Media Law Syllabus LL.M - II

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Accredited by NAAC

Articulation Matrix CO-PO-PSO Mapping with Bloom's Taxonomy

Learning Evaluation & Assessment

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Programme Educational Objectives of LL.M programs are

PEO 1 To create a sense of responsibility for serving the society through intensive, critical,
contextual legal research in higher studies.

PEO 2 To enrich students with legal analytical/reasoning skills to solve legal issues/problems
from a scholarly and objective perspective by application of laws.

PEO 3 To produce legally competent professionals with ability to define, explain, analyze,
evaluate, justify and implement laws in the pursuit of legal career goals and benefit
society as a whole.

Program Outcomes (POs)

On successful completion of LL.M Programme, the students are expected to

PO 1 Critical Thinking: Explore and explain the substantive & adjective laws in which they
are made/ drafted and how students think and understand the legislative framework.

PO 2 Professional Communication: Capability to learn the communicating and demonstrating

their oral advocacy skills. Interpreting law & facts in a way suitable to the client and
quality to convince on legal reasoning forms the essence of communication before

PO 3 Conceptual Understanding: Aware and understand the management aspects, principles

& other concepts in theory as well as in reality and their application in the existing legal

PO 4 Corporate culture and Managerial Skills: Interpret and analyze the corporate culture
and related issues and work towards finding solutions by applying Managerial Skills to the
problems and by application of business rules, ethics & related laws.

PO 5 Comprehend the linkages: understand the linkage between an enterprise’s external

environment and its internal forces and demonstrate the ability to form a strategy and
steps of its execution.
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PO 6 Decision Making: Describe and to take proper decisions in a context of ethical dilemma
and demonstrate the ability to articulate the right versus the wrong in the given context.
PO 7 Responsible Citizenship: Inculcate sense of responsibility and values of Rights and
Duties, and application of these values to real life through legal and judicial orders for
promoting community welfare.

PO 8 Professional Ethics: Adopt ethical principles related to legal profession, explore in him
the professional responsibilities and apply norms of the established legal practices.

PO 9 Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of legal remedies in societal

and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable

PO 10 Life-long Learning: Assess the need for and have ability to engage in life-long learning
in the broader context of legal change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the programme, the student should be able to

PSO 1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of principles & legal skills in the current
context of Legal Environment.

PSO 2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of laws including various customary laws and
connected rules & regulations.

PSO 3 Develop the skill of drafting & pleading or art of framing various court papers like plaints,
petitions, writ, letters, in prescribed formats with clarity in language. Apart from advocacy
skill the students therefore learn the skills of collaboration, negotiation, counseling and
other ADR techniques for the ethical implementation of legal system.

PSO 4 Understands the standards of conduct involved in practice of law and demonstrate values
of legal profession. This inculcates ethical responsibilities towards Bar, Bench & clients in
a legal system.

PSO 5 Develops the ability to analyze, synthesize and disseminate large amount of multifaceted
information comprising of socio-legal, economic, political and other non-legal aspects on
Accredited by NAAC
the working of the entire system

Course Course Title L T P

LMCAL Media Law 3 1 0
1. To provide a broad understanding of media law
2. Study various effects of media on society.
Objectives 3. To sensitize students to various legal frameworks related to media law
4. To enhance the knowledge of student related to electronic media and its effect on
the society as a whole.
5. 4. To enhance the knowledge of student related to right to information and information
After the completion of this course, the students will be able to Cog. Level Knwl. Cat.

Understand the role of media law in the soci-

Learn to measure restrictions on freedom of
speech and expression
Analyze the impact of electronic media in
present scenario and develop the understand-
ing to cope with the issues
Gain knowledge of the various legal frame-
work related to media law, its impact and re-
Would be aware about his rights and mechanism
to receive information

Unit I Lecture 8

Media and Its Structure

Meaning of mass media, concept and nature of mass media, evolution of media, functions and effects
of media on society, ethical theories and framework of media, types of media, organizational structure
and management of mass media in India.

