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Tony the Italian

By: Maddox DelleFave

R age burnt Tony’s village to the ground when he was just a boy. The evil

Enzo had brought his forces to eradicate the remains of the Last Empire. His only
goal was complete destruction of his enemies. Tony’s father had been a great
general for the once all-powerful empire. But now, the empire was gone. Tony
barely escaped, and his parents were burnt to a crisp right in front of his eyes.
Moving away from his charred past, Tony went to live with his uncle, who
taught him how to work with machines, and from age 7, he began to work in a
factory. The machines became his friends, and he vowed to live up to his father’s
name and avenge the ones he lost.
For now, Tony had become complacent, and he was looking forward to a good life in
his small town of Kneadborogh, but that was all about to change………………………..
H ey Tony!” called his friend Joey Gambini, “I put in my application to be an

engineer at the Federation! Are you gonna apply?” Tony thought to himself briefly
and replied, “ I wasn’t thinking about it, but now that you mention it, maybe I will
apply.” “Wahoo!” said Joey Gambini while jumping and bumping the air with the top
of his fist. “Just like your plumber dad.” Tony chuckled. They went their separate
ways, and Tony decided to bring up the idea of joining the federation to his uncle.
“Hey uncle, what do you think about me joining the Federation?” asked Tony
“THE FED!? You can’t be serious, Tony. You are much better than the Fed deserves.
They don’t even deserve the power they have.” Interested, Tony presses on the
subject. “What do you mean they don’t deserve power?” “Oh yes, the Fed exists only
because they put down anyone who opposes them quicker than you can blink. It was
the Fed that mobilized against the empire and helped Enzo, that evil lord.” says Uncle,
rage and fear in his voice. “That is the end of this discussion, let’s focus on the
season ahead of us and our town.”
“TONY!” ”We need to move now!” Tony rushed out of bed

and packed a bag with his machine gear. As he ran out of the house, he saw that
everything was on fire and ran for the hills. Once he was safe, he stared back at the
pyre with the whole village alight. Helpless to defend his village, Tony went to the Fed
to see if they could put an end to this treachery.
As the gates of the Fed towered above him, Tony felt that the gates had
darkened. The run-down walls were covered in artichoke, and the iron bars were
rusted through. “HEY!” called a guard sitting by the gate “What are you doing here?”
“I am here to appeal to the Federation so we can take down the evil lord Enzo!” said
Tony. “We don’t take appeals from commoner scum like you. You should go back the
way you came.” barked the guard. “Someone has to stand against Enzo. I will get to
the Fed no matter what!” Screamed Tony as he charged towards the gates.
The guard exited his post and rushed at Tony head-on; they clashed with
swords and dueled around the gates. The guard was fast, but Tony was better. With
a few well-placed cuts, he fell the guard.
B ehind the massive wall of the Fed, soldiers blanket the land with tents and

gear, and it seems the Fed is preparing to go to war. Tony slips through the camps
undetected, but his target is the Federation Tower. While cutting through the
underbrush, Tony overhears some soldiers talking, “ … move out tomorrow. The
Supreme Fed wants to establish bases all the way to the Western Sea.” Tony was
interested in this. “The Fed wants to go that far? Madmen control that region. What
moves out tomorrow?”He thought to himself.
Tony made it to the tower and pushed open the heavy doors to enter.
“Greetings traveler, what is your purpose?” asked a guard, as was customary for
the Fed. “I am Tony of Kneadborough, and I seek help from the powerful Federation.”
“ Very well, Tony, I will take you to the Fed Court, and you may make your appeal

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