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Generalized random grid-based threshold

visual cryptography with meaningful shares

Devdutt Gautam (1904796) that the information hidden inside the images
Department of Mechanical Engineering cannot
D.E.I, Agra
Sh. Bhupesh Kumar Satsangi
Abstract - The meaningful shares are desired in Department of Mechanical Engineering
visual cryptography (VC) because they look D.E.I, Agra
natural with increased efficiency and low threat e-mail:
of inkling of secret encryptions. The meaningful
shares are also helpful in dealing with the be used by some unauthorized user. The first visual
management problem of the conventional VC. cryptography technique was introduced by Moni
The traditional user-friendly RG-based VCs Naor and Adi Shamir in 1994.Their scheme was
gives advantage of no pixel expansion and no based on encrypting the secret image into ‘n’
need for codebook design in generating shadow images and someone having all the ‘n’
meaningful shares. The current user-friendly images can decrypt the message. This scheme was
RG-based VCs did not support the general (k, n) known as ‘k’ out of ‘k’ visual secret sharing.
threshold VC and in these complementary After further research on visual cryptography, it
shares may be required. In this paper, a was extended to k out of n visual secret sharing [3].
generalized RG-based VC with meaningful In this type of secret sharing someone having any k
shares is proposed and it is compared with the (or more) shares out of n shares can decrypt the
existing meaningful share generation algorithm. message but is not visible if less than k shares are
The proposed scheme inherits the good features stacked together. The original encryption problem
of RG-based existing algorithms. The new is known as 2 out of 2 visual secret sharing. The
feature of the proposed scheme is that it encryption is done with the help of the various
supports the (k, n) threshold and provide algorithms and the decryption is done with human
adaptive visual quality. visual system in the visual cryptography.

