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Course Code: EICSC18


Roll No :- 2021UEI2552
Branch :- EIOT


1. The primary aim of cloud computing is to provide on- 1/2/2024
demand, scalable, and cost-effective access to
computing resources over the internet.

2. Virtualization aims to create virtual versions of physical 8/2/2024

computing resources such as servers, storage, and

3. The aim is to install and utilize the software VirtualBox on 15/2/2024

a Windows 11 machine to create and run virtual
machines with various operating systems, including
different flavors of Linux or even another Windows version.

4. The aim is to Install a C compiler in a virtual machine created 22/2/2024

using a virtual box and execute simple programs.

5. The aim is to Transfer files from one host machine to 29/2/2024

another virtual machine.

6. Utilize Amazon S3, a cloud-based object storage service 7/3/2024

offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), to store and
access your data securely and efficiently.

7. To Study various cloud service models. 7/3/2024

8. Studying Case Studies of Microsoft Azure. 14/3/2024

9. Study of Cloud Security Management. 14/3/2024

Experiment : 1
The primary aim of cloud computing is to provide on-demand, scalable, and cost-
effective access to computing resources over the internet. This includes:
● Network access: Delivering resources like servers, storage, databases, and
applications through a network connection.
● Shared pool of resources: Creating a pool of resources that can be dynamically
allocated to various users based on their needs.
● Rapid elasticity: Enabling users to quickly scale resources up or down as their
demands fluctuate.
● Measured service: Paying only for the resources used, promoting cost-


Cloud computing is based on the service model and the deployment model.

Service Model:

● Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides the basic building blocks of

computing, such as servers, storage, and networking. Users have complete
control over the operating system and applications.
● Platform as a Service (PaaS): Offers a platform for developing, deploying, and
managing applications without managing the underlying infrastructure.
● Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers applications over the internet,
eliminating the need for local installation and maintenance.
Deployment Model:

● Public Cloud: Resources are owned and operated by a cloud service provider
(CSP) and are available to the general public.
● Private Cloud: Resources are dedicated to a single organization and are not
shared with others.
● Hybrid Cloud: Combines elements of both public and private clouds, offering
flexibility and control.


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals utilize
computing resources. Here are some key results:

● Increased agility and scalability: Businesses can quickly adapt to changing

demands by scaling resources up or down as needed.
● Cost savings: Reduced infrastructure and maintenance costs, allowing
businesses to pay only for the resources they use.
● Improved efficiency: Cloud-based resources are readily available and
accessible from anywhere, enabling efficient collaboration and remote work.
● Enhanced innovation: Easier access to computing resources fosters innovation
and development of new applications and services.
Experiment : 2
Virtualization aims to create virtual versions of physical computing resources such
as servers, storage, and networking.


Virtualization relies on a hypervisor, which acts as a software layer that sits between
the physical hardware and the virtual machines. The hypervisor manages the allocation
of physical resources to VMs and ensures they operate independently.

There are two main types of virtualization:

● Type 1 virtualization: The hypervisor runs directly on the bare metal hardware
(no underlying operating system). Examples include VMware ESXi and Microsoft
Hyper-V Server.
● Type 2 virtualization: The hypervisor runs on top of an existing operating
system. Examples include Oracle VirtualBox and VMware Workstation Player.


Virtualization has become a cornerstone of modern IT infrastructure, offering several

benefits: Improved resource utilization, Increased agility and reduced downtime,
Cost savings, Improved security.
Experiment : 3

The aim is to install and utilize the software VirtualBox on a Windows 11 machine to
create and run virtual machines with various operating systems, including different
flavors of Linux or even another Windows version.


● Virtualization software like VirtualBox simulates a computer system within

another existing computer system.
● This creates a virtual machine (VM) that acts like a dedicated computer with its
own virtual hardware resources like CPU, memory, storage, and network
● You can then install an operating system (like Linux or Windows) onto this virtual
machine, allowing you to essentially run another computer alongside your
existing Windows 11 system.

