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Clinical Update


Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Eye:

The Ophthalmologist’s Role
by annie stuart, contributing writer
interviewing jamie m. bigelow, md, karl c. golnik, md, deepak p. grover, do,
and nancy m. holekamp, md

t’s not every day that ophthal-
mologists save lives. But the Is It Apnea?
eyes may be a proverbial canary 1
in the coal mine for obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA)—the most
common type of sleep-disordered
breathing, which increases the overall
risk of death one and a half times in se-
rious cases (patients who scored 30 or
more on the apnea-hypopnea index).1
About 1 in 4 men and 1 in 10
women have sleep-disordered breath-
ing. Yet most cases remain in the dark,
undiagnosed.1 Despite its growing
recognition by sleep specialists, OSA
has not gained much traction in the
field of ophthalmology, said Nancy M. Fundus photos reveal multiple cotton-wool spots in a diabetic patient with sus-
Holekamp, MD, vitreoretinal surgeon pected sleep apnea.
and associate professor of clinical
ophthalmology and visual sciences at specialist with the California Center tory cytokines, which may play a role
Washington University, in St. Louis. for Sleep Disorders in the San Fran- in injury and imperfect repair of blood
“But ophthalmologists have a big role cisco Bay Area. vessels.” Patients with sleep apnea have
to play and can make a meaningful Under pressure. “The intake of been shown to have a higher incidence
improvement in people’s lives.” breath creates a negative pressure of hypertension, stroke, myocardial
Deepak P. Grover, DO, a neuro- that pulls in the walls of the airway, infarction, arrhythmias, diabetes, and
ophthalmologist practicing near Phila- obstructing or narrowing it, and caus- dementia, said Dr. Bigelow, and in
delphia, agreed. “The ophthalmologist ing interruptions in breathing up to a most cases, sleep apnea treatment has
may be able not only to detect ocular hundred times an hour,” she said. As a been associated with decreased risk
pathology associated with OSA at a result of these obstructing events, oxy- or clinical improvement. As for the
stage early enough to maintain and re- gen saturation may also be intermit- impact on the eye? Yo-yo-ing oxygen
store vision but also to refer appropri- tently reduced. levels have untold effects over the long
ately and help in the management and All about oxygen. “Recent inves- term, said Dr. Holekamp.
prevention of well-known systemic tigations suggest that the severity of
comorbidities such as coronary artery oxygen desaturation may be a stronger Ocular Diseases Linked to Sleep Apnea
N a nc y M. Hol ek a mp, MD

disease.” correlate with cardiovascular problems Just as it’s important for ophthalmolo-
than the actual number of breathing gists to be alert to hypertension or
OSA: Taking Your Breath Away interruptions,” said Dr. Bigelow. “The mild diabetic retinopathy, it’s also
In patients with OSA, the musculature drop in oxygen appears to unleash a critical to recognize visual condi-
of the airway relaxes excessively during whole host of changes, including re- tions that might be associated with
sleep, said Jamie M. Bigelow, MD, sleep lease of catecholamines and inflamma- sleep apnea, said Karl C. Golnik, MD,

