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Product Bulletin

[PB.10320] SFP Product Bulletin

Modified: 7 October 2020

Type: Product Bulletin

Product Line(s): SFP’s in use on MXK, MX, 1U

Version Affected: SFP, Ligent, firmware 1.0 or 1.7:


Application: SFP Optical Power Reading.


An issue has been reported whereas older revisions of the Ligent GPON OLT
transceiver sold under model name MXK-GPON-SFP-B+-RSSI could give
faulty status readings (e.g. Rx Power level), but the transceiver continues to
transmit and receive normally with no impact to GPON subscriber traffic.

This issue has been traced to GPON SFPs manufactured by Ligent that are
revision level 1.7 or earlier. The SFP revision level is not field upgradable.

In order to determine if an SFP has the potential for this faulty status
readings issue to occur, use the sfp show all command available in the shell

Technical bulletins/alerts are provided to Zhone Technologies customers for informational

purposes only and to inform customers of potential product issues/problems that may potentially
impact service quality or system maintenance. For additional information or technical support
please contact Global Services and Support (GSS) at 877-946-6320.

Product Bulletin

on the SLMS-based product. A data read-out similar to the example below is


Please note, this identification has been updated since the original version of
the product. The proper identification of the SFPs affected have a vendor
serial number code that starts with ZTV or A14. SFPs with serial number
starting with LIGJ03 or LIGK66 are not part of the concern. The illustration
below shows an SFP that is not affected by this bulletin.

zSH> sfp show all

SFP Data for interface 1-1-3-0/eth
vendorName Ligent
vendorOui 00-01-47
vendorPartNumber LTE3680M-BH
vendorRevisionLevel 1.0
serialNumber LIGJ034B002249
manufacturingDateCode 141104
complianceCode unknown value (0x0000)
connectorType sc (1)
transceiverType sfp (3)
extendedIdentifier 4
encodingAlgorithm nrz (3)
channelLinkLength unknown value (0x0000)
channelTransmitterTechnology unknown value (0x0000)
channelTransmitterMedia unknown value (0x0000)
channelSpeed unknown value (0x0000)
nineTo125mmFiberLinkLengthKm 20
nineTo125mmFiberLinkLength100m 200
fiftyTo125mmFiberLinkLength10m 0
sixtyTwoDot5To125mmFiberLinkLength10m 0
nominalBitRate 25
upperBitRateMarginPercentage 20
lowerBitRateMarginPercentage 20
copperLinkLength 0

Technical bulletins/alerts are provided to Zhone Technologies customers for informational

purposes only and to inform customers of potential product issues/problems that may potentially
impact service quality or system maintenance. For additional information or technical support
please contact Global Services and Support (GSS) at 877-946-6320.

Product Bulletin


SFPs with vendorName = LIGENT CORP and vendorRevisionLevel = 1.0 or

1.7 along with product serial numbers that start with ZTV or A14 are
susceptible to this incorrect status reporting issue.

The issue is related to the diagnostics data interface used by the GPON line
card to retrieve status information from the SFP. When an SFP gets into the
failed state, it will not respond to any status requests from the line card.

To return the SFP to proper reporting, a power cycle of the SFP is required.
The SFP must be removed and re-inserted into the cage, or the product
holding the SFP (GPON linecard or 1U system) can be power cycled.

NOTE: Both of these recovery actions affect service. The SFP reseat affects
services on that SFP only and requires on-site support. The card or 1U power
cycle affects all users on the card or in the 1U. The GPON line card in the
MXK can be power cycled remotely using the "slotpowerdown x" command
available in the CLI, where x is the slot number.

A returned and updated product will have the vendor serial number altered.
The current serial number has 16 characters, and in the example above only
14 characters are consumed. Any updated SFP will have a “U” placed as the
final character of the serial number. Therefore, the above Ligent SFP when
updated would display as follows:

Technical bulletins/alerts are provided to Zhone Technologies customers for informational

purposes only and to inform customers of potential product issues/problems that may potentially
impact service quality or system maintenance. For additional information or technical support
please contact Global Services and Support (GSS) at 877-946-6320.

Product Bulletin

zSH> sfp show all

SFP Data for interface 1-1-3-0/eth
vendorName Ligent
vendorOui 00-01-47
vendorPartNumber LTE3680M-BH
vendorRevisionLevel 1.0
serialNumber LIGJ034B002249 U
manufacturingDateCode 141104
complianceCode unknown value (0x0000)
connectorType sc (1)
transceiverType sfp (3)
extendedIdentifier 4
encodingAlgorithm nrz (3)
channelLinkLength unknown value (0x0000)
channelTransmitterTechnology unknown value (0x0000)
channelTransmitterMedia unknown value (0x0000)
channelSpeed unknown value (0x0000)
nineTo125mmFiberLinkLengthKm 20
nineTo125mmFiberLinkLength100m 200
fiftyTo125mmFiberLinkLength10m 0
sixtyTwoDot5To125mmFiberLinkLength10m 0
nominalBitRate 25
upperBitRateMarginPercentage 20
lowerBitRateMarginPercentage 20
copperLinkLength 0

Should the serial number contain more or less digits, this final position will
be updated to “U”, which may mean it is preceded by blank spaces, as in the
example above.

Ligent SFP’s newer than revision 1.7 are not affected by this condition. The
1.7 revision of the Ligent SFP was usurped by version 2.0 in May, 2013.

Technical bulletins/alerts are provided to Zhone Technologies customers for informational

purposes only and to inform customers of potential product issues/problems that may potentially
impact service quality or system maintenance. For additional information or technical support
please contact Global Services and Support (GSS) at 877-946-6320.

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