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Big Picture A

Week 1-3: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected to:

a. Show deep understanding of the concepts and terminology in the field of technical
communication; and
b. Identify the importance and purpose of technical writing process in written and oral
presentation that will help determine the effectivity of a technical document in
delivering message to its reader and/or audience.

Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Understand the Concepts and Terminology in the field
of Technical Communication.


In this section, the most essential terms relevant to technical communication and
to demonstrate ULOa was thoroughly defined and discussed in the essential knowledge
to establish a common frame of reference as to how the texts work in your chosen field
or career. You will encounter these terms as we go through the deeper concepts relative
to technical writing. Specific discussion per topic shall be provided in the later part to help
you understand more about the scope in studying this course.

Essential Knowledge

To perform the abovementioned big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first week
of the course, you need to fully understand the following essential knowledge that will be
provided in the next pages. Please note that you are given any limitations to exclusively
refer only to these resources. With this, you can also refer to other reading materials,
books, research articles, journals and other references and resources that are available
in the university’s library e.g. ebrary, etc.

1. Technical Communication. The process of transmitting facts and information to

a defined audience for a specific purpose. In other words, it is “writing for
understanding”. Further, technical communication is a field that includes any following
form of communication that can help users to accomplish a defined goal or task. The
main purpose of technical communication is to assist users who need specific
information on completing tasks, using products, operating equipment, and so on.

2. Technical Writing. A type of communication written for products and services, on

how to manufacture them, market them, manage them, deliver them, and use them.
Technical writing is not literature, it’s neither prose which recounts the fictional tales
of characters nor poetry which expresses deeply felt, universal emotions through
similes and metaphors. Technical writing is neither an expressive essay narrating an
occurrence nor an expository essay analyzing a topic.
3. Technical Writers. A professional information communicator whose task is to
transfer information between two or more parties, through any medium that best
facilitates the transfer and comprehension of the information. They are also called
technical communicators who prepare instruction manuals, how-to guides, journal
articles, and other supporting documents to communicate complex and technical
information more easily. The technical writers research and create information
through a variety of delivery media making complex information easy to understand.

4. Factors in Technical Communication. In the field of technical communication,

technical writers must consider before beginning any type of technical documents the

4.1. Audience –Knowing the audience for a particular essay is important

because it determines the content that will appear in the writing. The content of
an essay that has a specific topic will vary depending on the intended audience. In
other words, having a focused topic is important, but having a specific audience is
equally important. Hence, in technical writing, your audience is not whoever reads
the essay or even simply your instructor. Instead, the audience is the group of
people you want to educate or persuade.

4.2. Purpose– This is the goal or aim of a piece of writing, to express oneself,
to provide information, to persuade, or to create a literary work. When someone
communicates ideas in writing, they usually do so to express themselves, inform
their reader, to persuade a reader or to create a literary work. In the field of
technical writing, the purpose is to assist a person with understanding more about
a particular item, such as a computer or a new drug or a new piece of technology
including explaining how an object works or how to complete a project. Specifically,
the purpose of a technical document could be (1) to inform, (2) to explain, and (3)
to describe or record your action.

4.3. Format– Any technical report requires a format designed to convey technical
information in a clear and easily accessible structure. This format can be divided
into different sections which allow readers to access different levels of information.
This will be a guide that explains the commonly accepted presentation for a
technical report, explains the purposes of the individual sections and gives hints
on how to go about drafting and refining a report in order to produce an accurate,
professional document.

4.4. Style– This is composed of language, organization, and layout of the writing
output. In technical writing, the document might need visible structure of headings
and subheadings or even chapters to identify the flow of information in order that the
audience can easily locate, track information.
5. The Role of Technical Communication. In every business and industry, technical
communication is vital most especially in this fast-changing world since the working
world depends on written communication. Within most modern organizations, virtually
every action is documented in writing, whether on paper or online. Here are few

5.1. A memo or an e-mail to request information to identify a problem;

5.2. A set of instructions to introduce and explain a new process or procedure;
5.3. A proposal to persuade management to authorize a project;
5.4. A report to document a completed project;
5.5. An oral presentation to explain new policy to employees.

