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Bf LIFTERS Service 1986-04-16 CN/BP 14/9 1G2) BT OPT.750, SERIES 1 Description of Mode of Operation and Instructions for Adjustment The BT_OPT 750 is an order picking truck with @ load capacity of up ta 750 kg. There are four versions available: ~ Platform height 2 m with initial lift or ‘open front! ~ Platform height 3.5 m with initial lift or ‘open front’ The centrally positioned sprung drive gives the truck good stability and surface adhesion even over uneven surfaces. All versions have a thyristor controlled travel movement as @ standard fitting. GE) er inctustries a8 29 2 (32) The 81 OPT 750 is equipped with @ number of safety devices and meets the FEM recommendations in this respect in full. In order to meet the stability requirements, for example, travel movement is reduced to half speed whenever the cab js raised more than 0.5 m. And if the steering wheel is turned more than + 10° from the centre position while the cab is raised, travel movement willbe reduced to inching speed. When the cab is raised more than 2.5 m, travel movement is always limited to inching speed. Both half speed and inching speed are adjustable. Z ¢ i} Jt For the narrow aisle models the following applies to travel movement in the aisles: full speed with the cab raised to 2.5 m, inching speed with lift heights over 2.5m The BT OPT 750 is also Fitted with protective gates which must be closed during raising/lowering operations at heights over 0.5 m, and Glanp guards which stop lowering operations immediately if any pert of the guards comes in contact with 80 obstruction. The BT OPT 750 is also fitted with an automatic parking brake which locks ‘the brakes on when the driver leaves the truck. In the event of anything preventing the driver fron lowering the cab when working in the raised position, the emergency lowering valve positioned on the truck body enables others to lower the cab manually end bring the driver down. again. 0 oo I 14/9 , 3(32) Positioning of itch on 3.5 m models S42 Reduced speed when lowering cab i] $31 Height indicator > 0.9 m J $32 Height indicator > 2.5 m 554 Maximum he, Positioning of micro-s itch on 2.0 m models $32 and $54 are not feetured on 2.0 m models. 14/9 4(32) Filter Stick Filter ng Wheel, ore. than-+ 10° From centre position $83/S84 Clamp Guards on either side under =: the cab. They stop it from lowering if either of then comes in contact with an obstruction $10 Parking Brake. It disconnects the ravel function and activates the brake when not depressed by the weight of the driver cy co Contact: Bwemyaueun = F50 Control Fuse, 8 A F951 Battery Indicator Fuse, 8 A K10 Line Circuit Breaker F3 Pump Motor Fuse 250 & K30 Pump Contactor F1 Travel Drive Fuse, 250, A K13 Travel Direction Contactor K11 Travel Direction Contactor 011 Free Wheel Diode Plug Braking Diode 013 Charging Diode 12 Commutating Thyristor Q11 Main Thyristor Signa DS-30 WOM Control Card Tit Voltage Transistor Potentiometers, S=Starting Frequency, M=Current Limit Suppression Unit 1/9 6(32) Adjusting the S and M Potentiometers on the DS-30 WOM Card The potentioneter marked "S" is intended for adjusting the starting frequency, and should be adjusted so that even starting is obtained after K11 or K13 have closed. Frequency approx. 