-when the moon completed a sidereal
month! So, can we get a special year for the biblical crucifixion as
most of our scholars think? Also as I asked earlier,can the popes
sit on the throne in Rome just because a humble Jew was crucified
in Jerusalem ? Historically only the Roman emperor was the
Pontifex Maximus(pope) of his time.This was so from the time of
Julius Caesar,through Constantine and his successors!So they
were "lord(emperor) and teacher(pope)" to use biblical terms, of
their time.Why Moses put a veil (vastra,vatsara-varsha-year)
before the Ark of the covenant?Why the temple veil break at the
samaadhi (samaa-aadi/Equinoctial day break) of the Christ? Why
images of the cross in the churches are covered with
vastra(vatsara),in the Week of the Passion?Why the gates of the
Temple of Janus were designed like vastra(vatsara)?Linking real
history and scripture we can arrive at only one conclusion-there
were "crucifixions" on all years you proposed and anybody else
can propose, but the "real crucifixion of the historical son of god"
was the one in 8 BCE as I have already suggested. If you
understand the sacrifical year concepts fully, the thought of other
years for the crucifixion does not arise. Bible is a book of hi-
stories for sacrificial rituals.It is not a textbook of scientific
history.Dating problems arise where we mix the two."Give to
Caesar his due,and to God his due(though both were one and the
same) "!

vaasra/vaasara/vaara/bhaara , , is paatra,paartha
and mangala/Rg –soma/stoma pavamaana(maapa-na/maana-
va/agni is soma.Man-ra+ jar/spear-ka >raaka>raaja> srii>Rca>
Rg.In M-1186 the body and Jara are shown separately to make
Rg/Saka.Netra>aksha> saka>sava> satra> putra.Fish is
ayana/asta/antya/passage/passover.With na/ ma it becomes
nayana/yamuna/kaala/haayana). Hasta/bhuja is aksha,ashTa and
subha making ashTa mangala, pushkara or putra/kali
varsha/Hari varsha >karaNa/ patra/veda>sruu-veda> drava-

fish>druu-tree -shadahaayana/shad –haayana.With man the

fish make Narayana.Since it is ayana,it forms the feet of
man/paada/ veda/deva> adhvara-satra-sacrifice>Asvina-satra-
dasra-desa-darsa-Lazarus) was begun at birth(janana>jnaana>

snaana>sa-naama> samaa> samaya -year,time)/

death(samaadhi>samaa-aadi>agra haayana>new year) of the
emperor(cf.Kali/ Hari/ Bharata/Saka(sa-god,with;ka-sun, time,
head;saka>sara> sama> tama;sa-ka>sa-RshTi>sRshTi/Book of
Genesis> dRshTi-eye-nayana-Miina-Sinai-Pisces.Book of Genesis
is the story of the sun in Pisces.Exodus,is the story of Mesha/
Aries/Visakha/Pascah) , Kollam(kaalam/dasa/samaya), Kemetic,
Sumerian,Babylonian,Hebrew, Julian,Gregorian,Hijri etc.).
Emperors who became gods,installed their own
calendar(cf.KRshNa/Hari/Kali,Julius,Agustus).The sacrificial
ma/ra;asva-na;Asvina>adhvara>satra>dasra>darsa-New Moon)
begins in matsa(vatsa),and the satra is completed in
sinha/leo/deo/asta of Daniel/Agustus,with the sacrificial death of
the king on the cross/dasa/ara/ashTamangala/kshetra/bhaarata

varsha agra-haa-ayana>agnishtoma>Rg-soma-pavamaana-

ayana/altar, as bharata-varsha dharma putra ka-

ayana-ishTi/bha-rasa , /pu-rasa/bha-
rasana/ka-rajan>KRshNa>bha-racana/ svar/veda/Peter and

Paul(Bharata–varsha/ Bharadvaaja) as shown in , .

Panca(agni>pu-tara>pu-athar) or ra/aksha/saka/ra(Julius)-sha
or ja(son/sun)/ is savana/soma/sa-vana/sa-
aum>mantra/sinha/putra/pu-tara(Leo is hottest part of day and
year) as in seals with man on tree/vana/paNa/aga/srii/
agna/druu/sruu accompanied by raja/hari/sinha/king/

tiger/lions-indicate high holidays/high offices like king of

kings(raaja raaja>raajarshi>Visvamitra) like Sunday
note the bali posture of the man on tree-druu-druma-DroNa-sruu-
srava-sravaNa(sa-RavaNa!Noon)-asterism of Soma-Vishnu-
also called Hari/agni/Rg-sun,tiger,Kesava/KRshNa/Suurasena-
sruu naada-sruu dhaana-Pancaala/ sinhanaada/sinhaasana/Hari
varsha/hari-svara/ Haridvar/ Bharadvaaja(Dro-
cf.doors of the temple of Janus; va/ha+rasa+na>
Na;sapta/svar/sarpa/asva/asvina satra/vaasara satra –kaala-
putra-hari-rasana>kRshNa>Hari-sravaNa,Hari/Rg is star of
SravaNa/sruu-Na/Dharma raaja/DroNa/ashTa mangala.Dru/srii-
Na/veda -Hari-Vatsara/varsha/svar/dvar-Asvatthama;Asva-
sruti/sruTa/dhRta –satra/raa-tra(three days after crucifixion for
the resurrection which is the one night between sunset and
sunrise.But since sa-rat/va-rsha is yajna/sa-tra/raa-tra/rash-Tra-
three days chosen for the sacrifice/raaja-dru-sruu-nR/dharma
raja/Rca/amRta Rca/patra/varsha/patri/putra/veda;Dharma
raja(man on tree+tiger>ashTamangala raja>kshetra naada>
Rgveda>Rg/Hari –dharma/marta/matsa/ vatsa/ divasa/
Varsha/adhvara/ashTamangala.Asvatthama.Dharma raja.Ka-
rasana/KRshNa/Hari –nakshatra.Dharma raaja-varsha-
asvamedha.Dharma raja.Asvamedha .AshTa mangala.Rg veda is
Dharma putra and KRshNa.In the Bible the Roman Priest kings/
Caesar/Pontifex Maximus modified this into marta putra/ son of
man.Bharata Varsha/Bhadra Svara/hu-spel/go-spel/ka-racana/
arusha/rasa/Rca/rasana/racana/KRshNa/Haridvar/was made
door of the temple of Janus and Peter and Paul for the New
Testament.Ahoratra is day of 24 hours.Raatra is nisa/sani/
Saturn/Sa-tra(sa-1+tra-3=4>caturaha of Visvamitra/ Indra/
Kausika/ka-uksha/ka-uktha/ka-gira/ma-gira/ marga/ dharma)>

dasa>spear >cross(suurya>caturaha-dasa-dasra-ara-

altar;prabhaata-morning) , cf.KRshNashTami as the

cross is Suurya/Srii/Kaala/Hari/KRshNa, , caturaha-

ashTa>caturaha ishTi/ yajna/ satra/ sarat/ dasra/ darsa/
Lazarus/Beth-any/ devalaya/vedaalaya/ Narayana/
Ramayana/ Gavamayana/samvatsara satra. Sani is also called
Kaala.Ratrikaala is Friday night + nisa/ Sani/ kaala.The sunset
sign belongs to Sukra/Venus/ Friday.Fridaynight was extended to
the whole of Saturday/ Sabbath day/day of rest/night to make the
sunrise happen again on Sunday morning sunrise as the
resurrection of Christ .This is also confirmed by the date of birth
of Augustus Caesar in Libra on 23rd September to agree with the
Incarnation of the sun in Aries and the Full Moon in Libra in
Visakha ruled by Guru and his date of death on 19th August in Leo
to place him in his asta/dasa/ara/ altar as the sava/corpse of the
Christ as the sacrificial altar .A Ka-satra is kshetra/gaatra/kaala/
temple/body).In the Biblical sacrificial story Augustus as son of
god was physically taken to heaven after the
incarnation/resurrection as he was given the seat of god as
samaya,while still alive. He was made Divus/god/Ark of
Noah/Ark of Moses/Ark of the dasa/ara/ten covenants of god/the
ara/dasa of god /altar of god/king’s year/Peter and Paul/Bharata
Varsha ,upon his death on 19th August 14 AD (we don’t know
whether these dates were manipulated to agree with the biblical
sacrificial rituals).Thus he was the son of god who ascended to
heaven and sat on the right side of the father god,Julius/surya-
the sun. The Harappan unicorn image is
putra/Rudra>Kshiira saagara>Sakra putra>Ar-juna>

Ra/raaja/agni-pu/Enki-soma/ rasa / rusha / dasa

, , >ma-dasa(king’s year) , >marta(man,ma-

tara,mitra,dharma,ra-body with ka-paatra/praasa + stoma-
fish/weight/maana/naama it make Rg/arka/ agna/

varsha/Varddha naama/maana/stoma/satra/netra)
>amRta(sun,soma)> marut>dharma> dharma cakra(cf.Asoka
cakra) > Rg/Hari/dig-ambara/soma> suveda/sveta-

ambara/soma> masta> matsa> vatsa> vatsara/vastra

/vishTara(tree) , /ushTra(bull

,camel)> samvatsara(year,prajapati, Daksha,emperor,

samraja,Yama raja/Srii -aksha-ashTa-siira-viira-Hari-Jina-

Kuru-KRshNa > Srii KRshNa)>sama/yama/dvi-

vastra) , Saka/kesa/aksha, vaaja-bull/Garga,paana-

peya / Bharadvaaja>soma(koNa/homa/soNa)-
agna(arka/anka/gaNa/naga)> ashTamangala(pu-

srava-sruu-sruti-vasati>Sura/Jina-vasati> Sravasti .Note the

paatra/paartha and vastra/dasa/rasa in the upper part making
paartha vatsara/king’s year/shamas/Janus(cf.the famous entry of
Augustus into the temple of Janus-Jerusalem-samaya-tanaya-

yajna-dasa -kaala-cross )/James(Janus-brother of

Christ,son of god,Augustus)/Bharata/Putra/tanaya/samaya/
yajna>Rudra>Saka> Aksha>Asoka> Buddha> Suddha>
Sudd(dasa)-hodana(putra/ Horus)/ Duryodhana/
Suryodaya,whence he is "he who grows pure rice(anna/soma/
sun/son/putra/Buddha;cf.collection of grains/ karaNa/kiraNa by

disciples of Christ)," , >

agnishToma/nakshatra , ,
RshTi/spear denote ra-ishTi/agnishToma/spearing the
Christ with the Holy Lance/ayudha/udaya>kshetra>traa-
soma>akshara-Vishnu/veda-Aksha paada-Gopaala/KRshNa)

>raja-dhaana>yaaga- saala>Asvatthama

>Rshabha/Bharata/ KRshNa/VRshNi >

NarayaNa >haayana/samaya>sa-snake,bird,god-Yama-
kaala,two> /varsha/vaaja/asva/sava>samaa-
aadi>samaadhi(Mal.kaalam ceyyal>became kaalam/ samaa/
haayana/Janus/Julius/Augustus/ sava/savana/panca/
sinha/putra as varsha/samaya/yama is raaja and
putra/Buddha/Varddha-maana/Sakra/saka/Horus/ tanaya/
sava(corpse,sun,siva, subha)/sabha/ arka/varsha/365 day/365
saints as each day is a samaadhi/saint and all saints make the
year >niryaaNa/ha(ka/hari/nari/nR-yama/ayana)-

ayana(kanya/kalya/ahalya/Beth-lehem/k-aala)>sava , ,

, , >kanya>kaala>kesa>kesa-va(Rshabha)>Dasa-

raaja/Dasa ratha/kaala cakra/das-ra , , , -

dasma-matsa /agra haayana-akshara-Sakra-


- , Rg/Raghu/Raaja/Raama/Daksha/Suurya
Varsha/Suurya vansa/Naaga/ashTa/ishTi/veda/Dig ambara;
veda is raja/srii/iisa/ ambara/go/soma(chandra/
sky/nabha/ bha; stoma-praise, house, palace,phallus,var-
sha) raja(rasa/ratha/tara/athar/dhara/viira/sura) vansa/

va(bha)-rsha/rusha/Rca/stoma, >suurya
vansa/varsha> king’s year>surya ratha>soma sacrifice as
depicted in the design of the KoNa-ark temple.

Arka(body,fish,Rg)/agna/cakra/Sakra yaaga/haya/
kaaya/gaatra/kaasara/asva is agra

/yajna>paartha/Bharata>paatra-jar/praasa-spear,praasa in uras
of INRI on dasa-cross-kratu>partha varsha)/ varsha/

aksha-saka-kaala-kesa-temple , or stoma-
7+hasta/aksha/satra/darbha/bhadra/panca/varsha-5 or
8>Saka/Kali-55557 or 88887>Saka-154 or Saka-246 on division
by 360 as vatsara is 360.Vatsara is vatsa(son) of

satra(sama/yama-vastra satra(sarat>saras> sa-rasa

>sa-tra )/stoma/taraNa/dharma/Indra , , cf.stoma-

number,spear,weight,mass,group,heap,vaara,bhaara,viira etc.

Vaasara(ahna/aha/aga/eka/week,weekday , , ,

varsha(year,adhvara,place, svar)/ vaasra(bull,house)/
vetra(rod)/Vaara/bhaara/ maaDa/meTa/medha/
varsha/praasa/paatra/aga/aha/eka stoma/svar is seven cf.

, , , , , , , , , ,

, , , , , , , , , , , , ,


cf.panca>pa-asana>vansa>pancagni as aksha-

garuda,panca,cakra,Sakra> agni >sinha

(tiger,Leo/ Deo,Leya;Leo,the fifth sign or house of the
sun,son,Horus,Bharata(bha-rasa >va-rasa>va-

Rca>varsha>svar>srava>sruu>sruti-veda), Rshabha,Vishnu(vis

-nu/soma/agni/ashTa/dasa/sata/shad/sat > cf.pancagni

; vi/bird,horse-soma/rasa/sara/raaja ;

Vishnu , (vi-soma>ravi-soma>aksha-ra>

ahas-ra>Sakra>Cakra >Sagara>sa-arka/agna/ahna>

varNa >parNa>nRpa>su-nRpa>su-varNa cf.INRI) is

vatsara/vastra , varsha-
vatsara-putra-Dharma Putra/samraja/viraaja/Yama

Bharata/Peter-gaja-saka-kesa- mahaa /Varsha(

pura /va-sara>va-rasa>va-satra>savitR-sun> vatsara-

year> vastra-cloth>rashTra-nation>ushTra-bull,camel
, >vishTara-Ficus >pu-
tra>dhar-ma>Dharma putra) /Hastina(Ha/Ka-sadana>Saka-
dina>sava-dina>Hari-dina>Kali-dina).Being vatsara/
aala>kesa>kesava> KRshNa>kaala> body>
>ara/altar/astra/stara/vatsara-veil with 12 maasa-
Lat.mens/stoma with 12 aha as vaasra-weekday/svar-
heaven/seven-7/seven seven-49/seven seven dasa-7-49-490
is adhvara-svara>svana>savana>varsha-dasa-asta-
ashTamangala>alt-ar>ara>ra-agni>adhvara as in the Book of
Daniel/Dina-el/day-el>aha-day>ahna-day used as the sava-
corpse of the god/king/divus/sun/son of god which make the
Asvatthama-DroNa/throne is the “samaadhi/ kabariTam/
people supposed a saptagraha sandhi/New Moon at the first
point of Aries to begin the Kali Yuga,which in reality is the
sandhi of tapasa with divasa on the sunrise of Vernal Equinox

cf.saptaha/saptasva/agnishToma/saptaha satra.
Sapta is sa-pada and sarva/visva.Ka(king)-tra/rasa-
ma>ka(raaja)-dharma>Dharma raaja>Dharma putra>
KRshNa>Kaala(varsha/samaya/yama).The Jews too suppose
a conjuction of the sun and Moon/New Moon there to begin
the sacrificial year” of god.Hence the crucifix/body of
sun/body of Christ/Soter on the cross-dasa-sabha-savana-
yajna-samaya-tanaya/putra/ bharata/varsha/ kaala/Beth-
melech/ Bethlehem/ma-dasa/Matsa/ masta/dasma/dasam/
miina/Sinai mountain/kaala cakra/ Kaala-kuuTa/Gol-
gotha/udayagiri/dasa ratha/samaya ratha/soma
rasa/savana dina/yajna dina/raajadhaana/ yaaga

shashTi-Rg-raaja-ara-altar , , , , , , ,

, , , ,(Kaala cakra/kaala satra/kaala

kuuTa/Golgotha.Thus Bethlehem ,Bthania and Golgotha are
almost exchangeable terms)is used as the sacrificial altar by
the Christians.Kaala-ayana/ashTa mangala is also kalyaNa

, , , , (marriage of Cana;
satkaara> good time; ayana> asta>
dasa>ashTa>ishTi;sara>panca> aksha>ahas>
saka>savana>Panca>Ayana os aksha/ ahas> Pancaala
/Somaka.The day was divided into five parts to make it
vaasra/ahna/ahas/aksha)/ mangala vaarta (annunciation)/
mangala varsha(good time or year cf.Mal.Mangala
vaartta)/sal-lekhana/Saka dina sankhya/kalidina sankhya
etc.These were used to create bali/levies/gifts to the
temples/kings like the dasamsa, shadamsa, ashTamsa
the priests in return for the bali/sacrifice the king performs
for the nation or his body/sariira.Sariira raksha is protection
of th body/nation done by the
Putra/raaja/Bharata/Indra/Dharma putra/ Dharma raaja.
Sariira/body is nara/nR/srii/sa/ ra/ka/ kshetra/ gaatra/
bera/viira/aala/sena/deha/anna/ tanu/soma/ sun. Raksha/
protection is pa/va/ bha/tra/tara/
rasa/sara/panca/aksha/ahas/ahna/aha.Ra-tra is ga-
tra/satra/ rakta/soma/soNa/blood.Sariiraraksha(food) was
made sariira(anna/vaaja-food,sacrifice,water,war,arrow)
and rakta(blood,soNa/soma/peya;medha-juice of meat as

dasa/rasa is also ten,kaala and meat) in the asva

, medha /vaaja peya ,

sacrifice which is also the Bharata/Varsha/Svar/Bhadra/
Rudra/Putra/Buddha/Jina sacrifice or Holy Mass.Offerings
made to the god in the temple(emperor) had to go to the
temple/ palace/ treasury/DroNa/Soma/throne/Rome!
Thus the kings had a two way income: one as offerings in the
temple and the other as tax(bali/yaaga/ daksha/
raksha/cakra/ karsha paNa). Sacrifcial scenes were
portrayed on seals used as paNa/coins(samaya/yajna).
Ravi being dvi/dvaya/Yadu and yajna being tanaya(putra-
son)/samaya(sun,time;sa-yama>god yama;rule of
sa/god/king) sons/gods were usually presented as
twins/twin faced like Janus or three(srii) faced as sa-
1+yama/ina-2>3(srii/agni).In IVC seals three faced

animals/bulls are common . Thus the unicorn is

an elephant(Airavata/Asvatthama)+ bull(Asva/
Hari/Bharata/Putra/Bhadra/ UshTra/ Uksha/Uccaisravas)+
bird(Garuda/ syena/savitR/gaayatri).This makes the
trident/naama/bhadra/ darbha/kusa/sukha/ mangala/
ashTasrii.In the crucifixion on Golgotha,three men were
crucified for the same reason cf. , , , ,

Go-sikha(Visakha/Meshadi/Vaikasi/Kaikeyi) being Kausika(the bull being

agni/pu/ma/ra/sa> Indra,Mitra,putra,Rama,Bharata,Rshabha,KRshNa,Mithra,Chrest,Christ) is the
basis of Mithraic Tauroctony and the crucifixion of the Christ.Srii mukha/Trimukha/trikaala with

kaalakuuTa(Golgotha) cf. , , , , ,

, - k
(gira/dhara/rasa/tra cf.cross is 1+ 3>4> caturaha/
raaja/Rg/ra) -aala ( ayana-marga/Mark-Passover-agra
haayana-“it is finished” with Nisan 14 and 15 to make the Full
Moon of Vaisakha “the first month” of the sacrificial or
ecclesiastical calendar with Soma or Moon or John in the
asterism of Visakha in Libra/maapana/maanava/pava-pu-ra-

maana>purification/Soma Pavamaana , ,
or janana/jnaana/snaana/sa-naama/ Ramayana/ Narayana/
purification/baptism on “15th Year of Tiberius”/ aasa/
asta/dasa/varsha-sarpa/ snake-patra-leaf,writ,bird cf.INRI
or Visvamitra Rajarshi/ putra/darbha/vaasra/ varsha/
kaala) kuuTa/ Atharva/varsha/putra/pu-ra/su-ra/so-ma/
adhvara as kaala> varsha> patra> sarpa>cakra and aala is
kuuTa/ kakud(hump of bull-royal symbol) and KuuTastha/
Kakudstha/Golgotha/Gagultha is god(Indra).Abel and Cain are
the first Putra in the Bible.Then we have Jacob and Esau,Aaron
and Moses,David and Solomon,John and Jesus,Jesus(Augustus)
and John(Tiberius) etc.In vedic texts we have Mitra and
VaruNa,Vishnu and Sesha,Rama and Bharata/ Lakshmana,KRshNa
and Balabhadra Raama etc. to denote yajna,samaya,sa-yama and
tanaya(putra/ varsha/kaala/ kesa/desa/dasra/satra).Vaisakha
satra/ sarat/ varsha/putra marks the beginning of the king’s
year,temple year,ecclesiastical year,sacrificial year in the vedic
and biblical traditions.

Bulls with a kakud(hump,ka-king,time,

head;kuTa-pura,house,peak;note the caturaha stoma on this bull
seal indicating Visvamitra/Kausika/Gaadhi putra/Vishnu
putra/Indra/Bharata/pu-tra/the king) denote the royal
palace(R/ra/a-sabha;R/ra/a-sava;bha-rasa; bhadra; netra;
Indra;agni; varsha;Putra; Rudra;asva ;Heb.alef/alpha)/
temple/capital of the nation.Roman Mithraism presented the
emperor as the Soter/Pu-tra/Visvamitra/Indra/Xaviour.The
taara(raaja) of Bethlehem(Beth-melech/ka-kud) is the god on
kakutstha/Golgotha/kaalakuuTa.Bethlehem and Golgotha/
Gagultta are interchangeable terms of time/ samaya/yajna.
We have a seal (ho9 dating prior to 2000 BCE) evidence from
Harappa with a fish (Savana-Vishnu-Kratu-Setu-Christ) with a
number seven( savana-svana-svar-sabda-sapta-Sabbath-
forming the seven day week),with the seven split into two parts,
as 4+3>mi-tra, and the 4 placed above the 3 (srii-sun,druu-
tree,sruu-veda cf.Drupada/tripat)to indicate the Caturaha days
were high days.I have also explained the logic for this with the
caturaha days beginning on Thursday and ending on Sunday
and the lunar asterisms of the month ruled by Ketu,Venus,Sun
and Moon corresponding to it.Ketu(Kratu-light,Setu-Raama,
taraNa/dharma/mitra –with varsha making Visvamitra
cf.TaraNa nallur Nambutiri,srii is tri-3 or tiri-wick in
Malayalam, Jupiter,Yesu-Christ;in the Ramayana Setu

bandhana-building a bridge , , to cross the

sea/Saagara/Sakra/Cakra/ Miina/Miira/Nisa/ Sani/
kaala/samaya- is presented to indicate Setu/Yesu
Vandana/prabhaata vandana/prabhaata namaskaara.
Prabhaata is Viirabhadra/vedapada/vaara paada/

cf. ).
We have seals with setu/bridge and also crest over the dasa-
ten,time/ X/Roman numeral 10/cross/Suurya/Varsha to

indicate varsha/Visva , , , , , ,

, , cf.Vinayaka Caturthi,
Sarasvati, Sarat,Dasra,Asvina,adhvara,
varsha,svar,sabda,sapta, Sabbath.The ahas/day is covered by
aksha/panca/savana/Pancaala/David.The remaining two parts
of the savana/seven gives two/dvi/Yama/kaala/Sani/Nisa-
night,the flood of Noah,Manu etc.The boat landed on the
seventh day of the senth month to denote svar/moksha/soma.
In the Mahabharata, it is Drupada bandhana.In the Bible it is
Guru-teacher-paada-feet,veda-vandana-worship where Jesus
washes the feet of his disciples,especially of Peter to wash his
head also as he is Caesar-Siirsha-Head-Emperor-
Pontifex Maximus of the Roman empire,savana-is
bathing also as already noted) denote Thursday.Next is Venus-
Friday-where death occurs-death of the first borns of
Egypt,death of Christ,Nisan-14.Next is Saturday,but it is the
Vernal Equinoctial Sunrise/date of Salvation,it is Krittika,it is
tritiiya(third lunar day) and it is dRsya(sight,it is birth,it is
Nisan-15-Full Moon) ruled by the sun,lord of Sinha/Leo/
Deo/Divus/King/ August/ Augustus/ most high.It is Saturday
or SavitR(sun/ son) day. This is the High Sabbath for the Jews
and John.Harappan seals also indicate this by a man sitting on
a tree by the side of a sinha(tiger,also called Raaja/Leya
cf.Biblical Nicodemus or Zacchaeus) .The Next asterism is ruled
by Soma/ Sun/Sunday.There are 27 lunar asterisms(sidereal
month) and 30 lunar dates(synodic month),the gap of 3
(srii/Kusika/ Indra/Visvamitra) has to be filled by the time the
son of god(kaala/samaya/ sa+yama> 1+2>3>tri> raatri>strii>
nisa>Sani>taraNa>savitR>setu-the bridge to cross from sunset
to sunrise) takes to resurrect.The New Moon/ Amavasya/
Emmaus sight of the Christ , fills the gap on the asterism
RohiNi-Sobhini -ruled by Soma/sun, sky,moon-where sun of
the day appears bright with soma/sobha/sushine. This is the
gap from dawning/ Asvina/Nasatya/ Dasra/ Lazarus/
donkey,palm to the bright sun of Morning,the light(Ketu) of the
world in the asterisms. The bible (Genesis.6.3) says the life
term for man is 120 years.The same can be seen in the
dasa(year) paddhati(scheme) of sage Parasara in the Hora
Sastra treatise by his name. He divides the 27 asterisms into 3
groups of nine(120 degrees/120 days;savana was year of 360
days or day from sunrise to sunset) and the first asterism is
Krittika(Plaeides),and it is the Vernal Equinox according to
him. Astronomically we can see that the period of Parasara
agrees with the period of the seal H09 from Harappa.The
Ramayana(Narayana-Vishnu;raaja-ayana> sacrifice of the
king,passage of the king to Lanka/ Naaka/
Canaan/Kalam/Kamsa/hansa-sun) begins with the
PutrakmeshTi Yaaga /putra(son/sun)-mahaa(great)-ishTi
(satra-sacrifice) which also is the crucifixion of the son of God!
The passover is retold in the story of Haroshet
Haggoyim(Hebrew: ‫חרושת הגויים‬, lit. Smithy of the Nations) a
fortress described in the Book of Judges as the fortress or cavalry
base of Sisera(Satra/Dasra/Tishri/Libra/Tiberius), commander
of the army of "Jabin(savana/samaya/yajna), King of Canaan
(Naka-sky)".His chariot(ratha) is the ratha of Dasa/kaala/
Dasaratha.Varsha(year/abda/asva) is svar(sabda/ vac/
sapta/divasa/tvisha/dvija) of Rg/raaja/god. The word “dabar”
(Hebrew: ‫ )דָּ בָּ ר‬means "word", "talk" or "thing" in Hebrew.
According to the Book of Numbers, “Ta-berah(dabar/svar)” is one
of the locations, the Israelites passed through during their Exodus
journey. The biblical narrative states that the place received its
name, which means burning, because the fire of the LORD had

burned there in anger.Mount Horeb , (Bharga/go-

Yadu/Rg/ agni/ raja/svar/ soma/burnig sun/ Rg veda) is

udayagiri -rising sun,mount of sun rise(Heb.moza-sunrise)

with varsha/Veral Equinox!Joshua(Jesus) was son(putra/
rudra/budhna/Buddha cf.Baudhayana srauta sutra is ayana/
sacrifice of Budha/Buddha/putra/suta/stu/ayana/yajna/tanaya

of Soma) of Nun , /Naama/ Narayana/ nayana/Miina


Suurya-Ayodhya cf.Devasura / Sinai/ Matsya ,

/ma-astya/sthoma> Satyabhaama> bhaama/raaja/viira/
viirabhadra/ vaara-cup, weekday, week,roof, tail,

multiplication number,times,savana,Mal.tavaNa

/bhaara- cakravarti , ,

) used to spear the Christ/Augustus/King’s

year/vernal /baala/ paala/paana /baaNa-astya>raajya>

RashTra>sruti-raahsTra>DhRta raashtra / ma-satya

The linchpin is the pin(Trisanku/spear/caturaha , , , , , ,

, , , , , , as Naarayana is naara and naama/cross) that

came out of Dasaratha’s chariot’s wheel in the Devasura war,in place of which
Kaikey (Vaikasi/ visakha cf.Deborah in Judges like Vedic Bhadra/Durga/
Sarasvati) used her finger(athari-finger/athar-fire/dhara-hill-gira-Rg-
raaja/ratha/tara/ vatsara/ vatsa/ anguli/finger/ fingering cf.again used in the
New Testament when Thoma was asked to put his finger in the srii vatsa-mark on
the chest of Vishnu-spear mark on the chest of Christ- of
Vatsanaabha/NarayaNa/naama cf.ra-ya-la are semi vowels like the English R
that becomes ssilent /nayana/niyama/Joshua son of christ) to save the king till
the end of the war(yudha/udaya).

The emperor/Caesar/siirsha(head)/tiirtha( is projected as

the sun/kaala(time)/Rg/Rca/Va-rsha/Rsha-
kshetra/ Hastina/ temple/. The sun is the head of
Caesar/John the baptist as Caesar is siirsha and tiirtha. His
body is kaala/time/dina/ varsha/desa/dasra/sarat/satra/
haayana/ sayana/ samaya/sa-yama>twins as ravi/dvi/ yadu/
dvaya/yajna.The emperor is head of the state or the state is
the body of the emperor. John’s head(Caesar/sun
cf.Julius/suurya-sun) was presented to Herod/
Horus/Garuda/garta/king/throne/temple/year in a taala(jar

)/ taara/ kaala/ lunar astrism of the month/ maasa/

medha(sacrifice)/ Mesha(Aries) which also is Easter which
also is associate with the palm(palm Sunday) and jar(soma
Go-spels were created from savana(sacrifice)/
yajna(sacrifice)/ samaya (time)/sayana(sex),tanaya (son/
sun-putra/bharata /varsha/vatsa/svar-word-veda-go cf. “In
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God”. John 1:1 )/Bharata varsha/bhadra
svara/srii mukha/Peter and Paul /Go-spel/hu-spel) etc.To
create savana a sava(corpse,sun,sacrifice,water cf.denoting
Daksha/rakta-blood/raaja-prajapti-samvatsara-year) is
required. Sava (corpse) is finalised by the spear(sava-
ear/year>p-raasa>R-shTi/ra-ishTi/surya medha/Holy
Mass>tom-ra>DroNa>Soma>Thoma> Roma-ra) which a
Roman(roma-soma-Thoma) soldier(bhaTa-soldier;bha-
1,Tha-cipher/svar/varsha/dasa>10>dasa>raaja>kaala) used
to spear(ear/ear mark/year mark) the christ.Sava(savana)
was shown by “rakta-blood and sava-water came out”
statement in the Bible on spearing the Christ.Several vedic
seals have this spearing scenes and script indicating this.
Sava (corpse) of na/ra/Rama/INRI denote the sava-corpse of
the Pharaoh/lord in the pyramid/ tomb,the sava of christ in
his tomb/crucifix as the dasa/ara/ra/ma/ na/agni/
hari/Rg/alt-ar/king’s year.Savana/yajna as sava-na(ma/ra-
king,sun,time) is also sa-vana/tree,house,sun cf. wooden
cross,paNa-praise, stoma/droNa/dharma/ throne,Vishnu,
house,price cf.somakrayaNa ritual-“30” silver pieces as price
since , rajata-silver denote sa-tra(sacrifice)/darsa(New
Moon/dasra(Asvina) and 30 is srii-dasa/ trikaala-three times
of dawn,noon,dusk;past, present and future denoted by the
crucifixion of three men/sacrificial day).
The crucifix /cross smasaana/samaadhi/tomb being
samaadhaana(Pax Romana,peace of Augustus christian
priests bless you with the cross symbols during the Mass
often) and samaa(samaya)-aadi(beginning),the astrological
year is begun at the vernal equinox itself to this day.Savana
as samaya(time)/tanaya(son) make the people worship the
sava(corpse) of na(ma/ra-king,sun) placed as the altar for
the Holy Mass/surya medha,which is also called “kabar(dead
body;bharga/varsha/ savana/sava/sun/soma/su-ma”. At the
vernal equinox a new varsha/praja/son/soma/John is given
to his mother “strii”by the INRI emperor on the cross.This
year is the astrological Roman/Soma/king’s year as the
bhaTa(soldier;bha-Ta/rava/diva/sava) who speared the
Christ was Roman.The Romans shifted the civil year
beginning , to Capricorn/January,to agree with its birth at
midnight ,with the position of the sun at midnight against the
Wintersolstice in the sign of Saturn/Kaala/Sani and the
position of the annual sun with the peak of the sky/
soma/Vishnu/Yama/South-direction of Kaala.
The emperor Augustus was elevated as the son of god in 8
BCE,when he was alloted the month of August to him.Temples
and coins of Augustus praising him as Divi Filius /son of god
were seen present in different parts of the Roman empire,
and its trading partners including India, to confirm this.With
his death in 14 A.D he was deified as Divus Augustus. It was
Roman custom,not to deify a living person. Hence the
glorification as “son of god/putra/Bharata” until his
death(samaadhi),the normal ritual title for emperors.
But another point to note is that Varsha/dasa is also
desa/nation like Bharata Varsha(India)/Dvaraka
puri/Hastina pura etc. Augustus is credited to have founded
“Italia(varsha/nation)” in 7 BCE , the next year after his
Incarnation/Inauguration in the Rajasuuya/Vaaja
peya/Dakshayaaga/Samvatsara satra/Asva
medha/Digvijaya/Dasaraaja satra/Dasaratha satra/
PutrakameshTi/ Ram-ayana(cf.Rama-raja-
emperor,ayana>satra>savana> samaya>tanaya>putra) as
Bharata/Varsha/veda-gospel/ Peter and Paul.As per the
Ramayana,Rama’s brother was Bharata(desa/
dasra/satra/raashTra-nation).Thus 8 BCE/7 BCE qualify for
the year of the Crucifixion of the Christ(for Augustus born in
the month of September/Libra/Tiberius) ,with time at 3.0
p.m.Interestingly Kaala-cakra/Dasa-ratha/KaalakuuTa is
father of Rama in the Ramayana.Ratha( wheel/cycle) >
dhara(kuuTa-hill, mountain,peak)/lata(plant,bone cf.bones
of Joseph and Moses>Soma raaja>soma-pa>soma ratha>
soma lata>Go-pa>Go-paala etc.).Kaala is ka/ga-sun,time or
kesa-temple(ka-aala/ka-satra/kshetra/vatsara/ vastra/
Hence the temple wold be resurrected in three/srii days or
One raatri(nisa/Sani/Saturn/Sabbath) itself.The
sky/sun/saturn denote the priciple of “svar”/ varsha/
sabda/sapta-7 by virtue of Saturn’s lordship of Capricorn/
Winter Solstice /Aquarius,through which the sun god pass
from midnight till 4.0 a. m in the dina cakra/Dani-el.Saturn is
called Kaala(time,god of time,god of death) also hence.
KaalakuuTa>Gol-gotha>12.0 p.m to 4.0 p.m is the solar peak
of the sacrifical day.Kaala being black/KRshNa Siva’s neck
became blue/black by drinking the poison called
kaalakuuTa.From Capricorn/January the eighth sign of 2
hours/month of the moon is August.Eight is the number of
agni in agnishToma or agni as soma/tanaya/samaya/yajna.
Hence KRshNa was born on ashTami(cf.DurgashTami) and
Augustus emperor was given the stoma/sadana/ asta/
dasa/ara/alt-ar, in the eight month of Leo/Deo /god to
indicate agnishToma/yajna/tanaya/son/sun.
To this day Chitianity has its headquarters in Rome,not
because,Christ,a Jew,a fictional son of god was crucified in
Jerusalem but because Rome was the seat of the historical
Putra/Soter(saviour/x-aviour on the cross)/Peter/
Augustus/Pontifex Maximus/Pope!
It is interesting to note how the story thread of the Bible is
woven around the Rg vedic sacrificial rituals one of the most
important of which is the caturaha-4 day sacrifice instituted
by Visva mitra-king/ putra/Soter/saviour/X-aviour on the
cross (4-turiiya,suurya-sun) which is the caturaha/
dasa(raaja)/samaya(sun)/ tanaya(son)/satra(sa-1+3=4) . I
have already pointed to this as the primary sacrificial cycle.
Christ was to remain buried for three(srii) days and three
nights and his crucifixion on the passover day(Vernal
equinox) justifies this.This gives us the feast of Maundy
Thursday to denote the sign of Pisces/Northeast.Next is the
High Sabbath day.Next comes the weekly Sabbath of
Saturday.And finally the resurrection on Sunday,the day of
feast of first fruits/son/sun. The king being the sun,his
kiraNa are the grains collected by disciples as already
noted.The grains collected by the disciples are karaNa(the
words of the emperor as Peter/Pontifex Maximus).This is
because veda/pada/word is karaNa/nagara/deva nagara and
bhaasha(speech) is bhaasa(light).KaraNa >kara(ray)-Na(ma-
king/ bhadra/Bharata/patra/veda/Peter).Now look at
ma(king).Veda is the most high, god, emperor. It is the word
of god(emperor/Bharata/ Indra/ma/ra). Mark is also
marga(path) of dharma or dhamma patha as in
Buddhism.Hence Mark, Peter and Paul(Saul-svar) denote the
king's year/word. King's word is sriimukha-three faces/
royal speech. The speech/gira/Rca of deva/king is
Rg/veda/deva/ paada/ayana(cross-four).There are four
vedas and four gospels .Ramayana is ayana(sacrifice) of
raaja/putra/ bharata/veda.Narayana is the ayana of
nR/raaja/deva. Deva/veda-ayana/aalaya is Beth-any(ania)
which is Asvina/Dasra/ darsa/Lazarus.The next asterism is
bharaNi-jar-cup,that Christ wanted to avoid before the
high.This asterism is ruled by Sukra/Venus,whence the
crucifixion/passover/Vernal equinox happens on Friday .
Next asterism is Krittika-ruled by the sun/son/ king,making
it the day of god,a Sabbath on Saturday, but a Sunday by
asterism.Next is RohiNi-the asterism ruled by
Soma/Moon/sky/time.Beginning with Thursday these
asterisms are covered in 4 days or caturaha so that the fourth
day is the day of soma/samaya/tanaya/putra/
yajna/Sun/king/Sunday. Varsha(year) being
svar(sabda>sapta-seven) there are seven high feast days for
the Jews to attend to temple service. The week being fixed
with seven(svar/varsha) days projected into varsha,the
caturaha satra/Easter service always begins on a Thurday
,the day of Guru/Jupiter ruling both Pisces and the asterism
Visakha,the fullmoon where marks the vernal
equinox/resurrection. Visakha is ruled by
Jupiter/Guru/Teacher of the devas/vedas. Jesus also calls
himself "teacher and lord".Jupiter is the significator of
"putra-son" in astrology.The passover is from his sign
Pisces/Egypt/Italia to the sign of Mesha/Aries/the Lamb of
God.The crucifixion happened on the passover day,ruled by
Jupiter.The next day is High Sabbath(Bharani/nRpa/the
high).Next is the weekly sabbath.Next is the day of the
sun/soma/ tanaya/samaya as the moon is the significator of
the month/ maasa/ medha-sacrifice. To verify these
Matthew 12.40,28.1; Leviticus.23.1-8,23.15,35-
36;Deuteronomy.16.9; John.12.1;Mark.15.42-43 etc.may be
looked into.The Mithras priestly collegiums headed by
Caesar himself as Peter/deva/veda worked out the New
Testament karaNa/marga/dharma/Mark/Paul to
superimpose on the Hebrew Bible projecting himself as
putra/soter/x-aviour,the crucix itself being
raksha/rakta/daksha /king-INRI on the
amaya(ayana of sa-god)/tanaya/varsha/svar being
god/word of god,there are sapta-seven days in the varsha to
listen to svar/sabda/abda/pada/veda.Putra-son-Augustus-
most high is Soter,the X-aviour.Putra being svar(varsha/
kaala) denoting the sun and sky,these seven/ svar/
varsha/praja/son/sun days belong to god/samaya/yajna and
people observe as high sabbath/ sabda of the

Hence early Christians were said to use cemeteries as

worship places,the cemetery/ sava/ smasaana/sma-
aasana/samaa-aasana/samaa-dhaana/Pax Romana/Pax
Augustus being the dhaana(Asvatthama) of samaya/sa-
yama/king’s ear/king’s year/karNa/varsha.
This is the symbol of Leo/Deo/sinhaasana/ bhadraasana/

kaalakuuTa/Golgotha -throne/vastra dasa/

sakabda/sriivatsa(raajavarsha/raaja svara) he has

dasaavataara/dasa-varsha/das-ra /das-ma / savana/

samaya/Dasa-raaja/Dasa-ratha , .He is
Indraavaraja- being avaraja-brother>avatara-
incarnation(vishnu avatara/ vatsara/adhvara begins in

matsa and matsa/masta/ ahna/divasa is

agnishToma/Pancaala AshTamangala

savana ka -dasa -na /bhadra

>Hastina Varsha>Hastina Pura/ Hastina-sava dina-saka dina-
kali dina/Yaagasaala/Pancaala /Kamboja / vatsa(va-
asta>bha-asta>bha-ara>bha-altar)/kali/ jina/ dina/aksha-

Garuda-Panca-savana/ agna/naga , , , , /ahas

/Sa-ka /sa/hari or aksha -yama or

dvaya or Yadu/Hari-dvaya(two tigers or

paNa/vishnu/sun) ,

Saka-ra ,> samaya> tanaya>

sayana>yajna>Raama >raaja>srii>iisa, ,

Sakra/Sukra/patra/bhadra/bharata/veda -

aksha /Cakra , , -ahas cakra>saka

dina/sakavarsha/sakabda >kali dina/kali varsha>

Hari dina/Hari varsha> kaala cakra> Dasaraaja , ,

> Dasaratha> KaalaKuuTa> Golgotha/rakta-soNa-

soma/Garuda/ panca/pa-aasana/ putra/ savana/asvina>
vaasra>varsha>vatsara-year>vaaja(food, sacrifice)>
vastra(clothe,va/bha-stara ,)>vesha(clothe) of
Indra/netra/ sun/king/ sacrifice) , KRshNa(Garuda/

Horus/cakrapatri/ cakravartin/ samraaja/raaja/sa-yama

raaja Indra/mitra/dharma bharadvaja(asva/hari varsha)


Kausika(Branched bull cf. , ) Mitra va -rsha

Satra/IshTi cf.Daniel(Dina-El) in the lion’s den in Daniel.6.22)

,Vardhamaana, Buddha,Hari, Augustus,pu-

tra(son/sun/tanaya/samaya), asva(hari/srii),avasa,
Unicorn,putra, Dharma putra,Dharma raaja)> aksha>ahas>
garuda>harta> Horus)/ JyotishToma(jyoti> diipa>
rava>veda>light;stoma-praise cf. “When Jesus spoke again to the
people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me
will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” -John

8:12 ).Jyoti-shToma is indicated by spearing the

Christ on the cross(Horus/kratu/
hu-saala>yaaga saala>rajadhaana>sabha>sava-

vishnu,sacrifice>rava-deva-veda) . INRI is king

of the Jews.The Mithraist(mitra-friend,putra-son-xaviour , friends
of the emperor/putra/varsha/Daksha/Prajaapati) priests headed
by Caesar himself who was the Pontifex Maximus(pope) tried to
foist Caesar on Yahova(yahva/dasma/matsa-lord,king) as the
saviour god of the Jews.Julius Caesar in fact did many favours to
the Jews(cf.Sabbatical decree in 44 BCE,Xaviour/Soter/pu-tra
role).The Jews disagreement with the Roman Caesars , especially
with Caligula and his Roman successors led to the destruction of
the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70. On 4 August 70 CE ,the 9th Day
of Av and possibly the day on which Tisha B'Av was observed, or
30 August 70 CE, Roman legions under Titus(stuti/stoma/
praise) retook and destroyed much of Jerusalem and the Second
Temple.August, in fact, is the month of death/samaadhi/samaa-
aadi of Augustus/son of god and god himself.The Roman
christians all over the world still owe their allegiance to the
Pontifex Maximus(Pope)/Roma/Soma/DroNa/sroNa/ Chrest/

crest/kiriiTa , , of Rome/Soma ,on the head of

Christ,the king, and not to Jerusalem like the Jews.There was a
temple of Augustus at Pattanam,near Kodungallur,where he was
worshipped as the soma/son of God/Divi Filius.This led to the
worship of St.Thomas(Roma/soma) in Kerala and to the rise of
Roman/Syrian Christianity in Kerala.
The annual caturaha satra(4 day sacrifice of the king) was
installed at least 5000 years ago and Friday of every week is a
high day /worship day for the Hindus even now.Friday is the
Holiday for Muslims also.Jews selected Saturday as the Sabbath
because actually in the caturaha,it is the day of the sun.Christians
selected the fourth day as Holiday because it is the soma/son-
putra-Soter-Augustus-Christ/sun day.
This cycle is an eternal cycle.Hence the feasts of Passover, Good
Friday,Easter are there every year and every Holy Mass is a visit
to the tomb of the emperor/memorial worship as
samaadhi(death) is samaa(year)-aadi(beginning) on March 20/21
every year at the Spring/Vernal Equinox and
samaapa/yajna/samaya is sacrifice and tanaya(son/
putra/soter/saviour) and each day from the Vernal Equinoctial
day is a memorial day of the event of the equinox!
Since every year fits into the scheme,the clever gospel writers did
not mention any particular year for the crucifixion leaving bible
scholars of future generations to burn their brains to fix the date
of the crucifixion!As already noted the throne of Peter/Papacy is
in Rome,not because a humble Jew was crucified on the cross in
Jerusalem,but because Rome is Soma/DroNa/throne of Augustus
itself.Chirst was born in Bethlehem (beth-melech) as the
taara(raaja/emperor) and his sacrifice begins in Bethany(beth-
ayana/pass over/sacrifice;yama-king,time) , with feast of
uleavened bread(matzah/matzo/matzot) to denote
cross-caturaha) and he was crucified in Gagultha/Golgotha,which
is kaalakuuTa(cycle of time)/Kakud(hump of bull ;Ka-
kuuTa>house of king,crest of time) which is the basis for the
Mithraic Tauroctony also.But since Augustus was given the month
of August in 8 BCE and he founded Italia in 7 BCE
we have to select 8BCE/7 BCE ,Vernal Equinox(putra/
incarnation in time;before the shift to January as the first
month,March was the first month in the Roman Calendar also) as
the date for the crucifixion.Historical evidences like the Temples
of Augustus and Roman coins portraying him as son of
god/Christ/putra/Soter/X-aviour simply validate this.
There was no other son of god in those times as even the original
son of god,son of Julius,son of Cleopatra,was also mercilessly
executed by the adopted "son of god",to place his name in real
history and historical literature as the “real son of god",the
Xaviour of the Jews,the king of the Jews,INRI and the Christ of
Christianity forever ! He was Christ,priest and Pontifex
Maximus(Pope/Peter).It was on him,the rock, on which the
church was founded and exist to this day.
Many of the vedic Harappan seals have animal/bull/tiger/
croc/mRga/ makara/ma-Rg/Mark/ayana/Gavamayana/
Samvatsara satra images to idicate bha/va as sava(corpse
cf.corpse of the Christ,palace of the emperor,sacrficial altar,church
of the Christ ), sava(ayana-passover,sacrifice,aalaya-
house;cf.ayana>caturaha-4-cross>satra>cakra>dasra> dasa>10 or
40 also),sava-na(sava-corpse of the king/ma/INRI)/
sava(sacrifice)-ra(agni/king)> varsha>avatara> adhvara>
dasavatara(ten incarnations) beginning with matsa(fish,vatsa,
inanna/ anna/ vaaja/soma/ samaya/tanaya/putra/varsha ) for
the Hindus and matzah(m-anna,unleavened bread, Anno Domini)
for the Jews and Chistians. The most impressive of the Harappan
seals are those of the Puru/Kuru Sabha>VRshabha(bull,Rshabha-
KRshNa>Christ) with matsa(fish) and praasa(pa-raaja>pareta>
v-arsha-spear) also for sp(sava/asva/avasa/sabha)-
earing(yearing) the bull/Visvamitra/the Christ!Samaadhi being
smasaana(tomb) which is samaadhaana(peace),the caturaha/
dasa/cross is the symbol of samaadhana/saanti(sa-antya)/ peace
also ! This is Pax Romana/Peace of the Christ which finally leads
to RIP !