6. Technical Reports/Documents. Every organization also communicates with

other organizations and often with the public, using materials such as:

6.1. Reports or documents such as personals, laboratory reports, product

specification, or quality-test results.
6.2. Records-keeping forms like service reports, travel and expense forms
or troubleshooting logs.
6.3. Instructions such as user guides, online help, and training manuals.
6.4. Correspondence such as letters, memos, and emails.
6.5. Presentations such as interviews, marketing calls, or training seminars

7. Types of Audiences. An audience is a group of readers who read a particular

piece of writing. One should anticipate the needs or expectations of your audience in
order to convey information or argue for a particular claim. Your audience might be
your instructor, classmates, the president of an organization, the staff of a
management company, or any other number of possibilities. You need to know your
audience before you start writing because they have different mental level,
knowledge, and background. With this, they can be categorized in the following:
7.1. Technical -understands fundamental concepts and jargon without definitions
or background information.
7.2. Semi-technical -needs some explanation of concepts, abbreviations, and
jargons. Writers user technical terms only if they are common in the company or
7.3. Non-technical - known as the general public, and unknown audience, or any
combination of technical, semi-technical and non-technical readers, including
customers, clients, and patients.

8. Characteristics of Effective Technical Writing. In today’s generation, the

demand for accomplishing more outputs makes a professional who is skilled in this
area are all more than needed. In whatever field, a skilled technical writer is
needed. Hence, it is imperative to be aware of the different characteristics of an
effective technical writing which are the following:
8.1. Addresses Particular Readers. If you do not know the reader, you
can create an audience profile such as, if you’re reader share common
interests when it comes to making purchases, but you are able to profile
their background even if you don’t know their age, gender, and personal

8.2. Helps Readers Solve Problems. Technical communication is not

meant to express a writer’s creativity or to entertain readers, it is intended
to help readers learn or do something.
8.3. Reflects an Organization’s Goals and Culture. Technical
communication furthers an organization’s goals and culture by making
technical documents that will help define how the organization operates,
how it works and how it deals with its stakeholders which will lead in
reaching its audience.
8.4. Produced Collaboratively. Collaboration is necessitated in making a
technical document or report because no one person has all the information,
skills, or time to create large documents. A team composed of writers,
editors, designers, and production specialists work as one to create a better
8.5. Uses Design to Increase Readability. One has to use design features
such as typography, spacing, color, special paper to meet basic purposes
like making it attractive to audience, to easily navigate the document and to
help the reader easily understand its content and features.
8.6. Consists of Words or Graphics or Both. The use of graphics can be
very useful in such a way that it will make the document look more
appealing, it will also help reinforce difficult concepts, communicate
instructions and descriptions, including large amounts of quantifiable data.

9. Differences between Technical Writing and Creative Writing.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

Rosales, M.J., Galano, E., Rivera, J.A. (2019). Technical Writing: a resource guide to
writing across disciplines. Quezon City, Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.pp. 3-6

Gabelo, (2014). Writing essentials. Kalayaan Avenue, Quezon City: Maxcor
Publishing House, Inc. pp. 82-88

Let’s Check
QUIZ EXERCISE 1. Now that you know the most essential terms in the introduction of
production management. Let us check your understanding of these terms by writing TRUE
if the statement is Correct and write FALSE if it is incorrect (10 points).

_____________1.The style of the writer mainly bases their output from the
audience, purpose and format.
_____________2.The audience prefers words that are not functional, inexact, and
_____________3.Readers prefer paragraphs that are lengthy and wordy.
_____________4.The document might need visible structure of headings and
subheadings or even chapters to identify the flow of information.
_____________5.The document might not need visible clues for structure, such as
casual emails or memo focused on only one topic.
_____________6.Correspondence is a letter and/or a memo written from one
person to another, or the activity of writing and receiving letters.
_____________7.Instructions are detailed information telling how something should
be done, operated, or assembled in a form of a manual guide,
_____________8.The audience does not have different levels of understanding and
different information needs that require specific formats and
styles of communication.
_____________9.In establishing our point in a paragraph, we may simply disregard
proving our point of view throughout the essay.
_____________10.Determining the purpose should be done first before analyzing
the audience.

