Activity #4 Developmental Reading

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Activity 4

1. I have lost track with how many books i have read. I usually read nonfiction books such as
autobiographies, but i also read fiction novels and short stories although rarely.
2. There was a time when I kept reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was so thick but i was
so hooked that i ended up reading it for a week.
3. I do not really read everyday. I only read when i can or if i happen to come up with something
interesting. I am more of a sports person. I like physical activities.
4. Since almost everything is available online, i rarely go to the library. But when i do, i usually
go to read on school related or research related books.
5. I only went to the mini library in my previous school and due to the limited available books, i
have not checked out a book once.
6. I like autobiographies because i like knowing how people become who they are, their trials
and their success. I also like fiction novels and short stories, its a way to explore a different
world for me. I choose which ones to read via friends recommendation or when i read about it on
social media.
7. I usually read the book before watching its movies or series. Although to be honest, i watched
Lord of the Rings first before reading its books.
8. Yes, to me it's tru that books are better than their movie adaptation in such a way that we get
to imagine while we read. We get to work our brains while reading. And really, movies are
shorter versions of a book. We can't get the full book based on a movie.
9. The last book I read was a short story entitled, Tuesdays with Morrie. It is about how a teacher
has touched the life of his student in a very personal way, how he got sick and started a Tuesday
session with his former student and talk about various lessons of life.
10. I think my favorite part was the "practice eulogy" that Morrie did. His rebuttal was that he'd
rather hear what people him or think of him before he dies. It is my favorite part because
although it is unusual and uncanny, he is right. Why tell someone else how good of a person I am
after I die, when you can tell it to me while I'm alive.
11. I can't really choose one specific favorite but, I think one favorite is The Diary of a Young
Girl. I like it because it tells a story about the life of people during the Nazi occupation in the
Netherlands. Their hardship, their losses and how they thrived to somehow live another day
despite the unholy war.
12. Lord of the Rings is one of the books i read early in life and i think it's my childhood
favorite. I like it simply because it's about war of the different kingdoms.
13. Nowadays, i prefer reading ebooks because it is easily accessible. I get my ebooks from
14. In my bedroom is where i read because it is quiet and it is my own space. As to when, there
is really no definite good time to read. A person can read whenever he wants
15. Thankfully, i was never in such a situation.
16. Before, i get destructed in terms that i read without doing my chores first. So i changed that
habit so that ot will not happen again.

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