Fresco by Fra Angelico, Dominican monastery at San Marco, Florence, showing the lance piercing the
side of Jesus on the cross (c. 1440)
Image credits:
There is a famous shrine of St.Thomas near Malayattur ,near the
site of Pattanam, in Kerala,even now.St.Thomas is portrayed with
a spear,which is the same spear(ka-king,time/praasa-
raaja/kunta-spear,agni kuNTha-place of sacrificial fire/pareta-
dead-sava-corpse,sava-sun,sacrifice,sacrificial altar;kunda-
Vishnu;nu/ha-weapon, praise;ayudha-weapon,udaya-

rajan>KRshNa> Christ>king of kings,emperor; cakravarti

cf.savana with sa-paana , , /baaNa /vana ,

, , , ) used to spear the

Christ/Augustus/King’s year/vernal equinox/sunrise.
Nauka/droNa>mu/nu/nau-kha> nau(praise/Rca/
rasa/ dasa)-ka(king,time,sun)>Noah>Soma.
Aha>yaaga>ya-aha >fish(agna/ashTa/ahna/a-ha/da-sa) +aya


>sadana>stara.Vastra (vatsara )/rasa(dasa) in

the paana/ cup indicate vatsara/dasa/samaya/yajna/varsha
paala/dharma paala/sam-vatsara with the unicorn cakra-patri it

becomes samvatsara-cakravarti which is also seen in

the following seals

Sumerian Anzu-d(soma-da/ra>suuna-da>agni/ra-shToma/
>svar) with ashTamangala

Kaala/VaruNa/KaruNa cf.Divya-nal-karuNa>Holy Eucharist/
karNa/srava/varsha/nRpa has a paasa(rope;pa-aasa/ka-aala/ma-
go-il(Mal.koil/kovil-temple).The emperor/soma is the
paala/Horus/Garga/Karka/kaTaka/ Kaala/Varsha/

cakravarti(Bharata-Indra-sun in Aries/Aja/Mesha -Dasaraja-

Dasaratha-agrahaayana , )/samraaja/raaja
raaja/KarNa(Ka-nR>ka-rajan>KRshNa>king of kings/king as time
or sun)/Dhar-ma-raaja/Dharma putra/Marta

putra(Christ/INRI)/Bharata(bha-rasa) /Vi-shnu

(Vis-nu) /Aksha/Asoka/ Gautama/ Julius/

Augustus/ Peter/Paul/ Thomas , , , ,

The solar symbol denote mangala/agni/svar/

dvara/kha/ka/ sky/sun/king/ varsha/ svarga/
Sravasti/VRshNi/Hari svar/Hari varsha/ Haridvar/
AgnishToma is made by adding stoma(soma/svar/sabda/sapta)
to agni/sun/fish as in H-09.Thus the gayatri is 24 hora/24 year
divided into weeks of 7+1=8>agni/the sun in the sky/moksha/
soma/Vishnu(vi-soma/ra-vi).The weekday has to begin with
sunrise of Thursday to denote Pisces/the sign of Jupiter/the
is Maundy Thursday.Jupiter owns the sign of Pisces and the
asterism of Visakha against which the Vernal Equinox falls every

Vernal equinoxes on 8BCE and 7BCE fell on the 20th of

March.Similarly the Autumnal equinox fell on September
23,the date on which, Augustus Caesar was born!! The first
month of Nisan was formed assuming New Moon of Vernal
Equinox ,like the Hindu Kaliyuga beginning with a New Moon
Saptagraha Sandhi(conjunction of the seven week day planets-
divasa graha sandhi-divasa cakra sandhi,artificially coined to
place the seven planets of the week at the beginning of
Aries.Interestingly earlyVedic Harappan period agrees with the
date arrived by calculation for such an event) at the first point of
Depending on the New Moon and Full Moon,Nisan 14 and Nisan
15 dates vary in the Church calendar whence the dates of Easter
also vary.
Samaya(ravi-sun,dvi-two) as sa-yama(two)/tanaya(son) has to be
paired to make 12 hours into 24 hours to make the full day or
savana(yajna/samaya/tanaya) dina/Dani-el.Tishya(light) is
sishya(disciple). Morning is called kalya(galilee)/
kanya(virgin,cf.daughter and her healing).Sunrises happen every
day but the visakha/ Isaac/pascah/passover is on the vernal
equinox or spring.The plucking of grains(karaNa) is from the
scattering/shattering of rays(kiraNa) through the 12
hours(sishya-disciples,tishya-light).Savana(sacrifice) is
panca(5,sinha-Leo or Deo of sun/son cf.putra-kam-eshti in the
Rmayana;day was divided into five parts to make it panca and
savana/tanaya/putra;Rama is raja/srii/INRI )/aksha/ Garuda/
Horus/Herod.Sa-ghasra(day) make sahasra(1000). Hence Indra
was called sahasrabhaga (having a thousand female genitals on
his body) ,he being sa-ghasra bhaga(day sun>Dani/dina-el/la-
Indra/ra-agni).Thus feeding the five thousand is a description of
the sacrificial day.Suurya (the sun) is called srii(three,strii
woman,whence "woman,this is your son"),whence the three time
passages,with one pass or passage in trikaala(dawn, noon, dusk) .
The concept of the trinity of gods(Father,Son,Holy Spirit) also
comes from taking srii as three.The priests denote agni by 1,3,5
&8 also. The debate among vedic scholars in India regarding
beginning of the Nirayana nakshatra year is like a debate on the
date of the crucifixion of the Christ. Scholars point to different
years for beginning the first point of Aries pointing to different
stars of the constellation of Arietis,whereas the true beginning is
at the vernal equinox itself (sayana/samaya/yajna/savana,as
followed in the west) irrespective of the stars on the Vernal
Equinox every year.This is the date for the Passover and the
crucifixion of the Christ also which is a sacrifical ritual to make
the emperor son of god/sun god/time/year,and not a physical
crucifixion of the emperor. To see vedic sacrificial kratu/
vishnu/yajna/Christ crosses see the Appendix-2.
Libra(stoma,Tiberus)/tulaa-the sign of Sukra/Venus denotes
Friday to set the sun.It begins in the asterism
Visakha(Subramanya-putra of Siva)/Pascah/basis for Maundy
Thurday rituals is owned by Jupiter,the significator of
putra(son),priests and kings.Jupiter tansit in the 12 signs is the
basis for the 60 year Jupiter cycle.Visakha is also known as
Kausika(branched head of bulls,trident head/Indra/Agni to
indicate the sun rising in the east at the Vernal
Equinox/Passover.Interestingly BharaNi-the asterism from where
sunrise happens is ruled by Sukra/surata/sukla-retas-tejas-
light)/putra and it is also called Yama or Dharma-the god of death
and Justice.The Old Sacrificial Year dies and the New Sacrificial
Year is begun at the Vernal Equinox.
From Pisces to Tulaa is 8 signs/16 hours.The next 8 hours
completes the ashTamangala and it is allocated to raa-tri/raa-tra
to complete the satra/raatra/yajna/samaya of 24 hours.After
Friday Sani/nisa/night is placed.Nisa/Sani/syama is called
kaala/paada/vaara as Capricorn is the paada/kaala/midnight
where the year/Rudra/KRshNa/Muruka/Sasta/Christ etc. are
born.The nisa of Sukra vaara(Friday) is extended through
Sani/nisa/Saturn and brought to Ravi/agni/ashTa/dasa/
ma-dasa/matsa/das-ma/Sunday morning which is the sign of
hu-rava/Jupiter/miina/na-yana/ ha-ayana/aksha/ahas/saka/
ashTa/asta/dasa/sata repeating the ashTa mangala/ma-dasa/ra-

dasa/ dina-el/Dani-el/ashTamangala /agnishToma

/ ashTamangala / weekday/diva/ divasa/week/ vedi/

dasa/kaala/vaara/ara/alt-ar/house of David.AgnishToma is
ahna/ vaasra/ vaara/ divasa/cycle of weeks and Feast of Weeks.
To project the weekday/week into the year,making vaasra into
varsha,the Full Moon after the Vernal equinox/Visakha,the star of
Guru/Jupiter falls in the sign of Tulaa/Libra/Tiberius as Mesha-
Tulaa forming the first month of Visakha/Mesha/Nisan/ Pascah/
Vaisakha/ Vaikasi/ Kaikeyi(in the Ramayana).

Nisan (or Nissan; Hebrew: ‫נִ יסָ ן‬, Standard Nīsan, Tiberian Nīsāncf.
Sarasvati cf.kaalapravaaha/kaalacakra/kaalakuuTa-kalpa-


/Garuda >cayana-agni cayana-savana-sava-sabha/

sayana >tanaya>putra>soma>samaapa) in the Hebrew and

the Babylonian calendars, is the month of the barley ripening
and first month of spring. The name of the month is an Akkadian
language borrowing, although ultimately originates
in Sumerian nisag "first fruits" or Vedic Visakha. In the Hebrew
calendar it is the first month of the ecclesiastical year, called the
"first of the months of the year" (Book of Exodus 12:1-2), "first
month" (Ex 12:14), and the month of Aviv (Ex 13:4) ‫ְּב ֹ֖ח ֶדׁש‬
‫ הָ אָ ִ ִֽביב‬ḥōḏeš hā-’āḇîḇ). It is called Nisan in the Book of
Esther(cf.satra-sacrifice,sarat-year,dasra/asvina/ adhvara) in
the Tanakh and later in the Talmud, which calls it the "New
Year", Rosh HaShana, for kings and pilgrimages. It is a month of
30 days(srii-dasa>solar year/period>trikaala>
sRshti>dRshTi). Nisan usually falls in March–April on
the Gregorian calendar. Counting from 1 Tishrei, the civil new
year, it would be the seventh month (eighth, in leap year), but this
is not done in Jewish culture. The biblical Hebrew months were
given enumerations instead of names. The new moon of Aviv,
which in the Hebrew language means "barley ripening" literally
and by extension, "spring season",(Exodus 9:31) is one of the few
called both by name and by its number, the first(cf.First borns of
Egypt). "Nisan" and other Akkadian names for the equivalent
lunar months in the Babylonian lunisolar calendar came to be
applied during the Babylonian captivity, in which the month of

Aviv's name was Araḫ(cf.dasa -haayana-kaala-

KRshNa/KRshNa dvipa , ayana/yama/ratha ,

-mahaa-samaa-samaya-tanaya-syaama-syena-yajna /

, , samaapa/KRshNa-garjana-
karsana.Sinha is panca-vansa-varsha-praja-putra.Two tigers
make 5+5>10>dasa>ara>altar>ashTamangala>ten
commandments.The ratha/sira/dharma/kaala/cakra-wheel
on the head-sira make Dasaraaja >Dasaratha>
Dasasira>dasa-jina>dasa-dina>Dani-el in the
den/ten/dina/ahna/time of lions also/ Hari-Rg-Kali cf.veda
patra is dvi-pa whence Moses-Soma-Veda gave Mosaic law on
two stone-sila-jina-tablets-patra.Karsana/garjana/
proclamation.Elephant and water buffaloes are krishNa-
ten,time,meat.In the Ramayana-raja ayana-passover-yajna
Rama son of Dasa-ratha/sira , , , ,

-Soma raaja>Hari –Soma>Rg-

Soma>KRshNa>Vis(Agni/Ra) -va(bha) as in , -

ayana>Kaanya>NarayaNa as ka>nR>Daksha>Raksha>Ra-
aksha>ra-ahas;ahas>aksha/ashTa/ ashTaka>nayana>

miina>matsya) cf.Narayana , ,
/n(ma/deva/veda/king)-ayana(aasa,aasya,astya, asta,
house,sacrifice cf.masta,matsya, miina,nayana)/Kaanya as in >Ra

-aja -Rshi >raaja -raaja >king of Kings>Augustus

Caesar(siirsha /tiirtha/snaana/jnaana/janana/siras/
Bharata/bhadra/cakra/ dharma/ marta/amRta/ putra/

varsha/praja/ Nazarenus. Visva-mitra is Raja-

rshi/Kaanya Kubja/putrakaama/varsha aagama-Saka
Varsha/Varsha Savana-agra haayana-yajna-tanaya-medha-

sinha-panca-vansa/Daksha Yaaga/Asva medha >

Iesus(Visva/Vaasava cf. , , , )-

Nazarenus(Mitra/Indra/dharma )-Rex(Daksha/

prajaapati/varsha /satra/dasra/adhvara/ asvina/sarat/

astra/patra/ salabha/ sarva/visva/asva/ raksha/ raaja/putra/

, , >kaala>
gaana> giita> palm>psalm>Rca> varsha>va-Rca>bha-Rca> bha-
rata> bha-tara>bha-rasa>amRta>dharma> mRta>pareta-killing
the first born-agra haayana>praasa-spear>marta-
man>taraNa>Indra> patra>putra>veda>Visvamitra>Vishnu
mudra>Vishnu dharma> Vishnu Mitra>Vishnu

Indra>Raajarshi>Kausika>Vishnu >
tra/pu-tra)>dharma>potR>agni hotR>pu-tra>

,Nara-ayana(Visakha/yajna/ yama/ Passover/

Ramayana/marga/Mark)/ka -ayana(kanya/kalya/

haayana/kaala/KRshNa/Christ-the trident is the cross) .

patra/varsha/praja/putra /tanaya/samaya/yajna–
Saka>aksha>Daksha/Panca/savana/samaya/yajna/aksha/saka .Sarva/varsha/sarpa/visva-iisa-
satra/ashTa/ishTi .Visvamitra-Daksha -

panca/vansa/varsha/svar/suurya/aksha/ahas/saka/gaja/kesa-Satra(IshTi) >Putra-

mahaa/aagama/agna/kaama -ishTi >Putra –kaama- ishTi.Visva mitra was priest of

Suurya(Judea/Iudaerum) Vansa(Varsha) kings.Later VasishTa (vaaja-ishTi> sacrifice) took over

the post from him.Putra-mahaa ishTi yaaga led to the birth of his eminent sons Rama and Bharata
like Augustus Caesar and Peter as Caesar is Peter and Bharata was destined to rule the
Kosala(Go/hu –saala kingdom of Suurya vansa with its capital at Ayodhya(udaya/Judea).This
Visvamitra Putra kameshTi is the basis for the sacrifice of Jesus as son of god,son of man/soter/X-

ashTa/ishTi/satra/sarat/agna/ asta/dasa/bhadra/
bhadraasna/putra/patra/ dharma/veda cf .Ark of the

covenant in the Bible/ satra/saala/aala/ vastra- , ,

veil infront of the Ark/temple vatsara
cf.Va+satra>vatsara.Panca vatsara/Pancaala/Savana varsha.

M305 -Raajarshi/INRI/M305 has three stars(taara/go)

in the sikha/agni/pu to make him pu-tra(agni) of Gaadhi/Kaasi/
jaati(varNa-caste).Kusika-sikha or agni or 3 of go or bhu or hu-
Indra-Gaadhi Putra-agni putra –Christ denoted by the
go/taara/star of Bethlehem by the Mitraic Putra
worshippers>Dharma putra>marta putra>son of man>son of
god.Note the women(cf.Visvamitra and Kaanya Kubja>Ka-
ayana>king’s sacrifice,Passover,Ramayana-each day morning
the king/nR/raaja/Rama moves out to the South,each year he
moves into the New Year as Putra cf.Hariscandra-Sunasepha,
Trisanku svarga,Srii vatsa etc.The spear on the chest is
sanku>kunta>kuNTha>kunda-Vishnu/ VikuNTha; Gupta>
Vishnu>Su-pada>su-veda> sudeva>sveta/sukla/sukra
cf.Svetambara,Digambara etc.) witnessing the crucifixion!

travels south to Lanka-kalam-

Yama and kills ten-dasa-headed Ra-vana,ra-nabha,divasa-
day/law is KRshNa/Dharma raaja/Dharma Cakra/Dharma
putra/Dharma patra/Veda patra/Guru vacana/KRshNa dvipa
ayana/Veda bhaasahana/ Vaisampaayana-

bull/camel,vishTara-Ficus tree/dasra cf.caturaha>dasa/


sacrifice,Vishnu,Christ/ agrahaayana-New
Year/satra/ara/alt-ar) Nisānu, the "month of beginning".

Holidays and observances

1 Nisan Lunar new year, marking the month of Aviv (spring), as the first month of the
year, which month was later called Nisan. The first national mitzvah was given to the
Jewish people to fix the calendar to the new moon of Aviv, according to the Book of
Exodus 12:1–2, 12:18. (c. 1456 BCE)

4-11 Nisan - Approximate dates of the Akitu(cf.aksha/ahas/sukra/durga/aga-

isha>asvina) festival of ancient Babylon, celebrating the sowing of barley in the first
month of spring, Nisanu.

10 Nisan – Yom HaAliyah – Aliyah Day, Israeli national holiday

14 Nisan – Fast of the Firstborn – on 12 Nisan when the 14th falls on Sabbath.Moving
from Aries,it will take 14/15 days to reach Libra to make the full moon aspect to
fall on the Vernal equinox and the Sun in Aries.Hence this day for the Passover of

Israel ,baptism of the Christ by John/Soma/Full Moon in the 15th Year of

Tiberius (Libra) and the crucifixion and spearing of the Christ .

14 Nisan – Birkat Hachama is recited once every 28 years(suurya-turiiya-4,varsha-svar-

7;7*4>28>2+8>10>dasa>ara>caturaha Rg veda has 10-28 hymns! Being

saakhi-tree-sruu-srava-druu ,it belongs to the branch called “Saakala”-salka-

kalasa>sa-agna/hari/Rg/kaala/gaana as in ashTa-ka>kaala>raaga>

gaana>naaga>agna,Rca of mantras give it dasa mandalas.Dasa is kaala/gaana/

Rca also . AshTaka of Saakhi/druu/sruu/srava/svar/varsha/ adhvara/agnishToma/

ashTamangala.Soma pavamaana is seen in , , , etc.)

Birkat Hachama (‫ברכת החמה‬, "Blessing of the Sun" cf.Easter blessing of the son) refers to
a rare Jewish blessing that is recited to the Creator, thanking Him for creating the
sun(son). The blessing is recited when the sun completes its cycle every 28 years(cf.28
lunar asterisms given one year each) on a Tuesday at sundown. Jewish tradition says
that when the Sun completes this cycle, it has returned to its position when the world
was created. Because the blessing needs to be said when the sun is visible, the blessing
is postponed to the following day, on Wednesday morning.
According to Judaism, the Sun has a 28-year solar cycle known as machzor gadol ( ‫מחזור‬
‫גדול‬, "the great cycle"). A solar year is estimated as 365.25 days and the "Blessing of the
Sun", being said at the beginning of this cycle, is thus recited every 10,227 (28 times
365.25) days. The last time that it was recited was on April 8, 2009 (14 Nisan 5769 on
the Hebrew calendar.

From an astronomic point of view, there is nothing special to these dates; e.g. the sun,
moon, planets and stars will not be aligned in any specific pattern. The text of the
blessing itself is as follows:

‫ ברוך אתה ה' אלהינו מלך העולם עושה מעשה בראשית‬Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King
of the Universe maker of the works of Creation.

14 Nisan - Passover seder meal and Haggadah on the going out of the 14th and eve of
the 15th

14 Nisan - Quartodeciman Last Supper, an ancient Passover (Christian)

15–21 Nisan (22 Nisan outside of Israel) – Feast of Matzot - Passover week

23 Nisan – Mimouna – Maghrebi Jewish celebration of the end of the Passover

prohibition on eating chametz, on 22 Nisan within Israel.Easter has to be without
yeast,to praise the new born rising sun of the new year.

27 Nisan – Yom HaShoah (Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day) – on 26 Nisan or

28 Nisan when the 27th falls on Friday or Sunday respectively, interfering with Shabbat

Moveable holidays and observances

Shabbat HaGadol, the sabbath immediately preceding the 14 Nisan Pesach(Visakha).

1 Nisan The day the floodwaters(night,the the six month southern motion of the sun)
receded from the earth, after the dove was sent out by Noah(Soma/nava-aha>new
day) and returned with an olive(udaya-sunrise) branch, according to Genesis 8:10-13

1 Nisan (c. 1638 BCE) – Death of Abraham(Brahma) according to the Talmud

1 Nisan (c. 1533 BCE) – Death of Isaac (Visakha/Pascah)according to the Talmud

1 Nisan (c. 1506 BCE) – Death of Jacob(Yahva-lord) according to the Talmud

1 Nisan (c. 1455 BCE) – Tabernacle (Mishkan/Visakha/Mukha/medha) inaugurated

on the second year "Exodus 40".

1 Nisan (c. 1455 BCE) death of Nadab and Abihu;

1 Nisan (c. 3761 BCE) – Creation of the Universe according to Joshua ben Hananiah's
opinion in the Talmud, tractate Rosh Hashanah 10b–11a).

1 Nisan (1772) – Birth of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

1 Nisan (1892) – Death of Rabbi Elimelech Szapira of Grodzhisk

7 Nisan (c. 1416 BCE) – Joshua(Jesus) sends two spies to Jericho.

10 Nisan (c. 1456 BCE) – The first Shabbat HaGadol was celebrated by the Israelites in
Egypt five days before The Exodus.

10 Nisan (c. 1417 BCE) – Yahrzeit of Miriam the prophetess, 39 years after the Exodus.

10 Nisan (c. 1416 BCE) – The Israelites cross the Jordan(cf.Sarat/Sarsvati)

River into Canaan (Book of Joshua, 4)

13 Nisan (c. 474 BCE) – Haman(cf.kalam/kalan/Kamsa)'s decree to annihilate the

Jews is passed.

14 Nisan (c. 1456 BCE) - On the going out thereof, the eve of the 15th, was the
first Passover meal, and the 10th plague on Egypt, the slaying of the firstborn.

15 Nisan (c. 1456 BCE) – The Exodus from Egypt, with a strong hand and an
outstretched arm(the rising sun on the vernal equinox)

15 Nisan (c. 1713 BCE) – Birth of Isaac(cf.Janana being jnaana and snaana,the baptism
of Jesus)

15 Nisan (474 BC) – Esther(satra/sarat/kaala/KRshNa/Ezra/dasra/dasa/

caturaha/ara/alt-ar/ashTa mangala/agnishToma) appears before Ahasuerus(aha-
suurya-day sun >dina-ra/agni/la/Indra>Dani-el>srii-el>hari-el) unsummoned and
invites him and Haman(kaalam/Kamsa of Mahabharata;Esther with Hamam make
Sarat Kalam/Sakabda cf.Magdalene in the New Testament.Saaya>jaaya-
wife.Sayahna>dusk/pradosha/Pilate.Sayam kaala>sahasayana-
sex>Magdalene.Sarasvati/Sandhya devi is sayahna. Brahma/Daksha is said to
have gone into his own daughter/sandhya,for the sin of which,Rudra/putra cut off
his head!Putra/varsha is born of this sayana/sayahna.Kaala is
KRshNa/syaama/black and is counted against the asterisms of the Moon that
become visible at sayahna.Hence Jews reckon the day from sunset to
sunset,whereas Hindus reckon it from sunrise to sunrise) to a feast to be held the
same day. During the feast(bhakshana>bhaga-asana/aasana/ajna) she requests that the
king and Haman attend a second feast the next day.

16 Nisan (c. 1273 BCE) – The Israelites stop eating m-anna(cf.anna or bhaga-asana) six
days after entering the Holy Land.
16 Nisan (c. 474 BCE) – Esther's second feast, during which she accuses Haman
regarding his plot to annihilate her nation. Ahasuerus orders his servants to hang

17 Nisan (c. 24th century BCE) – Noah's Ark(arka-sun,kara-hand,ray,day) came to

rest on mountains of Ararat

17 Nisan (c. 474 BCE) – Haman hanged(cf.hanging of Judas/ushas) after Esther's second
drinking party.

21 Nisan (c. 1456 BCE) – The sea splits(day break,year break cf.breaking of veil of
Jerusalem Temple), allowing Israel to escape the Egyptian army.

26 Nisan (c. 1386 BCE) – Traditional yahrzeit of Joshua(Isaac,Jesus) son of


28 Nisan (c. 1415 BCE) – Battle(yudha-war>udaya-sunrise) of Jericho by Joshua (Book

of Joshua ch. 6).

The basic assumption of the beginning of the New year is that
there was a saptagrahasandhi(conjunction of seven planets at
the vernal equinox;sapta>sabda>svar/tapasa-sun,which means
the sun’s annual transit of the Vernal Equinox every year!) in the
vedic tradition which means the New Moon on the Vernal
equinox.Hence the New Moon of Mesha is used to begin the year
of Medha(sacrifice,ecclesiastical year).Medha being
Maasa(month,moon),the subsequent New Moons mark the
beginnings of subsequent months and 12 months complete the
We have already noted that Nisan(Vedic Mesha/Aries) is the
month meant to mark the Vernal Equinox where the annual sun
coincides with the day sun to make saavana/raksha/
sunrise/salvation. Tishrei(ved.Dasra) is the month meant to
denote the Autumnal Equinox. It was postulated that the Kali yuga
began with a saptagraha sandhi(seven planet combination) on the
vernal equinox.The sapta graha is the divasa(day) graha ,by the
seven day week planets.Similarly the Hebrew creation year was
said to begin with a lunation on the Vernal Equinox.Thus basically
both Hindu and Hebrew calendars assume the same thing to
begin their sacrificial year,the New Moon at the Vernal
Equinox.Now count 14/15 days from the New Moon at the Vernal
Equinox and you are at the Autumnal Equinox,denoted as the first
point of Libra.Libra is Tiberus.In vedic, vaasra(diva,day) is
exhangeable with varsha(abda-year).So 15 days gives you the
Fifteenth year of Tiberius.This Full Moon is called soma
pavamaana in vedic. It is purification of soma/moon/kaala by pu-
tra/agni/rising sun born at the Vernal Equinox,called
RsyasRnga,Garuda,Syena etc.This is also the baptism of
Christ(agni/Augustus; Caesar.siirsha-head,tiirtha-holy water) by
John(Soma),The Full Moon shine.Hence we have the Passover and
the Feast of Unleavened Bread on Nisan 14 and 15. AgnishToma
involves both agni(sun) and soma(moon,son) as kaala was said to
be the son of the sun and kaala was counted by the kala/part of
soma,the Moon.John alone was the disciple present at the
crucifixion as he is the new son,new time,new year ,new
emperor,handed over to Mary,the mother of the Christ.In the four
day scheme of caturaha we see,the first day is Thursday,belonging
to Jupiter-Roman god,second is day of Venus,their goddess,third
is day of Saturn ,day of Sabbath and fourth is Sunday,day of the
emperor.But by the asterisms of moon,these are asterisms of
Asvina/Dasra,Bharani,Krittika and Rohini.The asterisms are ruled
by ketu,venus,sun and moon. So the sun is flanked between the
virgin Venus/king's wife or vestal virgins and on the right is the
moon as mother of the dead son and new born sun.So John/Full
Moon is handed over as the son to Mary.In the real history also
this is true as Tiberius/ Libra was the real son of Livia/ Mary.
Augustus' wife is simultaneously his mother as he was the “son”
of god!Janana is birth,jnaana-knowledge and snaana/savana is
bathing.Saavana-sunrise is janana,jnaana and snaana-salvation
and bathing at the end of yajna/samaya/tanaya.As already noted
the arrangement is permanent.That is why Leviticus and John
refer to events of the same sacrificial year and not to separate
years. This was well known to Constantine and that is why he
fixed Sunday following the Full Moon in Libra(15th year of
Tiberius) after the Vernal Equinox,as the Easter day.Haayana as
Kaanya-virgins and the Venus and Moon asterisms justifies the
women centric crucifixion as pu-tra/agni-Augustus Caesar -Soter-
Xaviour-the deliverer can come through women only.He had
Tiberius also present to make the New Augustus.Visvamitra
hailed from Kaanya Kubja(haayana-hu pada-gopada-Gopala)
denoted by seven women on the sacrificial scene in a vedic seal as
at the crucifixion also. The basis of the crucifixion is the
putrakameshTi yaaga of Visvamitra/Ramayana as already
noted.Raama (kaala-year/raaja-king) was born to
Dasaratha(cycle of time)/ kaalakuuTa/Golgotha by the
putrakameshTi sacrifice. In the sacrifice Dasaratha's wives drink a
sweet potion,which is also drunk by the Christ on the cross.At the
end of the sacrifice,putra/Raama was born.The writing on the
cross is just another form of Visva(Iesus)-mitra(Nazarenus)-
sunrise/Iudaerun).The Mithraic cult formed to praise the Roman
emperors had its root in Rg vedic Visvamitra/emperor cult.So it is
not possible to fix any particular year for the crucifixion, not fully
understanding the concept in vedic/biblical texts.The only option
is to take the Vernal Equinox of 8 BCE as the year,when the
emperor was made the year,by making him August,to make him
god. Also please note that,the popular notion of a 30 year period
for Jesus to begin his ministry comes from the 30 day(29.5 days
aproximated to 30) duration of the synodical month,taking a day
for a year.Luke use the "about" in Luke 3:23 when he states that
Jesus was "about 30 years of age".
History is said to repeat itself like the solar return to the cardinal
points every year.There is no history without time.We project the
cardinals and forget the less visible "rest" of the time in the hi-
stories. So there are many cycles /patterns of times and kings for
us.Patterns of 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,24,30,40,60 etc. were created by
the priest kings who wrote the hi-stories whether Jew/Roman for
the sacrifices/yajna/ samaya/tanaya/ putra/Buddha/
Varddhamaana/ varsha/history.The priests/kings were gods of
the time.Gods can create patterns.Augustus was son of god when
alive and became god on death. The resurrection on the third day
is also aligned with raa-tra(raa-night)-tra(three) /satra (sacrifice)
merging ratrikaala(night time) and sani(nisa-night,kaala-saturn-
sani), into one to make ashTamangala/agnishToma (praise of
agni-fire sacrifice-worship of the king.) adding agni(1) and
stoma(soma-7;svar-7 day) so as to make the cycle repeat to rise
on the eighth day,the day of Augustus/Sol Invictus,Sunday
morning,the eighth being day of agni/sun/matsa/masta/
dasma/ma-dasa/asta/ashTa/anta(end).This is the fundamental
ritual cycle (time/yajna-sacrifice/samaya-time,sun/tanaya-
son/hi-story) beginning on Maundi Thursday and closing on
Easter Sunday, observed by the Full Moon of Aries,the Moon being
in Tula/Libra-the month with the date of birth of Augustus on
September 23 and his incarnation/ avatara/adhvara/varsha as
Vishnu(vis-man,dvi/ravi-sun,nu-spear on the chest)/ time/
sun/Sol Invictus on the Vernal equinox.His date of death falls in
August,in AD 14 ,when the son of god became Divus/god
himself,in the house of the sun! Since rashTra/desa is ra(agni)-
satra(stoma/sacrifice),the sacrifice of Augustus/Chrest/ crest/
Christ was used to replace the sacrificial rituals of the Jews
foisting Rome on Jerusalem as the “New Jerusalem”.
While fixing historical dates with ritualistic biblical year numbers
please note that they are often linguistic terms and can be
misleading.Fifteen is the equivalent of pancadasa (fifteen;pa-
asana>throne>Roma) in vedic.Panca dasa/sinha dasa is simply
the king's year.Tiberius is another term for Libra,the birth month
of Augustus Caesar.Tiberius reigned as Augustus himself.The
term Herod/Horus/Garuda/garta is also equivalent to
aksha/abda/ kaala/saka/varsha/ panca(cf.Leo-fifth sign-sinha)/
varsha/dasa/raaja/agni (cf.pancagni>saka>aksha>ashTa-8-
agnishToma) denoting the year.Sakabda/kali varsha denote
simple year. This panca-dasa is seen in the crucifixion also as the
cross is dasa and the body is nR/panca/pa-
asana/garta/kshetra/temple. The number 46>10>dasa>ara is
also year/altar/cross/temple(body of Christ/king/man).The
Romans tried to rename September as Tiberius since Libra is
Tiberius. Janana(birth) is both jnaana(knowledge) and
snaana(bathing).The baptism of the Christ is simply the birth of
the son of god/kaala/dasa/king's year/solar year/birth of
Augustus.Hence the statement "this is my dear son/dear sun" as
vatsa(dear son) is varsha(year)/emperor.Yama(sa-yama>
samaya) is raaja(emperor).Augustus and Tiberius are exchanged
in use in the bible as Tiberius reigned as Augustus and Tiberius is

Image of the Temple of Janus on a coin from the reign

of Nero (54-68 AD). Its doors /dvaara/vaara-weekday or
week/va-ara>ara/altar of the king, were known as the "Gates of

Janus/shamas/James-brother of Christ-year-ear , /
samaya/yajna/tanaya/time".Note the ornate roof decoration,
latticed(vastra/vatsara/varsha/vaasra) window (left), and
garland hung across the closed double doors (right cf.sam-
vatsara;the torn split veil of Jerusalem Temple in Matthew.27.51;
dvara>varsha> vatsara> samvatsara(year).
The latticed window/door indicate vastra/netra

as vatsa/varsha/
vatsara/samvatsara.Note the dasa between the two heads of

Statue representing Janus Bifrons in the Vatican Museums

Nero coin: Obverse: Nero; Reverse: Ara Pacis.

The king is Janus/Shamas and the two doors denote sa-yama/
samvatsara like the two halves of the eucharist wafer.
Augustus ordered the doors at both ends of the Temple of Janus
to be closed(cf.naTa aTakkal-closing the temple in Hindu
temples of India). The Gates of Janus, as its doors were known,
were closed when Rome was at peace and opened in times of
war(vaaja-varsha-vaasra;yudha is udaya;vaaja is
udaya.Samara/vaaja/vaasa/va-aasa/vesha denote dharma) they
were usually open.
The deified Augustus hovers over Tiberius , and other Julio-Claudians in the Great
Cameo of France

It is when we fail to understand what is Beth-lehem,that we have

to look for external stars and planetary conjunctions to locate the
Star of Bethlehem(Several of these taara-stars are seen in the

Harappan seals to indicate taara/raaja/srii/agni , , ).

Beth-lehem being Beth-melech denote the royal palace or
kaala-time as Ra-ja(born/son of Ra/Ra-aja>Ra-
sa>king,god).Taara(star) is the raaja/emperor/sun/year.The
Julian year got the emperor Octavian assigned to the sign of
Leo/Deo,in 8 BCE.So he became varsha/putra/the son of the sun
god/Christ in 8 BCE.The sun reaches the south point of the sky
denoting the house of the king/soma/Makara/Beth-
melech/kaala/dasa(ten,time,tenth sign>ma-
akra/Capricorn/Unicorn) at the winter solstice.The vedic year
was begun/born at midnight of the day agreeing with the South
sun. Hence it is called Makara/ma(melech)-akra(beth,ara-altar-
asta-dasa-ashTa>10 or 8)/Capricorn,the tenth sign .The Winter

Solstice , , , denotes the birth of the

Christ/king's year in Beth-lehem.In Kerala it is called
Makarajyoti(jyoti-light/star/ “ I am the light of the
world”John.8.12).Makarajyoti /Sun at the Winter Solstice is the
Christ/star of Bethlehem.
Yajna is sa-maya(yama-two,ayana;)/haayana(year;kanya/
sandhya/Kaanya/kala(of soma,cal-endar)/kaala/kaara/na-ma-s-
kaara>namas of kaala>namas of varsha>namas/stava/stu/suta of
varsha/putra/abda/pada/deva/veda/rava> stu>stava> sava>
savana>panca>vansa>v-atsa> dasa> varsha> va-raaja/svar/
sabda/tapas/tapasa/sapta/sa-pada>gira>Rg/ adhvara/asvina>
va-tsa/ma-tsa/ma-dasa>Dasaraaja>Dasaratha/ma-sata as 100
Kurus>sapta matsa>sapta vatsa>svar vatsa>veda
varsha>devasvara (In Leviticus 25, we find the reference to
Jubilee, by instituting a Sabbath year every seven years.Jubilee ,

asva/vac/sava is varsha/svar/ sabda/ sapta as asta , ,

(4+3 as base;fish is dva-dasa>12>arka>agna>agra-end,end of

haayana), -Kubja-Gupta-Kaanya Gupta-sapta haayana-Jubilee

Year/saptasva/asvamedha cf. > > , ,

, sa-bird,god+matsa/masta/ka-head,king,
time+bracket-varsha>Saka Varsha;bracket indicate

vasra/varsha/svar/ka/kha/ha , , , , , cf.adhvara>


-dvaya-Yadu -veda -rava-suurya -suurya varsha -

suurya vansa-kaala-ka>praja> purusha> visva>vRsha>putra>
svar> srava> sruu> druu)> dasam> kaara(ka-ara/ka-dasa/ka-
ka-ashTa>kaasTha>ka-asthana>Hastina> Indraprastha>
Mathura>Dvaraka>Kaanya Kubja >Divaakara etc.) >vaara/
bhaara/haara> raaka(full moon,the moon-soma-Thoma-John-
Julius- baptising the sun,his son,Augustus,to make AgnishToma,
agni’s stoma ,the praise of agni/rava/dva/sava/

garta-Garuda-Horus-Cakravarti-harta-garja-gaja-Saka- -Hari-

Tiger-elephant , ,

Tiger>raaja>Rg>Hari( SraavaNa varsha ),man(sa)+

tree(vana/aga) make savana/panca/aksha/ahas/saka/varsha.
Hence the eal belongs to Kuru-Pancaala Vansa(Varsha)
Savana/KRshNa Varsha/VRshNi Vansa.
M-1186 ;
caturaha;it is varsha/putra caturaha/ Passover/ Pascah)>saka

>sava>savana>panca(five Pandavas)>varsha>va-

raaga/raaja /varaha(Vishnu)

/Rca/Rg/Kuru>praasa>praja>aksha; ; , ,

Vansa/varsha>s-rava Ka-rNa>ka-nR -cakravarti>sa-

dva>satva> tatva>sarva>visva> Visvamitra >Indra>Indra

Varsha>Raaja varsha>Rg Varsha>Hari varsha>Kali varsha>Kuru
Varsha>Pancaala Varsha>Kuru Vansa>Rg savana>Rg saka>Rg
sava> Kausika/savana/panca/aksha/saka/sa/ka+tra >
patra/garta/garuda/ varsha>Varsha cakra>Varsha Sakra>Cakra
varti>Cakra patri or savitR>kaalcakra-kaalakuuTa-Bethlehem-
Bethania-Ear of Malchus-Golgotha- Caesar and Peter -Dasaraaja-
Dasaratha-PutrakaameshTi-Visvamitra-Sons of Visvamitra-Sons
of Dasaratha-Srii Raama bhadra-Raaja varsha- /bha/va by ma-
agni himself as dasa/suta/tanaya/
samaya/putra/varsha/yajna/syena cf.syena with dasa/king’s
year cf. Leviticus 23.5-7 and John.19.37do not refer to events in
two different years,but to the same sacrificial year! Sacrifice being
bali-gift-tax to be given to god was paNa-savana-sadana-satra-

sarat-stoma-raashtra-bhavana-sa+vana/paNa/nabha/soma ,

rajya-kingdom cf.Tiger with kusa-claw,

cloth, snake, house,tree is Kausika/ Indra/Rajarshi/raja
raaja/ Cakravartin/Visvamitra/Srii Raama bhadra/Srii
KRshNa/ deva/ veda/srava/

sruu/druu/visva/asva/Asvatthama cf.Agra haayana

Asva(arva/agni/ avasa/abda/

DroNa/SroNa/sravaNa/Hari/Rg.Fire in tree.Sun in sky.King

on throne) > > cf.

