v3 - NRP Eng g03 - Apr 12

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


School Grade 3
Learning English
Teacher Area:
April 12, 2024 Fourth
Teaching Quarter:
Teaching Date
Guide Section/ Checked
Time by:

Session At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Objectives • identify the degrees of adjectives in making comparison,
(Focus on
• form the comparative and superlative degree of adjectives in making
skills) comparison and
• write a sentence by using the degrees of adjectives in making
Component No.
of Activities
Preparation 10 A. Preparatory Activities
Settling 1. Review
Complete the following sentences using the adjectives in the box.

cheap small
juicy sharp

delicious big

1. The Lion’s claws are __________.

2. Vegetables are ________ in Baguio.

3. Green apples are __________.

4. Tarsier is a ________ animal.

5. Elephant is a ________ animal.

© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 1 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

2. Motivation (Game)
Describe each member of the family. Give as many adjectives as
you can to describe them.
A Family Album

This is my father. This is my brother.

He is _____________ He is _____________
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________

This is my mother. This is my sister.

She is _____________ She is _____________
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________

This is my grandmother. This is my grandfather.

She is _____________ He is _____________
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________


B. Development of the Lesson

1. Unlocking of Difficulties


© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 2 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

2. Presentation
Directions: Read the story carefully.

Read the paragraph carefully.

Father’s work was transferred to Cabanatuan
City, so our family had to go with him. This big city is
about two-and-a-half hours by car from Manila. It is a
busy place with a big market and hundreds of tricycles.
Mother said life here is easier and less stressful. She
said the weather in the village where we live is good for
me. The food items sold are cheaper and fresher
because they come from nearby towns. The cathedral
is the biggest attraction in this city. Its quiet
atmosphere, wide doors, and beautiful collection of
saints bring peace to one’s heart. The school beside it
is big and full of excited and noisy students. The most
attractive thing for me is the quadrangle in the middle
of the campus. It is smaller than our school here in
Manila but I find the pupils more friendly and more
sincere. I think my life here in Cabanatuan will be the
most memorable for me.

Answer the following questions about the passage.

1. Who transferred to another place?
2. If you were the child, what would you say to your
mother/father about your transfer to another place?
3. What if the writer’s sister does not like to transfer because
of her friends in school? What will be your advice to her?
Why? (To show love and concern for the family.)
4. How else can you show your family that you love and care
for them?

The story tells about being responsible, loving, and caring

for the family.

© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 3 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Dedicated 30
Reading A. Unlocking of Difficult Words
Time Play Time

Let Us Play Scavenger Hunt

Materials: List of Adjective Clues, small cards or sticky notes,
markers or pens

Write down a variety of adjectives on small cards or sticky
For example: happy, happier, happiest
fast, faster, fastest
-Hide the cards or sticky notes around the room or outdoor
area where the scavenger hunt will take place.
-Once participants find an adjective, have them match it to
the corresponding degree of the adjective. For instance, if
they find "happy," they should look for "happier" and
"happiest" as well.


Adjective Adventure Box

Materials needed:
- A box or container with a lid, various objects with
different sizes, colors, and textures, Index cards or small
pieces of paper, markers

1. Prepare the Box- Fill the box with a variety of objects

that can be described using degrees of adjectives, such as
big, small, soft, rough, shiny, dull, etc. For example,
include a large rubber ball
2. Adjective Cards- Write down different degrees of
adjectives on separate index cards or small pieces of paper.
Mix them up and place them in the box. Examples include
3. Adjective Exploration- Divide the class into small
groups. Each group takes turns picking an object from the
mystery box.
4. Guessing Game- After each group has described their
object, the other groups tryo yo guess which item was
being describedbaesd on degreess of adjectives used.

© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 4 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Adjective Guess Who

Materials needed:
- Index cards or sticky notes, markers, blindfold or


1. Prepare the Cards

Write down various degrees of adjectives on separate
index cards or sticky notes. For example, "tallest,"
"smallest," "softest."

2. Distribute Cards
Give each student or group a card without revealing the
adjective to the others. Make sure they keep their cards

3. Blindfolded Descriptions
Choose one student or a representative from each group
to be blindfolded. The blindfolded student must use touch
or other senses (excluding sight) to describe the adjective on
their card to the rest of their group.

4. Guessing Time
The other students or group members listen to the
descriptions and try to guess the degree of adjective being
described. They can discuss and share their guesses.

