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Look at the two sentences. How to make them clearer, more concise and less repetitive?
1. Question: What did the professor do?

The professor assigned a reading list. The reading list includes several seminal works in the field.


2. Question: Why do high schools spend too much money on shopping?

High-school students usually receive pocket money from helicopter parents. High-school students often have no
part-time jobs.




 Writers can additional _________________ about a Ex: "People who live in urban areas often
subject/object/sentence to make it clearer and more experience higher levels of air pollution than
interesting. those in rural areas."

 Create more complex and sophisticated sentences

 To provide more detail and explanation for an

Ex: Younger people that exercise regularly
argument to __________________ the examiner/reader.
are more likely to live longer, healthier lives.
II. Types of relative pronouns:
There are five relative pronouns commonly used in English: who, whom, which, and that.

Used to refer to people or animate objects.

Ex: "The woman _______________ was wearing the red hat is my friend."

Also used to refer to people or animate objects, but modify
the O (instead of S).

Ex: "The person (S) [________________ (O1) I (S1) spoke to (V1)] was (V) very helpful (adj)."

Used to refer to things/animals/ or a whole sentence

Ex1: "The car ____________ I bought last year has been very reliable."

Ex2: Parents should teach their children to open a piggy bank to save money, which could help them become

financially independent.

Used to refer to people, things, or animals.

Ex: "The book _______ I am reading is very interesting."

Ex: The civilians and the cat ______________ they rescued from the burning building are recovering well."
✏ Choose the most suitable relative pronouns

1. Students (whom/who) lack valuable soft skills may struggle in the workplace.


2. Employees (which/who) have limited exposure to real-world situations may struggle to develop
interpersonal skills.


3. Soft skills, (that/which) are essential for success in the workplace, are often neglected in some education systems.


4. Some education systems may focus on academic knowledge, (which/who) can limit students'
exposure to valuable soft skills.


5. New employees may struggle to build personal skills if they lack exposure to real-world
situations, (that/who/which) can be a result of their education or training.
6. The education system, (who/which/where) prioritizes academic achievement and exam preparation, can
hinder students' development of practical skills.






III. Types of relative clauses:

DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE  Provide essential information about the
subject/object of the sentence to help readers
IDENTIFY the subject/object.

 Defining relative clauses are not set off by commas

Ex: "A book was really interesting.”
--> The book ______________ I borrowed from the library last week was really interesting.

Ex: “I met a man.”

--> “I met the man _______________ you saw on TikTok yesterday”.

- Provide additional information about the
subject/object of the sentence, but are not essential to

Non - defining relative clause the meaning of the sentence.

- Defining relative clauses are not set off by commas.

Ex: "My brother, who is a doctor, is coming to visit next week,"

--> Defined noun:

Ex: The city of Paris, which is known for its art and culture, is a popular tourist destination.
--> Defined noun:

Ex: Asian high-school students, that often have no part-time jobs, usually receive pocket money
from their helicopter parents.
--> Defined noun:
Ex: The new laboratory equipment was very expensive, which caused the university to increase its
research budget.
--> The information provided is additional, but not essential to the meaning of the FIRST sentence.


Proper nouns  Specific names of people, places, or things

Ex: "New York City", "Jennifer Lopez", "the Eiffel
Tower", “The Sun”, The Moon”.

Pronouns  Words that replace a noun, such as "he",

"she", "it", or "they".

Numerals  Specific numbers ("two", "fifty-six", or "one


Possessive pronouns  These indicate ownership or possession,

("my", "his", "her", or "their")

Demonstrative pronouns  A specific object or objects, such as "this",

"that", "these", or "those".

Adjectives  These describe a specific quality or

characteristic of a noun ("blue sky", "tall man",
or "high school students".
A. Identify the defining and non-defining relative clauses in each sentence. Add a
comma if the relative clause is non-defining.
1. Professor Albert who is an expert in environmental studies will be leading a research expedition to the Arctic.

2. The school that I attended as a child was known for its strong academic program.

3. A sustainable city which has a lot of bike lanes is very popular in the Europe.

4. The textbook that we are using for this class is very informative.

5. My friend who is studying to be an environmental engineer is very passionate about sustainability.

6. The program that I am enrolled in is very rigorous and challenging.

7. The park which is located in the middle of the city provides a much-needed escape from the hustle and

8. The teacher who taught us about renewable energy was very engaging and inspiring.

9. Two highways which are notorious for its heavy traffic would be in desperate need of expansion.

10. The university that I attended has a very diverse student body.

✏ Work in pairs and Identify the errors relating to relative pronouns:

1. High schools often prefer teaching subjects who do not involve practical skills such as money


2. Parents should teach their children to open a piggy bank to save money, who could help these
children to become financially independent in the future.

