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SBV Engineering Works Doc No: QAD-R08

Rev No: 00
Non conformance & Corrective Action Date: 02/01/2018

NC Report No : Date :

Raised By : Issued To:

Details of Non Conformance

Non Conformance :

Part Name :

Drawing No & Rev :

Details of Nonconformance :

Intermediate Action Taken :

Disposition Status of NC Product

Qty accepted without Concession qty Rejected qty Rework Qty


Inspector Signature Quality Head

SBV Engineering Works Doc No: QAD-R08
Rev No: 00
Non conformance & Corrective Action Date: 02/01/2018

Root Causes for the Non conformance :

Corrective Action Plan (To avoid repetition of Nonconformance)

To be
S.No Corrective Action Plan implemented Target Completed
By whom Date Date

Corrective action Verified By: Approved By:

Effectiveness of Corrective Action and its impacts:

Effectiveness Verified By Approved By

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