The secret images is composed of black and white

I. Introduction pixels. The black pixels are denoted by ‘1’ which
Visual Cryptography is the cryptographic technique represents opaqueness and white pixels are denoted
which is used for encrypting the secret image into by ‘0’ which represents darkness.
shadow images so that no one, other than the
desired recipient can understand the image Shamir proposed a (k, n) threshold visual secret
information. The shadow images are also called as sharing in 1979 [5] by encrypting the secret into a
shares, we can get the input image after stacking constant coefficient of a random (k-1) degree
these shares. There are two types of shares in VC polynomial. According to Shamir’s scheme the
i.e., meaningful shares and non-meaningful shares. secret image can be reconstructed perfectly by
using LaGrange’s interpolation. Shamir’s
As the internet is growing very rapidly the digital polynomial-based scheme has the advantage that
images can be easily transmitted, obtained, and the secret can be recovered lossless. This scheme
manufactured by the various tools available on the requires only k shares for the reconstruction of
internet. Security of the images becomes a major distortion-less secret image.
concern as the sensitive information is hidden
inside these images. We can protect the sensitive Naor and Shamir [9] first introduced the visual
information from the malicious behaviour in cryptography in the year 1984.VC is the secret
transmission by securing these images. The security sharing scheme that allows the decryption without
of these images can be ensured with cryptography. any computation. In general (k, n) threshold VC
scheme the secret image is divided into n shares
Visual Cryptography is defined as the method of and we get the decrypted by stacking any k or more
encoding a secret image into ‘n’ shadow images so than k shares while any k-1 or less shares did not
give any clue about the secret image [9]. There are
various applications [12] of VC such as information quality. This method is not applicable for (k, n)
hiding, watermarking [13], data appending, cyber- threshold where k<n.
crime, authentication, and identification and
The main motivation of this paper is to propose a
transmitting passwords.
threshold RG-based meaningful VC in which there
The next we will review the random grid-based VC is no pixel expansion and no codebook design so
and after that we introduce our proposed scheme. that it can be used in other applications apart from
VCs.In this paper we have proposed a meaningful
After Naor and Shamir had introduced the VC, RG-based VC scheme which supports (k, n)
many researchers started finding the problems threshold VC and it also supports adaptive visual
associated with VC such as contrast, different quality. The proposed scheme is compared with one
formats, and pixel expansion. Random grid (RG)- the threshold meaningful RG –based VC given by
based VC may become the alternative method to
overcome the drawbacks of halftone visual
cryptography (HVC) and extended visual
cryptography (EVC). RG-based VC is used as it
has no pixel expansion and no codebook design is
required in this scheme. AFRI and Keren [1] first
proposed the RG-based VC. According to their
scheme the secret image is encrypted into two
meaningless RGs.The sub pixels are selected
randomly form the two columns under the certain
secret pixel. There is the random selection so that
each column is selected with 50% probabilities. In
that fashion the first subpixel is assigned to RG1 Figure 2- RG based (2,2) scheme application
and the followed-up pixel is assigned to RG2 this
process follows up till the last pixel of the secret
image. So, it confirmed that individual share cannot
give any clue about the secret image. When we
stack these shares the black pixels will cover the
white pixels, and the white pixel will decode into
the black or white pixel with 50% probabilities.
II. Literature Review
This scheme is known as RG-based (2,2) VC. The In Visual Cryptography given the image or
size of the shares is same as that of the secret message, n transparencies are generated so that the
image. There is some loss of contrast in the original image (message) is visible if any k of them
revealed image but we can clearly identify the are stacked together. The image remains hidden if
image. fewer than k transparencies are stacked together.
Each pixel appears within n modified versions
(known as shares) per transparency. The shares are
a collection of m black and white subpixels
arranged closely together. The structure can be
described as an n × m Boolean matrix S. The
structure of S can be described thus: S = (sij)m × n
where sij = 1 or 0 i.f.f. the jth subpixel of the ith
share is black or white. The important parameters
of the scheme are: m: the number of pixels in a
share. This represents the loss in resolution from
the original image to the recovered one. α: the
relative difference in the weight between the
Figure 1- RG based (2,2) VC secret pixel encryption combined shares that come from a white and black
pixel in the original image, i.e., the loss in contrast.
γ: the size of the collection of C0 and C1. C0 refers
Previous RG-based VC does not support to the sub-pixel patterns in the shares for a white
meaningful shares. Chen and Tsao [17] proposed a pixel and C1 refers to the sub-pixel patterns in the
friendly RG-based (2,2) VC to exploit meaningful shares for a black pixel.
shares in VC. Chen and Tsao ‘s scheme use the
complementary shares to achieve adjustable visual
1.Visual Cryptography and its Types Additionally, the decryption process is immediate
and does not require any cryptographic knowledge
a. Traditional Visual Cryptography from users. To get the secret information,
Secret sharing [1] is a method by which a secret participants of the scheme need only properly stack
can be distributed between a group of participants, the transparencies. This presents a high level of
whereby each participant is allocated a piece of the security (some schemes are absolutely secure),
secret. This piece of the secret is known as a share. proven in the theoretical studies. That said, visual
The secret can only be reconstructed when enough cryptography schemes suffer mainly because of
shares are combined. While these shares are pixel expansion (any pixel in the original image is
separate, no information about the secret can be expanded during the encryption process to an m×m
accessed. That is, the shares are completely useless matrix of pixels) and loss of contrast. A simple
while they are separated. Within a secret sharing example of (2,3)-EVCS is presented. In this, they
scheme, the secret is divided into several shares refer to a corresponding VCS [1] of an EVCS [8],
and distributed among n persons [2][3]. When any we mean a traditional VCS that have the same
k or more of these persons (where k ≤ n) bring their access structure with the EVCS. Generally, an
shares together, the secret can be recovered. EVCS takes a secret image and original share
However, if k - 1 persons attempt to reconstruct the images as inputs, and outputs shares that satisfy the
secret, they will fail. Due to this threshold scheme, following three conditions:
we typically refer to such a secret sharing system as
a (k, n)-threshold scheme or k-out-of-n secret 1) Any qualified subset of shares can recover the
sharing. secret image;

2) Any forbidden subset of shares cannot obtain

any information of the secret image other than the
size of the secret image;

3) All the shares are meaningful images.