Asva/saptasva/sapta/gupta -tthaama/dhaana/DroNa/stoma

-Va/bha/pa/varsha/putra/visva-bhadra/ mitra/ satra/

ishTi/vaaja/vaasa/vesha/VasishTha Visvamitra is Daksha

yaaga/Samvatsar Satra/PutrakameshTi in M-1186) >
aksha -saka-gaja-yajna-sons of Visva mitra of

Kaanya cf.Cana in John Gupta ,(hu-pada-sabda-

sapta-svar-veda/ became , suudra,being sutra/suukta/ Rca/
Rg/Hari/agni >putra>tanaya> samaya>dasa>sata-100 putras)
with two halves of six months called ayana in vedic.The shofar
/conch indicate svar(sabda-sound, svar-varsha-sun,sky;sapta-7-
heaven/Sabbath)/ varsha(abda-year)/ adhvara/ asvina/
satra/sarat/dasra etc.A Sabbath Week Shofar was blown at
sunset(to see soma of the agnishToma/yajna/samaya decided by
each kala of the moon making a day and30(3-agni,0-
dasa>tridasa/dRshTi/sRshTi) of which make a month(
maasa/medha ) of 1 Nisan(Mesha/first astrological month,the
Roman calendar had a beginning here in March,prior to its shift to
January/Janus/Shamas/James) in the first month of the 49th year
of each Jubilee cycle. Then after approximately 177 days
corresponding to six lunar months in that same year at sunset (to
see soma of the agnishtoma) on 1 Tishri(dasra) the Shofar was
blown, again, for the start of that Jubilee celebration,in the
seventh month of that 49th year Jubilee cycle.
The healing on the Sabbath is a great event in the life of Christ
as per the New Testament Christian Bible.Sabbath(sapta-seven)
denote sa(god)-pada(word/foot) and it denote the seventh day
and the sun god at the foot of man,under the earth,ratri/nisa/
/night/nidra-sleep,rest.The seventh day is the day of
sapta/svar/sabda-word of god/go-spel/temple-the house of god
on/under the earth.So the only work allowed is temple service on
Saturday,like the Holy Mass on Sunday/son day for the
Christians.Sabbath is thus svar/sun/sun/go-spel.The healing on
Sabbath clearly explains that the purpose of the New Testament
was to replace the Old Testament followed by the Jews, or replace
Jerusalem(not a stone upon stone of it would remain!) with a new
Jerusalem or Roma.In fact this led to the Jewish-Roman wars later
and the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. The healing is only
ritualistic statement of the Sabath/ sabda/svar/go-spel/bhaasha-
word,speech/bhaasa-light appearance.This happens in
Guru/Kuru-kshetra/ matsa/Jerusalem temple/Pisces.This is a
restatement of the Tower of Babel (Abel/agni)/ Sinai(yajna/
cayana/ samaya/ hayana/Cain) mountain in the Old
Testament.Sani/nisa has to get 12 hours in the division of the day
into two parts of 24 hours.But in actual practice this is offset by
the appearance of light of dawning in the northeast and the stay
back of light of dusk in the southwest/west.Dawning is called
Aruna(sun,red, dawning)/arunodaya and he is called the brother
of Garuda/the day sun.Aruna was made anuuru(half bodied/lame
man) in vedic texts.He is Aaron in the Old Testament.Healing on
the Sabbath/Sani/nisa is removal of darkness by the light at
dawning.Hence Christ healed the lame man on a Sabbath/ night.
This happens everyday.Hence the significance in the solar rituals
and the New Testament.Sabbath being sapta/seven we have the
Sabbatical cycles of yajna/samaya/dasa/cakra/cross/kaala
cakra/cycle of time like 7/49/70/490 etc.The healed/cured lame
man later appears in the New Testament as Joseph(ushas/ dawn)
of Arimathea(arunodaya-dawning) and Lazarus(rising from the
dead/healing;Lazarus>Dasra-Asvina,donkey-the asterism where
yajna/samaya brings bhaasa-light/bhaasha-speech/bhaata-
dawn/healing).Christ's ride on a donkey(dasra) is also for the
same purpose!
The Nisan and Tishri beginning confusion can be cleared by
understanding that Nisan is Mesha/ Christ/Ram/ Lamb/ lamp/
Spring equinox/sunrise and Tishri is dasara/sarat/Autumn
equinox/sunset .Haayana(year) being Ka(sun,time,king,Sa cf.saka-
year)-yama(two)/ayana(six months) these two points were
specifically used to begin vatsara(Vishnu)-year.Vatsara is
indicated by vastra (cloth/veil) placed in front of the
ark/temple.Hence God told Moses to put a veil there.With the
Christ,it is the veil of the temple splitting into
two(vastra/vatsara/ha-yana/ka-yama/sa-yama/ dvi-two/ravi-
sun) halves like the broken eucharist bread/two halves of the
day.Thus the Nisan to Nisan and Tishri to Tshri years are both
justifiable.In India Meshadi(beginning of Mesha/ Nisan is
celebrated as Vishu(Vishnu-deva-dva-rava-male sun) and
Tulaadi/Dasara(Tishri) is celebrated as festival of Durga(devi-
dvi-ravi-surya-female sun).Both the Testaments use the
year/samaya(time)/tanaya(son/sun) for yajna(sacrifice).In
the Great week /week of the passion,the images of the
cross(dasa/vatsara) and other saints are covered with
vastra(veil) to indicate vatsara. Similary in the Hindu
temples idols of the gods are dressed with vastra with the
seasonal colours of vatsara and the Christian priests dress
themselves up in vastra/robes of seasonal colours of vatsara
since the god is the sun/king/year/king's year. For the same
reason the doors of the temple of Janus(Shamas/James/
samaya/yajna/tanaya/son/sun/ time) in Rome were closed
during the time of Augustus,the son of god!Christ(year) was
born at midnight when the year was born ,against the seat of
the emperor/ soma/sky/Vishnu/ KRshNa/ Julius/
Ra/Horus/kaala(South/Winter Solstice).
This Sumerian cylinder seal denote ashTamangala/kshetra/
temple/varsha/srii vatsa symbol
with Garuda/syena/Horus/putra/unicorn, winged
animal(mRga/marga/ma-gira/ma-Rg/karNa/ka-nR/king of
kings) and syena/yajna/samaya/ varsha/haayana(ha-yama>two
lions)/NarayaNa.The engravers had to carve the hard cylinder stones using only
simple tools. The images and lettering had to be carved in both spatial and
photographic reverse, so that they would be raised from the surface and facing in the
right direction.

Sa-tra(Bhadra/Rudra/ putra/dharma/amRta/ cakra/Sakra/

netra/Indra/mitra/arka/akra/agna/ahna/ aha/sapta/svar/7)>
shad(six, sat/asta/ ashTa/dasa/sata)-ra(bulls).In the
varsha/adhvara/ satra/ dasra/ sarat,it is denoted by six

spokes(Rtu/usra) , , , , of the dharma cakra/fish

,jhasha(jha-vishnu,sha-lord,man>Lord Vishnu,Hence Vishnu

has dasavataara/varsha beginning wit fish(man> or fish spear


ayana >Saka/Kesa-temple cf.Sruti satra>DhRta RaashTra

) /vatsa/vatsara/ varsha/ raashTra/

ayana/netra/Indra/Phalguna/ Mitra-Vis vami tra

/varshakaala/Pancaala-savitR /ra/go. Thus

the fish is abda/saka/aksha/ ahas/avasa/asva/asvina/

adhvara/masta/mastaka..Adhvara>satra/sart cf.Catur/turiiya
/Suurya -ahas/aksha/panca/savana/vansa/varsha

satra/ishTi/R-shTi/sarat of Visvamitra
>dasra> sarat> varsha> abda>asva > asva-ra.The suurya dasa/
rasa/ ara/altar in the Vimsottari dasa is
six(shad/sat/dasa/dharma) years!

Sumerian Gold bull figurine.The bull

is ra/raja/bha/bhadra.Many bulls
can be seen in Harappan images also which denote

Gold bowl with hanger from Pu-abi's tomb cf.Pu-is

agni / unicorn.Abi>
ravi/rava/ru.So we have Puru/Kuru.

Bas-relief of Anzud attacking a man-headed bull(bha/bhadra/patra/

subhadra -Rg veda/srii varsha/vatsa-

KRshNa/suura/aksha sena/medha -Rg/kuru -

Pancaala kuru varsha/ashTa mangala , patra/writ

cf.INRI on the cross is mangala or raja patra which mentions a
king/ra/agni.Marta-man/purusha/varsha/praja/ panca/aksha/
saka indicate dharma/amRta).Ansu(soma/madhu)-d(da-giver) is
time/year and the bull is king/bulla/writ.Hence it denote king’s
year/writ/veda/samaya/yajna/sacrifice.This is the equivalent of

the winged bull/Lamassu/unicorn /


The Vulture Stele of king Eannatum which shows vultures feeding on the enemy dead.

patra /parNa/varNa/nRpa/sal-lekhana indicate

samaya/tanaya(son/sun)/putra/praja/ varsha/ yajna/ medha.
Eannatum(As per EPSD, Ea
ezi [PRIEST] wr. ezix(|SAL.LAGAR|) "en-priest of Ea" Akk. ēnu ša Ea cf.Yesu/Jesus;
Yadu/iisa-lord) > Ea-anna(grain,soma,sun,king)-
soma(tanaya/dina/samaya/yajna) may be the sacrificial name of

the day/king/year .Eannatum is similar to Dani-el

and especially to Daniel.9.27 which just refers to the noon(middle
of the week day) and the seven is the number for svar(the
sky,soma/ stoma,the seven stomas as in ). Since ten(dasa) is
number for time,the number 70(svar-dasa/noon) is used to
indicate noon time/sun in the peak of the sky as
Vishnu/KRshNa/Kaala/Yama/ Julius/Peter/ Paul/ Thomas
etc.Svar/varsha/adhvara is sabda/sapta/seven/ soma/stoma as

in (agni-stoma/sapta aha.).Svar/varsha is Paul.Peter and

Paul denote svar/varsha of Peter/Bharata/ bhadra/veda/ Rg/
raja/king.The indicated end is sunset,the end of the day and
sacrifice.It has no indication of the crucifixion of Jesus or
destruction of the temple as we normally think . This is another
version of the destruction of the city of Dvaraka described in the
Mahabharata to denote sunset.In fact the name Dani-el indicate
dina(day)-el(ra-sun) as dina is aha-sacrificial day/solar day
beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset.Dani-el was put in the
den of the lions to indicate the sign of Leo,the house of the

sun-god,the house of Dani-el/varsha/va(bha/pu)-tra ,/va-

rasa/Hari(tiger) Srii(man)/Purusha vyaaghra/Saarduula
vikriiTa/Numedia(nu-vidya;place where
St.Sebastian/Devasi/diipti-light was bound to a
tree/sruu/srii/pu/saakhi/sikya/Saakya and struck with
arrows/nu/su/sava/sara/rasa/Rca to make putra/Vishnu/

panca/savana/sa-vana(tree)/paNa(praise) .
In the distant past,when books like the vedas and the bible were
written,time was considered as the god denoted by the sun .Hence
it was said god could not be seen. Hence the gods have often a
brother(bh-ratR)/son(putra/Rudra/Buddha) like
Shamas/James.Daniel was put in the den of the lions(Book of
Daniel.6.22) to indicate his own house,Leo,the house of the sun
god.He is saved from there by god-time. Similarly the feast of
unleavened bread (Heb.matzah cf.manna>anna-
sun,food,king>ahna-day) indicate the sun in matsa(Pisces).The
passover(Pascah/Visakha) of Isra-el(usra/varsha-el/Ra) is the
tansit of the sun into Aries (ram) at the vernal equinox.Aries is
mesha(ram).Hence the passover lamb/Eucharist is also
eaten!Abraham(Brahma) sacrificed a lamb on mount
Moriah(surya-sun) for the same reason.Sunrise is said to take
place on a hill called udayagiri(hill of sunrise; Golgotha>kaala-
kuuTa as KuuTa is hill also like AgastyakuuTa-a mountain),which
is the rising sun(udaya-srii/suurya) itself.To denote va-tsa-
ra(year>360) 360 days were used as the length of the year in
vedic times.
8 BCE is a very critical year(samaa>medha>stoma>Rca>rasa-
praise of the emperor as sun god) in Christian chronology.This is
the year when Octavian,the son of God(Divi Filius) ,was
placed on the right hand of the Father god(Julius/Divus Iulius
in 42 BCE),in the Julian/Roman calendar as taught in the
Apostle's creed.As already noted yajna(sacrifice) is
samaya(kaala-varsha-adhvara-time,sacrifice) and tanaya(son,son
of god) whence ka-ala (sa-yama>god-time) is called the son of the
sun/king.Thus we have the king's(god's denoted by Christ –
nR/king-INRI) year(dasa-cross-varsha-vaasra-day-srava-ear)
which is shown by the Christ/king on the cross/ dasa/ samaya/
kaala/varsha with a

spear(praasa>paatra>paartha>cakravarti/emperor ,

surata/ suutra/ mudra/mitra/bhadra/Rudra/Bharata/
Peter/nR>king’s year) on the chest(uras/ usra/ varsha cf.usra-
el>Israel),making srii vatsa(raja varsha indicated by spear on

Christ’s chest ,

)/vatsa naabha(bhaama/
suurya/solar varsha/year) who has the dasavatara(dasa-
varsha),beginning with matsa(ma-dasa>king's year;masta-

head,dasma-agni,lord;dasam-ten,time cf. ),the initial symbol

of christanity.Thus matsa as ma-dasa is the same as
dasa/varsha/kaala/samaya/sa-yama/the cross . Samaya/varsha
is the tanaya/putra/yajna crucified on the cross.Holy mass is
simple surya medha.The year begins when the sun enters ma-
kara(akra-house;cf.Janus/James/Shamas/January) at the winter
soltice aspecting July (Vishnu/KRshNa/Kaala/Yamuna/Divus
Iulius/Peter and Paul/DroNa/Roma/Soma-sky-emperor/Thoma
etc.) and the full moon is in KaTaka/Garga/Karka/agni.If you
observe the image of double headed Janus(varsha, Yamuna,
Shamas,James. Hence begin the year with January as the first

month),you can see the samaya /sa-yama/dasa/kaala/ara/alt-

ar/cross as two lines(sa-yama) cf. >
between the two faces(two taskara>daksha-ra) that look to the
past and the future. Augustus is said to have closed the door of the
temple of Janus(year),hence when he was given a month of the
Julian year. The emperor is Prajapati/Daksha/ Varsha/ vatsara/
savitR/samvatsara(cf.samvatsara prajapati: Aitareya
Brahmana.Prajapati himself is KRshNa/ Daksha/
Christ/Buddha/Horus)/vastra/cloth as shown on the
apparatus placed before the unicorn. There are several veiled
references to the king's year in the New Testament beginning
with Bethlehem(beth-melech>ka-ala>time,king's year) with the
star(taara>raaja>king in time,in the palace);ear of Malchus(year

of Melech),samvatsara(year as sama-vastra/netra/net , ,
cf. >two clothe shown by the two torn parts of the temple
veil (vastra) or the eucharist bread(circular white wafer-the sun)
split into two halves to make sa-yama/dasa/kaala/samaya/
tanaya/ yajna and then it is dipped in soma(draksha>rakta>soNa)
to denote the tanaya-son of god-sun god in the sky,and then
folding one half of a half,to make 3/4 or tri-pada to indicate
tripat/ vishnu/vatsara/srii vatsa/vatsanaabha(the year denoted
by the cross and sp-ear). So every year ,the Christ is born at the
Winter Solstice/Christmas and the crucifixion takes place at the
Vernal Equinox/Vishu/Visakha/ Pascah/Mesha/ medha/
Easter.The date of the crucifixion is the date of the Vernal
equinox. Hence we fix Easter by the Full Moon after the Vernal
Equinox. There is no point in fixing any other date of a particular
year to denote the crucifixion of the Christ,who is the year
itself.This is said in the Bible itself when a heavenly voice(svar/
varsha/vatsa/adhvara) is heard announcing Augustus/Christ as
the “son of god with whom He is well pleased” (vatsa>year,son,
pleased) to indicate srii vatsa/vatsanaabha/Vishnu/king's
year/solar year. Yajna/sacrifice/son of god is
time/samaya/yajna/aha/dina/ history/hi-story itself. Augustus
became samaya/tanaya/son of god when he was made the
month(Holy Mass>maasa-month>ma-aasa>medha) of August
towards the rightside of July/soma/ Vishnu/vi-soma/ravi-soma,
in the sign of Leo/Deo. The vedic year was begun at midnight to
point to the direction of South/kaala/samaya/tanaya/yajna by
the sun in M-akara/Beth-lehem at the Winter Solstice.Hence
Christ and KRshNa were born at midnight .KRshNa by itself is
Hindu(Vishnu)/Egyptian gods(cf.Ra,Horus, Anubis/Vishnu) were
painted blue/ black(kaala/syaama) to indicate ra-
vi(bird/sun)/kaala/ samaya(time)/ tanaya(son)/
yajna(sacrifice).Hence when we eat the body of Christ as the
rakta/akshara-INRI/sakra-soNa-soma-red wine-red
blood;bhakshaNa-food,bhaga-sun,asana-food),we are eating the
sun/ king/time as the body of the son of god.This is the secret
that converts the eucharist wafer into the body of god.
Yama/samaya/kaala is also kesa-temple.Hence the year is
considered as the temple/temple year also. AgnishToma/Soma
being svar/ sabda/ sapta/Sabbath/ seven/ heaven the book of
Daniel employed the symbolism of the seventh heaven/noon by
the seven and seventy symbols to forecast the crucifixion. Paul
being svar was also raised to the third heaven!
The historical father god and son of god on the ground in the
Roman empire was Julius Caesar and Octavius Caesar.The Julian
calendar was finalised with Octavian being ascended as
Augustus,the son of god /sun god/Sol Invictus/Deo in the house
of the sun god Leo.This happened in 8 BCE.We can see images of
Augustus as son of god on Roman coins of the time.Christianity is
said to have reached India,throuh Thomas,a disciple of Christ.This
Thomas is Roma(soma/Roman throne) itself.Roman coins have
been located in south India,especially that of Augustus as Divi
Filius(son of god). The biblical son of god and his crucifixion were
created to praise the Caesars.As already noted we cannot use
Daniel's prophecy to arrive at any conclusion regarding the
crucifixion as Dani-el is dina-el/day and seven is svar/varsha/
vaasra/vaara/day.Vaara is the day and seven day week also. The
mid week can be Wednesday(Gemini end)/noon itself.At noon the
sun of the day will be with svar/soma/sky.Hence the statement,
sacrifice will stop there,since from there it is the fall of the sun
and his energy denoting profilement and consequent destruction
of the temple/city(the sun itself cf.Heliopolis/ Dvaraka) in the
end,which is sunset.From sunrise at the 9th hour(Matthew:27.45
sixth hour to ninth hour is noon time ) the sun is in Leo in his own
asta-house. So he is crucified then as asta-house is
dasa/cross.This is the house of Augustus/the sun god/son of
god.The statements by some authors that Jesus was crucified at 9
am is incorrect.
We should not take Daniel as the seven day week as he has to
enter the den of lions,which is Leo,the place of crucifixion of
Augustus also from where Dani-el is saved by god(Deo/Leo) and
the son of god prays to Deo(Leo),to take away the
"cup(paana/paala cf.Gopaala>hu-paana>sacrificial
cup/paatra/paartha" denoting the emperor as sun/son.The fifth
house is the house of the son in astrology.Hence the historical
crucifixion(the anointment of Augustus as the living son of god,it
is not crucifixion punishment of a criminal,it is entry of the
son of god and son of man into the house of god –Leo-as
August) was at 3.0 p .m on the vernal equinox, 8BCE/7BCE. Peter
and Paul denote the Julian year/ear of Malchus itself.Hence they
occupy the month of July along with Julius. The Romans/Roman
church deified men after death as gods/saints as one become the
sun/time at death and go to svarga-heaven as
sava(corpse,sun)/sva(own,sun)-arka(sun)/agra(end) and
samaadhi(death) is samaa(year,time)-dhi(seat) and samaa(year)-
aadi(beginning). In Malayalam death is called kaalam(time)-
ceyyal(doing).The Kali yuga was begun after the death of
Hari(KRshNa/sun).Kollam era was begun after the death of
Sankaracarya.Augustus was the only person to be deified during
his own life time.Hence he was made the son of god as
raja/emperor is ra(sun)-ja(son)!

Coin of Augustus found at the Pudukottai hoard, from an ancient Tamil

country, Pandyan Kingdom of present-day Tamil Nadu in India, a testimony to Indo-
Roman trade. British Museum. Caption: AVGVSTVS DIVI F[ILIVS]. (The vertical slice,
not part of the original design, was likely an old test cut to make sure the coin was solid
rather than a fourrée.)
The son of God is Augustus.Thoma(Soma/king/veda) who
brought Christianity to Kerala is Roma/Caesar.The emperor
(Caesar) was considered as the father(pitR) and god of the
Roman empire,the empire or religion was the mother(matR/
dharma) and the citizens (praja/varsha) were their

Close up on the sculpted detail of the Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace cf.Christ’s announcement of peace in the
New Testament;Vedas have Aum santi), 13 BC to 9 BC.

Creation of "Italia(Bharata varsha- emperor’s year,place"

Roman Italy(cf.Ithasi>Italy/Ijya-pada>Egypt>Pisces>matsa> vatsa>varsha-
year,place)was established by Augustus in 7 BC with the Latin name "Italia"(in BCE) he
was allotted the sign/month of August. This was the first time that the Italian
peninsula was united administratively and politically under the same name. Due to this
act, Augustus was called the Father of Italy by Italian historians such as G.
Giannelli.He is the son of god as well.

The official residence(Beth-melech/Bethlehem/kaala/varsha/svar) of
Augustus was the Domus Augusti(cf.agni-shToma/raashTra/raajya/
ashTamangala) on the Palatine which he made into a palace after buying it in
41/40 BC. He had other residences such as the horti maecenati in Rome where Augustus
preferred to stay whenever he became ill and which Maecenas left to him in his will in 8
BC. The great villa of Vedius Pollio at Posilipo near Naples was beqeathed (probably
forced) to him in 15 BC.

Augustus built the Palazzo a Mare palace on Capri(Cf.Capri-corn as Beth-

melech/Bethlehem.Makara>karaNa>kiraNa>ray.Ma-akra>akaasa>sky> south>
kaala>samaya). He also built the immense Villa Giulia on the island of Ventotene as a
summer residence early in his reign. The family home of Augustus was probably the
villa at Somma Vesuviana, Nola. This was the location where he died and where his
father also died.

Sargon(KRshNa/kaala/raaja) the Great, the Akkadian king who conquered

Sumer in 2350 B.C. There has been some speculation that it is actually Naram-Sin,
Sargon's grandson. I would suggest, however, that it really is Sargon because of the
unmistakable resemblance to the depiction of Sargon on his Victory Stele.


Yajna(savana-sacrifice,panca-five,samaya-time, atma-tanaya-
Adam-putra-son of god cf.Kratu/Horus) is of vedic origin. Bible
old testment has Panca(five,savana-sacrifice;pa-aasana) granthas
(books) and the New Testament go(word,sun;hu-sacrifice)-
spels(svar/varsha/adhvara) are four as veda is paada(foot,four)
namely Rg(Ma-rk>arka>agni),Yajur(John,surya/yajna),
Saama(Mathew,medha/savana) and Atharva(Luke cf.Luke-
mukha-svar-varsha-adhvara-atharva ;srii mukha is king's
writ/speech,word of god!).Interestingly enough


patri(bird,tree,book/veda/go-spel/KRshNa’s Giita) is pa/va-

tri(three)/khaga/savitR as in , , ,

, , , , , , vishTara(tree) ,

cf. , , cakra/sa-arka/agra> Sakra/

sagara/ karsha/Horus/agraja> satra(sacrifice.shad-ra>six
bulls>six faces>Kartikeya)/Dasra/sarat(year)/raatra/raatra-sa/
sraaddha(offering to the Manes/dead pitRs/ancestors).Bha-
varsha/prajapti/daksha/king’s year/sacrificial year.Ha(sin-
body(srii/nara/hari/arka/agna)>agra haayana/New year>

Hari/kali/Indra varsha(solar year/King’s year). Gaja

>Saka>Aksha , , , , , , > bhadra>

bharata> satra>sarat>varsha>svar>adhvara. Hence this is
In Ezekiel, Chapter four we have “the years(varsha/vatsara/adhvara>3-
6-0) of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three
hundred (srii sata/dasa ) and ninety(90>nava/rava/nabha/arka –
dasa/haayana>solar year cf.360>390 as 6>9) days” and “ lie again on
thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah
forty(turiiya-surya-dasa>40 or arka/agra-haayana/dasa) days: I have
appointed thee each day for a year(vasara-vaara-day>varsha-vatsara-
year)”. And again in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 14. 33 we have the
statement “ your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years” and
“After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty
days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty

years(ka-nR>ear>year>40 as in , ).Catur disa is made catur dasa

for satra/sacrifice. Srii/dasa/satra/vatsara>nava>rava>var-sha>sa-
vaara>daya.Thus varsha>vaasara> kaasara/mahisha/asva/water buffaloe>
gaatra> vaara bhadra>viirabhadra> vaara>abda>pada> paada>vaara>
viira>veda.Also 2 Peter 3.8 we are told “but do not forget this one
thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a
thousand years are like a day.In fact 360 >bha/va/bhadra-0,shat-6,ra-
3>vastra>vatsara>360.Satra >Sakra> shad-ra(dvadasa>rava-

sun,12) , , >shadaha>salka>kalasa as in M-018a

cf.agnishToma satra-aha/ahna/ vaasara(paatra/

praasa/paartha-day,king;King David)/varsha/svar/adhvara-
12(Divodasa). Agni+stoma(number)>AgnishToma.

Shad+ra , , >fish+ra>netra(Indra,king,sacrifice,cloth)>ra-
medha>satra>Dvadasa(Divodasa)-aha(vaasara)-satra is soma
yaga.Matsa>ma-dasa>ma-shad>shad-ra>sadana>satra> sarat>
samaya>dasra>yajna.Fish being ashTa/agni/yajna the symbol of

yajna/agna/ahna/aha with sapta/stoma>sapataha satra .

The fish is matsa-fish/Heb.matzah-unleavened bread/masta-
head/ma-dasa/dasma-Shamas-James/vis -man,Indra/netra-

king,sacrifice.We can see the fish taking the body of man , in

Harappan seals.Similarly you can see the fish(Christ) on the
cross.It denotes the sacrificial year.Vatsara /vatsa naabha/Vishnu
is srii vatsa/matsa.The year is begun from the sign of
Pisces/Miina/Sinai.Israel is usra/varsha-el.Similarly Indra is
called sahasra(1000;saka-rasa>bharata;one day>1000 day)
bhaga(female genitals). This is because sahasra(1000) is sa-
ghasra(harta-day) and bhaga is the sun.As already noted Vishnu is
called Indravaraja(youger brother of Vishnu(cf.James for Christ)
which in fact is Indra(ma)-dasa(varsha)-sacrificial
year.Sun(SavitR/father god) and kaala are brothers/son.Veda is
rava/pada/abda/svar/varsha/ adhvara/asvina(matsa) also.Dasa-
vatara is varsha/year itself.In Kerala they have the Kolla(dasa)-
Varsha (avatara) which is the year followed by the Keralites and it
begins in Cinga/sinha/Leo which is the dasa/asta(house) of the
sungod.It is another form of Saka(dasa)-abda(varsha)>
Dasavatara>agra haayana beginning in Pisces.

AgnishToma >yaj-na>ahna>aga(agni,sun,year)-

varsha (svar/adhvara/srava/sruu/sruti/sura/Torah)-
vaara/ kaala/ dina/ah-na/a(Vishnu/light)-
ha(moon/night)/day.Unicorn denote agni/atma/Adam/Horus
and droNa/druma indicate dharma/amRta/veda/ Rca/ rasa/
svar/soma/sura/veda/Torah/ Tam.kural cf.Tirukkural by
Tiruvalluvar/Ar.Koran/Quran by Nabi(rabbi/ravi/vaNi-svar-

Compare the Ark of Noah , , , , ,

with the basket that carried Moses in the

water(flood), the Ark of the covenant and the tomb of the
crucified Christ that has become the sacrifical
alt(asta/dasa/cross/ark)-ar /ara(k) for the Christians.Also
compare the Hebrew term Tevat with veda/divasa/ David(savitR
or ravi-sun,king). Soma(moon/veda/ sky)>Noah> mukha(face,
writ)>saasana>srii-mukha(royal edict/nauka-boat-veda)/veda
saasana(writ).Veda is soma(sa-aum/su-ma/moon,
Anubis/Nimush/Mitra etc.) recovered the lost vedas in the first or
matsa(ma-dasa/ara) avatara/varsha/praja/
hymn.Veda>deva>rava-the sun,sound.Pota-boat,putra(son).
TaraNa(boat,sun)> mitra/indra(sun)>dharma (veda). DharaNi-
earth,nidra-sleep.Agni and soma make dina(day) and
varsha(year) to make samaya/yajna/ netra/medha(sacrifice).
Veda> deva>pada> abda> varsha>svar>mukha(writ)>nau-
ka(boat or praise of king or time). Veda/Rg itself is the ark/Rg
that holds Noah/Moses/Christ. Kings like KRshNa/
Sennachrib/Christ(putra/son/sun) were killed by sara(arrow
cf.jara-old age)/praasa(spear cf.praaya-age,pareta-dead,paartha-
king) or va-rsha(sara of year/time).Nau(boat cf.sava-corpse,
sun,sacrifice/sabha-church,palace)/ark(arka-sun,akra-palace) to
ara/dasa/cross/sava(corpse) indicate the sacrificial day, sacrifical
year and sacrifice itself.
The sun/agni/atma/Adam gives the day/year and the moon-the
night/ month together which forms a-ha/a-h-na/kaala/ samaya/
tanaya/syena/putra/ varsha/bhadra/bharata/ raaja/yajna.Hence
the statement in the Bible “"And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was
morning, one day"(Genesis:1.5).
Compare the Ark of Noah with the basket that carried Moses in
the water(flood), the Ark of the covenant and the tomb of the
crucified Christ that has become the sacrifical
alt(asta/dasa/cross/ark)-ar /ara(k) for the Christians.Also
compare the term Tevat with veda/divasa/
srii-mukha(royal edict/nauka-boat-veda)/veda
saasana(writ).Veda is soma(sa-aum/su-ma/moon,
Anubis/Nimush/Mitra etc.) recovered the lost vedas in the first or
matsa(ma-dasa/ara) avatara/varsha/praja/
hymn.Veda>deva>rava-the sun,sound.Pota-boat,putra(son).
TaraNa(boat,sun)> mitra/indra(sun)>dharma
(veda). DharaNi-earth,nidra-sleep.Agni and soma make dina(day)
and varsha(year) to make samaya/yajna/ netra/medha(sacrifice).
Veda> deva>pada> abda> varsha>svar>mukha(writ)>nau-
ka(boat or praise of king or time).
Veda/Rg itself is the ark/Rg that holds Noah/Moses/Christ. Kings
like KRshNa/Christ(putra/son/sun) were killed by sara(arrow
cf.jara-old age)/praasa(spear cf.praaya-age) or va-rsha(sara/rasa
of year/time).Nau(boat cf.sava-corpse, sun,sacrifice/sabha-
church,palace)/ark(arka-sun,akra-palace) to ara/dasa/ cross/
sava(corpse) indicate the sacrificial day, sacrifical year and
sacrifice itself.
u-satra/kshetra>Kurukshetra.Asva-tthama(dhaana/ naada/
naama>varshamaana>adhvara naama>varsha naama>samaya
naama>yajna naama>mahaviira cf.note the ashTa mangala

symbols of Jainism ,Egyptian religion (three steps

making ashTa>tripat-Vishnu etc.)-agrahaayana(narayana)-

Kuru(Puru/ svar/deva/Rg/ raja/srii/hari)
Sariira (purusha/putra/varsha/vRsha/gaa-tra/kaaya-

body,yaaga-agnishToma-yajna-sacrifice,vish-nu )> agna/agni>

arka>akra>agra> srii(raja/mangala/bhadra/varta/varsha/svar)-
ra(agni>ashTa>asta>dasa>pu>su- soma> soNa/ rakta/
draksha>sura> rusha> arusha>viira>niira>miina> madhu>
soma>wine>homa)> kshetra(temple/ body/ varsha/
bharga/Gabri-el)> gaatra> kaasara(mahisha,kesa-ra/ ma-kusa/
nahusha/ manusha)> Sushoma>sushama>
surata>suta>putra>Horus (Horus/ Garuda/putra/
sakra/sagara/sukra/sagara putra/ varsha/srava/sura/
sruu/karNa/KRshNa-son of Osiris-usra-sura-varsha-kaala-
samaya-yama-king of the dead and
Isis/Iisa/usha/bhadra/durga/desa/dasra/sarat/ aja/raja/srii
Aset/Eset/dasa/dasra/sarat/satra/putra/mitra>solar year
show image of blue Garuda/syena/samaya/ kaala/kRshNa/
Christ/ ka-rajan-king of kings-ka-nR-karNa-karaNa-karabha-
3>8>naaga/ashTa naaga/gaja/saka/ kesa/kaala/
ashTa/ishTi/yashTi/Sakadina/Hastina/ Temple year

satra (ashTa/ishTi/svar/sapta/abda)-ha -

ayana (Year,Kaanya)- Rg Varsha(Kuru

vansha/Daksha/Suurya Vansa/Visva-mitra/ NarayaNa/ Vishnu/
Kubja/Ra-ghu/Raama/ Ramayana/Gupta cf.ayana> sacrifice,
year,Passover.Narayana/Ramayana is king’s year/king’s
sacrifice/Hari srii-Visvamitra-Iesus Nazarenus/
PutrakameshTi/ Vernal equinox of every year.Hence Rama
was king of Ayodhya/udaya/Judea/Rex Iudaerum!)/ Saka

bhadra varsha>Jakha/sava-sun,sacrifice -

bhadra/putra/satra/mitra -varsha/ka/ha denoting

KRshNa/kaala/Raama/ raaja/Rg/Hari/srii/nR>Visvamitra
varsha/Visva Jit or vijaya varsha>Digvijaya varsha of
KRshNa/Rg veda/Hari>Rg –Vijaya-Varsha>gaana>Rg;raja-3,
raja/ mangala-gaana>gayatri-24-

ashTa/ishTi/yashTi/vasati/divasa ,

bhuja(subha/siva/mangala/devi/ravi/suurya/Durga )
cf.Jain ashTamangala/ ashTakarNa/ ashTa karaNa stoma/Rca

cakravarti-Sakrapatri-samraja-viraja/purusha/ putra/surata/
sutra/ sukta/ Kutsa(Rshi>Rca/rasa/dasa/ara/alt-ar) .Catur aha

(aha/ahna/agna/stoma)>caturanga(aksha/ahas) is

popular sacrifice installed by Visvamitra (Vishnu-

Indra).This is the caturanga(chess) played by Dharmaputra
and Duryodhana (suryodaya>suurya-turiiya-dhuriiya;
ra/va/u;aasana/dhaana-dhana) -the king of Hastina- as per
the Mahabharata.
The vedic people revelled in the play of aksha (akshadyuta>
ahas-udaya/syuuta-syota-basket cf.ark of Noah,baskets in
which Moses/KarNa were placed,ark of the Covenant,tomb of

Christ etc.Syuta/PeTa/ark/box is veda/Bharata/patra)/

satra/das-ra/sa/ka/saka/satra/sarat/sakti ,

, , , , , , , , , , ,

, , , -aksha-ashTa-agna-yajna-savana-
ishTi-yashTi.Signs of mangala/ sankara/siva/ subha or aya
make it akshaya/Yaksha/ashTamangala/narayana/kshetra
or mangala ishTi/ mangalya /sangama ishTi/surata/ putra/
suutra/ suukta/ ahas/ akshara/ panca/ savana/
samaya/sayana/sa-yama/ha-yama/hayana/yajna/vaaja of
the kings. Yajna/ samaya/tanaya/putra is yudha/ udaya
denoted by dawning and sunrise of the day.

Varsha(va-rasa/bha-rasa ) is

pura/prastha/raashTra.Hence we have , ,
.Ayana-paasage/Passover/sacrifice being Yama
He is the deity for the asterism of bharaNi/nRpa indicating
yama raja and the sacrifice of the king/sun.
Akshara being Daksha(ka/prajapati/ra/raja/rex/emperor)
the writing on the crucifix is INRI.
This seal clearly shows the Mahabharata alludes to stories in
the Rg veda of Harappan times.
The seal simply is the seal of king Duryodhana of
Hastinapura(ashTamangala)/Rama of Ayodhya with which
the priests probably performed a putra/caturaha satra
retelling the story of Bharata/Rshabha/ KRshNa/ Rama/
kaala/varsha.Rama Navami is the celebration of the Vernal
equinox(Ayodhya) and KrishnashTami,that of the Summer
It can also indicate the Saka dina/Karsha PaNa as
varsha/svar/paNa/vaNa/nava/nu/stoma is

Thus gaja/saka/Hastina/Dvaraka/aksha/garja/
garta/ garuda/ Horus/ varsha/harta/ashTa/ishTi/8 +
svar/dvar/7+aksha/ashTa/5/8>there are 5 words to denote
aksha/saka/ahas.The akshara number is usually taken in the
reverse.Vishnu rests on the aksha/sa/saka/naaga called
Sesha/Adisesha/ aksha/aakaasa/ahas/ahna.This gives a
value of 8+10+4+7+5>57408 sakadina>159 Saka year on
division by vatsara(360).If we divide 80475 by 360 we have
Saka 223.It can also indicate Saka ( KRshNa/
VRshNi/kaala/gaana/naaga/Rg/ sava/ sabha/
asva/sacrificial year/king’s year)-4 .

In the putrakameshTi yaaga, Dasaratha/

kalacakra/vatsanaabha used a horse/abda/varsha/
Horus/hari/asva/hariasva/srii vatsa/ Garuda/putra to beget
children >abda/varsha/ praja/putra/ Buddha)>saya>jaya>yaja-
sacrifice> yaaga>haya> asva> vaaca>vaaja>

Asva/haya/yaga/yajna/samaya/syena/tanaya was

called srii putra(Rudra /Vi-soma>Vishnu/ Buddha/

Gautama/go-soma) which can be explained by means of the
putra/surata/suutra/suukta/saya/yaja concept in the IVC
unicorn seal.Hence it is putra(surata-sex/Horus-varsha)-
dasa/dasra/satra/surata) as well.
palm-rasa-Rca-Rg-hari-puru-purusha-guru-kuru;hari is
asva,sarpa,purusha,sarpa,svar,sinha,man,lion,sun etc.),Eve(Ha-
moon , Mal.Havva), Cain(hayana-samaya-year,time cf.Kusa of
Ramayana),Abel(Lava of Ramayana,rava-sun,diva-day; Cain kills
Abel as time kills the day or sun) and Noah(Soma-moon,night is
flood that kills all and the lunar crescent is ark of Noah) denote
day and night in The Bible to denote yajna/ samaya/
sayana(surata-sex)/tanaya(putra/praja/varsha/ Horus/
Augustus). Vedic sacrifices are called
agnishToma.Agni/Bharata/atma(sun,yajna,samaya) is Adam and
soma is Noah.They are not the same.Agni gives the day/year.
Soma gives the night/month.Thus aha/ahna-sacrificial day/year
is completed.Which the Bible also does by the story of Adam and
Noah.Hence the statement:"And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night/nisa/sani/Saturn/sapta/sabbath. And
there was evening and there was morning, one day"
Our modern habit of scientific straight forward thinking forces us
to take many religious textual linguistic tricks in the literal sense
of the terms.But we should realise that one day can be made
seven days, seventy days,a year or even a thousand days in vedic
as sahasra(1000) is sa(that)-ghasra(day) or one day itself!
Similarly forty is catvarimsat. It is four(suurya/turiiya)
dasa(ten/time) or four disa direction.The year is completed by
solar(usra-el/srii-el/Isra-el) rotation or transit in the four
directions.Varsha/year is also adhvara/yajna.The yajna year is
the temple or the king's year.Dasa is ten, year or samaya/sa-
yama/agni. NR (raaja) is agni/king.Vatsa is year/son/dear.Now
combine the three terms dasa+nR+ vatsa and we have
catvarimsat(40). Hence Israel had to wander for forty years
,which is the single sacrificial solar year/day itself!

Soma(Noah /Thoma/Roma/Julius/Peter and Paul/

KRshNa/veda) is identical with Vishnu(Govinda/ Garudadhvaja/
VishTrasrava) as Vishnu is the Noon/Moon /highest point of the
sky and signify kaala/kesa/varsha/samaya/yajna/emperor.Kala
of moon is kaala/Yama/ samaya.Hence we have the lunisolar
calendar with the days of the month denoted by the kalas of the
moon and the varsha(year)/adhvara(sacrifice) by the
sun/agni/Ra.Yama /Kalindi(Yamuna) are allocated the
south/noon direction.Moon is called dasasva(ten/time/yajna
horse) and Vishnu has dasavatara(ten incarnations/ time/yajna
year whence he is called vatsara/ varsha/Bharata/
Rshabha/Indravaraja(Indra varsha/king's year cf.Ear of

Malchus/Year of Melech ) also.The noon point is the

soma/Noah/sky point .At Ararat/ardha ra(midnight) the arc of
Noah/soma/moon crosses this mountain point of the sky.Whence
we have the story of the flood and Noah’s ark in the bible.The
year/samaya/yajna is begun against the noon/sky/kaala/
moon/king/emperor/soma raja/viraja/
cakravartin/Bharata/Indra.The mid night birth of
Kratu/Christ/KRshNa/Hari varsha/kali yuga indicates this.
>Bethlehem is the house of the king/bread where Srii
Putra/Horus/ KRshNa/Buddha/son of man on the
cross/dasa/dasra/ sarat/varsha/vatsa/matsa/kaala is born.The
IVC symbol of fish on cross simply denote kaala/dasra/

satra/yajna/ samaya/agnishToma/ ashTamangala /

kshetra/solar year/temple year/king’s year. Fish/bull/bhadra

, /bharata , , -raatra-
satra-sarat-varsha-vaaja-Bharadvaaja/ putra/ soma/
king,agni,sun)/+spear also denote agnishToma(temple,praise of
king/sun;srii mukha)/patra(writ)/ Bharata/veda.
vaasa(beth-house,vaaca-speech, asva/hari/Rg/Kuru)>

sayana>syena , ,>yaja-ma>
garuda>syena>tanaya,whence garuda is kasyapa putra

also!Hence Angirasa(agni-dasa/king’s

year/rashTra)>karka/Garga , , ,
>Bharadvaja> Kasyapa>Gautama> BhRgu>yajna>samaya>
varsha>Horus> veda)/tanaya/atma/ Adam/Bethlehem.