1. Check System Requirements:
○ Open task manager.
○ Then click on Performance and click on CPU here we check Virtualisation
○ Then we proceed for further steps.
2. Download and Install VirtualBox:
○ Visit the official VirtualBox website and download the latest version
compatible with your Windows system.
○ Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

3. Create a New Virtual Machine and Install the Guest Operating System:
○ Open the VirtualBox Manager application.
○ Click the "Ctrl+N" button.
○ In the wizard, specify the following information:
■ Name and operating system type: Choose a descriptive name for
your virtual machine and select the type of operating system you
want to install (e.g., Linux, Windows).
■ Obtain the installation media (ISO file) for your desired Linux or
Windows flavor.
■ In the VirtualBox Manager, select your VM and click "Start."
■ In the virtual machine window, click on the "Devices" menu and
select "Choose virtual disk file..."
■ Navigate to your downloaded ISO file and select it.
■ The virtual machine will boot from the ISO, allowing you to proceed
with the chosen operating system's installation process within the
virtual environment.
■ Memory allocation: Allocate a reasonable amount of RAM (e.g.,
2GB) to your virtual machine, ensuring it doesn't exceed your
system's available memory.
■ Hard disk: Choose to "Create a virtual hard disk now" and select
the desired size for the virtual machine storage.

After completing these steps, you will have a functional virtual machine running
your chosen operating system (Linux or Windows) within your Windows 11
environment. You can now use this virtual machine to experiment with different
operating systems, run specific software that might not be compatible with your host
system, or test configurations without affecting your primary Windows installation.
Experiment : 4
The aim is to Install a C compiler in a virtual machine created using a virtual box and
execute simple programs.

Required Software:
Virtual box or Vmware for hosting multiple guest operating systems.

Creating the Virtual Machine:

1. Launch VirtualBox: Open the VirtualBox application on your host computer.

2. Create a new VM: Click the "New" button in the toolbar.
3. Configure name and type:
○ Name: Give your virtual machine a descriptive name (e.g., "C_Practice").
○ Machine type: Select "Linux" as the type and "64-bit (x86_64)" or "32-bit
(x86)" depending on your preference and the downloaded ISO.
4. Allocate memory:
○ RAM: Allocate at least 1024 MB (1 GB) of RAM for your virtual machine.
You can adjust this based on your system resources and the requirements
of the chosen OS.
5. Create virtual hard disk: Select the "Create a virtual hard disk now" option.
6. Hard disk type: Choose "VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)" as the hard disk type.
7. Storage on physical disk: Select "Dynamically allocated" for efficient space
8. Hard disk size: Allocate a sufficient amount of storage space for your virtual
machine. 8 GB is generally recommended.
9. Summary: Review the configuration and click "Create" to proceed.

Installing the Guest OS:

1. Settings: Right-click on your newly created virtual machine and select "Settings."
2. Storage: Navigate to the "Storage" section.
3. Add optical drive: Click on the "+" icon under "Storage Devices" and choose
"Empty" as the type. Click "Choose disk file..." and select the downloaded ISO
image file of your chosen Linux distribution.
4. Boot order: Ensure that the optical drive is set as the first boot device in the list
under "Attributes."
5. Start VM: Double-click your virtual machine to start it. The guest OS installation
will begin, following the on-screen instructions specific to the chosen distribution.

Installing the C Compiler:

Open terminal: Once the OS installation is complete, log in to your virtual

machine and open a terminal window (usually found in the system applications

1.sudo apt update

1. Sudo apt install gcc
2. vi programFilename.extention
3. Program editor commands: ctrl+i (for insert) (then write program)
then Esc:wq enter (for exit from editor)
4. gcc programFilename.extention (compilation)
5. ./a.out (for running program)

Finally, we have successfully run a C program in a virtual machine.
Experiment : 5
The aim is to Transfer files from one host machine to another virtual machine.

Required Software:
Virtual box or Vmware for hosting multiple guest operating systems.

● Right Click on Virtual Machine (for sharing files) >> click on General >> click on
Advance >> Set Shared Clipboard Bidirectional same for Drag and Drop.

● Click on Shared Folder >> click on Plus icon >> Add Path of Host machine shared
folder >> choose Auto-mount >> click on OK.
● Now Start Virtual Machine >> click on Devices >> click on Insert Guest Addition
CD image.. >> then you get a Guest Addition CD drive then click on this and install
Finally, we have successfully achieved file sharing between the host machine and the
virtual machine.
Experiment : 6
Utilize Amazon S3, a cloud-based object storage service offered by Amazon Web
Services (AWS), to store and access your data securely and efficiently.