Figure 3- Traditional Visual Cryptography

b. Extended Visual Cryptography

An extended visual cryptography [8] was proposed
by Ateniese et al. to protect a binary secret image Figure 4- Extended Visual Cryptography
with meaningful shares. This is implemented by
concatenating an extended matrix to each basis There have been many EVCSs proposed in the
matrix [3][4]. The minimum size of the extended literature. Droste, Ateniese et al., and Wang et al.
matrix was obtained from a hypergraph coloring proposed three EVCSs, respectively, by
model and the scheme was designed for binary manipulating the share matrices. Nakajima et al.
images only. Extended visual cryptography proposed a (2,2)-EVCS for natural images. Tsai et
schemes let you construct visual secret sharing al. proposed a simple EVCS, where its shares were
schemes in which the shared images are simply generated by replacing the white and black
meaningful. Image processing means intensive sub pixels in a traditional VCS share with
calculations, reading/writing image files in transparent pixels and pixels from the cover
different formats, Boolean transformations at the images, respectively. Furthermore, Zhou et al.
pixel level, and many other operations. Visual presented an EVCS by using halftoning techniques,
cryptography [1] represents a technique for [6] and hence can treat Gray-scale input share
information concealment with major advantages-it images. Their methods made use of the
is very low-tech because all that you need to use it complementary images to cover the visual
is a couple of transparencies and a printer. information of the share images. Recently, Wang et
al. proposed three EVCSs by using an error treated as an average color. When stacking the
diffusion halftoning technique to obtain nice corresponding blocks of the two shares, there
looking shares. Their first EVCS also made use of would be 242 variations of the resultant color for
complementary shares to cover the visual forming a color image. The approach of Rijmen
information of the shares. Their second EVCS and Preneel indeed can produce visual
imported auxiliary black pixels to cover the visual cryptography for color images. But from the
information of the shares. In such a way, each viewpoint of either the additive model or the
qualified participants did not necessarily require a subtractive model of chromatology, it is not
pair of complementary share images. Their third appropriate to all the blocks with red, green, blue,
EVCS modified the halftoned share images and and white (transparent) colors. Besides, if we use
imported extra black pixels to cover the visual the average of the four-pixel colors in the stacking
information of the shares. However, the limitations blocks to represent the corresponding pixel color in
of these EVCSs mentioned above are obvious. The the original image, the problem of circular
first limitation is that the pixel expansion is large. permutations occurs. Since two circular
For example, the pixel expansion of the EVCS in permutations of a stacking block are not considered
is, where is the pixel expansion of the secret image different, two average colors with different
and is the chromatic number of a hyper-graph; in permutations will be the same in the stacking block
any case, the value of satisfies. The construction of if they have the same combination. Hence the
the pixel expansion, where is the number of number of possible color variation is fewer than the
elements of which contains exactly elements, and is authors claimed 242. Recently, Chang et al.
the set of the qualified subsets. The second proposed a color image sharing technique.
limitation is the bad visual quality of both the
shares and the recovered secret images.
Unfortunately, the EVCS has other limitations: first
it is computation expensive; second, the void and
cluster algorithm make the positions of the secret
pixels dependent on the content of the share images
and hence decrease the visual quality of the
recovered secret image. Third and most
importantly, a pair of complementary images are
required for each qualified subset and the
participants are required to take more than one
shares for some access structures. The same
problems also exist in the first method proposed by
Wang et al. in which each qualified subset does not
require complementary images anymore; however,
this method is only for threshold access structure,
and the auxiliary black pixels of their EVCS also Figure 5- Color Mixture In Subtractive Model
darkened shares.

c. Coloured Visual Cryptography

Rijmen and Preneel had proposed a visual
cryptography approach for color images.[5][9][12]
In their approach, each pixel of the color secret
image is expanded into a 2×2 block to form two
sharing images. Each 2×2 block on the sharing
image is filled with red, green, blue and white
(transparent), respectively, and hence no clue about
the secret image can be identified from any one of
these two shares alone. Rijman and Preneel claimed
that there would be 24 possible combinations
according to the permutation of the four colors.
Because human eyes cannot detect the color of a
very tiny subpixel, the four-pixel colors will be
Table 1- Absorption of Light