Vatsa(varsha/vatsa/matsa)naabha , is varsha-
cakra>kaala-cakra> Dasaraaja/Sak-
ra(Indra/Aja/KarNa/srava/sruu/varsha/king’s year/king as
year/year as king cf.Christ on the

cross/dasa/saka/ksha/kaala/varsha/svar/vishnu) , ,
, , , , , , , , , >
Dasaratha/Sak-ra(Aja-Indra,king,father of Dasaratha)>sacrifictial

Bharadvaaja/viirabhadra/Horus/putra/ garuda/kRshNa>
Durga> dasra/desa/satra/ sarat/samaya/tanaya/syena/yajna “According to the later writers Censorinus and Macrobius, the ideal intercalary cycle
consisted of ordinary years of 355 days alternating with intercalary years, alternately 377 and
378 days long. In this system, the average Roman year would have had 366+1⁄4 days over four
years, giving it an average drift of one day per year relative to any solstice or equinox. Macrobius

describes a further refinement whereby, in one 8-year period cf.naaga , ,

) within a 24-year cycle, there were only three intercalary years, each of 377 days (thus 11
intercalary years out of 24). This refinement averages the length of the year to 365.25 days over
24 years.This is the vedic gayatri/yagagni/24 horas/24 years/ashTa mangala/ashTa

raja/srii/tri/>ashTasrii>8*3>24 hour/year solar cycle cf. , ,

year/king’s speech)-ma>ma-ukta>makuTa>go/ka-
vacana/vasana(king’s house,king’s speech)>Bharata/
aksha(akshara/ saka/kesa/giita)/king’s speech.
Mahaa(water bufflaoe; asva/avasa/abda/ agni;
asva/agni/hari/Rg+soma/stoma/dhaana/ sthaana>

a/Yadu/udaya/vijaya/vishnu Yadu-Hari>Rg-

vijaya>Digvijaya) >vaaha(hand ,bull , river

,marga/ /smaaraka cf.Eucharist/veda/alt-ar)

cf.woman with jar symbols).

Iis-vara >iisa(raja)-pada(foot) /rava(sun,svar,sabda,

heaven cf.with aksha/ashTa it indicate agniisvara-fire god,king
god,sun god)>srii mukha(veda)>tri-mukha(three faced
with two robbers/sRgaala-jackal)>bha-rasa> patra> bhadra>
vRsha> varsha>svar>sarpa>kusa>uksha>ukta>sukta>soma.
There are different lahari(intoxication) terms denoting
sa-hari(tiger,sun)>nagari(nagara/ karaNa/karNa)>veda
lahari>pada lahari>Deva nagari> praNaya lahari>madya
lahari>aananda lahari>gaana lahari/rasa/Rca.
AshTa>agni>hari>Rg.AshTa-mangala>veda gaana/
ambara>veda gaana>Rg-nRpa/ parNa/ varNa/karNa>
varNa/karNa>ashTakarNa(naama/kalabha-sectarian mark/
karabha/kala of bha/sun/king/animal/star).Thus the animal
seals indicate kalabha/naama/sectarian mark of vedic
Ka-aala being ka/aga/naga/druma/droNa/Roma/ra-satra/ra-
stara/nakshatra/kshetra, the vedic temples are shown with
deities on trees(druu/druma/DroNa/aga-jar,tree,hill,

snake,trough , , to indicate the

sun/aga/ kha/ khaga/bha/bhaga/ra/ravi in the
sky(naka,kha),day(aha cf.khaga,bhaga),king on throne(droNa-

trough,jar , ,
/Soma/Thoma/DroNa/druuNa/ Agastya/ Roma/ Saka Varsha).
Asvathama(avasa-dhaana/medha> raja dhaana-throne-altar-ara-
dasa-asta-ashTa-agni) is droNa/ druma(naga)/
druuNa(scorpion)/ soma/rasa/tara in the jar/ trough placed
before the sacrificial animals/bha/va/sun/ king. Asva/avasa/
abda/kaala/raaja with dhaana/druma/soma is asvamedha/abda

medha/gavamayana/ varsha satra/sam(yama)-vatsara satra

/sarpa(varsha/svar/vishnu) satra (catura/suutra/surata/

astra/rajata cf.30-tri dasa-trikaala-shekels of silver).
Vatsara>pad(four)-sara>vatsa/ja(born,son)-ra(agni) also as in
seal with four sara to make vatsara/samaya/
Viirabhadra(vaara paatra/paana paatra/veda patra/deva
bharata/Peter/vir dominus) is denoted by
viira/niira/siira/suura/ miina/arka/agni/vaara/
kaala/gaana/paada/veda+ bhadra/ pa-tra/ tra/darbha-kusa-
uksha/rasa/sara/ raasa/ dasa/ varsha/sarpa/satra/dominus.
With decline of Vedic Harappa,Vardhamaana/Varsha
naama/Putra naama /Budha naama became predominant and
flourished till the Gupta(go/hu-pada/rava/rasa;bhRgu/Vishnu/
Horus/KRshNa) revival of the vedic culture again.The guptas
brought back the Varaha(Indra/mitra/putra/mihira/ bhadrasva/
Bharadvaaja/Rg veda) unicorn culture in the front stage of Indian
The Christian cross(dasa/ara/ashTa mangala/alt-ar/
sarat/satra/saras/surata/Pu-tra/Horus of Isis for the
phallus/palace of Osiris ,her surata with Osiris and the birth of
Horus/Varsha/abda/asva/praja/KRshna/Srii putra/Dharma
putra/Christ ) also indicates the same as “cross/crossing” is
X(aksha/kesa/kaala/dasa/dasra/Dasaratha/ Horus/Garuda/
garta/varsha/harta/arka/agna/ yajna/ samaya/ syena/sayana/
sa-yama/ha-ayana/ha-yama/ka-yama/ka-nya> two fish,two
tigers,two cipher/two pans of the scale borne by Dharma/
amRta/Soma/suura raja-Kaala-Samaya-Yajna-medha-maaDa/
kanya-Durga-Bhadra-Mary/agrahaayana-sun,New Year)
itself.This is because samaya is sa-yama, saya-ma,saya-na,
soNa),kasya(cf.Kasya-pa,by kasya and pa/patra in kasya-mid of
the asva),kshaya,sayana/ syena/yajna.Similarly udaya
(suryodaya-sunrise) is u(va/bha)-saya(yaja/jaya).Saya is
jaaya/bhaarya.KRshNa has 16008 wives as 16+8=24=Gayatri.His
wife Satya(astya) bhaama is bhaama astya/kaala/kesa/kshetra.
In one of his many forms, Ra, god of the sun, has the head of a
falcon and the sun-disk inside a cobra resting on his head.Clearly
ra>ravi>khaga>garuda>gayatri>savitR etc.

Cf. , Sakra-patri(Cakravarti),vRsha(bull,Indra)>varsha,

Name in hieroglyphs


These symbols also confirm the vedic ashTamangala symbols as

ra/agni as the sun,time,raja(tiger,man+sun,hari,srii,giri,Kuru,Rg),
kara(arka/ dos/dasa), hara(ass,agni,siva) etc.

Isis nursing Horus, seventh century BCE

Ravi is ra(agni)-vi(bird,horse) or aga(sun,snake),Khaga(sun,bird)

or sa(god,bird,snake as seen on the head of Ra/ra-ja/pra-
Name in hieroglyphs Egyptian: ꜣst[1]

Meroitic: Wos[a] or Wusa[2][3]

Name in hieroglyphs simply confirms Isis is iisa/ bhadra/

mangala/subha/siva/vasu/pasu/ashTa as seen in IVC seals.

=asta/ashTa/agna/ishTi/mangala/ra , , , , ,

; bha- dhara; bhadra/ durga/

siva/sakti.AshTamangala is
Composite image of Isis's most distinctive Egyptian iconography, based partly on images from
the tomb of Nefertari.

Isis, left, and Nephthys stand by as Anubis(Vishnu) embalms the

deceased, thirteenth century BCE. A winged Isis appears at
top.Note the blue/black heads to indicate
Osiris/ wsjr(cf.varsha/kaala/yama/sa-yama), lord of the dead
and rebirth. His green(bhadra/bharata/varsha) skin symbolizes
Head of the God Osiris, ca. 595–525

B.C.E .Osiris ,compare with the Harappan unicorn .

Phallus sisna/linga of Osiris>saasana/Saasta>sa-ashTa>sa-

Name in hieroglyphs


nayana/netra/ miina/matsya/Sinai/
netra(beard,god,cakravarti,sacrifice) indicate
Indra/mitra/dharma etc.Indra is also phalgu(BhRgu/

This is ashTa-mangala /Kaala/kshetra/Rg-

ambara/digambara/svatambara etc.

ḥr “Horus”

Hari/Indra/Vishnu/KRshNa is Egyptian “hr”/Horus/Garuda/

with wings and one horn/karaNa/karNa/kiraNa)/sarpa etc.
Ravi(falcon) is viira.Bull(bulla) is bhadra/
Horus, an ancient Egyptian falcon headed-deity. Horus was
usually depicted wearing the double crown of kingship, but also
appeared in a fully falcon form, among others. Ra, another falcon-
headed deity, is distinguished by the presence of the sun disk on
his head, but the ancient Egyptians often combined Re and Horus
into the composite deity known as Re-Horakhty.Deities like
Garuda/Syena/Vishnu/KRshNa/Horus/Ra being ra/agni/
samaya/ tanaya/ syaama/kaala.Hence they are painted
blue/black also.This is not because of their blacksmith/ metal
work profession as inferred by some scholars!
Egyptian blue(syaama/kaala/kRshNa/vRshNi) bird

gods/Horus>khaga >sa>samaya>sa-yama(NarayaNa) , ,

AshTamangala on a carved stone bowl dedicated

to Inanna(ina>yama-sun,king;anna-soma, sun,

Aksha(ashTa/dasa/ara/saka/sakadina/kali dina/aha/ahas/ahna) is Panca/Karsha/eye/snake/ wheel/

dot/mark/die in game,Garuda etc.But aksha is ashTa(naaga/dik/ Rg) and panca/aksha /garuda is
savana also.Varsha is sarpa/ svar(Vishnu/soma)/rava/sruu/sarva/visva/Vishnu etc.
Vastra indicate va-stara/vatsara/Vishnu/cf.sage Durvasas(srii
vaasava/prabhaata/sura bhaasa/sura bhaasha/sura vaca).
Split cloth(>split Eucharist/Mal.osti(vasati/vatsara/

vastra/sriivatsa/vatsa naabha
.Note the “cup”/bharaNi/nRpa/VaruNa/aga/aha/rasa

or aha of yaaga/ Jesus requested his father to take

away from him at the left bottom)> sam/yama-vatsara/yama
vastra! The god head/head of John/time when the sun god is
etc./siirsha-head/tiirtha-holy water/caesar is the sun as
head time as his body/temple.
Kshetra is gatra(gaa+rasa/sara/tra) –body .Hence it is the body of
god(sun,time,temple)/son of god/god sun-svar-varsha-srava-
sruu-voice of god.It is gayatri/syena also.It is Uccai-sravas

!It is hari-asva or hari/nR as asva/avasa/abda/

vac/go/hu/yajna/ syena/samaya/kaala/raaja.It is king’s
speech/bha-rasa/bhadra/bharata/patra/ve-da/Peter and Paul
/go-spel/a(bull)-svara(sura/ adhvara/ asvina/asura/ arusha).
A/ka/go/bha/va/sa with kara/va is arka/arva/asva/ avasa/
vac/agna/ agni/agra/ akra(bhadra/ bharata/ varsha/ satra/
fort/sacrifice)/ hara/cakra/Sakra/ sukra/sava(satra)/ sabha/

rava/diipa ( the Holy Mass ,the top portion of the

eucharist bread is dipped in sara/rasa/ rakta/ soNa/soma and
folded to form a deepa-lamp to denote Sarasvati-sarat-dasra-svar-
varsha-veda-deva-rava-the sun god)/
aala>agra(fish,agna) haayana(spear)>king’s year>king’s ear>

veda>sruti >kRti>karaNa-INRI>KarNa/KRshNa>Rshi.
Hence veda is heard/seen by Rshis as sRshTi(Sa-RshTi>sruti-

ear>karNa>karaNa>karabha >bhRgu/ gaja/

saka/kesa>bhara-hu/go>bearing sacrifice/sun/word) denote
dRshTi(eye).Kshetra is temple and body.
With rasa/sara/tara/athar/ara/ra/alt-ar/soma/suura/svar it
becomes sara/ka-jyoti/agna/satra>Sarasvati>ashTa mangala.
AgnishToma>JyotishToma>Ka-satra>kaala> Beth-melech/
Bethlehem>kshetra>Saravati kshetra>vidya piiTha>Sarva kalaa
saala etc.
AshTa(asta/dasa/pada/rava/veda/deva) is 1/3 of 24(gayatri).
AshTa is gaaya(sa-ri-ga-ma-pa-dha-ni-sa)/ kaaya(body)/
haya(asva/ vac/sabda/sapta/go/pada/abda) etc.

Patra>Bharata>veda>putra(pu-rasa )
>bhadra>raaja.Thus Dharma putra is veda patra/veda
karaNa/Deva nagara(pura/sura/akra-Hastina pura>Gaja
pura>saka pura>ksha pura>kesa pura>Rg pura/ sura/Rca)/
Dharma raja/dharma naada/amRta naada/amRta
mathana/amRta medha/deva vaaNi etc.
AshTa/ra is agni/yajna/ishTi/ashTasrii(yupa).
The cross , , , , , , is
Kaala/varsha/hari varsha/kali/surya/Julius varsha was born at
midnight,every year,when the sun is at the Winter Solstice against
Soma,sky, noon, Moon,Vishnu/Vatsara, KRshNa,Yama, Yamuna,
king’s seat etc.
This is the birth of kratu(sacrifice,samaya,Vishnu)/Horus/Christ.

The cross of Christ is dasa/rasa/soma/soma lata and

Makara/Capricorn/Ka-rNa/ka-nR , , /ka-rajan/
yama/haayana> Kaala/nisa/Sani(Saturn,nisa,jani-janana) is the

dasa -tenth-sign and its beginning marks beginning of

dasa/Sasta(Lord Ayyappa) etc.Makara(ma-
arka/akra/agna/agra)/ naraka(paataala-Hades) is Bethlehem.
Rajata/dasra/darsa(New Moon-Amavasya-Emmaus) denote
tejas/retas/ satra/ sarat/soma.There were New Moon and Full
Moon(PaurNami) sacrifices.
veda-rava-sava-sabha) is ma/yama/ raja/ra-ja/ ra-aja/tanaya/
sayana/syena/yajna.Kaala/samaya/Yama is raja(ra-sun,ja-
born,sa-god,bird cf.unicorn-garuda-syena-gayatri)/son of the sun
god.Hence Christ who heard the svar/varsha/kaala/
syena/yajna(“this is my beloved son with whom I am well
Pleased” ) is putra(unicorn;pu-tara)/son of god and son of man-
Marta putra-Dharma putra-amRta putra-kaala and
king(INRI),holy spirit ,son of kanya(hayana/haya-na/ kalya )
etc.The Julian year was instituted to introduce mitra(mi/ma-tara-
athar-rasa-kha>aasa>mukha> makha)/Indra(Egy.ntr-god/ netra-
king, sacrifice,eye)/ Bharata(bha-rasa/tara/athar)/ putra(pu-
agni,tara-rasa-sura)/suta as the god of the Roman
emperor/empire.AshTa mangala is dasa raja /dasa ratha/kaala
cakra/sat raja/sat vacana/sat vasana/sal-lekhana(cf.INRI on the
cross).The unicorn is vaaja(food)/va-sa/asva/vaca/Bharadvaja/
Garga/ Kasyapa (rasa> kasya;kshaya-pa>beth-melech>Beth-
lehem>house of king>house of food/bread)/ agni/go/
kara/a-gna/a-naga/sa-naga/Sanaka>sangha> sankha> sinha>
a-nka/ca-kara/Sakra/cakra/aksha/karsha/ garta/ garuda/
go/harta/sukra/sun, copper, king, phallus, palace,
12,dvadasaha/soma yajna).With rasa/sura it is bha-
rasa/Bharata/bhadra/putra/raaja(cf.Dharma raja>Dharma
putra/KRshNa)/ purusha/ bhuu-sura/agni-rasa/Angi-rasa/
taraka.Rasa>Rta>amRta>Mathura>dharma cakra>Dhar-
ma(amRta/marta) putra( tanaya/ samaya/
kaala/syena/yajna)!!!This is sacrifice of the son of

Dharma raaja>agra haayana.MaaDa/stoma , >

medha>meTa(Tower cf.Tower Troy weights).Dharma
raja(naada) satra(house,sacrifice,year).Dharma raja>dharma
naada>veda>go-svara/go-rasa/go-spel/Peter and Paul/king’s
speech!! Sara>tra>tara>rasa>rasana>racana>Rca>Rg.Rasa-
bha/va>Rca-bha>Rsabha>bharata>varsha>svar.With patra it is
veda patra/deva nagari/bharata/king’s speech.Satra(netra)-
vaasa/asta/ka> bhadra-vaasa>bhadraasana>bhadra-ajna>sa-
asana> Bharadvaja> veda>kshetra>ashTa
mangala>Sasta>Subhadra.The unicorn is called putra(Bharata/
maana(naama/ miina/nayana/netra)>varsha nama>svar
nama / Maha viira/ Jina/Buddha/Gautama/Egy.
Ho-rus /pu-rasa/rusha/ sura/ rakta/draksha wine/
soNa/ soma/ rohita> purusha>praja>varsha> bhu-sura/bhu-
deva/bhu-srii Mal.Nambuutiri)-kam(kala/
raja/naga/mahaa)-eshTi yaga in the Ramayana as
Dasaratha(sun) is Kaalacakra(wheel of time) and Raama is
raja(putra) and putra of Dasaratha(sun).The unicorn being
arka=12 denote twelve days(dvadasaha)/twelve months/twelve
tribes(putra/praja of Jacob/yahva(lord,vakya/svar)/pu-
casa/saka-pu/gupta/sa-gopa/gopala/sabda/abda/ pada/svar/
veda/varsha of sun)/twelve disciples etc. in the
vedas/testaments/gospels. Rasa is dasa/kaala.
Dasa+arka/arha>dasarha-KRshNa.Thus KRshNa is
kaala/syama/samaya.The unicorn is rohit-asva/pu-
rohita/Agni-dhra/Angi-rasa/Ga-rga/ga-Rg/Rca also .
Sakya>rahasya>aksha>akshi.Sakya muni>rahasya mozhi>
akshara>veda>patra>pa-rasa>King’s speech.Yaana is
ayana.Mahaa yaana>mahaa ayana/aasana/dhaana/
naada/naatha/stoma>veda gaana.Hiina/mina/viira/agni
yaana>viira ayana/stoma.
Vishnu and his incarnations are painted kaala/ kRshNa/
niila/syama(blue/black) as they are kaala/samaya/varsha/yajna
denoted by the syena(samaya/Garuda/varaha-time).The unicorn
garuda is garudadhvaja/vishTarasrava/govinda/Vishnu himself.
Bha-kshaNa(akshara) is bhaga/bhadra/bharata-asana/
aasana/ajna/naada/daana/naatha.Vaaja/hari is va/pa-
Images Of Eight Handed Durga On Tiger Employ Harappan
Vedic AshTamangala cf.eight spoked/armed wheel

1. AshTamangala(gokula/go-pura/bha-rasa/naTya saastra

recognises ashTa rasas : śṛṅgāra (Erotic),

2. hāsya (Comic cf.kasya/madya/maddhya/mid/rasa),
3. karuṇa (Pathetic,karaNa/karNa),
4. raudra (Furious,putra>pu-tara>rava-srii>savitR),
5. vīra (Heroic,cf.rasa is viira bhadra),
6. bhayānaka (Terrible>bha-yaana/yagna),
7. bībhatsa (Odious;pu-vatsa),
8. adbhuta (Marvellous; The ninth rasa is called śānta (the
peaceful;sa-anta/ma-asta/matsa). Thus the rasas together
are called navarasas (the nine sentiments). Abhinavagupta
mentions the śānta rasa as the major and basic rasa)

Go-spel(svar/sabda/soma) is uni/agni-corn/kiraNa/

karNa(srava-Uccaisravas )/karaNa/karabha/

ku-rava/bhu-sura/bharata/ bhadra / bhaTTa/

bhaTTaraka/ kuru(Rg)/ kshatra/kshetra/kesa-va/kesa-
pa/soma raaja/ somapa/ surapa/go-
tra(Indra/mitra;cf.conjoined three bulls)/bha- bha-rata>ne-

tra>Indra>Dvaraka/raga/Digvijaya .Ka-
satra>kshtra>Dharma kshetra>Kuru Kshetra>Bharata varsha(jar-



agna>bha-rasa>bha-sara>bha-tara>bha-tra> bhadra> Bharata>

Catura/caturbhuja >satra>sa+tra>sarat>dasra>
desa>tasara> pada>asta>sat>ashTa>deva>veda>

viira.Ka+satra>ak-sha (garuda, 5,wheel,karsha)

>ka+catura> kshetra> kshatra>vatsara>varsha> rashTra>
ashTamangala.Hence we have the mangala/bhadra sign on the
unicorn aksha/gaja/ saka/kesa/Pancala/hari varsha/soma
varsha/soma vansa/ samvatsara/cakravartin(cakrapatri>sa-
kara-patri>sakra patri>Garuda>suparNa>su-varNa>su-
nRpa.Garuda(garta-throne/harta-sun/Horus-year/Herod) with

two tigers , , in Sumerian>patri(cakra/vaaja/vaasra)

as nR>raja>hari>pa/va.Hence three pa>patri.Hence

we have saka/gaja/hastin/kesa +patri/sa +cakra>cakrapatri-
Hastina/BhRgu/saka).Catura>Mathura>sa/ma; bull>bha.Hence
we have sabha>aksha>kesa(palace/temple/pa-alaya/pa-
kuTa/ka-kuTa-hump of bull,Kakudstha-Indra /Pagoda.
Aja+bha/kara>sa-kara>cakra>sakra>sabha>sava> rava as
sa>ra>na>ma eg.satra/stoma/spear/arrow> raatra>netra>Indra>
asta>rajya.Jesus with spear>bull with spear>rashTra>ra-satra>
ra-stoma>raja-stoma>raja suuya>vaaja peya> agnishToma.Man
with head as spear/hayana and weight denote agnishToma/
Dharma raja(naada) stoma.

vatsara>varsha>Bharata>Bharata varsha> veda svara>deva
svara>deva vaaNi.

spel/speech>king’s speech as rasa/rusha is
agni/speech/svar/spel.Go/hu-spel is veda.Thus the unicorn seals
denote vedic speech/temple/ Rg/Rca/giita/



arusha/arushi/red horse of sun cf.rakta-

rohita/wife of bhR-gu/Kuru/ku-bhara/go-bhara/hu-bhara/bhu-
bhara/ Mathura/Hastina pura/ dharma/amRta.Arusha is
rusha/sura/jina/rasa/rasana/ netra/ratna/Indra/ra(fish
Uccaisravas (unicorn)>uksha-iisvara>ukta-

raja/srii/gira/gaja/Rg-sruu/sura/ rusha/Rca/jina/
arusha/rava.The unicorn denote veda/deva sukta.


AshTamangala>1440 divided by 24(gayatri)>60(Guru/ Jupiter

cycle)>6(shat/ sat/man)* 10(dasa/ raja/kaala/ gala/kala/hala/
kara/arka/agra)>sankara>sanhara.Stoma signs like
spear,arrow,number,multitude,mass etc.appear in the texts and
images to indicate agnishToma.Images of gods are shown with
ayudha/ha/weapon to indicate udaya/vijaya/stoma(stu-
ma>king’s praise! cf.praasa-spear-raaja>praisha-slave,
tri/srii/ nR/ raja is the king’(Visvamitra)’s song to praise the sun

ata/patra/raaja/mitra/indra>purusha/praja/varsha/ surata/
svar/svarga/veda/ medha/mesha(aja+esha>mesha>Indra>netra-
king,sacrifice>medha>makha-sacrifice).Indra/king/sun is the
personified sacrifice/yajna/samaya.He is invoked to drink
soma/sa-aum/stoma(stu-ma)/homa/havana/rasa/sura/ jina/
rusha/arusha/ aruNa/ Aaron/Arjuna(son of


Mathura(Meluhha)/marut(vaayu)/ amRta/
jina/KRshNa.Man/vis/panca/aksha/saka/agni+spear ,
raaja>Soma-raaja>soma-naada>veda-naada. Bull/vRsha/
purusha/varsha/svar/veda+spear/praasa/nu/ stoma/
satra>Vishnu/havis>praise the lord!

Sebastian>devasi>diipti /jyoti is praised in January with the rise

of the sun from Capricorn increasing day duration.Holy eucharist
is made tripat/Vishnu by folding one fourth with
soma/soNa/rasa/rakta/rusha/sara/sira/jina/sura to make it
lamp/jyoti/diipa/deva/veda/rava/sun.The bread/vaaja with
wine denote kalyaNa/mangala of marriage of Cana/kaala/kalya.It
is the ashTa mangala beginning of the Gospel of John.


Hence 30 silver pieces employed in the Bible to denote

maasa/medha/somakrayaNa , tridasa/satra/


Srii/Hari/aja/raja/Vishnu/Visva /naaga+

Indra/netra/satra >Srii-Rajendra/Mahendra-

Salabha-butterfly>patra-fly/sarabha/patra cf.unicorn-Putra>
rajendra/samraaja as in k-50/M-1161.
Va(bulls)-tra(tra-three,agni)/ vaasra/rasa/panca/ savana/
saka/sava/aksha/ kesa/karsha/ garta/ Garuda/varsha.

Raja Rajendra Bharata varsha(Bharadvaaja) satra/ dasra/


Ma-sura/rusha >Mathura>ma-dhura>dharma>
amRta> aatma>tanaya>putra>sayana>samaya>yajna.

Rusha/sura/rasa/go + paala/ paana/


Rusha+ra/bha/dot>Rudra >mitra>putra>

Ra/na/ma/pa being body we have ra as head to make

nR/srii/raja/hari seen with aja , to make

ra/rasa/raaja/raaga.NR/hari/srii is raaja.Srii putra

is asva/avasa/abda/varsha/samaya/yajna/hariyasva.Hence body
with tiger to make sinhaasana/bhadraasana/ DroNa/
raaja/samraja/soma raaja/soma naada-veda/ suura
raaja/Suurasena/Somaka/sava/saka/sa-vana(tree or srii or druu
rudra or sruu on head/ Caesar siirsha/ tiirtha/janana/ snaana/
medha/mesha/va-aja/ Visva/ Narasinha/Vaasava/vaajapeya/va-

aasa /va-esha( , , sapta

kanya>Kaanya Kubja, ,
woman/bhadra/durga/bhadra varsha/bhadra
vaaja/Bharadvaaja/Rg veda cf.women at the crucifixion to
facilitate birth of putra varsha through
kanya/samaya/yajna/PutrakameshTi/handing over of Tiberius-
John-Soma as the new putra-varsha-Daksha to Mary/Livia).

-Kusikha-Hari Srii-Srii Hari-Indra-Vishnu-Bharata-

Rshabha-KRshNa-Raama-Daksha-Saka-raaja-kaala ,

/sikya /Saakya-Buddha/saakhi-veda-Rg> >

Arusha(dawn>suura> putra>
soma>tanaya>samaya>yajna)> AruNa> dvara>svar>
sabda>sapta.Hence Dvara(fish-ka/ra.Spear-satra/sabha/dasa/
saka/ varsha/adhvara/ yama/ma. Ra+Ka>Saka> Somaka>
Pancaala>Suura sena>sruu naada> gaja>garja> tiger>hari>
Raaja>naada>Rg. Rg netra(Indra/ sacrifice)>Rg king>Rg sacrifice!

Rajendra , is samrat/cakravarti/king’s sacrifice!!Hence

Augustus/the Christ/Putra/Soter was speared.Saya> yaja>suuya>
kha/nakha>raja –saya>raja- sya>rajasuuya> narayana(bali)>
niryana(death).Nakha/sankha/sinha indicate medha/suuya.

/Holy Mass etc.Dva/rava/veda/svar denote Bharata/
Peter/Paul.Hence they are placed in Karka/Garga/svar-ga/sura-

go/veda/dva/ rava/svar -
rasa(medha/sura/meat juice/speech/ tongue)/viira/
>Khaga. Svar/ka/a +aga/ashTa/naaga/ saya/sa/a>catvara/

satvara/prastha , , , cf.agnishToma-ashTa
Sankha/sinha/sa/that/he-makha/medha>holy mass>soma.
Go/pu/bhu-rusha/sura/rasa/jina>Purusha> VRshNi>
ishTi> ma/agni/ soma+kha/turiiya> makha/soma/
Somaka/Pancaala/Suurasena/suura dhaana/

Peter and Paul is king’s speech/veda bhasha/deva bhaasha/

bhaasa/ Bharata/veda/Bharata/Sanskrit/Deva Nagari/deva vaNi.

Teaching Deva vaaNi/Sanskrit began from at least 10000 BCE,

which is the birth time of the Indo-European languages.Paul is
spel/svara/sura/rasa.Bharata/Rshabha/Peter is
Go(vaaca/vaaja/svar/sky/king).King’s speech is
writing(patra/varNa) as king(nRpa/Bharata/Peter).Christianity
was founded by the letters of Paul(Saul/svar)/his epistles as
apostala(putra/subhadra/su-patra).This is bhadraasana/bhadra-
ajna/jana/saasana/bha-rasa/veda/va-esha /Bharadvaaja/

patra-vaaca/Peter and Paul/ vac/vaaja/soma /ambara

/nRpa / veda / deva cf.prastha-devalaya-vasati-ambara-

ashTa mangala -Rg ambara/varNa/parNa-Soma

raja/Somanaatha/Somapa/Gopa/Gopaala -Digambara

-Svetambara-/ dva/sva/ asva/rava/svar/

ambara/ambala. Asvatthama -AshTamangala/kshetra

, -is Devalaya , /Vasati/ Vihaara/ divasa/

Kaala/Varsha/Hastina/Dvaraka etc.The unicorn

denote BhRgu,Bharadvaja, Kasyapa,Sandilya,VRshNi, KRshNa,
Arjuna,Deva VaNi,Veda vaaNi,Deva nagari/ Bharata/ Putra/
Buddha/bhusura, bhudeva/ Mathura/dharma/vajapeya/
rajasuya/ asvamedha/KRshNa/Indra/Viirabhadra etc.The king is
the father god/godfather of praja/varsha.The
priest/Kuru/Puru/Bharata/Veda is his tongue.

Bharata(priest,Peter)/Pu-tra/ra-aja/dasa is the
tara(agni,traaNa)/rasa(tongue) of pu/ra/bha/
god(emperor).Hence the Holy ghost descended on him in the
form of tongues of fire(pu-rasa) in Acts of the
Apostles.2.3 !

Sara/rasa/sura is ra.Agni/bull is go/ga/ka>Rg/Rg-

hu/Raghu/raja-hu/saya/yaja/mesha/makha/Ahura mazda etc.

Astarte with fish mitre or

Dagon with fish tail

denote agni/ashTamangala/agnishToma. Fish is miina/ niira/

viira/naara and indicate sunrise/light/soma/ Heb.Moza/
kalya/kanya/Ahalya.Rasa/rasana/racana/ratra/netra/Indra etc.

Ra/viira+vi/hari/asva>Ravi(sun)/suurya/su-raya/ denote “holy”.

Go is word/god.Bull is ra/agni/bulla.Bull has patra/

pada/vaaca/vaaja/veda making it Rg veda/Bharadvaja/bhadra-
vaaca/srii mukha/gayatri/king’s speech.Luke is
Rg/mukha.Mukha with bhadra/darbha/kusa/

Kshetra(temples) have go-pura(prastha/praasaada).

Asta(mangala) can be pada(ashTapada/magala/svarNa-gold)

and ashTa .cf.Mal.nalu(four)-kettu and ettu(8)-kettu

form of building houses/temples/palaces.

Gaya-tri >gaana-srii>naaga-srii>naka-srii>3*8>24>3-

aga(4)/aja/haya ;ha/ka-aya-srii.The twelve horas of day

make twelve diciples of Christ.Yajna being samaya/sa-yama,the
disciples are paired to make 24 and then 24*3>72 also which is
sapta(7,abda)-svara(ravi/dvi),which in reverse is 27,the number
of asterisms in a month.

Kshetra(gaja/saka+rasa/dina) >Hastina>
bhuusura,rasa-earth,agni-sura)>mantra>mandira >sal-
varsha>Jakha-bhadra>ma-astya> matsya> Narayana>
Satyabhaama>matsya>Nasatya> mandira
rashTra/ashTamangala , .
sha>harta> agni> ra/ma/na>ravi. Hasta>

AshTamangala cf. Abel(ravi/agni) and

Cain(samaya/cayana),Ark(asta/ashTa/agni) of Noah(soma),Ark
of the Covenant ,tomb of the Christ etc. denote


>kshetra/vasati/ambara>raashTra>nakshatra etc. AshTa , ,-

mangala-mangala traya , >haya-srii>srii

bhadra>savitri>gayatri>trikaala>sRgaala etc.
ashTa(ra/ ishTi/ Gaayatri.AshTa kalasa is oblation for agni)/

ashTa(ra) –hasta/asta/dasa (dos-hand-bhuja-subha-

sat)-mangala(devi/ravi/ra) >ra-asta-ra>rashTra

Somapa>Gopa>Gopaala> naaga/bhRgu/bha/
ashTa/hari/haya/ asva/ avasa/vaaja/
kuru+soma/rasa/tara/ mangala/ jina>kshetra>
Kara>va>bha>arka>agra>agna>anka. Ra(ashTa)-va(kara)-
bha>BhRgu>Kshetra>Dharma kshetra>Kuru kshetra

Sanskrit dictionary

Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

Rasa (रस).—[ras-ac]
1) Sap, juice (of trees); इक्षुरसः , कुसुमरसः (ikṣurasaḥ,
kusumarasaḥ) &c.
2) A liquid, fluid; यष्टव्यं पशुभिमुुख्यैरथो बीजै रसैररभि (yaṣṭavyaṃ
paśubhirmukhyairatho bījai rasairiti) Mb.14.91.21; न्यस्ताक्षरा
धािुरसेन यत्र (nyastākṣarā dhāturasena yatra) Ku.1.7.
3) Water; सहस्रगुणमुत्स्स्रष्टु मादत्ते भह रसं रभ ः
(sahasraguṇamutsraṣṭumādatte hi rasaṃ raviḥ) R.1.18; Bv.2.144.
4) Liquor, drink; Ms.2.177.
5) A draught, potion.
6) Taste, flavour, relish (fig. also) (considered in Vaiś. phil. as one
of the 24 gunas; the rasas are six; kaṭu, amla, madhura, lavaṇa,
tikta and kaṣāya); परायत्तः प्रीिेः कथ- भम रसं ेत्तु पुरुषः (parāyattaḥ
prīteḥ katha- miva rasaṃ vettu puruṣaḥ) Mu.3.4; U.2.2.
7) A sauce, condiment,
8) An object of taste; मनो बबन्धान्यरसान् भ लङ्ध्य सा (mano
babandhānyarasān vilaṅdhya sā) R.3.4.
9) Taste or inclination for a thing, liking, desire; रस जं रसोऽप्यस्य
परं दृष्वा भन िुिे (rasavarjaṃ raso'pyasya paraṃ dṛṣṭvā
nivartate) Bg.2.59; इष्टे स्तुन्युपभििरसाः प्रेमराशीि न्ति (iṣṭe
vastunyupacitarasāḥ premarāśībhavanti) Me.114.
1) Love, affection; जरसा यन्तिन्नहायो रसः (jarasā yasminnahāryo
rasaḥ) U.1.39; प्रसरभि रसो भन वुभिघनः (prasarati raso
nirvṛtighanaḥ) 6.11 'feeling of love'; रसादृिे (rasādṛte) V.2.21; Ku.
11) Pleasure, delight, happiness; भिरात्सुिस्पशु- रसज्ञिां ययौ
(cirātsutasparśa- rasajñatāṃ yayau) R.3.26.
12) Charm, interest, elegance, beauty.
13) Pathos, emotion, feeling.
14) (In poetic compositions) A sentiment; न रसरुभिरां
भनभमुभिमादधिी िारिी क ेजुयभि (navarasarucirāṃ nirmitimādadhatī
bhāratī kaverjayati); K. P.1. (The rasas are usually eight :--
śṛṅgārahāsyakaruṇaraudravīrabhayānakāḥ |
bhībhatsādbhutasaṃjñau cetyaṣṭau nāṭye rasāḥ smṛtāḥ || but
sometimes śāntarasa is added; thus making the total number
9; nirvedasthāyibhāvo'sti śānto'pi navamo rasaḥ K. P.4; sometimes
a tenth, vātsalyarasa, is also added. Rasas are more or less a
necessary factor of every poetic composition, but, according to
Viśvanātha, they constitute the very essence of poetry; vākyaṃ
rasātmakaṃ kāvyam S. D.3.).
15) Essence, pith, best part; ब्रह्म िेजोमयं शुक्रं यस्य स ुभमदं रसः
(brahma tejomayaṃ śukraṃ yasya sarvamidaṃ rasaḥ)Mb.12.24.9.
16) A constituent fluid of the body.
17) Semen virile.
18) Mercury.
19) A poison, poisonous drink; as in िीक्ष्णरस- दाभयनः (tīkṣṇarasa-
dāyinaḥ); रसभ धानकौशलैः (rasavidhānakauśalaiḥ) Dk.2.8.
2) Any mineral metallic salt.
21) Juice of the sugar-cane.
22) Milk.
23) Melted butter.
24) Nectar; मयः कूपरसेऽभक्षपि् (mayaḥ
kūparase'kṣipat) Bhāg.7.1.59-6.
25) Soup, broth.
26) A symbolical expression for the number 'six'.
27) Green onion.
28) Myrrh.
29) Gold.
3) A metal in a state of fusion.
31) See रसािल (rasātala); अनेन नूनं ेदानां कविमाहरणं रसाि् (anena
nūnaṃ vedānāṃ kṛtamāharaṇaṃ rasāt) Mb.12.347.67.
32) The tongue (as the organ of taste); ाण्ां ि छन्ां भस रसे जलेशम्
(vāṇyāṃ ca chandāṃsi rase jaleśam) Bhāg.8.2.27; भजिं स ं भजिे रसे
(jitaṃ sarvaṃ jite rase) 11.8.21.
33) (With Vaiṣṇavas.) Disposition of the heart or mind (the
five/aksha/saka/garuda Rasas are śānti, dāsya, sākhya,
vātsalya and mādhurya).
Derivable forms: rasaḥ (रसः ) or
Rasā (रसा).—
1) The lower or infernal regions, hell.
2) The earth, ground, soil; यद् ग्रा े रसािलं पुनरसौ यािो गजग्रामणीः
(yad grāveva rasātalaṃ punarasau yāto
gajagrāmaṇīḥ) Bv.1.59; रसाभदपञ्चीकवििूिसंि म्
(rasādipañcīkṛtabhūtasaṃbhavam) A. Rām.7.5.28; िरस्य युद्धरङ्गिां
रसाऽऽर सारसारसा (smarasya yuddharaṅgatāṃ rasā''ra
sārasārasā) Nalod.2.1.
3) the tongue.
4) A vine or grapes.
5) Ved. Moisture or
Rāsa (रास cf.raaja/naada/dhaana).—
1) An uproar, a din, confused noise.
2) A sound in general.
3) Speech.
4) A kind of dance practised by Kṛṣṇa(the
rasa/putra) and the cowherds but particularly the gopis or
cowherdesses of Vrindāvana; ित्रारिि गोभ न्ो रासक्रीडामनुव्रिैः ।
स्त्रीरत्नैरन्तििः प्रीिैरन्योन्याबद्धबाहुभिः (tatrārabhata govindo
rāsakrīḍāmanuvrataiḥ | strīratnairanvitaḥ
prītairanyonyābaddhabāhubhiḥ) || Bhāg.1.33.2; उत्सवज्य रासे रसं
गच्छिीम् (utsṛjya rāse rasaṃ gacchantīm) Ve.1.2; रासे हररभमह
भ भहिभ लासं िरभि मनो मम कविपररहासम् (rāse harimiha
vihitavilāsaṃ smarati mano mama kṛtaparihāsam) Gīt.2; also
5) A chain.
6) A sport, play.
Derivable forms: rāsaḥ (रासः ).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara
Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Rasa (रस).—m.
(-saḥ) 1. Flavour, taste, viz:—sweet, salt, pungent, bitter, sour, and
astringent. 2. Taste, sentiment, emotion, as an object of poetry or
composition; eight sentiments are usually enumerated, viz:—
Sringara or love, Hasya or mirth, Karuna or tenderness, Raudra or
anger, Bira or heroism, Bhayanaka or terror, Bibhatsa or disgust,
and Adbhuta or surprise; Santa, tranquility or content or Batsalya,
paternal tenderness, is sometimes considered as the ninth. 3.
Affection of the mind, passion. 4. Juice, exudation, a fluid, a liquid,
or liquified substance. 5. Poison. 6. Semen virile. 7. Water. 8. The
primary or essential juice or fluid of the body, whence blood,
serum, sweat, &c. are supposed to be engendered; it corresponds
best with chyle, but is probably of a fanciful nature. 9. Gum myrrh.
10. Quicksilver, from its being a semi-fluid metal, and according to
certain alchemical notions possessed of supernatural power over
the juices of the body, &c. 11. A mineral or a metallic salt, as
sulphur, borax, talc, blue or green vitriol, &c.; they are however
usually called Upa or inferior Rasas. f.
(-sā) 1. The earth. 2. The tongue. 3. A plant, commonly Akanadi.
(Cissampelos hexandra.) 4. A sort of grain, (Panicum italicum.) 5.
The frankincense-tree, (Boswellia thurifera) 6. The grape. 7. A
medical drug, commonly Kakoli. E. ras to taste, to love, aff. aca .
--- OR ---
Rāsa (रास).—m.
(-saḥ) 1. Confused noise, uproar, hubbub. 2. Sound in general. 3.
Speech, discourse. 4. A chain. 5. A festival amongst the cowherds,
including songs and dances, especially the circular dance as
performed by Krishna and the Gopis or cowherdesses. 6. A game
played by children. E. rās to sound, ghañ aff.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-
English Dictionary
Rasa (रस).—probably from ram, I. m. 1. Taste (as sweet, salt),
[Pañcatantra] 61, 11. 2. Pleasure, [Uttara Rāmacarita, 2. ed. Calc.,
1862.] 146, 1; enjoyment, [Śākuntala, (ed. Böhtlingk.)] [distich]
179; [Pañcatantra] ii. [distich] 175; charm, [Pañcatantra] iv.
[distich] 62. 3. Inclination, [Hitopadeśa] iii. [distich] 115 (sāhasa-
ekānta-rasa-anuvartin, adj. One who follows only his inclination
to inconsiderate haste); love, [Uttara Rāmacarita, 2. ed. Calc.,
1862.] 26, 2. 4. Juice, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 2, 77; liquid, 3, 159;
[Śiśupālavadha] 9, 46; a dish, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] 19,
1. 5. Essence, [Hitopadeśa] iv. [distich] 94 (tad-, Its best). 6.
Condiment, [Hitopadeśa] iii. [distich] 56. 7. Water. 8. The essential
juice of the body, whence blood, etc., are supposed to be
engendered. 9. Semen virile. 10. Poison. 11. Gum myrrh. 12.
Quicksilver. 13. A mineral substance, as sulphur, borax. 14. Taste,
sentiment, emotion, as an object of poetry, as love, terror, etc.,
[Bhartṛhari, (ed. Bohlen.)] 2, 21; [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 4, 7; [Pañcatantra]
v. [distich] 44 (? nine rasas of music). 15. Affection of the mind,
[Uttara Rāmacarita, 2. ed. Calc., 1862.] 50, 8; passion,
[Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 36; love, [Vikramorvaśī,
(ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 40. Ii. f. sā. 1. A river of the lower

regions, Chr. 297, 12 = [Rigveda.] i. 112, 12. 2. The tongue

cf.sara/aksha/saka. 3. The earth. 4. A grape. 5. The name of
several plants.
--- OR ---
Rāsa (रास).—i. e. ras + a, m. 1. Sound. 2. Confused noise. 3. Speech.
4. A festival among the cowherds, including especially a
circular dance. 5. A chain.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-
English Dictionary

Rasa (रस) . , , —[masculine] the sap

or juice of plants and fruits, fluid, liquid i.[grammar], poet. =
water; the best or finest or strongest part of anything, its essence
or bloom; taste or the organ of taste, relish or inclination for,
desire of ([locative] ±upari or —°), any object of taste or
enjoyment; pleasure, charm, beauty; feeling, sentiment, affection;
style, character ([especially] of a work of art). —
[feminine] rasā moisture, humidity, [Name] of a river & a
[mythological] stream; the lower world, hell.
--- OR ---
Rāsa (रास).—[masculine] a kind of rustic dance (performed by
Kṛṣṇa); play, sport i.[grammar]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams
Sanskrit-English Dictionary
1) Rasa (रस):—[from ras] m. (ifc. f(ā). ) the sap or juice of plants,
Juice of fruit, any liquid or fluid, the best or finest or prime part of
anything, essence, marrow, [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc.
2) [v.s. ...] water, liquor, drink, [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature]
3) [v.s. ...] juice of the sugar-cane, syrup, [Suśruta]
4) [v.s. ...] any mixture, draught, elixir, potion, [Rāmāyaṇa;
5) [v.s. ...] melted butter, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
6) [v.s. ...] (with or [scilicet] gavām) milk, [Mahābhārata]
7) [v.s. ...] (with or [scilicet] viṣasya) poison, [Daśakumāra-carita;
8) [v.s. ...] nectar, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha,
halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
9) [v.s. ...] soup, broth, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
10) [v.s. ...] a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body,
serum, ([especially]) the primary juice called chyle (formed from
the food and changed by the bile into blood), [ib.]
11) [v.s. ...] mercury, quicksilver (sometimes regarded as a kind of
quintessence of the human body, else where as the seminal fluid
of Śiva cf.tejas/retas/rajata-silver cf.30 silver
pieces/darsa/dasra), [Sarvadarśana-saṃgraha]
12) [v.s. ...] semen virile(cf.yajna/sayana), [Ṛg-veda i, 105, 2]
13) [v.s. ...] myrrh, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha,
halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
14) [v.s. ...] any mineral or metallic salt, [Catalogue(s)]
15) [v.s. ...] a metal or mineral in a state of fusion (cf. upa-, mahā-
16) [v.s. ...] gold, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha,
halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
17) [v.s. ...] Vanguieria Spinosa, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
18) [v.s. ...] a species of amaranth, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
19) [v.s. ...] green onion, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
20) [v.s. ...] resin, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha,
halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
21) [v.s. ...] = amṛta,cf.Dharma/veda [cf. Lexicographers, esp.
such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
22) [v.s. ...] taste, flavour (as the principal quality of fluids, of
which there are 6 original kinds, viz. madhura, sweet; amla,
sour; lavaṇa, salt; kaṭuka, pungent; tikta, bitter; and kaṣāya,
astringent; sometimes 63 varieties are distinguished, viz. beside
the 6 original ones, 15 mixtures of 2, 20 of 3, 15 of 4, 6 of 5, and 1
of 6 flavours), [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa] etc. etc.

