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(AC-S08) Week 8 - Task: Assignment - Around my City


Medalith Danuzka
Bedon Aguilar

(AC-S07) Semana 7 -
Tarea: Asignación -
Mi familia
Elena: Good night, Joel, today
I'm going to present you to my
family. We are 4 people in the
house, my mother is very
affectionate with my brother
and I, she is 43 years old, my
father is a
hard worker and is also serious,
my brother is 11 years old, he is
my conceited and very
affectionate. My whole family
lives in Peru, we are very close
and we like to celebrate each
unique and special moment as a
family. We have three pets, a
dog, his name is teddy and two
hamsters, they are called tail
and spots, they are very
affectionate and all three like to
when they are together.
Joel: Hi! This is my family. He
is my father, his name is
Augusto and he is 69 years old,
he is very
kind and likes to take care of
his garden. My sister's name is
Sandra, she is a year older than
me, she is shorter than me and
studies management, she likes
fried chicken and is Josue’s
mother. My little nephew is 3
years old, he is very naughty
and playful, all day you can
hear him
running around everywhere and
laughing, he makes the house
very happy and his favorite
game is to jump in a pool full of
balls and play with our dog


A: Hi, I'm the partner maryuri

B: Hello, I am medalith

C: Hi, and I'm Angelo.

A: Excuse me, I'm a tourist and it's the first time I've come to Lima.

B: Yes, tell me, how can we help you?

A: I would like to know the sites or places that I would like to visit. can you help me?

C: Sure, you can ask us.

C: What places are you looking for?

A: Well, the first place I would like to visit is the Mirador de Miraflores
B: If it is easy to get from here from the airport, you should take a taxi and the driver will
go down Faucett avenue and then turn around venezuela avenue and go along the
beaches and then you will go through the Costa Verde.

A: Oh I see, where is the mall?

C: the best known is the Larcomar

C: From the point of view, if you like to walk and explore, you can get there like this,
since I know the beach and the parks. They are beautiful

A: They told me that there are cats in a park called Parque quenedi. How can I go

B: From the larcomar, rent a bicycle and drive past the wong shopping center along
twenty-eighth of July avenue and you will arrive at kenedy park

A: Oh, thank you very much. Now I can go to know without getting lost.

B: Don't worry, it was a pleasure see you later

C: see you later mate

A: see you later, thanks

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