The algorithm Erst create a palette of a secret

Table 2- Possible colors mixed by (C,Y) and M-colored
image and assigns a unique code to each color on
halftone pixels
the palette. It then selects two colored cover
images, O1 and O2, with size the same as the secret We can decompose each color pixel p into three
image. Every pixel in the two cover images will be monochromatic components/pixels, namely pc, pm
expanded into a block with M =(k × k) subpixels, and py, in terms of the three primary colors c, m
of which M /2 +1 subpixels are randomly selected and y, respectively. In most modern personal
and Elled with the color of the expanded pixel and computer systems, Px is represented as a
the rest are Elled with white (transparent) color. continuous tone x-colored Gray-level image in
The selection condition is that N positions of the which each pixel px is colored by one of the 256
two expanded blocks are overlapped, where N is shades of color x ranging from 0 (white) to 255
the index of the palette of the secret image and is (color x), It is easy to transform Px into the
used to indicate the pixel color shared by the two corresponding x-colored halftone image Px by
expanded blocks. When recovering the secret applying the halftone technology such that each
image, the algorithm computes the number of the pixel px in Px is either 0 or color x Hou et al.
overlapping sub pixels of every k × k block in the proposed a method to improve the above drawback.
two camouflage images and then retrieves the Nth They used the binary encoding to represent the sub
color from the palette to reconstruct the color of the pixels selected for each block and applied the
corresponding pixel of the secret image. But this AND/OR operation randomly to compute the
method can only deal with a color image with binary code for the stacking sub pixels of every
limited different colors. For example, if k equals 3, block in the cover images. The code ranges from 0
M /2 +1 is at most 5, which is obviously too small to 255, but it can be even larger depending on the
and unreasonably restrictive for today’s expanding factor. Consequently, a secret image can
applications. be a 256 color or true-color one. Although Chang
and Hou et al. achieved a certain degree of sharing
color image information, the drawback is that
secret images must be decrypted with heavy
computation, which would violate the principle of
visual cryptography that uses human eyes to
decrypt secret images. Hou et al. used the concepts
of color decomposition and contrast adjustment to
produce two shares needed by visual cryptography. indication that any encryption has been performed
Overlapping these two shares will reveal the secret on both shares. This drastically improves the
information automatically. Although this method security model for visual cryptography. Along with
requires no mass computation to reconstruct secret Zhou, present novel techniques by which halftone
images, it is nonetheless difficult to obtain totally images can be shared with significant visual
random noise shares. Some image boundaries meaning which have a higher quality than those
might be found on each share, thus compromising presented within by employing error diffusion
the secrecy required. In this method, they combined technique [7]. These error diffusion techniques
the previous results in visual cryptography, the spread the pixels as homogeneously as possible to
halftone technology, and the color decomposition achieve the improvements in the shares overall
principle to develop algorithms of visual quality. A halftone scheme was proposed in which
cryptography for gray-level and color images. The the quality of the shares is improved by using
method retains the advantage of traditional visual contrast enhancement techniques. However, the
cryptography, namely, decrypting secret images by problem with this scheme is that it is not perfectly
human eyes without any cryptography secure. By using a space celling curve ordered
computation. For information security, it also dithering technique, grayscale images can be
ensures that hackers cannot perceive any clue about converted into an approximate binary image. This
the secret image from any individual sharing allows encryption and decryption of the Gray-level
image. images using traditional visual cryptography
methods. Further improvements made in this area
were achieved by using better error diffusion
techniques [7], the technique proposed in satisfies
the following 3 requirements: (i) a secret image
should be a natural image, (ii) images that carry a
secret image should be a high-quality natural image
and (iii) computational cost should be low. This
technique is based which satisfies both (ii) and (iii)
and to satisfy (i), introduces an additional feedback
mechanism into the secret image embedding
process to improve the quality of the visually
decoded secret image. Methods described in only
Figure 6- Colored Visual Cryptography satisfy part of the three requirements. The area of
contrast within halftone and grayscale VC is an
interesting one because the contrast determines
exactly how clear the recovered visual secret is.
d. Halftone Visual Cryptography Cimato et al. developed a visual cryptography
This method of secret sharing expands on Naor and scheme with ideal contrast by using a technique
Shamir's original endings in the 2-out-of2 secret known as reversing, which was originally discussed
sharing scheme[5]. It also takes extended visual by. Reversing changes black pixels to white pixels
cryptography a step further. The halftoning and viceversa. Viet and Kurosawa's scheme allows
technique that is used can be applied to color and for perfect restoration of the black pixels but only
grayscale images. Halftoning simulates a almost perfect restoration of the white pixels.
continuous tone through the use of dots, varying Cimato et al. provide their results for perfect
either in size or in spacing. Based on the idea of restoration of both black and white pixels. Each
extended visual cryptography, Zhou et al. [8] set share also contained a smaller amount of
about improving these techniques by proposing information than Viet and Kurosawa's which makes
halftone grayscale images which carry significant it a more desirable and secure scheme. Yang et al.
visual information. Traditional VC [1] produces [12] also looked at reversing and the shortcomings
random patterns of dots with no visual meaning of Viet and Kurosawa's scheme. Their work
until the shares are superimposed. This raises the presented a scheme that allowed perfect contrast
suspicion of data encryption. Halftoning attempts reconstruction based on any traditional visual
to alleviate this suspicion by having visually cryptography sharing scheme.
pleasing attributes. This means creating halftone
shares that carry one piece of information, such as
another image, while having the secret hidden until
both shares are superimposed. This gives no
RG-based VC does not support meaningful shares.
To exploit meaningful shares in RG-based VC,
Chen and Tsao proposed a friendly RG-based (2, 2)
VC by designing a procedure of distinguishing
different light transmissions on the two shares.
However, in Chen and Tsao's user- friendly RG-
based (2, 2) VC [4], complementary shares are used
to achieve adjustable visual quality. In addition, the
method is not for (k, n) threshold, where k<n. Kafri
and Keren proposed three different algorithms to
accomplish the encryption for the binary images.
Given a secret binary image B, these algorithms as
follows produce two random grids R1 and R2 such
that they leak no information of B individually, yet
they reveal B in our visual system when