23) [v.s. ...] Name of the number ‘six’ cf. [Varāha-mihira’s

Bṛhat-saṃhitā; Śrutabodha] also ratha with six spokes is

associated with rasa in .

24) [v.s. ...] any object of taste, condiment, sauce, spice, seasoning,
[Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.
25) [v.s. ...] the tongue (as the organ of taste), [Bhāgavata-purāṇa]
26) [v.s. ...] taste or inclination or fondness for ([locative case]
with or [scilicet] upari, or [compound]), love, affection, desire,
[Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.
27) [v.s. ...] charm pleasure, delight, [ib.]
28) [v.s. ...] (in [rhetoric]) the taste or character of a work, the
feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 Rasas are
generally enumerated, viz. śṛṅgāra, love; vīra, heroism; bībhatsa,
disgust; raudra, anger or fury; hāsya, mirth; bhayānaka,
terror; karuṇa, pity; adbhuta, wonder; śānta, tranquillity or
contentment; vātsalya, paternal fondness; the last or last two are
sometimes omitted; cf. under bhāva), [Bharata-nāṭya-śāstra;
Daśarūpa; Kāvyādarśa] etc.
29) [v.s. ...] the prevailing sentiment in human character,
[Uttararāma-carita; Rājataraṅgiṇī]
30) [v.s. ...] (with Vaiṣṇavas) disposition of the heart or mind,
religious sentiment (there are 5 Rasas or Ratis forming the 5
degrees of bhakti q.v., viz. śānti, dāsya, sākhya, vātsalya,
and mādhurya), [Horace H. Wilson]
31) [v.s. ...] a kind of metre, [Piṅgala Scholiast, i.e. halāyudha]
32) [v.s. ...] Name of the sacred syllable, ‘Om,’ [Śāṅkhāyana-gṛhya-
33) [v.s. ...] the son of a Niṣāda and a Śanakī, [cf. Lexicographers,
esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
34) Rasā (रसा):—[from rasa > ras] a f. See sub voce
35) [from ras] b f. moisture, humidity, [Ṛg-veda]
36) [v.s. ...] Name of a river, [ib.]
37) [v.s. ...] a mythical stream supposed to flow round the earth
and the atmosphere, [ib.] ([Nirukta, by Yāska xi, 23])
38) [v.s. ...] the lower world, hell, [Mahābhārata; Purāṇa] (cf. -tala)
39) [v.s. ...] the earth, ground, soil, [Kāvya literature]
40) [v.s. ...] the tongue, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
41) [v.s. ...] Name of various plants (Clypea Hernandifolia;
Boswellia Thurifera; Panicum Italicum; a vine or grape; = kākolī),
[cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha,
hemacandra, etc.]
42) Rāsa (रास):—[from rās] m. uproar, noise, din, [cf.
Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha,
hemacandra, etc.]
43) [v.s. ...] Name of a [particular] rustic dance practised by
cowherds, ([especially]) the dance practised by Kṛṣṇa and the
Gopīs, [Harivaṃśa; Purāṇa; Gīta-govinda] etc. (cf. rāsaka)
44) [v.s. ...] any sport or play, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
45) [v.s. ...] a legend (?), in narmadā-sundarī-r (q.v.)
46) [v.s. ...] = bhāṣā-śṛṅkhalaka, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as
amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-
English Dictionary
1) Rasa (रस):—(saḥ) 1. m. Flavour; juice; mercury. f. The earth;
tongue; a grape.
2) Rāsa (रास):—(saḥ) 1. m. Confused noise; speech; chain; festival;
Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit
Hindi dictionary (S)
Rasa (रस) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit
words: Rasa, Rasā.
Rasa is tongue/speech/semen/Rta/Rca/Rg/Soma.It is
bha/agni+rasa>Bharata/putra/patra/veda.It denote
devabhasha/veda bhasha/vastra/vatsara/ varsha/kshetra/
kaala/ temple/palace/temple year/vedic chandas/textiles.
Rg/Kuru-veda/guru-deva.Bharad vaaja-Kara/arka/Rg-
Hasta(bhuja) by itself indicates the asta-house of
ha(heaven,moon,soma)/ka(king,sun,agni,time) which shows it is
kaala/kesa/gaja.Unicorn >hasta/kara/ashTa/arka-
bha/mangala/ra>garta>garuda>ka-rusha>garut> harsha/

mangala.Karabha >kalabha/mangala>Hastina>saka-
dina>ashTa mangala.Karabha>sa-kara>cakra/ra/mangala.Hence
elephant/ashTa with cakra/Sakra-Somapa-Gopa-Gopaala-

KRshna/Dharma Cakra >Dharma putra>marta

putra(son of man)>Dharma raja>raja dharma>soma
raaja>soma naada>karabha> BhRgu>Kasyapa>Kuru etc.
RaAja(mangala/srii/srii-ra/sariira/hari-ra/KRshNa cf.Hari or

tiger in ashTamangala) , is tiger/sinha/suura/ashTamangala

/naryana , , , /ashTadasa-

18/24 >3*8>mangalatraya>gayatri>savitR

/ardhanarayana /

Hastina>cakravartin>samraaja>yamaraaja>kaalacakra , ,

Harappan script was used to denote ashTamangala.

Suurya>turiiya(4)>tuurya(drum) >catura> asta> aasa>


Panca/aksha/saka/yuupa/soma/sam -

ashTa/ishTi/satra/asta/aala/naama/narayana -

mangala/srii/varsha/vatsara >samvatsara satra>Panc aala

-Varsha (vrata/dasa/desa/ dasra/satra/ abda/pada/asta)

We have already shown how 18 steps, being ashTamangala,lead
to the sannidhaana of the deva,as in Sabarimala.
Three bulls>mangala –traya/mangala patra(sal-lekhana/

veda/writ) , >haya-
tri>haya-srii>yaga-srii>yagagni> ashTamangala>bhadra>
darbha> bharata>varsha>dasra>desa>sesha etc.Raja/srii-
raja/srii-indra/netra/mitra-bharata-va-aasa> bhadrapada

.Ra(mangala)-aasa(asta/ashTa) indicate
ashTamangala>raja> Baselius>palli>kshetra>ambara/svar
cf.sapta-7(stoma/soma) with fish/ashTa/ishTi/ agni/raaja-

soma raja-agnishToma-saptaha/ahna as in .
sarat. Digambara> ashTa(ashTadik/ashTanaaga/gaja)-
The branched bull indicate saakhi-veda-
Kusika-Indra and Kausika(Visvamitra/Indra.In M-305

it is three go/star in sikha to make

Kusika with the gavamayana/narayana/samvatsara

satra and
shnu symbol.).Suurya vansa>Yadu Vansa.Rama and KRshNa
are avataara/varsha/adhvara of Vishnu/emperor.
varsha/praja/putra)-indra(mitra) satra(ishTi) is another
Visvamitra /annual equinoctial sacrifice seal.

Raaja/surya varsha/suurya vansa/rajarshi -raaja -

ashTa/ishTi -mitra/Indra/mangala -pa/va -

asa(vaca/vaasa/varsha/vesha/vaaja-sacrifice) .

, , ,
-athar>AshTarte(Bhadra/Durga)>astra>kshetra(with ka or
ra,astra as ra,soma make Somaka)>
Hence 4 ra>ashTa mangala/raja as in

Mangalatraya>bha-dra>bharata>bhaTTa>srotriya ,

Bhadra(/Durga/darbha/kusa/su-kha) is the seat of agni.

varsha/kaala/dasa/desa/sesha.Durga is the symbol of Bharata
Varsha/Kuru Varsha/Uruk Varsha.Hence ashTa-mangala is ast-
traya with eight hands on sinha.
triya>brahmana.Three swastikas>srotriya>24>dvi-
ja>tvisha>divasa(24 horas)!
Jar/varsha/dasa/raja/gopaala/hu-paana/cup of
christ>10,naaga>8,man=5,swastika=8,fish=8,spear=4 or 8.
AshTamangala is indicated by
1.Images with darbha/bhadra/kusa/

Tripat/savitR/patri/khaga/saka/vatsa/ vatsara/
vatsanaabha/asva/avasa/abda is Vishnu. Svar>varsha>vatsa>
sabda>sapta>stava>stu>suta> “my beloved son,with whom I am
well pleased”.Vasanta(madhu>madhava>spring Rtu)/Phalguna
began in Matsa Stava/vatsa being apadaana>avataara>

Twelve lunar months are only 354 days, which is 11 days

(Ekadasa Rudra/putra/son/sun;one day>one son/sun) shorter
than a solar year and a sidereal month is shorter than the
synodical month by three days(son of man remains dead for three
days)! If we uses a purely lunar(soma) calendar, the months in
which the seasons begin will change from year to year .So it was
linked to the seasonal solar(agni) year by making intercalations of
months in the calendar matching to the solar year. Every third
year, 33 days (11 extra days * 3) were added by creating one
extra lunar month of 29 days. The remaining four days were
adjusted here and there.
The 12 Indian months are: Chaitra(Matsya), Vaisakha(Mesha),
Jyeshtha, Ashadha, Sravana, Bhadra, Asvina, Kartika, Margasiirsha
(Agrahaayana), Pausha, Magha and Phalguna. So every three
years, one of these months occurs twice in the same year.
Dates were expressed as tithi+ paksha+maasa+Era name +year
Number . Dasami,sukla paksha,Asvina maasa,Saka 78 ,indicated
the tenth day of the fortnight of the waxing moon,the month of
Asvina,78 year of Saka(aksha/ahas/ panca/putra/vatsa/sava/
asva/savana/ Matsa) Era.Dasaavatra of Vishnu began from
matsya/Pisces,the first month of Spring,the angle of northeast/
Iisaana/Ijya-pada/Ithasi/Egypt/Italia,where life in the day begins.
Saratpati(Sarasvati/Saarada/Bhaarati) was worshipped in
the seventh month from the first month of the spring Rtu
where Sarat/Autumn begin in the angle of south west/
nirRti/mRti/ death of day/pralaya(night) begins . The Vikram
Samvat began in 57 BC and the New Saka Samvat began in 78 AD.

Durga and KRshNa are the male/deva and female/devi forms

of the sun in ashTamangala.Hence
DurgashTami/KRshNashTami celebrated and Augustus
placed in Leo,the eighth month from January.
KRshNa(Pancali) is Durga. Agna>aksha>ashTa>ma-
ashTa>masta>dasma>matsa.Hence Astarte has matsa(fish)
on masta(head) to denote vatsa(year). Indian
emperors(Bharata>varsha>Vatsa>satava>suta) loved to declare
new zero-dates when they started a new dynasty, to signify the
beginning of a new era. This new zero-date would be followed
throughout their empires(varsha/vrata/praja), until they were
replaced by a new dynasty and a new calendar was inaugurated
with a new zero-date!

Panca/aksha/hasta/sinha is seat/aalaya/leya of pa/bha.

Bhuja denote subha/siva/mangala/Sankara..
Durga with 8 hands/ashTabhuja/catur bhuja holding
ayudha/udaya/vidya/vijaya on tiger/sinha/raja indicate ashTa
mangala.Krishna ashTami.Durga ashTami.KRshNa as Pancali as
pradesa>prastha>pura>asta>disa>dasa>rasa>ashTa).Hasta is
Darbha/bhadra +3/srii/raaja/iisa> kshetra> kshatra>
Maa Durga with catur/shad/ashTa/dasa bhadra/bhuja/
subha/siva denoting ashTa(dasa/shAd/pada/sat)
Pancali/virgo/virgin/kalya/sarat/dasra/Asvina).Eight bhuja/
anga denote ashTanga/ashTa agna/ ashTamangala/ ashTasrii .
Many symbols of the Indus Script indicate ashTa.The trident is
ashTa/bhadra.The fish is ashTa.The tree,elephant,snake,house
symbols indicate ashTa.

, , , ,

Durga is kRshNa and Pancali/Pancaala/Suurasena/Hastina

as panca>hasta>aksha>saka>agna>sinha>

ashTa>asta>dasa>desa.Siira /srii/suura/hasta/aksha on
head of Durga indicate srii/siira/ suura/ sinha.Similarly ra-
aga>raja/srii/sinha/king>tiger,is ridden by Durga in ashTa
mangala form nowadays.
Unicorn>agnishToma>ashTa mangala>ra/raja-soma/ amRta/
dharma/putra>Dharma raja>dharma putra> dharma
naada>veda> ashTamangala> 18> palli> ambala>
pallikkuuTam> vidyalaya> veda> Sarasvati>sarat-pati>satra-
ania>Golgotha.Go>gopaala> Paala> baala (cf.unnikRshNa/
uNNiyesu-Infant KRshNa,Infant Jesus)>baaNa> paana>
paaNa> bhaama> Bhiima(bha-ayana/yama/ina).
Visvamitra/Kausika/Srii mukha(Luke),
patra,bhadra> Peter,king,three bull/three head,wing,
leaf,circle,hill,elephant , girl,bull,turmeric,gold,etc.Devi is
kingdom/earth,deva is king/sky/Vishnu/Visva/

AshTa mangala/ Hastina/bhadra/ putra/

mitra (Sakadina/ kshetra)-

va/pa/bha/ma/ra/ka/panca/Ku/go/g/5 -sara/rasa/dasa/

saka/satra -sarat-taara-saala-taala-aala /astra/ sastra/

mangala/R/ru/ 5 >bhadra/Bharata/varsha/ putra/ mitra/

mudra/ dharma/ dasa( varsha- pura-10)/Hastina varsha-
Pura/Pancaala/Kuru(Hence Kurukshetra>Hastina
pura>Kuru Pancaala).Pancaala denote Kuru also in vedic.
Hence the names are taken together as Kuru Varsha/Kuru

Kshetra/Kuru Pancaala/Rg(Dharma/amRta ).

(darbha/bhadra-bed of agni is
darbha>virgin>raajya>raashTra>nation)- mangala(3/
srii/sruu/trayii-veda-Atreya> Aitareya>Visvamitra> Maitreya>

-mangala(number -stoma-temple)>agni(ashTa) -
shToma(number)> vaasra(bull)> varsha/karsha/
vaasra/vaara/ahna/agna/aha- 3(soma sacrifice)/
sarat/satra/samaya/yajna/dasra/sarasvati.This became

Sravasti(Buddhism) as darbha> kusa>

is KRsh-Na/VRsha-bha/VRsh-Ni)>KarNa.Saka-3> sahasra(1000).
Indra is sahasrabhaga.Sava-3>savitR(sun)/ Gaayatri/ Visvamitra.
The bull as Rshabha/ra is agni/king/ emperor.
Varsha(year,kingdom)-ma(king)>king’s year/ kingdom.
srii(strii/sruu)/ Bhadraasana/ sinhaasana/

srotriiya-ashta(agni) mangala(stoma/sa-tra) >agni


>saka/ahna-3/srii/ jina/
dina/stoma> Srotriiya>ashTa mangala>kshetra>Saka-
dina>Hastina. Pura/varsha/putra/dasa/kaala/praja is indicated
by the dasa+three people/praja/purusha(cf.crucifixion of Jesus on
the cross ,with spearing/stoma the Christ/agni/ahna-in the
middle,with an aga/aha formed by the hands of the

bhaTa-soldiers) .
The Mithraic(netra/Indra/Mitra/putra/nayana/niyama-
commandment-Testament/Narayana/Gadhiputra/ Visvamitra)
priests were called Rajarshis/emperors by the Hindus and they
worshipped the sun as pitR/ putra/ savitR/Gaayatri/
bharga(Gbri-el in the bible who announces the coming of the
putra).Gayatri is a mantra and metre in the Rg veda with 24
letters(24 hours/24 pkshas of moon) split into 8
(ashTa/ayana/agni/yajna/ samaya/tanaya/ putra/ishTi-
sacrifice) 3 lines or three paada/vaara making
Narayana/tripat/Vishnu/vatsara(360). The sacrificial year had
360 days hence.Tri-dasa is 30.Tripaat(3*4;caturaha-4>dasa-
10>daksha-year,king) is 12.30*12=3-6-0(va-shad-ra>vatsara).In
the Holy Eucharist also one can see this splitting of the sacrificial
bread to make it the yajna of samaya/dhaanya(first fruits)/
karana(grain,word of king,veda)/ kirana(ray of sun)/
tanaya/putra.Gavamayana is ayana(sacrifice,passage,passover) of
go-the bull,sacrifice of the word(Rg/go-spel),sacrifice of
putra/Xaviour/time,sacrifice of the sun/emperor.
Moses and Augustus were Mithraic priests of their time.
Moses(Heb.moza-sunrise,Ved.Manu-law-smRti-dharma) tried to
install the Mosaic Law/dasa niyama/ten commandments on
Mount Sinai and Augustus(the most high/deva/veda/raja),tried
to install the New Law/New Testament on Mount Golgotha as
Rg/gira/word/ayana/marga/dharma/mitra/putra is
giri(gira/srii/3/srii mukha/Luke)-mountain.Suryodaya is called
udayagiri(hill of sunrise;Miina>Sinai>Golgotha). Miina/nayana/
niyama is called matsa.Miina>ma-ayana(king’s sacrifice, sunrise,
Passover;king’s house,Basilica).The daily Passover is from
northeast(miina/rusha/ arusha/aruNa) to the east(Mesha) at
dawn/sunrise.The annual passover is from the sign of Pisces to
the sign of Aries at the vernal equinox.Ma-ayana/Miina/ Sinai is
Bethania/king’s sacrifice/passage/passover.In the Ramayana of
the Surya(sun,udaya,Judea,soma cf.Mosa/moza) vansa(varsha)
kings , the passage is from Ayodhya(udaya) to Lanka(kalam-time,
cf.samaadhi/smasaana ,Gagana/Ganga/naakam-sky,biblical
Canaan).The Mithraic/rajarshi/suurya vansa kings are kings of
Judea(udaya/soma) as well.To denote ra(agni,king, sun,time)/
dasa/ara-altar,the caturaha(cross/kratu/Sukra(fire,Venus
cf.Friday is fire day,hence Christ’s death in the asterism/day of
Sukra-to denote the death of the day sun in the West in Libra,the
sign of Sukra/Durga/Venus opposite the sign of Aries/Mesha/
Lamb/Mars)/putra/dharma/ Dharma putra/marta putra-son of
man/amRta putra-son of sun-son of god-tanaya-samaya-varsha-
praja-putra-kaala-son of sun) sa-tra was installed by Mosa on
Sinai(Miina/ jina/dina/samaya/ yajna/ tanaya) Mountain.The
Ark of the covenant was held behind a vastra(veil) to denote
vatsara/varsha/putra/ samvatsara satra/prajaapati
satra/Daksha(prajaapti/INRI) on the cross as ara/alt-
ar/Ark/Rg/dasa is Daksha/raksha/putra/ Soter/ salvation.
Caesar and his Mithraic Paters were well aware of these yajna
principle when they installed the sacrifice of the
crest/chrest/Christ . In fact Augustus maintained his birth date on
September 23 to agree with the asterism of Visakha/Pascah ruled
by Jupiter(BRhaspati/Guru/Puru/Kuru-priest king) who is the
significator of putra(son),lord of Matsa/northeast, who is also
exalted in the sign of Soma(4th day of the caturaha, Moon,
Cancer,Julius,Divus Iulius,father of Augustus,Roma;Thoma as
father for early Roman Christians of India) and also the
significator of the shashTi(60) year BRhaspati varsha
(putra;Jupiter cycle;ma-ayana;matsya). Matsya is shown in the
New Testament several times.But there is an allusion to it in the
question of Pilate to Jesus “what is truth(John.18.37)”.Truth is
satya.Ma(king,agni)-satya(truth,Ficus tree ,cf.Ficus tree with two
unicorns in Vedic seals) denote Nasatya one of the
Asvins(samaya>sa-yama;ina-yama;ravi-dvi),the other being
Dasra(Lazarus,donkey;rajata-silver-30 shekels).Matsya is
ma(king,veda)-satya(truth)/astya(house)/ ayana(house,
sacrifice)/ishTi(sacrifice).Samaadhi/smasaana being samaa-
aadi/aasana confirmed by the caturaha(cross/spear/4) the last
words of the Christ are also “it is finished(John.19.30” as the year
is also called varsha/savana/arka haayana/agra
haayana.Agra(arka/agna-cf.cremation,sacrificial fire,time) being
antya(end), smasaana(samaadhaana) being RIP,
Narayana(Vishnu/ Anubis/Kaala) being niryaana(death), dharma
being mRta/pareta(dead,praasa-spear),and svarga(soma) being
sava-agra/arka the final words are justified! Upon his death the
veil (vastra) of the temple of Jerusalem(installed by Moses-moza -
sunrise!) split into two parts (Matthew.27.51) to make the
varsha/vatsara/vastra of Moses as the sam(yama/soma)-
vatsara(year,saka>sava) and samaya(sa-yama/Asvins) as
tanaya(putra/soter) of the sun god with the day having two parts
of day and night.The eucharist(body of sun) is split into two parts
to make it samaya/tanaya/son of god. The mark of the spear on
the chest is the mark of Vishnu(vatsanaabha/kaalacakra/
Dasaratha/ Golgotha) on his chest and it is called srii(sun)
vatsa(dear son,varsha-year).The nara-man/nR-king with INRI
label on the cross/ayana/ara/dasa/asta/altar- becomes
Narayana/ niryaana/smasaana/samaadhi/samaa-
aadi/agrahaayana/New Year at the vernal equinox.His death at
the sixth hour to ninth hour places him in the signs of his father-
July and the most high/Leo/Deo/Augustus/August where in fact
the death date of Augustus is placed!
The Temple of Divus Augustus in Rome was meant to replace the
temple of Jerusalem and it was inaugurated by Caligula,who
claimed the legacy of Augustus and Tiberius.Caligula also tried to
install his image in the Jerusalem temple,which act the Jews
opposed .But the Romans were relentless in their pursuit of
religious propaganda and military conquests through successive
rulers ,which finally led to the destruction of the Temple of
Jerusalem in AD 70 , resulting in the status of the Temple of
Augustus,symbol of Roman Christianity, in Rome as the Temple of
the Only Son of God,Soter,the X-aviour of mankind forever!
In vedic concept,agni/tara/pu-tra/ra is denoted by the number 3.
This trident/3 mark is the “naama” on the forehead of
Vaishnavite/ Visvamitra Hindus.Naa-ma>nar-ayana>samaa-
janana-jnaana-snaana-baptism cf.baptism by John>
samaya>sa(1)-yama(dva/rava/sava/2)> tanaya>putra>bhadra>
bharata>darbha> mitra.Samaya is Daksha/rakta(daksha/ raja-
king,year,king’s year)/soNa/soma/ rakta(daksha/ raaja).The 1+V
>trident>caturaha/satra/dasa/ara when the bent arm is
straightened to make the cross.Thus the trident /cross denote the
king/daksha/INRI and it is marked as three lines with a central
rakta/red line on the phaala/vaara/forehead/roof of the
head.Phaala>vaara-roof,door,spear,jar,weekday.So we have vedic
seals with trident,jar,spear etc.on the head of human figures to
denote Vishnu/Visvamitra.In the Mosaic story of the
Passover/Vernal Equinox we can see the door posts(which more
likely is the forehead) of the houses of the sons of Israel being
marked with blood (rakta/raksha/Soter/Daksha) of the Lamb
before the Passover.The Christians baptise with the cross.In the
story of the Daksha Yaaga,Rudra(putra) beheaded
Daksha(cf.John,father) and replaced with the head of a
Ram.Similarly Peter cut of the ear(year/Daksha/Putra) of
Malchus(melech) to denote the termination of the sacrificial year
at the Vernal equinox with the passover of Isra(usra-
The crucifixion involves three men to denote agni/satra/
sukla)-Rshabha> SankarshaNa.Svetambara is
SankarshaNa.KRshNambara is Digambara.

Bharata/agni/ma/ra is subha/siva/bhadra/rudra/putra.Hence
we have the birth of Rama(agni,nR) and Bharatain the
samvatsara satra.
this image it is clear the ashTa/asta/dasa/ishTi of bhadra/ashTa
mangala/mangala(bhadra/agni/ra) ishTi/surata/suutra is

is seen between the heads of Janus/samaya/sa-yama/tanaya/

putra/ agni/raaja/ra/sava/sabha/dasa/rasa/lata(of soma). So
this seal indicate time/year and the two symbols as Mukha/
KarNa(ear,year)/ karaNa/ srava/sruu/sruti denote
king(Aja/bhadra/Bharata/Peter/sila/jina) and varsha/veda.
KarNa has two “sma/jna/shNa/sama/ tama/king” symbols to
make it samaa/varsha/srava/sruu/sruti/kRti/ karaNa/nagara.Its
central portion is pa and it is p-aana/ paatra/vaara and similat to
baaNa/praasa denoting bhaama/paartha/raaja/

Srii>3>agni/nR/varsha/Daksha/ raksha/raatra/netra/
Indra/mitra/ satra/bhadra/taraNa/saraNa/dharma.Aja/Indra is
Ka/Va/bha/ha/Sa/srii/raaja/ mangala/agni/vi-soma/
Puloma/ Vishnu/ Aga/Aja/varsha/adhvara/ yajna/yaaga/

samaya/haayana/tanaya/dhaanya/pu/putra/Ja/sha/sa+ dasa

(ten,time)/rasa/sara/ara/altar + ma/na/ra /bhadra , /

mitra-Indra-netra-jhasha-raajan -bharata-darbha-kusa-sukha-

agni-trident / dharma )/ pati/ patra/ veda> sa-rasa/

dasa/bha-pati> Sarasvati>sadaspati> Sabhaapati>
KRshNa(kaala,king’s year, syaama>samaya>yajna>

tanaya>putra)>Hastina>king of kings. Ka/Va

+dasa/rasa/lata (cf.Kalasa/Salka/Cakra/shadaha>kalabha>
kalpa)+ra/ma/ Na> Vatsara(Vishnu/year/Vi-sva- mitra)>Va-

vastra(cloth).Dasa-raaja is Dasaratha/dasra / satra

, /ishTi .Dasra/Sarat/kaala is KRshNa/

Bhadra/Durga/Sarasvati.Tri kaala is indicated by SRgaala
elsewhere as in the Gundestrup Cauldron.
Srii+dasa+bhadra/cakra/ratha>Srii-Dasa-ratha(father of
Rama,son of Aja)!Va+bhadra/ra+ srii/raja/sha(lord)>va-r-
sha(year).Srii+bhadra+vaaja>Srii Bharadvaaja(Rg
putra/rudra/ mudra/ siva> >soter> raksha> Daksha> sabha>

subha- tri(mu/tra/tara/ aasa) +kurca(ajnacakra,brush/

na/ma)>ajna cakra>subha muhuurta>taraNa cakra>kaala
cakra> Dharma Cakra>Dasa ratha>Dharma Putra>Son of God.

Unicorn >hari>putra(of the sun;ra-ja;Dharma

putra)> varsha>
Hari varsha>Hari Vansa>asva>gira>Rg>go/bhu-asva/jina>
KRshNa>sa-uksha/bha>sukta>sabha> sava>vaaja>
nagara/Deva nagara/veda karaNa>bhu-sura>bhu-jina>bhu-
deva>bha-rasa/ratha/tara/sara/ra>Bharata> Rshabha>Kuru-
Jina>VRshNi .Aksha/garuda+ra/sura is akshara/ra-ksha/
patra/putra/yantra/aya-Indra/netra/vaaja/vaaca/ veda.Sura-
vaaca is prakaasa/vRksha/druu/sruu/srava/guru-vaca>Rg veda.
Rg veda ashTa mangala>go/Ma-sura(ma-raaja/ suura/rusha/
arusha/tiger=Mathura=naara-ayana)/ jina> Madhura/
dharma/amRta.Mathura ashTamangala/Mathura

With bharata/bha/go-rasa /sura/pura/akra/arka

varsha/vartin.Unicorn is
etc.Cakravartin is unicorn.Rajaraja /Samraaja is

Unicorn -agni/ka/Garuda/Syena/sa-yama /
yajna/dasa/rasa/samaya/ tanaya/putra/pu> varsha>praasa>

spear /turiiya/suurya/ma. Spear/ma/ka+sura/jina/rusha>

asa/dasa/varsha/sura/rusha/pura>prastha.Hence Indra(Sakra)-

prastha cf. > .

The Romans,just copied the Harappan vedic ashTamangala

(Visvamitra/Dharma / putra temple/kaala/

samaya/ yajna/tanaya) rituals to create Christ and
Christianity.Vedic kings were anointed as Bharata/Indra/Rama in
the rajasuya ritual.The emperor(ra/raja) was made the father
god and the nation(rajya/desa) the mother goddess.In Rome,
Julius(July) became the father god (Ra/agni/Soma/Thoma/Roma)
and Augustus(August/ashTa/octo/Octavian) became the son of
god (raja/ra-ja,son of ra)as described in the Apostle's(vatsara-
ashTamangala/agnishToma/veda/temple symbol of unicorn
winged bull/bulla with soma/veda/dharma/ amRta/sukra/

sukla/rajata/dasra/darsa/satra/sarat cup,offered to
Christ on the cross) creed and the Christian calendar
year.Bethlehem as beth-melech denote the palace itself where the
emperor(INRI) was born.Varsha(year) was considered as the
son(tanaya-son,samaya-time) of the sun god(ra>raja>solar
year>king's year>king's ear cf.Peter's chopping of the ear of
Malchus/year of Melech and the descent of holy spirit/bha on him
as rasa/tongue of bha/king/sun as he became the
tongue/patra/bharata/veda to speak to the
masses.Peter(bharata/bha-rasa>tongue of god>go-
word,king,god>gopan>co-hen) and Paul(Saul/svar/spel/
speech/varsha/year) denote king's speech/king's
year/sruu/srava/veda(dva-two)/go-spel.Four vedas became four
gospels.Peter and Paul were hence placed in the month of the sky
with Julius(July).The Holy Mass is just a suryamedha/
vajapeya/soma sacrifice as seen by the white circular wafer/body
of the sun.Peter and Paul were the personified symbol of roman
priesthood/go-spel as the emperor/pontifex maximus spoke to
the masses through his priests in the basilica/palace to the parish
church(palace of the village).The epistles of Paul were the
founding stones of Roman Christianity and these were the letters
of the Roman emperor(pontifex maximus) himself. The vedic
culture can be traced back to ancient Natufian/Anatolian
times(Gobekli Tepe) and the vedic Bharadvajas,Egyptian
Pharaohs, Hebrew Levites and Roman clergy had deep linguistic
and even genetic connections which enabled them to generate
new religions at their will to control and rule the masses using
Samaya(time) being yajna(sacrifice) different religions have
different years like kali,saka,julian,hijri etc. Samaya is also
syena(Garuda/garta-throne/harta-sun-symbol of vedic yajna)
and tanaya(son of sun/son of god).Sa(god,1)-yama(two,god of
time,kaala-time,raja-king) or dasa(Roman ten,kaala,cross) is the
kalacakra(cycle of time), cross of the Christ.With INRI it is
definitely dasaraja(Rg veda)/Dasaratha(Ramayana) etc. making
him the king as time was called the king(yama raaja). When the
sun aspect Julius-the father god in the sky,we have the birth of the
son of god as Christ in December/New Year beginning in
January.The Julian Year/ear of Malchus is the Year of the
Lord/Caesar instituted to perptualise Roman religion and Roman
Several lunisolar phenomena were personified in the Biblical
sacrificial year.Thus Lazarus is the asterism of
dasra(asvini,donkey) in Pisces.Hence Christ mounted the
donkey.Pascah denote the month of Visakha(Aries).Akkal dama is
Pisces.Arimathea is arunodaya-dawning in Pisces.Joseph is
ushus(dawn).Emmaus is Amavasya(New Moon).The
marriage(kalyana/mangala) of Cana(naga/ashTa/eight) was
introduced to denote ashTamangala/temple.Beth-lehem is
kshetra(ka-satra>temple). The star (tara) of Bethlehem(palace)
denotes raja(emperor) in the palace/on the cross.Hence
taala(palm) is used on palm-sunday also.
Feast of unleavened bread is matsa(Pisces) as Heb.matzah!
Miina>ma-ayana>beth melech>Sinai> niyama>nayana>

aksha>ashTa>asta>desa>sat>maana>naama>samaa>janana >

jnaana>snaana(bath>beth -satra/sarat/mitra/putra/Ark-
The Jewish feast of unleavened bread was founded to praise
sunrise,which was projected as liberation of Isra(srii/sun)-el
from Egypt(Ijya-pada>Ithasi>Italia).The angle/sign of sunrise is
northeast/Pisces which is called miina/matsa/Ijya-pada in
vedic.Sinai denote miina.Unleavened bread is matzah in Hebrew.
To denote the transit of srii-el/sun-god in matsa/miina/sinai ,
people were asked to eat matzah for a month.The transit into
Mesha/Visakha/Aries is the Pascah/liberation from Egypt.This is
celebrated as Passover/Pascah/ Easter with the fullmoon after
the vernal equinox.The role of Maundy Thursday is also in here as
Thurday is the day of Guru/Jupiter/lord/master/teacher as said
by Christ at the last supper.
As per the Mahabharata the soul of man is his son/daughter who
lives after his death.There is no other soul.
The bible identifies food/bread with god as vedic annam(Bible-
manna) denote sun,food and king(Mal.mannan).The Roman dole
system made the emperor -the food giver of the masses-the god
as is seen in the lord's prayer.Hence we have beth-melech (house
of emperor/ashTamangala/kshetra-temple,palace) become beth-
lehem(house of bread;also gopa/bhuupa-king is apoopa-bread in
bharata/veda),the demand to convert stone(asma-stone/ajna-
command,word of god as said by Jesus) into bread(asana-
food).Bhadraasana(throne)/bhadra-ajna(royal command) was
made bhadra(king,stone cf.Petra/Peter)-asana(food).The
kalyana(marriage/mangala) of Cana(ashTa/asta making
ashTamangala),the five loaves (aksha/ashTa) +two fish(mangala)
etc. and finally the eucharist/sarii-ra/agni /body/sun and the
rakta/soNa/soma-blood of raksha/salvation as sariiraraksha is
food/god indicate the use of Peter(Bharata/ veda/go)&
Paul(svar/spel)/veda-svara/deva-svara/deva-vaNi /king's
speech by the Roman priests to create the New Testament.

Rg(Mark-marga-path,ma-Rg,kara-Na /Luke-mukha-
putra -sun-tanaya-samaya cf. “Woman,behold,your

son” points to John as putra cf.John.19.26-27) patra , ,

, , (veda/writ;pa-leaf,king,wing,patra) is putra
on gira(hill,speech,Rg) of dharma.

, ,The Pascah/Visakha/Passover/Caturaha is denoted by

the king/Visvamitra/Dharmaputra/
Christ,Dagon,Astarte were associated with the fish to show they
are light/suns/sura/jina/guru/kuru/bha-rata of the world like
the sun who sheds light from Miina.
Christ on cross is matsya on cross>sun in samaya/
dasa/desa/agnishToma/ ashTamangala/ kshetra/vasati/go-
pura/agni cayana/pagoda(pa-kuTa>ka-kuda>pura/soma>

ma-sura/dhura/pura/kuTa ;vihara, chaitya, stupa, wat

and pagoda;fish>arka>akra>kuTa cf.makuTa>kakut>bull’s
hump>palace>humped bull >bhadraasana/hara/vi-hara
Hammu-rabi (c. 1810 – c. 1750 BC cf.Manu-ravi) was the sixth
king of the First Babylonian dynasty of the Amorite tribe, reigning
c. 1792 BC to c. 1750 BC (according to the Middle Chronology).
He is best known for having issued the Code of Hammurabi,
which he claimed to have received from Shamash(cf.Janus/
James, brother of Jesus), the Babylonian god of justice

(cf.Dharma putra , , ). Unlike earlier Sumerian law

codes, such as the Code of Ur-Nammu(cf.Manu,Ur-rava-ravi-
rabi), which had focused on compensating the victim of the
crime, the Law of Hammurabi was one of the first law codes to
place greater emphasis on the physical punishment of the
perpetrator. It prescribed specific penalties for each crime and is
among the first codes to establish the presumption of innocence.
The Code of Hammurabi and the Law of Moses in
the Torah contain numerous similarities.
Hammurabi was seen by many as a god within his own
lifetime. After his death, Hammurabi was revered as a great
conqueror who spread civilization and forced all peoples to pay
obeisance to Marduk(nR-KuTa), the national god of the
When a religion had a split and a consortium of priests formed a
new religion with the same old underlying religious principles as
old wine in new bottle,naturally there were similarities in
religious rituals to the older religion.In India it is the rise of
Buddhism and Jainism due to break up of the Harappan vedic
religion which existed till the close of the second millennium BCE.
In the first millennium BCE Jainism and Buddhism arose under
proper royal patronage.From the Harappan region the Sumerians,
Egyptians,Babylonians,Jews , Greeks ,Romans and Arabs took up
vedic traditions leading to the respective religious faiths.In all
these faiths,the god is the king/bhadra/Bharata/putra and his
laws and the priest is his tongue/vaaca/ vaaja(sacrifice,

food,war,spear,wing,water )> Bharadvaaja>

Rg(Guru/raja/deva)-veda/bhasha/vaaca/ kara-Na/ kar-Na/Rg-
ma/devaalaya/vedaalaya/marga/ayana/Baudhayana/ Narayana/

Ramayana/ Mark /srava/sruu/sruti/ druu/srii/nagari.

denote Law. Manu is (Ur)-Nammu.Manu is Hammu .Manu is

Moses. Manu(Law,muni/mozhi/Rca/smRti/dharma;ma-nu ,

cf.spearing the Christ shows New Law of Caesar/

New Testament>Vish-nu>purusha>pu-tara>putra>pitR) was
given by Shamash(Janus/ James/ saasana/
dhishaNa/sisna/raja sasana/raja patra/srii mukha/Bharata/
svar/srava/varsha/Bharadvaja/ patra-vaca/srii
mukha/commandment/ Testament/Law/ Peter and
Paul/king’s speech/word/gira/Rca/rasa/ rusha/Rg) who is
also James(sasana)-brother of Jesus(King). Hence we have the
King James (raja sasana) version of the Bible also which in reality
is not of King James of England but of the Roman emperor himself
which he adopted from Manu/Nammu/Hammu/Mosa! Aaron/
varuNa/nRpa/ parNa/varNa/patra/akshara/rasana/rasana.The
cross of Christ is with the patra-INRI.Aaron is patra/tongue.Peter
and Paul is patra-tongue/go-spel/King James.

Rasa-ra >Dasa-ra(sariira)>dasra> satra>

raashTra(DhRta raashTra/Sruti RashTra)>Mathura/ Hastina>
sukta/sutra/satra). Spear/putra/kaala/suurya+fish/
rusha/sura/jina/satra>spear/putra/patra/varsha+ body>
Dharma(Pu/ agni/gira/hari/Rg-Rca or rusha/praja/vRsha/
bharata/putra) Putra/ Mathura/Pancaala/rashtra/ satra/yajna/
agnishToma/ ashTamangala. Raajadharma/Dharmaraaja as seen
in Harappan seals of Mathura (ma-rusha/arusha/sura/jina;ma-

dhura/bhaara/stoma) , , , ,
AshTa mangala>kshetra>s-asta>Beth-any/ania(ayana)>
mahaveda/ mahadeva/ maharaaja>jnaana> janana>
jina>jna>sma>sava(corpse,sun, sacrifice).
Saakya(Muni/Mal.mozhi-word-gira-Rg cf.kasya/kasyapa

>marga>ma-Rg >Mark-Evangelist-Luke-Paul)>
saakhi/druu/srii/sruu/ srava/karNa/ashTakarNa/

naama/naarayana/niryaana , , , /srauta>
sa-akhya>sa-naama>jnaana>snaana with Caesar as tiirtha-holy
water.Hence John’s Baptism in the New Testament,indicate
Baudhayana rituals and or Buddhism influence.
Each svar/veda/varsha indicate an empire of Bharata/
DroNa/throne etc.Ur-namma>rava/deva-

Following years of Civil War, Octavian, Julius Caesar’s grand-

nephew and adopted son(cf.August as Christ or Divi Filius),
was granted the title Augustus, Princeps Civitatis (First Citizen
cf.feast of first fruits and resurrection of Christ) of Rome on
16 January 27 BC. Cleopatra’s(St.Mary model) son by Julius
Caesar, Caesarion, was executed on the orders of Octavian:
there could be room for only one ‘son of Caesar’/one son of
god. He ordered the doors at both ends of the Temple of Janus to
be closed. The temple, which stood in the Forum of Ancient Rome,
had been built by Numa(cf.Manu) Pompilius, the legendary
second king of Rome, and contained a statue of the two-faced
god, who looks to the future and the past. The Gates of Janus, as
its doors were known, were closed when Rome was at peace and
opened in times of war(cf.vaaja).Augustus laid the foundations
for the Roman Empire, which would end only with the Fall of
Contantinople, capital of the Eastern Empire, to the Turks in
1453, 1,500 years later.

