Revisiting Corazon Aquino Speech Before The US Congress

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mae ann pablo

Revisiting Corazon Aquino Speech Before the US Congress

 Corazon “Cory” Cojuanco Aquino

 She was the symbol of the restoration of
Democracy and the takeover of the Marcos
Dictator ship in 1986
 On September 18,1986 seven Months as a
president, She went to the United States and
spoke before joining the session of the US
Congress. She began his speech with the
story of her leaving the United States 3 years
prior as a newly widowed wife of Ninoy
 She then told of Ninoy’s character,
conviction, and resolve in opposing the
authoritarianism of Marcos.
 She talked of the three times What they lost
in including his demand on August 23, 1953

Corazon Aquino, the 11th President of the Philippines, delivered a heartfelt speech
before the Joint session of the United States Congress on September 18, 1986. She
began by reflecting on the loss of her husband, Ninoy Aquino, and how his dream
of Philippine freedom became a reality through her presidency. Aquino described
the struggle against the dictatorship in the Philippines, the suppression of
democracy, and the efforts to break her husband's spirit. She detailed the inhumane
treatment he faced in prison and his determination to uphold the spirit of
democracy even in the face of adversity. She spoke of the sacrifice her husband
made for the nation, and how his death led to a revolution that brought her to the
Congress of the United States. Aquino also acknowledged the support from the
United States in changing their policy towards the Philippines and credited this
shift for the restoration of democracy in her country. She expressed her
commitment to maintaining peace and democratic principles, and her willingness to
take up arms if necessary to defend the integrity and freedom of the Philippines.
She also addressed the issue of the country's $26 billion foreign debt and
committed to honoring it despite the challenges. Aquino concluded her speech by
thanking America for providing a haven for her family and asking for their support
in building a new home for democracy in the Philippines. She presented the
Philippines as a testament to the shared commitment to freedom between the two
The key points of Corazon Aquino's
speech before the US Congress were:
1. Reflection on Ninoy Aquino's
Sacrifice: She began by reflecting on
her husband, Ninoy Aquino's struggle
for democracy and his sacrifice for the
nation. She detailed the hardships he
faced in prison and his unwavering
commitment to democratic principles.
2. Struggle Against Dictatorship:
Aquino highlighted the struggle against
the dictatorship in the Philippines and
the suppression of democracy.
3. Support from the United States: She
acknowledged the United States' role in
the restoration of democracy in the
Philippines and thanked them for
changing their policy towards the
Philippines. 4. Commitment to
Democracy: Aquino expressed her
commitment to uphold democracy and
maintain peace in the Philippines. She
also stated her readiness to defend the
nation's freedom, even if it meant
taking up arms.
5. Issue of Foreign Debt: She
addressed the Philippines' $26 billion
foreign debt, stating that despite the
challenges, the country would honor its
. 6. Appeal for Support: Aquino
concluded her speech by appealing to
the United States for their continued
support in building a new home for
democracy in the Philippines.

7. Shared Commitment to Freedom: She presented the Philippines as

a testament to the shared commitment to freedom between the two
nations. These points encapsulate the essence of her speech and her
vision for the Philippines
Corazon Aquino demonstrated her dedication to rebuilding the Philippines' international reputation and economic
stability in her speech through the following ways:
1. Addressing Foreign Debt: Aquino openly acknowledged the Philippines' $26 billion foreign debt. Despite the
enormity of this burden, she committed to honoring these obligations, showing her dedication to restoring the nation's
financial credibility on the international stage.

3. Appeal for
Support: Aquino
2. Commitment
appealed to the
to Democracy:
United States and
the international
community for
commitment to
support in
democracy was
rebuilding the
a clear signal to
Philippines. This
showed her
willingness to
community that
engage with
the Philippines
was moving
partners and her
away from its
understanding of
the importance of
dictatorship and
global cooperation
towards a
in achieving
national goals.
that respected
human rights
and the rule of

4. Acknowledging Past Mistakes: By acknowledging the mistakes of the past regime, Aquino showed her commitment to
transparency and honesty, which are crucial for rebuilding trust with international partners.
5. Vision for the Future: Aquino's speech was filled with a vision for a better future for the Philippines. Her optimism and
clear plan showed her dedication to economic stability and growth.

Through these points, Aquino showed her dedication to not just restoring, but enhancing the Philippines' standing on the
global stage.
Corazon Aquino emphasized her commitment to democracy in her speech in several ways
1. Reflection on Past Struggles: Aquino began her speech by reflecting on the struggle against dictatorship in the
Philippines, which was led by her husband, Ninoy Aquino. This set the stage for her commitment to democracy,
as she was continuing the fight that her husband had started.

2. She 3. Commitment to
the role of the
United States in Democratic
the restoration Principles: Aquino
of democracy in
explicitly stated
the Philippines.
By thanking her commitment to
them for their uphold democratic
support, she principles in the
affirmed her
commitment to
Philippines. She
maintaining the expressed her
democratic willingness to
system that had
defend the nation's
reestablished. freedom, even if it
meant taking up
demonstrating her
commitment to

4. Vision for a Democratic Philippines: Throughout her speech, Aquino painted a

vision of a democratic Philippines. She spoke of building a new home for
democracy in the Philippines and presented the country as a testament to the
shared commitment to freedom between the Philippines and the United States.

Through these points, Aquino strongly emphasized her commitment to

democracy in her speech.
Corazon Aquino expressed her gratitude towards the United States in her speech in the following ways:

1. Acknowledgment of Support: Aquino acknowledged the support of the United States in changing their policy towards
the Philippines. She recognized the shift in their stance as a crucial factor in the restoration of democracy in her country.
This acknowledgment demonstrated her gratitude for the United States' role in supporting the democratic movement in
the Philippines

2. Thanking America: Aquino directly thanked America in her speech for providing a haven for her family. This gratitude
expressed her appreciation for the United States' hospitality and support during their time of exile.
3. Appeal for Support: Throughout her speech, Aquino appealed to the United States for their continued support in building
a new home for democracy in the Philippines.

This appeal reflected her recognition of the importance of ongoing collaboration and assistance from the United States in
the Philippines' democratic journey. By expressing her gratitude and appreciation towards the United States, Aquino
conveyed her recognition of their support and the importance of the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

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