Unit II Lecture 8
Accredited by NAAC

Media and the Constitution

Freedom of speech and expression, comparative study with International Conventions, judicial interpre-
tation, media and right to privacy, media and right to information, media and Parliamentary Privileges

Unit III Lecture 12

Media and Legal Framework-I

Press in India, the Press Council Act, 1971, press and registration, laws relating to newspaper, adver-
tisement and ethics (commercial advertisement and consumer justice), Advertisement Standard Council
of India (ASCI), accountability and independence of press.
Media and Legal Framework-II
Law of defamation, obscenity, Blasphemy, Sedition, Hate Speech, Parliamentary Proceedings (Protec-
tion of Publication) Act 1977, Contempt of Court Act, 1971, Official Secret Act, 1923, media and pub-
lic morality.
Unit IV Lecture 6

Law of Electronic Media

Origin and impact of films, Film Censorship, Cinematography Act, 1952 and relevant rules, Electronic
Broadcasting Media, Evolution and reforms of Broadcasting in India, Judicial Recognition of the Right
to Broadcasting, Cable Television Act 1995, Internet as new Media and Rules of Cyber Security
Media and Society
Effects of T. V on People, Sensationalisation, Colored Reporting, Media Controlled by Political Parties,
Communal Writing, Media Trial, Hate Speech, Constitutional Restrictions, Media and Human Rights
(Vulnerable Groups), Role and Responsibility of Media during Emergency and Elections.
Unit V Lecture 10

Right to Information
Silent Features of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Right to Information and Obligations of Public
Authorities, Procedure for Seeking Information
Information Commissions
The Central Information Commission, The State Information Commission, Powers and Functions of
the Information Commission, Appeal and Penalties, Rules and Regulations Relating to the Right to In-


1. Divan Madhavi Garodfia, Facets of Media Law, Eastern Book Company, 2nd Edition
2. Law of Expression, Sridhar M., Asia Law House, Hyderabad
3. Myneni Dr S R, Media Law, Asia Law House, Hyderabad
4. Sama Dr Umar, Law of Electronic Media and Regulation, Jain Book Agency, Delhi
5. Bhatia Sita, Freedom of Press, Political, Legal Aspects of Press Legislative in India, New Delhi,
Rawat, 1997
Accredited by NAAC
6. Burrows. John. A. (4th Ed. 2000). Journalist’s Guide to the Law, New Zealand Journalists Training
Organization. Wellington.
7. Burrows, John and Cheer, Ursula, Media Law in New Zealand, Sixth edition, LexisNexis NZ Ltd.,
2010. Previous edition, Melbourne, Oxford University Press.

1. Sridhar M, Law of Expression.

2. Myneni S R Dr, Media Law.
3. Sama Umar Dr., Law of Electronic Media and Regulation.
4. Bhatia Sita, Freedom of Press, Political,Legal Aspects of Press Legislative in India


Articulation Matrix CO-PO-PSO Mapping

PO: Program Outcomes PSO:

PO PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8
Blooms Level of Thinking

CO: Course Outcome




CO1 L-2 Understand

L-3 Apply

L-2 Understand

CO2 L-3 Apply

L-4 Analyze

L-1 Remember

L-2 Understand
Accredited by NAAC

L-3 Apply

CO4 L-2 Understand

L-3 Apply

L-2 Understand

CO5 L-3 Apply

L-5 Evaluate

L-6 Create

Articulated Average

3: High Correlation, 2: Moderate / Medium Correlation, 1: Low Correlation and Blank/-: Insignificant Correlation.

Learning Evaluation & Assessment

Continuous Evaluation & Assessment Comprehensive Examination
Bloom’s Level of

(50% Weightage) (50% Weightage)


CO1, CO2 CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5

Theory Practical Theory Practical

L-1 Remember

L-2 Understand

L-3 Apply

L-4 Analyze

L-5 Evaluate

L-6 Create

Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

Accredited by NAAC

Mapping of Course Objective (CO) in Question Paper

Examination Name: Mid Term Examination 2023-24

Program: LL.M Year: 1st Semester: I
Course Code: Course Name:
Maximum Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 30
Date of Examination: Weightage: 30%
To be filled by the Student:
ID No:

i) Answer all the questions.
ii) All parts of a question must be answered in one place to get valued.

Q.1 Fill in the blanks/True-False/MCQ/Match the following (5 Marks)

i) iii)
ii) iv)
(5 Marks)
i) iv)
ii) v)
Q.3 (5 Marks)

Q.4 (5 Marks)

Q.5 (10 Marks)

Mapping of Course Outcomes (COs) with Question Paper

Question No 1 Question No 2 Question No 3 Question No 4 Question No 5

Q. No CO Q. No CO Q. No CO Q. No CO Q. No CO
i) CO1 i) CO1 i) CO3 i) CO2 i) CO4
ii) CO2 ii) CO2 ii) CO4 ii) CO4 ii) CO5
iii) CO1 iii) CO3 iii) CO5 iii) CO5
iv) CO3 iv) CO4
v) CO5

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