Temple of Divus Augustus

Temple of Divus Augustus

Temple of Divus Augustus on a coin of Antoninus Pius

issued circa AD 158
Temple of Divus Augustus
Shown within Rome

Location Regione VIII Forum Romanum

Type Roman temple

Builder Tiberius/?Livia for Augustus
Founded Constructed 37;
rebuilt 89/90;
restored late 150s

The Temple of Divus Augustus was a major temple (cf.Temple of

Jerusalem) originally built to commemorate
the deified first Roman emperor, Augustus. It was built between
the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, behind the Basilica Julia, on the
site of the house that Augustus had inhabited before he entered
public life in the mid-1st century BC. Provincial temples of
Augustus, such as the Temple of Augustus in Pula, now in Croatia,
had already been constructed during his lifetime. He was not
officially deified in Rome until after his death, when a temple at
Nola in Campania, where he died, seems to have been begun.
Subsequently, temples were dedicated to him all over the Roman
Empire.The temple work was finsihed after the death of Tiberius
in 37 that the temple was finally completed and dedicated by his
successor Caligula. The long-awaited dedication took place in the
last two days of August 37 to agree with Caligula's birthday (note
his order to place his image in the Jerusalem temple for worship)
and the last day of his consulship serving to emphasise that
Caligula was Augustus' direct descendant. Claudius later ordered
that a statue of Augustus' wife Livia(Maria>Mary) be raised in the
temple and that sacrifices in her honour were to be made by
the Vestal Virgins(cf.Christian nuns).
The temple was later redesigned as a memorial to four deified
emperors, including Vespasian and Titus. It was restored again in
the late 150s by Antoninus Pius, who was perhaps motivated by a
desire to be publicly associated with the first emperor. The exact
date of the restoration is not known, but the restored temple is
shown on coins of 158 onwards, which depict it with
an octastyle design with Corinthian capitals(cf.Paul’s first letter to
the Corinthians) and two statues – presumably of Augustus and
Livia (Ave Caesar and Ave Mariya)– in the cella. The Temple of
Divus Augustus was described in Latin literature as templum
Augusti or divi Augusti, though Martial and Suetonius call
it templum novum ("the new temple"), a name attested in
the Acta Arvalia from AD 36. There are references to a library
erected by Tiberius in the vicinity of the temple, called
the bibliotecha templi novi or templi Augusti. The last known
reference to the temple was on 27 May 218.
Temple of Vespasian and Titus, Rome. As with many temples, only part of the base and three
columns survive in situ

The Mithraic(mitra>putra) priests created Mithra from

Visvamitra/Gaadhi putra/Kausika/Indra.Mithra is Putra.Vedic
bull seals denote the Visva mitra clan.The Tauroctomy of Mithras
is the caturaha(cross) sacrifice of Visvamitra(Vishnu-Putra).
VRsha/Rshabha is Varsha/vraja/praja.Bhadra(Nandi) is Rudra
and Putra.Visvamitra’s place is Kaanya(kaalya/agni)


Livia Drusilla

Julia Augusta

Bust, National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Roman empress
Tenure 16 January 27 BC – 19 August AD 14

Born 30 January 59 BC
Rome, Italy

Died 28 September AD 29 (aged 87)

Rome, Italy

Burial Mausoleum of Augustus

Spouse Tiberius Claudius Nero

Emperor Augustus

Issue Emperor Tiberius

Nero Claudius Drusus

Dynasty Julio-Claudian

Father Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus

Mother Alfidia

Livia Drusilla (30 January 59 BC – 28 September AD 29)

was Roman empress from 27 BC to AD 14 as the wife
of Emperor Augustus. She was known as Julia Augusta after her
formal adoption into the Julian family in AD 14.Hence her
worship as mother of the son of god,as the son(Augustus)
ought to have a mother!
She married Tiberius Claudius Nero around 43 BC, and they had
two sons, Tiberius and Drusus (cf.brothers of the Christ). In
38 BC, she divorced Tiberius Claudius Nero and married the
political leader Octavian. The Senate granted Octavian the
title Augustus in 27 BC, effectively making him emperor. Livia
then became the Roman empress. In this role, she served as an
influential confidant of her husband. Augustus eventually
adopted her son Tiberius as his heir(“Woman,behold your
son”John.19.26-27.Hence Tiberius as Pontifex Maximus is
likely to be John since he became Augustus).
After Augustus died in AD 14, Tiberius became emperor. Livia
continued to exert political influence as the mother of the
emperor. She died in AD 29. She was the great-grandmother of
the emperor Caligula, grandmother of the emperor Claudius, and
the great-great-grandmother of the emperor Nero. In AD 42 Livia
was deified by Claudius, who acknowledged her title
of Augusta.
Livia>Maria> “Ave Maria”. According to Suetonius' Lives of the
Caesars, gladiators in the arena saluted the Roman emperor with
the words, 'Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant [Hail Caesar, those
who are about to die salute you]. ' Ave atque vale Latin for 'hail
and farewell!Hence Ave Maria is Livia herself.

A cult statue of Livia represented as Ops, with sheaf of wheat and cornucopia, 1st century

Julio-Claudian dynasty

27 BC – AD 14

AD 14–37

AD 37–41

AD 41–54

AD 54–68

Livia and her son Tiberius, AD 14–19, from Paestum, National Archaeological Museum of Spain,

Augustus and Livia married on 17 January, waiving the traditional

waiting period. Tiberius Claudius Nero was present at the
wedding, giving her in marriage "just as a father
would." Nevertheless, Livia and Augustus remained married for
the next 51 years, despite the fact that they had no children apart
from a single miscarriage. She always enjoyed the status of
privileged counselor to her husband, petitioning him on the
behalf of others(cf.Wedding at Cana,John.2.1-
12,cf.ashTamangala>mangalya>kalayaaNa-marriage) and
influencing his policies, an unusual role for a Roman wife in a
culture dominated by the pater familias.

Very interestingly her role as mother of the Christ is taken up by

St.Helena,mother of Emperor Constatine 1 ,who organised the
first ecumenical council that finalised the date of the Feast of
Easter, to fall after the Vernal Equinox(true Passover/
Easter). She is credited to have discovered the True Cross

, (caturaha of Visvamitra/
yajna/samaya/tanaya/putra) of the Christ from Jerusalem as
the Inscription on the cross/crossing/passover is IN(Visva
mitra /Iesus Nazarenum)-RI(Rajarshi,Rex Iudaerum-
(Daksha/prajapati/anno/year udaya-rakta surya-soma of
RohiNi-the rising red sun-portrayed as the blood stained
body of the christ- at the vernal equinox in the
East/Aries/Easter. Constantine the Great was a very clever
successor of the Christ(Augustus) and he was anointed a
saint like his mother like Ave Maria(Livia). He issued the Edict
of Milan in 313 AD, whereby Christianity became the legal(royal)
religion in the Roman Empire; and Constantine and his successors
continued to use the title "pontifex maximus(Pope)' as guardian
of the Roman cults worshipping the emperor as Sol Invictus/
Augustus/ Chrest.He introduced the Nicene creed in
Christianity in the ecumenical council of bishops he(the
Pontifex Maximus) organised in 325 AD.
The council not only fixed the beginning of the sacrificial year
at the vernal equinox as the passover day/crossing
day/crucifixion and spearing day on Friday following the
feast of unleavened bread on Thursday, followed by Saturday
Sabbath and Easter Sunday but also decided that the
son(August-31 days) is equal to the father (July-31 days) , the
son was not created but eternal like the father without
beginning and end as putra/ tanaya/ samaya/yajna was
thought to have no beginning and no end,since Einstein was
born nearly 2000 years after the birth of the Christ to
contradict him!Bishop Arius tried to contradict him on
this,but was mercilessly suppressed and exiled as was done
by Augustus to the son of Cleopatra,Titus to the temple of
Jerusalem etc.


Seated statue of Helena in Musei
Capitolini, Rome

Flavia Julia Helena
Regnal name
Flavia Julia Helena

Dynasty Constantinian

Religion Nicene Christianity

Roman imperial dynasties

Medallion of Constantine I from

the Szilágysomlyo Treasure, showing
the augustus (C) crowned by the manus
Dei, with his eldest son Constantine II
crowned by Victory (R) accompanied
by the other caesares, Constans and
Constantius II (L),_mother_of_Constantine_I

The true cross is Caturaha /AshTa mangala ,cross in

wheel, cross with syena ,yajna,samaya,cross in jar,

cross on fish> ashTa/sat/dasa/desa/ashTamangala/kshetra/ka-
satra/ka-sarat/king’s year/king’s reign/raja/suurya/suuya/
udaya/ yajna/samaya/kratu/Christ.
On the site of discovery, Constantine ordered the building of
the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The story of Christ was planted first and the theatrical stage of
the play was later set up in places in or near Jerusalem and
Constantine was proclaimed Augustus of the Roman Empire in
306 AD.
In 326–28 AD (after the council of Nicaea) Helena undertook a
trip to Palestine. She was responsible for the construction or
beautification of two churches, the Church of the Nativity,
Bethlehem, and the Church of Eleona on the Mount of Olives,
sites of Christ's birth and ascension, respectively.
Emperor Hadrian had built during the 130s AD a temple to
Venus (Sukra is Venus,the lord of Libra and the Asterism of
the Pass over and the lord of the day of the crucifixion ) over
the supposed site of Jesus's tomb near Calvary(kaala-giri>
kaala-kuTa>ka-kud>Golgotha;vaasra>varsha> parvata>
prabhaata-dawn), and renamed the city Aelia Capitolina.
Accounts differ concerning whether the temple was
dedicated to Venus(sukra-Friday) or Jupiter(Putra and pitR).
Both served the purpose of Hadrian to institute a temple “in
memoriam” as the Holy Mass was devised as a memorial
Helena left Jerusalem and the eastern provinces in 327 AD to
return to Rome, bringing with her large parts of the True
Cross and other relics(Constatine tactics!), which were then
stored in her palace's private chapel, where they can be still seen
today. Her palace was later converted into the Basilica of the
Holy Cross in Jerusalem.
Have you ever thought why women were specifically
mentioned at the crucifixion stage and they were made to see
the body of the risen Christ for the first time? In all four
gospel accounts, there is a record of the presence of women
at the cross (Matt 27:55, 27:61, 28:1; Mark 15:40, 15:47, 16:1;
Luke 23:49, 23:55, 24:10; John 19:25, 20:1) along with
John(Libra/Tiberius).Even Peter is not present there! In each
of the synoptic accounts, the detail of the women watching
“from a distance” is noted.This is the distance of Aries-
Libra,Libra being the seventh from Aries.Interestingly this
also works out as the fifteent year of Tiberius(Libra) as this is
15 days or 6 signs of the Lunar cycle for the baptism
knowledge, snaana-bathing),the knowledge of the birth of
the putra/varsha/year/son is acknowledged by Soma/
John,the Moon only in 15 days ,proceeding from the Vernal
equinox or beginning of Aries.Pontios Pilatos denote sandhya
pradosha/dusk of the day for the moon to become visible.So
the jnaanasnaana(baptism) by John takes place in the
fifteenth year(day) of Tiberius Caesar or Tiberius(Libra) and
Agustus Caesar(Aries) ,to give the jananajnaana(knowledge
of birth of the year/putra).Agrahaayana is death of the old
year/king on the equinox at the hands of Pontus Pilate/dusk
and the New Year/putra is born the next day marked by the
baptism of Jesus from John on the fifteenth day,which is
made the 15th year of Tiberus Caesar by John/Soma/Julius
himself. This can be confirmed from biblical statements:
“On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight
(pradosha/Pilate) is the Lord’s Passover (Leviticus 23:5-7 ).
and on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of
Unleavened Bread(the rising sun of the vernal equinox
cf.anna-sun,food) to the Lord; seven days you must eat
unleavened bread. On the first day ( Nisan 15) you shall have a
holy convocation(the asterism of the sun-High Holiday. John
19:31 just repeats this by stating "Therefore, because it was the
Preparation Day(Friday- day of Sukra/Durga/sukla-semen to
create putra/surata-sex/sahasayana-sex/Magdalene-
because of the appearance of tejas-light in the northeast
which is taken as retas/sukla of the union the male sun,with
the female earth/night/nakta,taking place from sunset in the
west in the sign of Libra ruled by Sukra/Venus/Mary
Magdalene/sahasayana-sex/Yajna Saka-sacrificial
year/nakta-dhaana>house of night,and the union is
culminated in the asterism of Venus in the sign of
Jupiter/Putra), that the bodies should not remain on the cross on
the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day-the equinoctial
asterism of the sun ,falling on Saturday by day), the Jews asked
Pilate(pradosha-dusk) that their legs might be broken, and that
they might be taken away." John just repeats Leviticus 23.5-7
by stating that Nisan 15 was a High Sabbath Saturday ,because
in the scheme of the caturaha sacrifice,it has to be the case
always.This is why Constantine intervened in the Council of
Nicaea,to “reinvent the original cross through Helena or
Magdalene/”Now multiplying the 15 ,with the number of pakshas
of the year,which is also the number of horas of the day,15*24=
360 is the year, varsha/praja/putra(son/sun).
The crucifixion of the Christ is in the presence of his
mother(Soma,Moon,Livia,Ave Caesar,Ave Maria) and other
women(Venus,Cleo-patra>kalya-bhadra;St.Helen for
Constantine.Since Venus rules the asterism of
BharaNi,Helena visited Palastine the very next year after the
Council of Nicaea and discovered the original cross of Christ
in Jerusalem,it being the cross of her own putra/son
Constantine 1 as Augustus on the putra cross ) to denote
Libra and BharaNi,the sign and asterism of of Venus(Sukra/
Durga).The sava-corpse,savana-sacrifice,water,sun/son/time
is placed in the lap of the mother,Soma,Moon,Livia as the wife
becomes the mother ,as the emperor is the son,putra,
Bharata,Indra, Augustus,most high, by the raajasuuya,ritual
inauguration of the emperor. The Roman Senate granted
Octavian the the additional name "Augustus"
(Latin: au̯ ˈɡʊstʊs). On 16 January 27 BCE. Historians use this
name to refer to him from 27 BC until his death in AD 14.
We may take this year for the crucifixion,but it does not
agree with his placement in the month of the Son/Sun/
Leo/Deo/Augustus/August with 31 days,to make the son
equal to the Father/Vishnu/Soma/DroNa-the throne,sky
/Roma/ the Moon/Cancer/Julius/July with 31 days
Soma(Moon,Moon in fact is equal to the Sun itself on the full
Moon,the asterisms Kritika and RohiNi are in reality allotted
to the Sun/ravi/dvi/Yama/Ina itself, by splitting the arc of 26
deg 40 min into two equal halves allocating the first half to
the Sun/emperor and the second half to the Moon/queen like
the signs of Leo and Cancer ruled by the Sun/Son/Augustus
and the Moon/Soma/Livia/Mary ) and Sukra(Venus) denote
the women present at the crucifixion.Hence women were
present at the site of the crucifixion and made to see the
risen Christ , for the first time.The mother(soma/medha/
maasa) travels to Libra (Tiberius/John as the living
son/Augustus), to see the risen putra/tanaya/samaya/yajna
at the Pournamy-Full Moon,against the sun in Aries/mesha/
medha/Indra,in the asterism of Visakha/Passover/Pascah in
Libra.The asterism of agni/Krittika,is the first asterism of
Aries and is ruled by sun/son/Augustus.This is the Sabbath
Saturday,the high Sabbath of the most high.In the agnishtoma
agni is denoted by the eight as it repeats after the seventh.In
the octave of sapatasvara/sa-ri-ga-ma-pa-dha-ni-sa,the
eighth is the repeating note.Sa is 1 and eight and it is
god,bird,snake etc.Srii is the king/sun/fire denoted by the
number 3.Suurya is turiiya –four-4-cross. Ahas is aksha-5.
Sacrifice is is number of
stoma/soma/moon/sky.It is 4+3.4*3=12.To make dasa,the
multiplication by ten is applied to 3 and 4 making it 30 and
40. 5*10=fifty,the days of Lent.30*12=360- number of days in

the sacrificial vatsara(va-shad-ra/3-6-0/vashadkaara , ,


Vatsara(year) is Vishnu,tripat ,srii vatsa ,vatsa

naabha,who has got the “srii vatsa”

mark,the mark of the sp(sava)-ear(year) on his
This Son,laid to rest in lap of the Soma/mother, is then seen
by the Full Moon,Pournamy, in Libra/Tiberius/Soma/John ,
son of Livia,who continued as Augustus,after the death of
Augustus Caesar in 14 AD(19th August). “Behold woman,your
son” is literally true as Tiberius was son of Livia,though in the
sacrificial ritual, it is the New Year,that is handed over as the
blood spattered body of the sun/son,in Rohini,the red
asterism of the rising sun.The soma/medha/maasa then
proceeds to Amavasya(Emmaus),where the disciples again
meet the resurrected Christ.
Venus is Sukra/Durga/Bhadra/kanya/kalya ruling the
asterism of BharaNi,with Yama/ayana/sa-ayana/
sahasayana/ Magdalene as the deity,to make possible,the
ayana/passage/Passover/sacrifice from Egypt/Italy and feast
of unleavened bread possible at the Vernal Equinox.Samaya/
sayana(se-x)/surata leads to the birth of putra/soter/X-
aviour/praja/varsha/son of sun/year of sacrifice, year of
king,possible at the Vernal equinox. Bharani denote
kalya(dawn;kanya-virgin,kalyaaNa-wedding, whence the
wedding at Cana.It is the point of AshTa mangala as BharaNi
is nRpa/agni/yama/samaya/ sayana/
ayana/passage/Passover for the birth of Putra of
kanya/kalya-the virgin wife of the king,through his
samaya/sayana/surata with her,resulting in a putra/soter/x-
aviour who remove the sins-diseases-darkness –night of the
world giving health and wealth).She is Ahalya for Indra as
BharaNi/ raaja/jaara/caara/ ayana/ passage/passover/
cross/crossing/Sex(sakti/sa-aksha/ sa-ahas).Sayana/samaya
being sa-Yama,Bharani has deity as Yama/raaja/INRI on the
cross. Since samaya is eternal,tanaya-the son- was said to be
eternal without beginning and end according to Constantine.
In ancient times history and high stories were written mostly
by clerics and scholars often attached to the royal court.So
they wrote stories to please the ruler and place him on the
throne of the sky,the seat of Vishnu,as his putra(sons) with a
lineage starting from him or avatara(incarnation)/
varsha(year,vansa-clan/tribe)/ adhvara(sacrifice),
svara(mukha-veda).This happened in the west and east alike.
So it is difficult to distinguish history from hi-story.
During the time of Constantine there was a schism in the
Mithraic Church led by Bishop(Pater) Arius ,who disagreed
with the theories of Constantine,regarding the son of
God.Arius argued that Christ (Augustus) was a created being
whence he had a beginning and end.Constantine refuted this
and proclaimed the Nicene creed which affirmed the
resurrection of the Christ on the third day, a Sunday (which
in fact is the day of the asterism of Soma. Arius was was
punished with exilement for his disagreement.To prove his
point Constantine send his mother Helena,to Jerusalem and
brought back remains of a forged “true cross” for the
believers to see and worship ,in the next year after the
Council of Mithraic(Putra) Popes(Paters/Peters) in 325
AD.Constantine had introduced the Sunday worship in 321
AD.He as Augustus continued the worship of the Mithraic Sol
Invictus,knowing the Sol Invictus is himself and the Cross is
the Vernal Equinox ,in the sacrifice installed by Augustus
Caesar.Since there is no Christian Cross and Putra/Soter/X-
aviour without the Vernal Equinox,one of the main agenda of
the council was to make the date of Easter,
agree with the Vernal Equinox as dates of Nisan 14 and 15
based on the Jewish calendar in those times fell before the
Vernal Equinox creating confusion among believers . The
Christian Cross is the symbol of Roman imperialism , the
solid rock/Bharata-priest/Pater/Peter, on which the early
Christianity was established and flourished.The Basilica of
St.Peter just shows this, as a basilica is the house/throne of
baselius-the emperor-the Pontfex Maximus and not the
house of a humble Jew as taught by Christianity.The Roman
emperors from Julius Ceasar onwards including Constantine
and his successors also held the post of Pontifex
Maximus(pope) and the High Priest emperor himself is the

AgnishToma has two terms agni and soma both of which indicate
agni itself agni/ravi being dvi/yama/samaya/sa-yama.Soma is
In Hinduism
Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index
Stoma (स्तोम).—Svara variety of a sāma; saptadaśa, another
variety; pañcadaśa, another variety; pañcadaśa, from the
south(soma-sky) face of Brahmā.
General definition (in Hinduism)
Stoma (स्तोम) denotes ‘song of praise’ in the Rigveda. Later the
term has the technical sense of the typical forms in which the
Stotras are chanted.
Languages of India and abroad
Marathi-English dictionary
Stoma in Marathi glossary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary

stōma (स्तोम).—m (S) A heap , , (cf.agni is

sun/time/8/ishTi,soma is ahna/day/sabda/sapta-7 /

24 horas of day or 24 pakshas of soma as in ),mass

, , , (cf.cross with two thieves/tigers

), quantity , , ,assemblage, multitude , ,

; an aggregation or a collection (of things animate
or inanimate). 2 n A body, band, troop, company, crew, gang, club,
pack; a number combined or associated. 3 m n Empty vaunting
or assumption; haughtiness or pride generally. This is a popular
Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-
stōma (स्तोम).—m A heap, multitude, a body. m n Empty
context information
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million
native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India.
Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from
early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of
the most ancient languages of the world.

Sanskrit dictionary
Stoma in Sanskrit glossary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary
Stoma (स्तोम).—[stu-man Uṇ.1.137] cf.stu is suta/tanaya

stu(suta)>mushTi(used in sacrifice).
1) Praise, eulogium, hymn.

2) A sacrifice, oblation ; as in ज्योभिष्टोम, अग्नष्टोम

(jyotiṣṭoma, agnaṣṭoma).
3) A Soma libation.
4) A collection, multitude, number, group,
assemblage; शस्त्रभमज्यां स्तुभिस्तोमं प्रायभित्तं व्यधाि् क्रमाि्
(śastramijyāṃ stutistomaṃ prāyaścittaṃ vyadhāt
kramāt) Bhāg.3.12.37; ल णत्राभसिः स्तोमः शरण्ं त्वा- मुपन्तथथिः
(lavaṇatrāsitaḥ stomaḥ śaraṇyaṃ tvā- mupasthitaḥ) U.1.5.
5) A large quantity, mass; ििस्तोम- पभ त्रलाञ्छनमुरो धत्ते त्विं रौर ीम्
(bhasmastoma- pavitralāñchanamuro dhatte tvacaṃ
rauravīm) U.4.2; Mv.1.18.
6) A measure of 1 धििर (dhanvantara)s or of 96 inches.

-mam 1 The head , , , ,

2) Riches, wealth.

3) Grain, corn(karNa/karaNa/karNa patra>veda patra)

cf.collection of grains (stoma) by disciples of the Christ(agni).

4) An ironpointed stick or shaft cf.spearing the

bull,spearing the Christ,spearing St.Thomas(soma/
Roma),Muruka(ma-Rg>Mark) with spear etc.
Derivable forms: stomaḥ (स्तोमः ).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara
Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Stoma (स्तोम).—mfn.
(-maḥ-mā-maṃ) Crooked, bent(bent arms>agnishToma). m.
(-maḥ) 1. A heap(fish+heap>agnishToma,), a number(1,2,3,4
etc with agni/darbha/ashTa), a multitude, a quantity. 2.
Sacrifice, oblation. 3. A Soma libation. 4. Praise, eulogium. n.
(-maṃ) 1. The head. 2. Wealth. 3. Grain, corn. 4. Praise(stu-
praise,ma-king). 5. A stick or staff bound with iron. E. ṣṭu to
praise, man Unadi aff.; or stom to praise, &c., aff. ac .
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-
English Dictionary
Stoma (स्तोम).—i. e. partly stu + ma, I. m. 1. Praise, Chr. 288, 14 =
[Rigveda.] i. 48, 14. 2. Sacrifice. 3. A heap, a quantity, multitude,
[Uttara Rāmacarita, 2. ed. Calc., 1862.] 31, 7. Ii. n. 1. The head. 2.
Wealth. 3. Grain. 4. A stick bound with iron. Iii. adj. Crooked.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-
English Dictionary
Stoma (स्तोम).—[masculine] praise, song of praise.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams
Sanskrit-English Dictionary
1) Stoma (स्तोम):—[from stu] m. praise, eulogium, a hymn, [Ṛg-
veda; Atharva-veda; Gṛhya-sūtra; Upaniṣad; Bhāgavata-purāṇa]
2) [v.s. ...] (in ritual) a typical form of chant (7 such forms are
usually enumerated cf.h09-agni(fish)+7(number/stoma

); but [according to] to [Lāṭyāyana [Scholiast or

Commentator]] the Stoma consists of 5 parts,
viz. prastāva, udgītha, pratihāra, upadrava, and nidhana
cf.Pancaala or five divisions of the day,Panca Pandavas),
[Taittirīya-saṃhitā; Brāhmaṇa; ???; Chāndogya-upaniṣad]

3) [v.s. ...] a Stoma day(cf. , [Taittirīya-saṃhitā;


4) [v.s. ...] a sacrificer, oblation ; [cf. Lexicographers, esp.

such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
5) [v.s. ...] Name of [particular] bricks, [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa]
6) [v.s. ...] a heap, collection, number, multitude, quantity, mass,
[Kāvya literature; Rājataraṅgiṇī]
7) [v.s. ...] the letting of a dwelling(stoma

cf.jar/agni,building/stoma) cf. , , [Āpastamba

[Scholiast or Commentator] cf.Rakta(blood-soNa-soma) of
lamb(usha/aja/mesha/medha) on door posts of houses of Israel
before the Passover.
8) [v.s. ...] a measure of 10 Dhanv-antaras or of 96 inches, [cf.
Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha,
hemacandra, etc.]
9) [v.s. ...] n. (only [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha,
halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]) the head
10) [v.s. ...] riches, wealth
11) [v.s. ...] grain, corn

12) [v.s. ...] an iron-pointed stick or staff

13) [v.s. ...] mfn. crooked, bent, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such
as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-
English Dictionary
Stoma (स्तोम):—(maḥ) 1. m. A heap, a number; a sacrifice,
praise. n. The head; wealth; grain; stick bound with
iron. a. Crooked.

Kannada-English dictionary
Stoma in Kannada glossary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpus
Stōma (ಸ್ತೋಮ):—
1) [noun] a hymn in praise of.
2) [noun] an elaborate, religious sacrifice.
3) [noun] a gathering of people, animals, etc.; a multitude.
4) [noun] the condition of anything being in great quantity,
number, intensity, etc.; plentifulness.
5) [noun] that part of the body which is joined to the main body
with the neck in human or the corresponding part in other
animals; the head.
6) [noun] riches; wealth.
7) [noun] grain or corn.
8) [noun] a shaft, stick having a metal pointed end fixed to it

context information
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-
European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern
region of India.
Terms related with stoma:
Stomabhaga, Stomabhagika, Stomaciti, Stomakshara, Stomamaya,
Stomaprishtha, Stomapurogava, Stomatashta, Stomavahas, Stoma
vardhana, Stomavriddhi, Stomay, Stomaya, Stomayana, Stomayati,
Ends with
(+39): Agnishtoma, Ahahstoma, Aptastoma, Atyagnishtoma, Ayuh
stoma, Ayushtoma, Bhumistoma, Brihahpatistoma, Brihaspatisto
ma, Catuhshtoma, Caturuttarastoma, Caturvimshastoma, Catushto
ma, Chandorutstoma, Dasharatrastoma, Dvaparastoma, Ekastoma,
Ekavimshastoma, Goshtoma, Gotamastoma.
(+147): Kritastoma, Ekastoma, Vratyastoma, Stomamaya, Kalisto
ma, Mahastoma, Dvaparastoma, Ekavimshastoma, Tretastoma, Ur
dhvastoma, Trishtoma, Catushcatvarimsha, Shatshodashin, Caturv
imshastoma, Trayastrimshastoma, Aptastoma, Pancin, Marutstom
a, Triparyaya, Sahastoma.

Relevant texts
Satapatha-brahmana (by Julius Eggeling)
Kāṇḍa XII, adhyāya 3, brāhmaṇa 1 < [Twelfth Kāṇḍa]
Kāṇḍa XIII, adhyāya 3, brāhmaṇa 3 < [Thirteenth Kāṇḍa]
Kāṇḍa VIII, adhyāya 4, brāhmaṇa 4 < [Eight Kāṇḍa]
+ 57 more chapters / show preview
Rig Veda (translation and commentary) (by H. H. Wilson)
Rig Veda 1.8.10 < [Sukta 8]
Rig Veda 1.5.1 < [Sukta 5]
Rig Veda 10.27.2 < [Sukta 27]
+ 15 more chapters / show preview
Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī)
Verse 4.4.9 < [Part 4 - Compassion (karuṇa-rasa)]
show preview
The Brahmanda Purana (by G.V. Tagare)
Chapter 8 - God Brahmā’s mental creation < [Section 2 -
show preview
The Shiva Purana (by J. L. Shastri)
Chapter 12 - The description of creation (sṛṣṭi) (3) < [Section 7.1 -
Vāyavīya-saṃhitā (1)]
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Manusmriti with the Commentary of Medhatithi (by
Ganganatha Jha)
Verse 11.191 < [Section XXI - Expiation for the Neglect of ‘Sāvitrī’]
show preview

The New Testament and Christ were created to destroy the

religion of the Jews and the Jerusalem Temple.But religion is
based on sacrificial rituals and the Mithraistic/biblical rituals had
their ulterior motive of praising the emperor/INRI as the sun/sol
invictus.Mithras(ved.mitra/indra-king/dharma-religion) with
weapon(ayudha-udaya;stoma-praise) on the bull(vRsha-
year/vrata-reign/praja-citizen) is the same as Christ/putra(son of
man/sun) on the cross(dasa / kaala/varsha-year) struck with the
spear(stoma/praise) ,both indicating agnishtoma sacrifice/praise
of the sun/emperor.Thus Christianity was developed out of
Mithraism that was instituted to praise the Caesars as the sun
gods of their time,with a new king's year/calendar institution.The
twelve zodiacal signs ,corresponding to twelve horas of
day,in Mithraism is the twelve disciples of Christ in the story
which Mithraic Priests and Josephus developed.The
stone(bhadra-bharata-veda;sila/jina-sun,scholar;dina-day) from
which Mithras was born is Peter(Pater of Mithras) of Christianity
on which the church was founded.The early bull/fish and cross
symbolism of Mithraism/Christianity,and the present day rituals
of the Eucharist/Bali/Medha/ Mass/sacrifice indicate they had
deep knowledge of the vedic yajna rituals like the Persians
/Jews.You may go through the Harappan seals to confirm the
similarities and the sacrifical linquistics.There you can see the
same speared bulls,eagles and crosses,fish and cross etc.
Please note that the vedic word for sacrifice is yajna which is also
equivalent to samaya(time cf.Simon Peter/king's year,whence he
chopped the ear of Malchus/year of melech) and
aviour).Being samaya the yajna of the church was founded on
him.Similarly the sacrifice is called vaaja(food,sacrifice)-

peya(drink) a euphemism for Vaasava(Indra)

and Vaasaveya,agni(king,fire,sun)-shToma(praise),
asva(king,sun,year)-medha(sacrifice,meat juice) etc.Food is also
called sariiraraksha.Sriira is body and raksha is
protection.Raksha was made rakta(soNa/soma-blood) whence in
the eucharist sacrifice sariira(body of the sun,the holy white
wafer;srii-ra>agni) and rakta(blood)/soma(blood or madhu-
drink)/peya(drink) was used.In fact the bread(suurya-srii-sa-
god-cakra-sa-arka-sun god) is split into two(yama) halves(sa-
yama>samaya/samaa-yajna/samapa-tanaya-son,son of god,son of
sun god>kaala>varsha>time) and one half of the halves is dipped
in the soma(miina/niira/siira/kshiira/rakta/d-raksha/d-
rakta/wine) ,half folded and joined with the other full half to
make three quarters by the cakra/arka which is equivalent to 3/4
or three-paada/trikaala or tripat(Vishnu-the sun god/priest
himself)! This is the original sacrifice which was adopted by
the Romans as the Eucharist making the son of god/king/
INRI and his body and blood for worshippers to eat !Hence
the story of the body of the son of god and his blood eaten by
worshippers!This sacrifice existed thousands of years before
Roman Mithraism/Christianity appeared.This is the same
unicorn/ lamb/elephant/ cakra/sakra/bhadra/bharata/bha-
rasa/agnishToma/ ashTamangala/ syena+rasa/dasa/
cross/sura/rusha/Mathura/marut/amRta/amRta mathana/
Dharma/vajapeya/agnishToma/narayana bali/asva
medha/Harischandra etc.
The eucharist becomes the unicorn/ va-ja/food in the Holy
Mass/Surya medha when it is made tripat /Govinda/
Garuddhavaja/VishTrasrava/Narayana(nR-ayana>path or
Passover/sacrifice of the king)/Vishnu.

Medha >maaDa/bhaara>meTa(tower)/saya/suuya/yaja.
Da-aksha/rakta/soma>dr-aksha(grape/wine)> soma>soNa>
wine> miina>nayana>vara/rava/dva-aksha/aga/sa>vRksha

, >prakaasa(light)>Rg-vaca.
The unicorn is like the Holy Eucharist.
sa/sa-tra/sarat/dasra/darsa/desa .
Asvamedha/avasa medha> abdamedha>Asvatthama>

aala(kuTa/pura/house) , , , , , ,
/bhupaala/hu-paana/Cup of Christ , , >
KRshNa> Kubera> copper(cf.Karsha paNa>garta stuti>Garuda

stuti/Varsha stuti/Vis-nu /Vishnu)!

Copper/Gold Karsha paNas probably evolved out of the sacrificial
rituals of Somakrayana.

a-nR/hari/ srii/ rajan>sarva.sarpa>darbha>bhadra>k.Ka-
Sura>rusha>arusha>soma> Rca>srii>ra> sariira>
weight,maana-measure,mina-matsya-Pisces, naama-saka-sava-
aksha)> dhaana(palce)> medha(sacrifice)/maasa(month).
death/corpse/birth/baptism of Christ by Soma/John/Full Moon is
on Nisan 14/15.

M-1186- >
Rama>Saka-Rajan (King’s year,ear of Malchus,gaja rajan,

KRshNa)>Srii-KRshNa(kaala) >Srii Vatsa >Saka

Varsha/Kali Varsha>tri-kaala> tripaat(Vishnu)/ samaya/
tanaya/putra/mitra/Visvamitra/Srii Rama bhadra/INRI.
Arka>12>dvadasa >Divodasa/TvashTR/su-
Matsya>dvaadasa>arka/body/rasana +ka/arrow>agra-ha-
smasaana(tomb/mausoleum).The Hindus/Jews/Christians follow
the same lunation of Meshaadi to determine the sacrificial
year.But the Hindus lost the true significance of their sacrificial

year when they misunderstood the “meshaadi”/ “medhaadi ,

” and “fixed” their equinox to the constellation of Aries as the

“nirayana”/niryaana/narayana year!

image with linga-shadaha-Sakra-Cakra , , .

, , Esha+karNa/karaNa/ka/
ra/ma>ka-esa/aasa>medha> Mesha>Medha>
yajana>tanaya>samaya>kaala> haayana> narayana>
AshTa/ashTasrii/asta/ishTi>ayana+ ra/ha/dvi/kha/
aha>Daksha(Varsha/Soma/Samaya/Simon/John/First born of

Egypt/First Fruits;Daksha’s head /head of

Jabin/John’s head/head of savana/head of varsha is placed on the
dasa/ara/alt-ar in front of Vishnu/ Visvamitra/ Narayana/
niryaana/kaala/samaya/tanaya) whose>rakta>raksha-putra-
Soter>laksha>d-raksha>sura-aksha> unicorn>aksha-
ra>Visaakha>Isaac(son of Abraham/Brahma/sun/vernal

equinox/dawn/sacrificial year , ,

)>Joshua>INRI>Visvamitra Rajarshi>Hari srii>Srii Rama

bhadra , ,
Spear/pu/agni/ra/Hari+ palm/siira/srii/rasa/rasana(spearing
the tongue,spearing the putra,spearing the bull>spearing the
Christ,Muruka with spear,St.Thomas with spear)/Rca/srii/
Rusha>turiiya-4>suurya> dasa> sarat>satra> sarpa>patra> sa/
ca+kara/ va> Sakra/Sukra/Durga/ Bhadra/ surata/putra/

, , , ,

, ha-ayana –satra>agra haayana>Kaanya

Kubja/ vaaja/ vaaca/patra/raaja varsha
/putra/Bharata/Bharadvaaja/raama bharata/Raaja Bharata/Srii

Bharata/ashTamangala/agnishToma ,

NarayaNa/Ka/Kha , Indratuurya, , , ,

, Drupada/sruu pada, Visvamitra-Asvina-adhvara-

varsha, , , , , , , , , ,

, , ,

, ,

Va -shadra/satra/dasra/sarat cf.-ra/savana

-dasa/kaara /ushTra dasa/Vatsara Kaala/Hastina

dasa/Hastina Saka/Hastina aksha/Hastina Sava> shodasin

>Rajan>arpaNa>araadhana-worship/ stoma /

agnishToma .
Arka/agna/kara/hara/Rg +haayana>

ayana/satra/varsha/dasa/varsha satra +
The purpose of biblical stories was to install sacrifice(yajna/
samaya-time/varsha-year/adhvara-sacrifice cf.sacrifice of Isaac
or Christ).Adam(atma/samaya/yajna-son,sun,time) is day-the
first/light/life half of yajna/ahna/day,time,when people live.
Soma (Noah,moon,night) denote the second /night half of
sacrifical day,at the onset of which living beings sleep/die.In the
flood of darkness ,light/life is maintained by the ark/crescent of
Soma/Moon/Noah.Hence the story of the flood is universal in
multiple religions .All religious sacrifices involve time phenomena
narrated with poetic imagination.The real ark/arka/sun/
time/nauka/taraNa is mukha/ face of man since he was created in
the image of god /samaya as he is born from sayana/surata-sex-
the ark of Noah/soma/ samaya/yajna/tanaya/putra/time !Nasta-
nose and masta-head form the mast/ma-asta!
Vedic sacrifices are called agnishToma.Agni/Bharata is Adam and
soma is Noah.They are not the same.Agni gives the day. Soma
gives the night.Thus aha/ahna-sacrificial day is completed.Which
the Bible also does by the story of Adam and Noah.
Kaala>Ka-aasana(throne)>rashTra>Kamsa>sinha.Hence KRshNa
killed Kamsa and is shown with tigers(sinha)/on trees to indicate
samaya.Nakshatra is called njattuvela(njaru-sun,vela-interval) in
Malayalam and it indicates the position of the sun in the ecliptic
beginning with the vernal equinox as the first point.Samaya is sa-
yama/ dasa/varsha/va-rasa/rasa/soma/suuna/vatsara/va-
satra/va-dasra/va-dasa/va-asta/vastra/va-ashTa(ishTi) and it is
shown as the soma cup placed before the animal(bha-
animal/star/sun/sukra; mRga-muruka-marga-veda-deva-rava)/
mRga/ma-Rg/na-Rg/karaNa/karabha/marga.Hence veda is also
called “marga” in Malayalam.Christians were called
“margavaasi”(cf.Bharad-vaaja) also.Vishnu marga is denoted by
marga with Vishnu as in

Hari >Suura>suurya>turiiya>tuurya>
dhuurya>srii>Soma>amRta>madira>madhu> ushNa>
sura>jina>rasa>niira>miina>nayana>Rca>raaja> Rg> gira(go-
word was god ,John.1.1!)>arka(sun).

Dvi(ravi)-pa (elephant/KRshNa/BhRgu)-ayana
(bhadra/veda/deva/raja/srii/hari/kaala)-Dvi pa/ha-ayana which
is also confirmed by KRshNa with dvi-pa(two tigers)-
ayana/aasana/yama.Two fish>agra hayana>Hari Srii>two
men>agra-hayana>two tigers>agra-ha/trident/spear/sinha/jina-
kha-yama.Ka-year-rajan(tiger>va/bha/pa) >


/soma/sthoma/stu/suta!Kaalacakra , ,
/Dasaratha/son of Aja/Mesha/Indra/Sakra-sukra-surata-
putra/arka/saka/ agrahaayana/ arka-ha-yama/arka tanaya/son
of god/KRshNa Putra/Dharma Putra/Dharma Raaja/Dharma
Cakra/Asoka Cakra(with four lions to make ayana/aasana/
aajna/bhadraasana/ sinhaasana/ Asvathaama/ DroNa/
Soma.Sinha/Leo/Deo the throne of Asoka/Agustus.
Yama/sa-maya(water buffaloe,asva,gaura


>ayana(cf.uttaraayana,dakshinaayana) , , , , ,

cf.Sesha naaga-Aadisesha-the sayana of Vishnu

. His blue(syaama varNa)
complexion comes from samaya(time)/ tanaya(putra)/
yajna(sacrifice), as saya>aasa>asta>astya> stara>dasa>
Ka(arrow)/ha(nu-weapon,praise;nu>stu> stoma>suta) +

arka(fish)>Garga/Karka>soma>aum>Rg , , (paada>

hayana (tridents).Number indicate stoma, mass,medha.

Agrahaayana(“It is finished”John.19.28.30)>New Year>
haayana-Kaanya Kubja/ dasa/rasa/ratha/ kaala+ratha/ayana>
Elephant(gaja/yaana-naaga-gaana-Rca-Rg/ ashTa/agni/ hastin/

asva/ karabha/ bhRgu/dvipa/pushkara/Pushkaraksha )

colour;samaya as tanaya it is Asvatthama-putra/varsha/son of
DroNa-throne-Soma-sky ) –dvaipa(drinking in two ways,mouth
and trunk)-ayana/maya/ yama/aasana> Hastina>
Vyaasa>kaavya>vacya>vacaka(word of god).AshTa dik>ashTa
naaga>agni naaga>mahaagni>mahaa-ishti>Putra/

varsha/svar/saka/gaja mahaa ishti>putra(Asvathaama)-

kaam-eshTi , , , , as
Saka> Sa+Ka>aksha/ksha/garuddhvaja/vishTarasrava/ govinda/
mukunda/sa-kra/gaja/kara/arka/gira/ Rg/kesa/Kesava

rasa>gotra(Indra,Kausika,Visvamitra,cow pen ,
cf.druu/sruu/sriismasru is srii mukha/Hari Srii)>go-
il(aalaya/ayana;tra-sikha-3)>kaala>kesa> Kesava>
Dasa/ashTa + rava/diva/dva>prastha- ,ashTanaaga,ashTa

mangala. .

Dakshayaaga/prajapati satra/samvatsara satra/gavam(go) ayana.

Aksha is go/syena/samaya/yajna/tanaya.Hence KRshna is
racana/VRshNi.Ras-mi/mitra/Indra is go/bhu/hu.Gopala is
bhupala/somapa/soma paala/soma raaja.Vishnu/kaala/KRshNa/
Rama is syama/kaala(blue/black).Siva is niilakanTha(with blue
throat cf.image of bull with kaala/hala/niila/siira/miina/syaama
in the neck).Varaha/bharga/varsha is
samaya/syena/tanaya/yajna.Hence the sacrifice of the son on the
cross/sun as ca-kra/sa-kra/su-kra/kra-tu/du-
Because yajna(samaapa-sacrifice) is samaya(kaala/varsha/time/
svar/sruu/veda) and tanaya(son-"this is my beloved son in whom
I am well pleased-the year in the son") in bha-rata/ bharadvaaja/
veda/king's year/king as year/king's rule/king's speech.In vedic
samvatsara/year was called Daksha/prajapati/king like the INRI
on the cross.The christ on the cross is dasa ratha/kaala
cakra/king's year-Julian year/caesar which thread was almost
invariably adopted by the royal solar priests of all times and
places from India,Sumer,Egypt, Babylon,Persia,Greece,Rome etc.If
caesar /his crest is the christ/INRI,naturally Livia(cf.Ave
Caesar,Ave Maria) has the role of Maria and her son Tiberius
(Libra) is the disciple specially loved by Christ -the emperor
Augustus -and shown to Livia(Va-li-a>Maria) from the cross as in
John 19.26 which says, “When Jesus therefore saw his mother,
and the disciple standing by whom he loved, he saith unto his
mother, Woman, behold thy son!” as putra/praja/ varsha/
soma/tanaya/samaya/yajna/sacrifice/New Year/New
Emperor/successor to the throne/ varsha/ vrata/ dominion/
domus. In the solar cycle of the year,Virgo(the solar/royal
bride/kanya/hayana-year/kalya-dawn cf.Cleo-patra) is the sixth
zodiacal sign as shown by Luke "in the sixth month-
Gabriel(bharga/varaha/varsha-el" annunciation.
The Annunciation is narrated in Luke 1:26-38 : “ And in the sixth month, the angel
Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee(kalya/kanya/sandhya), called
Nazareth, To a virgin(cf.Kaanya Kubja) espoused to a man whose name was
Joseph(ushas), of the house of David(divasa/sapata/sabda/svar); and the virgin's
name was Mary(cf.Livia).

