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My name is Elon musk and today is the day in which the world will change, the people who

suffer in the great depths of the world will be helped to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
The uprising of the human species will be guaranteed, when we look at the universe, we can
see it as nature’s gift so why not make use of it. The exploration and the development of our
country will be far greater than others, at some point if you all vote for me we will have a
whole new planet or planets to our name. While everyone is stuck in the matrix, we will be
the ones to break free and embrace the true reality.

The cities will be filled with a happy community and technological developments it will truly
transform the world we live in. I promise to make our county great and better than others. If
you vote for me I will take us not only to the moon but throughout the whole universe. It is
time for us to stop being lazy and get up on our feet to be in this together and make a better
living for our future generations. I have a dream of a future in which all of us can be happy
together. Throughout time we must remember that the sky is not the limit and that the era of
exploration and development is near.


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