Figure 7- Halftone Visual Cryptography

Encryption of a binary image by random grids
Input: A w ×h binary image B where B[i, j] ∈ {0,
1}(white or black), 1_i_w and 1_j _h Output: Two
shares of random grids R1 and R2 which reveal B
e.Random grid based Visual Cryptography when superimposed where Rk[i, j] ∈ {0, 1}
Random grid (RG)-based VC [2][3][4] maybe an (transparent or opaque), 1_i_w,1_j _h and k ∈ {1,
alternative method to overcome the drawbacks, 2}Encryption(B)
since RG-based VC has no pixel expansion and
requires no codebook design. RG-based VC was
first presented by Kafri and Keren, which encrypts
the secret image into two meaningless RGs. To
illustrate the principles of RG-based VC, one of the
three distinct encryption algorithms presented by
Kafri and Keren [2] is shown. Each secret pixel
taken from a secret binary image is encrypted into
one sub pixel in each of the two RGs. The sub
pixels are randomly selected from the two columns
tabulated under the certain secret pixel. The
selection is random so that each column is selected
with the same probabilities (50%). Then, the first
sub pixel is assigned to RG1 and the following sub
pixel is assigned to RG2. Thus, an individual share
gives no clue about the secret image. When the sub
pixels are stacked, the opaque (black) pixels will
cover the transparent (white) pixels. The black
secret pixel will be decoded into black pixel, and
the white secret pixel will be decoded into white
pixel or black pixel with the same probabilities
(50%). As a result, the secret could be revealed by
HVS. The secret is encrypted into two random
shares which have the same size as the secret
image. The revealed image is clearly identified,
Table 3- Probability of occurrence of pixels
although some contrast loss occurs. Follow-up
investigations on RG-based VC [3] were discussed
to extend the features of RG-based VC, such as
contrast, color images, threshold, (n, n) threshold
and (k, n) threshold. Unfortunately, the previous
Depending on the further three algorithms for the
generation of the share images which is a part of
encryption based on probabilistic approach. f. Progressive Visual Cryptography
Progressive VC [13] takes into consideration the
premise of perfect secret recovery and high-quality
secret reconstruction. Many of the schemes do
Algorithm 1
require computational effort to perfectly reconstruct
1. Generate R1 as a random grid, T(R1) = ½
the secret. A technique that enables visual
// for (each pixel R1[i, j], 1_i_w and 1_j _h) do
// R1[i, j] = random_pixel (0, 1) cryptography to be used on color and grayscale
2. for (each pixel B[i, j ], 1_i_w and 1_j _h) do 2.1 images is developed in progressive color visual
{ if (B[i, j] = 0) R2[i, j] = R1[i, j] else R2[i, j] = cryptography. Many current states of the art visual
R1[i, j] } cryptography techniques lead to the degradation in
3. output (R1,R2) the quality of the decoded images, which makes it
unsuitable for digital media (image, video) sharing
and protection. In this, a series of visual
Algorithm 2 cryptography schemes have been proposed which
1. Generate R1 as a random grid, T(R1) = 1/2 not only support grayscale and color images, but
2. for (each pixel B[i, j ], 1_i_w and 1_j _h) do also allow high quality images including that of
2.1 { if (B[i, j] = 0) R2[i, j] = R1[i, j ] else R2[i, j] perfect (original) quality to be reconstructed. The
= random pixel(0, 1) } meaning of the progressive term refers to how the
3. output (R1,R2) final image is built up. For example, when
downloading or viewing an image on a web page,
the image is loaded in stages. The full dimension of
Algorithm 3 the image is visible but it is very blurry. As more of
the image is downloaded, the clearer the resulting
1. Generate R1 as a random grid, T(R1) = 1/2
image becomes, until it is fully loaded. The
2. for (each pixel B [i, j], 1_i_w and 1_j _h) do
annoying presence of the loss of contrast makes
2.1 {if (B [i, j] = 0) R2[i, j] = random pixel (0, 1)
traditional visual cryptography schemes practical
else R2[i, j] = R1[i, j] }
only when quality is not an issue which is relatively
3. output (R1,R2)
rare. Therefore, the basic scheme is extended to
allow visual cryptography to be directly applied on
Note that random pixel (0, 1) is a function that
grayscale and color images. Image halftoning [5] is
returns a binary value 0 or 1 to represent a
employed to transform the original image from the
transparent or opaque pixel, respectively, by a coin-
grayscale or color space into the monochrome
flip procedure and R1[i, j] denotes the inverse of
space which has proved to be quite effective. To
R1[i, j]. The three algorithms are capsulated into a
further improve the quality, artifacts introduced in
generic procedure named Encryption so that when
the process of halftoning have been reduced by
Encryption (B) is called, each of Algorithms 1, 2
inverse halftoning. With the use of halftoning and a
or3 can be applied onto B. Also note that in this, 0
novel micro block encoding scheme, the technique
(1) denotes a white (black) pixel in the secret
has a unique flexibility that enables a single
binary image or a transparent (opaque) pixel in the
encryption of a color image but enables three types
encrypted share interchangeably.
of decryptions on the same ciphertext. The three
different types of decryptions enable the recovery
of the image of varying qualities. The physical
transparency stacking type of decryption enables
the recovery of the traditional VC quality image.
An enhanced stacking technique enables the
decryption into a halftone quality image. A
progressive mechanism is established to share color
images at multiple resolutions. Shares are extracted
from each resolution layer to construct a
hierarchical structure; the images of different
resolutions can then be restored by stacking the
different shared images together.