2.8 V in the DS-30/1 control card attachment. The potentiometer marked "HM" is intended for edjusting the maximum travel drive current The voltage can be increased by turning the Potentioneter in a clockwise direction. The current is measured in Grive cables 2 or 3 using a tong meter. Position the truck up against a wall, and then accelerate to maximum travel speed. NOTE: Do not do this for more than 10 seconds. The correct maximum current limit for the BT OPT 750 is 180 4. Cir Card 111 235 ® O©@OOOO OO » inching speed ometer, half speed Red Intermediate Relay for Mv41 cab lowering, low speed Re34 Intermediate Relay for Mv34 cab raising Re30. Intermediate Relay for K30 Pump Contactor Re45 Intermediate Relay for Mv45 fork raising Re42 Intermediate Relay for Mv42 cab lowering, high speed Rei2 Intermediate Relay for 0S-30/14 Safety Circuit Re@O Intermediate Relay for SAU Aisle Inditetion Re44 Intermediate Relay for Mv44 fork lowering c 14/9 7(32) Adjusting Rv10, inching speed (2 km/hr = 0.6 m/s) Measure up and mark out 2 length of $m, Detach cables 24 and 28 on circuit card 111 235, Given a "flying start", the truck should cover the distance in 2 minimum of 9 seconds. Reconnect cables 24 and 28 again afterwards. Adjusting Rv11, half speed (4 km/hr = 1.5 m/s) Detach cable 28 on circuit card 111 235. Given a "flying stert", the truck should cover the distance in a minimum of 4.5 seconds. Reconnect cable 28 again afterwards, hydraulics System RAISE RAISE cas FORKS ‘ CA, oo Lice fo o- 1, Mv42 Solenoid Valve, cab lowering, high speed 2. Mv4é Solenoid Valve, fork lowering 3. Mv34 Solenoid Valve, cab raising 4, Mv45 Solenoid Valve, fork raising 5. Hv41 Solenoid Valve, cab lowering, low speed 6. Qver-load Valve, fork raising 7. Qver-load Valve, cab raising 8. Pressure gauge connect ion 9. Emergency Levering Valve 0. Accumulator 14/9 8 (32) Valve k_and Vele as 2 Forks (Lower) Seen from above 0S 1 Cab Adjust to raise maximum load of 900 kg GS 2 Forks “Adjust to reise maximum load of 750 kg val Emergency Lowering ae MVS ‘Pressure gauge connection Seen from the beck of the truck 14/9 902) Brake System 1 - Check the thickness of the brake lining - minimum 1 mm ) - The brake can be adjusted using the three screws at A a In the OFF position there should be 0,3 to 0.4 mm play between the lining and the disc 10° (32) Electrical Systen Operating Controls 1, Charging Plug 2, Indicator Arrow - steering wheel direction ( 3. Combined Throttle/Gear Lever. Travel direction selector with r stepless speed control, 515 (forwards) /516 (backwards). Press button controls for positioning driver's cab, 534 (raise) /S41 - (lower). Signal 518. 4, 845 (raise) /S55 (lower) forks 5. Driver's steering wheel . 6. $30 Press Button for narrow aisle work 7. $17. Ignition Lock 8. Elapsed Time Neter (optional extra) 9. S10 Pedal-Brake 10, Battery Indicator (optional extra) r 11, Emergency Stop Switch e) 14/9 11032) TABLE OF VOLTAGES ON CIRCUIT CARD 105 199 WHEN S17 and S21 ARE CLOSED AND THE DRIVER'S CAB 1S LOWERED AS FAR AS IT WILL GO TERMINAL [ VOLTAGE | FUNCTION NUMBER | INV 1 24 Battery voltage to Bri, K11, K13 and K10 2 24 Battery voltage from Bri 3 24 Battery Voltage to Mui, Nv34, Mv45, MvG2 and vas 4 24 Battery voltage from K11 to S15 5 24 Battery voltage from K13 to S16 . 6 (-) Battery negative from $87/S88 7 ©) Battery negative from DS-30/13 8 (24) | Battery voltage vie 181 9 12 “Current from DS-30/21 to speed control 10 0.6 “Negative return from 0S-30/14 to Re1Z (safety cireuit) " ca 2.5 Control signal to’DS-30/1 from Rv1 2 ca 6.5 Voltage to speed control Rv1 3 24 Battery voltage from Mv41 4 2 Battery voltage from Mv34 15 24 Battery voltage from Mv45 16 24 Battery voltage from Mv42 7 () Battery negative vie armature 18 (0) Flashing circuit for 181 19 24 Flashing circuit from Mv4d 20 (-) Battery negative from no. 40 a 24 Battery voltage from F50 14/9 12032) TERMINAL, VouTAGE FUNCTION NUMBER INV 22 24 