e y e n e t 33

neuro-ophthalmologist at Cincinnati Dr. Grover recommends referring 156,336 patients with a diagnosis of
Eye Institute. Dr. Grover suggests hav- patients with signs of lid laxity, espe- sleep apnea initially showed an in-
ing a high suspicion of sleep apnea if cially men with other OSA risk factors, creased risk of open-angle glaucoma
patients with predisposing factors (see for a possible sleep study—even before (OAG), but the difference disappeared
“The OSA Profile”) present with any of full-blown signs of floppy eyelid syn- with multivariable analysis that ac-
the following five ocular conditions. drome appear. Topical treatment may counted for confounding factors.2 In
Floppy eyelid syndrome. This help prevent papillary conjunctivitis contrast, other researchers have shown
condition is Dr. Grover’s number- and minimize symptoms such as dry associations, including a 2012 study
one reason for referring patients for eye, burning, and irritation. that found a link not only to primary
a sleep study. One theory to explain NAION. Nonarteritic anterior isch- OAG but also to ocular hypertension.
floppy eyelid syndrome is a weak tar- emic optic neuropathy (NAION) is Glaucoma patients with OSA had a
sal plate, common in obese patients; another strong reason for referral, said higher intraocular pressure (IOP),
another involves the central nervous Dr. Grover, explaining that in several worse visual field indices, and thinner
system. Normally, a person would be large studies, 70 to 80 percent of pa- retinal nerve fiber layer compared with
awakened by the sensation of pressure tients with NAION have been found to the control group.3
from pillows or bedding on an open have OSA. What originally prompted Retinal conditions. Studies suggest
eye, but “in patients with sleep apnea, investigation into the links between a causal relationship between central
a decrease in cortical arousability NAION and sleep apnea, said Dr. Gro- serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) and
causes the eyelid to remain open when ver, is the classic presentation of acute OSA, said Dr. Grover, because of the
disturbed by mechanical stress dur- painless vision loss upon awakening in known increase in catecholamines
ing sleep,” he said. Over time, the lid the morning in 75 percent of NAION with OSA. “Although CSCR can re-
becomes more lax and is easily everted patients. Although it is not possible to solve within six months of [ophthal-
with slight lateral traction. reverse vision loss from NAION, he mic] treatment, sleep apnea treatment
said, treatment for sleep apnea may in patients with the condition has been
help prevent an attack of NAION in shown to accelerate the recovery,” he
T h e O S A P r o f il e the other eye, which occurs in 15 to 18 said, citing a case of bilateral CSCR
percent of cases. in which the patient’s vision returned
The National Heart Lung and Blood
Papilledema. Linked to idiopathic to 20/20 and 20/25 and the serous
Institute and the American Sleep As-
intracranial hypertension (IIH), which detachment resolved within a week of
sociation list the following risk factors
occurs most frequently in young wom- starting apnea treatment.4
for, and signs and symptoms of, ob-
en, papilledema may be associated Causing severe dysfunction in the
structive sleep apnea.
with increased venous blood flow, said autoregulation of three major blood
RISK FACTORS Dr. Golnik. An increase in CO2 con- vessels—the posterior ciliary, central
Obesity centration may result from interrupted retinal, and ophthalmic arteries—
Large neck size breathing, he said, and it may dilate OSA-related hypoxia may be a culprit
Enlarged tonsils in children blood vessels and increase pressure, in retinal vein occlusions, said Dr.
Small airway due to nasal congestion leading to optic disc swelling. Grover. Hypoxia is also the primary
or bony structure Dr. Golnik advocates questioning stimulus for neovascularization in
Family history of sleep apnea all papilledema patients about symp- diabetic retinopathy, he said.5 In ad-
Increasing age toms of sleep apnea. He sends patients dition, OSA’s potential role in diabetic
Male gender who report symptoms for a sleep study, retinopathy was spotlighted in a recent
African-American, Hispanic, or Pacific as well as those who don’t fit the usual Oxford study, which found a high
Islander ethnicity IIH demographic, such as men or any- prevalence of sleep apnea in patients
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS one over age 50. Dr. Golnik recently with diabetic clinically significant
Loud snoring referred an IIH patient for evaluation macular edema (CSME).6
Gasping or choking while asleep and treatment, which improved her vi- “When your retina doesn’t get
Frequent nighttime urination sion and papilledema within a matter enough oxygen,” said Dr. Holekamp,
Morning headaches, dry mouth, or of weeks. The sleep doctor was incred- “this adds insult to injury, exacerbat-
sore throat ulous, asking, “How did you know? ing existing underlying problems like
Lack of energy or excessive daytime She had some of the worst apnea I’ve diabetic retinopathy or hypertensive
sleepiness ever seen. You saved her life.” retinopathy. The tip-off is six or more
Hypertension Glaucoma. A number of studies peripapillary cotton-wool spots [Fig.
Memory, learning, or concentration have examined the possible connec- 1]. Clinicians traditionally call this
problems tions between OSA and glaucoma, hypertensive retinopathy, but it may
Depression, irritability, or mood swings but they have yielded varying results. be a manifestation of blood pressure
For example, a large chart review of spikes from obstructive sleep apnea.

34 f e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3

Nothing is 100 percent, but I’m batting for OSA should be part of the history 2
a thousand with the diabetic patients in these cases, said Dr. Holekamp,
with cotton-wool spots I’ve referred for “but perhaps it should be a part of re-
sleep studies.” view of systems for everybody.”