Figure 8- Random grid based Visual Cryptography

Figure 10- Moire Pattern
Figure 9- Progressive Visual Cryptography

2. Application of Visual Cryptography

Finding practical and useful applications of this
technology has proved to be somewhat of an issue
over the past fifteen years. In this we attempt to
provide some possible applications for VC in
commercial technologies, specifically within the
secure printing industry.
Figure 11- Magnified Repeating Pattern
a. Morie Patterns
A potential application for visual cryptography is Visual cryptography has been implemented using
its use in conjunction with Moire patterns. Moire Moire patterns. Desmedt and Le provide a scheme
patterns (or fringes) are induced when a revealing by which secrecy and anonymity are both satisfied.
layer such as a dot screen or line grating is Moire patterns occur when high frequency lattices
superimposed on top of a periodically repeating are combined to produce low frequency lattice
shape. The resulting Moire pattern is changing any patterns. It is the difference in these high
of the following geometric parameters frequencies that give the Moire patterns. Figure9
characterizing the individual grid structures, shows an example of these Moire patterns.
namely period, orientation, and shape. Whether a
dot screen or a line grating is used, both induce
Moire fringes with the same geometric properties.
The revealing layer contains horizontal black lines
(line grating), between those lines is transparent
white space. When the revealing layer is
superimposed, the shapes that appear are the
magnified versions of the repeating pattern.
Figure8 demonstrates this magnifying effect. This
magnifying property could be used as a method of
locating hidden VC [2][3] shares within a Moire
pattern. This magnification factor of these patterns Figure 12- Superimposing of Moiré Patterns
can be calculated as follows, let p represent the
period of shapes in the base layer, the period of the
line gratings in the revealing layer is denoted as pr. The Moire cryptography model is as follows: The
For the magnification to work, the periods must be embedded (secret) image is randomized into two
sufficiently close. When the revealing layer is shares, known as pre-shares. These are independent
superimposed, the repeating pattern in the base of the original image. XORing [9] these pre-shares
layer is stretched along the vertical axis. There is will recover the original. Next, the hiding algorithm
no change in the horizontal axis. This takes the cover image and combines it with each of
magnification can be represented as pm. The the pre-shares separately. Its output is the final two
following equation expresses this magnification shares that are used to reveal the original embedded
along the vertical axis: image. These resulting shares look the same as the
input cover image that is used. There are three Hiding was held every year averagely,
different Moire schemes proposed by Desmedt and watermarking research has become a hot research
Le, lattice rotation, lattice smooth rotation, and dot area in the past ten years, watermarking has been a
orientation. The problem with lattice rotation is that very important issue. In the past ten years, in the
the boundary between differently-rotated areas in conferences of ACM, IEEE, and IFIP,
the shares becomes visible. However, this scheme watermarking is the main research topics for media
produced very sharp decrypted ciphertext. Lattice security and assurance. In 1995, Cox et al.
smooth rotation fixed the boundary issues but extended watermarking algorithm from spatial
introduced another problem, namely, the artifacts domain, and presented a spread spectrum
introduced into the shares stand out too much and watermarking. Even today, this paper has been