QUIZ EXERCISE 2. Let us try to check your understanding of these terms. In the space
provided, write the term/s being asked in the following statements (10 pts):

1. A person whose task is to transfer information between two or more parties, through
any medium that best facilitates the transfer and comprehension of the information.
2. This is a group of readers who read a particular piece of writing.
3. A type of audience who understands fundamental concepts and jargon without
definitions or background information.
4. A factor under technical communication that is composed of language, organization,
and layout of the writing output.
5. This is the goal or aim of a piece of writing, to express oneself, to provide information,
to persuade, or to create a literary work.
6. This is technical document format which can be in a form of user guides, online help,
and training manual.
7. This is designed to convey technical information in a clear and easily accessible
8. This is the process of transmitting facts and information to a defined audience for a
specific purpose.
9. These are known as the general public, and unknown audience, or any combination
of any types of audiences.
10. This is used to request information to identify a problem.

Let’s Analyze
ASSIGNMENT 1. Let us discuss some ideas by answering the following questions.
Explain and/or give examples.

1. What other types of writing would be considered under technical writing?






2. What other considerations can you give before writing a technical paper?




3. Are there other properties of writing you can add to make a technical writer an
effective one?





4. Aside from the other purpose given about technical writing, can you think of other
purposes which we can add on the list?





5. Are you more inclined in technical writing or creative writing?






In a Nutshell
The ideas and topics discussed under technical communication is indeed a pre-requisite
to becoming a successful business professional. It is complicated, intricate and
demanding task which requires patience, training, and technical expertise including
knowledge about the business organization and its stakeholders as well as outside the
classroom and school.
Based from the definition of the most essential terms of technical communication and the
learning exercises that you have done, please feel free to write your arguments or
lessons learned below. I have indicated my arguments or lessons learned.

1. In the field of technical communication, technical writers must consider before

beginning any type of technical document the following: audience, purpose, format
and style.

2. Technical writing is an audience-centered means of communication that provides

a reader with clear and easy access to information. In the business world, time
equates to profit, and profit is the force behind all business interaction. The technical
writer and reader have a vis-à-vis relationship. The writer recognizes, respects, and
addresses the importance of time in effective and efficient communication by
providing documents written in specific formats, using unambiguous language to send
clearly assessable information. The reader in turn thoroughly understands the
information in order to give a thoughtful response.

Your Turn

3. ___________________________________________________________________





4. ___________________________________________________________________





5. ___________________________________________________________________





In this section, you may list down all emerging questions or issues to help you
in your review of concepts and essential knowledge. Answers will be specifically
tackled in the scheduled video conferencing.
Do you have any Questions or clarifications?
Questions/Issues Answers





Content Technical Oral Presentation Purpose
Audience Semi-technical Reports Style
Style Non-technical Records-keeping forms Technical Writers
Purpose General Public Instructions Technical Writing
Tone Memorandum Correspondence Jargon
Vocabulary Technical Communication Presentation Readability
Organization email Format Creative Writing
Big Picture in Focus: ULOb. Identify the Importance and Purpose of Technical
Writing Process in Written and Oral Presentations.

In this section, the most essential terms relevant to understand the importance and
purpose of technical writing process in both oral and written presentations will be
operationally defined and illustrated to establish a common framework of reference as to
how this contributes to your chosen field or career and even in your daily lives. Along the
discussion, you will familiarize and encounter these terms and concepts to demonstrate
technical writing skills.
Please proceed immediately to the “Essential Knowledge” part since the first
lesson is also definition of essential terms.

Essential Knowledge
Before you proceed further with the topic, it is highly important to rationalize
discussion pertaining to the different writing processes to help you come up with an
effective technical report or document.

