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The FTC will provide you with a step-by-step recovery plan.

Forward the phishing email you received

to along with the organization being impersonated in the email to help raise awareness of the scam.

Enroll in cyber and email security awareness training.

Being educated is the best way to prevent a successful phishing email attack. You will learn about email threats such as
phishing, ransomware, social engineering attacks, and more with proper cybersecurity education and training.

Tips & Best Practices to Avoid Clicking on a

Phishing Link in the First Place
In order to prevent an attack, it is best to be
aware of cyber and email security best
practices and tips for recognizing a phishing
email. Some tips for avoiding a phishing
email attack and protecting sensitive
information include:

Check for spelling and grammatical

errors, suspicious subject lines, and
signatures. This is a crucial
indication that the email is a phishing
Be wary of the display name. An
email may say it’s from a known or
trusted sender, but that might not
happen. Even if the email address is
legitimate, the message could come
from a compromised one.
Evaluate the salutation: Is the greeting vague or general? Does the tone sound suspicious coming from the person the
email is allegedly from?
If something feels off, confirm the email's legitimacy with the sender before interacting with it, or contact the source
with a new email instead of hitting reply.
Use a malware URL scanner to scan attachments for viruses, malware, or other dangerous code.
Verify shared links to ensure they do not lead to fraudulent websites or malicious code.
Phishing email attacks often urge users to act quickly; beware of this and think things through.
Most importantly, think before you click. If there is something suspicious about the email, evaluate for warning signs.

Final Thoughts on Preventing Phishing Attacks

Most importantly, if you’ve accidentally clicked on a phishing link, it is critical to learn from the incident and proceed
cautiously. Always take time to stop and think before interacting with an email in any way. Phishing attacks often convey a
sense of urgency to dissuade recipients from engaging in this best practice. That being said, the single most effective method
of phishing prevention is investing in a comprehensive, fully managed email security software solution.

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