Battery voltage from $21 23 m4 Battery voltage from Re41 24 ©) Battery negative from 565 when steering wheel in central position 25 (24) Battery voltage from elapsed time meter (optional extra) 26 (-) Battery negative from $87/S88 (gates) or $31 (0.5 m ) 27 (-) Battery negative from no. 7 28 () Battery negative from §31 (0.5 m) 23 24 Battery voltage from Re30 30 24 Battery voltage from Re45 and Re30 xn 24 Battery voltage from K13 32 24 Battery voltage fron 71 33 24 Battery voltage from K30 34 eo) Battery negative current from no. 40 vie Rei2 35 24 Battery voltage from Re42 36 24 Battery voltage from ReAd 3 18 Battery voltage from no. 22 (20 V, 880 not connected) 38 24 Battery voltage from Re80 39 (-) Battery negative voltage from S32 (2.5 m) 40 {-) Battery negative oe 0. VOLTAGES ON THE SIGMA OS-30 WOM CARD 14/9 13(32) TERMINAL | voLTAGE | FUNCTION NUMBER INY 1 ca 25 Control Signal from Speed Control 2 0 Signal from Shi (motor current) 3 : (-) Battery negative from Shi (motor current) 4 2 Battery voltage from gate current to Q11 and Q12 5 ca 2 Gate’ voltage 011 6 2 Gate voltage 12 7 Not connected 8 ca 2 Detector voltage for Safety Circuit (max 5 V) 9 Not connected 10 2h Detector voltage for K11, negative when K11 is closed " 2 Detector voltage for K13, negative when K13 is closed 2 0 Detector voltage for Motor braking B () Battery negative 1% 0.6 Negative return for Re12 Safety Circuit 5 Not connected 16 Not connected v7 12.7 Stable working voltage to Control Card 18 13.6 Working voltage to Base: for 111 19 24 Battery voltage from Circuit Card No. 3 20 23.3 Voltage to Collector for T11 a 12 Stable working voltage to Circuit Card No. 9 and also to Speed Control 14/9 44/32 EXPLANATION’ OF SYMBOLS USED SYMBOL NAME ~ FUNCTION Bt 1-2 Battery Be Battery Indicator ert Solenoid Brake cg Commutat ing’ capacitor on Free Wheel Diode p12 Plug braking diode p13 Charging Diode FI Fuse - Drive Motor, 250 A FS Fuse - Pump Motor, 250 A F50 . Fuse ~ Control Circuit, @ A F51 Fuse - Battery Indicator, 8 A H Horn h Elapsed Time Meter nn7 Indicator Lanp - Ignition Key 163 Indicator Lamp ~ Overloading 81 Indicator Lanp - Cab raised over 2.5 m 199 Indicator Lamp - Lightning Kio Main Contactor Kn , Contactor - Driving, Fork Direction K13 Contactor.- Driving, Steering Wheel Direction K30 Contactor - Pump Motor Mt Orive Motor M3 Pump Motor os 7 14/9 15652) SYMBOL NAME — FUNCTION Hv34 Solenoid Valve - cab raising Mat Solenoid Valve - cab lowering, low speed Nv42 Solenoid Valve - cab lowering, high speed Nya Solenoid Valve - fork lowering Nvas Solenoid Valve - fork raising Re12 Intermediate Relay - Safety Circuit Re30 Intermediate Reley - K30 Re34 Intermediate Relay - Mv34 Reat Intermediate Relay - Mva1 Redz Intermediate Relay - Mv42 Redd Intermediate Relay - Mvad Reds Intermediate Relay - Mv45 Reso Reley - Narrow Aisle mode Rvt Potentiometer - Speed Control Rv10 Potentiometer ~ Inching Speed Rvi1 Potentioneter - Half Speed s10 Microswitch - Breke 51s Micro-switch - Drive, Fork Direction S16 Micro-switch - Drive, Steering Wheel Direction si7 Micro-switch - Ignition Key s18 Miero-switch - Horn $21 Micro-switch - Emergency Stop 831 Micro-switch - Height above 0.5 m $32 Micro-switch - Height above 2.5 m 14/9 16(32) ‘SYMBOL NAME - FUNCTION 534 Micro-switch - cab raising sat Micro-switch - cab lowering sé Micro-snitch - reduced cab lovering speed 345 Nicro-switch - fork raising $54 Micro-switch - Raise Limit at 3.5 m S55 Micro-switch - fork lowering 563 Micro-switch - Overloading 565 Micro-switch - Steering Wheel turned more than # 109 from central position $03 /S84 Clamp Guards . 