Required Software:
An AWS account: Sign up for a free tier account or a paid account based on your
An internet connection: Uploading and downloading data to S3 requires a stable
internet connection.
Data to store: This can be any type of file, including documents, images, videos,
backups, etc.

1. Create an AWS account: If you haven't already, visit the AWS website and sign
up for an account. The free tier provides limited storage and service usage for
trying out S3.

2. Create an S3 bucket: An S3 bucket acts like a virtual folder to store your data
objects (files). Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the S3
service. Click on "Create bucket" and provide a unique name for your bucket.
Choose an appropriate region for storing your data based on your needs and
compliance requirements.

3. Bucket has been created.

4. Uploading files
● car1.jpg
● car2.jpg
● Index.html

5. Upload successfully.
We've successfully utilized Amazon S3 for storage as a service.

Experiment : 7
To Study various cloud service models.

A comprehensive study of cloud service models involves understanding their

characteristics, benefits, and limitations to make informed decisions for your
specific needs. Here's a breakdown of the three main models:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

● Description: IaaS provides the fundamental building blocks of computing,

including virtual servers, storage, networking, and operating systems. Users have
complete control over the underlying infrastructure and are responsible for
managing it.
● Benefits:
○ High control and flexibility: Users have complete control over their
infrastructure, allowing for customization and tailoring to specific needs.
○ Cost-effective for resource-intensive workloads: Users only pay for the
resources they use, making it efficient for variable or spiky workloads.
● Limitations:
○ High management overhead: Users are responsible for managing the
entire infrastructure, requiring significant technical expertise and
○ Less user-friendly: Setting up and maintaining an IaaS environment can
be complex for non-technical users.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS):

● Description: PaaS provides a platform for developing, deploying, and managing
applications. It includes preconfigured environments with operating systems,
databases, development tools, and middleware. Users focus on developing and
deploying their applications without managing the underlying infrastructure.
● Benefits:
○ Faster development and deployment: PaaS simplifies the development
process by eliminating infrastructure management tasks.
○ Scalability and elasticity: PaaS environments can easily scale up or
down to meet application demands.
○ Focus on application development: Users can concentrate on building
and managing their applications instead of infrastructure complexities.
● Limitations:
○ Less control: Users have limited control over the underlying
infrastructure, potentially restricting customization options.
○ Vendor lock-in: Applications developed on a specific PaaS platform
might be difficult to migrate to other platforms.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS):

● Description: SaaS delivers on-demand software applications over the internet.

Users access and use the applications through a web browser or mobile app,
without managing any infrastructure or software installation.
● Benefits:
○ Easy to use and maintain: SaaS applications are ready-to-use, requiring
minimal setup or configuration.
○ Automatic updates: The vendor handles updates and maintenance,
ensuring users always have the latest version.
○ Scalability and cost-effectiveness: Pay-as-you-go pricing and automatic
scaling make it cost-efficient for various user sizes.
● Limitations:
○ Limited control and customization: Users have limited control over the
application's functionality and customization options.
○ Data security concerns: Data stored in a SaaS application resides on
the vendor's infrastructure, raising potential security concerns.

Experiment : 8
Studying Case Studies of Microsoft Azure.
However, there are some underlying concepts that are helpful to
understand before diving into the case studies:

● Cloud Computing Fundamentals: Get a basic grasp of cloud computing

concepts like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS),
and Software as a Service (SaaS). This will help you understand the different
cloud-based services Azure offers.
● Microsoft Azure Services: Azure provides a vast range of services. Familiarize
yourself with core categories like compute, storage, databases, analytics,
networking, and artificial intelligence. You don't need to be an expert, but a basic
understanding will help you follow the case studies.
● Business Challenges and Cloud Solutions: Case studies typically showcase
how companies addressed challenges using Azure. Understanding common
business problems like scalability, data management, or security will help you
connect the dots between the business need and the Azure solution applied.

