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Module 3 Excel Set 2

A reminder that each student in this course is expected to abide by the Utah State University Code of
Academic Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the
student's own work. You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts
covered in lecture and the sections with other students. You can give "consulting" help to or receive
"consulting" help from such students. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve one
student having possession of a copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an email,
an email attachment file, a diskette, or a hard copy. Should copying occur, both the student who
copied work from another student and the student who gave material to be copied will both
automatically receive a zero for the assignment.
Help for using Excel is at the end of each chapter reading. Use this file to insert your results and answer
the following questions.
The next 5 questions are based on Exercise 2.46 (page 72) from the textbook. After reading Exercise
2.46, you will need to copy the table shown in the textbook into Excel in the first worksheet (Sheet1) to
answer the following questions.

Question 12 pts
2.46 (a)
What is the mean of the sample?


Question 2 2 pts
2.46 (a)
Interpret the mean of the sample found above. (Hint: Be sure to interpret in context of the problem.
Don't just give a general definition of the mean or how to calculate it.)

Question 3 2 pts
2.46 (b)
What is the median of the sample?

Question 4 2 pts
2.46 (b)
Interpret the median of the sample found above. (Hint: Be sure to interpret in context of the problem.
Don't just give a general definition of the median or how to calculate it.)

Question 5 2 pts
2.46 (c)
Answer question 2.46 (c) in the space below.

The next 4 questions are based on Exercise 2.49 (page 72) from the textbook. After reading Exercise
2.49, you will need to copy the data into Excel in the second worksheet (Sheet2) to answer the following
questions. USE THE DATASET for the provided file - DO NOT COPY THE DATA IN FROM
THE TEXTBOOK TABLE (there is a line of data in the Control group that should be in the DM
group). (Note: the dataset is located under Files --> HOMEWORK DATASETS --> HCOUGH.xlsx)

Question 6 2 pts
2.49 (a)
What is the median improvement score for the honey dosage group?


Question 7 2 pts
2.49 (b)
What is the median improvement score for the DM dosage group?

Question 8 2 pts
2.49 (c)
What is the median improvement score for the control group?


Question 9 2 pts
2.49 (d)
Answer question 2.49 (d) in the space below.

Question 10 2 pts
Attach the Excel workbook you used for this assignment.

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