587/S88 Micro-switches - Gate Monitors Sh1 ‘Shunt. 111 Voltage Transistor Trl Transformer Tkt Thermistor au Main Thyristor giz Commutating Thyristor Narrow Aisle Models $30 Micro-switch - left hand button ‘S80, Optical Sensor - aisle indication Models with 2 m Maximum Lift These models do not feature micro-switches $32 and $54, which are replaced by straps between nas, 6 and 26 and between nos. 8 and 39, both on the - 105 199 circuit card. MODE_OF OPERATION In the following description the designations of the connections on the control card have been shortened to OS-30/1, 0S-30/2, etc. Connections to the circuit card, the centrel terminal block are indicated es No. 1, No. 2, etc up to No. 40. Component parts are referred to by the symbols in the preceding lists, The description is divided into separate stages to correspond with the.opération phases. Please also see the circuit diagrem and wiring diagram at the end of these instructions. 1 Ignition Switch $17 in ON: position S17, K10, 117, Retz Turn the key in the ignition switeh $17 to ON. The green indicator Jenp 117 comes on, 117 receiving positive voltage from 517 via S21, Negative return passes vie No 20 and No 40 to the battery negative. The circuit card also receives positive voltage from $17 via $21 and in at No, 22. Negative return passes out via No. 40 and the main contactor K10 is actuated. Positive voltage is received from No. 1, the negative return passes directly to the battery negative. The contactors K11, K13 and K30 and the solenoid brake Br1 also receive positive voltage from No. 1, but are not actuated as they do not have any negetive return hen K10 has actuated, battery voltage passes to the pump contactor and the thyristor panel. The 0S-30 control card receives voltage from No. 3 in at DS-30/19, The contral card checks the thyristors. If they are correct a tran~ sistor between DS-30/13 and DS~30/14 begins ta canduet (the safety circuit.) Relay Re12 on the circuit card now receives negative return via DS-30/14, the transistor and DS-30/13 to the battery negative Voltage is supplied to solenoid valves Mv41, Mv34, Mvé5, Nvd2- and Mva4 from No. 3, but as none of them has a negative return they remain closed. 14/9 17 (32) 1as9 18(52) 2 Start travelling S10, Br1, $15, K11 In order to be able to move the truck the driver must activate the $10 Foot switch. When this is dane, Br1 conducts and the brake is released. The solenoid's coil receives current from No. 1 and negative return current passes via S10, No. 34, the switch on Re12 and No. 40 to the battery negative pole, There is @ capacitor on the circuit card, one side of which is connected to the negative pole. The other side is connected vie No, 2 to the coil of the solenoid brake. The capecitor delays the operation of the brake when $10 returns to neutral at braking. The speed control is activated. The forward con- tactor closes. Negative return current passes via No 40 to the battery negative. DS-30/10 detects that k11 has received negative current and input 05-30/1 is activated. In this mode and et the exact moment when K11 has actuated the starting frequency should be adjusted. This is done with the help of the "S" potentiometer on the DS-30 WOM control card. The starting frequency is correctly adjusted when the voltage at DS-30/1 is approx. 