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CODE: BS-301

Topic name: Comparison of Basic principles

and aerodynamic properties of Bird flight
mechanism and Aircraft flight mechanism
University Roll No.: 14200121139
Department: CSE-B
University name: Maulana Abul Kalaam Azad
University of Technology
College Name: Meghnad Saha Institute of

Abstract 3

Introduction 3

Process 4

Comparison 5

Conclusion 6

References 6

Acknowledgement 7
Birds and aircraft both rely on aerodynamic principles to achieve flight, but their mechanisms
differ. While birds use flapping wings and muscle power to generate lift and thrust, aircraft
use fixed wings and engines to produce lift and propulsion. The shape and design of bird
wings enable them to change their shape during flight to adjust lift and maneuverability,
while aircraft wings have a fixed shape and rely on control surfaces to change direction.
Understanding the similarities and differences in these flight mechanisms can inform the
design of more efficient aircraft and contribute to our knowledge of avian biology.

The ability of birds to fly has fascinated humans for centuries, and it has inspired the design
of aircrafts. Both birds and aircrafts utilize the same principles of aerodynamics to achieve
flight, but their mechanisms differ significantly. In this paper, we will compare the basic
principles and aerodynamic properties of bird flight mechanisms and aircraft flight

Birds use their wings to generate lift and thrust, allowing them to fly. Unlike aircraft, birds
flap their wings and use their muscle power to produce lift and move through the air. The
shape and design of bird wings allow them to change their shape during flight to adjust lift
and maneuverability. Additionally, birds can alter the angle of their wings, the shape of their
feathers, and the curvature of their wings to control their flight.

In contrast, aircraft use fixed wings and engines to produce lift and propulsion. They have a
fixed wing shape, and their control surfaces allow them to change direction during flight.
Aircraft are designed to be aerodynamically stable, and their wings are specifically shaped to
generate lift and minimize drag.

Understanding the similarities and differences between bird flight mechanisms and aircraft
flight mechanisms can contribute to the design of more efficient aircraft and provide insight
into avian biology. By examining the fundamental principles of flight, engineers can develop
new aircraft designs that can improve fuel efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance
flight safety. Additionally, studying bird flight can provide valuable information on the
physiology and biomechanics of flight in animals.
Bird Flight Mechanism:

The bird flight mechanism involves several processes, including flapping, wing shape
adjustment, and feather control. During flight, birds flap their wings to generate lift and
thrust, and the muscles in their wings contract and relax to control the wing's shape and
angle. This adjustment of the wing's shape enables birds to increase lift, decrease drag, and
enhance maneuverability during flight. Additionally, birds can control their feathers to adjust
their flight, such as increasing drag or reducing turbulence.

Aircraft Flight Mechanism:

The aircraft flight mechanism is based on fixed-wing flight, which involves generating lift
using the shape of the wing and the movement of air over it. The wings of an aircraft have a
fixed shape, and the lift is generated by the airflow over the wings. This lift is further
enhanced by the angle of attack, which is the angle between the wing and the airflow. The
engines of the aircraft generate thrust, which propels the aircraft forward, and the control
surfaces of the aircraft, such as ailerons, flaps, and rudders, adjust the aircraft's direction
during flight.

During takeoff, an aircraft accelerates on the runway, generating enough lift to become
airborne. Once in the air, the aircraft maintains its altitude by adjusting the angle of attack
and thrust of the engines. The control surfaces of the aircraft adjust the aircraft's direction,
and the aircraft can also adjust its speed by changing the angle of the wings.

In summary, while both bird flight mechanism and aircraft flight mechanism rely on
aerodynamic principles, they differ in their processes. Bird flight involves flapping, wing
shape adjustment, and feather control, while aircraft flight relies on fixed-wing flight, engine
thrust, and control surface adjustments.
Birds and aircraft both use aerodynamic principles to achieve flight, but their flight
mechanisms differ in several ways.

Wing shape and design:

Birds have a flexible wing structure that allows them to adjust their wing shape and angle
during flight to generate lift, reduce drag, and enhance maneuverability. In contrast, aircraft
have fixed wings that are designed to generate lift and minimize drag through their shape and
surface area.


Birds rely on muscle power to flap their wings and generate lift and thrust, while aircraft rely
on engines to produce thrust and propel themselves forward.

Control mechanisms:

Birds use their wings and feathers to control their flight, while aircraft use control surfaces
such as ailerons, flaps, and rudders to change direction and altitude during flight.


Birds are naturally stable during flight and can maintain their balance in the air through small
adjustments in their wings and body position. In contrast, aircraft require active control inputs
to maintain their stability in the air.

Energy efficiency:

Birds are highly energy efficient, with their muscles and wings working in perfect harmony
to generate lift and thrust with minimal energy expenditure. In contrast, aircraft require a
significant amount of energy to generate lift and thrust, and their design must prioritize fuel
efficiency to reduce carbon emissions.

In summary, while birds and aircraft both rely on aerodynamic principles to achieve flight,
they differ in their wing design, propulsion, control mechanisms, stability, and energy
efficiency. Studying the similarities and differences between these flight mechanisms can
inform the design of more efficient aircraft and provide insights into avian biology.
In conclusion, bird flight mechanism and aircraft flight mechanism are both based on the
same principles of aerodynamics, but they differ significantly in their mechanisms. Birds use
flapping wings and muscle power to generate lift and thrust, while aircraft use fixed wings
and engines to produce lift and propulsion. The shape and design of bird wings enable them
to adjust their lift and maneuverability, while aircraft wings have a fixed shape and rely on
control surfaces to change direction.

Understanding the similarities and differences between bird flight mechanism and aircraft
flight mechanism can contribute to the development of more efficient and sustainable aircraft
designs. The highly efficient flight of birds can serve as a source of inspiration for engineers
seeking to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions in aircraft. Additionally, studying
bird flight can provide valuable insights into avian biology and biomechanics, contributing to
our understanding of the natural world. Overall, the study of bird flight and aircraft flight can
lead to advances in aviation technology and contribute to our understanding of the world
around us.

Here are some reference books and websites that can be useful for writing an assignment on
comparing the basic principles and aerodynamic properties of bird flight mechanism and
aircraft flight mechanism:

"The Principles of Flight" by Jeremy M. Davies

"Avian Flight" by John J. Videler

"Aerodynamics for Engineers" by John J. Bertin and Russell M. Cummings

"Introduction to Flight" by John D. Anderson Jr.

"Flight: The Complete History of Aviation" by R.G. Grant


NASA Aeronautics and Aviation Education:
National Geographic - Bird Flight:

Wright Brothers National Museum:

Royal Aeronautical Society:

Bird Academy - The Cornell Lab:

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me in completing this
assignment on comparing the basic principles and aerodynamic properties of bird flight
mechanism and aircraft flight mechanism.

Firstly, I would like to thank my professor for providing me with the opportunity to explore
this interesting topic and for guiding me throughout the process. Their valuable insights and
feedback have been invaluable in shaping this assignment.

I would also like to thank the authors of the reference books and websites that I have used for
research. Their work has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and insights into the
subject matter.

Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their support and encouragement
throughout the completion of this assignment. Their understanding and motivation have been
a constant source of inspiration and have helped me to stay focused and motivated.

Once again, thank you to everyone who has contributed to the completion of this assignment.

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