Before her marriage to Augustus,Livia too had to flee Rome with

her son(Soma/John/Tiberius) , similar to the flight of

Mary with her infant son and Joseph.
“AmRtodaya(suuryodaya/somastamaya)” being “dharma
yudha(samara-war)/ ayudha(weapon)/ vijaya(Victory-cf.Sol
Amun, Sol Invictus”) ,the Kurukshetra war was closed on the 18th
(AshTa-8,mangala/dasa/raja-10) day with Bhiima’s
killing(hana>ahna>gama>ayana>yama>nR>mR) of Duryodhana
(suryodaya-sunrise),which also marks the Vernal
equinox,beheading of Daksha by Rudra(putra),death of Moses for
Joshua to rise,beheading of head of John the baptist by
Herod(Horus/Garta/Garuda/ putra/ Rudra),the crucifixion of
Christ etc.

The Roman Imperial Cult

Religion in ancient Rome

Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

(cf.Mark of Gospels)
sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter.The bull
/varsha/putra/Soter is the Christ in Mithraic religions.It is the
symbol of Visvamitra/Kausika.

Practices and beliefs





ludi (Ludi Romani >Roman games )


imperial cult

mystery religions


Pontifices(cf.Julius,Augustus,Tiberius,Constantine etc.were






Fratres Arvales


List of Roman deities

Twelve major gods

Capitoline Triad

Aventine Triad

underworld gods


Deified emperors:

Divus Julius

Divus Augustus

The Roman imperial cult identified emperors and some members of their families with the divinely
sanctioned authority (auctoritas) of the Roman State. Its framework was based on Roman and
Greek precedents, and was formulated during the early Principate of Augustus(cf.the son of god). It
was rapidly established throughout the Empire and its provinces, with marked local variations in its
reception and expression.

The Maison Carrée in Nîmes, one of the best-preserved Roman temples. It is a mid-
sized Augustan provincial temple of the imperial cult(cf.INRI).

Augustus's reforms transformed Rome's Republican system of government to a de facto monarchy,

couched in traditional Roman practices and Republican values. The princeps (Emperor) was expected
to balance the interests of the Roman military, Senate and people, and to maintain peace, security
and prosperity throughout an ethnically diverse empire. The official offer of cultus to a living
emperor acknowledged his office and rule as divinely approved and constitutional: his Principate
should therefore demonstrate pious respect for traditional Republican deities and mores.

A deceased emperor held worthy of the honor could be voted a state divinity (divus, plural divi) by
the Senate and elevated as such in an act of apotheosis(cf.apostles of Christ). The granting of
apotheosis served religious, political and moral judgment on Imperial rulers and allowed living
Emperors to associate themselves with a well-regarded lineage of Imperial divi from which
unpopular or unworthy predecessors were excluded. This proved a useful instrument to Vespasian in
his establishment of the Flavian Imperial Dynasty following the death of Nero and civil war, and
to Septimius in his consolidation of the Severan dynasty after the assassination of Commodus.

The imperial cult was inseparable from that of Rome's official deities, whose cult was essential to
Rome's survival and whose neglect was therefore treasonous. Traditional cult was a focus of Imperial
revivalist legislation under Decius and Diocletian. It therefore became a focus of theological and
political debate during the ascendancy of Christianity under Constantine I. The
emperor Julian failed to reverse the declining support for Rome's official religious
practices: Theodosius I adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. Rome's traditional gods and
imperial cult were officially abandoned. However, many of the rites, practices and status
distinctions that characterized the cult to emperors were perpetuated in the theology and politics
of the Christianized Empire.
Venus and Mars sculpture group reworked to portray an Imperial couple (created 120–140 AD,
reworked 170–175)

For several centuries, the Roman Republic worshiped, its divine and semi-divine monarchies by
their mythological gods.Rome's legendary kings had been its masters; with their removal,
Republican Romans could identify Romulus, the founder of the city, with the god Quirinus and still
retain Republican liberty. Similarly, Rome's ancestor-hero Aeneas was worshipped as Jupiter
Indiges. The Romans worshipped several gods and demi-gods who had been human, and knew the
theory that all the gods had originated as human beings(created by men), yet Republican
traditions (mos maiorum) were presented as staunchly conservative and anti-monarchic. The
aristocrats who held almost all Roman magistracies, and thereby occupied almost all of the Senate,
acknowledged no human as their inherent superior. No citizen, living or dead, was officially regarded
as divine, but the honors awarded by the state — crowns, garlands, statues, thrones, processions —
were also suitable to the gods, and tinged with divinity; indeed, when the emperors were given
state worship(cf.confering saint hood in Roman Christianity), it was done by a decree of the
Senate, phrased like any other honor.

Among the highest of honors was the triumph(cf.the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem).
When a general was acclaimed imperator by his troops, the Senate would then choose whether to
award him a triumph, a parade to the Capitol in which the triumphator displayed his captives and
spoils of war in the company of his troops; by law, all were unarmed. The triumphator rode in a
chariot, bearing divine emblems, in a manner supposed to be inherited from the ancient kings of
Rome(c.INRI), and ended by dedicating his victory to Jupiter Capitolinus. Some scholars have viewed
the triumphator as impersonating or even becoming a king or a god (or both) for the day but the
circumstances of triumphal award and subsequent rites also functioned to limit his status. Whatever
his personal ambitions, his victory and his triumph alike served the Roman Senate, people, and gods
and were recognised only through their consent.

In private life, however, tradition required that some human beings be treated as more or less
divine; cult was due from familial inferiors to their superiors. Every head of household embodied
the genius – the generative principle and guardian spirit – of his ancestors, which others might
worship and by which his family and slaves took oaths; his wife had a juno. A client could call his
patron "Jupiter on earth". The dead, collectively and individually, were gods of the underworld or
afterlife (dii manes). A letter has survived from Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, expecting that
when she was dead, her sons would venerate her as deus parens, a parental (or a nurturing) divinity;
such piety was expected from any dutiful son.

A prominent clan might claim divine influence and quasi-divine honors for its leader. Death
masks (imagines) were made for all notable Romans and were displayed in the atria of their houses;
they were used to represent their ghostly presence at family funerals. The mask of Scipio Africanus,
Cornelia's father and victor over Hannibal, was stored in the temple of Jupiter; his epitaph
(by Ennius) said that he had ascended to Heaven. A tradition arose in the centuries after his death
that Africanus had been inspired by prophetic dreams, and was himself the son of Jupiter.

There are several cases of unofficial cult directed at men viewed as saviors(cf.Augustus as
Christ,the X-aviour), military or political. In Further Spain in the 70s BC, loyalist Romans greeted the
proconsul Metellus Pius as a savior, burning incense "as if to a god" for his efforts to quash
the Lusitanian rebellion led by the Roman Sertorius, a member of the faction which called itself
"men of the People" (populares cf.Christ as “son of Man”). This celebration, in Spain, featured a
lavish banquet with local and imported delicacies, and a mechanical statue of Victory to crown
Metellus, who wore (extralegally) a triumphator's toga picta for the occasion. These festivities were
organized by the quaestor Gaius Urbinus, but were not acts of the state. Metellus liked all this, but
his older and pious (veteres et sanctos) contemporaries thought it arrogant and intolerable. After
the land reformers Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were both murdered by their opponents, their
supporters "fell down" and offered daily sacrifice at the statues of the Gracchi "as though they were
visiting the shrines of the gods". After Gaius Marius defeated the Teutones, private citizens would
offer food and drink to him alongside their household gods; he was called the third founder of
Rome after Romulus and Camillus. In 86 BC, offerings of incense and wine were made at crossroad
shrines(cf.cross/marga/dharma) to statues of the still-living Marius Gratidianus, the nephew of the
elder Marius, who was wildly popular in his own right, in large part for monetary reforms that eased
an economic crisis in Rome during his praetorship.


Repoussé pendant of Alexander the Great, horned and diademed like Zeus Ammon: images of
Alexander were worn as magic charms (4th-century Roman).

When the Romans began to dominate large parts of the Greek world, Rome's senior representatives
there were given the same divine honours as were Hellenistic rulers. This was a well-established
method for Greek city-states to declare their allegiance to an outside power; such a cult committed
the city to obey and respect the king as they obeyed and respected Apollo or any of the other gods.

The cities of Ionia worshipped the Spartan general Lysander, when he personally dominated Greece,
immediately following the Peloponnesian War; according to Plutarch, this was the first instance
of ruler cult in Greek history. There were similar instances of divine cult to humans in the same
century, although some rulers, like Agesilaus, declined it. Clearchus, tyrant of Heraclea, dressed up
like Zeus and claimed godhood; this did not stop the Heracleots from assassinating
him. Isocrates said of Philip II of Macedon that after he conquered the Persian Empire, there
would be nothing for him to attain but to become a god; the city of Amphipolis, and a private
society at Athens, worshiped him even without this conquest; he himself set out his statue, dressed
as a god, as the thirteenth of the Twelve Olympians.

But it was Philip's son Alexander the Great who made the divinity of kings standard practice among
the Greeks. The Egyptians accepted him as Pharaoh, and therefore divine, after he drove the
Persians out of Egypt; other nations received him as their traditional divine or quasi-divine ruler as
he acquired them. In 324 BC, he sent word to the Greek cities that they should also make him a
god; they did so, with marked indifference – which did not stop them from rebelling when they
heard of his death next year.

His immediate successors, the Diadochi, offered sacrifices to Alexander, and made themselves gods
even before they claimed to be kings; they put their own portraits on the coinage, whereas the
Greeks had always reserved this for a god or for an emblem of the city. When the Athenians allied
with Demetrius Poliorcetes, eighteen years after the deification of Alexander, they lodged him in
the Parthenon with Athena, and sang a hymn extolling him as a present god, who heard them, as the
other gods did not.

Euhemerus, a contemporary of Alexander, wrote a fictitious history of the world, which showed
Zeus and the other established gods of Greece as mortal men, who had made themselves into
gods in the same way; Ennius appears to have translated this into Latin some two centuries later,
in Scipio Africanus' time.

The Ptolemies of Egypt and the Seleucids claimed godhood as long as they lasted; they may have
been influenced in this by the Persian and Egyptian traditions of divine kings – although the
Ptolemies had separate cults in Egyptian polytheism, as Pharaoh, and in the Greek. Not all Greek
dynasties made the same claims; the descendants of Demetrius, who were kings of Macedon and
dominated the mainland of Greece, did not claim godhead or worship Alexander (cf. Ptolemaic cult
of Alexander the Great).

Romans among the Greeks

The Roman magistrates who conquered the Greek world were fitted into this tradition; games were
set up in honor of M. Claudius Marcellus, when he conquered Sicily at the end of the Second Punic
War, as the Olympian games were for Zeus; they were kept up for a century and a half until another
Roman governor abolished them, to make way for his own honors. When T. Quinctius
Flamininus extended Roman influence to Greece proper, temples were built for him and cities
placed his portrait on their coinage; he called himself godlike (isotheos) in an inscription
at Delphi – but not in Latin, or at Rome. The Greeks also devised a goddess Roma
(cf.Thomas;Bhadra,Durga,Sarasvati), not worshipped at Rome, who was worshipped with
Flamininus (their joint cult is attested in 195 BC); she would become a symbol of
idealised romanitas in the later Roman provinces, and a continuing link, whereas a Marcellus or
Flamininus might only hold power for a couple years.

When King Prusias I of Bithynia was granted an interview by the Roman Senate, he prostrated
himself and addressed them as "Saviour Gods", which would have been etiquette at his own
court; Livy was shocked by Polybius' account of this, and insists that there is no Roman source it ever

Worship and temples appear to have been routinely offered by Greeks to their Roman governors,
with varied reactions. Cicero declined a temple proposed by the city officials of Roman Asia to his
brother and himself, while the latter was proconsul, to avoid jealousy from other Romans; when
Cicero himself was Governor of Cilicia, he claimed to have accepted no statues, shrines, or chariots.
His predecessor, Appius Claudius Pulcher, was so pleased, however, when the Cilicians built a
temple to him that, when it was not finished at the end of Claudius' year in office, Claudius wrote
Cicero to make sure it was done, and complaining that Cicero was not active enough in the matter.

Intermediate forms

The Romans and the Greeks gave religious reverence to and for human beings in ways that did not
make the recipients gods; these made the first Greek apotheoses easier. Similar middle forms
appeared as Augustus approached official divinity.

The Greeks did not consider the dead to be gods, but they did pay them homage, and give them
sacrifices – using different rituals than those for the gods of Olympus. The Greeks called the
extraordinary dead – founders of cities and the like – heroes; in the simplest form, hero cult was the
burial and the memorials which any respectable Greek family gave their dead, but paid for by their
City in perpetuity. Most heroes were the figures of ancient legend, but some were historical: the
Athenians revered Harmodius and Aristogeiton as heroes, as saviours of Athens from tyranny; also,
collectively, those who fell at the Battle of Marathon. Statesmen did not generally become heroes,
but Sophocles was the hero Dexion ("the Receiver") – not as a playwright, nor a general, but because
when the Athenians took Asclepius' cult during the Peloponnesian War, Sophocles housed an image
of Asclepius until a shrine could be built. The Athenian leader Hagnon founded Amphipolis shortly
before the Peloponnesian War; thirteen years later, while Hagnon was still alive, the Spartan
general Brasidas liberated it from the Athenian empire, and was fatally wounded in the process. The
Amphipolitans buried him as a hero, declaring him the second founder of the city,
and erased Hagnon's honors as much as they could.

The Greeks also honored founders of cities while they were still alive, like Hagnon. This could also be
extended to men who did equally important things; during the period when Dion ruled in Syracuse,
the Syracusans gave him "heroic honors" for suppressing the tyrants, and repeated this
for Timoleon; these could also be described as worshipping his good spirit (agathos
daimon, agathodaemon; every Greek had an agathodaemon, and the Greek equivalent of a toast
was offered to one's agathodaemon). Timoleon was called savior; he set up a shrine to Fortune
(Automatia) in his house; and his birthday, the festival of his daimon, became a public holiday.
Other men might claim divine favor by having a patron(cf.Christian saints) among the gods;
so Alcibiades may have had both Eros and Cybele as patrons; and Clearchus of Heraclea claimed to
be "son of Zeus". Alexander claimed the patronage of Dionysus and other gods and heroes; he held
a banquet at Bactra which combined the toast to his agathos daimon and libations to Dionysus, who
was present within Alexander (and therefore the celebrants saluted Alexander rather than the
hearth and altar, as they would have done for a toast).

It was not always easy to distinguish between heroic honors, veneration for a man's good spirit,
worship of his patron deity, worship of the Fortune of a city he founded, and worship of the man
himself. One might slide into another: In Egypt, there was a cult of Alexander as god and as founder
of Alexandria; Ptolemy I Soter had a separate cult as founder of Ptolemais, which presumably
worshipped his daimon and then gave him heroic honors, but in his son's reign, the priests of
Alexander also worshipped Ptolemy and Berenice as the Savior Gods (theoi soteres).

Finally, a man might, like Philip II, assume some prerogatives of godhood and not others. The
first Attalid kings of Pergamum, were not gods, and supported a cult of Dionysus Cathegemon, as
their ancestor; they put the picture of Philetaerus, the first prince, on the coins, rather than their
own. Eventually, like the Seleucids, they acquired an eponymous priest, and put themselves on the
coinage; but they still were not called gods before their deaths. Pergamum was usually allied with
Rome, and this may have influenced the eventual Roman practice.

End of the Republic

In the last decades of the Roman Republic, its leaders regularly assumed extra-constitutional
powers. The mos majorum had required that magistrates hold office collectively, and for short
periods; there were two consuls; even colonies were founded by boards of three men; but these
new leaders held power by themselves, and often for years.

The same men were often given extraordinary honors. Triumphs grew ever more
splendid; Marius and Sulla, the rival leaders in Rome's first civil war, each founded cities, which they
named after themselves; Sulla had annual games in his honor, at Rome itself, bearing his name; the
unofficial worship of Marius is above. In the next generation, Pompey was allowed to wear his
triumphal ornaments whenever he went to the Games at the Circus. Such men also claimed a
special relationship to the gods: Sulla's patron was Venus Felix, and at the height of his power, he
added Felix to his own name; his opponent Marius believed he had a destiny, and that no ordinary
man might kill him. Pompey also claimed Venus' personal favour, and built her a temple. But the
first Roman to become a god, as part of aiming at monarchy, was Julius Caesar.

Divus Julius

Caesar could claim personal ties to the gods, both by descent and by office. He was from the gens
Julia, whose members contended to be descended from Aeneas and his mother Venus. In his eulogy
for his aunt Julia, Caesar also indirectly claimed to be descended from Ancus Marcius and the kings
of Rome, and so from Mars. Moreover, when he was a teenager, Marius had named him flamen
Dialis, the special priest of Jupiter. Sulla had cancelled this appointment; however, relatively early
in his career, Caesar had become pontifex maximus, the chief priest of Rome, who fulfilled most of
the religious duties of the ancient kings. He had spent his twenties in the divine monarchies of the
eastern Mediterranean, and was intimately familiar with Bithynia.

Caesar made use of these connections in his rise to power, but not more than his rivals would have,
or more than his other advantages. When he spoke at the funeral of his aunt Julia in 69 BC, Julius
Caesar spoke of her descent from the Roman kings, and implied his own; but he also reminded his
audience she had been Marius' wife, and (by implication) that he was one of the few surviving

When, however, he defeated his rivals, in 45 BC, and assumed full personal control of the Roman
state, he asserted more. During the Roman Civil War, since 49 BC, he had returned to the Eastern
Mediterranean, where he had been called god and savior, and been familiar with the Ptolemaic
Egyptian monarchy of Cleopatra, called Cleopatra Thea because of the weight she placed on her
own divinity. Also, he had a new Senate to deal with. Most of the more resolute defenders of the
Senate had joined with Pompey, and – one way or another – they were not sitting in the Senate.
Caesar had replaced them with his own partisans, few of whom were committed to the old Roman
methods; some of them were not even from Italy. It was rumoured that Caesar intended a despotic
removal of power and wealth from Rome eastwards, perhaps to Alexandria or Ilium (Troy).

During the Civil War, he had declared Venus his patron goddess: he vowed to erect a temple
for Venus Victrix if she granted him the battle of Pharsalia, but he had built it, in 46 BC, to Venus
Genetrix, which epithet combined her aspects as his ancestress, the mother of the Roman people,
and the goddess invoked in the philosophical poem De rerum natura. The new Senate had also put
up a statue of Caesar, with an inscription declaring him a demi-god, but he had it effaced, as not
the claim he wished to make. Granted the same extension of rights to triumphal dress as Pompey
had been given, Caesar took to wearing his triumphal head-wreath "wherever and whenever",
excusing this as a cover for his baldness. He may also have publicly worn the red boots and the toga
picta ("painted", purple toga) usually reserved to a triumphing general for the day of his triumph; a
costume also associated with the rex sacrorum (the priestly "king of the sacred rites" of Rome's
monarchic era, later the pontifex maximus), the Monte Albano kings, and possibly the statue
of Jupiter Capitolinus.

When the news of his final victory, at the battle of Munda, reached Rome, the Parilia, the games
commemorating the founding of the city, were to be held the next day; they were rededicated to
Caesar, as if he were founder. Statues were set up to "Caesar's Liberty", and to Caesar himself, as
"unconquered god." He was accorded a house at public expense which was built like a temple; his
image was paraded with those of the gods; his portrait was put on the coins (the first time a living
man had appeared on Roman coinage). Early in 44 BC, he was called parens patriae (father of the
fatherland); legal oaths were taken by his Genius; his birthday was made a public festival; the
month Quinctilis was renamed July, in his honor (as June was named for Juno). At last a special
priest, a flamen, was ordained for him; the first was to be Mark Antony, Caesar's adjutant, then
consul. To be served by a flamen would rank Caesar not only as divine, but as an equal of Quirinus,
Jupiter, and Mars. In Cicero's hostile account, the living Caesar's honours in Rome were already
and unambiguously those of a full-blown god (deus).

Caesar's name as a living divinity – not as yet ratified by senatorial vote – was Divus Julius (or
perhaps Jupiter Julius); divus, at that time, was a slightly archaic form of deus, suitable for poetry,
implying some association with the bright heavens. A statue of him was erected next to the statues
of Rome's ancient kings: with this, he seemed set to make himself King of Rome, in the Hellenistic
style, as soon as he came back from the expedition to Parthia he was planning; but he was betrayed
and killed in the Senate on 15 March 44 BC.Brutus as putra,the father is killed by the son. Tanaya is
samaya.The Sun’s son is kaala/time.But the father is killed by his own son,time ,at sunset.

An angry, grief-stricken crowd gathered in the Roman Forum to see his corpse and hear Mark
Antony's funeral oration. Antony appealed to Caesar's divinity and vowed vengeance on his killers. A
fervent popular cult to divus Julius followed. It was forcefully suppressed but the Senate soon
succumbed to Caesarian pressure and confirmed Caesar as a divus of the Roman state. A comet
interpreted as Caesar's soul in heaven was named the "Julian star" (sidus Iulium) and in 42 BC,
with the "full consent of the Senate and people of Rome", Caesar's young heir, his great-
nephew Octavian, held ceremonial apotheosis for his adoptive father. In 40 BC Antony took up his
appointment as flamen of the divus Julius. Provincial cult centres (caesarea) to the divus Julius were
founded in Caesarian colonies such as Corinth(cf.Paul’s letter to Corinth-is Octavian’s svar,laying the
foundation for Christianity). Antony's loyalty to his late patron did not extend to Caesar's heir: but in
the last significant act of the long-drawn civil war, on 1 August 31 BC, Octavian defeated Antony
at Actium.

Caesar's heir

cf. , , ,

Augustus as Jove, holding scepter and orb (first half of 1st century AD)

In 30/29 BC, the koina of Asia and Bithynia (cf.Bethania) requested permission to worship Octavian
as their "deliverer" or "saviour"(cf.the Christ). This was by no means a novel request but it placed
Octavian in a difficult position. He must satisfy popularist and traditionalist expectations and these
could be notoriously incompatible. Marius Gratidianus's popular support and cult had ended in his
public and spectacular death in 82 BC, at the hands of his enemies in the Senate; likewise Caesar's
murder now marked an hubristic connection between living divinity and death. Octavian had to
respect the overtures of his Eastern allies, acknowledge the nature and intent of Hellenic honours
and formalise his own pre-eminence among any possible rivals: he must also avoid a potentially fatal
identification in Rome as a monarchic-deistic aspirant. It was decided that cult honours to him could
be jointly offered to dea Roma, at cult centres to be built at Pergamum and Nicomedia. Provincials
who were also Roman citizens were not to worship the living emperor, but might worship dea
Roma and the divus Julius at precincts in Ephesus and Nicaea.

In 29 BC Octavian dedicated the temple of the divus Julius at the site of Caesar's cremation. Not
only had he dutifully, legally and officially honoured his adoptive father as a divus of the Roman
state. He "had come into being" through the Julian star and was therefore the divi filius (son of the
divinity). But where Caesar had failed, Octavian had succeeded: he had restored the pax
deorum (divinely ordained peace) and re-founded Rome through "August augury". In 27 BC he was
voted – and accepted – the elevated title of Augustus.

Religion and Imperium under Augustus

Augustus appeared to claim nothing for himself, and innovate nothing: even the cult to
the divus Julius had a respectable antecedent in the traditional cult to di parentes. His unique –
and still traditional – position within the Senate(vedic samiti/sabha) as princeps or primus inter
pares (first among equals) offered a curb to the ambitions and rivalries that had led to the recent
civil wars. As censor and pontifex maximus he was morally obliged to renew the mos maiores by
the will of the gods and the "Senate and People of Rome" (senatus populusque romanus).
As tribune he encouraged generous public spending, and as princeps of the Senate he
discouraged ambitious extravagance. He disbanded the remnants of the civil war armies to form
new legions and a personal imperial guard (the Praetorian Guard): the patricians who still clung to
the upper echelons of political, military and priestly power were gradually replaced from a vast,
Empire-wide reserve of ambitious and talented equestrians. For the first time, senatorial status
became heritable.

Ordinary citizens could circumvent the complex, hierarchic bureaucracy of the State, and appeal
directly to the emperor, as if to a private citizen. The emperor's name and image were ubiquitous –
on state coinage and on the streets, within and upon the temples of the gods, and particularly in
the courts and offices of the civil and military administration. Oaths were sworn in his name, with
his image as witness. His official res gestae (achievements) included his repair of 82 temples in 28
BC alone, the founding or repair of 14 others in Rome during his lifetime and the overhauling or
foundation of civic amenities including a new road, water supplies, Senate house and
theatres. Above all, his military pre-eminence had brought an enduring and sacred peace(peace of
the Christ), which earned him the permanent title of imperator and made the triumph an Imperial
privilege(triumphal entry into Rome/Jerusalem. In Matthew 21:1–11, Mark 11:1–11, Luke
19:28–44, and John 12:12–19, Jesus descends from the Mount of Olives towards
Jerusalem, and the crowds lay their clothes on the ground to welcome Him as He
triumphantly enters Jerusalem. The triumphal entry is traditionally commemorated on
Palm Sundaycf. The tiger is Raaja/suura/sun/Visva
mitra/Kausika/Visakha, making Sunday.With Palm it is Palm Sunday.Palm Sunday mounting of Dasra
is the crossing of Asvina-asterism,the first of the caturaha asterisms forming paada/veda.The leg
shows paada/veda/ayana-Ramayana-PutrkameshTi-Passover). He seems to have managed all this
within due process of law through a combination of personal brio, cheerfully veiled threats and self-
deprecation as "just another senator".

In Rome, it was enough that the office, munificence, auctoritas and gens of Augustus were identified
with every possible legal, religious and social institution of the city. Should "foreigners" or private
citizens wish to honour him as something more, that was their prerogative, within moderation; his
acknowledgment of their loyalty demonstrated his own moral responsibility and generosity; "his"
Imperial revenue funded temples, amphitheatres, theatres, baths, festivals and government. This
unitary principle laid the foundations for what is now known as "imperial cult", which would be
expressed in many different forms and emphases throughout the multicultural Empire.

Eastern provinces

Augustus in Egyptian style, on the temple of Kalabsha in Egyptian Nubia.

In the Eastern provinces, cultural precedent ensured a rapid and geographically widespread
dissemination of cult, extending as far as the Augustan military settlement at modern-
day Najran. Considered as a whole, these provinces present the Empire's broadest and most
complex syntheses of imperial and native cult, funded through private and public initiatives and
ranging from the god-like honours due a living patron to what Harland (2003) interprets as
privately funded communal mystery rites. The Greek cities of Roman Asia competed for the
privilege of building high-status imperial cult centres (neocorates). Ephesus(cf.Paul’s epistle to
people of Ephesus) and Sardis, ancient rivals, had two a piece until the early 3rd century AD, when
Ephesus was allowed an additional temple, to the reigning emperor Caracalla. When he died, the city
lost its brief, celebrated advantage through a religious technicality.

The Eastern provinces offer some of the clearest material evidence for the
imperial domus and familia as official models of divine virtue and moral propriety. Centres including
Pergamum, Lesbos and Cyprus offered cult honours to Augustus and the Empress Livia: the Cypriot
Calendar honoured the entire Augustan familia by dedicating a month each (and presumably cult
practise) to imperial family members, their ancestral deities and some of the major gods of the
Romano-Greek pantheon. Coin evidence links Thea Livia with Hera(cf.Mariya) and Demeter,
and Julia the Elder with Venus Genetrix (Aphrodite). In Athens, Livia and Julia shared cult honour
with Hestia (equivalent to Vesta), and the name of Gaius was linked to Ares (Mars). These Eastern
connections were made within Augustus' lifetime – Livia was not officially consecrated in Rome
until some time after her death. Eastern imperial cult had a life of its own. Around 280, in the reign
of the emperor Probus and just before the outbreak of the Diocletianic persecution(cf.piiDhana-
persecution,pathana-study,veda pathana>veda piiDhana!), part of the Luxor Temple was converted
to an imperial cult chapel.

Western provinces

The Western provinces were only recently "Latinised" following Caesar's Gallic Wars and most fell
outside the Graeco-Roman cultural ambit. There were exceptions: Polybius mentions a past
benefactor of New Carthage in Republican Iberia "said to have been offered divine honours". In 74
BC, Roman citizens in Iberia burned incense to Metellus Pius as "more than mortal" in hope of his
victory against Sertorius. Otherwise, the West offered no native traditions of monarchic divinity or
political parallels to the Greek koina to absorb the imperial cult as a romanising agency. The Western
provincial concilia emerged as direct creations of the imperial cult, which recruited existing local
military, political and religious traditions to a Roman model. This required only the willingness of
barbarian elites to "Romanise" themselves and their communities.
Temple of Augustus and Livia, Vienne (modern France). Originally dedicated to Augustus and Roma.
Augustus was deified on his death in 14 AD: his widow Livia was deified in 42 AD by Claudius.

The first known Western regional cults to Augustus were established with his permission around 19
BC in north-western ("Celtic") Spain and named arae sestianae after their military founder, L.
Sestius Quirinalis Albinianus. Soon after, in either 12 BC or 10 BC, the first provincial imperial cult
centre in the West was founded at Lugdunum by Drusus, as a focus for his new tripartite
administrative division of Gallia Comata. Lugdunum set the type for official Western cult as a form of
Roman-provincial identity, parceled into the establishment of military-administrative centres. These
were strategically located within the unstable, "barbarian" Western provinces of the new Principate
and inaugurated by military commanders who were – in all but one instance – members of the
imperial family.

The first priest of the Ara (altar,the cross is ara/arka/dasa/sun,time) at Lugdunum's great imperial
cult complex was Caius Julius Vercondaridubnus, a Gaul of the provincial elite, given Roman
citizenship and entitled by his priestly office to participate in the local government of his
provincial concilium. Though not leading to senatorial status, and almost certainly an annually
elected office (unlike the traditional lifetime priesthoods of Roman flamines), priesthood in imperial
provinces thus offered a provincial equivalent to the traditional Roman cursus honorum. The
rejection of cult spurned romanitas, priesthood and citizenship; in 9 AD Segimundus, imperial cult
priest of what would later be known as Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (sited at
modern Cologne in Germany) cast off or destroyed his priestly regalia to join the rebellion of his
kinsman Arminius.

Western provinces of Roman Africa

In the early Principate, an altar inscribed Marazgu Aug(usto) Sac(rum cf.dharm cakram
) ("Dedicated to Marazgu Augustus"), identifies a local Ancient Libyan (Berber) deity
with the supreme power of Augustus. In the senatorial province of Africa Proconsularis, altars to
the Dii Magifie Augusti attest (according to Potter) a deity who was simultaneously local and
universal, rather than one whose local identity was subsumed or absorbed by an Imperial divus or
deity. Two temples are attested to Roma and the divus Augustus – one dedicated under Tiberius
at Leptis Magna, and another (Julio-Claudian) at Mactar. A third at Carthage was dedicated to
the Gens Augusta in the very early empire.

The Imperial succession


Even as he prepared his adopted son Tiberius for the role of princeps and recommended him to
the Senate as a worthy successor, Augustus seems to have doubted the propriety of
dynastic imperium; this, however, was probably his only feasible course. When Augustus died, he
was voted a divus by the Senate, and his body was cremated in a sumptuous funeral; his soul was
said to have ascended to the heavens, to join his adoptive father among the Olympians; his ashes
were deposited in the Imperial Mausoleum, which tactfully identified him (and later, his
descendants) by his Imperial names, rather than as divus. After Augustus, the only new cults to
Roman officials are those connected to the Imperial household. On his death, the senate debated
and passed a lex de imperio which voted Tiberius princeps through his "proven merit in office", and
awarded him the honorific "Augustus" as name and title.

Tiberius accepted his position and title as emperor with apparent reluctance. Though he proved a
capable and efficient administrator, he could not match his predecessor's extraordinary energy and
charisma. Roman historians described him as morose and mistrustful. With a self-deprecation that
may have been entirely genuine, he encouraged the cult to his father, and discouraged his own.
Tiberius allowed his own worship as a divinity (divus) in only one temple, in Rome's eastern
provinces, while he promoted the cult to the deceased Augustus throughout the empire(spread
of Chrestianity). After much wrangling, he allowed a single temple in Smyrna to himself and
the genius of the Senate in 26 AD; eleven cities had competed – with some vehemence and even
violence – for the honour.. His lack of personal auctoritas allowed increasing praetorian influence
over the Imperial house, the senate and through it, the state. In 31 AD, his praetorian
prefect Sejanus – by now a virtual co-ruler – was implicated in the death of Tiberius' son and heir
apparent Drusus, and was executed as a public enemy. In Umbria, the imperial cult priest (sevir
Augustalis) memorialised "the providence of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, born for the eternity of the
Roman name, upon the removal of that most pernicious enemy of the Roman people". In Crete,
thanks were given to "the numen and foresight of Tiberius Caesar Augustus and the Senate" in
foiling the conspiracy – but at his death, the senate and his heir Caligula chose not to officially deify

Caligula's rule exposed the legal and moral contradictions of the Augustan "Republic". To legalise his
succession, the Senate was compelled to constitutionally define his role, but the rites and sacrifices
to the living genius of the emperor already acknowledged his constitutionally unlimited powers.
The princeps played the role of "primus inter pares" only through personal self-restraint and
decorum. It became evident that Caligula had little of either. He seems to have taken the cult of his
own genius very seriously, and is said to have enjoyed acting the god – or rather, several of them.
However, his infamous and oft-cited impersonations of major deities may represent no more than
his priesthood of their cults, a desire to shock and a penchant for triumphal dress or simply mental
illness. Whatever his plans, there is no evidence for his official cult as a living divus in Rome or his
replacement of state gods, and none for major deviations or innovations in his provincial cult. His
reported sexual relations with his sister Drusilla and her deification after death aroused scorn from
later historians; after Caligula's death, her cult was simply allowed to fade. His reported extortion of
priesthood fees from unwilling senators are marks of private cult and personal humiliations among
the elite. Caligula's fatal offense was to willfully "insult or offend everyone who mattered", including
the senior military officers who assassinated him. The histories of his reign highlight his wayward
impiety. Perhaps not only his: in 40 AD the Senate decreed that the "emperor should sit on a high
platform even in the very senate house". Claudius (his successor and uncle) intervened to limit the
damage to the imperial house and those who had conspired against it, and had Caligula's public
statues discreetly removed.

Cameo depicting the apotheosis of Claudius (mid-1st century

Claudius was chosen emperor by Caligula's praetorians and consolidated his position with cash
payments (donativa) to the military. The senate were forced to ratify the choice and accept the
affront. Claudius adopted the cognomen Caesar, deified Augustus' wife, Livia, 13 years after her
death and in 42 AD was granted the title pater patriae (father of the fatherland) but relations
between emperor and Senate seem to have been irreparable. Claudius showed none of Caligula's
excesses. He seems to have entirely refused a cult to his own genius: but the offer of cult
simultaneously acknowledged the high status of those empowered to grant it and the extraordinary
status of the princeps – Claudius' repeated refusals may have been interpreted as offensive to
Senate, provincials and the imperial office itself. He further offended the traditional hierarchy by
promoting his own trusted freedmen as imperial procurators: those closest to the Emperor held high
status through their proximity.

It has been assumed that he allowed a single temple for his cult in Britain, following his conquest
there. The temple is certain – it was sited at Camulodunum (modern Colchester), the main colonia in
the province, and was a focus of British wrath during the Boudiccan revolt of 60 AD. But cult to the
living Claudius there is very unlikely: he had already refused Alexandrine cult honours as "vulgar"
and impious and cult to living emperors was associated with arae (altars), not temples. The British
worship offered him as a living divus is probably no more than a cruel literary judgment on his worth
as emperor. Despite his evident respect for Republican norms he was not taken seriously by his own
class, and in Seneca's fawning Neronian fiction, the Roman gods cannot take him seriously as
a divus – the wild British might be more gullible. In reality, they proved resentful enough to rebel,
though probably less against the Claudian divus than against brutal abuses and the financial burden
represented by its temple.

Claudius died in 54 AD and was deified by his adopted son and successor Nero. After an apparently
magnificent funeral, the divus Claudius was given a temple on Rome's disreputable Mons
Caelius. Fishwick remarks that "the malicious humour of the site can hardly have been lost by those
in the know... the location of Claudius' temple in Britain (the occasion for his "pathetic triumph")
may be more of the same".

Once in power, Nero allowed Claudius' cult to lapse, built his Domus Aurea over the unfinished
temple, indulged his sybaritic and artistic inclinations and allowed the cult of his
own genius as paterfamilias of the Roman people. Senatorial attitudes to him appear to have been
largely negative. He was overthrown in a military coup, and his institutions of cult to his dead wife
Poppaea and infant daughter Claudia Augusta were abandoned. Otherwise, he seems to have been a
popular emperor, particularly in the Eastern provinces. Tacitus reports a senatorial proposal to
dedicate a temple to Nero as a living divus, taken as ominous because "divine honours are not
paid to an emperor till he has ceased to live among men".


The Genius of Domitian, with aegis and cornucopia, found near the Via Labicana, Esquiline

Nero's death saw the end of imperial tenure as a privilege of ancient Roman (patrician and
senatorial) families. In a single chaotic year, power passed violently from one to another of four
emperors. The first three promoted their own genius cult: the last two of these attempted Nero's
restitution and promotion to divus. The fourth, Vespasian – son of an equestrian from Reate –
secured his Flavian dynasty through reversion to an Augustan form of principate and renewed the
imperial cult of divus Julius. Vespasian was respected for his "restoration" of Roman tradition and
the Augustan modesty of his reign. He dedicated state cult to genio populi Romani (the genius of
the Roman people), respected senatorial "Republican" values and repudiated Neronian practice by
removing various festivals from the public calendars, which had (in Tacitus' unsparing assessment)
become "foully sullied by the flattery of the times". He may have had the head of Nero's Colossus

replaced or recut for its dedication (or rededication) to the sun god , , in 75
AD(Cf.severing the head of Daksha/John,is a mithraic ritual as seen in M-1186.Caesar is siras-head
and tiirtha/tiirtha snaana-holy dip-washing the feet of the disciples!). Following the first Jewish
Revolt and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD, he imposed the didrachmon,
formerly paid by Jews for their Temple's upkeep but now re-routed to Jupiter Capitolinus as victor
over them "and their God". Jews who paid the tax were exempt from the cult to imperial state
deities. Those who offered it however were ostracised from their own communities. Vespasian
appears to have approached his own impending cult with dry humour – according to Suetonius, his
last words were puto deus fio ("I think I'm turning into a god"). Vespasian's son Titus reigned for
two successful years then died of natural causes. He was deified and replaced by his younger
brother, Domitian.

Within two weeks of accession, Domitian had restored the cult of the ruling emperor's genius. He
remains a controversial figure, described as one of the very few emperors to scandalously style
himself a living divus, as evidenced by the use of "master and god" (dominus et deus cf.washing
the feet of the disciples as Caesar is tiirtha-holy water. cf.Jesus answered, "A person who
has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are
clean, though not every one of you. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed
your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that
you should do as I have done for you”.John.13.10-14) in imperial documents. However,
there are no records of Domitian's personal use of the title, its use in official address or cult to him,
its presence on his coinage or in the Arval Acts relating to his state cult. It occurs only in his later
reign and was almost certainly initiated and used by his own procurators (who in the Claudian
tradition were also his freedmen). Like any other paterfamilias (cf.Christ’s visit to the house/family
of Peter. In the Gospels of Mark and Luke, this episode takes place after Jesus had been
preaching at the synagogue of Capernaum. Jesus goes to Peter's house, where he sees
the mother of Peter's wife lying in bed with a high fever. Jesus touches her hand and the
fever leaves her, and she gets up and begins to wait on him.) and patron, Domitian was
"master and god" to his extended familia, including his slaves, freedmen and clients. Pliny's
descriptions of sacrifice to Domitian on the Capitol are consistent with the entirely unremarkable
"private and informal" rites accorded to living emperors. Domitian was a traditionalist, severe and
repressive but respected by the military and the general populace. He admired Augustus and may
have sought to emulate him, but made the same tactless error as Caligula in treating the Senate as
clients and inferiors, rather than as the fictive equals required by Augustan ideology. His
assassination was planned and implemented from within his court, and his name officially but rather
unsystematically erased from inscriptions.

The Senate chose the elderly, childless and apparently reluctant Nerva as emperor. Nerva had long-
standing family and consular connections with the Julio-Claudian and Flavian families, but proved a
dangerously mild and indecisive princeps: he was persuaded to abdicate in favour of Trajan. Pliny
the Younger's panegyric of 100 AD claims the visible restoration of senatorial authority and dignity
throughout the empire under Trajan, but while he praises the emperor's modesty, Pliny does not

disguise the precarious nature of this autocratic gift. Under Trajan 's very capable civil and
military leadership, the office of emperor was increasingly interpreted as an earthly viceregency of
the divine order. He would prove an enduring model for Roman imperial virtues.

The Emperor Hadrian's Hispano-Roman origins and marked pro-Hellenism changed the focus of
imperial cult. His standard coinage still identifies with the genius populi Romani, but other issues
stress his identification with Hercules Gaditanus (Hercules of Gades), and Rome's imperial protection
of Greek civilisation. Commemorative coinage shows him "raising up" provincial deities (thus
elevating and "restoring" the provinces); he promoted Sagalassos in Greek Pisidia as the Empire's
leading imperial cult centre and in 131–2 AD he sponsored the exclusively Greek Panhellenion. He
was said to have "wept like a woman" at the death of his young lover Antinous, and arranged his
apotheosis. Dio claims that Hadrian was held to ridicule for this emotional indulgence, particularly as
he had delayed the apotheosis of his own sister Paulina after her death.

Antinous portrayed as Dionysus in a relief from the area between Anzio et Lanuvium

The cult of Antinous would prove one of remarkable longevity and devotion, particularly in the
Eastern provinces. Bithynia, as his birthplace, featured his image on coinage as late as the reign
of Caracalla (r. 211–217). His popular cult appears to have thrived well into the 4th century, when he
became the "whipping boy of pagan worship" in Christian polemic. Vout (2007) remarks his humble
origins, untimely death and "resurrection" as theos, and his identification – and sometimes
misidentification by later scholarship – with the images and religious functions of Apollo,
Dionysius/Bacchus, and later, Osiris. In Rome itself he was also theos on two of three surviving
inscriptions but was more closely associated with hero-cult, which allowed direct appeals for his
intercession with "higher gods". Hadrian imposed the imperial cult to himself and Jupiter on
Judaea following the Bar Kokhba revolt. He was predeceased by his wife Vibia Sabina. Both were
deified but Hadrian's case had to be pleaded by his successor Antoninus Pius.

Marcus Aurelius' tutor Fronto offers the best evidence of imperial portraiture as a near-ubiquitous
feature of private and public life. Though evidence for private emperor worship is as sparse in this
era as in all others, Fronto's letters imply the genius cult of the living emperor as an official, domestic
and personal practice, probably more common than cult to the divi in this and other periods.