3. Asian high-school students, who receive pocket money from their helicopter parents, tend to lack

money management skills.

3. Parents should teach their children to open a piggy bank to save money, who could help these

children to become financially independent in the future.

4. This could produce a group of alumni who lack money to prepare for their college and working lives.

5. Children are often unable to manage money in difficult situations, that leads to their
indulgence in compulsive buying.

6. In our modern age, the number of high-school alumni which lack financial skills is increasing considerably.

7. Schools and parents should cooperate to provide children with financial education, who could provide

many economic benefits for their country.


SCAVENGER HUNT: In the passage, circle all the relative clauses and indicate whether they are
defining or non-defining.


Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity that many students are interested in. It allows them to experience
different cultures and gain new perspectives. One of the benefits of studying abroad is that students can
improve their language skills by immersing themselves in a new language. They can also broaden their
horizons by experiencing new things and meeting new people.

Another benefit of studying abroad is that it can help students become more independent and self-sufficient.
They have to navigate a new environment on their own, which can be challenging but also rewarding.
Studying abroad can also enhance a student's resume and make them stand out to future employers.

However, there are also challenges that come with studying abroad. Students may experience homesickness
or culture shock, and they have to adapt to a new academic system. It's important for students to be prepared
for these challenges and to have a support system in place.
✏ Read and discuss the usage of the rel ative clause in thes e sentences. Do they “argue for” or “argue
against” a phenomenon/tendency?

1. Laborers who opt for working overtime could be prone to chronic mental illnesses such as insomnia,

anxiety, or even depression.

2. Freelancing, which can lead to a heavier workload and isolated working space, can cause workers to

have mental strain, tension, and burn-out.

3. Japan and Korea, where many spouses delay their childbearing, are suffering from serious population aging.

4. University students, who often have extensive knowledge and valuable skills, could earn a well-paid job

easier in the future.

5. Reading news on computers or cellphones, which contain blue light or high radiation, can lead to many
ocular diseases such as myopia.

6. For example, swimming pools, which are available at most sports centers, give people the opportunity to

work on their cardiovascular health.


A. Choose the most suitable relative pronouns
1. Social networking sites, (who/which/what) are increasingly popular, can have a negative impact on
interpersonal skills.
2. Students (which/who) have limited exposure to teamworking and problem-solving may struggle

in the workplace.
3. Employees (who/who/which) lack personal skills may struggle to communicate effectively with
coworkers and clients.
4. Soft skills, (who/which) include communication and collaboration, are essential for success in the

workplace and can be developed through real-world experience.

5. Social networking sites, (that/which/where) are designed for online communication, can limit face-
to-face interaction and social skills.

B. Combine these simple sentences into complex sentences with relative clauses
1. Plastic pollution has a negative impact on human health. The pollution can release harmful chemicals into the

2. The accumulation of plastic waste in the soil can impact soil health. This results in reduced crop yields and
decreased biodiversity.

3. Many people harm wildlife and the environment. They often leave behind litter on beaches.

4. The release of toxic chemicals into the soil can harm soil health and reduce crop yields. The release of toxic
chemicals has negative economic impacts on agriculture.

5. Beaches affected by human activities such as consumerism, littering, and improper waste disposal.Beaches are
becoming increasingly polluted.

6. Properly disposing of waste is important for protecting the environment and human health. This disposal can
reduce the amount of litter on beaches.

Read and discuss the usage of the relative clause in these sentences. Do they “argue for” or “argue
against” a phenomenon/tendency?
1. Home-schooled students, who can only communicate with parents at home instead of their friends,could
lack many interpersonal skills in the future.

2. For example, Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia website, can help students gain access to in-depth

knowledge quickly and easily.

3. People who gain higher positions could earn higher salaries and a prosperous life.

4. Schools and parents should cooperate to provide children with a financial education, which could provide

many economic benefits for their country.

5. This is because mixed schools offer realistic environments, which means that their students will find it easier
to live within the social community.



1.pollution / which / caused by / is / traffic / a major problem / in many cities

.........................................................................................................................................................................................................… / which / is essential / to succeed / in today's world / is often expensive

3.people / who / live in / urban areas / often / have access to / better healthcare

4.climate change / which / is caused by / human activities / is a pressing issue / that requires immediate action

5.studying / which / abroad / can be / an enriching experience / is not affordable / for everyone


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