Case Studies Key points:

1. Cloud computing is a new way of delivering computing services like storage,
servers, databases, networking, and software.
2. It promises to change how the software development industry works.
3. The passage focuses on a specific cloud computing platform, Microsoft Azure.
4. The paper offers a detailed study of the key concepts and features provided by
5. This study aims to provide researchers with a deep understanding of various
aspects of Microsoft Azure.
6. The growth of networking and new features requires more user data and
computing power for applications.
7. Cloud computing offers agility, scalability, and efficiency for designing software.
8. Cloud computing enables new applications for wireless communication.
9. Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform for building, deploying, and managing
10. Azure offers both Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service
11. Azure supports various programming languages, tools, and frameworks.
12. Azure Storage is scalable for big data needs (scientific, financial, media).
13. It can also store small amounts of data for basic websites.
14. Users only pay for the data they store in Azure Storage.
15. Supports various operating systems and programming languages for
16. Exposes data resources via REST APIs.
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range
of services, including:

● Compute - Create and deploy virtual machines (VMs) and containerized

● Storage - Store data in the cloud, including blobs, files, and databases.
● Networking - Create and manage virtual networks, firewalls, and load balancers.
● Management Tools - Monitor and manage your Azure resources.
● Security - Help keep your data and applications secure.
● Business Intelligence - Analyze your data to gain insights.
● Machine Learning - Create and deploy machine learning models.
● Internet of Things (IoT) - Connect and manage IoT devices.
● Mobile - Develop and deploy mobile apps.
● Web - Create and deploy web apps and APIs.

Key features of Microsoft Azure Compute:

● Virtual Machines (VMs): Provide scalable computing resources in the cloud.
You can deploy various operating systems like Windows and Linux on VMs.
● Containers: Enable deploying and managing containerized applications for
efficient resource utilization.
● Batch Processing: Facilitate running large-scale batch jobs in a parallel and
efficient manner.
● Remote Application Access: Allow accessing applications hosted on Azure
VMs from anywhere.

These features offer benefits like:

● Scalability: Easily scale compute resources up or down based on your needs.

● Flexibility: Choose from various options to deploy your applications, VMs,
containers, or serverless functions.
● Cost-Effectiveness: Pay only for the resources you use.
● Global Reach: Deploy applications in Azure regions worldwide for better
performance and reach.
Experiment : 9
Study of Cloud Security Management.

Theory behind Cloud Security Management (CSM).

Core Concept: Balancing Agility and Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers businesses a plethora of advantages – scalability, elasticity, and

on-demand resources. However, this flexibility introduces a new security dimension.
CSM tackles this challenge by providing a framework to secure data, applications, and
infrastructure residing in the cloud.

Theoretical Underpinnings of CSM

● Shared Responsibility Model: Cloud providers secure the underlying

infrastructure, while organizations are responsible for securing their data,
applications, and configurations. Understanding this division of responsibility is
crucial for effective cloud security.
● Threat Assessment and Risk Management: CSM involves identifying and
evaluating potential threats to cloud-based assets. This includes vulnerabilities in
cloud services, misconfigurations, and malicious insider activity. By
understanding the risks, organizations can prioritize security controls and
mitigation strategies.
● Compliance and Data Privacy: Regulations like GDPR (General Data
Protection Regulation) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act) impose data privacy and security obligations on businesses.
CSM ensures adherence to these regulations by implementing appropriate data
security measures in the cloud.
● Identity and Access Management (IAM): A core tenet of CSM is enforcing
granular access controls. IAM ensures that only authorized users have access to
specific cloud resources based on the principle of least privilege.
● Security Automation and Orchestration: Cloud environments are dynamic,
and manual security processes can be cumbersome. CSM leverages automation
tools to streamline tasks like security configuration, vulnerability scanning, and
incident response.
● Continuous Monitoring and Logging: Maintaining constant vigilance is
essential for cloud security. CSM involves continuous monitoring of cloud
activities for suspicious behavior. Security Information and Event Management
(SIEM) tools aggregate and analyze log data from various cloud resources to
detect potential threats.

Benefits of Studying Cloud Security Management

● Enhanced Cloud Security Posture: By understanding CSM principles, you can

develop a robust security strategy for your cloud deployments, mitigating risks
and protecting sensitive data.
● Improved Compliance: A strong grasp of CSM helps ensure adherence to data
security regulations, reducing the risk of hefty fines and reputational damage.
● Cost Optimization: Effective cloud security practices can help avoid security
incidents that can incur significant financial losses. Additionally, automation tools
can streamline security operations, reducing administrative overhead.
● Career Opportunities: The demand for cloud security professionals is booming.
Studying CSM equips you with the knowledge and skills to pursue a rewarding
career in this domain.

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