1. Writing Process. This pertains to the steps and methods used to generate a
finished piece of writing. Generally, the writing process can be broken into three

1.1. Prewriting– This is the first stage in the writing process that can be
incorporated with many techniques. It is when the writer does before
he writes the first draft. In this stage, the writer composes or supplies
information pertaining to the purpose of the paper, choice of the topic
and gathering information.

1.2. Writing–This is the part where we begin to write our first draft.

1.3. Revising–This stage is also known as re-writing stage to ensure that

the content of the paper is relevant, organization and coherence in
the arrangement of ideas are evident and that grammar and
mechanics are clearly observed.

2. Topic Sentences. This points the main idea of a paragraph. It is the most general
sentence of the paragraph and the other sentences have to explain, describe,
extend or support this main idea sentence. Sometimes referred to as a focus
sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the
information in the paragraph. This essentially tells readers what the rest of the
paragraph is all about and all other sentences after it have to give more information
about that sentence, prove it by offering facts about it, or describe it in more detail.

2.1. Topic - is considered as the general subject of a paragraph or essay.

Topics are identified as simple and are described with just a word or
a phrase from a complete sentence.

3. Prewriting is the generating ideas part of the writing process when the student
works to determine the topic and the position or point-of-view for a target audience.
Pre-writing should be offered with the time necessary for a student to create a plan
or develop an outline to organize materials for the final product. The different
strategies and techniques a writer can use are the following:

3.1. Brainstorming - Brainstorming is the process of coming up with as

many ideas as possible about a topic without being worried about the feasibility or
whether an idea is realistic or not. A list format is often the easiest to organize. This
can be done individually and then shared with the class or done as a group. Access
to this list during the writing process can help a writer make connections they may
want to use later in their writing.

3.2. Freewriting - The free write strategy is when a person writes whatever
comes into their mind about the topic at hand for a specific amount of time without
worrying about the grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Instead, they should try and
come up with as many ideas as they possibly can to help them when they get to
the writing process.

3.3. Mind Maps - Concept maps or mind-mapping are great strategies to

use during the pre-writing stage. Both are visual ways to outline information. There
are many varieties of mind maps that can be quite useful as students work in the
prewriting stage. Webbing is a great tool wherein one writes a word in the middle
of a sheet of paper. Related words or phrases are then connected by lines to this
original word in the center. They build on the idea so that, in the end, the writer has
a wealth of ideas that are connected to this central idea.
3.4. Drawing/Doodling - Some writers respond well to the idea of being
able to combine words with drawings as they think about what they want to write
in the prewriting stage. This can open up creative lines of thought.

3.5. Asking Questions - Others often come up with more creative ideas
through the use of questioning. The point is that these questions can help the writer
uncover a deeper understanding of the topic before they begin writing the essay.

3.6. Outlining –Anyone who wants to write can employ traditional outlines
to help them organize their thoughts in a logical manner. One can start with the
overall topic and then list out their ideas with supporting details. It is helpful to point
out to students or anyone that the more detailed their outline is from the beginning,
the easier it will be for them write their paper.

4. Methods of Writing. Writing takes multiple forms depending upon the subject and
the channel in which it is used. There are so many interesting subjects to write like the
sensational subject and the higher study subjects. The demand for the writer is more
as there is an evolution of news every day and research of the subjects which aids for
the invention. The structure and the style differ depending upon the readers and the
channel in which it is displayed.

4.1. Expository. The common type and it is used to explain the concept
and information to large group of audience. This is a detailed explanation of the
topic and the writer assumes that the learner has no prior knowledge. This is
compared to the spoon feeding and it is easy to provide huge and different types
of information with this type of writing. Some of the expository styles of writing are
the description, sequence, comparison, and solution to a problem. This type of
learning is used in the newspaper, magazines, textbooks, and an article on the
websites. Here the topic is explained as like a layman’s view.

4.2. Descriptive. This method is used to convey the information in multiple

ways. Explaining the subject with five senses such as hearing, seeing, tasting,
smelling and touching shows the beauty of the subject to the learners. This type of
writing is used in poetry, diary writing, and advertisements.