Marcus' son Commodus succumbed to the lures of self-indulgence, easy populism and rule by
favourites. He described his reign as a "golden age", and himself as a new Romulus and "re-founder"
of Rome, but was deeply antagonistic toward the Senate – he reversed the standard "Republican"
imperial formula to populus senatusque romanus (the people and senate of Rome). He increasingly
identified himself with the demigod Hercules in statuary, temples and in the arena, where he liked
to entertain as a bestiarius in the morning and a gladiator in the afternoon. In the last year of his
life he was voted the official title Romanus Hercules; the state cult to Hercules acknowledged him as
heroic, a divinity or semi-divinity (but not a divus) who had once been mortal. Commodus may have
intended declaring himself as a living god some time before his murder on the last day of 192 AD.

The Nervan-Antonine dynasty ended in chaos. The senate declared damnatio memoriae on
Commodus, whose urban prefect Pertinax was declared Emperor by the Praetorian Guard in return
for the promise of very large donatives. Pertinax had risen through equestrian ranks by military
talent and administrative efficiency to become senator, consul and finally and briefly Emperor; he
was murdered by his Praetorians for attempting to cap their pay. Pertinax was replaced by Didius
Julianus, who had promised cash to the Praetorians and restoration of power to the Senate. Julianus
began his reign with an ill-judged appeal to the memory of Commodus, a much resented attempt to
bribe the populace en masse and the use of Praetorian force against them. In protest, a defiant
urban crowd occupied the senatorial seats at the Circus Maximus. Against a background of civil war

among competing claimants in the provinces, Septimius Severus(cf. probably

the emperors chose names and date of birth to agree with sacrificial year terms;the fish as agni/siras
is Severus/Caesar) emerged as a likely victor. The Senate soon voted for the death of Julianus, the
deification of Pertinax and the elevation of Septimius as Emperor. Only a year had passed since the
death of Commodus.

"Sit divus dum non sit vivus" (let him be a divus as long as he is not alive). Attributed to Caracalla,
before murdering his co-emperor and brother Geta.

A denarius of Geta.

The Severan Tondo shows Septimius Severus, his wife Julia Domna, their younger son Caracalla
(lower right of picture) and the obliterated image of his murdered co-heir, Geta. Staatliche Museen
zu Berlin.

In 193 AD, Septimius Severus triumphally entered Rome and gave apotheosis to Pertinax. He
cancelled the Senate's damnatio memoriae of Commodus, deified him as a frater (brother) and
thereby adopted Marcus Aurelius as his own ancestor through an act of filial piety. Severan coin
images further re-enforced Septimius' association with prestigious Antonine dynasts and the genius
populi Romani.

Septimius' reign represents a watershed in relations between Senate, Emperors, and the
military. Senatorial consent defined divine imperium as a Republican permission for the benefit of
the Roman people, and apotheosis was a statement of senatorial powers. Where Vespasian had
secured his position with appeals to the genius of the Senate and Augustan tradition, Septimius
overrode the customary preferment of senators to senior military office. He increased plebeian
privilege in Rome, stationed a loyal garrison there and selected his own commanders. He paid
personal attention to the provinces, as sources of revenue, military manpower and unrest. Following
his defeat of his rival Clodius Albinus at Lugdunum, he re-founded and reformed its imperial cult
centre: dea Roma was removed from the altar and confined to the temple along with the deified
Augusti. Fishwick interprets the obligatory new rites as those due any paterfamilias from his
inferiors. Septimius' own patron deities, Melqart/Hercules and Liber/Bacchus, took pride of place
with himself and his two sons at the Saecular Games of 204 AD. Septimius died of natural causes in
211 AD at Eboracum (modern York) while on campaign in Britannia, after leaving the Empire equally
to Caracalla and his older brother Geta, along with advice to "be harmonious, enrich the soldiers,
and scorn all other men."

By 212 AD, Caracalla had murdered Geta, pronounced his damnatio memoriae and issued
the Constitutio Antoniniana: this gave full Roman citizenship(cf.the biblical debate on the church
membership to gentiles .Peter and Paul denote the decree/bulla of the emperors) to all free
inhabitants of the Empire and was couched as a generous invitation to celebrate the "victory of
the Roman people" in foiling Geta's "conspiracy". In reality, Caracalla was faced by an endemic
shortfall of cash and recruits. His "gift" was a far from popular move, as most of its recipients
were humiliores of peasant status and occupation – approximately 90% of the total
population. Humiliores they remained, but now liable to pay taxes, serve in the legions and adopt
the name of their "liberator". Where other emperors had employed the mos maiorum of family
obligation at the largely symbolic level of genius cult, Caracalla literally identified his personal
survival with the state and "his" citizens. Caracalla inherited the devotion of his father's soldiery but
his new citizens were not inclined to celebrate and his attempts to court popularity in Commodan
style seem to have misfired. In Philostratus' estimation, his embrace of Empire foundered on his
grudging, parochial mindset. He was assassinated in 217 AD, with the possible collusion of his
praetorian prefect Macrinus.

The military hailed Macrinus as imperator, and he arranged for the apotheosis of Caracalla. Aware
of the impropriety of his unprecedented leap through the traditional cursus honorum from
equestrian to Emperor, he respectfully sought senatorial approval for his "self-nomination". It was
granted – the new emperor had a lawyer's approach to imperium but his foreign policy proved too
cautious and placatory for the military. After little more than a year, he was murdered in a coup and
replaced with an emperor of Syrian background and Severan descent, Varius Avitus Bassianus,
more usually known by the Latinised name of his god and his priesthood, Elagabalus.

The 14-year-old emperor brought his solar-mountain deity from his native Emesa
(cf.Mesha/medha/Messiah) to Rome and into official imperial cult. In Syria, the cult of Elagabalus
was popular and well established. In Rome, it was a foreign and (according to some ancient sources)
disgusting Eastern novelty. In 220 AD, the priest Elagabalus replaced Jupiter with the god
Elagabalus as Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun) and thereafter neglected his Imperial role
as pontifex maximus. According to Marius Maximus, he ruled from his degenerate domus through
prefects who included among others a charioteer, a locksmith, a barber, and a cook. At the very
least, he appears to have been regarded as an unacceptably effete eccentric by the Senate and
military alike. He was assassinated by the Praetorians at the age of 18, subjected to the fullest
indignities of damnatio memoriae and replaced with his young cousin Alexander Severus, the last of
his dynasty, who reigned for 13 years until killed in a mutiny.

Imperial crisis and the Dominate

The end of the Severan dynasty marked the breakdown of central imperium. Against a background
of economic hyperinflation and latterly, endemic plague, rival provincial claimants fought for
supremacy and failing this, set up their own provincial Empires. Most Emperors seldom even saw
Rome, and had only notional relationships with their senates. In the absence of coordinated Imperial
military response, foreign peoples seized the opportunity for invasion and plunder.

Maximinus Thrax (reigned 235–8 AD) sequestered the resources of state temples in Rome to pay
his armies. The temples of the divi were first in line. It was an unwise move for his own posterity, as
the grant or withholding of apotheosis remained an official judgment of Imperial worthiness, but the
stripping of the temples of state gods caused far greater offense. Maximinus's actions more likely
show need in extreme crisis than impiety, as he had his wife deified on her death but in a rare
display of defiance the senate deified his murdered predecessor, then openly rebelled. His
replacement, Gordiand I, reigned briefly but successfully and was made a divus on his death. A
succession of short-lived soldier-emperors followed. Further development in imperial cult appears to
have stalled until Philip the Arab, who dedicated a statue to his father as divine in his home town
of Philippopolis and brought the body of his young predecessor Gordian III to Rome for apotheosis.
Coins of Philip show him in the radiate solar crown (suggestive of solar cult or a hellenised form of
imperial monarchy), with Rome's temple to Venus and dea Roma on the reverse.

In 249 AD, Philip was succeeded (or murdered and usurped) by his praetorian prefect Decius, a
traditionalist ex-consul and governor. After an accession of doubtful validity, Decius justified
himself as rightful "restorer and saviour" of Empire and its religio: early in his reign he issued a
coin series of imperial divi in radiate (solar) crowns. Philip, the three Gordians, Pertinax and
Claudius were omitted, presumably because Decius thought them unworthy of the honour. In the
wake of religious riots in Egypt, he decreed that all subjects of the Empire must actively seek to
benefit the state through witnessed (cf. If I bear witness of myself, my witness is
not true. John.5.13; “Even if I do bear witness about myself, my testimony is true, for I
know where I came from and where I am going.John.8.14; one of the soldiers pierced
Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water:John.19.34; "The
man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells
the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.John.19.35; “They will look on the
one they have pierced.” cf.Hari srii/srii vatsa) and certified sacrifice to "ancestral
gods(cf.Augustus/ Christ/Putra/varsha/Satra/sarat;Constantine later did the same)" or suffer a
penalty: sacrifice on Rome's behalf by loyal subjects would define them and their gods as
Roman. Only Jews were exempt from this obligation. The Decian edict required that refusal of
sacrifice be tried and punished at proconsular level. Apostasy was sought, rather than capital
punishment. A year after its due deadline, the edict was allowed to expire and shortly after this,
Decius himself died.

Valerian (253–60) identified Christianity as the largest, most stubbornly self-interested of non-
Roman cults, outlawed Christian assembly and urged Christians to sacrifice to Rome's traditional
gods(!!). His son and co-Augustus Gallienus, an initiate of the Eleusinian Mysteries, identified
himself with traditional Roman gods and the virtue of military loyalty (270–75) appealed for
harmony among his soldiers (concordia militum), stabilised the Empire and its borders and
established an official, Hellenic form of unitary cult to the Palmyrene Sol Invictus in Rome's Campus
Martius. The senate hailed him as restitutor orbis (restorer of the world) and deus et dominus
natus (god and born ruler); he was murdered by his Praetorians. His immediate successors
consolidated his achievements: coinage of Probus (276–82) shows him in radiate solar
crown( of Christ/Visvamitra/pu-tra>4 , ,

, , , ,
cf.caturaha/tetrarchy/satra-arka/arka sarat/agra haayana;hence Garuda/Garta/varsha/ harta/
Horus/Herod/ syena/ samaya/tanaya/yajna. Herod Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of
Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch and is referred to as both "Herod the
Tetrarch" and "King Herod" in the New Testament, although he never held the title of
king,whence the reference is to the sacrificial king.Herods were kings of Judea-
suurya-udaya.Augustus was made son of god/kaala/varsha during the reign of the
first Herod/harta/Horus/Garuda.His son Archelaus also gets his name from Arka-
savana ), and his prolific variety of coin types include issues showing the temple of Venus and Dea
Roma in Rome.

These policies and preoccupations culminated in Diocletian's Tetrarchy: the empire was divided into
Western and Eastern administrative blocs, each with an Augustus (senior emperor), helped by a
Caesar (junior emperor) as Augustus-in-waiting. Provinces were divided and subdivided: their
imperial bureaucracy became extraordinary in size, scope and attention to detail. Diocletian was a
religious conservative. On his accession in AD 284, he held games in honour of
the divus Antinous. Where his predecessors had attempted the persuasion and coercion of
recalcitrant sects, Diocletian launched a series of ferocious reactions known in Church history as
the Great Persecution(veda paaTha/paThana-teaching,learning/piiDhana-persecution;
cf.Numedia-Place of St.Sebastian’s persecution>nu-vidya>technique to praise.The crucifix is also
the same). According to Lactantius, this began with a report of ominous haruspicy in
Diocletian's domus(cf.AgnishToma) and a subsequent (but undated) dictat of placatory sacrifice by
the entire military. A date of 302(v-dasa-ra>vatsara>varsha>savana>panca>5) is regarded as likely
and Eusebius also says the persecutions of Christians began in the army. However Maximilian's
martyrdom (295) came from his refusal of military service, and Marcellus' (298) for renouncing his
military oath. Legally, these were military insurrections and Diocletian's edict may have followed
these and similar acts of conscience and faith. An unknown number of Christians appear to have
suffered the extreme and exemplary punishments traditionally reserved for rebels and traitors.

Under Diocletian's expanded imperial collegia, imperial honours distinguished both Augusti from
their Caesares, and Diocletian (as senior Augustus) from his colleague Maximian. While the division
of empire and imperium seemed to offer the possibility of a peaceful and well-prepared succession,
its unity required the highest investiture of power and status in one man. An elaborate
choreography of etiquette surrounded the approach to the imperial person and imperial
progressions. The senior Augustus in particular was made a separate and unique being, accessible
only through those closest to him.
The near identical official images of the collegial Imperial Tetrarchs conceal Diocletian's seniority
and the internal stresses of his empire.

Diocletian's avowed conservatism almost certainly precludes a systematic design toward personal
elevation as a "divine monarch". Rather, he formally elaborated imperial ceremony as a
manifestation of the divine order of empire and elevated emperorship as the supreme instrument
of the divine will. The idea was Augustan, or earlier, expressed most clearly in Stoic philosophy
and the solar cult, especially under Aurelian. At the very beginning of his reign, before his
Tetrarchy, Diocletian had adopted the signum of Jovius(cf.Jove>putra); his co-Augustus adopted the
title Herculius. During the Tetrarchy, such titles were multiplied, but with no clear reflection of
implicit divine seniority: in one case, the divine signum of the Augustus is inferior to that of his
Caesar. These divine associations may have followed a military precedent of emperors as comes to
divinities (or divinities as comes to emperors). Moreover, the divine signum appears in the fairly
narrow context of court panegyric and civil etiquette. It makes no appearance on the general
coinage or stauary of the Tetrarchs, who are presented as impersonal, near-homogenous
abstractions of imperial might and unity.

Context and precedents

The Augustan settlement was promoted by its contemporary apologists as restorative and
conservative rather than revolutionary. Official cult to the genius of the living princeps as "first
among equals" recognised his exceptional powers, his capacity for self-restraint, and his pious
respect for Republican traditions. "Good" emperors rejected offers of official cult as a living deity,
and accepted the more modest honour of genius cult. Claims that later emperors sought and
obtained divine honours in Rome reflect their bad relationship with their senates: in Tertullian's day,
it was still "a curse to name the emperor a god before his death". On the other hand, to judge from
the domestic ubiquity of the emperor's image, private cults to living emperors are as likely in Rome
as elsewhere. As Gradel observes, no Roman was ever prosecuted for sacrificing to his emperor.
Divus, deus and the numen

Dedicatory inscription (CIL 14.04319) to the "numen of the House of the Augustus", from Ostia

The divi had some form of precedent in the di parentes, divine ancestors who received ancestral
rites as manes (gods of the underworld) during the Parentalia and other important domestic
festivals. Their powers were limited; deceased mortals not normally possess the divine power
(numen cf.soma,naama) of the higher gods. Deceased emperors did not automatically become divi;
they must be nominated for the privilege. Their case was discussed by the senate, then put to the
vote. As long as the correct rituals and sacrifice were offered, the divus would be received by the
heavenly gods as a coelicola (a dweller in heaven), a lesser being than themselves. Popular belief
held that the divus Augustus would be personally welcomed by Jupiter(cf.Visakha,asterism of
Jupiter;Miina,sign of Jupiter;the Maundy Thursday rituals marking beginning of caturaha/
tetrarchy). In Seneca's Apocolocyntosis, on the other hand, the unexpected arrival of the divinised
Claudius creates a problem for the Olympians, who have no idea who or what he is; and when they
find out, they cannot think what to do with him. Seneca's sarcastic wit, an unacceptable impiety
towards a deus, freely portrays the divus Claudius as just a dead, ridiculous and possibly quite bad
emperor. Though their images were sacrosanct and their rites definitively divine divi could be
created, unmade, reinstated or simply forgotten. Augustus and Trajan appear to have remained
the ideals for longer than any, and cult to "good" divi appears to have lasted well into the late
Imperial dominate.

The immense power of living emperors, on the other hand, was mediated through the encompassing
agency of the state. Once acknowledged as paterfamilias to an Empire, a princeps was naturally
entitled to genius cult from Imperial subjects of all classes. Cult to a living emperor's numen was
quite another matter and might be interpreted as no less than a statement of divine monarchy.
Imperial responses to the first overtures of cult to the August numen were therefore extremely
cautious. Only much later, probably in consequence of the hyperinflation of honours to living
Emperors, could a living emperor be openly, formally addressed as numen praesens (the numinous

The obscure relationship between deus, divus and numen in imperial cult might simply reflect its
origins as a pragmatic, respectful and somewhat evasive Imperial solution using broad
terminology whose meanings varied according to context. For Beard et al., a practicable and
universal Roman cult of deified emperors and others of the Imperial house must have hinged on
the paradox that a mortal might, like the semi-divine "heroic" figures of Hercules, Aeneas and
Romulus, possess or acquire sufficient measure of numen to rise above their mortal condition and
be in the company of the gods, yet remain mortal in the eyes of Roman traditionalists.


cf. M-1186-
Marcus Aurelius as pontifex offers sacrifice to Jupiter Capitolinus in gratitude for victory. Once part
of the Arch of Marcus Aurelius. Capitoline Museum, Rome.

"Sacred offerings" (sacrificium) formed the contract of public and private religio, from oaths of
office, treaty and loyalty to business contracts and marriage. Participation
in sacrificium acknowledged personal commitment to the broader community and its values, which
under Decius became a compulsory observance. Livy believed that military and civil disasters were
the consequence of error (vitium) in augury, neglect of due and proper sacrifice and the impious
proliferation of "foreign" cults and superstitio. Religious law focused on the sacrificial
requirements of particular deities on specific occasions.

In Julio-Claudian Rome, the Arval priesthood sacrificed to Roman state gods at various temples for
the continued welfare of the Imperial family on their birthdays, accession anniversaries and to
mark extraordinary events such as the quashing of conspiracy or revolt. On 3 January they
consecrated the annual vows: sacrifice promised in the previous year was paid, as long as the gods
had kept the Imperial family safe for the contracted time. If not, it could be withheld, as it was in
the annual vow following the death of Trajan. In Pompeii, the genius of the living emperor was
offered a bull: presumably a standard practice in imperial cult at this time, though lesser offerings
of wine, cakes and incense were also given, especially in the later Imperial era.
The divi and genii were offered the same kind of sacrifice as the state gods, but cult officials seem to
have offered Christians the possibility of sacrifice to emperors as the lesser act.

Augury, ira deorum and pax deorum

By ancient tradition, presiding magistrates sought divine opinion of proposed actions through an
augur, who read the divine will through the observation of natural signs in the sacred space
(templum) of sacrifice. Magistrates could use their right of augury (ius augurum) to adjourn and
overturn the process of law, but were obliged to base their decision on the augur's observations
and advice. For Cicero, this made the augur the most powerful authority in the Late Republic.

In the later Republic, augury came under the supervision of the college of pontifices, a priestly-
magistral office whose powers were increasingly woven into the cursus honorum. The office
of pontifex maximus eventually became a de facto consular office. When the consul Lepidus died,
his office as pontifex maximus passed to Augustus, who took priestly control over the State
oracles (including the Sibylline books), and used his powers as censor to suppress unapproved
oracles. Octavian's honorific title of Augustus indicated his achievements as expressions of divine
will: where the impiety of the Late Republic had provoked heavenly disorder and wrath (ira deorum),
his obedience to divine ordinance brought divine peace (pax deorum).

Genius and household cults

The mos maiorum established the near-monarchic familial authority of the

ordinary paterfamilias ("the father of the family" or the "owner of the family estate"), his
obligations to family and community and his priestly duties to his lares and domestic penates. His
position was hereditary and dynastic, unlike the elected, time-limited offices of Republican
magistrates. His family – and especially his slaves and freedmen – owed a reciprocal duty of cult to
his genius.

A winged genius(cf.mention of angels related to the Christ from his conception story to his

resurrection story,the eagle winged unicorn , )

raises Antoninus Pius and his Empress Faustina in apotheosis, escorted by two eagles. From the
column-base of Antoninus Pius, Vatican.
Genius (pl. genii) was the essential spirit and generative power – depicted as a serpent or as a
perennial youth, often winged – within an individual and their clan (gens, pl. gentes), such as
the Julli (Julians) of Julius Caesar. A paterfamilias could confer his name, a measure of his genius and
a role in his household rites, obligations and honours upon those he adopted. As Caesar's adopted
heir, Octavian stood to inherit the genius, heritable property and honours of his adoptive father in
addition to those obtained through his own birth gens and efforts. The exceptionally
potent genius of living emperors expressed the will of the gods through Imperial actions. In 30 BC,
libation-offerings to the genius of Octavian (later Augustus) became a duty at public and private
banquets, and from 12 BC, state oaths were sworn by the genius of the living emperor.

The Roman paterfamilias offered daily cult to his lares and penates, and to his di parentes/divi
parentes, in domestic shrines and in the fires of the household hearth. As goddess of all hearths,
including the ritual hearth of the State, Vesta(cf.soma/bhadra/varsha/svar-sabda-sapta-divasa-

Stoma/haayana/kanya/kalya , ) connected the "public" and "private" duties of

citizens. Her official cults were supervised by the pontifex maximus from a state-owned house
near the temple of Vesta. When Augustus became pontifex maximus in 12 BC he gave the Vestals
his own house on the Palatine. His penates remained there as its domestic deities, and were soon
joined by his lares. His gift therefore tied his domestic cult to the sanctified Vestals(cf.Christian
Nuns/women at the crucifixion,Kaanya Kubja ,seven women in M-1186) and Rome's sacred hearth
and symbolically extended his domus to the state and its inhabitants. He also co-opted and
promoted the traditional and predominantly plebeian Compitalia shrines and extended their
festivals, whose Lares were known thereafter as Augusti.

Role in the military

The cult of Mithras was created to praise the emperor: sol Invictus is to the left of
picture. The plaque was commissioned by an evidently wealthy Imperial slave. Vatican Museum.

Mithras-worship in the Roman Empire was characterized by images of the god

slaughtering a bull(tauroctony),like those in Harappa.Other images of Mithras found in
Roman temples, show Mithras banqueting with Sol Invictus, and his birth from a

Rome's citizen legionaries appear to have maintained their Marian traditions. They gave cult to
Jupiter for the emperor's well-being and regular cult to State, local and personal divinities. Cult to
the Imperial person and familia was generally offered on Imperial accessions, anniversaries and
renewal of annual vows: a bust of the ruling emperor was kept in the legionary insignia shrine for
the purpose, attended by a designated military imaginifer. By the time of the early Severans, the
legions offered cult to the state gods, the Imperial divi, the current
emperor's numen, genius and domus (or familia), and special cult to the Empress as "mother of
the camp." At around this time, Mithraic cults became very popular with the military, and provided
a basis for syncretic imperial cult which absorbed Mithras into Solar and Stoic Monism as a focus
of military concordia and loyalty.

Altars, temples and priesthoods

Interior of the College of the Augustales at Herculaneum

An imperial cult temple was known as a caesareum (Latin) or sebasteion (Greek cf.St.Sebastian ;
vedic devalaya,vasati,vihaara,ambara,ashTa mangala,agnishToma etc.). In Fishwick's analysis, cult
to Roman state divi was associated with temples, and the genius cult to the living
emperor with his altar. The emperor's image, and its siting within the temple complex, focused
attention on his person and attributes, and his position in the divine and human hierarchies.
Expenditure on the physical expression of imperial cult was vast, and was only curbed by the
Imperial crisis of the 3rd century. As far as is known, no new temples to state divi were built after
the reign of Marcus Aurelius.

The Imperial divi and living genii appear to have been served by separate ceremonies and
priesthoods. Emperors themselves could be priests of state gods, the divi and their own genius cult
images. The latter practice illustrates the Imperial genius as innate to its holder but separable from
him as a focus of respect and cult, formally consistent with cult to the personification of ideas and
ideals such as Fortune (Fortuna), peace (Pax) or victory (Victoria) et al. in conjunction with
the genius of the Emperor, Senate or Roman people; Julius Caesar had showed his affinity with the
virtue of clemency (Clementia), a personal quality associated with his divine ancestor and patron
goddess Venus. Priests typically and respectfully identified their function by manifesting the
appearance and other properties of their deus. The duties of Imperial priests were both religious
and magistral: they included the provision of approved Imperial portraits, statues and sacrifice,
the institution of regular calendrical cult and the inauguration of public works, Imperial games
(state ludi) and munera to authorised models. In effect, priests throughout the empire were
responsible for re-creating, expounding and celebrating the extraordinary gifts, powers and
charisma of emperors.

As part of his religious reforms, Augustus revived, subsidised and expanded the Compitalia games
and priesthoods, dedicated to the Lares of the vici (neighbourhoods), to include cult to his own Lares
(or to his genius as a popular benefactor). Thereafter, the Lares Compitales were known as Lares
Augusti. Tiberius created a specialised priesthood, the Sodales Augustales, dedicated to the cult of
the deceased, deified Augustus. This priestly office, and the connections between the Compitalia
cults and the Imperial household, appear to have lasted for as long as the imperial cult itself.

Saviours and monotheists

Livia (cf.Mariya) in the guise of a goddess with cornucopia

Greek philosophies had significant influence in the development of imperial cult. Stoic cosmologists
saw history as an endless cycle of destruction and renewal, driven by fortuna(luck or
fortune), fatum (fate) and logos (the universal divine principle). The same forces inevitably produced
a sōtēr (saviour,pu-tra-son) who would transform the destructive and "unnatural disorder" of chaos
and strife to pax, fortuna and salus (peace, good fortune and well-being) and is thus identified with
solar cults such as Apollo and Sol Invictus. Livy (in the early to mid 1st century BC), and Lucan (in the
1st century AD) interpreted the crisis of the late Republic as a destructive phase which led to
religious and constitutional renewal by Augustus and his restoration of peace, good fortune and
well-being to the Roman people. Augustus was a messianic figure who personally and rationally
instigated a "golden age" – the pax Augusta – and was patron, priest and protege to a range of
solar deities. The Imperial order was therefore not merely justified by appeals to the divine; it was
an innately natural, benevolent and divine institution.

The imperial cult tolerated and later included specific forms of pluralistic monism. For imperial cult
apologists, monotheists had no rational grounds for refusal, but imposition of cult was counter-
productive. Jews presented a special case. Long before the civil war, Judaism had been tolerated in
Rome by diplomatic treaty with Graeco-Judaean rulers. It was brought to prominence and scrutiny
after Judaea's enrollment as a client kingdom in 63 BC. The following Jewish diaspora helped
disperse early "Judaic" Christianity. Early Christians appear to have been regarded as a sub-sect of
Judaism and as such were sporadically tolerated.

Jewish sources on Emperors, polytheistic cult and the meaning of Empire are fraught with
interpretive difficulties. In Caligula's reign, Jews resisted the placing of Caligula's statue in their
Temple, and pleaded that their offerings and prayers to Yahweh on his behalf amounted to
compliance with his request for worship. According to Philo, Caligula was unimpressed because
the offering was not made directly to him (whether to his genius or his numen is never made
clear) but the statue was never installed. Philo does not challenge the imperial cult itself: he
commends the god-like honours given Augustus as "the first and the greatest and the common
benefactor" but Caligula shames the Imperial tradition by acting "like an Egyptian". However, Philo is
clearly pro-Roman: a major feature of the First Jewish Revolt (AD 66) was the ending of Jewish
sacrifices to Rome and the Emperor and the defacement of imperial images.
The imperial cult and Christianity

To pagan Romans a simple act of sacrifice, whether to ancestral gods under Decius or state gods
under Diocletian, represented adherence to Roman tradition and loyalty to the pluralistic unity of
the Empire. Refusal to adhere to the cult was treason. Christians, however, identified "Hellenistic
honours" as parodies of true worship. Under the reign of Nero or Domitian, according
to Momigliano, the author of the Book of Revelation represented Rome as the "Beast from the sea",
Judaeo-Roman elites as the "Beast from the land" and the charagma (official Roman stamp) as a
sign of the Beast(cf.mRga>ma-Rg>marga>dharma>amRta). Some Christian thinkers perceived
divine providence in the timing of Christ's birth(cf.birth of Augustus), at the very beginning of the
Empire that brought peace and laid paths for the spread of the Gospels; Rome's destruction of
Jerusalem and its Temple was interpreted as divine punishment of the Jews for their refusal of the
Christ. With the abatement of persecution Jerome could acknowledge Empire as a bulwark against
evil but insist that "imperial honours" were contrary to Christian teaching.

[John saw it "rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his
horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." (Revelation 13:1). It was

like a leopard , with feet like the feet of a bear(kusika), and had a mouth like a lion

.The beast from the sea and the beast from the land are descriptions of the

equinoctial year/varsha/svar/suura/tiger with its two ayanas beginning in the

months of Vaisakha/Mesha/Sinha/Hari and Krittika/ tulaa/suura/dasra-

Kaala cakra(cycle of time) is Dasaraaja(ten kings or ten crowns) ,Dasaratha,

varsha(year/ear cf.ear of Malchus) being srava/svar/suura has a mukha/mouth like a
lion.Vaisakha-Vernal Equinox- marks the branching or branches with seven
heads/seven weekdays.Kaala bing aala of ka-time or water,abda-year being abdi-
sea,Arka-sun/Sakra-Indra / cakra-cycle being saagara-sea and miina-Pisces being miira-
sea,the beast is born out of the sea.Kaala as raaja/raama/naama/kusika/Indra/
Visvamitra,it is the name witten!

This will become clear if we look at the following vedic glyphs/images

, , , , , , , , , ]
The Lion-headed figure of Mithraism is the year as denoted
by John in theBook Of Revelations

Drawing of the leontocephaline Lion-headed figure from the Sidon

found at a mithraeum in Ostia Antica, Mithraeum (500 CE; CIMRM 78 & 79; Louvre)

Italy (190 CE; CIMRM 312)

cf. , , ,

, ,
cf.Compare glyphs
on M295 and M-1186 as both are Kausika/Visvamitra seals.Three headed bulls or three

tigers denote Rajarshi(raaja-tiger,tri-three; , )>raaja-

raaja>cakravartin>samraaja>soma raaja>somapa(Indra-
Kusika)/Gopa/Gopaala>Augustus>the emperor.In M-304 the deity itself is three-faced!

Vis -va -mitra –Raaja -Ra -aja (Rajarshi cf.INRI)

is also written.The tiger/sinha/Hari/Hari Srii is

Mitra/va(vis)-dasa(va)-ra(mitra) , >putra-varsha-vatsara--satra-sarat-
dasra-Visvamitra-Christ-Julius-Augustus-Constantine etc.

Drawing of the leontocephaline found at a mithraeum in Ostia Antica, Italy

(190 CE; CIMRM 312)

Lion-headed figure from the Sidon Mithraeum (500 CE; CIMRM 78 & 79; Louvre)

One of the most characteristic and poorly-understood features of the Mysteries is the
naked lion-headed figure often found in Mithraic temples, named by the modern
scholars with descriptive terms such as leontocephaline (lion-headed)
or leontocephalus (lion-head>Hari Srii>Leo>Deo>Visvamitra>Julius Caesar>Augustus
Caesar ).

His body is a naked man's, entwined by a serpent (or two serpents, like a caduceus;Hari
Varsha>Kali varsha>Hari Srii), with the snake's head often resting on the lion's head.
The lion's mouth is often open(garja>garta>harta>gaja>saka>varsha>svar.Open mouth
indicate roar/svar/varsha/king’s year/veda). He is usually represented as having four
wings, two keys (sometimes a single key), and a sceptre in his hand. Sometimes the
figure is standing on a globe inscribed with a diagonal cross(Christ/dasa/ara/alt-ar).
On the figure from the Ostia Antica Mithraeum (left, CIMRM 312), the four wings carry
the symbols of the four seasons, and a thunderbolt is engraved on his chest(srii
vatsa/varsha/vajra). At the base of the statue are the hammer and tongs
of Vulcan and Mercury's cock(crow>svar>varsha) and wand (caduceus). A rare
variation of the same figure is also found with a human head and a lion's head emerging
from its chest.

Although animal-headed figures are prevalent in contemporary Egyptian and Gnostic

mythological representations, no exact parallel to the Mithraic leontocephaline figure
has been found as the original source is Vedic Bharata Varsha(IVC).

Based on dedicatory inscriptions for altars, the name of the figure is conjectured to
be Arimanius, a Latinized form of the name Ahriman – a demonic figure in the
Zoroastrian pantheon. Arimanius is known from inscriptions to have been a god in the
Mithraic cult as seen, for example, in images from the Corpus Inscriptionum et
Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae (CIMRM) such as CIMRM 222 from
Ostia, CIMRM 369 from Rome, and CIMRM 1773 and 1775 from Pannonia.

Some scholars identify the lion-man as Aion, or Zurvan, or Cronus, or Chronos, while
others assert that it is a version of the Zoroastrian Ahriman or Vedic Aryaman. Although
the exact identity of the lion-headed figure is debated by scholars, it is largely agreed
that the god is associated with time and seasonal change.(credits:

The Mithraic cult was introduced to worship the Roman Caesars as Divus/Sol
Invictus/gods and it was formalised as Christianity by the Roman Caesars of the third
and fourth centuries to suppress schisms in the cult,like Arianism.

As pontifex maximus Constantine I favoured the "Catholic Church of the Christians" against
the Donatists because:

it is contrary to the divine law... that we should overlook such quarrels and contentions, whereby
the Highest Divinity(cf.Augustus-the most high) may perhaps be roused not only against the human
race but also against myself, to whose care he has by his celestial will committed the government of
all earthly things. Official letter from Constantine, dated AD 314.

In this change of Imperial formula Constantine acknowledged his responsibility to an earthly realm
whose discord and conflict might arouse the ira deorum; he also recognised the power of the new
Christian priestly hierarchy in determining what was auspicious or orthodox. Though unbaptised,
Constantine had triumphed under the signum of the Christ (probably some form of Labarum as an
adapted or re-interpreted legionary standard). He may have officially ended – or attempted to end
– blood sacrifices to the genius of living emperors but his Imperial iconography and court
ceremonial elevated him to superhuman status. Constantine's permission for a new cult temple to
himself and his family in Umbria is extant: the cult "should not be polluted by the deception of any
contagious superstition". At the First Council of Nicaea Constantine united and re-founded the
empire under an absolute head of state by divine dispensation and was honoured as the first
Christian Imperial divus. On his death he was venerated and was held to have ascended to
heaven. Philostorgius later criticised Christians who offered sacrifice at statues of
the divus Constantine. His three sons re-divided their Imperial inheritance: Constantius II was
an Arian – his brothers were Nicene.

Constantine's nephew Julian, Rome's last non-Christian emperor, rejected the "Galilean madness" of
his upbringing for a synthesis of neo-Platonism, Stoic asceticism and universal solar cult and actively
fostered religious and cultural pluralism. His restored Augustan form of principate, with himself
as primus inter pares, ended with his death in 363, after which his reforms were reversed or
abandoned. The Western emperor Gratian refused the office of pontifex maximus and, against the
protests of the Senate, removed the altar of Victoria (Victory) from the Senate House and began the
disestablishment of the Vestals. Theodosius I briefly re-united the Western and Eastern halves of
the Empire, officially adopted Nicene Christianity as the Imperial religion and ended official
support for all other creeds and cults. He refused to restore Victoria to the Senate House,
extinguished Vesta's sacred fire and vacated her temple. Even so, he accepted address as a living
divinity, comparable to Hercules and Jupiter, by his overwhelmingly pagan Senate. After his death
the sundered Eastern and Western halves of Empire followed increasingly divergent paths:
nevertheless both were Roman and both had emperors. Imperial ceremonial – notably the
Imperial adventus or ceremony of arrival, which derived in greater part from the Triumph – was
embedded within Roman culture, Church ceremony and the Gospels themselves.

The last Western divus was probably Libius Severus, who died in 465 AD. Very little is known about
him. His Imperium was not recognised by his Eastern counterpart and he may have been a puppet-
emperor of the Germanic general Ricimer. In the west, imperial authority was partly replaced by
the spiritual supremacy and political influence of the Roman Catholic Church.

In the Eastern Empire, sworn adherence to Christian orthodoxy became a prerequisite of Imperial
accession – Anastasius I signed a document attesting his obedience to orthodox doctrine and
practice. He is the last emperor known to be consecrated as divus on his death (AD 518). The title
appears to have been abandoned on grounds of its spiritual impropriety but the consecration of
Eastern emperors continued: they held power through divine ordinance and their rule was the
manifestation of sacred power on earth. The adventus and the veneration of the Imperial image
continued to provide analogies for devotional representations (Icons) of the heavenly hierarchy
and the rituals of the Orthodox Church.

Historical evaluations

The Roman imperial cult is sometimes considered a deviation from Rome's traditional Republican
values, a religiously insincere cult of personality which served Imperial propaganda. It drew its power
and effect, however, from both religious traditions deeply engrained in Roman culture, such as the
veneration of the genius of each individual and of the ancestral dead, and on forms of the
Hellenistic ruler cult developed in the eastern provinces of the Empire.

The nature and function of imperial cult remain contentious, not least because its Roman historians
employed it equally as a topos for Imperial worth and Imperial hubris. It has been interpreted as an
essentially foreign, Graeco-Eastern institution, imposed cautiously and with some difficulty upon a
Latin-Western Roman culture in which the deification of rulers was constitutionally alien, if not
obnoxious. In this viewpoint, the essentially servile and "un-Roman" imperial cult was established at
the expense of the traditional Roman ethics which had sustained the Republic. For Christians and
secularists alike, the identification of mortal emperors with godhead represented the spiritual
and moral bankruptcy of paganism which led to the triumph of Christianity as Rome's state

Very few modern historians would now support this point of view. Some – among them Beard et
al. – find no distinct category of imperial cult within the religio-political life of Empire: the Romans
themselves used no such enveloping term. Cult to living or dead emperors was inseparable from
Imperial state religion, which was inextricably interwoven with Roman identity and whose beliefs
and practices were founded within the ancient commonality of Rome's social and domestic mos
maiorum. Descriptions of cult to emperors as a tool of "Imperial propaganda" or the less pejorative
"civil religion" emerge from modern political thought and are of doubtful value: in Republican
Rome, cult could be given to state gods, personal gods, triumphal generals, magnates,
benefactors, patrons and the ordinary paterfamilias – living or dead. Cult to mortals was not an
alien practise: it acknowledged their power, status and their bestowal of benefits. The Augustan
settlement appealed directly to the Republican mos maiorum and under the principate, cult to
emperors defined them as emperors.

With rare exceptions, the earliest institution of cult to emperors succeeded in providing a common
focus of identity for Empire. It celebrated the charisma of Roman Imperial power and the meaning of
Empire according to local interpretations of romanitas, firstly an agency of transformation, then of
stability. Cult to Imperial deities was associated with commonplace public ceremonies, celebrations
of extraordinary splendour and unnumbered acts of private and personal devotion. The political
usefulness of such an institution implies neither mechanical insincerity nor lack of questioning about
its meaning and propriety: an Empire-wide, unifying cult would necessarily be open to a multitude of
personal interpretations but its significance to ordinary Romans is almost entirely lost in the critical
interpretations of a small number of philosophically literate, skeptical or antagonistic Romans and
Greeks, whether Christian or Hellene. The decline of prosperity, security and unity of Empire was
clearly accompanied by loss of faith in Rome's traditional gods and – at least in the West – in Roman
emperors. For some Romans, this was caused by the neglect of traditional religious practices. For
others – equally Roman – breakdown of empire was God's judgment on faithless or heretical
Christians and hardened pagans alike.

As Roman society evolved, so did cult to emperors: both proved remarkably resilient and adaptable.
Until its confrontation by fully developed Christian orthodoxy, "imperial cult" needed no systematic
or coherent theology. Its part in Rome's continued success was probably sufficient to justify, sanctify
and "explain" it to most Romans. Confronted with crisis in Empire, Constantine matched the
Augustan achievement by absorbing Christian monotheism into the Imperial hierarchy. Cult to
emperors was not so much abolished or abandoned as transformed out of recognition.

The Month of Augustus

August is the eighth month in the Gregorian calendar and has 31 days. In the northern half of the
world, August is the last month of summer. In the southern half, it is the last month of winter.
The meaning of August comes from ancient Rome: Augustus is Latin and means “the venerable one”
or “the great one(Christ).” It was the title given to the first Roman emperor, Gaius Caesar. The
Roman senate decided in 8 BCE to name a month in honor of the emperor. They chose the old
Roman month of Sextilius and renamed it Augustus.


Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavian, was the first Roman emperor, reigning from 27 BC until his
death in AD 14. His status as the founder of the Roman Principate has consolidated a legacy as one
of the most effective leaders in human history.

Born: 23 September 63 BC, Palatine Hill, Rome, Italy(cf.Bethlehem/Meth-Melech)

Died: 19 August 14 AD, Nola, Italy. His death on 19-August-14 AD made him Divus /year
automatically as divasa-day –David /diva/samaa-aadi/ samaadhi(santi/saint/sandhya).For Jews Sol-
Amun (Solomon) was son of David. Mithraic Christians presented Divus Augustus as Son of God/Son
of David or Sol-Invictus .

Full name: Gaius Octavius Thurinus

Spouse: Claudia (m. 42 BC–40 BC), Scribonia (m. 40 BC–38 BC), Livia (m. 38 BC–14 AD)

Book: Res Gestae Divi Augusti

Children: Julia the Elder, Nero Claudius Drusus

Parents: Julius Caesar, Gaius Octavius, Atia

Astronomical Events in August

Perseid Meteors: The Perseid meteor shower is known to be one of the most active and brightest
meteor showers of the year. They are usually active between July 17 and August 24. They tend to be
most visible between August 9 and August 13.

Sturgeon Moon: August’s Full Moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon, named after a huge
freshwater fish that can be found in great numbers in August. Because August is harvesting
season in the Northern Hemisphere, August’s Full Moon is also called Grain Moon, Fruit Moon,
and Barley Moon.
The Perseids are most visible in August.


History of August

In the ancient Roman calendar, August was initially called mens sextilius, the sixth month, because
the Roman calendar started in March. Sextilis had 31 days. Around the year 700 BCE, the Roman
king Numa Pompilius expanded the calendar from ten to twelve months by
introducing January and February. Sextilis was reduced to 29 days.

In 154 BCE, a rebellion forced the Roman senate to change the beginning of the civil year from
March to January 1st. With this reform, Sextilis officially became the eighth month.

In the year 46 BCE, Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar system—the Julian calendar. He added
ten days to the year and introduced the leap day. In the new Julian calendar, Sextilis was expanded
to 31 days.

In the year 8 BCE, the Roman senate then renamed Sextilis to honor the first Roman
emperor, Augustus Caesar. Augustus was not the emperor’s name but his title. It means “the
great” or “the venerable.” The Roman senate gave this title to the emperor Gaius Caesar Octavius in
the year 27 BCE because of his military and political victories that founded the Roman empire.

Also refer Julian calendar @


amRta,dharma , , , )
/traaNa/raksha/putra/Soter.The unicorn shows
putrakameshTi(birth of Raama/raja/kaala/ Daksha/

>va(bha)-rsha(tra/rasa , , rusha-

fish/sura/arusha/asura )>putra>mitra>varsha>
adhvara> Asvina.Water buffaloe/mahisha-anointed
king/sinha-king is gauramRga/ syaama mRga/ samaya
mRga/tanaya/syena/ asva/avasa/abda/ yajna.With the

unicorn –putrakameshTi and the

images,this seal indicate a putrakameshTi yaaga.The asvins-
Nasatya &
Dasra/sarpa/sarva/visva/Visvamitra/sarat/varsha ,

, (cf.”satya(truth)” of Christ and Pilate ,the raising of

Lazarus,the palm Sunday mounting of a donkey etc. are also
visible.Note the satya(Ficus,truth,astya-house,ishTi-sacrifice)
crown for the Asvins.
List of References

















19.Dr.Bryan K.Wells: An Introduction To Indus Writing.Table.3.1 pages 60-70











































I am extremely indebted to hundreds of authors whose works
form the basis for this paper.Special mention may be made of a
few names : Dr.Asko Parpola, Dr.I.Mhadevan,
Dr.J.M.Kenoyer,Dr.Bryan K.Wells,Dr.M.Vidale among others.
The sites of, ,Sumerian have provided most of the images used in this
Once again I am acknowledging with a grateful heart these
authors and their publishers,for making this paper possible.


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