Preparation For The Pre-Exam

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1) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Sarah has always liked travelling and now she 1) __________ (think) that one of her dreams 2)
__________ (come) true. Last year she 3) __________ (finish) her studies at secondary school, she
4) __________ (want) to give herself some time to think before she 5) __________ (go) to
university. While she 6) __________ (study) at school she 7) __________ (meet) a boy from Costa
Rica who 8) __________ (tell) her a lot about his country. From that moment she has wanted to
visit this country. Some days ago she 9) __________ (see) some information about volunteer work
in Costa Rica and 10) __________ (decide) to apply. She has been chosen and she 11) __________
(spend) the next 8 months working on a school project, at the same time she 12) __________
(learn) Spanish.

2) Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense or verb form (Present Simple Tense, Present
Continuous Tense, Past Simple Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Future Simple Tense or Be
Going to Form).

1) I haven't got enough money to buy the ticket. – Oh, I _______________________ (lend)
you some, if you like.
2) __________ Susan ______________ (like) horror films?
3) I don't know what to do! My neighbour's dog _________ constantly
_______________________ (attack) my poor cat!
4) Have you heard the weather forecast? It _______________________________ (rain)
5) Where ________________ (be) she yesterday at 4 pm?
6) He _______________________ (break) his pencil while he _______________________
(do) his homework.
7) In the year 2200 people _______________________________ (live) on the Moon.

3) Put the correct article (a, an or the) or slash (/) if you think that no article is needed.

1) I'll be back in _______ minute.

2) The Amazon is _______ longest river in _______ world.
3) Sheprefers_______small houses.
4) I watched_______ interesting wildlife documentary yesterday._______ documentary lasted
for almost two hours.

4) Fill in the gaps with an appropriate personal pronoun or possessive adjective or possessive

1) My brother always washes _____ new car on Sunday.

2) It’s _____ birthday. She is 21 today.
3) Is this your brother’s motor bike? No it isn’t _____.
4) She wants to see _____, but he doesn’t want to se her.

5) Make questions for the words in bold.

1. I like rock and jazz music.

2. He goes to Spain once a month.
3. They are waiting for the commander.
4. She is going home because it’s late.
5. I last used my credit card yesterday.
6. My roommate passed all the exams.
6) Fill in the missing prepositions where necessary.

He studies _____ the MA. The classes are obligatory, so he attends _____ all the classes. _____
Monday, cadets get up _____ 6 o’clock. They share rooms with their roommates and naturally they
sometimes argue _____ something and even yell _____ each other. However, it is worth _____
putting an effort _____ making lifelong friendships.

7) Underline the correct word.

1. She's a high / highly educated young woman.

2. Scott and Tracy have only met once before. They hard / hardly know each other.
3. They live near / nearly London.
4. It took near / nearly two hours to get there.
5. Our team lost the game because we played very bad / badly.
6. Don’t walk so fast / fastly! I can’t keep up with you.
7. Have you been doing anything interesting late / lately?
8. Your exam results were very good / well.
9. This bag is very heavy / heavily. What’s in it?
10. You did good / well in your exams.

8) Write the letter of the appropriate definition (A-D) next to the word (1-5). There is an extra
word for which the explanation is not provided.

1 _____ perform A to be different in different situations

2 _____ announce B to complete an action or activity

3 _____ dread C fear of something bad that might happen

4 _____ contribute D not proud and not thinking that you are better than other people

5 _____ addicted E to be a part of an activity and help it to be successful

6 _____ humble F a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work

7 _____ breakthrough G enjoying a particular activity very much and spending as much
time as you can doing it
8 _____ vary

9) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Use each word only once. Change
the form if necessary. There are two extra words – do not use them.

power succeed reach ambition cope handle grab achievement

I’ve never been ________________ in the normal sense. I’ve never wanted to ________________
the top of the ladder or have _________________. But I’ve always wanted to _________________
something, to write a book, climb a mountain… It would be good for my confidence to
________________ in something, just to get that simple feeling when you’ve managed to
________________ with difficult situations.
thinks/ will come/ finished/ wants/ goes/ was studying/ met/ told/ has wanted/ saw/ decided/ has
been chosen/ will spend/ will learn.

1. highly 2. hardly 3. near 4. nearly 5. badly 6. fast 7. lately 8. good 9. heavy 10. well

at, /, on, at, about, at, /, in.

Combination 6 Key
1) will lend
2) Does Susan like
3) is constantly attacking
4) is going to rain
5) was
6) broke; was doing
7) will live
Combination 10: Answer Key
1) a
2) the, the
3) /
4) an, the

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