become visible. The pair settled on the final widely cited. It is thought of as the important
scheme, dot orientation, as their chosen milestone in watermarking research, it’s the
implementation. The dots from the shares are landmark of robust watermarking. Audio and Video
converted into diamond shape \dots”, this makes watermarking are also very important members in
for a less visible boundary than circular or elliptical the family. In 2000, Horvatic et al. presents work
dots. The scheme encodes a white pixel by about audio watermarking, this approach combined
superimposing two squares onto the shares whose scrambling and DCT transformation together, it
dots are oriented at different angles. To encode a guarantees the quality of host audio while ensure
black pixel, dot patterns are used that are of the the requirements of robustness. The research
same angle. This produces two different Moire scientists from Microsoft research Asian applied
patterns for the white and black dots. That means watermarking in video and presented the video
this scheme uses the Moire patterns to recover the watermarking based on wavelets. In ACM
secret embedded image, rather than traditional SIGGRAPH ‘99, Praun et al. presented robust
visual cryptography schemes which use the gray watermarking for meshes, and introduced
level of the squares to recover the secret. watermarking to computer graphics. Before this
work, Benedens, Ohuchi, Yeung et. al. also studied
b. Watermarking this issue; Y. J. Song et al. compare the usual
Sonny and Philip invented the “copyright series watermarking techniques. Although watermarking
management device” to protect the copyright of is designed to protect copyright by embedding
digital audio cassettes in 1980’s, it is recognized as secret to the host media, according to the
the first device to protect copyright of digital differences of functionalities and appearance of
commercial products. The aim of this product is to watermarking, watermarking has been grouped into
protect the ownership of users and encourage them many categories.
to create the products of themselves. In 1996,
Adobe Systems Inc. added watermarking
functionalities in Adobe Photoshop 4.0 which was
developed by Digimarc Inc. At the same time, the III. Methodology
institutes of NEC completed the software: Tiger
Mark Data Blade, Informix Software finished
watermarking functionalities in the database Algorithm 1:
product InformixUniversal Server (Information Encryption of a binary image by random grid.
Management System). Europe electronic industries
hope to monitor illegally copy video and audio Input: A w × h binary image S where S [i, j] ∈ {0,
commercial products using watermark censoring 1} (white or black), 1<=i <=w and 1<=j <=h.
system to and the illegal duplications. The project
Output: Two shares of random grids SC1 and SC2
is called TALISMAN (Tracing Authors’ Rights by
which reveal S when superimposed. Also, the
Labelling Image Services and Monitoring Access
shares were of the same size as that of the actual
Networks), it started from September 1995, 11
binary image.
communication and broadcasting companies,
research institutes and universities involve in it. 1.Generate a random grid SC1 with the
There are two important ID adopted in the system: transparency of 0.5 i.e. (T (R1) = ½). For (each
ID of the copyright owner which is embedded in pixel SC1 [i, j], 1<=i <=w and 1<=j <=h)
the multimedia data, another is unique international
code such as ISBN. The two IDs are expected to 2. For each position in the binary image ( B[i, j ],
work jointly so as to protect the ownership. Since 1<=i <=w and 1<=j <=h) do { if (B[i, j ] = 0)
1996, the International Workshop of Information SC2[i, j ] = SC1[i, j ] else SC2[i, j ] = SC1[i, j ] }
3. Output (SC1, SC2) the threshold value no image is generated or no
information is produce.

