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Question 1 : Your company decides to use only

internal sources for developing new-product

ideas. Which of the following would NOT be

Question 2 :What is a segment of a larger

market that can be defined by its own unique
needs, preferences, or identity that makes it
different from the market at large.

Question 3 :Which promotional method involves

direct communication between the sales person
and the customer?

Question 4 : A company should think of its

intermediaries as both its ________ and ________.

Question 5 : Sometimes a producer chooses

only a few dealers in a territory to distribute its
products or services. Generally these dealers
are given a right to ________distribution
Question 6 :By definition, ________ is used when a
firm sells a product or service at two or more
prices, even though the difference in price is
not based on differences in cost.

Question 7 :Some products that have entered

the decline stage have been cycled back to the
growth stage through ________

Question 8 : Product improvements, product

modifications, and original products can all be
classified as ________.

Question 9 : What are the key tools used in

promotional mix strategy?

Question 10 :New-product development starts

with ________.
Question 11 :Which of the following is NOT a
price adjustment strategy?

Question 12 :Today, a growing number of firms

now outsource some or all of their logistics to

Question 13 The third part of the marketing

strategy statement includes all of the following
EXCEPT ________.

Question 14 :Which one of following statement is

considered as the correct order of steps in the
consumer decision-making process?

Question 15 :A detailed version of a new idea

stated in meaningful customer terms is called a
Question 16 :Which of the following is a
customer-oriented approach to pricing?

Question 17 : ________ is the product life cycle

period when sales fall off and profits drop

Question 18 :A group of people with shared

characteristics and interests such as
demographics and psychographics that are
most likely to purchase a businesses' products
or services is known as __________.

Question 19 :What factors are concerned with

the changes in people's values, lifestyles, and
family roles.

Question 20 :For some ________, a simple

description consisting of a word or picture
might be sufficient.
Question 21 :Which of the following is most likely
to be included in an executive's write up of a
new-product idea to be presented to a
new-product committee?

Question 22 :What strategy is employed to

increase market share for present products in
existing markets?

Question 23 :A ________ is the way consumers

perceive an actual or potential product.

Question 24 :The marketing function that

evaluates public attitudes, identifies areas
within the organization that are of public
interest, and executes a program of action to
gain public understanding is________________
Question 25 :When customers select company's
brand several time, while they do not choose
another brand even that seems to be better
suited to their preferences

Question 26 :When Whallans Gift Card Shop

offers a price reduction to customers who buy
Christmas cards the week after Christmas,
Whallans is giving a(n) ________ discount.

Question 27 :The second part of the marketing

strategy statement outlines the product's
planned price, distribution, and ________ for the
first year.

Question 28 :When VINFAST provides payments

or price reductions to its new car dealers as
rewards for participating in advertising and
sales support programs, it is granting a ________.
Question 29 : The consumer product
classification system is based on__________

Question 30 :A review of the sales, costs, and

profit projections for a new product to find out
whether they satisfy the company's objectives is
called a ________.

Question 31 :Companies usually develop ________

rather than ________.

Question 32 : Which of the following statements

about the societal orientation is true in terms of
marketing management strategy?
Question 33 :Which of following statements
would NOT support a market-skimming policy
for a new product?

Question 34 :Once the prototype of Wainwright

Industries' new riding lawnmower, made
especially for women, passes product tests, the
next step is ________.

Question 35 : Which of the following is NOT a

potential reason for a new product to fail?

Question 36 :Marketing logistics involves which

of the following distribution flows?

Question 37 : What is a major advantage of

product bundle pricing?

Question 38 : When Netflix began delivering

DVDs directly to customers through the mail
instead of using a brick-and-mortar system,
Netflix was following the trend of ________.
Question 39 : Executives, manufacturing
employees, and salespeople are all examples of

Question 40 :Which of the following statements

best describes the typical target market from
customer perspective?

Question 41 :A quantity discount is a price

reduction to buyers who purchase ________.

Question 42 : Once the product or service

passes the business analysis test, it moves into
what stage?

Question 43 :There are many reasons why a firm

might consider cutting its price. All of the
following are among them EXCEPT ________.
Question 44 :What are the two ways that a
company can obtain new products?

Question 45 :The marketing concept includes a

goal orientation to remind managers

Question 46 : When a firm improves the quality

and increases the price of a product in reaction
to a competitor making a price reduction, the
firm is ________

Question 47 : Marketing logistics involves

getting the right product to the right customer
in the right place at the right time. Which one of
the following is NOT included in this process?

Question 48 : Companies facing the challenge

of setting prices for the first time can choose
between two broad strategies:
market-penetration pricing and ________.

Question 49 :What type of market segmentation

is known as the most common type of market
segmentation used by businesses of all sizes? It
involves dividing a target market according to
different variables such as age, gender, family
size, income, and occupation.

Question 50 Which is element of the marketing

mix if marketer focus on making products or
services are available when and where
customers want them?

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