4.3. Persuasive writing. This writing is used to argue about something or

to convince regarding the concern raised from a person. Here the author gives
reasons or evidence to the arguments. This writing is used in cover letters, news
paper articles, and reviews of a product, complaint letter, advertisements, and a
recommendation letter.

4.4. Narrative. This is used in explaining the different stories. Narrative

writing aims at writing the real scenario. In times of interaction with the client
directly or through website writing with reason and short is important. Narrative
writing is about something happened in the real life and it is short in nature. This
type of writing is used in oral histories, novels, poetry, short stories, and anecdotes.

5. Oral Presentation. An oral presentation is a short talk on a set topic given to a tutorial
seminar group. In an oral presentation, one (or more) students give a talk to a
group and present views on a topic based on their readings or research. The rest
of the group then joins in a discussion of the topic. Depending on your course,
giving an oral presentation can involve:
• reading background material
• preparing and delivering a talk
• leading a group discussion
• preparing handouts and visual aids
• preparing relevant and thought-provoking questions
• submitting a written assignment based on the presentation topic
6. Oral Presentation Structure. Have a clear, organized structure for your oral
presentation. Structuring a talk is no different from writing an essay or a report; it
requires an introduction, body and conclusion. Like an essay, these sections of your
talk need to fit together and be linked clearly. A poorly structured talk will confuse and
frustrate an audience.
Oral Presentation Structure
7. PowerPoint Presentation. The most common way to incorporate visuals or slides
nowadays is through the use of a PowerPoint Presentation (PPT). It is much easier to
manage and more professional when used appropriately. Here are some very
important tips of what to do and what not to do when using PowerPoint.

7.1.In using a PPT, the presenter should:

o Ensure in advance that the room has a projector.
o Do a number of practice runs through the presentation before the real
o Be prepared for all technology to fail and either have backup
transparencies for images or a full set of notes in order to give the
presentation without any slides.
o Limit how many slides you include - you usually need far less than you
think you do. Again, practice will help you gain confidence to know how
many are sufficient.
o Only use keywords and simple phrases.
o Use a large enough, easy-to-read font
o Label any graphs, charts, figures and diagrams (again in a readable font
o Include images for visual interest occasionally if relevant.

7.2 . In using PPT, Presenters should avoid the following:

o Rely too heavily on the PowerPoint presentation, which may experience
technical difficulties on the day.
o Include slabs of text - not only is it distracting, you then are tempted to
read it verbatim.
o Simply read from your slides - let them be reminders and key points.
o Use amusing fonts - stick to the basics such as Times or Arial.
o Use unnecessary slide or text transitions - it's distracting and slow to
watch letters appear one at a time.
o Use PowerPoint sounds or any other sounds unless it's part of the
o Choose a template that's busy and doesn't relate to the presentation.

7.3. Prepare- The more prepared you feel, the less nervous you're likely to be.
There are a few key considerations in preparation for an oral presentation,
namely time limits, speaking from notes, body language and use of voice.

7.4. Time limits -Practice the presentation a number of times to get the pacing
right and ensure you fit the information into the time provided. Do not go over
time as that doesn't match the audience's expectations and can lead to
impatience, boredom and confusion. Don't finish too early either or it seems that
you don't have sufficient command of the material.
7.5. Speak from notes- It is preferable not to read your entire paper as you will
tend to lose eye contact, intonation and good posture. It's preferable to reduce
the original paper to bullet points and then practice filling in the gaps while
practicing. Even if you know the material very well, it can help to have a few key
points in note form in addition to the points on a PowerPoint presentation.

7.6. Body language - Try to make a sort of roving eye contact with the audience
whilst maintaining good posture and using appropriate gestures with your hands.

7.7. Voice- Speak loudly enough for your audience to hear you clearly and slowly
enough for them to easily follow your argument. Use silence and pauses
effectively when making particular points, and maintain interesting intonation
patterns - avoid speaking in a monotone.