3.Resolving the participant increasing issue in the

Output: Using OR Gate VSS.


Input: A w×h binary image S where S[i, j ]∈{0,

1} ;1<=i <=w and 1<=j <=h .
Output: n non-meaningful shares SC1, SC2, SC3,
……. SCn.

Step1: For each position (i, j) where 1<=i<=w and

1<=j <=h. Repeat step 2-5.
Step2: Generate an array of b1, b2, b3……bk.
Where b[i] belongs to {0,1} repeat step 3 for w
Figure 13- Shares Generated by Algorithm 1 belongs to {1,2,3,4…………nk}.
Step3: If share SC[i] not belongs to B[i] then
randomly select p and flip b.
Step4: Select the B[i] where I belong to
{0,1,2,3,4……n} randomly either 1 or 2.
Step5: Now randomly arrange b1, b2, b3…to the
Step6: Output the n shares SC1, SC2,

Figure 14- Recovered Secret Algorithm 1

Algorithm 2: Figure 15- Shares Generated by Algorithm 4

Threshold random grid based visual secret
sharing system.
Basically, in this algorithm we are trying to do
three things at once and this is an advance and
more complex algorithm.

1.Generation of n different shares for an individual

image and the value of n is selected by the user

2.Implementing the threshold parameter on the

stacking procedure of the image such that below
STEP1: For each position (i, j) € {(i, j) | 1 ≤ i ≤
M,1 ≤ j ≤ N} in the secret image, repeat steps 2-6.

STEP2: Set 𝑏̃1= S (i, j), repeat step 3 for k-2 times,
i.e. for p=1, 2, k-2, to generate pixels b1, b2…….
bk-2, 𝑏̃k-1; where bx and 𝑏̃x denote the temporary
pixels x=1, 2…., n-1, n.

STEP3: If 𝑏̃p=0, 𝑏̃p+1= bp; otherwise 𝑏̃p+1=𝑏̅p.

Figure 16- Recovered secret by Algorithm 4 using OR Where bp is generated randomly by using flipcoin

STEP4: If the corresponding cover image pixel

C(i,j)=0 ,w=w0 otherwise w=w1.
Output: Using AND Gate
STEP5: Generate a pixel bk-1 by bk-1=g(w).If 𝑏̃k-
1=0 then, bq=bk-1 , q=k,k+1,…….,n ;
otherwise=g(w) ,q=k,k+1,……..,n

STEP6: The order of n pixels b1, b2…..., bn-1, bn

are rearranged and the rearranged n pixels are
assigned to SC1(i, j), SC2(i, j) ………SCn (i, j).

STEP7: Output the n shadow images SC1,

SC2……..., SCn.

Output: Meaningful Shares

Figure 17- Shares generated by algorithm 4

Figure 18- Recovered Secret by Algorithm 4 using AND


IV. Implementation
Input: A binary secret image S and a cover image
C both with M*N pixels, the threshold parameters
(k,n) and light transmission parameters
w0 ,w1 ,where 0<w0≤w1<1.

Output: n meaningful shares SC1, SC2…SCn.

binary image. We generate two shares the first is
randomly generated and the second one is
generated by applying some conditions on binary
image and the first share. We obtain the image
when we stack both the shares. The stacking of the
shares is done by using OR gate. A share on an
individual does not convey any information about
the original image. We have used the concept of
progressive visual cryptography means that as we
impose more and more shares on each other we can
get the better visual quality of the recovered secret
image. Random grids are the matrices of the black
and white pixels which can simply decrypt the
Figure 19- Stacking of 3 shares
secret image by using the stack operation and no
computation is required by the computer. We
computed the contrast of the image by applying the
process on it. To improve the visual quality of the
image we have used modified gates. This paper
possesses the complete knowledge about visual
cryptography, it is types, applications. It comprises
of all the necessary algorithms used for visual
secret sharing using generalized random grids.
Apart from that meaningful share generation
algorithm [16] is also proposed. By using the
meaningful shares, we can increase the efficiency
and security of the images. The shares generated in
meaningful shares are like natural shares. We have
used two images for meaningful shares one is
Figure 20- Stacking of 4 shares secret image and the other is cover image. The
secret image is the secret which we want to
transmit and the cover image is used for hiding the
secret image so that any one cannot find out that
secret is transmitted apart from the receiver and the

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