5. Rotation
Rotate turns so that each student or group gets a chance
to be blindfolded and describe their adjective. Continue
until everyone has had a turn.

© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 5 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Reading of the story

The Blossoming Responsibility

A. Motive Question/s
1. Do you have plants/flowers at home?
2. Are you taking care of them, by how?
3. How do the three friends take care of their plants?
4. What lesson do you learn from the story?
5. If you were given a duty/responsibility at home? What
will you do?

B. Schema Activation


What do you see in the picture?

Are plants/flowers important? Why?

Reading of the story by the teacher

(DRTA) Directed Reading Thinking Approach
Ask questions about the story while reading to guide
learners to make predictions and enhance comprehension.

The Blossoming Responsibility

Once in a village, three friends named Carla, Anna, and
Tessa decided to plant flowers. Each friend chose a
different-sized flower to nurture – Carla had a small one,
Anna a medium-sized one, and Tessa a large, vibrant
As they tended to their gardens, a sudden storm swept
through village. In response, Carla hurriedly covered his
small flower with a tiny umbrella, Anna shielded his
medium-sized flower with a makeshift shelter, and Tessa
carefully enveloped his large flower with a substantial
protective barrier.

© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 6 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

When the storm passed and the sun reappeared, only

Tessa’s flower stood tall and vibrant. The other flowers had
wilted due to insufficient protection.
The friends realized that being responsible meant taking the
necessary steps to ensure the well-being of what they cared
about. They understood that responsibilities come in
different sizes, just like their flowers, and the degree of care

From that day forward, the three friends embraced the

lesson learned in the village, to always be like Tessa, taking
responsibility seriously, no matter the size of the task. And
so, their adventures continued with a newfound
understanding of responsibility.

Comprehension Check
Read the part in the story that will answer the questions.

1. What are the names of the three friends in the village who
planted flowers?
2. Describe the size of the flower Carla planted.
3. How did Anna protect his medium-sized flower during the
4. What did the friends learn about responsibility from their
gardening experience?

1. What are the names of the three friends in the village who
planted flowers?
2. Describe the size of the flower Carla planted.
3. How did Anna protect his medium-sized flower during the
4. What did the friends learn about responsibility from their
gardening experience?
5. Why did Tessa’s flower survive the storm while the others

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Why is the story entitled” The Blossoming Responsibility’?
3. In the story, what lesson did Carla, Anna and Tessa embrace
after the storm?
4. What different-sized coverings did the friends use to protect
their flowers during the storm?
5. Why did Carla, Anna, and Tessa choose different-sized
flowers to plant?
6. What was the result of Tessa’s careful care for his large
7. How did the friends' understanding of responsibility change
after their gardening adventure?

© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 7 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Activity 20
Complete each sentence by underlining the correct form of

1. ______ children seldom get sick. (Healthy, Healthier,


2. Susan thought that her dress was _______ than her

sister’s. (pretty, prettier, prettiest)

3. Jade Rex is the _______runner in the group. (fast, faster,


4. The judges agreed that the grade three play was the ______
play shown that day. (funny, funnier, funniest)

5. For Evangeline, English is ________ than Mathematics.

(easy, easier, easiest)

Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives.

short shorter shortest

fast faster fastest
long longer longest

1. Roselle’s skirt almost touches her ankle. It is ________.

2. Tessie’s skirt is three inches below her knees.
It is ________ than Roselle’s.
3. Christine’s miniskirt is an inch above her knees.
It is the __________ of the girls’ skirts.
4. Joan cooked her meal in 35 minutes. She cooked
__________ .
5. Roy cooked her meal in 15 minutes. She cooked
__________ than Joan

Reinforcem Enhancement
ent and Write a sentence using the degrees of adjectives based on the
Reflection pictures below.


© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 8 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Wrap Up 5
Write a short paragraph describing your school. Compare it
with another school. Use adjectives in the comparative and
superlative degress.

Prepared by:

Eulogio Rodriguez Integrated School

Checked and Enhanced by:


Education Program Supervisor

Education Program Supervisor

Regional English Supervisor

Approved by:

Chief, Curriculum and Implementation Division

Chief, CLMD

© 2024 Department of Education National Capital Region. All rights reserved.

Doc. Ref. Code RO-CLMD-F070 Rev 00

Address: 6 Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City Effectivity 08.24.23 Page 9 of 9
Email Address: ncr@deped.gov.ph
Website: depedncr.com.ph

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