2.8.V, 3° Free Travel Rvt The truck's travelling speed is unrestrictéd, then the cab is not Taised above 0.5 m, There. is a transistar in the centre of the circuit card which limits the truck's speed. On its left there are three different circuits for controlling the trensistor. The top one of these is the circuit for travelling at inching speed, the middle one is for half speed, and the bottom one prevents the truck from travelling when the cab is raised more than 0.5 m and the gates ere open. In narrow aisle work this circuit also prevents the truck from travelling when the left hand button is not depressed. For the purposes of this description, as the cab ie not reised more than 0.5 m the circuits are blocked by a negative signal passed via a diode, No. 28, $31, No. 27, ReB0, No. 7, and DS-30/13 to the battery negative. in other words, the transistor cannot control the current in at 08-30/1, and the truck can be driven off without any restriction on its speed. Voltage range 2.8-3.8 V. [jo 4 5 14/9 19(32) Half Speed (4 km/hour) 531, avid The speed of the truck is limited to half speed when the cab is raised between 0.5 m and 2.5 m and the steering wheel is, centred within (+ 10° from central position). The gates must be closed. When the cab is raised to more than 0.5 m, $31 opens. The negative signal from $31 is then lost from the top two of the three circuits. However, the top circuit is blocked by its topmost input. A negative current passes vie No 24, S65, $32, No 27, ReBO and DS-30/13 to the battery negative. The bottom circuit of the three prevents the truck travelling unless the gates (587/S88) are closed. The circuit with Ret1 is now functioning, and with the help of the armature current, at No 17, travelling speed is limited to half speed, which can be set with Rv11. Voltage range 2.8-3.3 V. Inching Speed (2 km/hr) $31, S65 or $32, 181 and Rv10 The truck's speed is reduced to inching speed: (1) When the cab is raised to betwgen 0.5 m and 2.5 m, end the steering wheel is turned more than = 10° from the central position. (2) When the cab is raised over 2.5 m. At half speed the negative signal at the lower input of the upper circuit was lost. When the steering wheel is turned more than = 10° from the central position, S65 opens and the negative signal at the upper input of the upper circuit is also lost, so that the circuit is brought in. The speed is reduced to inching speed, which set with Rvi0. As soon as the steering wheel is returned to less than = 10° from the central position, half speed is regained. When the cab is raised over 2.5 m, $32 opens and the speed is reduced to inching speed regardless of the position of the steering wheel. For models with a maximum lift of 2.0 m, $32 is replaced by a strap. Voitage2.8-3.0 V. vay 2032) When $52 opens and the truck's speed is reduced, the indicator lamp 181 Gomes on, receiving current via cable 8, 532, cable 18 and No 18. When the truck is travelling, or the cab is being raised/lowered, a flashing circuit on the cerd will cause the indicator lamp 181 to Flash. 6 Travelling prevented (cab over 0.5 m and gate (s) open) $31, $87/Se8 When the cab is raised over 0.5 m and one of both of the gates are open. the truck is prevented from travelling. At 0.5 m the micro~ switch S31 opens, and the negstive return current vie No 28 and the diode to the lower of the two circuits is lost. If either of the gates is opened, one of the micro-switches S87 or $88 will open, and the negative return current via No 26 to the lower of the two circuits will also be lost. The circuit will then supply base current to the transistor, which conducts the current to the control card at DS-30/1 via No 11'so that the truck is prevented from travelling. 