8. Plain Language. Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best
practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience and this has
different steps, which are as follows:
Step 1: Identify and describe the target audience
Step 2: Structure the content to guide the reader through it
Step 3: Write the content in plain language
Step 4: Use information design to help readers see and understand
Step 5: Work with the target user groups to test the design and content

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further understand
the lesson:

Rosales, M.J., Galano, E., Rivera, J.A. (2019). Technical Writing: a resource guide to
writing across disciplines. Quezon City, Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.pp. 13-40

Gabelo, (2014). Writing essentials. Kalayaan Avenue, Quezon City: Maxcor
Publishing House, Inc. pp. 23-99

Let’s Check
QUIZ EXERCISE 3. Please encircle the letter of your correct answer that best reflects
your thinking (5 points).
1. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Italics are easy to read on screen b. Normal or bold fonts are clearer
c. Underlines may signify hyperlinks d. Use colors for emphasis
2. This is one of the aspects of making a PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) which connotes
that the use of sound should only be when it is necessary, for sometimes it is distractive.
a. Big b. Clear
c. Simple d. Progressive
3. An aspect of making a PPT wherein it speaks that artistry is not a substitute for the
a. Big b. Clear
c. Simple d. Progressive
4. The main factors that help emphasize that the PPT is manifesting clearness is due of
the following, except:
a. all capital letters are difficult to read b. the use of contrasting colors
c. upper & lower case letters are easier d. weight of the image
5. Below are things that a presenter should consider to make his/her PPT clear, except:
a. fonts b. use of bullets
c. use of number with sequence d. use of different colors
6. Which of the following statement is correct?
a. differences do not draw attention b.differences may imply importance
c. surprises are intended to distract d. the use of different fonts
7. A simple PPT has the following aspects, except:
a. use of complementary colors b. too detailed texts and messages
c. use of appropriate fonts and styles d. the 6 x 7 rule
8. This is one of the factors in designing an effective PPT:
a. Inconsistency b. Vagueness
c. Progressive d. Complicated
9. When should we use visuals, pictures and animations?
a. To explain complex information b. To distract the presentation
c. To make the presentation pleasing d. If the audience are 5 years and below
10. Below are other factors that can make a PowerPoint Presentation effective, except?
a. Do your research b. Speak comfortably and clearly
c. Reading the presentation d. Knowing your audience

Let’s Analyze

ASSIGNMENT 2. Finding the Topic in a Topic Sentence. Find the topic in each of the
following topic sentences. For each sentence, ask yourself this question: What topic is
the writer going to discuss? Then underline the topic.

1. Remodeling an old house can be frustrating.

2. College work demands more independence than high school work.

3. A well-made suit has three easily identified characteristics.

4. Growing up near a museum had a profound influence on my life.

5. My favorite room in the house would seem ugly to most people.

6. A student who goes to school full-time and also works part-time has to make
careful use of every hour.

7. One of the disadvantages of skiing is the expense.

8. Spanking is the least successful way to discipline a child.

9. An attractive wardrobe does not have to be expensive.

10. Of all the years in college, the first year is usually the most demanding.

In a Nutshell
The importance of understanding the writing process is vital as well as putting into
context its concepts. In this unit, you will be required to state your arguments or synthesis
relevant to the topics presented demonstrating the different strategies and techniques of
the writing process including choosing a specific method of writing. I will supply the first
two items and you will continue the rest.

1. Writing is a process that involves several distinct steps and it is important for a writer
to work through each of the steps in order to ensure that he has produced a polished,
complete piece.
2. Process is important for the way you write affects how well you write and this also
affects the content of your output which helps you in order to convey the right message
to the audience.

Your Turn















In this section, you may list down all emerging questions or issues to help you in your
review of concepts and essential knowledge. Answers will be specifically tackled in
the scheduled video conferencing.
Do you have any Questions or clarifications?
Questions/Issues Answers





Topic Sentence Draft Expository Narrative

Topic Oral Presentation Descriptive Persuasive
Controlling ideas PowerPoint Body Language Brainstorming
Pre-writing Plain Language Tone Voice
Writing Writing Process Audience Purpose
Revision Method of Writing Euphemism Body
Editing Conclusion Introduction Active Voice

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