Spotting OSA-Related Eye Problems Effects of OSA Treatment

Ophthalmologists can spot signs of Sleep apnea is highly treatable, and
visual conditions that may be linked many of its symptoms—including
with sleep apnea, said Dr. Golnik. ocular effects—are reversible, as long
“There’s no great secret here. A dilated as the patient adheres to the regimen,
retinal exam will catch many.” In some said Dr. Grover. What’s more, added
cases, he said, it may be an inciden- Dr. Bigelow, blood vessels remodel in
tal finding or, in the case of NAION, response to treatment within three to
patient-identified sudden vision loss. four months, normalizing risks for
Screening for sleepiness. Is the strokes and heart attacks.
patient falling asleep while reading, OSA treatment is based on the
watching television, at the wheel? Tired severity of the condition, patient pref-
first thing in the morning? For any erence, and affordability, said Dr. Big-
eye condition linked with sleep apnea, elow. “For more severe cases, you need CPAP. Sleep apnea patient using con-
said Dr. Golnik, you can make a case greater pressure to maintain patency tinuous positive air pressure device.
for using a tool such as the Epworth of the airway. Continuous positive air-
Sleepiness Scale or Berlin Question- way pressure (CPAP) is typically pre- positive airway pressure (Provent;
naire—except when your suspicions scribed, but insurance may not cover it Ventus Medical) and a device that ap-
are so high that it makes sense to go for milder cases.” plies vacuum through a mouthpiece
straight to a sleep study. CPAP. Introduced in the 1980s, to pull the soft palate forward (Winx;
Dr. Holekamp finds these tools, CPAP delivers pressure to the upper Apnicure).
which depend on patient responses, airway to prevent the collapse of the Other options. Some patients may
less reliable for her diabetic patients pharynx (Fig. 2). “CPAP does won- see improvement in their OSA with
than doing a retinal exam. “Patients ders,” said Dr. Grover. “My patients weight loss and avoidance of smoking,
aren’t particularly good historians,” come back and say, ‘I feel more alive alcohol, and sedatives. Positional ther-
she said. “If they’ve had apnea for a than I ever have.’” Dr. Holekamp sees apy or custom-made dental appliances
long time, they may have developed cotton-wool spots disappear in her pa- that move the jaw forward are other
compensatory mechanisms and not re- tients with diabetes. “With treatment, options, said Dr. Bigelow.
alize how tired they are all the time.” one patient was able to stop two blood Surgery—which may involve stiff-
Ordering a sleep study. Dr. Grover pressure medications and one diabetes ening or shrinking tissue or removing
will first inquire about symptoms of medication.” the tonsils, uvula, and part of the soft
excessive daytime somnolence and But even though it can work well, palate—should be considered only as a
snoring or breathing difficulties, the CPAP device can take some get- secondary option, said Dr. Bigelow, be-
which may be reported by a spouse. ting used to, said Dr. Golnik. Ocular cause the procedures are quite invasive
“If my suspicion is very high, I’ll go side effects, such as irritation and and the results are variable.
ahead and order a sleep study and refer tear evaporation, can also be an issue.
the patient to a sleep specialist.” In Proper mask fit and optimal oxygen ti- Drs. Bigelow, Golnik, Grover, and Holekamp
cases of mild to moderate suspicion, tration can resolve many of these prob- report no related financial interests.
he will refer the patient to a primary lems, said Dr. Grover. He cautioned
care physician for an evaluation first that some data indicate that treatment 1 Punjami NM et al. PLoS Med. 2009;6(8):
and for consideration of unattended with CPAP may actually increase glau- e1000132.
home-based portable polysomnogra- coma patients’ nocturnal IOP, so these 2 Stein JD et al. Am J Ophthalmol. 2011;
phy, which is less expensive than in- individuals need close monitoring. 152(6):989-998.e3.
laboratory polysomnography. Alternatives to CPAP. One alterna- 3 Moghimi S et al. Sleep Med. 2012 Sep 1.
Gray areas remain, however. For tive to CPAP is bilevel positive airway [Epub ahead of print].
example, given the numbers involved, pressure (BiPAP), which allows inde- 4 Jain AK et al. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Oph-
should all glaucoma patients be pendent adjustment of pressure during thalmol. 2010;248(7):1037-1039.
screened for sleepiness or referred for inhalation and exhalation. 5 Ferrara N. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2001;
a sleep study? And what about patients Newer FDA-approved approaches 280(6):C1358-C1366.
with high blood pressure—is OSA a include one-way valves placed in the 6 Mason RH et al. Retina. 2012;32(9):1791-
contributory factor? Maybe screening nostrils to increase nasal expiratory 1798.

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