7 Raising Forks S45, Reds, Mv45, Re30, K30, 3 Jn order to raise the forks micro-switch S45 must be activated. Relays Re45 and Re30 then receive negative return current via No 30, $45, No 20 and No 40. The solenoid valve Mvé5 opens, and negative return current passes wia No 15, Re45, Re34 in neutrel position and No 40. The pump motor M3 starts and K30 is actuated. K30 receives negative return current via No 33, Re30 and No 40. 8 Lowering Forks $55, Reds, Mvad The forks are lowered when micro-switch $55 is activated. $55 passes @ negative return current to Redd via No 36, $55, No 20 and No 40, and Redd is actuated. Solenoid valve Mv44 opens and negative return current passes via No 19, Re44 and No 40, © 10 1" 14/9 24(52) Raising the Cab S34, Re30, K30, M3, Re34, Mv34 To raise the cab micro-switch $34 must be activated. Relays Re34 and Re30 receive negative return current vis No 29, S34, S54, SBB and $87 (the gate monitors), No 27, ReB0, No 7 to the negative pole on the control card at DS-30/13. When Re34 operates, solenoid valve Mv34 opens. Negative return current Passes via No 40, Re34, RedS in neutral to No 40. M3 is started. Wihen raising stops, the current supply to the pump motor is broken immediately but the closing of the solenoid valve is delayed by the delay circuit controlling Re34 (delayed switching) Lowering the Cab, high speed 41, Redi, Red2, Mvdt, Mid2 The cab is lowered when micro-switch S41 is activated. As the cab is in raised position, S42 is also closed (it is activated by @ catch an the mast). Relays Red and Re42 now operate. Red receives negative return current via No 23, S41, and S83 and S84 (the clamp guards), S88 and S87 (the gate monitors), No 27, Re80 and No 7 to the negative pole on the control card at DS-30/13. Red2 receives negative return current vie Na 35, S42, S41, $83, S84, $88, S87, No 27, Re80 and No 7 to the negative pole on the control card. at DS-30/13. Solenoid valves Mv4% and Mv42 open. M41 receives Negative return current via No 13, Reé1 and No 40. Mvd42 receives negative return current vie No 16, Re42 and No 40, Lowering the Cab, low speed $42, 841, Re41, Mvat Lowering the cab changes over to low speed when micro-switch S42 is activated. 542 is positioned at the top of the mast on 3.5 m models, and down on the chassis on 2 m models, and is activated when the cab comes down towards the fully lowered position, S42 disconnects the negative return current to Re42, and solenoid valve Mv42 closes. The cab is now braked to low speed. 14/9 22(32) 12 3 Narrow Aisle Work at under Sm, free travel S80, Re80, $30 When the truck is working in the narrow aisle mode, photo-cell S80 is activated, which operates Re80. Negative return current passes via No 38, and S80 to No 40. For the truck to be able to travel and the cab and forks to be raised and lowered, the driver must depress the left hand button S30. The two circuits which reduce the truck's speed are then disconnected via ReGO and $32. The lowest of the three circuits receives a negative return current via No 28 and $31, or via No 26, S88 and S87. This means that the truck can trevel with the gates open when the cad is raised to heights of up to 0.5 m S80, Re80, 532, RviO, 181 When the cab is raised over 2.5 m, micro-switch $32 is activated. The Negative return current to the top circuit is disconnected, and the truck's speed is consequently reduced to inching speed. When $32 ope- rates, S81 is connected to light a flashing indicator lamp when the truck is trevelling, or the cab or forks are being raised or lowered, The left hand button must remain depressed during travelling or when raising or lowering is teking place. Ia) x C m7 a 7 14/9 1 23(32 | A, Dzavel Direction Contactors K11/K13 not closing when combi ' Gontrol bever is engaged {erase $7. senor maven Bineerion” ACtHAnE S10- n | ARE RiL/#ID RECEIVING no_[ ne wni7et3 ciosme? |_ ves | pn sis/ais mmo ) Mee ae j-—“*% sinsa comibensons ; FOuersonene? } | | YAS Rel? SWITCHED? | ° ema: ———— vee no CHECK THAT 24 v 1 FAULT IN CIRCUIT Gs passine 70 817, 521, | Does Re12 anure a | yes | “enn tos 193 80,"22 via No. 1 to K1L/ | TRausttion SENVER sepein 32 #A0E> £05, REPAIR OR RePiace 9s=30/23 AND BS-30/147 OR REPLACE THE ANY’ DBFECTIVE.couronets | canoe —— ~| 1 THE SAFETY USE HAS BLOWN.| TS THE CoMNECTION FROM ARE 510/S15/516 AND ~ EAEcK ae THeRe TS HO Bs-3o/ue to No. io Wein. ComensoNs : SnoRE GoncvrT AF gil, AND counters? FONGHONE } REPLACE GF NECEESARY 23 | | mene ae Boe SO ! ne yer ye 16 no yee [lemme che] teenTR] EPR CARD 108 159 x | se PAGE Four | AS 0 eLOSED? \ | yee | ye tHE 12 v7 yes [Revtacr oun 06-30 wou ; Thue Gy Gets Gancure ar ossse/ine—_ F*%l Sensor, ean FOR k20, REPAIR Tl GABLE OR REPLACE THE 2 ContACTOR. | 15 THERE 24 v yes, [eutex comecrions 40 sazzexr 7 t ar psesoris2 = L_25)Nncknave sous Pow bseaa7s ( ayo" 68-30/13 90 sue ar hey : REpATA He ERRCUTE hae! conten ye no oO [repiace me Pui vane |teansiston : 7 AND DS=30 | caste rauur oerveny wo.3 | yes | zs mene 24 v | ow cowsnox | ox caxcuat cand ios 9S) LZ°* | Pow ao. om czncuze | Sho" osc20/19. REGAIN Te CARD ot 8647 ' REPAIR GERCUTE CARD ' 95 199°OR REPLACE | tr 14/3 2aS2y B, Travel Direction Contactors K11/K13 closing but Thyristor Equipment not functioning DOES Mi WORK AP WXIMON SPEED THERE 15 A FAULT =N THE MAIN CERCUIT. CHECK ‘THE aNrTERY, - | WHEN o11"r8'aRzDGES AND 11/2 KLD, 2; 01 AND K13,_ AND IS THE vOuIMe xz |_ves} tocarnen wins'kio ARE PaEGSGD ) no|ul AND THE INPUP Snake L pS~30/21. 12 vi pS THAND? RELEASE: Bri +} yes | nol____,f"" as cHERs sarreny vom CHECK P50, 517, 821, crRcUTD TW 0830/39? no }GARD, ¥0,"22, fo. 3'aND THEIR, = “el castes Does THE vaLTée TN DS~30/; ieee can CHANGE FROM 2.4 v To 3.0.¥ yes WEN THE SPEED CONTROL ENGAGED? REPLACE: yes «| 42, TRANSISTOR 711 AND THE DS~30 WOM COUTROL CARD SRY TO ADJUST THE vOTAGE UPWARDS WITH THE STARTING FREQUENCY, THYRISTOR EQUIPHENT WORKING NOW | | 2. cmrcurr cago 105 199 yee ¥ (ARE THE CABLE CONNECTIONS FROM Sh1 TO D§-30/2 ARO i PAOLT 29f REPAIR 7 DS-30/3 COMPLETE? THE FAULT Has | Now BEEN TRACED ‘AND. RENEDIED yer z REPLACE THE 05-20 WOM CONTROL CARD. ADJUST THE STARTING FREQUENCY. ‘THYRISTOR BOUTPRENT yes [Si Lrerrinc PREQUENC [aDgUS? 90 CORRECT + POPENTIOMETER Rui BAS TH2 BLOM | ‘WORKING. NOW? ¥ mie izv wNo5? | | [x5 nue care comectzon no, |reparr mie Pau 0 waIN TaYRIsTOR G11 [oo Meowterer t THERE Is & FAULD REPLACE THYRISTOR G11 BETWEEN DS~30/21 AyD No. § weNcH sr Bi REFATRED L] eaeeeeus lves [ware FoR qe TEMPERATURE TO FALL 5 THE REGIETAN OF ah HEAT SINC IN SESS OF [iP tux estur is REPeazen, ‘aEns Senwaby Nose 9 AD oct tay BE mi canon THE ASSENGLY On TH enc” waice rs PReveNroNc HEAT diab 7-8 k CaN? UISSIPATDE PROPERLY, OR CAUSING no AN OVERLORD, CHECK THE ASSEMBLY | | ¥ Sn es oe yes Lp REPLACE TK rauUt qu cancu?T eARD 40s 198. REPAER rH ARE_ALL CRBLES AND CoWECTIONS |_no [ REPAIR THE FAULT zadu7 O8 REPLAGE 1 BETWEEN NO. 12 AND DS-20/1 caro WHOLE. Ano coRRGCT? ¥ — REPLACE: 14/9 25(32) -1 C. Other Problems ‘the safety circuit is activated when KI1/K12 close, in other words the contactors break when the thyristor equipment starts Eo function. (The safety circuit may also be activated the whole time, in which case Kil/K13 never close.) i REPLACE THYRISTOR Q12 3S THE 912 commrne THYRISTOR DEFECTIVE? | REPLACE THYRISTOR Q21 yes. 18 THE Q21 MAIN ‘THYRISTOR DEFECTIVE? Jp. REPLACE DIODE 013 yes | iS THE 013 cHaRczNc DIODE DEFECTIVE? REPLACE CONDENSER C19 yes | 15 THE c19 CONDENSER po erscrive? REPLACE TRANSFORMER Trt yes _| 18 THE te? TRANSFORMER DEFECTIVE? PEPATR THE FAULT ARE THE CABLES 70 911, 012, 13, C19 oR m1 DEFECTIVE? REPLACE THE 05-20 WOM ‘CONTROL CARD 14/9 | 26(32) C, Other Problems - The safety circuit is activated when the motor is heavily loaded, for example at high rates of acceleration, with heavy loads of material or when the direction of travel is changed. c=] eam a) REPLACE 1. The Q12 ConmitnLing thyristor 2. The Qi Main Myristor 3. Te cL9 Capacitor C. Other Problems - 3 ~ The K11/K13 travel direction contactors close, so that u the truck starts to move. 1S THE STARTING FREQUENCY f CORRECTLY ADJUSTED? ADJUST so THAT THERE IS 2.8 V AT DS-30/1. ‘1S THE ADJUSTENE MAINTAINED? i yes ‘THE FAULT HAS. (+) pray meres CHECK THE RESISTANCE BETWEEN 0S, 9 AND 12 oN THE crRoUTT yes | REPLACE CARD. IZ SHOULD BE 7.5 ie OM -————» jz 1s im 1, POTENTTONEZER Rv 2. CONTROL CARD ne DS+30 WOM 3. CIRCUIT CARD 105 199 REPATR CIRCUIT CARD 105 199 Ok REPLACE IZ 14/9 27(32) Other Problems The K11/K13 travel direction contactors close, after which the truck's accelezation becomes uneven when the speed control is slowly activated MINOR FAULT IN THE POTENTIOMETER REPLACE POTENTIOVETER Rv1 C. Other Problems The K11/K13 travel direction contactors close, but the equip- ment does not fully pulsate ‘8 TE STARTING FREQUENCY CORRECTLY ADJUSTED? IT SHOULD BE SEI SO THAT THERE 1S 2.8 V IN Ds-30/1 nop| ADJUST IT yes \ y REPLACE 1. THE Rvt POTENTTONETER 2, THE DS~30 WOM CONTROL CARD 3, THE 105 199 CIRCUIT CARD The motor brakes too hard when the direction of travel is changed FAULT IN THE DL2 BRAKE DIODE OR ITS, cIRCUIT REPAIR THE FAULT sass | 28(32) C. Other Probiens ] The truck is sluggish co (CHECK THE STARTING FREQUENCY AND ADJUST IT IF NECESSARY TO GIVE 2.8 V AT DS-30/1, 15 THE ADJUSTENT MAINTAINED? co yes no co THERE PAY BE A FAULT IN ‘THE FREE MIEEL DIODE, REPLACE THE DIODE REPLACE - D a 1. POTENTIOMETER Rv1 1 emcee 9-0 q 3. CIRCUTE CARD 105 199 Z C. Other Problems - 8 The K11/K13 travel. direction contactors close. The drive a motor does not work. The Fl travel motor fuse blows ‘THE DRIVE MOTOR CIRCUIT 18. SHORTING. 1S THERE A FAULT IN THE OUTPUT CABLES? ee r REPAIR THE FAULT no, ‘TS THE M1 DRIVE MOTOR DEFECTIVE? wr ) REPATR THE DRIVE no e POTOR MC. OR. REPLACE IT THERE 15 4 SuORT CIRCUIT lin THE Din. FREE WHEEL DIODE. [oR THE Diz BRAKE DIODE. THE DEFECTIVE DIODE SHOULD BE REPLACED ! 14/9 } 29(32) i D. The Driver's Cab raised over 0.5 m outside Aisle, but Travel ] Speed, is not reduced to Half Speed [mas evo scum >| _eg | 5 s00 repent oy fares as * | I am ee ane |g) eee] ae] [eae lene eel os aac eerree ] : aaron J E, Truck will not move when Driver's Cab is raised over 0.5 m ; J catch 507/508 AND tusTR ‘ARE THE GATES SHUT? no | swur one cares ano cuscx! , mueaue: ae | | al a ae mh } ves] no ‘CLEAN IT Yes | FOREIGN MATTER, E.G. ~ ae Oo i IS THERE NEGATIVE RETURN CURRENT IN NO. 7 OW . SIRCUIT CARD i05 199 | vf a REPLACE cencurt | [REPLACE CABLE OETWEEN caRD 105 139 NO. 7 AND DS-30/13, 14/9 30(32) F. Truck travels at Inching Speed only when Cab over 0.5 m DOES SPEED INCREASE 70 RALP | CHECK 65 aND 175 yes SPEED WHEN NO. 24 ON CIRCUIT GABLES To SEE Ir [-+————— can 105 199 is comMsc7ED. 70 TREY ARE COMPLETE [ME BATIERY'5 NEGATIVE POLE? REPLACE CIRCUIT CARD 105 199 yes | no Le} peenrr cuey (CHECK $32 anD ITs CABLES 70, SEE IF THEY ARE COMPLETE emma yee ne REPAIR THEM, L REPLACE CIRCUIT caRD 105 199, CIRCUIT DIAGRAM BT OPT 750 | | wy 4 R | he my 4 TST a ae a a ik ik Qo oO

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